
Reaction To heute-show (Boris Johnson no plan B aside from no deal Brexit) 

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Reaction To heute-show (Boris Johnson no plan B aside from no deal Brexit) | German Political Satire Comedy
This is my reaction to (Boris Johnson no plan B aside from no deal Brexit)
In this video I react to more from German political satire platform heute-show and their analysis of Brexit. In this video they take aim at ex British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Original Video - • Boris Johnson: no plan...



22 авг 2023




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@snarekeeper8053 10 месяцев назад
Most Germans got no strong opinion on the British (neither negative nor positive), at least that's the feeling I get from my personal environment. The Brexit on the other hand is universally accepted as being an absolute Clownshow.
@TessaractAlemania-hd7tv 10 месяцев назад
Blödsinn. Das mag bei der Heute Show so sein. In Wirklichkeit ist den Nicht-Medien Deutschen der Brexit völlig am Arsch vorbeigegangen: ob drin oder nicht drin, wen interessierts, so haben alle reagiert mit Ausnahme neurotischer Journaille-isten, die Hysterie Fakten vorziehen. Und die politisch Interessierten haben gesagt, ach den Dexit hätten wir auch gern, um diese EU Zwangsjacke endlich loszuwerden. Die Briten machen's richtig, nur zieht's sich zu lange hin.
@Eurician 10 месяцев назад
Your Environment is strange. Most People in my german Environment have the very strong Oppinion, that Britain commited Suicide.
@BikersDoItSittingDown 10 месяцев назад
Only to pro-EU voters and the EU themselves. To the rest of us we regard it as a lucky escape. I honestly believe that had we not escaped when we did, it would have been impossible to leave in a few more years. I feel sorry for those left behind as you can guarantee that any country that wishes to leave the EU, will have to face an even greater hardship as the EU changes from the lessons it has learned from Brexit.
@Eurician 10 месяцев назад
@@BikersDoItSittingDown Der "Rest von uns" ist ein Haufen ewig nörgelnder Jammerlappen, der sich von der AfD am Nasenring hin und herziehen lässt. Leute, die zu dämlich sind zu verstehen, dass gerade freier Handel für uns extrem wichtig ist.
@snarekeeper8053 10 месяцев назад
@@Eurician My environment absolutely shares that take, the first part of my comment is meant to answer the question of what german people think of british people in general
@calise616 10 месяцев назад
German here. I have nothing against British people. The problem is that most normal people had no idea about the consequences of the Brexit. They believed the lies of the politicians, especially Boris Johnson.
@RololoTheOneAndOnly 10 месяцев назад
*the russian paid politicians*
@davezwieback4208 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, same with the AFD.
@inkubusarchitektde 10 месяцев назад
​@@davezwieback4208as if the AfD would ever lie to us😏
@JacobSprenger 10 месяцев назад
Another major problem was that there never was _the one Brexit_ as an option. You can't just say "Let's get out" with no idea where to. There would've had to be several options for leaving: "[ ] No-deal, full Brexit, [ ] Norway-Model" etc.
@toweliethetowel8280 10 месяцев назад
@@inkubusarchitektde oh ja, die böse AfD.. die Grünen und die SPD, sowie FDP sind ja so vertrauenswürdig :D
@calise616 10 месяцев назад
"Wir schaffen das!" (We can do it!, or We can accomplish it)) was a statement by Merkel in 2015, when she opened the borders for many many refugees in Germany. For which she received a lot of praise (and hate at the same time). Since then this sentence is a meme in Germany.
@pixelbartus 10 месяцев назад
A little correction (but a big difference). She did not open the borders, she refused to close them.
@bavariancarenthusiast2722 10 месяцев назад
Yes and funny enough - we made it, wir haben es geschafft!
@SuperZardo 10 месяцев назад
@@pixelbartus Wrong. Hungary was overwhelmed by the amount of people which had entered their country and Orban wanted to get rid of them as quickly as possible, which translates to sending them to Germany via Austria. Austria would only accept their passage if Germany agreed to take everybody in. So Merkel had the choice of saying no or yes to Orbans proposition, however she was unter a strong moral pressure to say yes. The internal borders of the EU were not "open" for asylum seekers and refugees which already had reached a "safe" country in the EU.
