
r/Maliciouscompliance Thieving Bully Messes with the Wrong Guy 

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@nils920 5 месяцев назад
Story 2: After so many countless stories of super toxic families, cheating/backstabbing/lying spouses, crazy entitled Karens, moochers/choosingbeggars and managers/bosses with ego problems it’s so refreshing to hear rSlash cover wholesome stories!
@jennastephens1224 5 месяцев назад
Ikr, when OP wrote that he lived in a community with lots of rich people's vacation homes, I admit I assumed they would stiff him because "It wasn't in writing" and was pleasantly surprised.
@StealthTheFoxz 5 месяцев назад
@@jennastephens1224 They did, to be fair. Just not the way we were expecting.
@ohnosmoarlulcatz 5 месяцев назад
Story 1: The overall behavior of the gangs depends on how "stable" your neighborhood is. A stable neighborhood's gang is more about the people supporting each other and less about turf/territory and thus get into less fights. It's these 15 year old wannabe gangsters that have seen too many TV shows that often try to make a name for themselves or show off. This is how you end up with idiots broadcasting their misadventures on social media thinking it's going to get them a better reputation. Stability eventually ends up with a situation where they don't have to do as much because they don't have to and it's better for everyone all around. There are three relatively minor gangs in my area. One does street racing at a long stretch of road that only has one red signal light. These guys are the most troublesome because they sometimes crash their cars/motorcycles and just leave it there. They do help the people who have to walk that one stretch of road by giving them rides. The second is a group that hangs out around a trailer park. These guys are the most beloved because they help a lot of new immigrants and homeless find work in local construction and restaurants. They even set up a designated location (near two empty lots) and kind of told the local construction that's where they need to go to find people. They occasionally have enough money to buy some meals for the homeless too, but that's gotten harder since the McDs price hike. But in general, they're willing to buy the homeless breakfast if they wait outside the McDs (the manager hates it when they walk in and sit without someone buying something first). The last is a group of d*cks on the opposite side of town who also street race, but occasionally crashes their cars and bikes and just leaves it there. Everyone hates those people since they don't do much to help the locals and so people report them to the police whenever they do anything.
@Lilbunnifoofoo 5 месяцев назад
About 20 years ago, one of the women I went to college with ended up living in a rougher area of the city near the college since it was the closest and cheapest option. She didn't drive or have a car so being able to walk to school and work was necessary. When she found out that the next door neighbor was higher ranked in the gang, she decided that she would just channel her inner Mr. Rogers. She made bunches of cookies and tinned them up, then went to each of the little houses immediately around the duplex she was renting but decided to save him for last since. It made sense since she would just loop around from right to left and end up back at her place. It also meant that he and his people could see what she was doing. He and his guys were always super respectful of her and she has maintained that the safest she ever felt was living next to him. He was very big on "don't start shit where I live or with my neighbors." More than once, he or one of his guys chased off a creeper that was following her home and not taking no for an answer. They helped her bring in groceries and shovel her walk. Hell, one time they called the police to do a wellness check when they noticed that her door was wide open and no one was answering when they called. She was so sad when she ended up having to move away from that street. She loved it and was super fond of her neighbor and his guys. She always said that if she had the choice between living on frat row or with the gang members, she would always take the gang members. Hell, she still teases her now husband when he forgets things by saying stuff like, "X wouldn't have forgotten the milk." This isn't to say that all gangs and gang members are like that, but they are still people. Connections can be made.
@vanguardangel6912 5 месяцев назад
Huh, today I learned something! Thank you so much for sharing!
@audreym3908 5 месяцев назад
I like the second gang since they're actually doing something for the community than the government. the first is ok I guess.
@audreym3908 5 месяцев назад
​@@Lilbunnifoofoothat's so wholesome!
@SoldierSpiderx 5 месяцев назад
agreed back in the 90s, gang never really mess with civilian, and would even protect civilian in their neighborhood from other gang who try cost problem but gang these days attack civilian and don't give a fuck and are disrespectful like the gang 1 and 3 are, and gang like the second one are super rare these days
@silverflight01 5 месяцев назад
Boomer Got Me: This is wholesome MaliciousCompliance. Refuse double pay, get a vacation to Rome instead. I see this as an absolute win
@TrickOrRetreat 5 месяцев назад
A deal is a deal 😋
@sakilynn 5 месяцев назад
@Fakenamehere1969 5 месяцев назад
5:54 the reason gangs are usually respectful of their neighbors is because regular people aren't apart of their world so to say, but you'll have dummys like the gang banger who just harass people, usually a ego problem where they need to prove themselves. The real ones are cool, like the neighbor. It's like a honor thing
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
@hitmonkey2984 5 месяцев назад
It looks like a don't shit where you eat thing.
@ChaoticNalilitoMC 5 месяцев назад
It is. My inlaws live in a neighborhood that has some members who are part of a notorious biker gang. (Like one of the major ones but brain is stupid and can't remember the name) and they basically run on the philosophy of, "if you leave us alone. We'll leave you alone." But yeah, some are genuinely nice people to their neighbors too
@gweegwee5820 5 месяцев назад
The reason gangs don't cause trouble in their hoods, you shouldn't s*** in the same area you eat.
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
@A_Rose_From_Concrete 5 месяцев назад
@Hybrid301 5 месяцев назад
So this big tough gangbanger stole candy from a kid? Watch out! We got a badass over here.
@danielbrant6740 5 месяцев назад
At least OP knew an OG. 🤣
@LuxVertas 5 месяцев назад
yeah he will be on a short list for a potential tribute if things go sour with the cops!
@MisterNightfish 5 месяцев назад
Are you shocked criminals aren't modern day robin hoods? Also, where do you think the games were from? Probably stolen from a different kid who didn't happen to know a badder gangster.
@gabrielmoreno7112 5 месяцев назад
Honor among thieves was lost long ago, now they don't give a single fudge about who they steal from.
@brendanboomhour7606 5 месяцев назад
​@@MisterNightfish for a "gangster" the guy's a joke, and he's not even a funny joke
@braverydoesstuff4063 5 месяцев назад
The wholesome story about the couple taking OP and his gf to Roman was super cute. “A deal’s a deal” but wholesomely!
