
r/Maliciouscompliance Want Me to Prove Your Kid's a Bully? OK! 

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@Hybrid301 2 года назад
“Whether you work 100 hours or 1 hour, you get paid the same” I would like to take the one hour option please. You did offer it.
@BadassHater1 2 года назад
*curb your powertripping intensifies*
@commanderstorm8874 2 года назад
@commanderstorm8874 2 года назад
I expect though it was an analogy for the fact that you get paid the same amount
@Twinklethefox9022 2 года назад
Yeah if we get paid the same for working less. I would work less
@Hybrid301 2 года назад
@@commanderstorm8874 that’s what the malicious compliance is for.
@ladyofrillwater 2 года назад
Am I the only one a little bit... suspicious about the kid who just suddenly went from relatively normal teenager to massive bully who throws things and verbally/physically assaults people? Combined with the mother's denial about everything he did and her keeping things from the dad (allegedly), makes me wonder if there was something untoward happening to this kid in the background that no one caught. Doesn't seem normal for such a huge personality change to happen without warning, and the fact that they happened after prolonged breaks seems sketchy as well.
@AlashiaTuol 2 года назад
That occured to me too. Especially since the family was going through a divorce because the dad took issue with the mom's sketchy behavior and lies(allegedly), and that was before he learned she hid their son's behavioral problems from him. Something's seriously wrong in that mix.
@meganfenton856 2 года назад
I had the same thought! Something happened to that kid that nobody knows about yet. That's a pretty drastic change in a very short time.
@Ikajo 2 года назад
That was my thought too. It is a very common response to trauma. Especially trauma involving stuff like sexual violence. It is often an attempt to be in control after experiencing a forced loss of control. Trauma can be so complicated.
@Ikajo 2 года назад
@@AlashiaTuol Maybe it is overreaching on my part but my mind went to sexual assault. Like, maybe a family member or friend on the mother's side did something.
@locusxe1411 2 года назад
You’re not but the only people who can help him now are in Juvie
@LunaMane 2 года назад
No parent wants to hear that their kid is a bully - of course not. But when there is video proof of them being one or you see them bullying with your own eyes its time to ditch the deniability and take accountability.
@amberheimbach4832 2 года назад
My question is how did the father remain so clueless? I mean the school could have contacted him too. Parents need to care and be involved in more than pick up and drop off.
@jpeg.. 2 года назад
I punched a girl before in 4th grade
@locusxe1411 2 года назад
@@amberheimbach4832 did you not listen to the story? They said they they specifically emailed the mom. She got all the information and never told the husband. They never emailed him. Hence why he knew nothing about it
@amberheimbach4832 2 года назад
@@locusxe1411 they could have called him or spoken to him somehow
@condorboss3339 2 года назад
I suspect in most cases that the parent is enabling the behavior by always protecting the child from consequences.
@gerrard1144 2 года назад
Kid: *is an absolute brat* Mom: NONONO MY BABY NOT A BAD BOY! MAKE THE TEACHERS PROVE IT! OP: *does it* Mom: *gets 15 emails* THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND!!!! Dad: *divorces her* Lol i love that story.
@catdust 2 года назад
at least 15 a day
@minecraftmum3436 2 года назад
Talking about badly behaved kids in school, I knew someone whose son was really playing up in school so she came to an agreement with the school that she would personally sit in her son's classes and supervise him during school time. It lasted a couple of weeks until he begged her to stop as it was making him a laughing stock with all his friends. She agreed on the condition that he behaved himself - any return to his previous behaviour and she would be back. She never had to lol
@StormEyes1991 2 года назад
That's good parenting. 😂
@gabrote42 2 года назад
Great job
@wingedkatgirl 2 года назад
Chef’s kiss
@adamsarufan2656 2 года назад
Lol the same happened in mine.
@jamester3484 2 года назад
At my middle school that wasn't even an agreement thing. If you're child got too out of hand they would personally call you and ask to accompany your child around school the whole day. If that didn't work, you're child might be sent to alternative school.
@Richard_Nickerson 2 года назад
Calling full company meetings to reprimand a single person? Wouldn't HR hate to hear about that? And "do I need to do everything myself?" Well, if they take credit for everything, then they might as well actually do it, right? I'm shocked that place had so many employees.
@azisles02 2 года назад
The company only had 14 employees. Most companies that small don't have one or of they do it's the people who's at the C-level title
@bostonrailfan2427 2 года назад
it’s fake, it’s a mix of multiple stories that happened to others but since RSlash hates office bosses he ignored the clear signs that it’s fake
@Richard_Nickerson 2 года назад
@@bostonrailfan2427 While I'm sure reddit is absolutely full of fake stories, you people who always claim the stories are obviously fake are extremely annoying. It's not as if this is pro revenge or OP is even really bragging.
@crazyinsane500 2 года назад
@@Richard_Nickerson There's even a subreddit for people like this: r/nothingeverhappens
@amycaires8499 2 года назад
I know a lot of people claim these are fake. But I worked for a large corporation, who’s owner would call up upper management (ceo, cfo, directors) and scream at them at all hours. You would think someone, who’s upper management made his ideas well known, wouldn’t behave that way. I didn’t believe it at first, until it was confirmed by the people who suffered from the verbal abuse.
@nicoleb695 2 года назад
The CEO in the first story definitely peaked in high school and is trying to reclaim her "queen bee" status. Ugh.
@TKUA11 2 года назад
Toxic femininity SMH
@user-eh2jk6mf9s 2 года назад
I don't get the whole queen bee thing. What is it exactly?
