
Portal 2 Soundtrack - Schizophrenia 

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This is the "voice" you can hear in Rat Man's little dens. I pulled it from the game files. Seems the poor man ran out of his meds.




20 апр 2011




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@DoctorBoffin 11 лет назад
@sweetsuto 13 лет назад
"has started, the ship has started, I let you down, I'm begging you now, hey this is my view, everybody is dead" Must be talking about the Borealis... Maybe the Borealis sank and everyone boarded died except Rat man?
@TheMayorofSpace 11 лет назад
@Loinenn 13 лет назад
0:30 I hear " He's on the top, I can touch it..touch..to...top.. "
@TheGhostCNV 13 лет назад
0:18 "It's started again... You shouldn't have started it, look at what you've done now". Maybe a reference to when GLaDOS was started up again after being turned off?
@CaseyLaFalce 13 лет назад
...What a story. I love it. I just love it. It still blows my mind that ANYBODY, man or machine, would be able to come up with such an awesome story - it's unreal. Best. Video game. Ever.
@randomstuff7942 13 лет назад
This madman gave me a temporary fear of the dark. And the floor. And of under my bed. But those fears went when I woke up
@Holycrapheadcrabs 13 лет назад
Despite this being possibly the creepiest thing I've ever heard, I could listen to it on a loop for hours.
@JoyStar 13 лет назад
Doug Rattmann needs a hug, poor guy. :(
@Kane615 13 лет назад
He was nuts the guy had no medication for weeks. Poor guy.
@MrRetlav 13 лет назад
"Something something Help me something cube, something i beg you...." i cant understand the rest....
@JoyStar 13 лет назад
I heard this in Doug Rattmann's den that had the picture of Chell and the Macbeth quote paraphrase. I was surprised and a little freaked out at the fact that we hear Doug Rattmann's voice, like it's his ghost or a recording of him left behind or something, but still. Poor Doug.
@WWProductions94 12 лет назад
Poor guy. Even if he had more pills, I doubt he would ever be sane again.
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
You can catch a quick glimpse of him with the cube on his back at the end of the game, he runs past in the background while you're going up the elevator (floor after the first four turrets all point at you) and then throws the cube out to you at the end.
@thrallgames 13 лет назад
"who's incharge" "help me(obiwan?)" "nice work" "it's blue, it's blue" "it's started yet" "it;s just a star" "make him go" thats what i heard after serveral plays
@faeriefountain 13 лет назад
when i found this in game, I literally stood in that den for like 20 minutes just listening to this. It's kind of terrifying.
@Asidders 12 лет назад
This is so eerie...
@Fironnathedarkelf 13 лет назад
i keep hearing him say the worlds gone mad
@JoyStar 13 лет назад
I heard this when I came to Doug Rattmann's den with the Macbeth reference (the only one I found in my first playthough), and I suddenly found Doug a lot more unnerving...
@sergron 13 лет назад
I understood "Just glance around, the tests. Aren't they...?"
@MsRiley96 12 лет назад
now if you listin closly youll hear that ratman i actaully grover
@UltrarubikXD 13 лет назад
Rartman was the only one who divided by zero, he went crazy after 7 minutes
@jimmypints 13 лет назад
The last surviving Aperture scientist has schizophrenia, Brilliant.
@Killerqualle77 12 лет назад
of a unexplainable reasen am a addicted from this O.o
@TiTan0s 13 лет назад
0:03 I hear a voice, aiosgnuioWANHr, tears of joy
@StarAgentRXA4682 12 лет назад
Yup, this is my ringtone and I don't have friends anymore.
@zerukan 12 лет назад
I heard him say "Help me uncle Johnson! Help me with the design!"
@darkside348xbox 11 лет назад
Doug is not dead, in the comic he gets shot in the leg. Now I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure he survived the gun shot wound. He then goes in that thing and the comic ends. After all this audio is in Portal 2 and is in Chapter 3 Test 17 in one of his dens.
@supermantahoo 13 лет назад
@Mrsteddyz His companion cube was able to talk even when he took his meds.
@HauntedDreamz1 12 лет назад
The companion cube lied when he said Rattman wasn't a hero. He will always be a hero. It's sad Chell never knew that he saved her life. I know this isn't real, but I felt like crying after hearing him. You will always be my hero Doug. -3 R.I.P. My friend.
