
My Decision to Get Hair Transplant Surgery. The 'Before' Video 

Ben Carpenter
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I have decided to get hair transplant surgery.
Please don’t make me regret posting this lol.
Last week, I confided in a small group of you on my email list and told you my plans to get hair transplant surgery.
Getting hair surgery is not a decision I took lightly, and posting about hair surgery it is also not a decision I take lightly either. Like many people, my hairline is something that I feel very insecure about.
I do not want it to look like I am ‘promoting’ a cosmetic procedure which ultimately is nothing more than about my own personal insecurities and vanity.
However, when I talked about this, I received many replies from people who said they felt insecure about their hair, and were contemplating getting the same procedure done.
Hair transplant surgery is facing an extreme surge of popularity, but talking about hair and hair loss still faces a stigma. People are openly judged and mocked about how much hair they have or how high their hairline is, so it probably isn’t surprising that a lot of people feel pressured to try and remedy the situation, right?
In the same way people get insulted for “looking old” but then judged if they get botox, discussing hair surgery is a strange double edged sword.
You know me, if there is a delicate topic I think I can help people by discussing, it’s very hard for me to ignore it, even if it makes me super uncomfortable. Perhaps me being transparent about what I am doing and why will help some of you.
So, let me talk you through why I made this decision.
Please note, I am only doing this because I think it might be helpful for discussion. If at any point I think this video is having a net negative effect on the topic (or on me) I will happily delete it and never talk about it again.
Thank you.
P.S. My best-selling book, ‘Everything Fat Loss’ is currently on sale as a brand-new audiobook, plus digital/print versions from Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Google, and Amazon with an extra 10% off in the US and an extra 7% in the UK. Feel free to grab it before the price goes up (Iink in profile).



18 апр 2024




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@Archangel76 2 месяца назад
FWIW coming from a dude, you’re an incredibly handsome man and I would never have noticed anything amiss with your hair but for this video.
@439801RS 2 месяца назад
Please don't beat yourself up, we all exist in this messed up world, trying to get by and feel ok doing so I personally think you look good when your hairline is visible, but I also understand that having been bullied, or at least having it endlessly pointed out to you, your entire life, that it has made you super self conscious about it
@MissIntentionality 2 месяца назад
I just turned 41 this week and got my first set of braces a couple of months ago. Never had terrible teeth, from what I thought. But with being on Zoom all day, watching myself talk during the pandemic, I just developed an insecurity about some minor crowding. Everyone who I told that I was getting them looked at me sideways because they didn't think I needed them. But yet, it *felt* like those same people would stare at my mouth while I spoke wondering what was going on. If you have an insecurity and are in a place in life where you are blessed enough to have the opportunity to address it, who is anyone to tell you what you should and should not do for yourself. Very good luck with the surgery!
@ResistanceQuest 2 месяца назад
If you were any more transparent, you'd be invisible! And that's a compliment. Ben Carpenter you do you 100%, we're all behind you
@Snake369 2 месяца назад
Hey man, don't feel bad about it. It's not about letting bullies win, it's about you feeling good about yourself. My dad is English and I have a pretty similiar and high hairline as you do. I've been fortunate not to have been bullied but I've been strongly considering doing the same thing. I hope your procedure goes great and you get the results you desire.
@_negentropy_ 2 месяца назад
Good luck with the surgery!
@HeathenScents 2 месяца назад
I would love to see how this goes and definitely aren't alone! I've had traction alopecia since I was 23 due to when I had long hair, I tied it up everyday and now I've kinda messed it up, would love to grow it long again, but unfortunately I'm currently confined to a shaved head. 40 years old now and I definitely want my hairline back and that long hair flowing again!
@viktorasdegutis 2 месяца назад
You are not alone ❤
@MsRamona7 Месяц назад
You're one of the kindest and sweetest guys with strong moral spine out there, positively affecting the space worldwide, I couldn't care less about your hair line. I'm sorry people made you self conscious about it over time but understand the gnawing effect of it. Wish you success with the surgery and better feeling once done. If it for whatever reason won't work, rest assured there will be people rooting for you and adoring you even more for being transparent about it, it takes a s#itloads of courage! All the best from Prague and thank you for your content, you're doing a great job!
@Wayf4rer 2 месяца назад
I'm in the same boat as you. My hairline has always been high, and when I was in my early 20's my hairline matured and hasn't budged since nearly 10 years on. It's just enough to bother me and prevent me from wearing super short styles.