@MurakamiTenshi 2 года назад
@@user-eh2jk6mf9s queen bee personality is basically "I'm the top bitch, I am the alpha female, the other girls are ugly peasants". These types of women are very vicious to other women, and are usually the cause of workplace/school drama
@user-eh2jk6mf9s 2 года назад
@@MurakamiTenshi Ooh! So I was right. She's a kokona! I get it. The only difference is that kokonas are usually looked down on where I am from. No one's taking them seriously.
@eileenkelleghan680 2 года назад
@@MurakamiTenshi Also the ones who suffer worse later on for that attitude is actually a big no-no in job related things. Specially because if a lot of people quit then talks a lot about it, for a nonprofit? Talks very bad about it specially if it becomes a "mouth-to-mouth" info and looses costumers. On an enterprise? rank goes down fast and rival companies WILL take advantage of that specially when key workers quit and get poached by the rivals and ends up bankrupt. In profesional enviorment? This kind of attitude is death sentence on such high ranks. On lower ranks? Well... there is a think: If there is a very heavy flow of in&out workers in such a fast motion and is many at the same time or in a very short frame of time then higher ranks WILL send an audit to search what is going on and once discovered? Manager gets the axe! This nonprofit will find itself without anyone to contract anymore for the mouth to mouth experience.
@LusciousTwinkle 2 года назад
I feel so sorry for that kid. Kids with toxic parents often act out. When the most powerful person in your life is messing you up, it seems to you that no one can help.
@BobBlumenfeld 2 года назад
"Helicopter parents" has a strong military/police image, but to me "curling parents" is so much more evocative, with the image of the parents vigorously sweeping the tiniest of obstacles out of little Johnny's way.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 года назад
Too bad the masses aren't familiar with curling, because that is an appropriate analogy.
@brianjacobsen5762 2 года назад
Little Johnny taking a walk. By ear. With a thumb and forefinger.
@ExSuPiO1 2 года назад
I like how you add the "to me" in the "curling parents" part of your message, but not in the "helicopter parent" part, insinuating everyone just connects the term "helicopter parent" with military/ police instead of this just being your very own view and take on it.
@MintyDreams 2 года назад
@@ExSuPiO1 way to nitpick, you're a treat
@nerdgeekcosplay909 2 года назад
Nice word usage Evocative that’s a huge word
@songohan3321 2 года назад
Louise and Tina in the first story are the Madlasses of Champions.
@MsNoPixel 2 года назад
*ARE* not is…
@songohan3321 2 года назад
@@MsNoPixel 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
@tylerclark1979 2 года назад
@@MsNoPixel you’re like that one kid in highschool that reminds the teacher to give out homework.
@peaceomolola9230 2 года назад
@@MsNoPixel you can correct people without putting it in massive bold and seeming condescending or patronizing
@kenjones9326 2 года назад
The IT personnel too. Why would you mess with someone who is paid to be smart?
@sandynowak9176 2 года назад
"My child is an Angel" So is Lucifer.
@lomax343 2 года назад
Technically *was* an angel...
@sandynowak9176 2 года назад
He was put in charge of the dead, to punish those who have done evil in their life on earth.
@3horsesrunning199 2 года назад
I'm stealing that!!🤣🤣🤣
@TheDaxter11 2 года назад
@@lomax343 I mean if you wanna get technical if someone goes from being a police officer to doing some bad shit and going to prison they're still a human. After all, "fallen angel" is still an angel.
@WorldWalker128 2 года назад
I'll have to remember that one!
@chevgage6210 2 года назад
Any parent that says their little angel would never do that is already the reason their child is acting that way.
@plantedlife 2 года назад
Sometimes the parents just want to be on their child's side. I was once accused of stealing a calculator by my bullies. It was a false accusation but nobody except my parents stayed on my side until the whole thing got resolved. The only problem with that parent is denying all the evidence shoved up her nose.
@dx1450 2 года назад
I don't think my kids would ever do anything horrible, but if the school staff says they did then I'm definitely going to investigate! Even the best kids can screw up and use bad judgment.
@thebestcentaur 2 года назад
That last story...I have had to tell my overly religious parents that counseling and therapy doesn't work for everyone (myself included). That being said, I definitely still endorse it to an extent because I know its success rate is still quite high and one of my best friends from undergrad is a therapist himself. Still, there are those unfortunate few that just can't be counseled to a better state of being
@Ikajo 2 года назад
In my experience, when someone just changes out of seemingly nowhere, there is trauma involved. Even if op in the story didn't think anything happened, it might have. Trauma can make someone act out horribly in an attempt to feel control after having felt powerless. Doesn't excuse the behaviour, but it is worth being aware of.
@mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 2 года назад
Hopefully with his father having custody of him and a juvie record there’s still hope.
@paxhumana2015 2 года назад
So why not snap, Tony?
@jjangkrik 2 года назад
@@Ikajo I thought the same, i feel bad for the kid. Adults around him should bring him to see psychiatrist. Something traumatic must had happened.
@Ikajo 2 года назад
@@jjangkrik Therapist. A psychiatrist is diagnosing and treating neuropsychiatric disorders. But yeah, he probably needed a neutral party to listen to him. A school counsellor can't really be that
@nicholassanabria6493 2 года назад
If I ever acted like that kid in the last story I would have probably never been around to tell the tale because my parents would have snapped that out of me so fast
@nicholi8933 2 года назад
My mom worked at the school in the special education department. She was the dedicated para for a specific student in junior high. When that student went into high school, my mom got transferred with her. On the first day the principal came up to the student and told her "It doesn't matter what you do, I will never expel you." Or something similar to that. That kid's attitude changed immediately and she became awful to deal with. My mom quit shortly after.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 года назад
Maybe I have seen too many movies...... but I feel like that principal said that, intending that to be the outcome, so that they can say in the future that their school shouldn't have to accommodate those students. Because what person who has ever worked with any kids would ever say that to the kid (they may think that, might even say it to the parents...but to say that to the kid themselves........ almost ANY kid would have a similar reaction. So I think that principal did it on purpose. But I may have just seen too many movies and that principal might have just been a complete moron. I shouldn't attribute malice to what could be ignorance....but how do you get to principal without knowing that basic minimum about kids.
