
r/Maliciouscompliance I Don't Want a FEMALE Employee 😡 

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@DarcOne13 3 года назад
In college, I had a professor who would send us out of the room if we were even one minute late because "you're not taking this seriously." He came in late once and I showed him the clock. "That doesn't apply to me! I'm in charge here."
@DarcOne13 3 года назад
@Aadi Sharma oh, he left shortly after to make a TV show about Shakespeare. Good riddance.
@morgandouglas6014 3 года назад
That’s what I hate the most, when people enforce rules on us and act like the same rules don’t apply to them because they’re in charge. That’s what my mom is like.
@Persholm1 3 года назад
That's usually the issue with these kinds of professors. They make up rules that somehow don't apply to them. I had two of these; on in English and one in maths. My maths teacher was always annoyed at the fact that I got her questions right even though I didn't do any homework or turn in tests I was supposed to do... she failed me for "faliure to produce homework" (probably the best way to translate that). My English teacher on the other hand was horrible. I was better at English than he was, and he knew it. When a question went out to the class about said subject, he always ignored my hand, even if it was the only hand up... because he knew I'd start with correcting his grammar.
@ChiditheLitleo667 3 года назад
@@morgandouglas6014 aka “rules for thee, not for me”.
@aaroncousins4750 3 года назад
@@Persholm1 u sound like the type no one likes. I dont blame your teachers
@KumiChan2004 3 года назад
I had a teacher that was the opposite rSlash. His words still stick with me to this day. "You are paying for the class. I don't care if you show up or not, it's your money. But it's up to you to do well in the class then. And don't expect to do well if you don't show up." And he was true to his word. Guessing to him that he got paid the same amount either way. And less students meant he had an easier time teaching the students that did show up.
@Monasaurus_Rex 3 года назад
Yes I had an AP teacher like that, she said as long as we didn’t bother people, it wasn’t her fault if we didn’t want to get help or pay attention because we’re the ones paying for the class
@dinahmyte3749 3 года назад
I had a teacher who docked me points for not being there at the end of the semester. I had an A, then suddenly had an F for "not participating"... like, if I got As and Bs on all assignments, tests, and quizzes, how EXACTLY did I earn an F? Because I didn't always show up? How is it my fault your class was easy enough to pass without showing up? BTW, I didn't cheat, this was literally a class I took in high school but needed it for my degree. I went to the Dean of the college and they said tough luck, so I switched majors...
@squirrel670 3 года назад
@@dinahmyte3749 that's bs. Was it mandatory attendance in the syllabus? She wanted to f with people by waiting til the last minute to put that on the grades
@vonb4050 3 года назад
I had a professor that used to close the lecture room door and if people were more than 5mins late he'd yell at them to get out. He was a philosophy professor with a class of shy science students and wondered why most of them wouldn't interact with him in class. They're scared of you 😑
@sabersz 3 года назад
I like his logic
@dracko158 3 года назад
Customer: *"I don't want a girl to work on my car."* *Noone works on the car* Also Customer: *Gets mad anyway*
@alfr1 3 года назад
Told the idiot that it would be a while if he demanded a Male Repairman. Then he's angry when he has to wait two hours.
@RiveroftheWither 3 года назад
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
@jamesnorman9160 3 года назад
Where the hell do these people come from? The 18th Century?
@carmium 3 года назад
That guy Noone sure gets around!
@justaregulargymrata 3 года назад
Yeah thats just fucked up sexism like bru she obviously better then u cause shes the one fixing them and your not
@chastitymarks2185 3 года назад
I talked with a friend who is also a teacher, according to her it is mandatory that all students get the same amount of time to finish a test. So this teachers (or profs) misreading the clock and then granting the remaining pupils + 20min to finish the test, made the test result void. Those marks never should have counted in the first place.
@Darrylizer1 3 года назад
I had a friend who stripped her Z down to the tires and put it all back together fixing everything as she went. She documented every step of the way with photographs on her blog. She joined a Z club and the guys were impressed and happy that a woman was into their hobby and was a good mechanic. Kudos to her!
@ClassifiedRanTom 3 года назад
Teacher: “What are your plans for improvement going forward?” Student: “I plan to tell the principal and my parents how you told us the test was over, made us rush the test, hand it in, only to turn out there was more time left, and mark them accordingly.” Teacher**nervous**: “And here’s your extra credit…”
@booleah6357 2 года назад
Cue Mrs. Puff bloating up and singing "EXTRA CREDIT!"
@mariannadawson1925 3 года назад
I'm a girl and about to go to school to be a mechanic. I've had guys come up to me and ask if I knew what I was doing with my own damn car. Then when I told them what I was doing (replacing a timing chain in my toyota) they were like "oh that's above my head" like then why did you come over here then. It's crazy frustrating
@pusheenqueen519 3 года назад
When guys try to quiz you about something when they don't know jack 🙄 I was wearing an ACDC shirt and this barista, with that condescending, talking to you like you're five tone was like, "oh, so you're a fan, huh?" "Yeah." "What's your favorite album?" I tell him I couldn't decide but my favorite song currently was Hell's Bells and I was describing the awesome opening. His tone completely changed, he looked kind of embarrassed and tried to laugh off how he had no idea what song I was talking about.
@deathmetalmachine 3 года назад
talking part of this whole post that a Toyota had a timing chain in it lol
@squirrel670 3 года назад
@@pusheenqueen519 that's so dumb lol.
@aaronabbey2604 3 года назад
@@deathmetalmachine some of the older 4 bangers had timing chains before switching over to belts. So it depends on how old the vehicle is.
@KoriMasho 3 года назад
I feel this deep in my soul. I'm a mechanic, but I don't work on cars. I work on helicopters. When guys hear that I'm a mechanic, they start drilling me on car stuff. I can guess, because I've worked on a couple of trucks before, but... engines on helos aren't even slightly the same. And cars don't fly. But, hey. Whatever. Sorry that I can't talk shop about your modded Mazda, Kevin. But I can tell you about H-60's, how their drive trains work, how their engines literally run on air, and why the Honeywell APU is garbage compared to the Pratt-Whitney.
@mhskingtanner6310 3 года назад
I had a professor in college who said "I don't care what your reason is, you have no excuse not to be in class." People asked what if scenarios like "what if I'm sick, what if I have a funeral to go to." To which she said "Not my problem." I dropped that class after 1 day.
@juwatt638 3 года назад
Thats horrible, what class was it?
@squirrel670 3 года назад
Hell no.
@mhskingtanner6310 3 года назад
@@juwatt638 I don't remember the exact class, but it was a geography class.
@Blazdragon34 3 года назад
Ask them “What if I died that day?”
@amphigorian 3 года назад
Ok, rslash, yeah a lot of toxic teachers have vast egos, but you’re kind of mistaken about the “students are customers” and “students pay your salary.” For most universities, that’s a gross over simplification that leads to a lot (god, just so much) institutional disorder. This teacher was obviously a head case, but no student who tries to play the customer card is going to get very far in whatever they’re after - the leverage just isn’t there. It’s a bit like a taxpayer yelling that they pay a politician’s or a policeman’s salary. Sort of, but mostly not, and almost always not enough to exert personal force.
@herrerasauro7429 3 года назад
Also, this idea of "I pay our salary, so shut up" feeds into kids minds and make teaching more undervalued. Treating knowledge and teaching as just another "good" is only going to make things worse.
