
Reading Joseph's Myth - 1 Nephi 1 

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Here is a link to the whole playlist.
• Joseph's Myth
This panel includes critics of Mormonism, Jimmy Snow, Brian Dalton and David Fitzgerald, among others.
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11 июн 2022




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@damianjonsson1688 2 года назад
I was kicked out of LDS seminary for being "interruptive and subversibe to lessons" due to my constant (honest) questions.
@julians7697 2 года назад
The LDS seminary has lost an critical thinker Damian. The LDS seminary wants applicants who will comply with the LDS absurdities, and become worthy Elders capable of convincing others, including brainwashing. This seminary has the experts who can guess who will advance through the ranks. The Book of Mormon is Cloriform in print. The stories put you to sleep with boardom.
@endymionselene165 2 года назад
My mother left it as well, before I was born, because they wanted my mother to terminate my older brother. The funny thing is my brother is now Mormon.
@julians7697 2 года назад
@@noonespecial6537 Well said. I agree with you.
@Soapy-chan_old 2 года назад
Religion doesn't want questions because they want you blindly follow it.
@julians7697 2 года назад
@@Soapy-chan_old Very true. As I have come to understand, religion has answers that don't want you to ask questions. It is better to have questions that we know that either we can't answer, or we have to delve deeper to find answers.
@Scarletpooky 2 года назад
And it came to pass that I read the Book of Mormon, and yeah I was not convinced, so it came to pass that I stayed an atheist.
@TheLustyDoll 2 года назад
Lol. Classic. And so it came to pass I read your comment and was well amused. Come on folks who's next? What came to pass next? Let's see how long we can keep this comment thread rolling.
@SpyderQueen1988 2 года назад
@@TheLustyDoll and so it came to pass the thread kept going, for thine will is strong and so is my liver, and so it came to pass another shot was taken.
@TheLustyDoll 2 года назад
@@SpyderQueen1988 And so it came to pass there was a strange delay in follow comments from others.
@derman1907 2 года назад
@@TheLustyDoll And it came to pass that all who read this book will be overcome with the poor writing, yea, even to the drowsiness of the reader.
@inyobill Год назад
​@@TheLustyDoll And it came to pass that a long time passed by and Bill of the Inyo Desert was inspired by Sister Scarletpooky's testimony and yea was verily smitten with the wisdom thereof.
@grapeshot 2 года назад
The Book of Mormon basically American history fanfic.
@julians9070 Год назад
Joseph Smith had time to invent stories to attract as many ignorant followers.
@kova1577 Год назад
Honestly if the English wasn’t archaic then maybe I would actually enjoy some of the literature. I absolutely hate Shakespearean English
@julians9070 Год назад
@@kova1577 I can perhaps understand why you absolutely hate Shakespearian English. !st: It belongs to Tudor England. 2nd :Unless you are a Shakespearian actor, Shakespearian English is not suitable where we live. Good for the theatre but not applicable in everyday life.3rd: when Jounalists use it in newspaper articles, it can confuse the reader. Shakespearian Englis is suitable for the theatre, and antique literature, but not for the present day where English is constantly evolving.
@kova1577 Год назад
@@julians9070 especially from a book made in the 1800s where they spoke normally for the most part. I truly don’t understand why people are “Kjv” onlyist when the translation is so archaic and not even enjoyable to read. Both for the believers and those who just want something to read or to criticise it. What’s weird to me is how most American Christians are so die hard about a substandard translation from 1600s instead of a more readable and modern language. The Book of Mormon definitely shouldn’t of been written the way like the KJV, but I am starting to believe that was deliberate so to confuse people and maybe get into someone’s mind? That probably doesn’t make much sense, but Joseph Smith was a known conman so maybe he tried to purposely manipulate the book to get followers. I don’t know how to explain it, I guess to appeal to emotions and trip your mind up on the words. Kinda like how sick people in chatrooms and scam artists use specific words in writing to manipulate strangers into giving them money or falling for them. (Sorry for the tangent and wall of text)
@julians9070 Год назад
@@kova1577 Thank you for you reply. You are well informed. You have encouraged me to delve deeper into the Book of Mormon. It is absurd to write a book in the 1800's using the the KJV Tudor era English. That Joseph Smith was a conman who wanted to confuse people, get into their minds, and win converts, there is no doubt about that. You are explaining yourself very clearly.There is no need to apologise. I know what you mean by chatroom scam artists. Recently I read a quote which said " The dumber the people, the easier it is to manipulate them. I encourage you to delve deeper before believing in something that is too good to be true, and choose what is suitable to improve your the way you want to live and not the people who want to ruin you.
@quacks2much 2 года назад
When I was a Mormon, I read the B of M two or three times. Now, the mere thought of re-reading it makes me slightly ill. It must be psychomatic, or as my late mom might say, “the Devil is influencing you.”