@thatonecomment6200 2 года назад
For the last story. I have some mad respect for the classmates who tackled the kid to the ground once he started attacking his teacher. What great kids!
@SkyEcho751 2 года назад
On the last story, the major issue is that some the kids learn to avoid acting bad in front of the parents, so the parents can genuinely being almost completely ignorant of their child's actions. So while this mother was clearly enabling the kid, it is possible that other mother's aren't aware at all. I specifically remember one story where the kid claimed that the teachers had it out for him, at first they reported only 'minor' infractions, but once the kid had his mom believing the teachers were out to get him he began to escalate. It got to the point the school showed the mother video footage of the borderline crimes the kid would do, Only then did the mother realize that the kid had been lying to her for YEARS. Don't remember what was going on with the father, I think he was just unaware like the dad from this video.
@THG_thehumangod 2 года назад
As an IT guy, I recommend you absolute NEVER mess with the IT guy! We can get a lot of dirt on you and you probably don't have the technical skills to stop us.
@amberheimbach4832 2 года назад
Messing with IT Is like messing with the IRS . Not a good idea to piss off the only people who can fix your mess
@JerbilKonai 2 года назад
@@amberheimbach4832 Or know how to break it more
@CapnMarcoPolo 2 года назад
When I was a kid my mom was a long term substitute teacher for a 7th grade class whose teacher was on maternity leave. She loved that job, and almost had an opportunity to get hired full time, but there was one kid who was CONSTANTLY causing problems and disrupting the class, and his mom simply wouldn't believe her sweet little angel would do something like that, so even when he'd get suspended she'd take him out to play and buy him videogames. Eventually my mom invited her to show up to class to watch, unexpectedly, to see how her kid behaved. She agreed, certain there would be nothing to see, and as soon as she walked through the door she saw her son, back to her, dancing on the desks and making an ass of himself. She was shocked, horrified, and absolutely livid. Needless to say I don't think she was buying him too many videogames after that
@dracko158 2 года назад
The first story: rSlash already said this a million times, do NOT mess with the IT guy! Nothing good will come out of it!
@FriedrichHerschel 2 года назад
IT guy is annoying. Finance guy? Can get you into prison.
@MDGOLD 2 года назад
Which is why i never pick up my phone or call IT
@agnishdas2004 2 года назад
parents saying "I know my kid" is probably the biggest lie out there
@backhdlp 2 года назад
There are two types of 'my litle angel wouldnt do that'-moms: Always in denyal even if she'd see it happening right infront of her, and 'oh no I'm so sorry, he will get grounded for a month' when they find out.
@Twinklethefox9022 2 года назад
Then the others get angry with you and still claim that their child is innocent/ that's not that bad/ boys will be boys etc...
@gorilla8811 2 года назад
If the child has good grades and doesn't have much behavior problems then it makes sense to deny it.
@shannonhoylegreen 2 года назад
I’ve never been good with kids. But coaching high schoolers helped me get used to teens. I’m now a yard duty for primary school kids. And boy has it taught me the patience that I didn’t have. Kids will bully each other right in front of me, parents gossip and try to get involved where they shouldn’t, and kids give so much attitude because they’re allowed to at home. There are a lot of good kids there too. But they know better to make me mad, because they’ve heard me use my coach voice and it scares them. Kids will give me attitude like they’re entitled to everything, but when I drop my attitude into the conversation then it’s yes ma’am. I’ve caught kids bullying and they stop what they’re doing when they see me slowly walking towards them. There’s always a bigger fish kiddos, don’t bully
@paxhumana2015 2 года назад
I solve that problem by being the biggest fish first and remaining so in the end.
@morgandouglas6014 2 года назад
With how toxic Karen was in the first story, it’s no wonder she can’t retain staff.
@AmyGabrielleAmber 2 года назад
Why would you omit the fact the horrible crouch goblin was insulting someone with cancer?! Around 10:50...
@tylerclark1979 2 года назад
Because money. He doesn’t want to get demonetized for saying certain words.
@mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 2 года назад
He….didn’t omit that
@mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 2 года назад
@@tylerclark1979 cancer and monetisation has literally NOTHING to do with eachother! That would be like censoring the word autism or gay
@tylerclark1979 2 года назад
@@mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 you couldn’t say covid when covid was first a thing and you cant say sex. The monetizing rules are stupid
@mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 2 года назад
@@tylerclark1979 that’s not even aLITTLE bit true lol 😂
@RSET16 2 года назад
I used to get bullied a lot as a young child at school. The teachers never believed me, and even thought me and my bullies were friends. I would purposely get in trouble every day so I could get detention... because the bullies never got caught, it was my sanctuary. The only person in the school that believed I was being bullied was the VP, but he couldn't do anything about it, because he needed undeniable proof! So if I didn't have detention he'd ask me to help him around the school with different projects... he kept me safe, but also gave me someone I could believe in too. I didn't hate people or go crazy because of that VP.
@smorphous8928 2 года назад
The bully story is hilarious, it’s like the first story when Tina documented everything she did in the morning. 😂
@calculator4482 2 года назад
It was Tina not Louise. Now listen to the lecture once more
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
@@calculator4482 Tina Louise was Ginger.