@cryptfire3158 3 года назад
Yeah, i agree amphigorian. We already have enough sassy or entitled young adults. Respect for authority is very important in life. Abuse of authority can happen, but yet we need to respect what their office represents.
@bastbat 3 года назад
In my country, the government pays for teachers's salaries, so that logic doesn't apply here, fortunately
@Glitche0275 3 года назад
"I pay your salary, so shut up" sounds like something a Karen would say.
@the_furf_of_july4652 2 года назад
I feel like I’ve paid more for my education than the amount of education I actually got. I only sometimes blame the teacher for it though, I mostly blame the system
@bluestreaker9242 3 года назад
What I think is funniest is the dude in the first story's like "I don't want a WOMAN working on my car." So, he's so insecure he just absolutely CANNOT have a female servicing his vehicle, yet he's JUUUUST insecure enough that he'll let someone ELSE work on his car? Riiiiight...goooot it... Makes TOTAL sense... >.>
@EmmaGoldmanlovesyou 3 года назад
I LOVE the look on misogynistic fools faces when they ask for the manager, and find out that I, a woman, owns the whole f***ing auto shop.
@iank472 3 года назад
It's the little things in life right?😄
@reidmcdonald921 2 года назад
I'm a mechanic and a woman and I love watching men ask if I'm the secretary then are MALE secretary tells them I'm a mechanic
@the3nder1 2 года назад
Honestly I tend to trust female mechanics more because they have to work harder and "prove" that they have the same knowledge as other male mechanics because of the prejudice.
@EmmaGoldmanlovesyou 2 года назад
@@reidmcdonald921 hell yeah
@thealrighty3534 2 года назад
@@EmmaGoldmanlovesyou honestly i dont care who works on it as long as it gets fixed. work stereotypes are so ass
@armaan_bhangoo 3 года назад
Petition to get Rslash to refer to his daughter as "mini slash" rather than use words like child or daughter. I think it's just a cute little thing.
@box9451 3 года назад
I'm thinkin about it
@Parrapette 3 года назад
Her street name would be lil slash
@andiiw3196 3 года назад
Baby slash
@bellasage518 3 года назад
Baby slash or mini slash definitely.
@kngky 3 года назад
@robertaylor9218 3 года назад
“If he’s not man enough to fix a car, then why is he getting upset about a woman who can?” And there’s your answer, he feels emasculated. What a fragile little man.
@delinquents00 3 года назад
Sounds like a fake story or overly exaggerated to me. In almost 30 years of being in the car industry I’ve never seen a dealership with only 1 licensed mechanic. No matter the size. And given the amount of business OP is claiming to have either this dealership is extremely cheap and inefficient and doesn’t care about turn around time or it’s all bullshit.
@itz_elioftw 3 года назад
The boss said that she was his best mechanic, which kinda implies there are other mechanics, but I assume the others had things going on and couldn’t make the shift? I could very well be wrong, but that’s just my guess
@delinquents00 3 года назад
@@itz_elioftw “the attached service garage was small and I WAS THE ONLY LICENSED MECHANIC” is literally said at the very beginning.
@ramenbomberdeluxe4958 3 года назад
@@delinquents00 So what? It’s probably a lower end place, and my issue with you skeptics isn’t that you think the story is false, it’s that you think it’s improbable. Like, sorry buddy, but sexism exists and it happens, including in these kinds of work places.
@thetea4093 3 года назад
@@delinquents00 couldve been “I was the only mechanic on sight”
@ExDragonMaster 3 года назад
Professor: "You didn't deserve this extra credit." "I didn't deserve getting shorted those 20 minutes either."
@thunderflare59 3 года назад
It's more like "how dare you point out a mistake I made that disadvantaged you". If I made that mistake, I would have offered a makeup test for students that turned their tests in early.
@pollypockets508 3 года назад
Right. She should have apologized at the very least.
@Hybrid301 3 года назад
Listening to these stories about sexists and mysogynists made me realize something. Some people just never get over the “EWW COOTIES” phase and become grown ass people out in the world. Now I can just imagine them all as six year olds running in fear because the opposite sex breathed near them and it’s hilarious. 🤣
@jennilynne1977 3 года назад
Oh wow! I never thought of it like that. I could totally see them running around going Eeew Cooties!
@BeckBeckGo 3 года назад
Or they never get over the “why does this woman have these badaas skills but I don’t?” Then they think about their small dick and how their sister used to beat them up and how they never had a date for prom etc. next thing you know, they’re being annoying in this very specific way.
@Dogspine1 3 года назад
@@BeckBeckGo body shaming...
@TheKyleman999 3 года назад
@@BeckBeckGo sounds misandrist.
@sunlightcrusader 3 года назад
As a male, if a female has a "male job", I'd stand in awe!
@makaiwise4609 3 года назад
For that story of all the store employees quitting, that manager really expected them to drive that whole way without paying them? Depending on minimum wage and the car they drive, that’s potentially over two hours pay just on gas money. That’s ridiculous if you’re not going to at least partially compensate your employees for that
@cryptfire3158 3 года назад
This type of thing only happens in a perfect storm. Which is...... a) High level company policies that are stupid. b) individual store managers that are arrogant and aren't concerned what happens, as long as they can pad their own ego. c) some means by which to keep employees in a cycle of dependency.
@budman89799 3 года назад
I had the experience of going to one of my Collage classes on the first day and finding out that the books required and purchased was not what the Teacher was using for the semester. She didn't have the new version the class was required to buy and told us that she already had the syllabus prepared using the prior version material. After leaving the class to figure out a solution, she came back and told us that we can "WING IT" and "ADDAPT" as we go. That doesn't cut it for me. I told her that I don't pay the class and book fees to find out the the Teacher wasn't properly prepared to perform her job. I told her that I was already mad at this fact and that we as a class are already out the money for the books we bought and God knows how this semester would turn out. So I said, I was withdrawing. If your Teacher isn't prepared to teach the class you elected, GET OUT!
@IXPStaticI 3 года назад
to be honest I love the "you're a guy? build me a roof, wallet" comeback. Stereotypes can go both ways
@Wendy_O._Koopa 3 года назад
For years I've been trying to force the meme *_"Get back in the garage and build me a spice rack."_* but so far, it hasn't caught on.
@readjordan2257 3 года назад
since ive done that before, i guess that means i cant settle for literally anyone. because while i build a roof, theres literally nothing they can contribute equally to me
@sersastark 3 года назад
@@readjordan2257 we still give birth, so....lol
@readjordan2257 3 года назад
@@sersastark so?
@Persholm1 3 года назад
True, and that's a fantastic comeback
@breestringham1063 3 года назад
My sibling used to get green hair from the pools, but no one else did. They loved it, since it made them get a gorgeous green colour to their hair. (We all had very blonde hair at the time)
@SevCaswell 3 года назад
Chlorine is green, so it was probably from that. Some copper compounds are also green, but copper is not something that should be in pool water.
@broke_af_games9661 3 года назад
No no no no, the the pool thing. His wife dragged him in there specifically to humiliate him. That's awesome
@shimmerine1 3 года назад
More students need to start holding schools accountable that kind of stuff. Students pay too much to be failed for petty reasons.
@TetraSky 3 года назад
I fully understand why everyone quit at once at the other store... When all your employees are leaving or you have high turnover... It's because you're a terrible boss.
@akl2k7 3 года назад
And that's the problem with these bosses, instead of looking at what they can do to improve how they're managing, they just blame their employees, even though that fact that everyone quit shows it's not them, and there's only one common denominator between all the employees.