@King_Cyn 13 лет назад
I keep hearing "Help me!" And..this is still hauntingly beautiful. I can't stop listening to it.
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
@PyroPaul636 That is a ridiculous amount of time. It would be nearly 5000 AD, we would have bypassed the combine invasion and basically everything else entirely. I find it crazy if nobody else managed to find Aperture in nearly 3000 years.
@Mrsteddyz 13 лет назад
3 people caught schizophrenia and experianced the companion cube talking
@DatDarnSpaceCat 11 лет назад
He's not dead, those paintings were fresh, all of them.
@bbbbbthn3 13 лет назад
@skuldorai 12 лет назад
I suddenly feel like breaking down and crying for no reason.... So instead I'll sing a song; dunananananananadunanananananana RATMAN
@qwertysam36 13 лет назад
@pilzkopf3 yeah, it sounds like he is doing a tribal dance or something, but when you go to his den where you his this, there is a noise which sounds like a part of the laboratories, which has a constant beat like the sound I'm talking about
@DarkPieman 13 лет назад
@ShadowSoldior Although it could be much longer than that, since that's probably just as high as the counter goes.
@KyleTheWeasel 13 лет назад
God speed, Rat Man.
@Dragoru 13 лет назад
This creeps me the hell out. I was about to go to bed too. D:
@bigfatcarp93 12 лет назад
@SecretManOfMinecraft Cave Johnson danced a fine line between Eccentric and Insane, but at the end of the day, he was still a genius.
@Kafudinahpah 13 лет назад
The borealis is on the MOON! Ratmann teleported to it to escape! Then his last transmission was a picture of his Cube on the moon!
@shizlnit 12 лет назад
also listening to a slowed down version with headphones helps a lot
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
@DeathRow200 At the beginning, "It has been 9999-*Static*" It is much more likely that it has been 27 years, as after a few hundred I'm damn sure the place would not have been in that good of shape.
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
@Tippertot Nope, 1. The Frankecubes hop, this goes straight. 2. The cubes are slow, this speeds by. 3. You see his artwork with him carrying the cube around after he found it. 3. If you look close, not only can you make out his legs pumping, but you can make out his lab coat.
@xweert711 13 лет назад
@XiaoXiaoMan1123 Oh my god, your right! That must be why the test's were so low-budget, and all the surviving test subject's in co-op, those must of been the test-subjects who earn't the funding back to where aperture was as good as it is now!
@watsonwrote 13 лет назад
@DoodooBean I thought the ship was the one we found in the facility. But that doesn't explain the Wizard, unless it's GLaDOS. Interesting thought.
@1finallygotunleashed 13 лет назад
Ratman... A complete legend... At time of great need, he saved Chell, or else would we ever have played Portal 2? Ratman most likely got killed by the turrets that shot him ahter he went to sleep... If you listen to this track very hard, and anylize every word, you realize he sent you a message. I won't tell you what it is, but when you listen to it, try your best to sleep. Boo...
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
@SlimAndy95 It is, you get an achievement if you find the bunker the Borealis was in and look at one of the life-preservers left there which has the name "Borealis" on it.
@InstantMix 13 лет назад
Truth and desire , so clear at 0:07
@SecretManOfMinecraft 12 лет назад
@sergoba2Cave Johnson wasnt a moron he won many science trophies, created life changing gells, made boots that can make you live large drops, made science panels, and tested alot of science on himself (also what killed him) . if anything Cave Johnson was king of science!
@CasperKupo 13 лет назад
Thank god, I thought I was going crazy when I heard this.
@MrTinkotin 13 лет назад
@crabfight Nah, He probably survived. Since you can still see drawnigs of stuff in his dens and those drawings seem recent. You can hear this by being in one of his dens and standing on the side of the wall. He's probably on the other side of the wall.
@ffjfvfhu 13 лет назад
@iCoffees i think that when he is talking about the copanion cube at the end, that he is talking about chells ending where the companion cube comes out of the shed too. everything else is right, ive stopped a HD vid, and slowed it down on all the floors to see even a hint of him. answer: nope.avi
@legozombiekilla 13 лет назад
When hes talking about a ship, maybe hes talking about the Borealis !