@hiroshi7025 5 месяцев назад
5:30 In a lot of these countries, neighborhoods are considered territories. If you don't fw them, gang members will generally leave you alone. Just don't get in their way. They also don't really want inside problems too, so they will rarely bother the people living there.
@JamesDoe67 5 месяцев назад
And you can benefit from it - at the street where my job is located we had prostitutes working on the streets at night - never once a breakin (i guess the pimps wouldn't be to happy if the police would look out every night for the thiefs and scaring the men away) then our city relocated the prostitutes and we had the first breakins ever. Now we have a goverment agency a few meters down the street with security - we are safe again.
@SoldierSpiderx 5 месяцев назад
agreed these days alot gang till attack people but in the 90s they would actually protect people who not gang member but thee days, they attack civilian and some are chill those
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
@andreaseverin1346 5 месяцев назад
The territory thing checks out. Thing is you can't last long governing a territory without the support, or at least apathy, of the people. The gangs that last probably knew that pissing lots of people off is only gonna lead to them being either snitched on or replaced by another gang
@j-davis7290 5 месяцев назад
Regarding the gangs not making mess in their own neighborhood, an old school cuban guy told me some golden wisdom when I was coming up in south Florida. He said "if you shit where you eat, everything tastes like shit. Keep the shit [motioning to his tattoos] away from the kitchen [motioning to his house] and make sure your family eats well"
@wakeangel2001 5 месяцев назад
That's the first time I heard of an expensive vacation being gifted as a form of malicious compliance
@audreym3908 5 месяцев назад
I want that kind of MC
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
Lol yea
@nidodson 5 месяцев назад
Last story: Exactly why I have never respected people just for being elder. I respect people who have earned respect.
@MissingmyBabbu 3 месяца назад
I absolutely HATE the assumption that many (not all) elderly people make that anyone younger than them CANNOT be disabled or need the handicap seating. Meanwhile a lot of the elderly that USE that seating (again, not all) are perfectly capable of walking a few feet more. Like that old man in the last story. If he really needed it, how come he could walk all the way to the back to get an attendant, then all the way back up to the front to stand there for a while trying to force OP out of the seat SHE needed more?
@SteviiLove 5 месяцев назад
Can confirm most gangs/biker clubs are filled with scarily intimidating yet really kind and caring individuals. My former neighbor's dad was the leader of my local branch of the kingsmen and while they, especially he, were tall, muscular, burly men that you definitely didn't want to piss off; they were some of the realistic and kindest people I have ever met. When he passed, the world lost a good soul.
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
@danielbrant6740 5 месяцев назад
*1st Story:* At least that gangbanger acknowledged his screw-up when he saw that OP already befriended OG. This story could've ended much worse for him.
@audreym3908 5 месяцев назад
More like he got a good talking to
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
Lol yea
@chronobretz9511 5 месяцев назад
Story 1 goes to show knowing a guy for anything in life is the true value of life Story 2 every now and then it’s really nice to hear a wholesome story
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
@ajjamsen694 5 месяцев назад
My family are friends with a bunch of 1%'ers and they all (at least the ones I've met) have been such sweethearts and so respectful. When I was moving to NC, they had the sister location over there keep an eye on me and help me out whenever since I was moving there alone and my parents were stressed about it. These people may look threatening and intimidating but they are big teddy bears 😊
@MorbidKat 5 месяцев назад
I used to be a prison guard. Some punk wanna be thug put "a hit" on me for not giving him extra dessert. I don't do favors but I'm respectful, I'm working in these folks' house and then I get to leave! Rumor got around about the green light and the son of a high ranking real gangster (who was always pleasant to deal with) reversed the order by telling everyone I was off limits and wanna be was fight on sight! "Don't cause problems, won't be problems" lol
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
Lol that's pretty funny
@monkeybench 5 месяцев назад
My nana lived in an estate next door to a fairly known gang leader. My family were apprehensive to say the least when he moved in. He was always super respectful to her, would always ask if she needed shopping (she wasn't fully mobile) and never ever caused her undue stress. If anything, he was the best neighbour she ever had. To the point he was in her home some evenings having tea and just keeping her company when I was at my second job. (I was her day carer and worked part time as a line cook) He even brought her to hospital appointments if we were badly stuck. Once, my bike was stolen from her backyard. He happened to be coming out of his house, asked me what happened. About an hour later, my bike was back with new tires, a new seat and €100 in an envelope. You don't shit on your doorstep.
@dracko158 5 месяцев назад
Story 2: Wow! A wholesome malicious compliance story for once! When the dude said 21 meals, he really meant it, not more or less! Man, it'll be so great if all rich people were like this, all we get are snobbish and entitled rich AHs.
@audreym3908 5 месяцев назад
Same, also politicians
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
@audreym3908 5 месяцев назад
@@_JiminyCricket_ I thought it was the opposite. Mostly the rich talks, wealth whispers saying.
@danielbrant6740 5 месяцев назад
*2nd Story:* That's not malicious compliance. That's _wholesome_ compliance! 😁
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
@silverflight01 5 месяцев назад
Moving Seats: So…why did he want priority seat? He can walk and stand and everything, so there's no point in sitting there. It's probably the same reason Karens park in Disabled spaces, it's for convenience
@TomDarkwulf87 5 месяцев назад
As someone who's taken public transportation a lot to go to concerts, even if they don't need them, a LOT of older people think they're automatically entitled to priority seating SOLELY because of their age, regardless of other people's disabilities. I'm sadly not at all surprised by his behavior in that story
@AnymousScreams 5 месяцев назад
I equate that with the, "I'm older, so I get the front seat and not you" thing.
@etcetera1995 5 месяцев назад
Why do you think? So he could sit near the exit and have more leg room.
@SpoiledMilk.D.E.C 5 месяцев назад
That's Just Ignorant. He Could Have A Cardiac Issue Like Me, I Pass Out If I Stand And Walk For Too Long. 10 Minutes Tops For Me.