@BlueAversion 2 года назад
I thought it was funny how they obviously had a problem at that other story, then in trying to address the symptoms of it they immediately caused the same problem to occur at another store.
@im_snoopyrs8947 3 года назад
I physically died from the "catlic" church joke. not from laughter.
@Legendary_sartorian 3 года назад
okay hows the afterlife then
@chriscarpenter3370 3 года назад
how's the service up there
@Citrus-woman 3 года назад
Are you in Heaven or Hell?
@ninirossau2304 3 года назад
@@thinkandgame3627 yes dad jokes comes with the territory.
@SRosenberg203 3 года назад
Lmao I started laughing so hard at that. I love Rslash's terrible puns
@bubbles6119 2 года назад
When I, a girl, was about 15, in secondary school. A guy in my class was arm wrestling other guys, he thought he was so cool (he was a complete jerk) wanting to wipe that smug smile off his face, I said I'd arm wrestle him (I did martial arts, and I was pretty strong) He agreed, and still with his smug smile, he said - ill even do it left handed, to help you. But what he didn't know, is I AM left handed! 😂 He wasn't smiling any more
@madhatter2695 3 года назад
That first story reminds be of when I was just starting to work on the sales floor at best buy. I was just getting my feet wet in digital cameras. And I've only been on the sales floor for a few months. An older woman came into the computers section looking for help. The only person available to help her was a girl named Cassandra. And the older woman basically said. "Women don't know anything about computers and that she wanted me to help her." I told her that when I have questions, Cassandra was one of the people I asked. And that she could help her. 6ish years later, I was experienced enough where I could sell almost anything in that store. But the final jokes on the customer. In 2018, I finally came out as a trans woman
@bluwzrdphone 3 года назад
As someone who's mother is the BEST Mechanic in my extended family on both sides, and is now literally just the exam away from being a licensed mechanic, I'm liking this video for the first story.
@ruspotter2037 3 года назад
Flower power!
@crazycreepy9408 3 года назад
Good luck for your Exam!
@CranesWing 3 года назад
Good luck and kick ass!
@Orpheustel0s 3 года назад
Having worked at the Deli in a San Ramon Grocery store for a year and a half, I can safely say that the last story hurt me on a cosmiclly relatable level, right down to the always lacking staff and constant failure at their audits.
@ThomasJM 3 года назад
When I was in college I had a math teacher who wouldn't let us use a calculator for the first half of the year. Their reasoning behind it was that on a job you wouldn't have one available to you all of the time. It didn't make any sense to me as in all of my high school math classes they encouraged students to use them. Plus I'm not really sure if that argument would fly today when most people have a phone on them that probably has a calculator on it now
@isolatedshadow6484 3 года назад
I bet they'd hate the fact that nowadays on android you can get an app that emulate those expensive calculators you use in school.
@PaveMentman 3 года назад
--- Both mental-calculation-skills alongside showing at least the basic way of doing on-paper-calculations are very useful and important skills; you'll need to write down the results at least somewhere alongside how you came to the conclusion ( though in one math-competition I participated in, there was one question I got 100% correct by "a pure chance/accident" and the judged really couldn't retort that "how-to-conclusion-reason" at all and thus gave full-points ). Not to of course to mention all the "quick-hack"-methods one can use in their daily-life ( E.G. especially discount-percentage calculations, where you first find 1/10th of the price and then just multiply the result to find the discount-amount ). It's understandable if you indeed are in a test where they measure your math-writing-abilities, though calculators would be a nice way to double-check your end-result. Generally though outright barring the access to calculators in "normal"-math-test is just ludicrous. ---
@mariposa9506 3 года назад
Your teacher was right. If you have to stop and punch in numbers on a calculator that you could have figured out in your head you are less efficient at your job.
@ThomasJM 3 года назад
@@mariposa9506 not everyone can do math in their heads though and it's not just because they only learned on a calculator.
@dinahmyte3749 3 года назад
@@mariposa9506 ...that's 100% false. I work in payroll and HR and we ENCOURAGE people to always have a calculator or cheatsheet when doing their work (timesheets). Better to check your work than double down on a wrong answer and have to redo it later...
@recklessrex 3 года назад
I worked at a pool supply store with water test services for nearly ten years and I can confirm the pool story is 100% accurate. This story is just so scarily accurate to my own experience that if Rslash hadnt given us OP's name I would be wondering if I posted it and forgot about it. I've had pretty much this exact scenario happen more than once, and the conversation OP had with the customer was pretty standard for any test that reveals a problem, not just copper. In addition to complaints about price, the phrases "Do I really need all this?" "I have a party coming up," and "I'll just take the chlorine," have crossed my ears so many times that hearing them here makes my soul cringe Also, $200 is pretty decent considering this guy would have needed pH adjuster, probably alkalinity+ (cuz if your pH is low your alkalinity probably is too), and then copper remover, (also possibly stain prevention would have also been recommended depending on the store's testing practices, plus our program would have automatically recommended a preventative algicide for all pools not already using one, but this also varies by store), and then chlorine shock on top of that, maybe even a refill on pucks too. That bill could easily have been at least $300 or more depending on store and product brand, even more if he needed pucks. Dude was getting off easy. So many people have no clue how expensive and high maintenance pools really are, until they get one, and then many of them still seem to refuse to understand the concept that *luxury costs money*
@gerrard1144 3 года назад
Guy: I don't want a WOMAN to work on MY car! OP and the advisor: sure Guy: *ends up waiting for two hours and leaves anyway* Me: *wheeze*
@LoganHunte 3 года назад
I think there was a story recently when everyone at a store quit on the same day. Rslash may be a bigger crossover than the MCU
@ZenGamer360 3 года назад
I remember the restaurant one where their tiny strands of hair were sticking out so they got fired but the boss told them they had to work for the next 2 weeks so they just quit and everyone else working followed them.
@maxtaleb8201 3 года назад
reminder for rslash, you make a lot of peoples days.
@midnight4679 3 года назад
Very true
@Glombor 3 года назад
Do a barrel roll
@MarioMartinez-cm3bf 3 года назад
Nah I’m good
@jefffoo7951 3 года назад
@@MarioMartinez-cm3bf good for you then :)
@readjordan2257 3 года назад
@jvaderin 3 года назад
I had a professor with the same policy. I came down with a bad case of the flu and forced myself to get to class. My professor saw that I was out of it and came right up to my face and said out loud "Are you high?!" She was inches from my face and I looked her dead in the eye and said "No, I have the flu." She scoffed and said "Sure". Guess who caught the flu a few days later!
@brokentubing 3 года назад
A nice way to share.
@entitledbobcat 3 года назад
At a graduation about four or five years ago, my high school principal told this beautiful story. There were three girls in the parking lot after school. They were changing out a tire on one of their cars. My principal went up to them and asked, “do you girls need any help?” They shook their heads and said “no”. They were good. With a major sigh of relief, my principal drove off. He, a full-grown adult man, did not know how to change out a tire. But these three teenaged high school girls did.
@ismae-rienne4991 3 года назад
As a Catholic, I laughed WAY too hard at the "catlolic" church 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@zootopiawilson 3 года назад
Well at least the guy acknowledged the cat had a soul. I had someone tell me to my face that my rescue dog didn't have soul. I challenged them to prove it. They no longer bring up their BS dogma when I'm around.
@ismae-rienne4991 3 года назад
@@zootopiawilson obviously that person never heard the saying "all dogs go to heaven" even some visionaries have stated that animals do go to heaven too and that they wait for their people to join them.
