
One Verse Evangelism Training 

First Baptist Church DeSoto
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This is a tutorial for sharing the gospel using the One Verse Evangelism method. One-Verse Evangelism was created by Randy D. Raysbrook.



16 сен 2024




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@janetstone236 7 лет назад
Thank you -This is a Wonderful teaching tool - scripture-picture. I took notes on an index card. My only suggestion to add, is that many people have never talked to God, and I am speaking of children or some underdeveloped adults, so at the end of your story, when you tell them to 'call upon him', I suggest using something like, How does the fireman know to come and help you if your house catches on fire? You have to call him, How does the Pizza man know to bring you a pizza, they don't know you want them - God does not know you want him in your heart and life, and you have to be honest with him, and say"I did it' I sinned, I am sorry, please forgive me, and help me to follow you. In Jesus name Amen.
@mahindufrancis2295 4 года назад
@tonyfernandes6978 5 лет назад
I'm starting this weekend with my first evangelical steps and this lesson is exactly what I needed...It is however so much greater as it contains deep manna and I'm eternally grateful that you made the effort to post this lesson about being an intercessor between the sheep and the sheep pen of God 🙏
@gelyannmarie1411 5 лет назад
Bless you!
@JustFollowJesus 8 лет назад
Sharing this! Excellent message! What a message can be given with just a single verse! The Word of God is so powerful!
@ligayaespiritu1707 8 лет назад
This is a very easy, one verse evangelism training.- Romans 6:23😍☺️😇
@sjleak1 3 года назад
Very well done and helpful! Many blessings!
@fidelespiritu2110 6 лет назад
Hoping those who are looking for a simpler gospel presentation outline will consider EV2's hand outline format. Its conversational in approach helps diagnose if the prospect is already a born-again believer or not. Based on Christ's unoffensive approach in reaching out to every sinner (even to a total stranger), It uses the hand as a guide & explains why (1) Heaven is a FREE GIFT (2) Man IS A SINNER (3) GOD is merciful but is also just (4) Christ alone can save us from the penalty of our sins (5) Faith alone in Christ is the only Saving Faith. EV2 does not leave the prospect groping for a prayer, rather, in the outline, it respectfully seeks an answer from the prospect if the presentation makes sense to them & if they would like to receive God's gift of eternal life. It helps them commit their souls to Christ through a simple prayer. Finally, after helping them in the commitment part, they are encouraged to embark on a systematic path to spiritual growth. (EV2 = Everyday Evangelism by EE or Evangelism Explosion Intl.) :)
@davidslater8486 7 лет назад
thank you for this video
@steevrawjers 3 года назад
yes thank you for the teaching
@WoodrowfolloweroftheMessiah 6 лет назад
Very Good! My favorite verse!
@genesmith3016 9 лет назад
Thank you Sam! Glad the video is helpful.
@MrJeffrey316 4 года назад
Great video. Easy and simple to understand. The only thing I'd add is about repenting of your sins. Jesus talks about repenting (turning away from sin) many times to gain entry into heaven. This could be covered as you said about submitting your life to him as Lord though too.
@SamNeugent 9 лет назад
You are a very gifted teacher. Thank you for sharing. We use this method of evangelism in Peru. My plan is to share YOUR video with team members who don't know the bridge method because you are so detailed yet simple in your approach.
@rosalinacastor4194 7 лет назад
Sam Neugen
@darhema 4 года назад
I love this. God bless you
@divinodespertar 6 лет назад
Awesome example!
@charityschutte5930 8 лет назад
love the video
@helenpenullar2303 6 лет назад
Thanks for sharing this video
@humbleevidenceaccepter7712 3 года назад
I have had non-Christians point out where the Bible promotes or condones _violence_ (Deuteronomy 21:18-21, 1 Samuel 15:2-3, Luke19:27, etc.) _misogyny_ (Deuteronomy 22:13-21, Numbers 33:17-18, 1 Corinthians 14:34, etc.) and even _slavery_ (Exodus 21:20-21, Leviticus 25:44-46, Luke 12:47, etc.) As a Christian, how could a person defend this apparent evil without saying the Bible is too vague or poorly written leading to misinterpretation? Wouldn't the Gospels then lose all credibility on just lack of clarity alone? I would really appreciate some honest response. Thanks.
@utube4uindia Год назад
God bless you brother
@steevrawjers 3 года назад
thank you for the teaching
@chrismassalas 7 лет назад
Very helpful!!