@jordanheyn7440 2 года назад
When I was in elementary school, we had a similar kid to the last story. He hit other kids, cussed, pinned a kid down with a chair and nothing happened until he stabbed the teacher in the hand with a pencil. So yeah, not the teacher's fault.
@teababe27 2 года назад
As soon as that first story said "Detailed record", I immediately thought "They're going to put down Took a Shit or something." Loved your reactions too. So worth the stomach pain from post-surgery laughing fits.
@jonathanclarkson7379 2 года назад
First story: "My turn. My job was in IT." Anyone who has seen an R/slash video before: *salivating* Yeeeeesssss
@Bladewalker1 2 года назад
The story of the mother saying that her (pain in the butt) son would never do the things he was doing. After being shown the video of him throwing (or about to throw... I forget which) a chair at the teacher. Before being tackled by other students, I was expecting the mother would have 3 responses.... 1... continue to deny that her "little angel" did anything wrong. 2... say something like. "How dare you record my son without my/his permission" 3... demand that the other students that tackled him, be expelled and charged for assaulting her little angel.
@ironox8480 2 года назад
There are two key's to a successful business. Treat your employees with the same love and care you would your family, And treat your IT people like they are superstars. Your employees will be happy, IT will be happy and You won't have to constantly train new staff, Take care of your people and they will take care of you.
@Sanodi21 2 года назад
After antiwork yesterday, really makes me see how much maliciouscompliance overlaps with it. That aside, it's a relief all these CEOs/managers are so stupid and can't think
@bostonrailfan2427 2 года назад
it’s fake, funny but fake
@paxhumana2015 2 года назад
@@bostonrailfan2427 , you are fake, but not humorous.
@PiraticOctopus 2 года назад
About the person in the last story feeling they had to defend themselves from the “Why didn’t the school do more for the kid?!”: I’m not a teacher, but my mom and sister both are, and let me tell you, a good teacher will go above and beyond for their students. My sister has old students get in touch with her to say thanks or just say hi on a regular basis because she’s been such a positive figure in their lives. But at the end of the day, there’s only so much teachers can do, especially with schools that have different periods. If a child has 7 or 8 classes in a day, and each teacher gets about 45 minutes with them, AND there are 20-30 other kids in the class who ALSO need education and support, what is the teacher expected to do when one kid acts out? Put every other child’s needs on hold to parent the one? You can try to train bad behavior out of a kid, but if they’re ultimately gonna go home and be in the same environment that encouraged it in the first place, then a handful of adults the kid doesn’t respect probably won’t have much influence. The most they could really do is send the kid to the office or refer him to counselors, and the quality of that help is gonna vary by the school and is completely out of a teacher’s control. No teacher WANTS to give up on a child, but sometimes they don’t have the resources to do anything else.
@shadowman7307 2 года назад
The CEO thought she was a ruler of her own little kingdom. Too bad she forgot that when you rile up your ALL of your subjects, no one will cover your ass when they storm your castle. :D
@Daedalus_Dragon 2 года назад
I am legitimately confused about how the school couldn't expel the kid loooong before it got physical.
@momop1848 2 года назад
Tina's time log had me crying with laughter. 😂
@fionna_cool_girl 2 года назад
I was bullied at a Christian private school from elementary school to 4th grade. All the kids that bullied me, their moms worked there. They bullied me for my short height, my real name (it's very hard to pronounce) and once even stepped on my hair (it was really long). Whenever I went to their moms that worked at the school, all of them would say "what? What are you talking about? My child would never do such a thing!" Obviously being young, I had no phone for evidence. I hated it because nobody believed me and thankfully I eventually left. In middle school however a few kids bullied me because I'd cry a lot. Once I cried in my Spanish classroom because I failed a test. I would get spanked by my parents any time I got anything below a B and it really fucked up my self esteem. When I cried after seeing the bad grade, one of the kids said "oh look! She's crying!" And I felt so humiliated. Thankfully after 8th grade and moving to a different state and school, I never got bullied in highschool. Everyone I met was really nice and I finally had a circle of good friends (the anime and video game nerds haha) although there was 2 people that would take my food without asking. I was the type of person to give extra food to people if I wasn't hungry a certain day, but I'd appreciate if they'd ask first instead of snatching my own food.
@paxhumana2015 2 года назад
You should have done what I did to bullies, hit them in their junk, use submission techniques, and, when applicable, professional wrestling maneuvers like using the occasional pile driver or power bomb to get the damn point across...on the bullies AND their parents alike.
@twistysunshine 2 года назад
What happened to that last kid? They said he was good until he was home for xmas break, then he came back awful. And it got worse when he had to go home from summer break. It sounds like something happened to him during those times.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 года назад
So true
@revparravager3184 2 года назад
As a public school teacher I can fully concur that children have gotten bolder and bolder as the years have gone on such that they often will either have the Helicopter Mom who will never believe anyone against their kid short of a signed and sealed letter from God, OR even worse they will have the parents who just dont give a damn and look at school as merely free babysitting. I am NOT saying those latter parents dont expect their kids to actually do well. What I mean is that, sure they want the kid to get good grades. They want their kids to get good grades so they can go to college and get the hell out of their hair. They want all thje perks of Parenthood and none of the work. They don't care what their kid does at school so long as it doesn't impact THEIR lives directly. I feel this has only gotten worse as schools more and more often rely on interventions to the point of absurdity and its like expulsion or assignment to the juvenile authorities is anathema to them. I think people need to recognize that sometimes a kids issues are just too complicated or even just dangerous to be handled in a standard setting.