@germanyhamburger5552 10 месяцев назад
​@@SuperZardoWell, moral pressure, nobody asked or expected of her. Many countries didn't want that either because there was a risk of having to take part. We needed workers and more tax money. Morally, it was her decision, since apparently more EU countries were against it than for it. Many in her party were also very unsure.
@pixelbartus 10 месяцев назад
@@SuperZardo the situation you are describing is not completely wrong, but your conclusion is. Germany's borders are open. Like every border in the Schengen area. The question during the situation you are describing was: should Germany close the borders and let Austria and Hungary handle the problem, or let them stay open and deal with the refugees. Merkel decided to choose the second option. Btw that didn't even last long. At 18. September 2015 Germany started border controls at the Austrian border to calm down Seehofer
@alexsoundso 10 месяцев назад
As a German, I feel so sorry for those of you who were against Brexit and are now suffering from it (especially the people from Scotland). I hope it will turn out well for you in the future. Please know that most Germans have nothing against British people and that we see the difference between the people and Brexit. We wish you only the best and maybe someday you will join us in the EU again. I love your sense of humour, the way you can laugh about yourself and your politicians! Great content!
@Danno-df9hq 10 месяцев назад
As a german who lived in and now travels regularly to Pembrokeshire in Wales I would not say that we hate the Brits for Brexit. But here is the thing: Pembrokeshire seems to have two major sources of income, which is agriculture and tourism. It has no airport, it's 6 hours down the M4 from London, and Brexit made it even more complicated to get to. Yet, the majority of people in Pembs voted pro Brexit. Seems odd to me.
@01andi 10 месяцев назад
I guess in democracies there will always be people voting against their own interests. Isn't it similar when working class Germans vote for AfD, CDU or FDP although those parties clearly do politics for the rich?
@dasaggropop1244 10 месяцев назад
they have been lied to. there were so many promises how brexit would profit them, like all those fishermen who voted leave and now it really sucks for them. i guess some still believe it takes more time to show positive results, but really how on earth can the uk be better off isolated than as part of a powerful alliance is not clear to me and i find it highly unlikely
@oskarprotzer3000 10 месяцев назад
@@01andi totally agree as a German. Politicians make false promises and people will follow.
@resortX 8 месяцев назад
@@01andi Mostly right, but the AfD makes politics for the stupid.
@ericziqn7019 10 месяцев назад
I gotta say: I truly love your reactions. You are a thoughtful, educated person. I enjoy listening to you. Keep it up, mate!
@xenijagrunschnabel7766 10 месяцев назад
As a German I never watched heute-show myself, but it's quite fun to watch it along with you (watched the previos heute-show videos as well). And subtitles are quite good as well! edit: By the way, it was hard to translate her joke at the end, because "Schnecken" are not only snails, but also can be translated like "hey chicks", I think.
@Bird_Dog00 10 месяцев назад
In german "Schnecke" is used colloquialy to refer to an attractive, young woman. These days however, this is generally seen as inapropriate and at least mildy mysogynistic.
@xenijagrunschnabel7766 10 месяцев назад
@@Bird_Dog00 I don't find it mysogynistic at all, but maybe I don't pay too much attention at the meaning. Maybe I would only roll my eyes, but that's all. As long as it is not touching, I don't care. edit: I know what it is meant in German, I am one. :D
@JacobSprenger 10 месяцев назад
The best description of Boris Johnson that I've ever heard came from John Oliver: "Grown-up Bam-Bam".
@JohnDoe-xz1mw 10 месяцев назад
i think generaly we think of the british as basicly germans who just foregot how food is supposed to taste like.
@user-xi6nk4xs4s 10 месяцев назад
In my opinion the UK is becoming more and more a US of A light.
@Takemysenf 10 месяцев назад
I lived in Essex for one year, part of my family lives in London+Birmingham. I really love the laid back attitude of the British people. Even if sth bad happens, they first offer tea, which is so cute and relaxed. I like their politeness and the specific British wording of situations. I hate the food, to be honest. The year in Essex was tough for me and my fellow roommates from other parts of Europe when it came to food. When it comes to politics: The zoo-like screaming in parliament is just… something else. I can only view it as ridiculous, because tradition or not: No good content or argument EVER was made better by shouting or screaming. When it comes to Brexit: Lemmings. Not to understand what Brexit means for Britain, for Europe is just pure stupidity. Every destibalisation of Europe is a gift for the likes of Russia or Vhina - its all they want. If Europe does not act as one, its individual countries will loose all importance in the geopolitical developments. Nationalists in Europe are just too arrogant and stupid to understand that Europe‘s golden era passed. That in a couple of decades we will be nothing compared to the new powerhouses in the global market, especially compared to Asia and the rich Arabian countries that finally learned to get a good deal out of their oil. Brexit was a collective idiocy.