@jedisantos2455 6 лет назад
Thank you! ❤
@bruce8961 2 месяца назад
No one can come to Christ until they are drawn by The Father in Heaven. When you feel HIS Voice Tugging on your Heart, Ask Forgiveness. You will be Washed by The Blood of The Son of God, Baptized with The Holy Spirit, and Changed ( 2Corinthians 5:17 ) You will know, Impossible Not to. Read The Bible Daily, The Holy Spirit will Teach and Guide you as you Read. Tell others what Christ has done in your Life and how You were Saved and how they can be.
@lukewalker3734 4 года назад
Yes 🌈🎶💞🙏
@Why.am.I.here... 4 года назад
Please explain HOW do you surrender to Jesus and give control of your life to Him? What do you mean by that?
@nb6117 4 года назад
Did you ever find the answer to this?
@steevrawjers 3 года назад
do the opposite of christians
@rmnps 4 года назад
Does it really necessary for a person to be saved to make Christ the Lord of his life? Isn't that a fruit of his spiritual growth? Isn't salvation simply trusting ONLY on Christ and what He has done for us?
@steevrawjers 3 года назад
ONE-WORD evangelism training below... CHRIST
@louisevoltairem.garcia3245 6 лет назад
A wonderful presentation of the Gospel using one verse. Is there a way to get a high definition vid? Thanks.
@Jsanc2075 5 лет назад
This was great until you said you have to submit your life to Christ. Nowhere in scripture does that say that is a requirement salvation. It's believe only!
@davidfowler4203 5 лет назад
Very true Jsanc2075. Gospel is simple.
@christopherdavidlunn8738 5 лет назад
Jesus said to make people disciples of Him.
@nb6117 4 года назад
@sisaliso Philippians 2:10-11 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Amen
@steevrawjers 3 года назад
yes true paul explained all of this to the churches of galatia
@randyd9805 3 года назад
I was totally in agreement with the presentation until @ 6:27 when it went WAY, WAY off course. Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ in not an act of you submitting or surrendering your life to Him as your Lord. You do not make Jesus your Lord in order to obtain salvation by your act of submission or surrender. This is just an underhanded way of adding works for salvation to the gospel of grace and it is very serious heresy. Salvation is the totally free gift of God by grace through faith, not a reward to be earned by good works or "submitting your life to Him." You have a whole lot of submitting to do AFTER you're saved though to be a good Christian. Good works or a changed life is the RESULT of the new nature that God gives you, not because you decided to change your ways or submit to Christ's Lordship. Do all Christians submit their lives to Christ? Not on your life and the Bible backs that statement up numerous times very, very clearly. Lordship salvation is heresy, plain and simple. Yes, Jesus Christ is Lord, no argument there. It is utter lunacy to make submission to Christ as Lord a requirement of salvation. If it were a requirement of salvation it would have to be included in every place the Bible states that salvation is by faith or believing. Does the word of God contradict itself? Is God confused about His plan of salvation? No, but a lot of believers are! The person who gave this video does not fully understand the one and only basis for salvation and does not truly know the gospel. The basis that God saves anyone and forgives our sins is because of what the LORD Jesus Christ did for us on the cross, not because of what we do for Him by our submission. If submission, which IS AN ACT OF WORKS, were truly necessary to be saved, then we would lose our salvation when we fail as a Christian and fall into sin. If you don't know Christians can fall into sin or live fleshly lives that can dishonor God then you simply don't know very much Bible at all and shouldn't be teaching the Bible, period. We are only saved by believing in the shed blood of the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing else. It is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ that is the gospel and believing it gets your sins forgiven by God's grace and mercy. Salvation is either all of grace or all of works. One of these is God's way and the other is man's way. One will get you eternal life in heaven and the other eternal damnation in hell. Believing in the sacrifice of the shed blood of the Lamb of God includes believe WHO the Lord Jesus Christ is, the perfect, sinless Son of God, as well as WHAT He did for us by His death, burial, and resurrection from the dead. We could have no real desire to live for God or submit to Christ as Lord unless we have the new nature imparted to us by the new birth. God gets ALL the glory in this, we get none which is as it should be. I took the time to put this on here in sincere hope of help and clarifying how a person gets eternal life even though I know some will disagree. Salvation from eternal damnation is the single most important topic in the Bible or any other place for that matter.
@maelenebaby 8 лет назад
beautifully said but how do you strike up this conversation to strangers?
