
Ozzy - Intro / Bark at the Moon @Terravibe, Malakasa 25/9/2010 

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@shannonhawkins5739 4 года назад
Gus does a great job playing this. It’s nice not hearing a pinched harmonic every other note.
@joenaccomusic 4 года назад
shannon hawkins haha!
@chadjohnson438 4 года назад
shannon hawkins your wrong this dude has several pinch harmonics throughout the song. Very dry player thou compared to Zakk. Not even close to his level of play. This was 2010 which is when BLS started to hit their peak, but Zakk is now back with Ozzy. Which was enivitable. It’s like peanut butter & Jelly.
@user-xe2ut4so9e 4 года назад
@@joenaccomusic ⁰⁰⁰9999ㅐ9
@user-xe2ut4so9e 4 года назад
@@joenaccomusic ㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐ9ㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐ9ㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐ
@user-xe2ut4so9e 4 года назад
@@joenaccomusic ㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐ9ㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐ9ㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅐㅔㅐㅐㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐ
@AudiophileTubes 12 лет назад
GUS G. is AMAZING! KILLER TONE and tight playing!
@guitarjunkienc4875 3 года назад
Gus is amazing , hell every guitarist Ozzy had is amazing but Jake and his Charvel to me is and will always be the best he has had after Randy passed, just my opinion , and was fired over greed because he would not sign all his music rights over to Sharon and Ozzy, so he has never got the money or recognition that he deserves for the music he wrote for Ozzy
@markh6545 2 года назад
Actually he did, That's the reason they fired him...He refused to release his already written tracks over to them unless he got royalties for his work and they had no choice but to give it to him...He deserved that money and Ozzy and Sharon were in high greed mode at the time...They robbed Zakk for years and he finally got fed up with it and knew the only way he was ever going to make any money was to form his own band BLS...Only thing Ozzy did for him is get him known and thats about it.
@kevinlangley9644 2 года назад
I was always a big fan of Jake E. Lee. Randy was great. Would've been awesome to see what could've been if he hadn't died. Yeah, greed is a mother too. Seems to be the way of alot of people when they have money. The more they get the more they want. I'm a believer in capitalism but greed will always be the downside of it. Not saying all rich people are like that cause ive known alot of them in my my life and I'd say most of them were pretty down to earth folks willing to help anybody. But there's always those few that want more more more. Power and control.
@iplaypearldrums7935 Год назад
@@markh6545 kinda sad on ozzy's part
@billmckee8844 Год назад
Big Jake fan! I listen to all the albums but I find myself listening to Jake more then Randy but you are splitting hairs between Jake and Randy.
@DynoSauR4Truth Год назад
⁠I'm the same way. Randy was great but, Jake was on another level and his phrasing on the guitar is still unmatched as far as I'm concerned.
@DarrenDavis-ov7zz 16 дней назад
I met Gus the first time in Atlanta at Prog power. My band Krucible started the show and Firewind was right after us. We walked by and he congratulated me on a great set. and asked me to stand on his side and watch, so I did and was blown away. I see him every now and then. Great guy.
@rileytaylor1206 4 года назад
Look at how much energy Ozzy still puts out on stage! He truly loves performing and giving the fans a show
@nikoshatzimichael984 2 года назад
Αξεπεραστο κομματι! 30 χρονια το ακουω απο 16 εως 46 που ειμαι και παντα χτυπιεμαι! Φιναλε αρρωστο!
@dimimarkoulis6013 9 месяцев назад
Εγώ ακούω όζζη από 12
@FerG-23 5 лет назад
Gus G really kicks ass. Outstanding technique!
@libertyagent 4 года назад
one of the perfectly best rock guitar tracks ever
@alejandroavila1950 8 месяцев назад
Técnicamente el mejor guitarrista que ha tenido Ozzy sin duda genio Gus G
@Andreas-Melin 10 лет назад
The audio really doesn't do Gus justice. Saw him live with Ozzy in a big arena and he's just amazing, really talented. The only thing lacking with Ozzy's performances today is Ozzy's voice sadly =/
@MooseboyBrett 10 лет назад
Ozzy's performance? What do you want him to do backflips and stage dive?