@derman1907 2 года назад
I read the damn thing twice. The thought of ever re-reading it sounds like the most boring experience ever. I still don’t know how I read it the first time.
@satanofficial3902 2 года назад
"Repetition is a phenomenon within the purview of the dynamics exogeneous of the ontology of mind as a form of the logic chain realization that mustard is the perfect topping for chocolate ice cream. Researchers largely rely on interpreting surface activity of endless official clarifications about kitty litter pattern recognition for the otherwise unobservable interior of wave travelling quantum fissures. Truth is truthful because it's truthed with truthiness." ---Albert Einstein
@inyobill 2 года назад
I have some good influences in my life too. :-D
@inyobill 2 года назад
@@satanofficial3902 Compared to the Book, a cogent expression.
@fepeerreview3150 2 года назад
When I was about 16 I was interested in a Mormon girl. So I read the Book of Mormon. At the time I was really into reading all the ancient myths and legends of various cultures. I found the Book of Mormon very entertaining and totally implausible. I'm glad I read it. It's a part of our "cultural heritage", one of the more bizarre (but not unique) episodes in our American history. The girl, by the way, at the age of 19 ended up engaged to a much older "elder", who was scandalously revealed to have multiple affairs. At that point she left the church and soon after took up with a wanted Palestinian terrorist who slept with a gun under his pillow. That didn't last long. After a few years and a failed marriage with an Iranian/American who wanted to take on a second wife she got her life together and prospered on her own. We were always close. We remained friends throughout our lives. So I got to see her growth. She's gone now and I do miss her. But I'm glad I was able to see her escape that craziness she was born into. It was a circuitous path getting out. But eventually there was victory.
@pancakes8670 2 года назад
Inspiring story. Hope you both are doing well in these hard times-
@shroom2001 2 года назад
@@pancakes8670 Definitely agreed! This is a story that needs to be shared! It is very powerful! And I am very glad the young lady was able to move on in life. I feel for her pain.
@ChillAssTurtle Год назад
Poor fella never got his turn
@intheforest2735 Год назад
Wow that story went sideways fast.
@cynicaltheastrocreep4504 Год назад
@@pancakes8670 it's a cringey retelling of someone else's story centralized around the op's own points and beliefs.
@chaotickreg7024 2 года назад
Whooooooa I am an Exmormon that's followed Aron Ra for years and I'm finally getting Exmormon content, this is awesome
@inyobill 2 года назад
"(AronRa is) Reading the Book if Mormon", I need no further proof of how vastly more patient he is than I.
@ethanstiles948 2 года назад
With this panel you know it’s gonna be legendary
@kevinshort3943 2 года назад
Why am I overwhelmed with an urge to sing "Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb!" ?
@markshort9098 2 года назад
I think that's happening to all of us
@snowygalaxy 2 года назад
South park
@HaleStorm49 3 месяца назад
You've been programmed.
@MEnsignScience 2 года назад
I love it when Brian, or Jimmy, or David would casually drop phrases, keywords, or tokens that only ex-Mormons would know. Been Mormon my whole life. Last 12 months been going through a deconstruction process. Would love to discuss with either of you.
@AeronPrince 2 года назад
If it gets to be too much for you as you go through this process, there are communities that can help you through it. Best of luck!
@ObjectiveEthics 2 года назад
What was with the guy wearing fingerless excersise gloves, the guy with the cat and the guy with the acoustic guitar? This panel is very diverse lol
@preflex3502 2 года назад
It's like Amway. You can't exceed the #1 god, but you can be in his downline.
@LimeyLassen Год назад
I'm assuming magic underwear is the product 😂
@mikeb853 Год назад
Pro. You are a gentleperson and a scholar.
@mikeb853 Год назад
@Limey Lassen yep. It symbolizes that you've made it to the top of the chain started by baptism at 8. As long as you don't screw the pooch at this time, you've made it to top-tier heaven. And the top line goes all the way up to infinity 😆
@preflex3502 Год назад
@@mikeb853 Thank you for your kind words, Mike!
@acronen 2 года назад
I salute your bravery. I grew up Mormon. I've read it about 12 times... I'd rather read the nutrition details on cereal boxes than this heaping pile of garbage again.
@acronen 2 года назад
@@jimmy.r.minnelli Reading something that can bore you to death... I mean, that's pretty brave to risk death by boredom.
@acronen 2 года назад
@@jimmy.r.minnelli It is entirely meant as a joke.
