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#LifeandWorksofJoseRizal #RizalinAteneo #PacianoRizal #TeodoraAlonzo #JustinianoAquinoCruz #RizalinUST #RizalinEurope
This is a lecture on the course "The Life and Works of Jose Rizal".



17 мар 2022




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@mariacutchiebrillo41 2 года назад
1. The characteristic of Rizal as a student that stuck out to me the most was his will to learn despite the insults hurled at him. The inspiration of Rizal as a student that stuck out to be the most was his will to learn despite the insults hurled at him. During his studies, he was bullied by his peers, yet despite what he had the experience, he achieved academic excellence and topped all his subjects. It takes a particular determination to continually receive excellent marks throughout one's intellectual life, spanning various schools and countries. This feature helped him acquire the academic understanding and knowledgeability that he was so well-known for. His objective was not to win gold or fancy medal or be recognized. His primary goal was to study and apply what he had learned. These impacts were the only benefits for him. Despite his difficulties, Dr. Jose Rizal has always striven for perfection. Given that only the fortunate could receive an education previously, it is easy to imagine how difficult it is to study when other countries dominate your country. 2,. I believe that Dr. Jose Rizal left as motivation to study well despite the hardship and challenges in school life. I feel that one thing we Filipino students may take away from Rizal's school experience is to never give up on our aspirations. Dr. Jose Rizal is an excellent role model for today's youth. His enthusiasm for learning exceeds our expectations. Dr. Jose Rizal demonstrates that knowledge isn't enough. Learning is a lifelong process. We must work hard to learn more.Along with his passion for studying, he values the affection he has received from his family. Dr. JoseRizal taught us that education is the only thing that education can never take away from us. Proper education aims to improve both our minds and our attitudes. It is hugely motivating for us, and we should use it as inspiration in our daily lives and as students. Jose Rizal's characteristics as a student have been the secret to his success, and he is, without a doubt, exceptional. 3. yes Brillo(A07)
@jaeonjacquejakosalem3108 2 года назад
1) Rizal's best trait as a student was his drive for excellence and ardor for learning. At the age of 8, it can be really unnerving for a child stray from their parents but, Rizal took courage to do so for the sake of knowledge. His goal wasn't the gold and the recognition. His main objective really was to learn and utilize what he learned. The effects of these were just bonuses for him. His resiliency when it comes to his desire for education is very admirable since whatever obstacles that came through, it did not stop him from giving up on his education. He even got the chance go abroad just to pursue higher education. Pursuing a specialization in ophthalmology to heal her mother's eye problems. 2) Rizal's time in school inspired many of us students. It inspired us to think that a hero like him can be do things just like us, experience things just like us. Having friendships, experiencing failure, loving someone, things like that. That someone like us can become someone notable in history. He inspires us to become resilient through hardships. Even though he was discriminated and was given low grades that did not stop him into pursuing his studies. 3) Yes, I did. Jakosalem, A07
@jorrishjonesparsaligan1042 2 года назад
1) I think Dr. Jose P. Rizal's best trait when he was a student is being dedicated and hardworking on what he is doing. He aimed high for achievements and did his best on his studies even though he experienced being bullied, having financial problems and other conflicts in his academics mostly when he was in the University of Santo Tomas which he experienced racial discrimination and suffocating style of educational system of the Dominicans. Although he experienced problems in UST and did not finish his courses, it did not stop him from striving for excellence. He studied abroad and completed his Opthalmology specialization in Germany. Though Dr. Jose P. Rizal experienced hardships and conflicts on his academic journey, he worked hard and became dedicated to his studies to achieve what he really wanted. His courage, determination, and experiences become an instrumental for him to achieve his goals and do what he wants. 2) For me, the inspiration that we can get from Rizal's time in school is that he may not come from a rich family that can provide all the things that he needs in his studies and he experienced hardships on his academic journey, it did not stop him from achieving his goals. He works hard on his studies and achieves what he really wants. Dr Jose P. Rizal became a writer, poet, nationalist, linguist, traveller and other things that he excelled at. As a student we may experience hardships like what happened to Dr. Jose Rizal but we can still achieve our goals and do do what we want, we just need the determination and work hard to achieve our dreams in life. 3) Yes
@luna_au 2 года назад