@mossblomma 2 года назад
The final "I'm so sorry, I had no idea" is just priceless, she did have an idea she just didn't believe them because for some reason all these parents have magically forgotten how horrible kids can be (and it's usually the parent's fault).
@laurenmentink7401 2 года назад
Hello Slash. Maybe 30 years or so ago in Michigan the parents of an entire bus was told how horrible that their children were behaving while on the bus. The parents said the same thing as the last story. "My child would never behave like that." The school got a camera to record the actions of the children. There was then a meeting at the school where all of the parents and their children watched the camera footage. Proof that their "little angels" were actually "little devils".
@Wargwolf91 2 года назад
2nd story, I was the COMPLETE opposite. My Teachers used to say "He's such a pleasure to have in class." meanwhile i was an actual terror at home
@sheeptasticSeb 2 года назад
Get your under 10 minute brownie points here! Today with extra chocolate chips 😁
@jupiterskiss 2 года назад
Yay! I've been craving brownies 😂
@Mx_Ghost_ 2 года назад
Delicious. Do you have ghost brownies too?
@cucumber2213 2 года назад
Thank you very much
@a.u.t.057 2 года назад
Oooo my favorite
@godzillasHD 2 года назад
@MemuJBR 2 года назад
I had a classmate who was a quiet kid. He didn’t speak to many people just kept to himself. He was an A student. Many teachers liked him but some didn’t cause he constantly fell asleep in class due to him being narcoleptic. He was bullied really bad in middle school. Got to the point where someone threw a stone at him. It hit him right on the eyebrow guy was bleeding. He was called to the counselors office the next day. We found out that his dad didn’t even bother to show up. To the father teacher meeting. Those of us who knew him knew he was holding back the tears feeling abandoned by his dad.
@CyberKirby 2 года назад
"6:45 AM, awoken by my husband's flatulence." is now one of my favorite sentences ever.
@KrissiWil 2 года назад
I was a counselor at a summer camp. I had a parent who gave me gift cards and cookies when she picked up her kids because “I know how tough they are.” Her kids weren’t terrible, just attention seekers.
@nicoffgobkherm2031 2 года назад
As a parent of a constantly bullied child after many school visits I spoke directly to the mother. After getting the not my child speech I sent her an email e planning how bullying causes permanent emotional damage and as she has given her blessing to her child's behavior she has now accepted responsibility. I was about to treat her as if she was bullying my child herself. If she didn't make it stop.
@BonnieHalfElven 2 года назад
My mother always told me that if a grownup accused me of something, I was guilty before being proved innocent. None of this "my child would never do that" crap.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 года назад
Same. Which is why false accusations are now such a trigger for me. That whole "me thinks thou doth protest too much" meaning someone is guilty... is the opposite for me, being falsely punished as a kid has me react intensely desperate to prove my innocence if accused of anything. So now I am hyper paranoid to not do anything that could ever be perceived by someone as doing wrong (like someone asking me to bring them their purse, I only do it if I can be seen the whole time and I carry it at my max arm reach like it's radioactive or something dangerous) and i love the idea of cameras constantly recording everything, so I have proof of my innocence if anyone should ever think something false of me. I am a total nut. 🤪
@tyanabullock1528 2 года назад
Y’all someone tell me why people are so scared of the collarbone and shoulders. Honestly I don’t know, does it get people on or something??
@3horsesrunning199 2 года назад
You & me both. I think it has to do with over the years companies have become lax or less restrictive in dress policies & some people have taken it too far. I admit it doesn't look business when you have someone on your staff that looks like they either just got outta bed or off the street corner. Then their are folks who just don't care what they look like & grab whatever & throw it on. As far as they CEO in this story she is a major b**** & wants to petty & cruel as possible. The IT person burned her ass for sure though.
@cameronbarber9732 2 года назад
I never believe the excuse of “my little angel would never do that” because I never met anyone in my life where I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that they are capable of awful things.
@a_diamond 2 года назад
The story of the kid whose mom wanted to be notified whenever the child's behavior was bad struck me.. What the heck was going on with the kid that s/he acted out like that? I know that would make them hard to handle, but since the behavior seems excessive I hope *someone* has taken a closer look, both at possible physical and mental health problems, but also at possible signs of this kid being a victim of abuse. Not every victim reacts to trauma with sadness and withdrawal. This is why past victims may become the next generation of abuser. It passes on. Such acting out really sounds like a cry for help to me. I get the mother annoyed the teachers, but teachers should be aware that they are on the front lines when it comes to spotting child-abuse. If a child acts completely out of bounds and normal measures aren't changing the behavior, it's time to look really closely at other possible causes. It shouldn't be seen as "just" a discipline matter.. The mother's dismissive behavior of her child's bullying behavior could indicate other unhealthy behavior she is ignoring and dismissing *against* that child that she shouldn't. Many partners of abusers are in denial. I hope the kid got the help he or she needed. When behavior gets that excessive, people really should start thinking about this in terms other than "just a kid being bad".. Behavior like this is exactly why people tend to say "I always knew there was something strange going on" once a child like that ends up going to the police to report his or her abusers and the people on the periphery hear about it going to court. If a behavior has been happening for a while, and regular measures to correct it aren't working, stop endlessly just doing the same thing over, and over, and over.. clearly, whatever is at the root of the behavior isn't changed by what you are doing. Get some help from therapists, and no, I don't mean the regular school counselor. If the child felt they could tell that person, they already would have. Approach the child from a position of "We don't know how to help you be more successful and happier in school. This person (the therapist) isn't part of the school, and anything you discuss with them will be private and not get back to your family. Then listen. (I tried getting therapy several times myself as a kid, but my abusers always made sure they were in the room... After I left, I called the councilor who had been bewildered about what was going on and told her what the problem had been. I could hear the facepalm over the phone, and I know it had been a honest mistake on her end.. she hadn't even realized we'd never spoken alone.. q but these things matter. ❤️ A survivor.