@acronen 2 года назад
@@jimmy.r.minnelli My take on that? As far as your take on the Book of Mormon, it is the work of a con artist that was very familiar with the Bible and tried to write his own fan fiction. To be fair, some of it does show some imagination in the actual story content (the writing is piss poor though.) As for your take on the Mormon community being "disproportionately successful" that is just good marketing on their part, and the culture leans heavily into that. They put that front and center in all their photo ops, shows, advertising, etc. They make it a talking point at every opportunity, but it's simply not true. It's prosperity gospel tactics through and through. They aren't showing you that most of their membership are from poor countries (though none of their leadership is). They don't show you all the struggling families with 5, 6, or 7 children. The strong family culture is both a positive and a negative. Mormon families struggle just like everybody else, but every chance they get they will publicly shout they are all about families... though what they really mean is they are all about straight families that fit the average mold. They give callings to fathers that have multiple kids, that will take up a significant portion of their time, keeping them out of the home and away from their families. Mothers with those 6 kids will be stressed to the max, but basically be doing all the child raising on their own because of the family structure within Mormonism. They aren't going to showcase this, and have a very good PR department they have spent billions on to convince the world they are all about strong families. Strong communities, yes. This is the only point I will agree with you on without caveat. But that is because you are taught from birth that the world is a dangerous place that hates you and wants to destroy you and your faith, so you cling to this community that is instilled in you (again from birth) as the only safe haven. The only people you can truly trust.
@acronen 2 года назад
@@jimmy.r.minnelli You are asking me to be a mind reader. Sorry, I can't do that. I don't know which of the leaders truly believe, and which know full well they are scamming people. Some seem to be genuine in their belief, others do not. They all present the front of believing, but a lot of cult leaders have fallen into both camps of knowing they are full of shit, and actually believing their delusions, so I guess I wouldn't agree with your definition of what a "true cult" is. There are ulterior motives though, and there have been since the beginning. Just look how Joseph Smith used his own creation of this religion (many would consider Smith a cult leader, and I agree with that assessment) to his many, many self interested needs. From financial security, to... well, preying on young girls. Also Brigham Young with his ulterior motives. The main ulterior motive behind Mormonism is Mormon supremacy and theocracy. Just look at the state of Utah and its origins. Theocracy was the goal, and supremacy/theocracy always will be part of their agenda. To this day as a church they are involved politically. They control the state of Utah, they file briefs, and poor money into their political initiatives throughout the world. Yes, they have ulterior motives. Edit: Oh yes, and the leadership of the Mormon church has gotten really wealthy off of it.
@derekhasabrain 2 года назад
@@acronen This made me laugh out loud. I'm a pretty young exmormon (22), never read the BoM all the way through cover to cover, but hearing some of the stories still gives me a little bit of excitement, in spite of the knowledge that Joe Smith is one of the biggest frauds out there. I wish it was that boring to me, haha.
@MrJimbissle 2 года назад
Just missed this live. Damn. Love the line-up. Looking forward to this.
@themattylee 2 года назад
I was raised Mormon, went on a mission, went to BYU, was a branch president. Left the church about 15 years ago now and this is my first time hearing the Book of Mormon since. It's so much worse than I remembered it.
@holidayrap 9 месяцев назад
29) MY SOUL HATH BEEN REDEEMED from the gall of bitterness and bonds of iniquity. I was in the darkest abyss; but now I behold the marvelous light of God. My soul was racked with eternal torment; but I am snatched, and my soul is pained no more. #JesusistheSavior
@KendraAndTheLaw 7 месяцев назад
@@holidayrap Snatched. Hehehe.
@Manofsteel121980 2 года назад
Im super xcited about this. I grew up Mormon and im now an Atheist. Im also a fan of Fitzgerald and read his book on mormons a few times.
@lightningfirst689 2 года назад
The classic joke is that when an atheist's livestream has technical difficulties, it's God trying to silence them. In this case though, it was definitely an act of Dog.
@thedrewmancometh6693 Год назад
LOL nice I see what you did there and I appreciate it. Especially when you spell dog backwards, guys.
@thesupremechickenhed 2 года назад
Mr DEITY!! omg I love this man
@Luubelaar 2 года назад
I'm an exChristian and one of my dearest friends is a Mormon. I've never read their book, although I do have a copy. I've read little bits, but not the whole thing. The bits I've read feel like fan-fiction.
@tomsenior7405 2 года назад
Fan Fiction is a Perfect Description.
@BloodClanResurrection 2 года назад
Probably because they ARE fanfiction
@jonathankennedy1963 2 года назад
@@BloodClanResurrection As OSP puts it, "Historical Fanfiction"
@inyobill 2 года назад
Really poorly authored fan fiction. I like Mormons, in general, nice family-oriented people, but IMHO, they have some really goofy ideas. Of course if they knew what I think about gods, they would think I was just as goofy, so, whatever.
@mjstbnsn6294 2 года назад
There is a podcast called My Book of Mormon, read by a layman David Michael, pretty funny take on it. He also has a great voice too.
@Contraddiction 2 года назад
13 minutes in and Heavenly Father cut Aron's voice off. 🤣 Seriously excited to watch the progress of this series. I was raised in the church from birth and only in the last few months have I started the process of officially pulling my name from the records.
@alanhilder1883 2 года назад
It was the power of Dog.