@moboe7719 10 месяцев назад
Exactly! 👏🏻
@Legilimentable 10 месяцев назад
Me as a German I like the UK and British people. I did my Erasmus in Colchester and think that the EU is a wonderful platform for cultural exchange and reducing barriers between the different nations. And also I think in part, the criticism on the EU is right. There needs to be reforms, but going back to individual independent countries will not be successful in today's world. Actually, I think we need a more integrated but also more accountable EU, in order to be relevant on the world stage. And my third point is that the UK and Germany always shared a lot of interests with regards to economic policy in the EU. With the UK out, this "Northern European bloc" (including also the Netherlands and others) is weakened and the Southern bloc (being more lenient on national debt etc) is strengthened. So that's a very practical political problem.
@ThePixel1983 10 месяцев назад
To know what Brexit looked like from the outside: Do you know the Asterix movies? The one where the pirate captain sinks his own ship to prevent Asterix and Obelix from doing the same, but they didn't even intend to?
@IceCryTV 10 месяцев назад
I don't shed a tear for the English. But above all, I am sorry for the Scots who share our vision of a united Europe and I hope to welcome them back soon.
@Mitch.Buchannon 10 месяцев назад
@andrewsims4123 10 месяцев назад
I'm Scottish and don't give Shit what you think 😡
@LordMango_der_lll 10 месяцев назад
Freeeeeeeedom for the scots
@jasonkingshott2971 7 месяцев назад
..Eh Scotland has never been in the EU.
@nightingalesingon 10 месяцев назад
Here in Germany, lots of my British expat friends (and uncle) were devastated by the Brexit nightmare. Some of them applied for German citizenship as a consequence. I was sad to hear that Brexit has even separated families, brothers and cousins not talking to each other anymore. One of my English friends (a journalist) cannot bear listening to the British news anymore. Personally, I studied English literature, so, of course, I am anglophile and I like many aspects of the British and English speaking cultures. But my studies abroad in Kingston upon Hull were one of the bleakest times in my life (although the university and my fellow Erasmus students were great). Even two decades ago, up I experienced so much hostility, not only against Germans and Germany, but against the whole "bl**dy continent" (NOT in Scotland, South England and London, but up in Hull on earth) In return, I was shocked to witness the poverty (my mate's family in Newcastle would frequently eat squirrel and steal in the shopping centers -- no lie!), the bad living conditions (I lived in a cold, draughty, mouldy hole of a house that could be part of a Dickens novel), lack of education (even on campus) and the desolate state the people were in (hardly any teeth in the mouth even with the students on campus) It was a real culture shock. Since my time abroad and especially since the Brexit I prefer to go to Ireland instand.
@jonnyboy801 10 месяцев назад
I can Recommend you the "Neo Magazin Royal" . Jan Böhmermann is a little Bit more investigative Journalism And Hes also very sassy And Musical.
@JohnDoe-us5rq 10 месяцев назад
I can only speak for myself, of course, but I feel so sorry for the people of Great Britain. And I despise the Tories for their recklessness in aligning with the crazies from the hard Brexit's team. All the hardship the British people have to endure just because of some Tory's pipedream. But yes, I sometimes feel ashamed of German or EU politicians, but I think, that's just the way it is. I think the level of shame and the frequency is what makes the difference.
@sockosophie3132 10 месяцев назад
I actually like the Tories for turning stupidity and total mindnumbness into consequences, that should happen more often so people think carefully about what they vote for.
@Lukas-eq1pj 10 месяцев назад
Most people that I know summarize british politics with the meme "You're not just a clown, you're the eintire circus"
@-dubios- 10 месяцев назад
boris johnson with that bike helmet looks like cartman from southpark, when he pretended to be handicapped xD
@katb.78 10 месяцев назад
The interesting question is: is there a country on this planet, whose government is not embarrassing? I once read an interesting article, that stated, that no truly sensible and wise person is cut out to climb the ladder of political hierarchy.