@erickpoorbaugh6728 3 года назад
As a sola scriptura Protestant, I’d say that the Bible itself provides no basis to be dogmatic about the issue of whether animals have an afterlife-the Bible was written for humans, after all. I’ve heard some people using a verse in Ecclesiastes to argue that animals have no afterlife, but the point of that passage is completely different and the reference to animals’ souls is ambiguously worded anyway, so trying to claim that it as proof that animals have no afterlife is a pretty big stretch. I personally believe that animals probably do have souls and an afterlife (with the possible exception of things like insects), but I wouldn’t claim any certainty on the matter.
@zootopiawilson 3 года назад
@@ismae-rienne4991 yeah, but we're talking about the kind of christian that will quote a scripture and then brag about cheating on their taxes and beating someone up.
@ismae-rienne4991 3 года назад
@@zootopiawilson yeah. Honestly, hypocrites like those give the rest of us bad names. *shudders* I do NOT want to be in their shoes when they die and go before their Judgement.
@kingtchalla5868 3 года назад
For this first story (though I’m sure her customers are being sexists) I would check mechanical work in general. mechanics male or female do make mistakes, and sometimes if you go home and find out there’s a problem they may not cover it. It just depends on the location.
@squirrel670 3 года назад
Maybe ask the location then before taking your car there so you won't have to fear about that.
@kingtchalla5868 3 года назад
@@squirrel670 People still make mistakes lol even the best mechanics
@ImRuined666 3 года назад
rSlash actually went full Karen about the teacher arguing with the student about the watch... "I pay your wages!" The only thing missing was "I want to speak to the Principal!"
@ImRuined666 3 года назад
@@MarniCollier telling someone "I pay your wages", without being their actual employer, has always struck me as pretty entitled behaviour... Just because you pay taxes, and a tiny portion of their wage comes from those taxes, doesn't really mean alot...
@ImRuined666 3 года назад
@@MarniCollier no... Not really... "I'm paying for this service" is very different to "I'm paying your wages" because "I'm paying your wages" has the implication that the person making the comment can influence those wages... It is, for all intents and purposes, a tacit threat against your job... Saying you expect a certain level of service holds no entitlement (within reason), as that is literally what your money is paying for -- in this case, a teacher to provide the best possible education... Claiming "I pay your wages" implies you feel that you have some control over the person's career, due to paying taxes, and implies you feel superior to the person...
@ImRuined666 3 года назад
@@MarniCollier yet, you keep replying and seem to want to have the final say... /shrug
@Gnubros Год назад
A-Are you taking to yourself? There's no message to reply to
@ImRuined666 Год назад
@@Gnubros the person I was responding to deleted their comments after being proven wrong, apparently...
@ficialintelligence1869 3 года назад
Sorry, r/slash. Even though some professors are unnecessarily picky, there are some _disciplines_ that *require* that shown work (or work done) is formatted in a certain way. For example: who cares where you jab the needle in someone's body, as long as you get the blood out.
@dinahmyte3749 3 года назад
But those same professions encourage collabortation and asking for help and even looking up the answers. The best worker is competent AND resourceful...
@LilMissWiccan 3 года назад
Lmaoooo me who understands the crazy cat lady: * as if I was on the phone with her* if you're worried about the soul, you could burry the corpse. The kitty will be at rest and the body can give nutrients to the earth
@CanMav 3 года назад
"I'm paying you..." R/slash has confirmed that he's a Karen!!
@bluestreaker9242 3 года назад
Hey, to be fair, college is the ONE place you can AFFORD to be a Karen...'cause it's not like you'll be able to afford anything else there, anyway. *crying while laughing*
@Monasaurus_Rex 3 года назад
@@bluestreaker9242 that’s why you don’t go to college, so you can be broke WITHOUT a college degree
@Persholm1 3 года назад
That's not a Karen... a Karen would be "I'm paying you, so I own you"
@CanMav 3 года назад
@@Persholm1 that was the implication made during his karen rant
@Persholm1 3 года назад
@@CanMav Haha, sorry, my type of humor isn't your taste. Sorry. I like to disect a funny joke for my own pleasure, and make the implication clear. I'm an asshole like that, sorry.
@mr.scarlo2234 3 года назад
I hope that everyone is having a good Saturday!
@dabdillon6318 3 года назад
just had poptarts!
@sazdish5916 3 года назад
You too!!! Have an amazing day :)
@Tc-sh2qw 3 года назад
I stayed up until 11:00pm so I could listen to this
@swmltrainspotting 3 года назад
Just extracted the honey from my beehives
@scanorugaming7827 3 года назад
You too
@SK98765 3 года назад
When I was in college, no one gave a shit about attendance. I even had a teacher say he didn't care if we came as long as we were present during tests and turned in papers on time. They believed it was our own fault for missing information if we decided to skip lectures. Then during my teaching credential, attendance was SERIOUS. We had to teach in the mornings and then go to school almost every evening. So I feel behind on the work once and skipped a couple classes to finish it and catch up again. Also one day it we pouring and I was running late and would no way make it safely to class, so I didn't go. I got called by the teacher asking if I was okay and to PLEASE come back next class or they'd have to consider dropping me without a doctor's note. When I returned to class, some of my classmates already thought I'd dropped. They were all asking where I was! It made me realize how intense the program was and how much they were all willing to help me get through it.
@sandynowak9176 3 года назад
As a woman who is a retired machanic I can tell tons of stories about idiots. Glad I married a machanic who consults me when he has trouble.
@hauntedshadowslegacy2826 3 года назад
Yoooo, that first story? The service manager is a total ally, and I am here for it. Women in mechanic jobs usually get so little respect, from customers and employers alike, so seeing one that turns out this well is a breath of fresh air. Major props to that service manager, and here's hoping that more men develop the same level of decency he has. Oh, by the way, Supirgey should probably look up labor laws in their area. In some places, you *have* to be compensated for work-related travel if it's above a certain amount of time per day/week or above a certain distance (if traveling isn't a core part your job, that is; taxi drivers and people who go to clients' houses don't count). More than two hours and/or more than 30 miles one way would likely qualify in most areas with such labor laws. Basically, if that OP could've gotten some corroborating statements, they could've labor-law'd the hell out of that company and made it a ProRevenge instead. Cuz we all know that manager would've been given the corporate boot for that. No way the lawyers at head office would tolerate it.
@zekromtrainer1222 3 года назад
Why is such a hassle to understand that everyone is capable to do anything they put their mind to regardless of the gender
@pusheenqueen519 3 года назад
Exactly. It's not as if guys just have an innate knowledge of cars. I know dudes who don't know the first thing about car maintenance because they just never learned. I don't know how to use make up but some men do because they learned how. I can change a tire because I learned from a RU-vid video. It's crazy how people attribute learned skills to your sex🙄
@claireelizabeth9431 2 года назад
Istg some men really believe that their c o c k s hold magic powers or something lol
@BlackCatBeauty 3 года назад
I had a teacher tell us the only excuse to not turn in an assignment was if we got hit by a car, & then she joked that even if we were seriously injured, we should just have the paramedics swing by & drop off our papers on the way to the hospital. She was shocked that no one found that hilarious.