@NiteLitezFTW 12 лет назад
Holy crap, I literally jumped when it first started.
@Luxai 13 лет назад
@poorlymadeproduction No, it's actually Ratman rambling. He put himself in cryosleep after reactivating Chell's relaxation chamber so he is most likely alive.
@Dean444ful 12 лет назад
poor ratman. can anyone give a link to more of the backround story of portal and its connection to half life. cuz i finished portal 2 and from vids iv seen theres a ton more stuff that i dont know
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
@villie91 Nah, this freaky "singing" can be heard in one of his dens, as he is somewhere in the walls or skeletal remains of aperture.
@Ultimatum227 11 лет назад
instead of "the wizards gone,THE WIZARD IS GONE" i hear "the ship is gone, they move it..."
@villie91 13 лет назад
@ShadowSoldior just watched the vid 720p full screen if you pause at the right time you see its just the companion cube alone
@OreMiner64 11 лет назад
This file can be heard un game in one ratman room it says "You might want to turn your auydio up and if ya do it u here this soundtrack from the video Thums up so everyonr can see
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
@smashcooper That right THERE is a Frankencube. iCoffee is talking about when he speeds past in the background between the 4 turrets outside of the elevator and the room where the turret choir is.
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
@villie91 The cube isn't spinning, it stays in the same position as it bolts across the screen. And again, if you looks closely you can make out his legs running under him and part of his lab coat. Also, the cube has a pink Companion Cube design on it if you pause at the right moment, so again.
@villie91 13 лет назад
@ShadowSoldior sorry had to continue it says in 1985 he was charged with aperture image format maintenance so im just assuming he was about 20-30(atleast) and portal 1 didnt even start until about 20 years later so at that point hes between 40-50 then the 27+ years after that 67-77 and people with schizophrenia usually have a shorter life expectancy and just to end this it says on the wiki hes dead anyway
@Kafudinahpah 13 лет назад
All of that took place after the events of half-life though obviously and Ratmann had no hand in the Borealis initially getting there.... but he there chillin, or came back to help chell.... (speculation based on easter eggs mostly)
@GracefullyExpensiveK 12 лет назад
@xXDogPersonThingXx YOUR BRILLIANT. Now, if you can teach Valve to count to three, you go past God Tier.
@aserta 12 лет назад
I've done some things in Audacity, the basic, cleaned it up a little, slowed the tempo just a smidgen. And many of the things that sound like words sound actually like tongue play, like when we were kids and used to make noises, my opinion: this is a track that had sounds recorded then butchered and added some echo or recorded in a echo prone room.
@Luigi1000 13 лет назад
@Kittykatkiddo101 Holy shit your right it does sound like that, but I do also know that if someone is expecting to hear something when they lisen to gibberish they will hear what they read because our minds fills it in for us to understand.
@rubiksdude101 13 лет назад
someone should send it in to those paranormal investigators who are good at taking garbled voices and finding out what the mean
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
@Tippertot Yeah, I missed it the first time through as well, only found it after I purposely looked it up and went out of my way.
@Rhybos 13 лет назад
On my way out of aperture in that elevator. (I played through that part many times) One of the rooms I pass after the opera is finished containes a Human-sized hunk of Cheese. While I know Douglass Ratmann was not an actually rat, I think there might be some symbolism to it. Perhaps it means he escaped. (I hope so.) Have a look for yourself. It was one of the last things you see before you literally walk out the door to the outside world. Look at 4:32. That's the Cheese... very cool.
@Loinenn 13 лет назад
I believe that he is still alive.
@canariawing 13 лет назад
After doing crap loads of research on this creepy rat man thing, i think i have Schizophrenia too o-o
@PerscriptionDitz 12 лет назад
he...he sounds so...broken...
@tampusfe 12 лет назад
0:02 "There's a Joy" 0:05 "help me you cave johnson,????,help me johnson,????" 0:11 "Now,Get on on your facebook" 0:16 "The ship is now is Started,It should started with your dad now i don't blame you" 0:32 "The wizards gone,THE WIZARD IS GONE,but its started,just i don't know where's the most time it,But it wanted i don't know its could be gonna be hurt" 0:42 "Little Girl" 0:44 "Isn't Pain,Isn't Joy
@omunomu9846 12 лет назад
For a moment I was distracted from my horror mood, and I thought "this sounds like Mr Bean". ...Cannot unthink.