@MarijnvdSterre 2 года назад
Now I have it in my head that Aron named his dog Heavenly Father. Don't correct me! ;p
@TheRaven_200 2 года назад
I was chilling at an arcade in my local area, and 2 Mormon missionaries came up and started chatting with my friends and I. They peaced out of the conversation when I asked them what their church thinks of Native Americans like me, and Black people like my brother in law.
@TheRaven_200 2 года назад
@@udhehfhehcuw9169 Oh yeah. Basically in Mormonism, people with dark skin are cursed descendants of Cain. (If I remember correctly.) They really didn’t want to go down that road with me when I asked them that question, so they ga e a vague answer, and change the subject to hobbies. 😂
@chuckoneill2023 2 года назад
Love the opening animation. Reminds me of the Disney fairy tale movies. So very appropriate.
@brunozeigerts6379 2 года назад
Mr. Deity and Jimmy Snow! And I had to miss the live show and chat! (Walmart of heavens... gotta remember that!)
@c.a.t.732 2 года назад
I had an uncle who converted to Mormonism. He then went through the process in the church (as one can weirdly do) of baptizing the souls of deceased relatives and ancestors into the religion. Certain of our family who were devout Christians found this outrageous. Little old agnostic me thought the whole brouhaha was hilarious.
@HallyVee 2 года назад
Until they mail you and show up at your house cause he gave them all your and your kids' names :)
@inyobill 2 года назад
@@HallyVee They've shown up at my door. Reminds me of the time the Jehovah's (False) Witnesses were canvassing my neighborhood. I was out in the yard, they saw my dogs and asked me to confine them. My reply was "No".
@inyobill 2 года назад
I have a cousin who converted. If someone grows up in the environment and is groomed to accept the doctrine from birth, I can sort of understand believing. I do not understand how someone could accept the ideas and convert. Just beyond my comprehension.
@Foolish188 2 года назад
Can you imagine living it up in Hell or having to hangout in Heaven with mass murderers, child rapists, and others who became Christians on their death beds, and then being plucked out and dumped in Mormon Heaven?
@c.a.t.732 2 года назад
@@Foolish188 It would be sort of like being Raptured, only sideways.
@bnease007 2 года назад
As a non-Mormon, I learned absolutely nothing related to the subject… but I was glad to see Aron Ra having a great time 👍🏻. Even driven intellectually gifted academics need a break. Once Aron lost control of the narrative based on faulty equipment throughout the live feed, he played along as a humble panel member who graciously joined his guests, as they took control the narrative - turning the topic into hour of pub humor and inside jokes based on their tenure as Mormons. I recalled the time I blew my lines so badly I ultimately lost focus during a final rehearsal for an Off-Broadway gig. Being young and naive, I figured I had lost all credibility as a NYC actor. The director later pulled me aside, telling me that we all need the occasional “goof take,” as it were. It keeps us from taking our ourselves too seriously, reminding us that we, like the characters we portray, are merely human. While there are a number of serious critical analyses of the church’s foundation and practices within the RU-vid universe, none of these analyses are presented with the alacrity, academic curiosity and accessibility that make Aron Ra the professor we wish we had in college (and shared a pint with later). For it will come to pass that Aron will read the words of Nephi, et al, and share with us the tales of the Jewish indigenous people in pre-America and the gilded pages of scripture in a hat - those that will give me the power to lord over my own celestial domain. One which I shall call… Stratocasterus (it’s an old Reformed Egyptian term).
@StarSong936 2 года назад
+I got to read a Catholic catechism intended for priests once. In there, it said that that Catholic church changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday and anyone who worships on Sunday acknowledges their authority over the christian church. At the time, I was in a church that worships on Saturday. Edit: Red Dwarf reference: a dedication page was found for the bible. It read "To my darling Candy, all characters in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or dead are coincidental.
@williammeyer214 2 года назад
Great presentation! Reminds me of my introduction to the Mormons in Mark Twain’s, “Roughing It.” A must read.
@inyobill 2 года назад
I often recommend that bit of genius.
@Headywon 2 года назад
I didn't know Colonel Sanders was an ex-Mormon! You learn something new every day 🤣
@keijosandvik6836 Год назад
Did he chicken out?
@zemorph42 2 года назад
According to my cousin, my mom was excommunicated from the LDS for being an escort. I don't know if it's true, because my cousin is absolutely certain of events that never happened, but that's what I heard.
@MaryAnnNytowl 2 года назад
I know someone who has recently begun being certain of events that never happened, and it's broken my heart and crushed my "soul."
@DavidSmith-vr1nb Год назад
Maybe she drove a Ford Escort, and someone got the wrong end of the stick.
@Marc010 2 года назад
I have a friend who is a Mormon and their ability to live in a bubble is amazing. She had two Mormon missionaries (age 20) over her house, and they never heard of Mr Rogers. Not "I never watched the show" but had no idea who he was.