@victoriagarcia3078 5 месяцев назад
@@SpoiledMilk.D.E.C This is completely irrelevant, but I just wanted to say that I love your profile pic
@pc4189 5 месяцев назад
1st story. Back in the day me and my friends used to go to this little Italian store because it was the only place in town that had this one particular arcade game Lost Tomb. They had a lunch counter and a few tables to eat lunch at, they also sold groceries. In the back was, at the time, my fav arcade game. Back then if you wanted to play more than one game in a row you would put your quarters on the machine so other ppl would know they had to wait in line. This one day some bully is watching me play. He told me I am done after this game and to just leave the money on the machine. I had about $2 in quarters on it. I said No wait your turn. Bully just grabs me and shoves me away from the machine. I yell hey wait your turn, give me my money. Bully just laughs and tells me to f-off. Now at this point I should point out that this store was owned by a very nice older Italian business man, think Sopranos kinda guy. The owner just happened to be sitting at a table reading his paper, with a full view of the arcade game. I look around and see him. He simply puts down his paper, clears his throat rather loudly. Bully looks over his shoulder and I swear I heard him poop his pants. The owner just glares at the bully who then sheepishly walks away from the game. Before he leaves the owner puts out his hand, bully empties his pockets and the owner gave me all the cash the bully had. I spent the next few hours spending the bullies $20 on my fav game.
@AllyssaButhmann 5 месяцев назад
On the last story, it’s not surprising! I am 33, disabled and deal with those type of people ALL👏🏻 THE 👏🏻TIME👏🏻! I don’t know why, but the elderly, in America, think that disability parking(aka handicap parking) is for elderly, who earned that parking status. It’s annoying as h£ll!! Those spots are for disabled people, not old people, not pregnant women, and they aren’t for abled body people. I have had my disability placard or disability plates for over a decade, because I’m disabled. If someone confronts me, I tell them to call the police, if they think I’m breaking the law. It’s happened many times, and I’m cordial with the officers, while explaining my side of the story. The people complaining often don’t understand how a “disgusting human being” is “allowed to park in places encouraging my weight issues”. I’m overweight for the same reason my joints dislocate all the time! Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome sucks!!
@kt5229 5 месяцев назад
I get so anxious that everyone will think I use a powered wheelchair because of my weight, that I lost my leg because of Diabetes (because of my weight). I've had people yell abuse along those sentiments when I'm minding my own business walking my dog in my powered wheelchair. In reality, I was borderline underweight before needing my wheelchair, I went to the gym every day (sometimes twice a day) and had a pretty active job too, but gained weight because of immobility, medication, a thyroid condition and a hormone condition (and yes, I admit my diet isn't perfect, but I'm not scoffing KFC, chocolate and cake all day every day like some people think) and lost my leg because of Compartment Syndrome and Rhabdomyolysis, but people see what they want to see, and short of making a sign to hang around my neck telling everyone what I wrote above, I have no way of swaying their judgements, meaning I somehow have to turn a blind eye to it all. I've also experienced parents using me as a way of scaring their kids into eating healthy. Kid asks mum why I'm in a wheelchair/ where my leg went, parent tells kid I ate too much junk food, drank too much fizzy and didn't eat my fruit and veg, so I got fat, and being fat made my leg sick so the drs had to cut it off. I was about 10 feet (excuse the pun) away from them. There were also a few other people within hearing distance, so it was extra mortifying. I've also had plenty of interactions when parking my car in a disabled space. People would assume I'm not disabled (until I get out of the car in my wheelchair) and stole my placard because I'm young... apparently everyone is the picture of perfect health until they retire?! I don't leave the house much these days.
@zephyrbrightmoon6962 5 месяцев назад
This was high school in Texas, where I'm from originally, back in the late 80s. Being Texas, we had a large Mexican population. To me, they were just my classmates with a beautiful accent and lively culture. There wasn't (and isn't) a racist bone in my body despite being white and Southern, with a racist mother. In English class, some of my Mexican classmates were struggling and I was happy to help them. I whispered help during class and offered help after class and made it easier to see my paper during tests so they could copy, all while looking innocent. I wanted them to graduate along _with me_ and was happy to help however I could. One day at my locker, this Mexican girl came up to me and shoved me hard back into my locker and barked, "What did you call my brother?!" I had no classes with her but I had a _different_ class with her brother. Her brother had bullied me and I called him an asshole for it. His _sister_ was scarier than _he was!_ Before I could stammer out a reply, another Mexican girl came up and shoved the girl bully back. It was one of my classmates from English class! "Hey! You leave him _alone! He's_ the only reason I'm _passing English class!_ If he don't come to _class,_ I _don't pass,_ pendejo! Don't let me catch _any_ of you cabrons messing with him, _orale?!"_ She then gave me a grin while the sister grumbled and walked away. I was _never harassed again_ and my classmate? She passed and graduated like she should have. She wasn't a stupid girl at all; just English literature was _hard!_ I was happy to help and didn't judge _anybody_ for this. It's not like I fluently spoke Spanish, right? So who was _I_ to judge anyone? I'll never forget her kindness, and I _don't care_ the reason she gave. She looked after me and that was _enough._
@courtneycollum1865 5 месяцев назад
Most gangs in poor/rough communities were created out of necessity as they use less-than-legal means to gain the most basic of resources for themselves and their families. It is a fact that they are mostly good to their respective neighborhoods bc they don't have the law nor government on their side in any way.
@trumediamix1 3 месяца назад
Reminds me of the prologue of the Streetkid lifepath in Cyberpunk 2077. You literally got busted by the NCPD for trying to steal a car (to bail a bartender who is being scammed by a shark, basically), but they let you go instead of "tossing you into the sea like trash" like the corpo from Arasaka wanted 'em to because they were HEYWOOD cops. "He's Heywood-bred, like us."
@lordnazar6382 5 месяцев назад
Story 1 is why i sometimes like organized gangs. Sure, they're criminals and trouble makers. But they also help and protect their community better than any law enforcement would. Don't shit where you eat kind of mindset.
@GeassChicken 5 месяцев назад
There's a saying, "Don't shit where you eat". Makes perfect sense that gangs take care of where they live.
@MasteringMason 5 месяцев назад
Story 1: Why didn't you actually used the name OP used for the bully?
@CatCheshire 5 месяцев назад
1. He knows what it means and it's something bad 2. He doesn't know what it means, and he prefers not to use it if it is actually something bad
@MasteringMason 5 месяцев назад
@@CatCheshire It means "Clown" in Spanish.