@Andreas-Melin 10 лет назад
MooseboyBrett I wrote that there's NOTHING wrong with his performance except his voice so obviously I don't want him to do backflips or stage dives....
@MooseboyBrett 10 лет назад
Sorry, wasn't wearing my glasses.. Although I want Ozzy to backflips and stage dives, maybe breath fire if it's not asking too much ;)
@wanderingmetalguy5825 7 лет назад
the reason it's eating ass so badly is because Ozzy is singing flat. Reason for this is, Zakk dropped the tuning on the songs. He didnt just do this to sound heavier, he did this because Ozzy can't sing as high as he used to. Gus is playing the song in the normal tuning. Ozzy probably can't sing high enough anymore, and he was probably so used to singing on key with Zakk that he just couldn't get high enough to match Gus' tuning
@Phenylalanin1979 4 года назад
Gus G is a trooper, cool guy, amazing chops and playing. Very tasteful and true to the great Jake E Lee. Thanks for the video.
@JimDim 2 года назад
@theprovider9853 10 лет назад
I LOVE his version of the solo
@flocorebavaria2139 2 года назад
Not as good as Jake... Clear! But much better than Zak! Thats for sure!
@billreppas 9 месяцев назад
Love his energy 😄...Gus g...great clean playing.Amazing guitarist.
@henkestenke 7 месяцев назад
Saw them on this tour and it was simply amazing. The revitalization of Ozzy since the mid 2000s is crazy.
@alasanoei 5 лет назад
Oh man, I remember this tour. Good times, lots of love to Ozzy and Gus!🖤🤘🏻
@rockcrush9688 9 лет назад
Gus G is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!
@SonicVR12 4 года назад
Best version of Jakes solo I've heard (besides Jake himself). Gus is a beast!
@KillerMcDiller 4 года назад
@Keen R Dude I saw that tour in Fort Worth Texas and Metallica did open in supporting Master Of Puppets got to meet Metallica before the show shook all their hands including Cliff Burton, I remember him being grumpy at that time, didn't want to be bothered. I remember being totally blown away by Metallica the Setlist was their best. Battery Master of Puppets For Whom the Bell Tolls Welcome Home (Sanitarium) Ride the Lightning (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth (preceded by The Star-Spangled Banner jam) Whiplash The Thing That Should Not Be Fade to Black Seek & Destroy Creeping Death Encore: 1 The Four Horsemen Guitar Solo Am I Evil? (Diamond Head cover) (half) Damage, Inc. Encore 2: Fight Fire With Fire So after watching them destroy the stage I thought Ozzy's going to have to perform a miracle to outshine Metallica and needless to say his Ozzness didn't disappoint Bark at the Moon Suicide Solution Never Know Why Mr. Crowley Shot in the Dark I Don't Know Killer of Giants Thank God for the Bomb The Ultimate Sin Flying High Again Secret Loser Iron Man Crazy Train Paranoid I remember ozzy comes out on stage dressed in a werewolf outfit and launched into Bark At The Moon that show was one of my favorite shows Jake was amazing. Jake did a solo that seemed longer then 10 minutes I remember Ozzy dragging Jake around the stage by his hair. I think James broke his arm skate boarding right after this show is why they cancelled the show you were at.
@mikedixon8830 4 года назад
Missed notes rushed staccatos (fast picking part) nope 👎
@SonicVR12 4 года назад
@@mikedixon8830 I appreciate your opinion, but who do you think covers it better, or the best?
@KIKOZZY 5 лет назад
What a night!! Ozzy we love you!! Get well soon!!
@Gusssugs 4 года назад
Ozzy looks like he is enjoying himself.
@lucademizio6885 4 года назад
Only one Man can play this song so fucking perfectly....and his name is Jake!
@rolipolirocks 12 лет назад
FINALLY what ozzy needed ,an amazing Lead player, not a pinch harmonic sampler...
@Delkomo 4 года назад
I was there. One of the best nights of my life...
@IMurderdTheDevil 9 месяцев назад
Great band Ozzy had here.