@catw8390 2 месяца назад
I always hated my ears. I got called Dumbo, Eeyore and Donkey throughout school (not constantly, but enough). The insecurity followed me into my late 20s. Like Ben, I was determined to not let other people’s opinions influence me to the point of surgery. I thought it was shallow and vain. Eventually though, I got so sick of it being constantly on my mind. I was always covering my ears with my hair. Always thinking about how the hair was sitting. I never wore it up even playing sport. My ear issues massively effected my self confidence and how I interacted with the world. So I bit the bullet and got the surgery. It was a simple surgery and it changed my life. It sounds dramatic but it’s true. It changed how I presented myself to the world. I held my head higher and my confidence improved dramatically. Funny thing is, although the doctor only pinned them back, he didn’t fix the shape/size which also bothered me a lot, and he told me that I could return later to do the other part of the surgery, I’ve never been bothered. I know they’re big. I know people have probably noticed that, but I just don’t care anymore. I didn’t need perfect ears, I just needed them to not be the first thing people noticed about me. Best thing I ever did and I only wish I did it sooner.
@JpDubbed 2 месяца назад
So happy you posted this. I'm literally researching this procedure
@michaellanham2273 2 месяца назад
Grateful for you posting. Hope everything goes smoothly.
@theonobody 2 месяца назад
I hope you're keeping well Ben. Your previous videos on distal bicep surgery and the aftermath really helped me no end when I had my surgery done. I really respect the premise you're working from with this video. Good luck in whichever outcome you get to, you'll make a great and very useful video out of it regardless.
@danielbene4860 Месяц назад
Oh my gosh! This is exactly what I need atm 😭🙏 id be eternally grateful for your updates!!
@barts6386 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the video and good luck with surgery! Very brave of you to speak about it;you should always do whatever makes you feel better yourself.
@antonyborthwick1372 2 месяца назад
Hey Ben, I just wanted to drop a comment to show some love and support for your decision to get a hair transplant. I personally think you look great, and your haircut is cool, but realise the negative comments do sting - especially if repeated over and over. Trolls will troll, and that's really sad. It takes a lot of courage to address something that has bothered you for so long, and I admire your openness about it. You're such a positive influence, advocating against body shaming and spreading messages of self-love and acceptance. Your authenticity shines through, and no matter what, your inner strength and character are what truly matter. Keep being the amazing role model you are, and know that your community stands behind you every step of the way. Sending you all the positivity and support!
@Hoffnung7558 2 месяца назад
You are amazing, I am really interested in seeing your progress. Praying it is everything you want and you stay healthy.
@geoffhaynes2113 2 месяца назад
I appreciate your candour and honesty. I hope it makes you feel better about your insecurities, I wish you the best of luck and look forward to hearing about your experience. Good luck!
@madshyldal452 2 месяца назад
Im happy you posted this
@nyaffrom1718 Месяц назад
Good luck and thank you for sharing!
@lynnetaha Месяц назад
Good luck Ben. You are brave talking about something so personal to many other people but if it makes you feel better within yourself to have this procedure go for it. All the very best. ❤
@ClouduSan 2 месяца назад
Looking forward to seeing how it plays out 😃
@defiant350 Месяц назад
Looking forward to see how it goes. Was considering the procedure myself.
@karieltheone 2 месяца назад
Definetly insterested in seeing more of the content, there is a million videos about this on RU-vid but its hard to find someone making a review of the whole thing that I can feel I can trust is being 100% honest.
@FabledAllOut 2 месяца назад
Good luck mate! I hope it all goes well for you.
@GTLifts9999 2 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing Ben. I think plenty if people who love to see your results. Hats off to you. It was great to see Chris Bumstaed share this last year and I think help make this procedure a little less taboo.
@librathefresh1 Месяц назад
I hope things go well & wish you all the best.
@zanzabar7878 Месяц назад
love your honesty, best of luck mate! I to am considering getting a hair transplant, would love to see a video on how you researched the best clinic etc
@j.r.2184 2 месяца назад
I feel like large foreheads are one of those things that most people don't even notice, but the people who do just have to go be buttholes about it. I understand the insecurity, and I don't judge you at all for wanting to change it, but in case it means anything, I think your natural hairline works very well with your face.