@RepellentJeff 5 месяцев назад
@@CatCheshireDude, a ten second google translate would tell you it literally just means “clown” in Spanish.
@unknown20005 5 месяцев назад
also the fact that the older guy was walking while the train was moving and had no issues with that while the op could barely even stand up while the train was moving if i had been there and they insisted op to move i would rise to my 6 foot something height and just pick up op and sit them in my seat so they didn’t have to walk while the train was moving and no this wouldn’t be some romance thing i’m a girl too just tall and well built enough that i could easily carry a person
@rosieposie1760 5 месяцев назад
Last story, I have something similar. I have balance issues just like OP. I was in Europe for a vacation. I'm a fairly fat American with no obvious outside disabilities, and I didn't know the local language. I was getting on a subway and there was someone sitting (who didn't speak English I learned later) in the handicap priority access. I learned later that this city has subsidized/free cab fairs for locals with disabilities so rarely do people who need the seats use them and they are fair game for anyone. I asked, in English for the seat. The guy who was sitting just shook his head that he didn't understand. I asked to the train car of people if anyone could give me a seat or translate that I need a seat before we start moving. Everyone looked away or made a disparaging look towards me. AS SOON as the train starts moving, I fall over. Three 'gentle'men then help me up and start apologizing in English that they thought I was just a "lazy American" due to my accent. I responded that, though that is true, I also have an inner ear issue and can't stand on anything that's moving. It was amazing their attitude change once they realized I had an actual disability.
@benjiro8793 5 месяцев назад
I am sorry to hear this story happened to you, but i feel like you missed out a critical part. It seems that in your asking for the seat, you never told anybody that you have a handicap and require the seat. > they thought I was just a "lazy American" due to my accent. I think you again undersell. They did not think you are lazy because of your "accent" but because your asking for a handicap seating, while being "fairly fat American". Aka the " made a disparaging look towards me.". If you are a skinny women, you will have had the same response, because why does that skinny able-bodied American want the handicap seating. Entitled much? And we are back to the start. Communication is key here... > Three 'gentle'men That "Three 'gentle'men" quotation really drives down the point, where you seem to blame others, for not communicating yourself properly about a medical need. Proper communication was in this case the real answer, not the blame game and the quotation of the 'gentle'men. Frankly, this post comes over as a Karen post more then anything. People are not mind readers, and maybe things are different in the US but if you want to make something clear in Europe, like Germany or anywhere else, you state the medical issue and people will help. But if act like a Karen telling people "i need that seat", can somebody translate that "i need that seat", ... i mean, wtf lady. You come over as entitled this way. Think about what happened a bit more before putting all the blame on all those around you. > and I didn't know the local language And that is also what irks a lot of Europeans. We do not have that luxury, we learn English as a second or third language. To be able to communicate, we know that even with English, there are communication issues. There is a reason why American have a reputation in Europe. I assume the next time i go the US, there will be some German speakers around to translate for me, when i need something. When your traveling to a country, do not just be a entitled tourist, learn some of the local language. You will be AMAZED how fast people help you out, when you try and speak a few word of the local language. But going around wanting translations without a word of the local language, yea, it pisses people off. And then your not even properly communicating about the seat, blame others and come over as frankly entitled. Maybe its a cultural thing...
@tinyredbeetle4675 5 месяцев назад
Old people are the WORSE when it comes to priority seating. The amount of times I - a physically disabled autistic young person- have been screamed at, hit, or pushed by old people for seating in priority seats they think they are entitled to bc they're old is insane. I literally have to wear a 'I have an invisible disability' badge on myself everytime I go on the bus now and still have panic attacks from going on buses alone..
@jamessquirrell1994 5 месяцев назад
I’m sorry to hear that man it sounds like it sucks as someone with a lot of special needs. People aren’t very good. I identifying disabilities if it’s not immediately obvious
@MissingmyBabbu 3 месяца назад
I remember riding a bus once with my then bf. I say in the priority seat with my crutches, and he sat across from me in regular seats. On comes this old woman, and looks me up and down and says 'get out of my seat'. I say 'it's not anyone's seat, it's a seat for people with mobility issues. I have those.' and she yells to the bus driver that 'some young r-word' wouldn't move out of "HER" seat. Bus driver looked in the mirror and told her to sit by my boyfriend, in a seat that was just as close to the front. She sat down, fussing and bitching to my boyfriend about 'some r-words shouldn't be in public alone' and how "rude" I was. My bf just pipes up and says 'You're talking to an autistic guy, using a slur, and she's my gf. I'd appreciate it if you were quiet'. She shut up, but shot us both nasty looks the whole ride. I never rode the bus again, and instead had to apply to use the city's handicap transport.
@tinyredbeetle4675 2 месяца назад
@@jamessquirrell1994 its certainly not helped my PTSD much, one time this old dude left a massive bruise on my shoulder. My got the police involved at that point and reported the bus company for not looking after disabled passengers as they should have. Sadly 2 years later thats still an 'ongoing' investigation
@tinyredbeetle4675 2 месяца назад
@@MissingmyBabbu so sorry that happened!!! Theres no handicapped bus for us in the UK unless you're able to pay through the nose for it so Im very greatful to my grandad, dad and mum for being able to take me to medical appointments and job search stuff.
@michaeltelson9798 5 месяцев назад
There is a comment by wildlife biologists. Predators don’t hunt in their denning areas. As to reacting to situations. In grad school I saved the woman I was dating from an inferno. We were in her car and she started it up. Then flames came up from under the hood. I told her to RUN!! Which broke her frozen state and we got to safety. She said she didn’t know what to do and my voice woke her up to react to get to safety.
@DeanDraxon8752 5 месяцев назад
Bully from story one just “my bad lil man, didn’t know you were cool like that”. Also literally stealing candy from a baby, goofy disney villain shit right there lol
@JamesDavy2009 5 месяцев назад
"You ever tried taking candy from baby? Is pretty hard." -Boris Badenov
@strikeforce1500 5 месяцев назад
1st story: There is a reason gangs do NOT mess with the locals,unless is either to scare extortion out of them OR help the community. Whatever is to keep the police of their backs and keep attention at minimun
@GoneGYT 5 месяцев назад
We have 2 gangs in my neighborhood, a clique of bloods and a clique of crips, over the years ive played ball with both sides and for the most part they are chill with eachother when in the neighborhood bounds. They clash occasionally but try to keep the people who arnt involved out of it or they take it to an empty lot a block outside to scrap it out with eachother. Ive had both sides stop me and ask if im good on occasions that im not looking great (bad relationships and fights being the cause for me). Some of the coolest and most respectful dudes ive met honestly.