@villaco17 3 года назад
Bark at the moon es una obra de arte musicalmente hablando, la guitarra es impresionantemente fuerte en sus 2 solos, Jake E Lee es, a mi criterio, el mejor guitarrista que pasó por las filas de Ozzy Osbourne, sin desmerecer a Randy Roads, le dió mucha mas fuerza a las canciones de Ozzy y su mejor epoca y mejores discos son con Jake E Lee
@edugomh Год назад
Cierto, después de el ya no hubieron solos tan impresionantes.
@alejandroavila1950 8 месяцев назад
De acuerdo hermano Jake E Lee esta muy sub valorado, para mi mucho mejor músico que Zakk Wylde
@RycheForOrder 12 лет назад
@heut4384 4 года назад
Jake was good during this album...but, I'm not sure if he can do on the same level. Me, I'm not sure. I've listened some his stuff, I don't like it. His sound like, Dokken, etc.
@markmoore8197 4 года назад
No sir cant b done
@ronniejdio9411 4 года назад
@@heut4384 like today ? Can he do it today ? Like 35+ year later ? No Jake's speed amd dexterity isnt the same. It's ok to dislike jake. You're entitled to your opinion. Youre entitled to be wrong.
@g3ultra 4 года назад
...except a bunch of unknown guys on RU-vid
@prof.felipoluz9462 4 года назад
@ericmccoy5038 4 года назад
the muppets want their drummer back
@emilymathews7073 4 года назад
Lol 😂 damn I can’t see him. Does he look Animal?
@robertr2731 3 года назад
@AXESLINGER2112 11 лет назад
he's 127 yrs old...have some respect. he sounds great man
@kenromine 4 года назад
@matthewheffernan3877 4 года назад
he sounded terrible in the 90's when he came to australia. Cant imagine he's improved
@stephenkessel1990 4 года назад
Hes done dude have some reality.been done his health is gone n parkinsons has no mercy .he be singn at the mike j fox home
@Nitronerd 4 года назад
Wow, that was an awesome rendition!
@stavrosk.9265 2 года назад
Kostas is a hell of a guitar player!
@AXESLINGER2112 11 лет назад
Ozzy is a beast. he is old as hell and still kicking ass. it will be sad to see him go. he ruled the 80's. God bless Ozzy Osborne
@leehenderson8132 2 года назад
@customerservice3138 4 года назад
Saw Ozzy in Nashville TN in 2010 for my 16th birthday. Had food poisoning and threw up in my moms BMW and was so fucking sick the security people at the show put me in the VIP section so I could be close to the shitter. It was so fucking awesome
@mdguthro 4 года назад
Thanks for the laugh! Awesome comment
@doric_historic 4 года назад
I love Ozzy Osbourne exercise videos.
@HansOellerich 3 года назад
I remember being reluctant to give Gus a chance when he got the gig. The new songs they came out with at the time didn't do a whole lot for me even though they were good songs. Watching this now, I see Gus does does an excellent job playing this song. He's a great performer too.
@christophkrull5223 4 года назад
Wow, that was powerful!!! 🤘🏻🎸🥁
@jasonwilliams6338 4 года назад
Shadows fall covered this tune to s T check it out amazing cover of bark at the moon
@freaknbigpanda 5 лет назад
man he should have kept Gus G in the band, dude had a good tone and could play anything
@bellmeisterful 4 года назад
Why didn't he?
@BrandonEht 4 года назад
bellmeisterful Ozzy stopped his solo thing after this tour to play with sabbath. Then when he started it up again Gus was busy with firewind
@bellmeisterful 4 года назад
@@BrandonEht thanks
@smbyrum5 4 года назад
Zakk Wylde would play Gus under the table.
@antonflystrup932 4 года назад
@@smbyrum5 nope. Zakk Wylde has more feel. But if we are speaking technic Gus G would easily win he plays so clean it is crazy.
@gabifromhell 13 лет назад
great quality!
@cghern75 11 лет назад
Jake E. Lee is still untouchable.
@BradleyVolk3 4 года назад
no shit! nobody does him justice when playing this song especially. he is extremely underrated.
@MrCasquenoir 4 года назад
Yeah but Gus did a good job here.