@FlackerMan 2 года назад
Wonderful group, really enjoyed the conversation. However, I did think it was a mistake to skip the title page. It was supposed to be written by Mormon himself on the very last plate and explicitly states who the intended audience is. It states that the book is "Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel". The church used to teach that these Lamanites were the native Americans. However, due to science showing that the native Americans came from Asia many thousands of years ago, the church does not teach that anymore and now admit they don't know who the Lamanites are. This leaves the book without it's intended main audience which is pretty problematic. I'm looking forward to the next video. :)
@FlackerMan 2 года назад
@Brandon Letzco Mormon is the supposed ancient prophet who helped author and compile the golden plates. The book is named after the character.
@jy285 2 года назад
Love your old content, Flackerman. I still go back and watch some of your gems. I woke up in 2012-13 and your videos were very enjoyable.
@FlackerMan 2 года назад
@@jy285 thanks, I appreciate it
@inyobill 2 года назад
Kin of the Plyboards?
@danielgautreau161 2 года назад
@Brandon Letzco The word "moron" did not exist before the 20th century.
@KoffeeMom 2 года назад
Saw the title and immediately laughed from my head to my ne-phis. 😅
@inyobill 2 года назад
Nice one.
@Attirbful 2 года назад
When Jimmy talks about the Mormon concept of God/Gods (around minute 46), Mormonism really sounds like a theistic pyramid scheme…. LOL
@YNVNEone Год назад
Reading starts at 28:00.
@perryekimae 2 года назад
Elders on my mission referred to nocturnal emissions as "tender mercies of the Lord", which makes 1 Nephi 1:20 hilarious.
@__-tz6xx 2 года назад
I checked and found out that BYU has an anthropology degree. What a bunch of mental contortionists if they choose to be an anthropologist and stay in their religion.
@Visshaldar 2 года назад
i'm here for the niche ex mormon humor
@alanhilder1883 2 года назад
AronRa was silenced by the power of Dog...
@pogostix6097 2 года назад
My mom left the church when I was 6-7 and took us kids with her. (This was the late 90's so I don't remember very much of the "teachings," as I was too busy trying to somehow get the older kids to let me look at their Pokemon Cards, this was just before the church freaked out about that.) She went through all the hoop-jumping to get herself taken off the records but I'm still in there apparently; every few years they send a few poor missionaries around to my place or send me very LDS-y Christmas cards... Never actually read the Book of Mormon, never took seminary class in middle/high school, but I still live in Utah so I've got a pretty good idea of what's gonna be in there lol. I DID read a lot of MormonThink in my later teenage years trying to figure some personal stuff out and let me tell you, if you aren't indoctrinated into it as a kid, it makes no sense whatsoever from an outside perspective.
@hodsinay6969 2 года назад
Jimmy snow (Mr atheist) at 21:28 to a minute or so after talks about how Mormonism taught him skepticism about other religious people but not against itself. It sounds like a word to word what I would say about a small sect of Judaism I grew up in (which only said that the other orthodox Jews are confused, but they are right as well, because of that a lot of Jew sects inside the orthodox umbrella are trying not to exclude to harshly other orthodox, but of course that anyone else is wrong). I guess it has to do more with what you are getting from the religion then the religion itself.
@TheWhimsicalMimzy 2 года назад
The group my mom & sisters were sucked into back in the sixties taught similar attitudes regarding Christianity & Judaism in all forms. Of course, HW Armstrong had the only REAL true Church. If you're curious the website The Painful Truth has a wealth of information. Good on you for being rational. Ain't it cool? Lol 👵🤗❤
@MsL8dyhawke 2 года назад
Raised area with high Mormon population. I was on way out of Southern Baptist.- LONG TIME AGO. Friend gave me a copy of Book of Mormon. I started but could not get past the ridiculous....
@aaronshropshire8552 2 года назад
This was an absolute blast! I can't wait for the next episode.
@geraldmeehan8942 2 года назад
David Fitzgerald on the chat, I watch him & Bryce Blankenagle's 22 part Myrhvision series on early Mormon history
@Luubelaar 2 года назад
At about 50 mins is the underwear discussion. Mr Deity, I just realised. It's BYU! Bring Your Undies!
@nick1512 2 года назад
Listened to this at work definitely made my day go much better it’s hot down here thanks for all the good content Aron!
@bn2593 2 года назад
This was great! Can’t wait to watch more
@HikariMagic20 Год назад
I was born and raised in the "Mormon" (LDS) church, then was given the option to leave the church thanks to my Dad telling our bishop about my sexuality. Give up my sexuality or be excommunicated. This was at 16, and I didn't even hesitate to opt for being excommunicated.
@ckblackwoodmusic 2 года назад
May the noble brilliance of Ra lead that many more away from the Crutch of Joseph Smith of Lying Dumb Snakes!