@bunnybubson1665 3 года назад
I'm a female vinyl installer. We wrap vehicles, store fronts, billboards, boats, literally anything you can think of. The amount of entitled men who don't wanna let me wrap their "pReCiOuS cAr" cause I'm a women is hilarious but exhausting. My manager let's them know I'm one of the top installers in my state and the state I came from. If they don't want me to wrap their car because I'm a female, they can take their car and never attempt to come back again.
@shadowman7307 3 года назад
"I'm a real man's man! I only let guys touch my stuff!" "I bet you do..."
@Animatior-zx2ct 3 года назад
@ghostnebula8805 2 года назад
@natanoj16 3 года назад
While I agree with the rest of the statement there is one thing I will say to rSlash's comment around 11:20 The relationship between a Student and a teacher/professor is NOT a relation of customer paying for a service.
@darkmega24ify 3 года назад
I think rSlash's sentiment only applies to teachers who don't do their job properly
@xtremefps_ 2 года назад
It literally is when we go to college.
@sparksheart2110 3 года назад
I'm a pregnant female truck driver. I could tell you so many stories of men being horrible to me, harassing me, or trying to teach me how to do my job. Gotta love it
@bn444 3 года назад
Imagine asking someone to essentially drive so long, and essentially work just long enough to cover gas. It's essentially free labor.
@almostkatie8461 3 года назад
Okay, as a college professor, that excuse of "I pay your salary!" will only result in me rolling my eyes. That excuse is usually used by students who didn't do any work all semester and still expect to pass. That's bullshit, and no you don't. However, that doesn't mean that what the instructor did wasn't wrong. She should have given students who hurried to finish some kind of compromise.
@Jayguy1966 3 года назад
The pool story hits home for me. When I was a kid in the '70's, living in Hawaii, all of us kids (8, 6 of us blonde) would git green hair from swimming in that pool so often. Now I know its from the ph being low and causing the copper pipes to leach copper into the pool. Good to know, since I just moved into a house with a pool. :)
@maieen2665 3 года назад
"... just tell her to go to the CAT-lic church!" Get out. I wish I had the guts to confront a teacher/professor like that; props to you.
@rainHellsing 3 года назад
At my job we’re understaffed and without an actual manager so we have people that come in, some of them live an hour away but we close early for them so they can get home at somewhat of a reasonable hour
@Nekulturny 3 года назад
16:41 I would have responded to that manager "What part of I had approval to close early from someone who OUTRANKS YOU, are you not intelligent enough to understand?". I absolutely would not slice that meat, and I say that as someone who also worked in an absolutely miserable deli and had to work the last 4 hours alone, trying to serve customers AND wash dishes from the bakery leftover from the morning, AND clean the rotisserie oven, AND all the slicers AND RESTOCK all for 7.25 an hour, and it was for the same reason the OP was in that situation, they wouldn't hire anyone full time except the manager who hired after she managed one of the worst McDonalds in the town (I wonder how she left that job?). She would put raw bread out for customers to buy because she couldn't bake and was deathly terrified of the slicers so she would never cut meat or cheese for customers.. That manager also was a spiteful woman in her 60s, she knew I liked to bake bread in the morning, she would schedule me on purpose so she could make me "suffer" by watching her already gotten started on the bread for the day. And she had the audacity to tell me I need to learn to bake bread "The Food Lion way, not Harold's way". This woman who consistently underbaked the bread mind you had the audacity to lecture me because I did things slightly differently than some crusty SOP manual she found in a drawer once long forgotten (and it was something silly and arbitrary that I barely remember, I think it was that I sprayed them with Quickshine- which is basically eggwash in a spray can either before or after scoring the Italian loaves with the bread lame) . I had customers who would come in in the morning and specifically ask me for bread I made, and would walk away without any if I told them I didn't bake that morning. Thanks. BTW, I blew up on her once and asked her if she baked for her grandkids at home (she always talked about her grandkids). She said "yes, all the time". I said, "do you serve them trash like this?" As I held up an italian loaf that was still doughy in the center. I said other things too, I was actually amazed she just sat there and took it and didn't write me up, or have the store manager fire me, I ALMOST felt bad for her because she looked like she was about to cry. I didn't care, it was during the recession of 2008, I took that job, it paid 1/3rd what I had been making, but I needed to eat. It was one of 50 other minimum wage part time jobs I could find.
@drabber529 3 года назад
Happy birthday to whoever’s birthday it is!!
@rojika2587 3 года назад
I had a professor like this last semester. For reference I am in my 30's and have necrophobia, and biology is a required class to get the degree I am seeking (which while a social worker may find it helpful, I hardly am finding it required for my studies). She didn't believe me when I said I can't be around dead tissue or bones or I begin to absolutely freak; and told me to just get over it when I asked if there was any alternative way to doing the material since there were no alternatives to the class for my degree. If I didn't do the work, obviously I wouldn't be able to succeed in life as an adult...never mind I was again in my 30's and paying my own way through college without assistance that semester. But this being something I was never diagnosed with but everyone who knows me around Halloween knows about me, there wasn't much I could do. So cut to a few weeks later with me throwing up in the garbage can from trying to handle bones and then having a full anxiety meltdown I had to go to the hospital over when we started dissection. They found an alternative way for me to get the material shortly after that.
@namelessminionveinreaver3763 3 года назад
So I'm pretty conservative, and I don't even get the "Must have a man fixing my car" thing. Men are generally taller and physically stronger than women, but mechanics use tools and lifts. I'd think women would have an advantage, actually. Smaller hands means they can fit them in tighter spaces. The awesome thing about being human is our ability to develop and use tools. We've evolved way past sexism benefitting us as a species.
@brokentubing 3 года назад
Conservative or not as long as it gets fixed.
@ghostnebula8805 2 года назад
You also want your surgeon to have small hands.
@Devilsblight86 3 года назад
Teachers like that are the absolute worst. She didn't even apologize for her own screw-up! Instead she forced them to do that bs extra credit instead of letting them retake the test and gets mad at OP for basically doing what she asked in the first place and passing the final? What a horrid teacher!
@LilSenwolf 3 года назад
The reason the guy was having someone else fix his car was because of a recall which are free when you take the car to a dealer. Still a shitty dude but as someone who knows how to work on cars if mine had a recall I'd take it in too.
@aaronabbey2604 3 года назад
Also most recalls nowadays that don't make the news are for software updates/upgrades. So your average hobbyists mechanic won't have access to the needed tools anyways.
@jinx18e 3 года назад
I had a psychology professor who didn't actually teach what we were tested on and only talked about her case studies. We had to rely entirely on the website to know anything about the test that were not scheduled just randomly popped up through the week in a 3 hour span. Not showing up to her nonsense "lessons" resulted in us failing.
@nitralz 3 года назад
Hope everyone’s having a nice Saturday!
@permanentfacelessness 3 года назад
I sure as hell am!
@cvsofficial6358 3 года назад
Hell to the yeah
@gabe9936 3 года назад
Ty mate you too
@nitralz 3 года назад
@@gabe9936 ty
@cvsofficial6358 3 года назад
I love people who comments these type of things
@mellifious399 3 года назад
I had a somewhat strict Photography teacher in highschool. He expects the best from his students, but also finds ways to help his students improve to the point that the best they can do is super simple for the students to do. That man taught me Photoshop and now whenever I see a not so obvious Photoshop that is absolutely filled with issues. IE: The door banner of a little dog holding it's paw out at the Banfield section of PetSmart. You can see some sharp cuts on the bandage along with dog fur poking out all around the bandage. Drives me absolutely nuts because it needs a very simple fix. Damn I miss that teacher.