@bellmeisterful 4 года назад
Oh 100%. He's like Marty Friedman.
@ronniejdio9411 4 года назад
Jake is the king. He honestly did the Randy stuff incredible as well
@ronniejdio9411 4 года назад
@MVia love randy. LOVE HIM. but prime Jake is as good as anyone ever was. 2 ozzy albums. His solo fine pink mist record and those band lands records. Greatness
@heut4384 9 лет назад
ahahahaha....that Gus G is something else, man!! What a great replacement for Zak.
@heut4384 4 года назад
@UCFkEWyWQT7nhG7AjEos6tFA Yeah...you know what, you're right. I didn't think about a few years ago. Once I had listened, I realized, Gus G is not very creative. His playing is no more than just an common player. hmmmmm. Now, I do agree.
@greenmile4233 4 года назад
Totally agree with you..Gus is the man..
@cockers6682 4 года назад
Heu T anyone is better than Zack the most one dimensional player be fucked without pent scale
@masguapoako 4 года назад
I need to buy one of those fan so my hair will move like a rock star
@eddieforfun 7 лет назад
Wow... Looks like the OZZ-Man and band still got it going on! 2010... Wow! Howl!!
@NineBrk 12 лет назад
Jakey Lou Williams please come back :(
@JT-sl3ui 4 года назад
Gus really didn’t have big shoes to fill replacing Zak. Nothing compared to when Jake joined Ozzy barely 25 years old replacing Randy. The Great Randy Rhoads
@durrrrl3435 4 года назад
Jake was 25 when he joined Ozzy, he’s only 2 months younger than Randy!
@JT-sl3ui 4 года назад
Durrrrl34 thank you. Corrected
@bigt6889 3 года назад
He replaced Brad gills
@MaestroJericho 3 года назад
Yeah I think Gus is in that weird spot where he doesn't really have his own sound imo. I guess he's kinda like Broderick in Megadeth where they get the stuff done but nothing as far as putting their own thing to it. I think Gus is closest to Jake's style though so he's great at this song.
@dirface 3 года назад
Jake replaced Brad Gillis, not Randy.
@SEPTEMBERMAN 4 года назад
Jake E. Lee..... period.
@NomNom_Nom28 11 лет назад
One of my fav riffs i play all the time on my guitar. Such a power generating riff
@DPhasely 4 года назад
Ozzy has been doing the same thing on stage for the past 40 years...walking to the side of the stage, back to microphone stand, clipping the microphone into holder, taking it out of the stand, walk to other side of stage, repeat....😂
@ubatooba8467 4 года назад
Yeah.....he should bring back the frog jump already!
@azwris 2 года назад
Μεγάλη βραδιά η συγκεκριμένη. Big party!
@user-qn7ez7lq7b 3 года назад
@lonniemartin6152 4 года назад
Always the best bands with ozzy
@jacobbouser4190 Год назад
Gus G doesn't receive nearly the recognition that he should have while playing with Ozzy. He's the third best guitarist Ozzy ever had, behind Randy and Jake.
@MavenOathkeeper 11 лет назад
I have to admit, being a Wylde fan for a while I tried hard not to like Gus, but honestly the dude kick ass!
@mr.c1563 4 года назад
I was never really a Wylde fan.
@MavenOathkeeper 4 года назад
@@mr.c1563 I'm not into his tone these days, way to much going on and tuning the whole step down just doesn't work with Ozzy imo 😕
@MavenOathkeeper 4 года назад
@david Greene I liked some of the early stuff (Mama I'm coming home is probably one of my favorite Wylde Solos, as well as No More Tears) I can agree that I like more Black Label tracks honestly. I was surprised how much I enjoyed BLS acoustic tracks
@johnp1787 4 года назад
...he's the best after Jake Lee in my opinion...plays the songs as they should sound...
@MavenOathkeeper 4 года назад
@@johnp1787 Gus you mean?