@sethmcardle8281 2 года назад
There's a simple reason why people mess with the IT Guy: They don't watch rSlash, so they don't know of that advice.
@josephhurst4902 2 года назад
Teacher Abuse, Strange how moms going through a Divorce will IGNORE ALL BAD BEHAVIOR just to get the child support. I hope she was stuck with the BAD SEED she created, and never got custody of the Little Angel.
@hyperfixedandhopeless995 2 года назад
it sounds like the mother just didn't want to deal with the raising or the consequences of raising her own child. it was either he couldn't have done those things, or she didn't want to hear about those things. no wonder he was so awful I could only imagine the amount of neglect he'd been going through at home that was not the responsibility of the teachers to fix. I feel terrible for the teachers, classmates, and yes this child because of these two parents who not only didn't know what was going on with their child but were comfortable and happy in their ignorance (yes dad gets this too if mom could have kept this all from him then he was neglectful and absent). Teachers should also watch out for this "well-behaved" brother because there could be some serious trauma involved that pressures them into neglecting themselves and their own needs.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 года назад
Exactly 💯
@briandouglasahern7067 2 года назад
Two of my friends worked at a local water theme park's food court right out of high school. Their manager threw a hissyfit one day when he saw they were both wearing jeans. "Those pants are not formal enough!", the manager spewed. They were covered in bits of fry grease, drops of condiments, plus the other spatter and yuck that comes from fast food-style service work. They said, "You're kidding, right? Looking formal is a concern here?" Oh, the manager was serious. So the next day, my friends show up, one in a tuxedo and top hat, complete with gloves and a walking stick, the other in an overblown prom dress/ball gown with opera gloves and a freakin' parasol. "Is THIS formal enough??" The manager couldn't get anyone to do much of anything that day, as everyone was busting a gut laughing at that stunt.
@bland9876 2 года назад
It's nice to hear a story where the school actually backs up the teacher for a change.
@Rhaenarys 2 года назад
People with pitchforks need to back off and realize the ONLY person responsible for disciplining your kids is YOU, the parent, NOT the school!
@Richard_Nickerson 2 года назад
"This is getting out of hand"? Be a good parent then.
@emeraldqueen1994 2 года назад
@Lumara 2 года назад
I laughed out loud at the different ways employees complied with the toxic CEO's demands. That was great!
@annabunovsky5628 2 года назад
OP calling their coworkers Louise and Tina in the first story makes me imagine this as an especially off the walls Bob's Burgers episode
@somerandofurry9216 2 года назад
I was like the crazy kid in kindergarten. But one thing was I had a solid reason. There was a kid with cancer and no hair because of it. When she got bullied I would gain things to blackmail them. Hate notes, seeing them do stuff to other students and then corner the bully A random amount of time after to avoid suspicion. Explaining that I had a way to get them into a number of problems and one time possibly expeled. I told them that if they didn't stop they would tell the teacher and or principle. I got in trouble but it was what I had to do. I had no choice.
@nobodyuknow6337 2 года назад
Saw one of those TV courts where somebody's kid was caught, on camera, attacking another child. What does the spawns' mother say with the evidence in front of her eyes "Oh, I can see what happened here. Somebody has been tampering with the video." The entire courtroom burst into laughter.
@GeekBot404 2 года назад
what the hell did the entitled mom did to her kid??? did she created a monster???
@That_Random_British_Dude 2 года назад
Sadly, I have to admit that when I was about 7 to about 10, I was like the kid in the story. Thankfully for me, nothing happened to me on a legal basis, but now I just feel embarrassment for the things I did. I hope that kid feels remorse for his actions too
@TheKira699 2 года назад
When the school says "YOUR LITTLE ANGEL" is hellspawn, they don't say it because they like the sound of their own voice. Admittedly some angels are angels and some bullies can make the angels do bad things (black mail etc) so always best to get to the source of the problem. And no blackmail can be bad enough to ruin your life at that young age.
@Jessicahasopinions 2 года назад
It definitely sounds like something was going on back at home for the kid. My son was in the 1st grade when my ex and I split and he immediately started having behavioral issues and just being flat out defiant. Nothing like this story but still totally out of character for him. We got him in therapy to help him identify and cope with his emotions and I haven't had much trouble out of him since, nothing outside the ordinary of a kid his age anyway.
@russellkurger2698 2 года назад
My daughter in law has a beautiful girl in first grade. This kid is the poster child of angelic but her mom started getting reports from the school that her daughter was being a bully on the bus. She had a hard time believing it... until she finally saw the video one of the other kids took of her on the bus. (hitting, hair pulling and the mouth of a sailor) To say the sh*t hit the fan is an understatement. Apparently my DIL had been the recipient of some pretty bad bulling back in her day and cut that off at the bud damn quick. I hear things are doing much better now.