@timothymulholland7905 2 года назад
A stellar cast! They will make the boring book fascinating!
@brandonwells1175 Год назад
I can't believe I waited this long to watch this... Aron's laughter at Mr. Snow's decent Jewish accent around 39:00 was priceless 😊
@MrJadude 2 года назад
This series will last forever at this rate
@RBEmpathy 2 года назад
My good friend's entire massive family is Mormon. He's the only atheist. Nobody has any idea how terrible they can be to atheists that are "in the flock" - I was appalled by what he told me.
@crystalgiddens7276 2 года назад
Never have I been involved with Mormons but I do agree "It's really very sad to see grown adults who cannot define woman." Personally, myself, as far as me goes, I choose not to have 13 yr old girls getting double mastectomies because they have been so confused by this mad mad mad culture we have now. If the choice is either or, Christianity wins.
@RBEmpathy 2 года назад
@@crystalgiddens7276 trans people are valid, and you're a bigot. Maybe talk to trans people, instead of just using your lack of experience to dismiss theirs?
@RBEmpathy 2 года назад
@@crystalgiddens7276 to bring you back to this, because you're wrong about a few things. Children almost never get sex reassignment surgery. In a few places, it's happened a few times, but in most places here in the US, it never happens. They instead use puberty blockers and social transitioning. Secondly "what is a woman" *is a complex question* - how exactly do you define a woman? Please answer this question.
@RBEmpathy 2 года назад
@badass taco okay, but are you saying that intersexed women are not women? The exceptions grant room for trans identities to exist, at the very least. There are some females born with penises. Anyways, female and woman are not synonymous, and haven't been in about a century at this point.
@ScarletWolfQueen 2 года назад
JIMMY! You need to make an audiobook of The Book of Mormon XD omg that accent
@TheMusicalStylingsofBrentBunn 2 года назад
I'm tempted to read along. Great panel~
@SassyGirl822006 2 года назад
And it came to pass that I drank myself into a stuper while taking a drink every time the words "and it came to pass" were said during Jimmy Snow's Mormon book reading on his channel. And it came to pass that this reading was truly awesome, just like Jimmy's.
@DavidSmith-vr1nb Год назад
Stupor (but maybe you were still under the influence when you wrote that, so it's forgivable).
@HallyVee 2 года назад
This is why audio is so tricky, sound great to half the panelists and crap to everyone else.
@OpEditorial 2 года назад
Are you able to do this more in your video essay style? Zoom calls are fun and everything but this topic would be better served by your First Person narration format.
@MartijnHover 2 года назад
I was raised as a catholic, which has its own set of peculiarities, but when I read about mormonism it was really hard for me to believe for me that anybody who knew anything about the history of that religion could ever take it seriously. It was so obviously a con game.
@MetaphorUB 2 года назад
Oh hell, Mr Deity! I’ve never seen the man in an interactive session with other skeptics! /stoked
@Slow_poke_hiker 2 года назад
Jimmy Snow in the house! (Mr Atheist was not his father)
@deiraredfern 2 года назад
Mr Deity and Jimmy Snow and Aron Ra , oh my!
@noradrenalin8062 2 года назад
Hey Aron, the intro is very cool, but there is a mistake. The quote about killing all male children is Numbers 31:17-18 not Numbers 2:17-18. Not sure whether you can even still change it ^^
@snatchsnatcher9084 2 года назад
Aron, calling this a myth is degrading to actual good fables, legends, folklore, and good story telling. Call it what it really is: bullshit.
@satanofficial3902 2 года назад
It's *SEXIST!!!* to use the term "bullsh*t" when she cows go poop, too. And, it's also *SPECIESIST!!!* because non-bovine animals also expel digestion remnants through their anal orifice. In the future, instead of saying "bullsh*t", everyone should please say "Non-gender-specific non-species-specific animal excrement". And instead of using "BS", please use "NSNSAE". Thank you for your cooperation.
@damianjonsson1688 2 года назад
@@satanofficial3902 that's good - don't degrade animals by sinking them to the level of this garbage lol
@Soapy-chan_old 2 года назад
@@satanofficial3902 go away with your horseshit
@impartialthrone2097 Год назад
@@satanofficial3902 I honestly can't tell if this is trolling related to inclusivity or if this is being serious because calling the Book of Mormon "bullshit" is insulting to bovines 😅
@markvonwisco7369 Год назад
I'm of the opinion that myth and bullshit aren't mutually exclusive. 🙂
@brian1204 2 года назад
Joseph’s Myth! Love it! 😂😂😂
@Magekind 2 года назад
That was a strikingly good pun.
@dnomyarnostaw 2 года назад
As an ex Mormon Elder, the best expose on the BPM was the "Book of Mormon, Book of Lies" by Meredith Ray Sheets is by far and away the best expose of the sources for Smiths plagiarism. Ever wanted to know where the word "Kolob" comes from ? Its there. And it's all referenced and sourced.