@bbbbbthn3 13 лет назад
The-voice-is-gone! NOOO!-Companion-CUUUUBE!!! *Brokn-spacebar*
@Loinenn 13 лет назад
@ShadowSoldior it's just a companion cube. and Ratman couldn't run so fast, he was shot in the leg.
@Jochcus 13 лет назад
0:07 "Truth and Desire"
@Kittykatkiddo101 13 лет назад
@blueful100 0:04 he says "i have no chioce" 0:19 he says "the ship has started!"
@Kalaida 13 лет назад
@GenBadGuy Ah! Now I hear the difference. Thank you.
@InfectedGuppy606 13 лет назад
@AcrylicM 13 лет назад
The ship has started. He means BOREALIS?
@CleaverMama 13 лет назад
@Decalyn Ah, thank you! ^-^
@jchtroe 13 лет назад
@1finallygotunleashed I think it was his cube.. He wanted to see Chell (or something), ran to her all the time. He threw the cube out of the door, but then the door closed and he is still there... That's what I think.
@iliekchocolatemilk 13 лет назад
maybe it's an entire sentence that's split and mixed into different sections? the time between segments of speaking sound regular enough.
@villie91 13 лет назад
@ShadowSoldior the wiki supports the fact that he can be dead by saying its an easter egg or his spirit and its very unlikely he lived through the time that is supposed to be between the 2 games either way i kinda hope hes alive would make the game more interesting if it kept going
@villie91 13 лет назад
@ShadowSoldior well the "combine overwiki" needs special aprroval and shit anyway to edit but yeah probally not i doubt though that with the form of schizophrenia he had he wouldve been stable enough for that long to even remember the parts of the facility or anything and if he did have a bullet hole in his leg it wouldve damaged his leg alot and without special care for his leg it probally wouldve been very difficult for him to get from place to place even as old as he got....
@LevityRhodes 13 лет назад
@mazeman90 no he was talking about chell when she had a minor case of serious brain dmg when she found the portal gun
@Buzzcutter40 13 лет назад
@birdyblair that does make sense... i believe it. i wonder how GLaDOs forgot caroline? from her memory? maybe the scientists who put her in the machine only used the parts that were solely used for science?
@UnicyclistRemi 13 лет назад
Run this through several filters There are words in it but they are stranged out
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
@DeathRow200 To clarify, 9999 days is a little over or under 27 years, can't remember which.
@YoshiFan300 12 лет назад
@DoodooBean just to help you out a little, Portal is in the same universe as Half-Life (Gman and Gordon live in the same world as Chell and Rattman)
@v-cape 13 лет назад
@mazeman90 Wheatley suspected that Chell had brain damage because she couldn't speak after the broken cryosleep. She found the portal gun, so he says "It just goes to show that people with brain damage are the real heroes". Maybe it was referring to both Chell and Ratman, but I doubt it.
@WMan37 13 лет назад
I slowed it down 2x and reversed it. Some words are forwards and some are backwards. In no particular order, i could barely make out the words Why, Race, Droid, "I'm Sorry Madam", Watch, and what i think is him saying "Determined to" as well, and lots of distinct sobbing. Its going to take a lot more effort to decode this than mere Reversing and time warping.
@Kalaida 13 лет назад
Thank you so much for posting this. I needed confirmation that this wasn't just some sort of bad audio glitch I was hearing in the game. Having the Ratman's voice be heard in Schizophrenia gibberish brought back the creepy/haunting factor that I feared Portal 2 would lack from the first game. One question though. Is this being put through a filter of some kind? I'm at one of his dens right now, and despite the music and ambiance, it doesn't sound this echoey.
@ballinchestr 13 лет назад
@FlippinBooks grabbin peelz!
@FramerCid 12 лет назад
this would make a creepy ass ringtone...
@ShadowSoldior 13 лет назад
@PyroPaul636 Wait wait...I think we may be looking at this the wrong way. What if Ratman had hauled himself into another hibernation chamber like the one he'd put Chell in? That would've given him plenty of time to heal up and still be alive.
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