@notalostnumber8660 2 года назад
I have Asperger's, and in school I didn't have friends, all boys school. So because I didn't knew how to interact with people outside of my family, I was quickly being bullied (and that lasted for...12 years...) Anyways, because I always cried and shouted, but didn't knew how to say I was being bullied, I got notes on my official record multiple times. Shouted "NO" in the middle of the class? noted. Why did I do it? I was verbally harassed. Fell off of my chair? noted. Why? I was being punched multiple times. Cried and couldn't talk? noted. Why? I had bronchitis and the screaming, coughing and crying meant my throat couldn't handle it at all. Threw the eraser at a classmate? noted. Why? I couldn't get close in order to punch them back, and I was far weaker back then (not anorexia, we just didn't have enough food) Those are just some examples of the many things those satan spawns did. In a catholic school (only one teacher was also a priest, all the others were regular teachers)
@SilentEcho9194 Год назад
When I worked at an elementary school, we would invite the parents who were in denial about their perfect little angels behavior at recess to come and watch from the library window during recess and see what they were up to with their own eyes. Lol
@OldTownPhantom 2 года назад
rSlash is baffled by people who keep messing with the IT guy, but the fact is that anyone who needs to learn that lesson is not someone self aware enough to look up these stories
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 года назад
And even if they did, they aren't self aware enough to relate things back to themselves
@Whatdoesntmakemesoundweird 2 года назад
I work in a high school, when our students are violent and hit us they get a few days suspension, if that. One student hit a staff member with a metal pole as they were walking out of class. The student then threatened to kill him. Mummy dearest said it was obviously the staff members fault. The kid was suspended for a few days. The staff member was away from school longer than the student.
@sepiasmith5065 2 года назад
I feel so bad for teachers/school staff and particularly young kids. I'm grateful that my time in quarantine has been at the end of my college years, because I couldn't imagine having to go to earlier schools virtually. It's been painfully difficult to keep on top of my work even in college. It's like my brain turned into a brick.
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
One wants to physically injure any parent who says "my little angel would never do that." Signed, retired teacher.
@TheOfficialTarynTots 2 года назад
The last story- It was barely mentioned but the fact that the classmates jumped in to protect the teacher does say a lot. It shows that these kids obviously care about their teacher and at that school not all the kids are bad. I think those kids deserve some props stopping him from hurting her worse than he already did. I hope that boy ended up getting the help he needed after the Dad found out what was going on.
@mrlugh 2 года назад
For the abusive child story, I think the corrective actions were relevant, because the story ends with a legal sentence on the child. While I do believe that a child can follow a dark path despite a parent doing everything in their power correctly, as the parent is not the only influence, an absent parent should receive criminal charges rather than the child. The child, even a teenager, is a victim, and NOT everything was done that should have been done prior to the conclusion of the story. That might have been all the highschool could have done, but once the father was finally involved there was an opportunity for further resolution (as difficult and painful, even dangerous, that might be).
@GamerSapss 2 года назад
For the last story, I quit being an assistantteacher after the summer, and not having to deal with kids like that (granted, not tha bad of a behaviour) has improved my mood immensly. Some kids needs extra suprevision, or some sort of outside help because of how they are, but the schools either rarely want to properly deal with it (not teachers, upper management who aren't personally involved) or the parents aren't helping out. I had another teacher swap schools mid-year because of the lack of resources and not being taken seriously, and I had to take over one of the classes they had, and I understood immediately why they left. Because these students didn't like what I had to offer (I took over arts and crafts where we swapped over to techonlogy based because that's what I'm educated in) they where throwing a massive stink because that is not what the class is "supposed to be" when it is part of their currriculum, it just happened that arts and craft was what was replaced. What was the reaction? Yelling derogatory slurs (in the form of songs), clapping and being a general nuiscance and trying to get me to react to them in any way. I had an assistant teacher with me, but they *tried* to get upper management involved, who didn't, and left me alone for 30 minutes, which in turn left me afterwards going to the principal, and honestly chewed them out saying I refuse to work with them under these conditions Response? *Leave them alone if they aren't working, but they need to remain in the class*. If they where still working or wheren't disturbing the rest, I wouldn't mind, but these kids desperately needed alternative teaching, I get them being upset because they wheren't really academically interested and would rather work with their hands, but the response to it is way out of line and directed at the wrong person
@MsNoPixel 2 года назад
*Regarding the multiple emails to mom about her sons bad behavior story:* It’s crazy to hear the difference in those brothers, mom had to be the reason the older of the two was acting up because when dad completely took over the younger one he was claimed to be wonderful & since mom kept dad in the dark with the older one she was pretty much handling him alone & to be honest her douchebag attitude showed through in the story so I’m not surprised the son she mostly raised was also a douchebag, she definitely allowed that child to misbehave & probably even instigated, remember in most situations kids end up being a lot like their parents & typically look up to them, therefore the parents attitudes rub off on the kids which seems to be exactly what happened here because the dad was a gem & so was the youngest son who he not only raised more but had a direct say in his life & was in the know about what went on with him so I blame the mother 100% for the older ones nasty behavior.
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
That makes all the sense.
@ecm84ee 2 года назад
Holy crap the first story, that is illegal here. You cannot single out a person at work in front of someone. It happened to me once and the manager was fired. I could have taken the company to court and easily won if they didn't fire him
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
Can you say what country you're in?
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 2 года назад
Malicious compliance is so much fun! I had a dispatcher throw a fit because I only radio'd in ambulance movements which seemed relevant: en route, on location, transporting, at destination, clear. But she didn't think that was enough. So I radio'd in EVERYTHING (going up the stairs, in the ambulance performing interventions/not transporting yet, stopping for food/bathroom break, etc). And every 30 minutes even if we weren't doing anything at the time, just for good measure. That lasted half a shift before she gave in and let me do it my way.
@taralgasarah 2 года назад
the last story i feel sorry for the kid. he’s obviously struggling with something and his mum doesnt care enough to get him help
@bananaanimations2003 2 года назад
that last story, I think I know that kid! He was in my class during elementary. I'm not sure if that's a correct statement but it's pretty darn close since he'd thrown a chair and was extremely disrespectful. I too, had him for 2 years until he was expelled and I never saw him again until his little brother started attending. His younger brother was quite the angel, never talked to him but I never heard about any incidents, so that's a plus.