@Crafty_Spirit 10 месяцев назад
Hang on, there is... ooph, I can't come up with one. And I'm Swiss
@katb.78 10 месяцев назад
@@Crafty_Spirit Quod erat demonstrandum 😁 if even a Swiss can't help us out...
@Crafty_Spirit 10 месяцев назад
@@katb.78 And I want to add, since I moved to Austria I try to ignore the politics here... it's a clown show that can not veil the nepotistic mindset by which ruling parties only care about enriching themselves. I feel like in most places of the developed world, many, many people are angry and bored for various reasons and they feel entitled to vent it off by voting for political clowns and extremist parties
@spielpfan7067 10 месяцев назад
Austrian here. There is a British guy living in my village since the late 90s and he was very angry when Brexit happened because now he suddenly needed a work visa to stay here. I think British people are very nice.
@threatter1676 10 месяцев назад
About 4:56, "Wir schaffen das!" is a German phrase, I believe the best translation is "We will accomplish this!" or "We will make this a success!". In 2015, at the beginning of the syrian refugee crisis, Merkel famously said "Wir schaffen das!". She was often critisized for this, bacause many people believe she was too lighthearted in dealing with this issue. She even later said that she now believes that this sentence was too optimistic.
@RonBarnes-xz7og 10 месяцев назад
Love your posts and your accent. I have lived in Germany for over 50 years and although I can speak quite good German my pronunciation isn't perfect, Could you please ask someone how to pronounce "Heute" it is split into two halfs HEU-TE. It is quite an old sketch but I fine it still very funny " Loriot Englische Ansage "just to let you see how the humour was in the 70's also " Das schiefe Bild " the crooked picture, pure comedy.
@sirbowen4358 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for clarifying what "Big girl's blouse" means. Such phrases are hardly to understand outside the Country. Like "I think my pig is whistling", "I think a moose is kissing me" or the classic "It is not the yellow from the Egg."
@hufflepuffvoldida7977 10 месяцев назад
Please keep reacting to german comedy
@danbelow90 10 месяцев назад
I remember when I was reading news about the brexit. I was like "yeah. whatever. They'll never figure their sh*t out"
@mila5623 10 месяцев назад
I really enjoy your reactions, much appreciated! And yes- we are ashamed of our politics and or their statements, too. We also or in particular make fun of them.
@mila5623 10 месяцев назад
(By that I meant not everyone)
@NathanTamaja 10 месяцев назад
We had great satire shows about trump. You`ll be pleased. Thanks for your great work! Love from Germany!
@ilkahellerling2345 10 месяцев назад
Dear Mert that was fun. My face hurts from smiling. Tyvm 😂
@luigimonaco7826 10 месяцев назад
Most of the people I talk to here in Germany are VERY ashamed of the german foreign minister. Really ashamed.
@pabloelpoms5701 10 месяцев назад
Man I love your pronunciation of heute show ,,hoit show’’ 😂😂🙏🏾😁
@starrynight6223 10 месяцев назад
Me, too! 😂
@HyperGamer14 10 месяцев назад
As a german, I can also confirm that we don't hate british people. Sure, we like to mock the english people for certain things and tropes, (which most likely comes from our football rivalry) but it's nothing serious. Also I would say that, while we mock England and its people a lot, we like Ireland and Scotland, at least as far as I know.
@peterweiss123 10 месяцев назад
It feels for me, like Tina Hausten said it before in this video: No matter as long as you're not boring! Thats at least british politics for me! Great reaction!
@Kokuswolf 10 месяцев назад
Another german here. I remember some videos from citizens all over europe saying the EU is great, why britain wants to leave? The important aspect here, their mind was not about regulations, laws and such things, but the progression of us EU states who reached an unity. Leaving the EU is a signal for going back to old structures ... and I think many would agree that European countries weren't that great in the last few centuries. But yes, these are citizens, and then there is politics. (In that context, I love britain, especially their humour. This is why I appreciate you liking our satire. I would love to see politics follow the paradigm of us all being friends... at least my naive child in me.)