1. Rizal's best trait as a student is being courageous. He is not afraid when someone bullied him. He stood up for himself and would not tolerate others' wrongdoings. He is also brave enough to shift course if he wants to. I know a couple of students who wish to pursue courses that they like but are too afraid to shift as they do not want to disappoint their parents. Rizal, however, takes the courses that he wants and can even manage to take two courses at once. He is not afraid to change schools or even go to foreign countries to continue his study. He strives for excellence even if he does not like the school that he was in. He always goes where knowledge will be. These are the reasons why I think that Rizal's bravery is the best trait he has as a student, and why other Filipino students should learn from him. 2. I really admire how Rizal stood up for himself when someone bullied him. Bullying is one of the main problems that Filipino students, especially in public schools and those in the lower grades, are experiencing today as a form of cyberbullying. I did not suggest that physically fighting back should be an inspiration to Filipino students. Instead, fighting back at the wrongdoings of others and not tolerating them should be a motivation for every student as staying silent would not do them any good. A simple apprise to the teachers or anyone in charge, including parents, can make a huge difference. It would help the student who is being bullied and the one who bullies as they would try to change for the better. It can also help raise awareness among other Filipino students to stand up for what is right and not tolerate any kind of bullying, just as Rizal did. 3. Yes. Hernandez, A07
@wakoko4911 2 года назад
1. I think the best trait of Rizal as a student is how he is persevering. Even amidst racial discrimination on his stay in UST, he was able to achieve a grade of notable or remarkable. Moreover in the case of persevering, he studied and excelled even when he was bullied from a young age. Being bullied at a young age may tend to hinder a person from expressing himself but Rizal pushed through these hardships and became an achiever. 2. The inspiration that we can get from Rizal from his time spent in his academics is that he also experienced most if not all of the hardships that we too experience. We can see that the hero Rizal we know also went through the hardships of an average filipino student, that in his time he was not already established a hero and breezed through all of his academic life. We can see that we too can be established and great if we push through all the hardships that we experience now. 3. Yes. Columbres, A06
@pdioneda 2 года назад
1) Jose Rizal's persistence and drive for seeking excellence is his best trait as a student back in the day. With so many different circumstances from his childhood, until his days at the unibersidad, he always strive for more and did his best on his academics. From an early age he already showed a display of his persistence by not giving in and fighting bullies at his school. On his college days, despite all the racial discrimination, he still chooses to move forward and do what he can to complete his studies. Not only that he didn't stopped learning after graduating here in the Philippines, but also he strives for more knowledge from different and faraway countries such as Spain, France, and Germany. Jose Rizal truly was an inspiring student. All of his incredible feats makes a lot more sense in this context turning him into the hero we all know and learn about, The one who strived for excellence. 2) For Filipino student's, his inspiring drive for excellence no matter the circumstances is what most people can learn from his academic experiences. This actually applies very well in today's timeline where the world's pandemic greatly affect the way of leaning and education. Nowadays, most people will settle for mediocrity or "just enough" when it comes to their academics because information is very easy to come by. What students can apply from Jose Rizal's academic journey to our world now is to not settle for less than our true potential, that is one way on how students can strive for excellence. "Children are the country's hope and future" as Jose Rizal said, and with such drastic change on today's society, student's must not loss track on why they are studying in the first place. It might be for different reasons but whatever it might be it will change and affect our country's future. The best way to deter the country from a future that nobody wants is that if more student's of today strives for excellence for a better tomorrow. 3) Yes. Dioneda (A07)
@michaelamistoso9188 2 года назад
1) I think Rizal's best trait as a student is he is very true on his own morals and totally stands up on it. I think this is his best trait because this trait was apparent when he was still young. This shows on how he fought against people who ridicules his physical appearance, with someone of his stature and still be able to fought for himself. I can see that as long as he is in the right, he will fight for himself. This is also very apparent when he grew older. This trait has shown on how he paid the racial discrimination on UST by observing the liberty or freedom in Europe which is a very important stepping stone on him being our national hero. He is also very persistent in his studies which is apparent on how he also took a specialization in medicine and also has taken other courses such as Philosophy and letters. These traits is what helped him on becoming the national hero that we knew about. 2) I think the inspiration that Filipinos could get on Jose Rizal is being able to stand on himself and accepting failures and discriminations in life. These traits was shown by Jose Rizal on how he is able to stand on himself versus his bullies that ridicules his height and Jose Rizal was also able to show this on how the racial discrimination in UST did not make his hopes down and rather make his nationalism spark more. Jose Rizal was also not let down by his failures such as him not being able to finish his PhD Degree. Filipinos need to take note on how Jose Rizal was able to stand up even with all of these failures which is very important specially in this very competitive world. Filipinos should take his trait of standing up on what is right specially on the discrimination that some Filipinos are experiencing right now. Filipinos should learn on standing up with themselves even through failures and discrimination. 3) Yes AMISTOSO, A07