@jiogcyihsugyiocjfdoivhphvw6821 2 года назад
up to the minute account of entire day is frickin hilarious. "woke up, peed, pooped, etc" LMAO
@acopperheart 2 года назад
That kid story is so freaking gross. The fact that the school was subjected to that kids behavior while the mom gets to play dumb, is so messed up
@andrewkraus1387 2 года назад
You know what r slash should do as like a holiday special video? He should go back to videos he has made and look on his verdicts about those videos and see if they have changed. Especially posts that deal with bad parents. I would love to see his current perspective now that he is a father himself.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 года назад
@ziggyzoggin 2 года назад
"Whether you work 100 hours or 1 hour, you get paid the same." I don't understand, how is that suppose to make them want to answer your questions whenever? doesn't that make them want to work the littlest amount possible??
@johns1307 2 года назад
If you have a child, you can NEVER assume their behavior. Just like with anyone NOT related to you, you don't know their entire life. You don't know what's going on inside their head. All you can do is ask, and observe. Chances are, the same thing that makes you assume your child's behavior when you can't see them is the same thing that causes them to act out when you aren't watching them. Stop treating children like pets. They are people too.
@alexwaddington9808 2 года назад
I was very different in school, away from parents, than at home. School was like freedom from home, so if a school says something contrary to what you think about your child, believe them.
@broski89 2 года назад
If your child is "such an angel" then you should have no problem homeschooling them.
@thechickenlord4000 2 года назад
I just appreciate the fact that the students defended the teacher when the bully tried to hit them with the chair.
@ebonyblack7272 2 года назад
The last story will always be the saddest to me because how oblivious the mom is. She genuinely believes she was doing right by her son by not disciplining him. Now he's got a record, and I'm guessing because he's been at it so long now there's little chance hill ever change. His life is going to be so much harder now because she choose to try to sweep his issues under the rug instead of dealing with whatever was wrong with him.
@TBaker-xu5is 2 года назад
On the second story... I imagine a lot of grinch-like smiles when the teachers and faculty realized what the OP was doing... One more thing... it's an example of "Be careful what you wish for, you night get it.
@tysonyawger6531 2 года назад
I still think that juvenile records are a stupid idea. Crime is crime, assault is assault, and should not get a pass because they are young. That kid belongs in prison. Conversely, if someone thinks that a kid should get a pass because they are young, I suppose I could agree if the parent or guardian is held responsible FULLY for their crotch goblins actions instead. Could be amusing watching a pair of parents fight over which one of them will go to jail because their 'precious angel' was caught beating up the nerdy kid at school.
@user-do2ev2hr7h 2 года назад
Story 1: IDK even know if that's truly malicious compliance. OP could've gotten themselves in trouble if they didn't follow the procedure clearly laid out in the company manual. That's different than "my boss misspoke and told me to do something stupid, so I went with it out of spite"
@Slipknotyk06 2 года назад
There's nothing more annoying than a parent who is in denial about what their kid is up to.
@GaleGrim 2 года назад
8:58 I don't want to give the parents or the kid an excuse. But this started suddenly, "like a switch just flipped inside this kid" after chirstmass break... My spider sense is tingling.... That child was abused over Christmas break or something like it and refuses to talk about it out of fear of some kind even during counseling. I'd bet real money on it, even tho I hope it's not case and the kid really is just a terror. Kid's don't normally become terrors like that, there was August, september, october, nobember, and a few days of december with out this behaviour, that's about 122-92 days minimum for this kind of thing to be noticed but they had "some minor issues that were normal for a teenager trying to fit in" not anything like that... It's make my stomach sick thinking about what MIGHT of changed to cause that kind of shift in personalty. The mother out right denying it is suspicious as well when the father had no idea and was being lied too.... It's all.... very icky. 14:34 I also think the tone your putting on that last bit is inappropriate. It's less "I hAd nO IdEa" and more "I had no idea, they don't act like that at home or anywhere else" from the way I'm reading it. Sometimes it's easier to believe your child's actions are being overblown and misrepresented, then believe they act so differently somewhere else. If your parent was sweet and kind, and loveing, and supportive and all the things a parent should be and you never saw them being anything but, would you believe they were a complete reprehensible a-hole and bad person at work? or would you think the person/people telling you that was/were being dramatic? We often want very desperately to believe the people we love aren't awful or even flawed. Sometimes that belief needs shattered tho for the greater good.
@HaakonTheRayquaza Год назад
8:17 I'm sorry but, the Word "Helicopter Parent" just has me imagining a Karen using Inspector Gadget's Go-Go-Gadget Helicopter
@ZombieSazza 2 года назад
The fact the CEO was never fired actually pisses me off
@chicnuggs8238 2 года назад
Coming from a child and victim of narcissist abuse, both from my mother and paternal aunt, the child in the last story absolutely underwent a massive amount of trauma during that Christmas break. Instantaneous personality changes happen due to large, world warping reasons. Usually you see it occur as the child in the story, sweet innocence to utter violence. That good -> bad transition usually happens when the world "falls" around the victim, in narcissistic abuse that translates to the gold child (think Isabella in Encanto) instantly becoming the black sheep/scapegoat (Mirabel in Encanto); They go from everything is right to everything is wrong. However, the complete polar opposite is almost more common than the story we see; Utter violence to sweet innocence. Whatever that child went through, I sincerely wish him the complete, and absolute best. Therapy, and other services don't work for everyone, and I can only hope he, one day, found something that did, and hopefully removed from the person who hurt him
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