@wonderqueerTT 3 года назад
probably cost pool wife a lot more than 250 for colour correcting her hair, that shit is EXPENSIVE
@Fairiegurl101 6 месяцев назад
Your story about a professor's no-absences policy reminded me of my own -- I took a creative writing class for some general credits in college. The professor was a known hard-ass, but I appreciated it. I was always the studious type and liked teachers who kept their classes orderly and having that kind of reputation meant that the class would only have students who actually wanted to be there -- win/win. He was completely up front about his policy. It wasn't that you couldn't miss classes, but that if you missed too many, you simply wouldn't have the knowledge for the final to pass. He estimated that a student could miss one or two classes in a 12 week semester (2 classes a week) and still pass with a high A. Every missed class after that would drop their final grade by a whole letter. I wasn't too worried about this policy because I was not the type to skip classes for any reason and I loved creative writing. I was taking high school and college classes simultaneously, and being my senior year of high school, I was also doing college prep and applications and all kinds of other stuff at the same time. Along with other factors, I ended up very stressed and came down with a sinus infection that festered, leaving me bedridden and unable to attend any classes for 6 weeks. Half the class. I was devastated. I loved that class, that professor, and beyond just not wanting to fail, I wouldn't graduate if I didn't at least pass this class with a D. Like I said, it was a creative writing class, so the final wasn't a written exam, but the final, polished copy of the story we were supposed to write throughout the class. Obviously, I only had the most basic elements of a story (characters, plot, and outline) but no actual writing to turn in. I was lucky because writing was my hobby, so I had another story that I could polish up and present. On the last day before grades were finalized, and the first day I wasn't sick as a dog, I printed out 200+ pages of a fan fiction I'd been writing for the last 3 years. It wasn't anything amazing, but I hoped that the fact that I had some creative writing would show my professor I'd gotten something from his class and he'd have mercy on me. I get to his office and the door is closed. He's meeting with another student. I can hear her scream/crying on the other side of the door about how she'll fail if she doesn't get at least a B in his class. I can't hear his response because he keeps his voice level and it's muffled by the heavy door. After a few more minutes back and forth, the other student storms out of his office in tears and runs off. I'm gripping the binder with my writing, feeling sick. I briefly consider leaving and just accepting my fate when the professor notices me and calls me inside. I immediately start apologizing for missing class, etc. but he stops me and says "[Statistics Professor] already told me. You were sick, but I can't give you anything higher than a D because you missed so much class." I agree, but I manage to say, "It's not the assignment you gave, but I do have this." And I hand over my binder. He takes a look at it, raises an eyebrow, and starts flipping through. He makes some comments on the prose and the writing style before asking, "So how long is this?" "About 200 pages." "It's single spaced. MLA requires papers turned in to be double spaced. That means this is closer to 350 pages." He looks up at me for the first time since taking my binder and I think I see a hint of a smile, "That's quite impressive. Since you clearly care about more than just your grade, and you brought this to me yourself, I think I can manage to bring your grade up to a B." I've never been so happy to be an over-thinker in my life -- before or since. And I think it's a valuable lesson to share that there are teachers make rules not because they are hard assed or just throwing power around. That they can just be there to weed out the students who don't care. Even if you think you fall short of your professor's expectations, you shouldn't give up on yourself if you really, truly care.
@KingKaiserSW 3 года назад
College professors are so entitled, theyre right there with entitled parents.
@Jazzisa311 2 года назад
Lol at least the first one admits he's a sexist XD. I used to work as a female gaffer (lighting technician for films), and I remember when I was assisting, even when I was the most experienced, I'd still always get the easiest tasks. I just had to become a bit obnoxious. Like, when the gaffer said: ok, we need someone to put the lighting on x, I'd interrupt with 'I'LL DO THAT!' before he had a chance to assign tasks. It worked pretty well. Luckily, as a gaffer, I didn't encounter that much sexism at all. Now I work as an electrical engineer. People have been pretty great about it, though I've had reactions at parties when I'd tell someone what I did, and they replied: 'ISN'T THAT FOR BOYS?'. I asked him to explain to me exactly, preferably in detail, which part of designing a power station actually requires a penis.
@herrerasauro7429 3 года назад
This idea about the teacher "I'm paying your salary, so shut up I do what I want" is absolutely idiotic. Sure, the teacher micromanaging your notes and all is awful, but going the total opposite way is also awful and saying that is exactly why teaching is so undervalued today.
@truefantasypublicationsllc6373 3 года назад
The last story hits close to home. I worked for two large retail chains. The first one was, Lets call it Ball farts. During a remodel I was Moving 1ton pallets of meat out of our cooler into a refrigerated truck so they could replace the coolers. The managers left the door open to the truck and wouldn't let us close the door so naturally Ice formed on the ramp into the truck. I asked them to unlock the salt bin so I could salt the ramp and the manager told me "Salt is expensive and that would put us over budget." Literally one cup of rock salt for the entire trailer. As I was pulling in the 4th pallet, I slipped and landed hard on my tailbone rocking a 53' refrigerated trailer and was dragged back out of the truck by the pallet. I had to crawl to the managers office, where they told me to "Go home and sleep it off," Wouldn't let me fill out an incident report until I came back. When I cam back they told me I should have filed an incident report that night and that they were going to investigate me for fraud. I went to their doctors who told me 4 different things, turns out I had 5 collapsed discs in my spine from the fall and being dragged. I was told either I come to work or I was fired. So I went to a pain management clinic and was heavily medicated but I still went to work. About 2 months later I was fired because the medication had knocked me out in the lunch room for "Stealing company time." I then started looking for other jobs because Ball Farts stopped covering my injury. Every time I applied, I didn't even get an interview elsewhere. I finally called the store under the guise of an employer and Lo and behold, they were lying saying that I was prone to anger, and that I had quit because I just couldn't handle the job. Screw up number 1. They divulged information that was false. Screw up number 2, a company in Pennsylvania is only allowed to say if they'd hire you back and confirm you worked there. I called a lawyer and lets just say after one phone call from him, I am now rehirable by Ball Farts and my "Quitting" Is now a Constructive dismissal due to a hostile work environment with the result of a complete manager Overhaul. The second Retail chain I will call Croger. It could be a nice company, if we weren't located in the middle of the Ohio valley. I gave them 5 years of my life that I will never get back. The store manager was an alcoholic, homophobic and transphobic witch. The Union cow towed to her because "She helped write the contract 10 years ago." Any time that someone LGBT put in for a promotion and corporate said they should have it, or the union said they should have it. She would make their lives a living hell until they stepped down. Personally, I was happy in the position that I was in. I was a fuel clerk towards the end. She decided one day that with out asking me, she was going to move me to the front end. The position that I hated most and the last time I was on front end I was a supervisor. I Stepped down after I turned a kid in for hiding in the bath room for 2 hours and I'm the one that got chewed out for "Not doing my job." He wasn't even written up or talked to. When I found out she was moving me, I was told "If you don't like it, you know where the door is." That day I applied for a Work from home job making double what I made even as a supervisor. I was hired the next day. When I put in my two weeks notice it read as follows: Thank you for 5 years of experience. While I'd like to say that I enjoyed the experience, I cannot. What I will say is that I have definitely grown as a person while employed here. When I first came to the company I was a shy and anxiety ridden man with no self confidence. Thanks to the years of a difficult management style, I have grown a back bone and developed a professional attitude that is well suited in a different industry. Seeing a Transwoman being told that she can not use the bathroom at the front of the store, watching my husband being mentally tortured and threatened on a daily basis while he served as the Bakery Deptartment head, and even hearing the management team call another associate with disabilities as "A faker that is just trying to get out of work," when that associate is Legally blind, or watching an autistic associate being berated when they make a mistake, and myself being called a bully when I stand up for myself and place a tape recorder in every meeting I've had with management in open view so everyone knows they are being recorded. I am leaving this company with a new sense of conviction, that I haven't felt in a long time. It is my hope that where I have grown to become a better and stronger person, I have done the same for others. I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this, but I will not. Effective March 21st, 2021 I will no longer be needing employment with Croger. My 3 day training pay check was more than my full weeks pay check at Croger. Thank you Company that is named after an African Ungulate for saving me from that place!