@sshmogurts 2 месяца назад
Hi Ben, I've been watching your content for a long time, and have been in the same boat as you in regards to my hairline always being high up since I was a child... I did end up going through the cosmetic surgery route last year around August time and can say I am very happy with my decision to do so! I honestly hope you will feel the same way, just be ready it isn't exactly a painless procedure. I would also recommend looking into what your clinic will provide in terms of aftercare and medication you might want to opt to avoid things such as finasteride. All the best!
@greggarriss2107 18 дней назад
I've just become a fan because I like direct, no BS, referenced information about health. You do whatever it takes to make you smile when you look in the mirror. But rest assured, there are a lot of people smiling when they watch your work. That rapt attention isn't just from an impressive amount of facts and data.
@shokster 2 месяца назад
I 100% would love to see your hair transplant journey! I've never been a vain person but my hair is something I always been insecure about. I've wanted a hair transplant myself for the past 10 years, it's getting even worse at the moment, it's thinning so bad 😅 But I can't afford it and don't know where to go. So I'd love to see your journey and results. It's good to see someone who is open and honest about it and hopefully will inspire me to finally go through with one myself Good luck with the op! 🙏🏽
@jarosoho2049 2 месяца назад
Integrity, honesty and bravery shall always prevail. Good luck Ben!
@mogwai_ 2 месяца назад
Wow i have a ton of conflicting feelings about this. I was gonna say a bunch but its honestly not your business to worry about what i think. Im curious to hear more about your experience i guess, i just really hope this doesnt lead to a slew of new issues down the line. As they say, once you show that a bully has hurt you, they will zero in on that vulnerability and redouble their efforts. Good luck, i hope everything turns out well in the end.
@pjdava 2 месяца назад
Ben Carpenter, This made me so happy! I liked and subscribed!
@user-cg6ve8wg4g 2 месяца назад
let's go dude, personally I really like your hair and I think it's a great fashion option to look good while having dogshit hairline, I do mine similarly, and I feel okay with it, I don't think I'm gonna get any procedures done personally because it looks normal now and I'm an anonymous person, I don't get internet hate like you! best of hopes for this process you're going through and I'll be here to watch your other videos
@Zzz-ff1np 2 месяца назад
ooh i'm invested. I don't have a receding hair line or alopecia but it does pop up in the extended family, so knowing what my options are if it ever becomes my lot would be nice.
@otarala 2 месяца назад
Get a quarter done in each country and then we can see which one wins! But seriously best of luck with it. Much appreciate the transparency and discussion of the pros and cons vs it just appearing one day.
@CursedWheelieBin 2 месяца назад
I’ve never noticed or cared. Your videos about your bicep tendon rupture is how I found you
@Frank_Jones314 2 месяца назад
Ben, excellent video. I would very much like to see you discuss your results in future videos. I don't think you should feel bad for or apologize for wanting to change your physical appearance in any way. isn't that what we do when we lift weights and engage in the hobby of bodybuilding? If I had the money, I would get the same procedure done - I very much dislike being seen or photographed without my cap on. Coincidentally, a non-descript black cap with no logo. So, count me among the people curious to see how yours goes.
@azulsimmons1040 2 месяца назад
I like learning new things. So I would be interested to see how this works.
@sicilia71 2 месяца назад
Good luck dude
@alexiswinter6948 2 месяца назад
Dang, 15K in CA. I'm shopping to have my female pattern baldness filled in. Please share where you got it done and for how much. Also if you had a robot do the transplates. I mean, as long as you're sharing. 😊
@CowCast 2 месяца назад
Good luck! Honestly don’t give a shit because I can’t afford it anyways but if you want to share I’ll be more than happy to watch!
@grooviechickie 2 месяца назад
I really do hope that it's everything you want it to be and that you recover from the surgery quickly. Bullies and trolls seriously suck hairy dogs' balls. FWIW, I really believe that we should all just stop commenting on people's bodies. Enough is enough. ❤❤❤
@sfcablecar 2 месяца назад
Wow. I always thought you wore a hairpiece, Ben. Please continue to share all the details of your transplant surgery. I'm sure subscribers will be interested.
@san9c1 2 месяца назад
Have always hated my hairline too but I’m too old and cheap (and chicken) to do anything about it. Hope it works out well for you!
@richardm2661 2 месяца назад
You look fine imo, but wish you well with the procedure.