@markoneill1768 4 года назад
Great guitar playing! Love those pinched harmonics. Guitar looks cool too. Vocal, hmm
@StaffordsStudio 4 года назад
Graat channel Ozzy is a Metal God 🤘👍🛎✅
@AXESLINGER2112 11 лет назад
Jake E. Lee owns this song....not only owns it, but wrote it too
@davemis40 4 года назад
AXE SLINGER .. & Bob Daisley wrote the lyrics
@forgotmyname4971 4 года назад
Sharon owns it. Jake got screwed.
@forgotmyname4971 4 года назад
Look up Eddie Trunk interview a few years ago, Jake tells the story.
@martintramil8084 4 года назад
Love me some Bob Daisley, great Musician!
@GrootsieTheDog 4 года назад
I don’t think the drummer ever got called on by his teachers when he raised his hand in class.
@AudiophileTubes Год назад
Gus G. effing ROCKS! Ozzy's best players, ranked: Randy Rhoads, Jake E. Lee, Gus G. The ad nauseum pinched harmonics guy from New Jersey is at the bottom.
@johnb7701 9 лет назад
Jake is great
@durrrrl3435 4 года назад
Yes, but say it on a video he’s actually playing in!!
@mauriciovazquez2371 4 года назад
Jake is the man, but this Gus kid gets after it. Very good player.
@martinparker9249 2 года назад
Ozzy kicked ass here for his age
@drtintan 13 лет назад
cool nice quality didn't know about this show before thought he only played in athens... lucky you....
@d3wdman 13 лет назад
Love Ozzy. Love Zakk. Love Gus G. It's all good.
@ursulaturner7980 4 года назад
Ozzy... forever the showman🤘
@petesilvestri 7 месяцев назад
@jeffbear3075 3 года назад
Damn! I wish I could play guitar like that!
@TheoIam 4 года назад
What a difference 10y makes. Ozz still good here.
@tommydrama9075 4 года назад
We all know the best guitarist he had was Randy but Zakk is great too two of my favourite guitarist
@garybourke468 4 года назад
Great !
@johannesaxeman4508 9 месяцев назад
Go Gus!!!!! GO!
@ozzyosborne8854 4 года назад
Sir Ozzy backed by good musicians
@hadleymanmusic 4 года назад
My favorite shape guitar body.
@gnrcr 12 лет назад
Yep, live it is.
@crisshalen 4 года назад
Love to listen this song live without excesive pinch harmonics every time. I love Zakk but in the 1988-1992 Era, qhen it was so awesome like a younger RR. But as his beard grows he ruined most of the classics songs. Ironically BLS sounded more and more excellent when the years passed.
@seduceflower 11 лет назад
χιλια μπραβο φιλε για το upload!
@patdufresne6209 4 года назад
One has to admit that Gus's showmanship is hard to beat! He looks pretty good out there!
@KillerMcDiller 4 года назад
Seen all Ozzy’s guitarist live including Brad except this guy...I would stick with Zakk he’s amazing saw him on G-3 & experience Hendrix as well as 4 or 5 tmes with Ozzy...he can’t be touched...Randy was extremely gifted saw him at Reunion arena in Dallas just a couple of months or so before he died nothing can be said about him that hasn’t already been said but I love Jake as well. There is no such thing as best as they all have their own style but all of Ozzy’s guitarist over the years have been fucking amazing. Imagine if he would have landed Gary Moore early on....holy shit. But RR actually changed the course of metal.
@BubbaZen10 4 года назад
You know how that goes. Had to be someone Sharon can control. Zakk is loyal as hell to Ozzy and would always be there. This is her decision. After a while Sharon just naturally wants someone she can give less money to. Bottom line.
@kellykasparek8150 4 года назад
gotta disagree i seen Jake 2 times and zakk and Joe Holmes and Gus once..he is good and refreshing....Zakk just plays it safe. and ive seen him 4 times W the Boss......so i always enjoy diff players with ozz.....there will never be a permenant guy....i heard Sharon say it backstage afyer Randy passed Ozz has a hard time with keeping that slot nailed down
@BubbaZen10 4 года назад
@@kellykasparek8150 Yeah, when Zakk first came out though for No Rest , that was the fuckin' shit man!! I love that period. (i LOVE Jake E. Man do i wish i could have seen him! even for badlands!)