@Miss_Sweet_Pea 2 года назад
Please do more of these! Love em
@Fabian-kv9tw 2 года назад
Can't wait for more
@arielle2745 Год назад
Great group! Loved listening! 💓💗💖
@loulew07 8 месяцев назад
Age 14 was in Florida Christian athletes , 17 joined the Mormon Church, at 19 started to swim in the quicksand going on a mission . And had the giant oh oh moment and left in 2011 . Which was 2 yrs of all the emotions and actions of getting of the quicksand off of me . And than jumping back in a Christian Church, except this time my mind was not totally closed off . Now I'm free from all of the religions made by man . Very good material on this site . Thanks Aron , good work you do . My list Thomas Westbrook Holykoolaid , Dr Richard Carrier , Dr Bart Ehramn, Seth Andrew, Carl Sagan, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and now you AronRa
@violetsaffron666 2 года назад
Came here for Jimmy Snow! Really liking your content
@thedeadroachsociety4083 2 года назад
I'm not defending Mormonism (I'm an ExMo_MoFo) but I do chuckle when I hear that Mormons have "Goofy ideas". Cause in my mind what's goofier than a Jewish woodworker becoming a zombie in order to save me because apparently my existence is an offense to god? I consider myself reasonably smart and I still ask myself "How did you fall for any of this?".
@Soapy-chan_old 2 года назад
Well, that's what atheists thought too, but to both religions :)
@speed0 Год назад
Just got given a book of Mormon yesterday and am looking forward to reading it alongside this series
@thesheepstationcook8266 2 года назад
I sent you the book I wrote and I take a wrecking ball to the Mormon cult - it's a total crock - I too am a former cult member
@helorumtheknightsofmambrin2155 2 года назад
And it came to pass that Nephi, thinking upon how awesome and large in stature he himself was, did pitch a tent in the wilderness of his pants.
@tirirana 2 года назад
Damn just missed it. This gonna be good
@nikolaifinukov3375 4 месяца назад
As a born and raised 4th generation mormon that has gone atheist then Buddhist, I'm excited to listen to this series. Aaronra, I have never commented at you, but you've been with my on my life journey for 10 years, cheers my man.
@grayintheuk8021 2 года назад
I was a Christian and no more - thankfully. I have had many curious chats with Mormons to see how it hangs for them. I even have their little blue Book of Mormon. Reading parts as a non believer it's difficult to think how anyone could think this was anything more than a comic. The thing is the power of childhood indoctrination 'before' the age of critical thinking is very powerful. Then cognitive dissidence and a heavy hand in good old bias along with their family, friends and community keep it ticking along. It's really very sad to see grown adults on their missions believing this nonsense to be true. It was the same for me, they got me before I could think for myself and I stayed 'hooked' in my BS for far too long. Great video - thanks Gray
@crystalgiddens7276 2 года назад
Never have I been involved with Mormons but I do agree *"It's really very sad to see grown adults who cannot define woman."* I never, in my wildest dreams, thought we could even get here. It is celebrated even! The only thing it has to do with religion, is the lack of religion, as far as I can tell, has brought us here. Given the choice? I choose not to have 13 yr old girls have double mastectomies because they have been confused by this mad mad mad culture we have now. If the choice is either or, hands down our religion wins.
@grayintheuk8021 2 года назад
@@crystalgiddens7276 Crystal, your reply is confusing and I am not sure what you are trying to say. Can we try again please. Do you think there is a supernatural world? Do you think there is a creator god? Do you think that god is your god? What god is it please? Do you think people have the choice to be what ever they identify as or should there just be M & F on any form? Many thanks Gray
@crystalgiddens7276 2 года назад
@@grayintheuk8021 I mean to say that the more mad society becomes without any faith in a spiritual world, the more it seems the lack of faith in a spiritual world appears to lead to the cultural madness we are experiencing now. WHY? As far as me goes, right or wrong, a spiritual world is less destructive to our future and certainly worth hanging on to in light of the current status of our cultural decay. In other words, if not for the madness coming from the obvious springs of a lack of faith, it could be a toss up and actually a personal dedermination not a societal dedermination whether we embrace faith or not. As it is, if society as a whole is going to sink into this obscene abyss of madness due to a lack of faith, I prefer societal faith hands down. Something has to give.