@o1iv395 3 года назад
Fun fact: yesterday I intentionally dyed the tips of my hair green- I have blond hair and it looked pretty cool
@TameroftheDragon97 2 года назад
I had a professor in college that taught my drawing class. I use an anime style of drawing, always have since I started to actually draw. She didn't like my style, so she started giving me lower grades (not flunking, but certainly not a great as some of the people that were her "star students" that only loosely followed the guidelines). After she realized that I wasn't going to change my style but simply try to improve upon it, she started actually giving me good advice. ("If you ink this, it would make colors pop out more", "If you try shading this way, it'll help it look more realistic while still keeping your style", etc...) It's amazing how after they get over themselves how smoothly things can go! lol
@hiroshi7025 3 года назад
11:30 Did this guy just full a "I pay taxes that pay your salary" Karen argument?
@nat6098 3 года назад
There were profs at my uni who required a dr's note for any absence but since it was a university town the drs in the city just stopped giving out notes unless you were sick for more than 5 days. They also didn't write notes for employers unless it was more than 5 days. It made the uni and all the local businesses change their policies. It was glorious.
@JoB1019 3 года назад
One of the problems with granting tenure to professors: the God complex.
@Shylockbitch 3 года назад
That deli story hit me, worked in one for 3 years, never again. The deli was expected to be open until 9, we were only paid until 9. So when someone came at 858 for sliced meat, I wouldn't have time to properly re-sanitize it. But management was ok with that, it was disgusting.
@MyDogIsYoshi 3 года назад
I'm a girl who works on cars, too. We have a window where people can look at the bay floor. Guess who gets watched?
@brokentubing 3 года назад
@JespoGamingWorld 3 года назад
My former college’s attendance policy gives you 3 absences without consequence, the 4 knocks you a letter grade, and the 5th kicks you from the course. They added no excused absences to the policy my senior year and made all teachers enforce it. Even a legal doctors note that proved that I legally and medically could not attend would not be accepted. I could be on my way to class and get hit by a car and sent to the hospital, but I still wouldn’t be excused. I heard a story from a teacher that a girl came into class one day with her knee cut open and bleeding with scrapes all over the place. The girl apparently tripped and hurt herself on the way to class. My teacher in shock asked why they came to class instead of going to the ER. They replied: “cause we didn’t wanna be marked absent”. My teacher, now frustrated that the stress of this policy had put this girl’s health at risk, sent her to go to the ER and marked her present. Things got worse when Covid hit. The college sent out an email saying that students who are returning from out of country for spring break have a *mandatory* 2 week quarantine. That’s not unreasonable right? Yeah, it really isn’t, at least until the school says they won’t excuse the absences, even though it’s a forced quarantine. Those two absences could’ve been used to catch up on finals or already used to catch up on midterms!! The worst part is that at the time right before spring break, Covid was a well known threat spreading throughout the world. My school had every opportunity to make this announcement BEFORE spring break, but they wait until two days before. If they made this announcement beforehand, I’m sure the students who were afraid of risking this would’ve stayed. It just made the year so much more stressful then it needed to be
@dorvaga14 3 года назад
The "Cat"holic church pun made me mad that I laughed so hard at
@KH2Riku1 Год назад
The first story amuses me so much. I am a woman that works as a service advisor at a dealership. While I do not actually work on the vehicles, I have to have a decent knowledge of how they work to be able to translate between the tech and the customer what an issue is ans how to resolve it. I also have to know what is or is not covered by warranty. Its always amusing when after explaining exactly what is going on to a customer(9 times out of 10, a man), they insist on speaking to the manager or one of the other male advisors who either repeat the same exact thing I just told them, or refer them back to me because I know more about it than they do.
@laura-lynndeline6966 3 года назад
Hey Rslash, if you're ever having a hard time getting your daughter to fall asleep play her one of your videos it works for my son. ( saying this is all the Gratitude I can)
@StoryTimeWithKarenandKevin 3 года назад
Absolutely! I sleep to rslash and r/mr Reddit
@H2OFlymamaluigi 3 года назад
I had a professor in college that taught Comparative literature, filler class I needed to graduate. I will admit this class didn’t get my full attention, I found ways around it, but the books were all dystopian literature and dry as hell. I gathered enough information to be dangerous in that class but the professor never really liked me because he knew I didn’t care about this class and half-assed most of the papers and in class participation. The final comes and I’m supposed to compare 2 of the books and can use outside sources of literature/story telling (movies, poems, plays, etc.) so that’s exactly what I did. My professor looked at me with an evil smirk thinking I would absolutely bomb this presentation. And had he not allowed me to compare it to outside novels I would’ve. I took two of the least dry books that we had to read and compared them to V is for Vendetta, Hunger Games and Robin Hood. During this comparison I stated how little of an impact his books had on me, lack of character development, tacky & stereotypical scenarios/settings, no real sense of fulfillment, the list went on and on. My classmates jaws were agape in disbelief as I picked his stories apart piece by piece showing him that just because I was quiet and didn’t participate as much, that didn’t mean I didn’t learn anything. The professor started to sink in his chair as he realized that he caused this situation. After I was done I looked as him directly and said, “That’s all I have to say about your books” little bit of a dick move I’ll admit, but god damn did it feel good to put him in his place.
@icycoatl3185 3 года назад
Literature chosen for English classes always seems to lean toward the depressing for me. But all post-apoc?
@H2OFlymamaluigi 3 года назад
@@icycoatl3185 all post-apoc. Either epidemic, or nuclear warfare
@icycoatl3185 3 года назад
@@H2OFlymamaluigi That's taking it pretty darn far! XD
@spongebobsspatula320 3 года назад
Hi everyone have an amzing day you too Rslash.
@brokentubing 3 года назад
Enjoy yours as well
@damonsnow11 3 года назад
I’ve never had much luck with college professors myself. Worst I had was a math teacher who insisted everyone always show their work , basically treating all of us like kids despite a couple in the class being older than he was. To make matters worse, he insisted we show how to solve things using his preferred method, which wasn’t the standard way and had two extra steps that that the standard didn’t. Despite me telling and showing him that the standard way both worked and was more efficient, he still would count off anytime I didn’t use his way to show my work.
@drewgilmore9978 3 года назад
Best part of my morning to go with my coffee and early shift. Thank you for all you do, RSlash!!