@derda1304 10 месяцев назад
protect that inner child. it seems lovely
@sf4120 10 месяцев назад
The thing is Britain always had special treatments in the EU. And in the beginning many people were sad you're leaving. But after so much trouble, people had at some point just enaugh and wanted the British just to leave. To some ridiculous point, where Britain was saying it is stronger than the EU and can dictate what it wants. At that point people were just "whatever, they are crazy and didnt realise they aren't the empire anymore."
@F_comTV 10 месяцев назад
Wonderfull comments again, as a GER one starts feeling home - at home.. Well done, thank you, congrats.
@naomisusanisaacs3810 10 месяцев назад
Really like your channel, your enquiring spirit and your appreciation of "straight talk". Tiny tip: The "e" on the end of "Heute" is not silent. Just sayin' 😄
@bananenmusli2769 10 месяцев назад
Mostly we make fun of the English. Scottish people voted against Brexit and they are much more respectful during international football games (when they ever play any, that is). The rest of the UK, we don't think about it at all.
@l.c.899 10 месяцев назад
The Brexit is not a thing here anymore...
@helenak2309 10 месяцев назад
Greetings from austria! I really enjoy watching these reaction videos. Generelly I feel conflicted in my view on the british between a „serves you right, you elected this“ and pity for the other 49%. But Brexit was a comedy show and we even started to use the phrase „to do a british exit“ when you say you‘re leaving now at a party and stay for another two hours. I can recommend you „Gute Nacht Österreich“ with Peter Klien, that is basically the austrian equivalent to the Heute show. They cover a lot of international topics too and the videos are on youtube!
@steso5328 10 месяцев назад
as the former french president chirac said: "...so only stuff the british brought into the EU were BSE..."
@olgaplatt9221 10 месяцев назад
We love the British. And although we think it was a mistake to leave EU, we are convinced that it was the right of the UK.
@kingfipsi 10 месяцев назад
It would make me really happy if u react to more heute show aside from Brexit. Really looking forward to these videos 👋🏻
@stefanw7406 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for the explanation of "a big girls blouse". I find it interesting that you say "my country" while talking about England. Please don't get me wrong, I think that's great, but it surprises me because all the Scottish classmates I had at university were very keen on not being English. The phrase "wir schaffen das" means "we can do it" and was Merkel's signature phrase.
@gaberger1 10 месяцев назад
I love your videos! I wish you would make longer videos, because it’s fun to watch 😢. Also your skin has the same grey shade as your wall
@untergehermuc 10 месяцев назад
german here. we all love your former speaker of your parliament. ORDAAAAA!
@nigoki9706 10 месяцев назад
Hey I'm from Berlin. In general we really like the British people. We do. Also we miss GB in the EU. With the whole Brexit thing you just made a fool out of yourself but we still hold you in our hearts like a weird uncle.
@anndevries8267 10 месяцев назад
Also no need to feel embarrassed by your pm’s. When ours in Belgium a while back was asked whether he knew the words to the national anthem he enthusiastically launched into the first chorus of the French national anthem. We decided wisely not to take him as a reflection on the rest of us.
@headhunter1945 10 месяцев назад
Random trivia: "Schnecke" (snail) in German can be a term of endearment, so the blind man going to the fish market saying "Hello snails" is more akin to "Hello, babes"...
@Moritz19081980 10 месяцев назад
I think a lot of people in Germany have a love/hate relation to British people. For me personally: There is admiration for the language, the history, the beauty of the island, the humor (which sometimes is unintentional). When I was in England in 1994 (or was it 93?) I had a great time, most people were very nice and the country has so much charm(e). On the other hand I don't like their nationalism, their tendency to brutalisation (meaning the mob mentality) in larger groups. But in the end I think Germans and Brits are basically alike. Not really that much difference. As a German I feel vastly more connected to British people than to French people or Spanish people (for example).
@axwest1 10 месяцев назад
Exactly!! Du sprichst mir aus dem ❤
@JullisPieks 10 месяцев назад
I would agree 👍
@violinosion 10 месяцев назад
That's the bad cooking speaking
@GermanMythbuster 10 месяцев назад
3:13 - Thx for the explanation, wouldn't had made much sense otherwise
@Kaisingsens 10 месяцев назад
I used to live and work in Brighton. long story short: after the Brexit my company abandoned the UK and now I'm back in germany
@dasaggropop1244 10 месяцев назад
8:00 dude i grew up in the helmut kohl era. 16 years of fremdschämen for our elected political leader under my belt.