@maieen2665 5 месяцев назад
*First OP:* Moral of the story: know the right people. 😛 Also, did anyone else think of the Netflix show On My Block while reading this story? I need to finish that series. *Second OP:* Normally, I would've suggested that OP take the 11k, but in this case, OP unknowingly did the right thing, lol. Both he and his girlfriend got to benefit from Mary and Steve's handshake deal. I like stories when wealthy people aren't AHs.
@Nerobyrne 5 месяцев назад
If you take more money, then you gotta tax it and people might start asking questions if you can't justify it. Of course, it could also just have been the principle of the thing.
@davido.1233 5 месяцев назад
I was thinking more along the lines of the Wire or some other gang/Law drama.
@jennysmith38 5 месяцев назад
My neighbour growing up, who was younger than me, ended up in the biggest bikie gang in our city. My mum helped look after his mum when she was dying, and his younger brother was one of my brother's best mates. One time he came up to me and asked if things were ok with my mum, and told me that if anyone bothers her to let him know and he would sort things out. One of the girls that grew up across the road daughters got molested by her own dad, and when he got out of his very short stay in prison, he was given joint custody of her, so her family and friends were protesting outside of parliament house at night when parliament was sitting, when he found out, he got all of the bikies to be there to protect this family. Another time, one of my brothers mates from school, who was in the same bikie gang was disrespecting a barmaid infront of me, I told him to keep quiet and stop being so disrespectful, his mate jumped up and got in my face and started yelling at me telling me that I couldn't talk to him like that, my brothers mate told his mate to shut up, and that I could talk to him however I liked. They had been very good mates when my little brother had died at 11, and he also wouldn't let anyone disrespect me or my family. Some of them can be very respectful of people they believe deserve respect.
@wakaitsu 5 месяцев назад
As someone to grow up in a VERY criminalized neighborhood, I can tell that gang cultures are best compared to wolf packs - they have a hunting territory (what they call "their turf") which they protect from other gangs and if you are a civ living on a gang turf but you don't want to get involved, you'll be either giving them money or some kind of service they need. Back in my childhood I was in the later category - computers just began to sloooowly make their way from labs into homes, and I was that kid whos parents had such machine at home. I got shaken down once or twice, then I had a chance to talk to one of the gang's leaders and show him I can be of use - I could spy on other gangs using city cameras, get him the latest info on pretty much any topic, pirate soft, games and movies, and so on. They were skeptical at first, but when they saw I wasn't lying, I pretty much became a sort of "honorary officer" - I wasn't required to show at the gang's activities, but I had almost as much say in those as leader's second in command. What makes it especially funny, was that one time I traveled abroad for a vacation and I got in a classic shakedown. I'm not a hero and I was ready to empty my pockets (wasn't carrying much anyway) but I thought I try something first - I spoke to them like I would to gang members back at home. They were a bit confused, then one asked whos I was (as in, which gang) and I said I was with that gang back at home. They shared some confused looks and left. Next day when I was leaving hotel, I was greeted by four men covered in tatoos, saying their leader wants to talk. I was scared, but I went with them to their leader and had to explain that I wasn't here on gang's business, just on vacation. He was actually glad to hear this and we had a rather nice conversation - I helped him catch up with "his bros over the ocean" and he told me a lot about underground life in his country. When I was leaving, two gang members show up with a big coffer, saying I'm now tasked with delivering some souvenirs for my gang. I was honestly scared for life, but surprisingly they weren't lying, the coffer was actually full with pretty nice stuff - some local crafts, food, few bottles of alcohol (border control was WAY more relaxed back then) and also a bunch of letters from local gangsters to their "bros over the ocean". I delivered everything, helped translate the letters and many years after helped the gang to write back, as people seriously got pen pals from that exchange (and I got even more respect). I honestly miss those days sometimes.
@Koa_the_Wusky 5 месяцев назад
Story 3 has got to be a commission for a Fursuit. $5,000 for a Fursuit is pretty reasonable, and a lot of Furries have money lol
@Tustin2121 5 месяцев назад
2:56 - New alternate spelling for “basketball” just dropped: “baseball”.
@coppercorn 5 месяцев назад
Didn't they make a movie about that? Baseketball, or something?
@Haywa11 5 месяцев назад
He's been making a lot of mistake lately...
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
I mistake those words all the time
@auberginebear 5 месяцев назад
I lived in a neighborhood where the gangs were respectful, but they still would sometimes try selling drugs if they came across you in certain areas. I, however, was renting a room in the house of a family friend who they all avoided, and once it was known that I lived with him, I never had anyone try selling me drugs while waiting for a bus at the transit center (a usual hot spot for that).
@readjordan2257 5 месяцев назад
Rslash, this is because gangs are basically like neighborhood watch. Actually, most of human history has been gangs. Police in the way we see it today is not even 150 years old. From MS-13, to KKK, and neighborhood watch, the way communities have policed themselves (for the good or detriment of society as a whole) was by gangs or neighborhood watches. The government had a military that you didn't want coming in because that often was the same as our martial law or something. Militaries generally were protrcting of trade and commerce and border defense, usually of city states. Even in the age of empires, being part of one large neighborhood (a city) was kind of a thing. Anyway, theres a lot to the iceberg of why gangs exist, and why in their modern form theyre either racist or violent, but unless people lived in small enough walled cities or tribes, gangs were a way of protecting communities and providing opportunities and structure. The specifics depend on historical context.
@kninenights 5 месяцев назад
First story: I am so very lucky to have grown up without the threat of gang violence. I am not well off financially and I am very neurodivergent. I would not do well in those kinds of situations.