@bunny2chandu 2 месяца назад
Please do post periodic updates
@yavorvlaskov5404 2 месяца назад
We all have some insecurities about our bodies, it helps to have someone remind us of that, this is really big of you. My hair is absolutely gorgeous (maybe a bit of a waste on a dude, lol) and is at shoulder length, but I hate my teeth for example, they are naturally darker and weaker than those of any influencer I can think of (or anybody else I know that takes decent care of their teeth) and no whitening process has ever actually managed to stick, so I have made a habit of seldom grinning and keep to tight lipped smiles. At this point I am just fine with them and at one point if I decide to change them to dentures it would be if I need them more than just for the cosmetic purpose, but when I have to think of an aspect of my body I dislike it springs to head immediately and I know it has a lasting impact in how I present myself to others. I can imagine exactly how you feel, it would be like me stretching my mouth entirely at a camera, something I have not done at another person, let alone the entire internet. Respectable, really.
@halildurmaz7827 2 месяца назад
Your current look is pretty good man. You do not need an operation at all, but if it makes you feel better, it is up to you of course. Also, since I am Turkish and bald, I can say that for your case (not bald at all), 2,500 Euro is a scam :D
@AlenAbdula 2 месяца назад
Don't internalize what bullies say. I have opposite problem, I got too much hair, grows big and curly. I have deviated septum from fighting a bully. I still got curly hair and my nose messed up. Am not tryna be Brad Pitt at 40! If I could I'd roll around in dirt all day. There's my worthless 2 cents. Whatever you decide, just keep it pushing. 💪🏽 Best from Boston.
@AndyPresto75 2 месяца назад
It's truly sad you feel the need to do this (and I mean due to the bullying and the societal obsession with aesthetics) but good luck, I hope it goes well and makes you feel great. I used to worry about going/being bald which happened in my 20s but never really considered doing anything about it, plus once I shaved my head the worry instantly went away and that was 20 years ago. It's probably easier because I'm not in the public eye and being a fairly average-looking older bloke don't tend to place much importance on my appearance, although I was happily overweight for many years but changed my lifestyle and lost fat predominantly for health reasons. The vast majority of men will never have anything close your incredible physique or be as fit and handsome, so what hope is there for the majority of young men being happy, well-adjusted and not obsessing about their appearances when it's mostly beyond their control? All that said, it's far worse for women and please don't take this as criticism because you're one of the best voices in the whole health and fitness industry and truly someone to be admired. The approach to this alone speaks to your incredible integrity and transparency so kudos and thanks as always.
@discordantduck1808 2 месяца назад
for what it's worth, i literally never thought about your hair once.
@jeancater1388 2 месяца назад
People are so g damned mean.
@kimba5618 2 месяца назад
Totally agree @Archangel76. If you have determined the procedure is good for you personally, then it is good for you. Wishing you the best outcome. ❤
@uplandarch697 2 месяца назад
take the transplant (turkey) then give the honest review. done. its not like they can take the procedure back cause you werent happy with it.
@alfonso365 2 месяца назад
Don't go where Joe Rogan went.
@mjcanonico 2 месяца назад
Think you look great as is. But I guess you do you.
@user-sc7kj4rn7c 2 месяца назад
No need
@dragonofhatefulretribution9041 Месяц назад
If you were open to the carnivore diet you wouldn’t need hair transplant surgery. Countless videos exist wherein carnivores show how their hair-loss reversed in no longer than a year on the diet. I’ve always had thick hair but even my hair got thicker and fuller on the diet.
@BenCarpenter Месяц назад
My hair is not thinning. My hairline is being lowered to a point it has never been before. So you are saying a carnivore diet will cause hair growth in areas where there has never been hair growth before? Come on bro, stop it 😂
@dragonofhatefulretribution9041 Месяц назад
@@BenCarpenter There are hundreds of thousands of anecdotes now. Get your hair transplant though👍🏻
@BenCarpenter Месяц назад
There are also hundreds of thousands of anecdotes of people who tried it and felt worse. But most carnivore fans apparently aren’t intellectually honest enough to at least acknowledge it’s not the perfect diet for everyone 🤷‍♂️
@dragonofhatefulretribution9041 Месяц назад
@@BenCarpenter Debate Professor Bart Kay or Professor Sara Pugh.
@thomassmith4903 2 месяца назад
Soon to be Ben Carpethair
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