@Ugly_German_Truths 5 месяцев назад
"Wir schaffen das" is the german Catchphrase for Bob the Builder and was also used to translate Obama's "Yes we can"...
@lauraschmidt9603 7 месяцев назад
As a german, i am embarrassed every time Okay Scholz says anything
@pfefferle74 10 месяцев назад
We Germans know British people mostly from actors and musicians, and as such, they have quite a good reputation.
@AliasSchmalias 10 месяцев назад
Huge Pink Floyd fan here 🙏
@marcuszaja6589 10 месяцев назад
If you want to react to more German comedy, I can recommend Kaya Yanar. His parent are Turkish imigrants and he was born in Germany. He likes to roast everybody. Germans, Turks, Brits, Italians, Indians etc. And people love him for it, because he does it very charming, hoping they get roated today 🙃. And you can find videos from him in English stand-up comedy.
@davidtb591 2 месяца назад
i love you buddy ;) greetings from germany
@barebonedDJ 10 месяцев назад
Greetings from Germany. Just continue watching the whole episodes of heute-Show. They roast our politicans even more, you can clearly see the emberrassment 😂
@sirbowen4358 10 месяцев назад
Trump and Johnson were the best thing that could have happened to comedy and satire. Those two delivered so much content, you didn't even have to think up any more jokes. They delivered it free of charge.
@gerwinbitter4968 5 дней назад
This is Brilliant! I lived in the UK for a number of years. I like them and I feel part of them. I live back in Germany and hugely miss the association. Pity use left the EU.
@Arsenic71 10 месяцев назад
4:56 "Wir schaffen das" means we can do it. It's one of Merkel's infamous remarks about the refugee crisis of a few years ago where Germany accepted roundabout a million refugees. I didn't know about big girls blouse, when I lived in the UK for over a decade I've never ever heard it. Thanks for explaining it. Another great reaction video, I really enjoyed this one! Right now nobody thinks about the UK, at least in Germany. We have so many home-made problems (lack of democracy, energy prices, Ukraine, the entire government and the rise of the AfD) that there literally is no time to think about anything else.
@e.m.p.i.r.e-experte1014 10 месяцев назад
Are you Scottish, Mert? You sound like that; I like it. 😊 [4:57] ”Wir schaffen das.” is German and means ”We make it.”. Angela Merkel said it as the German chancellor in September 2015 regarding the then-happening refugee crisis. [8:03] Yes, there are politicians in Germany who are as embarrassing. 😅
@AD-zo5vp 10 месяцев назад
I think everyone in Germany who ever met Brits was really surprised by Brexit and all. That disbelief is probably also why people need to laugh about it so hard, so we don't start crying. We also clearly distinguish between English and, for instance, Scottish.
@emiliajojo5703 10 месяцев назад
Did we ever got embarrassed by a "leader"-let me think about it for a second🤔🤔🤔 you ask germans this?! That's bold😂I can think of a guy,if I think hard enough.
@jpjpvds 10 месяцев назад
Wel, I'm Dutch so I don't want to speak for my neighbours. However when Britain voted in its own Trump..... I think we felt like Elizabeth II, sitting all alone at her husband's funeral when Johnson was throwing parties.
@angin.9947 10 месяцев назад
German here. Do we get embarresed by politicians who are in the government ? Is water wet and ice cream cold ?
@k.schmidt2740 10 месяцев назад
It is so nice to see an English-speaking person enjoy German humour. Well done! As a U.S. citizen who has lived in Europe for many decades, I can sympathise with your embarrassment concerning leaders who lie like a rug on the floor and do an awful job of governing. I lived in Europe during the Reagan, Bush II and the Trump administrations. You can imagine how often I could have wished my own government into oblivion because they had done something stupid AGAIN.
@Robinson160277 10 месяцев назад
For the gag with the queen, the picture has the writing: Vorsicht, Enkeltrick! is meaning: Careful, grandchild trick! And is refers to a in germany, very popular scam, where a person calls tograndparents and impersonate as grandchildren to get to the money...