@crystalgiddens7276 2 года назад
@@grayintheuk8021 As far as your other questions, the moral decay, (that is all I know to call it) appears to be 100% Biblical in proportions. The moral decay I see only confirms what the Bible says will happen to societies that do not receive the love of truth. That good will be called evil and evil will be called good. Yes, I see that happening today. I, personally, myself, cannot deny what is so evidently true. Now, not being judgmental about what mature adults might want to do personally, the Bible clearly says it (not receiving the love of truth) will afflict all of a society/people when the love of truth is absent. Alslo, there does seem to be a concerted and concentrated effort to destroy the innocence of children, which the Bible sternly warns against. So, yes, I do believe that the outcome of denying truth and accepting lies is very much proof the Bible is 100% correct. I might could say it is only correct on this particular issue but I see it being correct on every issue it mentions. In short, it appears today, that it is a self fulfilling prophesy that was warned against, by mere "goat herders" so many many generations ago. Yes, the degeneration does appear to confirm "my God" in every aspect of my understanding of Him. Can a person dedermine in their own mind that which is in direct denial and a direct contradiction to obvious reality? Yes. That appears to be the case in today's society and in a very large part the reason for our obvious societal decay..
@grayintheuk8021 2 года назад
@@crystalgiddens7276 Hi well I have no need for the word faith as it’s really not a useful concept. You say “a spiritual world is less destructive” and I need to push back on that. This view is the current idea that wants to restrict women’s healthcare in the States at the moment and that is not a positive thing at all. I don’t believe in any gods because of the lack of good and sufficient evidence for the ‘claims’ being made by people believing in the so far unproven supernatural world. Best Gray
@StarSong936 2 года назад
@ 57:48 I had a burning bush experience. That had more to do with me holding a flamethrower on it than any religious experience though. We were burning out a tent caterpillar infestation.
@aarontheone7193 2 года назад
That whole "I didn't really know what I believe so who knows if another faith resonates with me more?" Is how I ended up leaving the church.
@SohelBahjat 2 года назад
Awesome Aron!!!!!!!!!!!
@edgarsnake2857 2 года назад
The B of M gets what it deserves here. Thank you Aron and panel.
@nannigiovannetti8519 Год назад
the secrecy around that secret underware is so well kept and tbooed that it makes you think if it's not just a strap-on....
@chrisrent7119 Год назад
Loves the entry music yeah!!
@MelGibsonFan 2 года назад
I couldn’t think of a more American interpretation of Christianity than Mormonism. The only religion more quintessentially American is Scientology.
@brocktherockme 2 года назад
@ScottDCS 2 года назад
I liked the banter more than the reading. Should just let the guests pick their favorite passages. Great line up!
@originalhazelgreene 2 года назад
Aaaaaaaaaa! Some of my favorite people, doing a thing together!! 😁😁🤪❤❤
@MaryAnnNytowl 2 года назад
How did I miss this one? Ugh... well, at least I'm watching it now, so all's well that ends well. 🙂
@davefaichney8716 2 года назад
dear god this is just to funny I've never laughed this much at or about a belief system you've got me till this is over keep up the great content thank you
@OnnieKoski Год назад
This was so freaking funny!
@shazaman23 Год назад
Truman Madsen! That's a blast from my past... I studied his work too. I need to look more into Mr Diety sounds like. We're probably on similar wave lengths
@sistersubdued9503 2 года назад
Please bring Bryce Blankenagel on! And Zelph on the Shelf! They all would be super entertaining.
@ww_76 2 года назад
Yes! Get Bryce for a run down of the witnesses and title page!
@jamesjackson8292 2 года назад
Especially since he took over the my book of Mormon podcast from David Michael.
@Twentydragon Год назад
An episode on the Articles of Faith and the Word of Wisdom might be fun, as well!
@patricktilton5377 2 года назад
That other planet on the opposite side of the Sun was called 'Gor'. There are many works of history concerning it written by John Norman. Those works are as true as the books contained within the Book of Mormon. Really. Trust me. I've read the first five of those historical texts, and there's no way Mr. Norman could have been lying about it all.
@anghusmorgenholz1060 2 года назад
About 15 years ago bored senseless, I spoke with a couple of elders in my neighborhood got this book to read then I had to hide for about two weeks to avoid a follow up. One of the craziest holy books I've read.
@jamesy52 Год назад
So in 2019 I was working in Derry City. I would spend my lunch break walking around the city walls. One day I happened to hear this loud US accent. The guy in question was loudly talking the ear off a local about all of these brave Mormon soldiers who fought in the siege. The siege took place in 1689...
@wjpperry1 2 года назад
I love Mr Athiest! Great collaboration!
@BodyByBenSLC 2 года назад
49:56 My brother is Hella Mormon and he not a stupid guy, mechanic engineer. But he honestly believes in the underwear stops knives and bullets. Never mind that police in salt lake city wear bullet resistance vest and the salt lake tribune never has run a story of some one's garments deflecting rounds.
@AlphaHawk44 2 года назад
As a former Mormon it’s great to have one of my favorite creators relate to how i felt as a Mormon as a child
@Mark73 2 года назад
Fun fact. There was an earlier book called "A View of the Hebrews" that The Book of Mormon is nearly a point-for-point rip-off of.
@tylerjones7568 Год назад
As someone who grew up in utah in the out group. Man it's good to see a dismantling of christian fanfiction
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