@ViraIshnia 3 года назад
That last one reminds me of an experience I had working in a grocery store bakery as an assistant department manager. The closer for the night couldn't make it in and no one else but the kid who had been there less than a week and had never closed before was the only one who could. I couldn't because I had booked the day off for something important and refused to come in. Both the store manager and merchandising manager were asked to go help this kid out (they were both going to be in the store late that day anyways and the department manager refused to go in as well) and neither did. I walked in the next morning to an absolute shit show! The poor kid had done his best but it was still a mess. To make matters worse, I was the ONLY person working in the bakery that morning (you need a minimum of two). So obviously when the store manager strolled in at 10am and saw that the cake display was empty I got yelled at. When my manager came in, I got yelled at again. I quit shortly after. You can not pay me enough to go back to that mess.
@AtomBacon 3 года назад
My sister is a mechanic so I hear stories like that first one from time to time.
@Cynsome1 3 года назад
I so remember men treating me like that when I ran an auto repair shop I OWNED. My favorite was when some salesman called me from overseas somewhere and asked to speak to the boss. I said I am the boss so he said I want to talk to a man. I said something “not nice” while hanging up. He heard me and called me back and said “not nice” back. 🤣
@Frost_Daddy 3 года назад
Reminder for rSlash: you are awesome and did a wonderful job as always
@teefa85 3 года назад
I was taking a creative writing Graduate level class. The professor got mad because I wanted to write Fantasy and he "doesn't know how to grade Fantasy!" Yet...he was ok with the boy writing Sci-Fi. Unfortunately, he's the big reason I never finished Grad School, because to get my Master's in Writing I needed to take two Creative Writing classes and he was the ONLY Graduate level Creative Writing professor at the college so I would have had to sit through his BS for another semester! A sad difference from my non-Graduate level Creative Writing courses, where I was able to submit freaking Fanfiction to one of them!
@xBluegamerx 3 года назад
My dad had an experience like that, when he went back to college in his late 40's a professor was being a dick and he straight up told the professor that he's paying thousands of dollars to be here, he's the customer so do your damn job.
@bboops23 2 года назад
4:30 so fun fact, when my mom was in high school her school required girls to take home economics and boys to take auto shop. Except my mom already knew how to sew and do all the home ec stuff. She wanted to take Auto Shop. The school accused her of wanting to take Auto Shop to spend time with boys. Well, my grandma heard this and marched down to the school to raise hell. You see, grandma only had an 8th grade education because she had to drop out during the depression to make money for one of her younger sisters. That younger sister was college educated and lived with grandma until she died. Grandma didn't marry until she was in her 30's, which was bizarre for the time. But furthermore, grandma drove, while her husband did not. Grandma and her sister also both had jobs. Though as a married woman grandma usually did small work from home jobs such as stuffing mailers and even sewing. So much of what home economics included was stuff my mom had been helping grandma so as little side jobs since the day she figured out how. They weren't poor, but they weren't wealthy by any means even with 3 adults contributing to the household. So when my mom was told she needed home ec she refused. She wanted to learn something that no one in the house knew how to do. Her father couldn't even drive, so I doubt he could fix a car, her older sister was a teen mom, so the household had grown by two by the time my mom even hit high school and money was tight for Auto repairs. So grandma, a fierce Italian American woman who had raised her sister, loved her daughter even when she got pregnant out of wedlock, and got married at an age where most people thought she'd be past her prime walked I to the school and demanded her daughter be allowed to take Auto Shop. When the school explained why my mom needed all the other skills she explained how my mom already had them. So, the school relented, a little. They said they'd allow my mom to take Auto Shop, but only if they could find enough girls who all wanted to take Auto Shop. The school figured there was no way but sent out a flyer about it that I believe my grandma wrote up. The next school year, the US's first known All Girl's Auto Shop class took place, at least according to the newspaper. I wouldn't be surprised if there were others before it, but as far as we know, it was the first and it all happened because my grandmother with an 8th grade education wouldn't let the school administrators tell her that her daughter couldn't.
@kingtchalla5868 3 года назад
Story two it is “required” to cover tattoos while practicing nursing especially if state comes in
@mariongries4119 3 года назад
Depends on the state, and I think in some states nursing homes are a bit different from hospitals. A lot of the nurses and aids at my mom's nursing home have very large visible tattoos
@kingtchalla5868 3 года назад
@@mariongries4119 yes this is true also every situation is different
@kellyrayburn4093 3 года назад
That 1st story reminds me of the time I was in a dealership having some work done. The CSA was a woman but the customer ahead of me was having none of it. "You're a woman. Women don't know about fixing or servicing cars". I met her eyes and rolled mine. She was more diplomatic than I was. "Sir, I'm the chief service advisor. I have more certifications in automobile servicing and repair than a lot of computer technicians do in their field. What can I do for you?" "You can get me a man. I don't want to hear your lies." "Sir, I'm the only service advisor here and 4 of the 5 technicians we currently have on staff are women. So I'll ask you again, what can I do for you?" "Are you deaf, lady? Get me a man." "I've already told you we currently have no men who are service advisors. If that's not good enough for you, then you are free to use the door you came in through." He huffed and said, "I'm not leaving until I speak to a man." "Then you have a real problem sir, as if you continue to stand there arguing, I'll just summon the police to have them to remove you." She picked up the phone. "Shall I call them?" He stormed out saying they had lost his business. I didn't see much of a loss. They're still in business 15 years later.
@poison_raine5219 3 года назад
Good job as always, rSlash!
@clarky23 3 года назад
I had signed up for a literary class in college. This professor was notorious for shutting and LOCKING the door precisely when class started. It was the first time I'd been on this part of campus and got lost. I was running down the hall when I saw him shutting the door and I heard the "CLICK" of the lock as I reached for the door handle. Yep, locked. I started beating on the door. One minute, two minutes, FIVE minutes. The professor finally cracked open the door and said, "You were late, no admittance." he tried to shut the door and I wedged myself in. I said "this is MY class. I paid for this class and I was literally 3 seconds late. This class cost me over $900. We meet 26 times in a semester. That adds up to just over $35 a class. so either reimburse me for my lost class or let me in." The teacher then reached into his pocket, pulled out two $20 bills, shoved them in my chest forcing me out of the doorway. he then said "keep the change", slammed the door shut and locked it. I picked up the money, went to the registrar's office and unenrolled from his class...F that, I'll take literary next semester with someone else LOL
@satoru6930 3 года назад
The beginning had me dead💀
@butterandmilkk7809 3 года назад
wdym the video just posted
@satoru6930 3 года назад
@@butterandmilkk7809 the beginning had me dead 😂
@essa2956 3 года назад
I worked as a nurse in a dementia home. I was about 19 years old and had a septum piercing. One of our residents hated it and called me a “bull” when he saw it. Before I entered his room I just tucked it into my nose. Since he had dementia he just found me sweet and charming. If I ever forgot to tuck it in he was really awful to me. That’s totally fine, though. I was working in his home and dementia can make your feelings stronger so he didn’t have a filter any more. I loved that place and all our residents, even with the off comment about my body modification.
@arihicks6760 3 года назад
Thank you so much for posting amazing content every morning!
@myrtle40210 3 года назад
I had a professor in my Business Law class that let everything everybody else was doing slide. People were sleeping, fixing their hair, and talking to each other. I sat with my friends, a set of twins, one of the twins got something in her eye. I looked at her get it out. He called me out and when I told him about himself he made me met him in his office. He told me he didn't appreciate me embarrassing him in class. He changed my seat to the front of the classroom and then called on me every time someone asked a dumb question and I rolled my eyes. No, Susan you can't shoot people for walking across your lawn. No, Karen you can't empty the clip into someone's body during a burglary if you have stopped the threat. The difference between self defense and murder is angles. The rest of that class we couldn't stand each other.
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