@uniraffesaur 5 месяцев назад
Steve and Mary are awesome. I want more stories about people like them 😂
@The-Scunge 5 месяцев назад
Hey, I know you probably won’t see this, but these videos have really improved my mental health recently. Just having a constant voice and wholesome personality to listen to stories from has really brightened things up for me, and I’m assuming many others can relate. Keep doing you man, and I hope you have many great times to come! 😁
@jezikerr3720 5 месяцев назад
Grew up in a small town that had some gang activity. My mom was the neighborhood mom. We didn't have much but we would share what we had. One kid down the street was in a gang and our moms would talk and we would hang out and do normal kid stuff. They were super respectful to my mom and us and that was when i found out that not every gang member were mean or evil or whatever. Some join for family, protection, to maybe get to a better place, etc. Some want to get clout or status but that's anywhere. Gangs are dangerous for sure. But I honestly think they play a vital role in society.
@Riehentar 5 месяцев назад
11:36 - Im pretty sure the stepmom wanted his father to die and thats why she didn't move out of the way
@leahwalton8253 5 месяцев назад
Good morning everyone!
@likes.of_oldcrows 5 месяцев назад
@lillyvaughn5398 5 месяцев назад
Good morning 🌞
@Opaquefire00 5 месяцев назад
Good morning and have a nice day everyone! ❤
@Acer11818 5 месяцев назад
good morning
@R-S-Alex 5 месяцев назад
Good Morning to you and Evening from here.
@kristashafer93098 5 месяцев назад
First story reminds me of another story I read. Not sure if real or an urban legend. Entertaining either way! But there was a neighborhood with an obviously gay guy who tutored the local gang members for free. One day he was attacked and got beaten up for his sexuality. All the gang members got together, found out who had attacked their friend, and kicked his @$$.
@ltmad1284 5 месяцев назад
Wait the EPA from the Simpsons movie is real?
@kodafox5385 5 месяцев назад
Last story: This happens way more often than you'd think. I have a joint issue that causes me a lot of pain and often walk with a walking stick. My stick folds up, and I always put it away on longer trips so I don't need to keep track of it or have it be in someone's way. I have had so many people demand I move, and make a big deal because they don't believe that a young person could need a seat, only to then get off a couple stops down. I had one time when this had happened, and since I avoid confrontation like the plague, I had gotten up to stand. An older man stood up and demanded that I take his seat, since he was nearly at his stop anyway and then proceeded to stand basically on top of the person who had forced me up in the first place.
@bigjalapeno7061 5 месяцев назад
That's so stupid
@Mythicalcatjay 5 месяцев назад
9:05 Honestly my guess is he's a fursuit maker. 5k is a good price but they can get up to 11k depending on complexity, experience, demand, whatever. Especially since this guy still has a day job, too. Plus plenty of furries are LOADED since so many work as software engineers and other tech-based fields.
@LoveShaysloco 5 месяцев назад
we have a biker group in my neighborhood that once you talk to them there chill. they just look like think hells angles but with more hell on the looks. most of them have done time and aren't afraid to go back. for if there's a kid who has to go to court and be on the stand. they go in tell the kid tell the truth and don't be scared for i will be right there as back up. meaning if the adult try's to attack them well the adult would get a butt woopen. but there the kindest dudes for there house is a kid friendly zone. come over hang need help with your home work ok lets see give a hand. if a kids bike slips its chain. they wont fix the bike but will teach you how to do it yourself
@MrBounceoutboi 5 месяцев назад
Last story, i find alot of elderly people use their age as a way to boost their entitlement, not all elderly but alot, like they were taught age means superiority or something, for example i have a disability, i dont mind moving seats on the bus for people who need a seat if all are taken but alot of elderly people tell me to move Instead of ask. Like manners and respect for others dies off the older you get
@Sodalis_ 5 месяцев назад
6:10 I live just behind one of the main gathering places of a large gang. They always switch their music off by 10PM, and are overall very respectful. When asked why, they'll say "you don't piss in your own backyard" and just shrug.
@prof.thiagoalmeida1226 5 месяцев назад
6:08 Gangs do have codes of conduct that may be more restricted to their neighborhoods or larger areas. Once I was near an important tourist attraction in the state where I live and a mass robbery was taking place. I got scared and started to run away, but the robbers calmed me down saying "Don't worry, don't worry, we're just robbing _gringos_ (foreigners)".
@tiffanygniadek3894 5 месяцев назад
Back in I think the 90s my parents (before I was born) lived in a part of Chicago that had 2 6's (I think that's how it put) a gang In that area and the older members knew my mom for some reason, anyways my mom put blankets in the window for insulation to keep the cold Chicago winter out and one of them were a playboy bunny symbol but she had accidentally put it upside down (which I guess the playboy bunny is the 2 6 thing?) And one of the older members went to my mom's door and knocked and let her know "hey miss Judy you can't have that in your window please take it down" and my mom was freaked and took it down instantly. I wish I could ask my mom for more details but she's passed so I only remember what I heard as a kid.
@gohi7969 5 месяцев назад
I've lived all my life near gangs, and yeah, they don't cause trouble at all, they just wanna get home and relax. They do look intimidating, but are like any other people doing their shopping around the neighborhood.
@pickledcauliflowerdragonhunter 5 месяцев назад
About the bikers and gangs being respectful. Its not motivated by need, alot of people in that world genuinely care about their community. Not all criminals are bad people
@JeffreyMcLain 5 месяцев назад
FWIW, most of the gang activity I've been aware of or near and the respect they have for that neighborhood often stems from the fact that the gang often takes ownership of their space in a lot of ways. Think of them as an unofficial government/caretaker in some ways. It's not just the risk of pissing off your neighbors and getting busted by the cops or something, but often gangs will take care of people in the neighborhood or offer some stability for low income areas especially.
@crashgpx 5 месяцев назад
Grew up in a roughish neighborhood in a country that some refer to as a gang capital, while gangs were really common, they typically don’t fuck with regular people, especially if they’re told to leave people alone. Been too many times some idiots don’t follow those rules and suddenly find themselves gone. If you’re thinking of traveling to other countries, don’t fuck with people there, you never know who they know. (Especially in a country like the one i grew up in, cops WILL NOT help you if you fucked with the wrong person)
@GOGOSLIFE 5 месяцев назад
I can attest to the fact that gang members treat their neighbors well. I used to babysit for them. One time, one of their friends backed out of their driveway and dinged my mom's Vista Cruise(I know, a LOT of years ago). When my dad went over to talk to them, they were more than happy to fix it. My dad was not one to mess with in his own right, though I don't think they knew that.