@1988TheHitman 8 лет назад
By the guidance and power of the Spirit :-)
@reemalxo 7 лет назад
check out living waters on youtube or todd white :)
@davidslater8486 7 лет назад
reemal Todd white is so awesome
@danieltrujillo5448 7 лет назад
reemal acts 2:38
@JackGilbertJr 6 лет назад
Check out this post and the notes which can be downloaded: imlisteningtogod.wordpress.com/2017/09/01/sharing-your-faith-without-an-argument/
@kippercat123 9 лет назад
awesome vid my friend but I think you need to put the 10 commandments in because the law of the Lord is perfect for converting the soul. Sinners need to know why they are sinners, not just be told they are. And where is Hell ? Why run to a savior if you have nothing to run from ?
@janetstone236 7 лет назад
Amen, and God showed me in Ezra 7:25 - you go and teach those who are ignorant of God's commands, and then, punish the wrong doers with 1. repossession (for non-payment of debt) 2. Detention 3. Imprison 4. Death Penalty.
@username82765 8 лет назад
Ok I don't know why all these "How to evangelise videos are showing up on my feed. But since they are I have to say I see the problem. Imagine a Hindu approaches you with a similar quote from the Vedas (their collection of Holy books). Since you do NOT believe the book is from God its words will have very little impact. The quote assumes the Bible as any significance to the person. I beginning to get the impression that Evangelism is NOT about converting people, it's about renewing people's faith who may have drifted away from it for no particular reason.
@reemalxo 7 лет назад
why hello there friend! :D
@username82765 7 лет назад
reemal Hello
@eltigrechino3390 7 лет назад
You're on it, friend! Evangelism, in my opinion, is the door step to discipleship for our friends. The world is not impressed by evangelical rectitude. Let us assume that your scenario is not academic or theoretical, but real. Let us assume, that HE is wooing and calling them in a variety of ways and YOU get the privilege of being a beautiful link! I think pitting the academic quality of one "scripture" over the other is fruitless - though there's plenty of area to argue. But we don't want to argue anyone into the better qualities of a religion. We want to simply be a bridge between God and others (2 Cor. 5:20); to be a personal witness to how the very nature of LOVE has been redefined for us and how it's changed us. We want to be their friend. Let us further assume that our friendship with them, their curiosity of what we believe naturally comes up in our life conversations over lunch, work, kid's soccer games, trauma in their lives - or ours. It *might* be helpful, to get into a spitting match about the special revelation of Scripture (inspiration, for instance, for the seers of the Vedas is categorically different from the "breathed-out" inspiration in the Bible through prophets and writers), and the fact that Jesus called the Scriptures as God's Word, and the fact that Jesus is the only one who was predicted by those Scriptures, died according to those Scriptures and then rose again, according to those scriptures. But why not just be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's direction, trust that the Holy Spirit uses his own Word (even one verse) - which is living and active, right? - to convict of sin, righteousness and judgement. Why not just be one beggar, telling another beggar, where to find bread? Have a great day!
@faithman1000 6 лет назад
You are over thinking it. It is not our job to try to figure people out. It is merely our job to present the scripture. Then it is between them and God. They most assuredly do not have a shot if they do not hear. But any excuse will do if you don't really want to obey the word in the first place...
@nb6117 4 года назад
Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
@gershom5522 2 года назад
Thank you👍The gospel of Christ→ Christ died for our sins. He was buried. He was raised on the third day. He appeared to the apostles. 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 Isaiah 53 Anyone is saved just by believing in the gospel.  Romans 1:16 Ephesians 2:8-9
@eltonron1558 3 месяца назад
It would be alot better to just use the gospel, instead of a lengthy teachin/message of salvation. After all, one is the gospel, the other a teaching. Mark 1:14-15, gospel.
@scottguidry5537 6 лет назад
And this is why the world does not think the church is relevant. I am not a 12 year old in a Sunday School class in the 80's. Check out Living Waters RU-vid channel or check this video out ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-LCALvqA7vZo.html
@sophia66404 6 лет назад
What does God say of divisions of the church... Maybe you should get right with him first before you teach anyone, the penalty is high for misleading the sheep
@tonyfernandes6978 5 лет назад
Divisions will always be there but if we try to bridge divisions how do we explain to God that we neglected the one sheep as we were trying to fix division...We don't have time to fix division...The lost sheep need God's love now!
@nb6117 4 года назад
@@tonyfernandes6978 Amen. How are you? Do you evangelize?
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