@terayaxd9660 10 месяцев назад
3:15 „Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!“
@MrAntonius321 10 месяцев назад
Honestly we often can’t stand our politicians.
@punxsu 10 месяцев назад
As a German I feel well informed about politics in GB. Unfortunately similar problems all aroung the so called western world: Mostly old ppl living in rural regions plus really hateful and stupid urban ppl determine elections towards parties of unbelievable weird visions for our modern world. I really hope demographic change works towards more educated and reasonable human beings.
@NGK-EchoYT 10 месяцев назад
I'm a German who plays a lot of games with British friends and I like them a lot
@happalula 10 месяцев назад
liking the videos, but once again: why are there such gigantic letters above the video? copyright stuff or whats the issue?
@Athyrion2301 10 месяцев назад
I am also Geeman: I am very sad about the Brexit. As a student I particpated in an exchange program and lived in the outskirts of Cambridge for three months. I made a lot of English friends and it's simply frustrating. The whole development and the outcome. Tallinn about your question: I highly recommend "ZDF Magazin Royale", hosted by Jan Böhmermann. He is one of the most polarizing political comedians in Germany (f.ex. the Turkish president sued him for a very offensive poem he performed at the show). But he is very invastigative and a lot of whistleblowers share data with him and his team.
@tharrock337 10 месяцев назад
You asked for Heute show recommendations, my favorite one is til reinerts segments. Especially the ones about the Qatar world cup and the catholic church.
@benniediek7347 10 месяцев назад
"marsch fürs leben" is the best one
@bollwerk7683 10 месяцев назад
As a German: Don't worry, we can make a difference between GB Politics and there Citizen. We getting mad often enough over our own leaders and there bad decission making. I met British People in Pubs here in Germany, I think we share a lot of similaritis. I think it was Edward Snowden who asked, if we have a word that discribe the felling that you exspacting nothing from your Politicians and still get disapointed, and someone came up with "Politikverdrossenheit". Don't worry lad, other countrys do bad mistakes, too.
@BlackMasakari 10 месяцев назад
laughed quite hard at "they didn't even have to photoshop anything on him, his face is a mockery in on itsself" :)
@stirbjoernwesterhever6223 10 месяцев назад
My wife and I are working in politics in Germany an we have two couple friends who maigrated to England around the year 2000. Therefore we had a positive picture of England. But that changed during the leave campaign and esp. the suport this campaign got in England and Wales. Our first long vacation we took in England in England was 6 weeks after the Brexit vote and it got us very angry how many lies and misconceptions we heard and saw about the EU and Germany. Every time we saw a building with a European flagg (which was financed with European money) we said, tear it down and give us back our money. All the special deals Thatcher got fur the UK and still the English would think they got robbed... But as we followed the events til the election, where Labour was destroyed and Bors eletected there had been very few positieve signals out of England. Corbyn was a deasaster and guys like James O'Brian restored some of our trust in England or the YT channel of Phil. But in general I think England was the first Fall of man in the West. The majority put of the their brain and followed populists who didn't served their interest but their own and the majority was so stupid to believe. But the election of Donald Trump a few month later showed, that the English people are not the only stupid crowd.
@blondkatze3547 10 месяцев назад
I always think it`s great to see how you like the German satire show and you`re always laughing. Then I always have laugh too. We Germans have nothing against the British, we both like to drink beer and party to it.🤣👍With the Brexit i feel sorry for the nice people.
@RabenmundK 10 месяцев назад
German here: On one side there is the british government, of which indecisiveness and incometence pre and post brexit i got pretty much annoyed and tired. On the other side are the british people, suffering those decisions for whom i only have brotherly love and respect.
@emiliajojo5703 10 месяцев назад
We think of monty python,yes minister, and so on.maybe Lady Di.oh,and little britain.