@Shadowwolf-jg3ee 5 месяцев назад
The second story wasn't malicious compliance, that was just plain wholesome😊
@rhondah.1478 5 месяцев назад
1st story: I remember that post and remember reading the comments from people saying they had neighbors like OG. It's always fascinating to me that gang bangers have a code like that. 2nd story: when a rich client wants to spend money on you, let them. LOL 3rd story: Sounds like the stepmom was going to let that commenter's dad choke to death. I hope she was never left alone with him after that.
@shortwave737 5 месяцев назад
Story 1: Yeah I lived in a neighborhood that had a lot of gang activity in it from 18-22 years old. At first I was scared, but then I befriended one of the gang member's baby mamas and helped her out without realizing who she was. After that, they treated me super well. Apparently this is pretty normal that if you are a nice person to someone a higher up in the gang cares about you basically have honorary membership without the downsides of being a member and they will treat you super well and help you out. I worked at a corner store and it NEVER got robbed when I was on shift. I just looked the other way when people handed stuff to one another in the parking lot and minded my own damn business in exchange.
@quearesteestavia7495 5 месяцев назад
many years ago I liked in the Mission district in SF. The head of the local Gand lived on our block. I nodded at him when I saw him and he did the same. I actually felt quite safe around my house because he lived in my neighborhood.
@carissamessina1908 5 месяцев назад
Figured out why I wasn’t getting rslash notifications. I was unsubscribed! What the crap man?
@ColeTrain2731 5 месяцев назад
RU-vid sucks
@QuietChaos1996 5 месяцев назад
RU-vid is a bitch.
@ernestomoreno8840 5 месяцев назад
Happened to me a couple months back… was like “man rslash sure is slacking “lol 😂
@j.d.l._666 5 месяцев назад
Last story: I get, that if the train, bus, etc. is completly full, a non disabled person has to give up those priority seats. But if there is at least one empty seat somewhere you don't need to give up your seat for an older person! Sure, if the person is heavily disabled, like, on crutches or sth than it would be the right thing to do to give up your seat (if you are not disabled) but OP is disabled too! So OP has EVERY right to STAY on this seat!
@calebcardinal3867 5 месяцев назад
Moving seats: I know op was flustered and didn’t want to start a conflict but even if I was gonna move I would still not wanna fall on a moving train so I would’ve asked “oh okay, would you be able to help me up? I’m afraid of falling over while the train is moving”
@leopardeye1654 5 месяцев назад
Story 1: I believe it true about gangs and their neighbours. The saying: I don't shit where I eat, comes to mind.
@Kref3 5 месяцев назад
Priority seating does not mean that it needs to be empty all the time. It only means that it needs to be vacated if a disabled person requests this. If it is the only seat available, I will take it without thinking. If a person comes and asks me for the seat, I will gladly vacate it. And if you are disabled and entitled to the seat but there are plenty other seats available: Take one of those and leave the seat empty. 10 minutes later the train might be full and another disabled person comes in with no priority seat unoccupied by disabled persons. If you are disabled, always use normal seats first, to keep the priorities empty for people entering later.
@lb34mwr 5 месяцев назад
Years ago lived next to a major drug dealer had no clue till he got raided. Dude was always out with his "friends cleaning" the hood. Dude got off because no one would rat him out. The part he had was amazing. Petting zoo for kids and all types of amazing food.
@yabe-kfptentacultist 5 месяцев назад
Peeing zoo for kids? I assume you meant petting zoo for kids because the former is... uh...
@lb34mwr 5 месяцев назад
@@yabe-kfptentacultist autocorrect is a B
@james14294 5 месяцев назад
Used to watch this channel most days, but haven't for over a year, this video was the first time ive seen your 'videos be recommended again, just thought I'd let you know. Might get into the habit of watching these again
@jennessabeckett3949 4 месяца назад
Last story: I was deemed disabled by 25. That happens to me almost every time I have to use public transportation. I look perfectly normal. However it is mindblowing how many people think that disabilities are somehow tattooed on your forehead or something. 1st story: I have a lot of friends in both gangs and bikers. One thing that holds true in both communities is a brotherhood that protects thier homes and enviornment. The entire purpose of joining such groups is to be able to band together and take care of yourself and your family. There is absolutely no benefit to terrorizing your community and draws unnecessary heat dowwn on yourselves and your gang. So like others have said, you don't shit where you eat.
@vincentlukeking 5 месяцев назад
That step mom would have become a stomped-mom if I was there. American history X style
@Sevness 5 месяцев назад
5:45 The bully from the first story actual was polite and friendly with OP, not out of fear, but because OP was good friends with OG. He really realized he fucked up, and is why he also brought over the games too, as a peace offering. Gangs can and do protect areas, more so Mexican gangs, the places they control they have rules and stuff; so it's like a "tribe" that if you are in the area the "tribe" controls, usually you are pretty safe and protected by that gang, but not being affiliated with one just makes you a target to some.
@mbyerly9680 5 месяцев назад
The stepmother who wouldn't move during the chocking crisis was thinking about OP's dad's life insurance. Drat, he was saved.
@twentyfiveyears5010 5 месяцев назад
Last story: Years ago, I had a friend about 60 who had polio as a child (born in the 1920s). His legs were spindly and he walked with two canes; he also had license plates entitling him to use the close-in handicapped parking spaces. One day he went to a large supermarket (US) and the handicapped parking space was taken by a car with no handicapped plates or placards. He would have just parked further and walked, but the lot was full, so he drove back around and parked directly behind the offending car and went in to do his shopping. As he came out, he saw a young, fit man pacing back and forth by the car with his fists balled up, just waiting to kick the ass of whoever had dared to block his car in. My friend simply walked out slowly, leaning on his canes, and got in his car and drove off, watching the angry man deflate like an old balloon.