@BubbaZen10 4 года назад
@@kellykasparek8150 AND, it's not that Ozzy has a hard time with anything. SHARON has a hard time wanting to pay people what they oughta be paid. ;)
@kellykasparek8150 4 года назад
@@BubbaZen10 i used to have a cable TV show in the late 80s in Houston TX i interviewed alot of the openers for OZZ over that decade....and in 91 on the No More Tours tour i spoke to Sharon about the slot she said Ozz has a very hard time bonding and keeping a relationship going.(because of Randy) you have to remember he watched this guy burn to death...he was in the bus when the plane hit... GRANTED Sharon is always being a cheapass hag and firing anyone who asks for songwriting or royalties . raises Ect Ect.
@emilymathews7073 4 года назад
Dude with red car gas THE most gorgeous, shiny soft hair. Fucking hair conditioner commercial.
@gnrcr 12 лет назад
Wow, Ozzy sounds good here. Well, better than on most performances anyway.
@billjacktheone4786 Год назад
I really thought Gus sucked ass, but after hearing this rendition I have deep respect for his playing he is really awesome indeed! wow
@user-wh3pt2vp8u 2 года назад
I was there
@truescotsman4103 4 года назад
ozzy pitched a tiny bit on the first word. only time ive ever seen him miss anything. they turned him up all good.
@superKOEImania 12 лет назад
εννοειται πως εχω ακομα το εισητηριο
@hjp561 3 года назад
I never gave jake a chance now listening man dude was awesome I liked him better than zakk just now hearing this dude 10 years later he shreds to bad he didn’t stick around there all good ozzy hit pay dirt with all these guys some say George lynch almost signed with ozzy
@zedddddful Год назад
Gus G actually pays respect to Jakes solo.
@rocowolf918 4 года назад
Zakk Wylde took the cool out of squeals
@user-id9ml7zc9r 11 лет назад
2:06 Park at the mall XD
@evelynlorenzochavezllancap2434 2 года назад
Ozzy es lo mejor!!
@nemtall 4 года назад
Gus was on fire non the less .
@Thismaninyourdreams 11 лет назад
i really wish ozzy kept jake e lee, but this guy is still good
@empreme 12 лет назад
Steve Vai called. He wants his fan back. :D
@ubatooba8467 4 года назад
Somehow Sharon owns it now....
@KillerMcDiller 4 года назад
Great comment....fan=cheese
@stephenkessel1990 4 года назад
Lmao smmfh roflmao thats a perfect comment you fukn rock man🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
@bnizzio 12 лет назад
finally, ozzy got a guitarist who can play without the whah whah pedal half cocked the whole gig. Zakk is a solid guitarist but that damn whah pedal gets on my nerves. Actually, the world could do without whah pedals and it would be just fine.
@BradleyVolk3 4 года назад
...and also the annoying ass pinch harmonics in every freakin song. i fuckin hate that corny ass 80's shit.
@ericmccoy5038 4 года назад
Kirk Hammet just had a stroke
@BradleyVolk3 4 года назад
im still in shock from the wah pedal comment. you alright in that dome of yours??
@KillerMcDiller 4 года назад
Got Whah Whah?
@utahsaint623 4 года назад
The Prince Of Darkness gain one big muscle around his belly after working out hard by singing for 40 years🤣🤣🤣🤟🏻
@marcoperez7330 3 года назад
Gus is bad ass...
@AudiophileTubes Год назад
He's a great metal player for sure! His work with Firewind is awesome too!
@MrArcturus72 2 года назад
i was there!!!
@anastasiosmitropoulos1989 3 года назад
Gis G is awesome guitarist!!!
@JeffsBestHemp 11 лет назад
This sounds great!
@stevenkatz679 4 года назад
That guitar pops out at you , cool .
@billzakill1257 3 года назад
It’s okay to be entitled to your own opinion but don’t compare jake to gus, they are both incredible guitar players but they are not the same person they both have their unique styles only they can produce.
@joegonzalez4468 5 лет назад
Gus Nailed it!
Why Gus G Left Ozzy Osbourne
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