@schroedingers_kotze 10 месяцев назад
8:55 Giggling with a facepalm perfectly sums up your reaction to the embarrassment of Boris Johnson's antics. 🤭🤦‍♂
@TheDarkRat 10 месяцев назад
If not already done. I recommend extra 3 to you. There're a couple segments and songs about the topic brexit, Johnson and Co. I am not sure if those contents are available with english subtitles. Greetings
@corgamargetokodra7056 10 месяцев назад
I was shocked when the UK announced its exit. I was ashamed when the Brexiteers couldn't get their act together and still haven't realised that out of the EU means exactly that. On the one hand I feel sorry for the British, on the other hand it is a masterly lesson in what happens when you put such important decisions in the hands of idiots. The people are stupid and populists are liars. A dangerous combination. A word from a german Heute Show enjoyer
@BlitzDonut 10 месяцев назад
"Wir schaffen das" means as much as : "we can do it" and was the slogan of the campain in 2015 from merkel for the refugee situation. And further good german satire of this kind is "die Anstalt"
@adfromde5379 10 месяцев назад
super video
@gunterkrumpl8106 10 месяцев назад
Hallo, I am from Germany and you know we have a strong bond between our two countries. I can remember the day the army has celebrated their homegoing. They have used our cityrights to march through the city in peacetimes. And the Germans were sad. I am also shure that the most Germans didn't wanted the Brexit. I like your video clips. Thank you.
@sollte1239 10 месяцев назад
I personally found Brexit just sad and I knew immediatly that dealing with Northern Ireland will be difficult and I was wondering why noone in Britain knew it. But apart from that I have a neutral opinion about British People
@neuronensuppe6612 10 месяцев назад
Germans don’t get embarrassed over their politicians, they get angry!
@danielhofig8429 10 месяцев назад
If we feel embarrassed? You heard of Seehofer last Episode of die Anstalt. He was our Minister of the interia. And after he left we got Christian Lindner as Minister of Finance. Yes we have Ministers which are a walking embarrasment too.
@kaibroeking9968 10 месяцев назад
I won a bottle of rum from a friend: I bet Britain would still be inside the EU two months after Johnson had said the thing about rather lying dead in a ditch...
@Kelsea-2002 10 месяцев назад
My opinion about English people has not changed at all over time - I never want them in the EU again! However, I really hope that Scotland will finally break away from England and come back to the EU.
@-dubios- 10 месяцев назад
one of my favorite stand up comedians is olaf schubert, he is also a part of the heute show but his solo stand ups are different. i don't think there are translated videos on youtube and even if, his style could be hard if not impossible to translate.
@davidjones-bh5xg 10 месяцев назад
Nicht dein Ernst der Typ ist einfach nur Cringe
@-dubios- 10 месяцев назад
@@davidjones-bh5xg doch ist mein ernst, kann auch verstehen wenn leute ihn nicht mögen. ist ein bisschen wie bei helge schneider, entweder man findet ihn extrem geil oder cringe.
@Guanaalex 10 месяцев назад
As a German I don’t get the impression that Brexit had an influence on how most people see the Brits, which is neutral. After all they are free to choose. However fit was very obvious from the outside that this political manipulation was going on, and that was funny to watch. One of those rare occasions it’s not Germany that is getting fooled by politicians, greed, corruption and elite dictatorship.
@thr4017 10 месяцев назад
Dear Mert, thank you for your entertaining videos! It would be interesting to see and hear, how British comedians or commentators see the German politicians. Are there maybe tv shows in Britain similar to "heute show" or "die anstalt"?
@Saphira46 10 месяцев назад
„Wir schaffen das“ (We can do it) was the phrase Angela Merkel used 2015 to refer to the so-called refugee crisis. She was sharply criticised for this from conservative and right-wing politicians, so Frau Merkel‘s face when Boris Johnson references this phrase probably meant „good luck with that“.
@dinosaure_jr4595 10 месяцев назад
Boris Johnson saying „wir schaffen das“ to merkel is a grade merkel used around 2015. It means „we (will) do it!“ It was used in connection to the refugee crisis that embarked on Germany or the Eu in general as the Syrian Civil war started.
@alexnohandle 10 месяцев назад
I'm German, but I used to live in Oxford, and I remember my time in England (pre Brexit referendum) as one of the happiest in my life. I love the UK very much, and I couldn't believe that Brexit won the referendum. After that, it was very sad to watch the UK self-destroy even before Brexit became effective. At the same time, though, I've been very smug watching how much some of the people who voted for Brexit are suffering now, like the fishers whose fish no one wants to buy any more. The truth is that many people who voted for Brexit were convinced that they were much too important for the EU to let them go. They were convinced that the EU would eventually give them all kinds of privileges just to keep them in, and I can't help feeling some schadenfreude knowing that they are learning the truth now.
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