@TinyTyranitar95350 5 месяцев назад
another aspect of why gangs don't cause trouble around home is because most gangs start out as communities working together to keep themselves safe. young men get together so their younger siblings can go to school without being harassed, robbed, or sold narcotics. this typically happens in lower income communities, humans are pack animals and will naturally work together to survive. but if you mix that with a discriminatory justice system that enforces laws unequally (or creates laws that make existing in public illegal, like loitering laws etc) and focuses on punishment rather than reformation, it ends up spiraling into organized crime after a couple generations.
@franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 5 месяцев назад
First story: This reminds me of a Rick and Morty's comercial, when some mafia grunts find Morty with something they sell, so they take him to their boss and the boss immediately gets scared because he knew messing with Morty was asking for Rick to kill them.
@RepoDraghon 5 месяцев назад
Mary and Steve happen to be the names of a married couple that are friends of my family... Steve had a heart attack while driving his work truck and passed away over 15 years ago...
@quentenandazola2911 5 месяцев назад
As long as you try to be respectful, not too respectful, and mind your business you should be good around street gangs
@RetroArcadeGuy 5 месяцев назад
People disregarding safety and control at petroleum companies should be illegal.
@BrooklyKnight 5 месяцев назад
Unfortunately, some older folks usually don't recognize that people younger than them can also get a priority seat. Thankfully hasn't happened to me though, usually whenever I stroll up and very obviously need a seat, the first people to offer have always been the elderly and not those who are closer to my own age of mid-20s.
@Hunglikeagrimsmo 5 месяцев назад
😂 in my experience anyone who claims to know any 1%ers is lying through their teeth to look tough 😂😂😂
@pugmcmuffins9282 3 месяца назад
Lmao I Love how the bully from story 1 was named clown in Spanish. What a fitting name. N
@tanakasensei3450 5 месяцев назад
I'll admit, I've been listening to the podcast format since I found out about it, but that version of this episode was actually cut off at the end. So, I came here to listen (and read) the rest of the final story. I do love the comeuppance the little gangbanger brat got, though. Kudos to the OP for recognizing the tattoos as the same ones his retired neighbor had, and not only getting in some Malicious Compliance, but a little Pro Revenge while he was at it.
@timothygregorich7180 5 месяцев назад
Ive heard the vacation story before only it was her sonthe gift was for, the ammount was $6,800 and the trip was to Hawaii. I'm assuming one is made up but no idea which one.
@Monasaurus_Rex 5 месяцев назад
Main gang rule: don’t shit where you eat. If you treat the people where you’re located like shit, you’ll have issues with outsiders and your residents. Most of them are very nice if they’re based in your area
@SoldierSpiderx 5 месяцев назад
First story: that why I miss the 90s cause most they will protect civilian in their neighbor, that they help civilian out especially if their kids play with each other or you help them with something, it could be anything something small like you help a gang member help take out the trash one day and next thing they will protect you and your family forever, they will treat you like you one of them but gang these days, they attack civilian, and are hell disrespectful like you alway see news gang attack people and robbing them and the OG gangster who treat people nice like in OP story are either dead or in jail, or retire
@0karmaticfrost010 5 месяцев назад
Ur not wrong there, i've known drug dealers (they sold weed when it was still illegal) that would sell to kids in my old neighborhood and literally no one gave af cuz the dealer was rly chill and nice to everyone. As long as ur respectful, no one has a reason to be pissy
@ElecticalCheetah 5 месяцев назад
In high school there were huge greek gangs who, get away with anything ( almost ) but the biggest incident was when a newly formed gang stabbed a black teen , and a week after those 8 greek teens didn’t show up to school because the brother of the teen they stabbed was part of a big gang and they wrecked them, it didn’t help that 5 of the gang members were part of the football team and really f’ed up that season , course they couldn’t even play anymore because of their broken hands and arms, and legs
@captainbeastwinger4940 4 месяца назад
I don't know why but "you got Nintendo?" Made me burst out laughing
@meganfenton4189 5 месяцев назад
The OP in the Take Charge story probably works for Lucas Oil company. I used to live in Indianapolis and it's the biggest one there! Bought the RCA dome years ago, now it's Lucas Oil Stadium! It will always be the Hoosier Dome to me though!
@norislibrary1072 5 месяцев назад
I find the first story unreasonably hilarious because “gang banger” means something very different in the UK which takes any threatening vibes away instantly 😂
@christopherbrown9441 5 месяцев назад
Can confirm about that first story. Real Og's don't like it when you fuck around with kids. No one should mess with kids.
@CielMC 5 месяцев назад
I saw the wholesome malicious compliance coming, but I thought it was just going to be at a fancy restaurant. Steve’s got a gigabrain ngl
@FaerieAmira 5 месяцев назад
That last story I wlsh I could do cause I have A vascular necrosis in both hips and they tried to help one hip but fucked it up so not I have to walk with a can and a severe limp but my cane is a hospital one that’s just spray painted so I can’t fold it up out of the way
@ellenkarlsson9490 5 месяцев назад
The last story infuriated me! While I'm in no way handicapped, I have been struggling with golfer's elbow with nerve pinching for the past 2 years or so. Basically, my elbows hurt a lot and I will get pins and needles in my arms and hands. When it's really bad, I can't lift my arms over my head without getting severe pains. This makes it very hard and painful for me to hold on to the handlebars on trains and busses, so I prefer sitting down. I would hate it if someone questioned my reasons for taking up a seat.
@PyroofMisterE 5 месяцев назад
The gang story had me thinking of my own story. I was about 7 or 8 living on the outskirts of a really big city. Bad area with a lot of gangs there. I was also one of the only white kids. Well, some old guy in his 60, I guess, walked up to me when i was near my house going to a friends house. He dared me to skip down the road going "im a little white boy" for like 100 dollars. Apparently some people would take offense to this and i could have gotten hurt. What actually happened was that a gangmember was outside a house and yelled at me asking what the hell i was doing. I explained what happened and pointed to the old guy down the road. He told me to go inside and i ended up in a gang den with like 20 dudes. Then i heard a few loud pops. We heard it multiple times a day so i was used to it. The gang then gave me candy and sent me on my way. I know now that a big rule in gangs is no kids
@peppermint3688 5 месяцев назад
8:17 “Boomer got me” This is all seeming a little fishy to me. On a different yt channel I heard this story, but it was 6800 for a custom entertainment center and they went to Hawaii. The rest of the story is identical.
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