@kylamostizo6389 Год назад
1. He may be a near-perfect pupil, but he still encounters obstacles. During his time as a student, he encountered numerous obstacles. He did not appreciate his time at the University of Sto. Tomas due to racial discrimination and the oppressive educational system of the Dominican Republic. Dr. Jose Rizal, who struggled in school, is an example because he believed that education could change everything. His educational history was truly astounding. Even in the face of adversity, he continues to pursue success. All of this did not prevent him from studying and graduating. This merely demonstrates that you do not always have to remain in an environment where you are not embraced and where you are not gaining anything. Moreover, as a student, Jose Rizal's experiences and struggles inspire me to aspire for greater achievement and success in life as a whole as there will always be obstacles and difficulties in our studies. 2. Rizal's bravery is his greatest strength in the classroom. He has no fear of being bullied. He spoke up for himself and refused to take abuse from anyone else. Rizal persisted in his studies in spite of the obstacles and difficulties he faced. I think he has accomplished so much because he loves learning a lot. When people are faced with adversity, they often lose their motivation to work toward their goals but Rizal did not. He places equal importance on his academic pursuits and his personal dignity; this is why he persisted in his studies despite facing prejudice and teasing from his peers. He doesn't want to be looked down upon by society as a successful person. Despite facing discrimination and mockery from his classmates, he continued his education. He wanted to show everyone that he was more than what they saw at first glance. His dedication to education is inspiring. He developed an abundance of knowledge and insight by simple observation, and he expanded his awareness of the world around him. 3. YES Mostizo, A18
@pidsleyyy494 2 года назад
1.) Dr. Jose Rizal's Best trait as a student is probably how brave and strong he is even though he was still as child. Even people bully him for being short it did not really affect him. Rizal as a student is probably born as an achiever since you could see how much reward he had when he was still in high school in Ateneo. He is a top breaker Academic Performance in Ateneo with him having a an excellent award in a lot of things and he did all of that while people bully him you could really see how strong he is cause he did not let these kind of things affect him while achieving what he want, he just do his things without minding the other people which eventually led him to become one of the greatest hero in the Philippines. 2.) I think one of the inspiration we can get with Rizal's time when he was still in high school is you don't have to mind the bad comments and the bullying of other people. Don't let them get into you because at the end of the day it is only a mere a opinion and it should not matter that much. Do not let the negative things ruin the potential that you have. Like how Dr. Jose Rizal did , he persevere and did his best with out minding the hate and negative things affect him. He strive al through hardship and did his best to overcome the struggle as he eventually did not just end up having awards but also end up as one of the greatest hero in the Philippines that no one will forget. So as long as we know what Dr. Jose Rizal did and sacrifices he will always live. 3.Yes. Acuyong (A06)
@lorenzo3185 2 года назад
1) From personal experience, I’m of the opinion that Dr Jose Rizal’s best trait was his ability to adapt and change himself through the different learning styles and cultures of the different Unibersidad(s) that he’s been to. The Philippines, France, and Germany do not share many similar traits, and France and Germany are not predominantly english-speaking countries. This shows also his drive to pursue his mission - which is to observe liberalism in Europe, though many obstacles come his way. I do admire his resolve to go and leave his comfort zone in order to complete a mission he’s set out to do. Also, being able to stand up for yourself speaks a lot. Nowadays being a victim of bullying has been given too much attention to the point that instead of teaching our pupils to be strong, we are only justifying them remaining weak. At the end of the day, how could a hero stand up for his whole country, if he could not stand for himself? 2) I think it goes without saying that Rizal was an excellent student. Although his Unibersidad grades in the Philippines weren’t as ‘sobresaliente’ as his grades back in Colegio, it was still pretty high up above the average. But, what I found surprising was how much in common he had with us, regular students. He has his barkada, has gotten into fights, and even tried some vices. I am not trying to glorify his seemingly ‘rebellious’ behaviour, but knowing this does help reach out and inspire the common college student that greatness might just come from anyone - anyone who’s willing to leave his/her comfort zone that is! Something notable was also his stature, it was very easy to lose confidence when you know that you do not appear physically equal to the status quo. But I believe that he was able to gain the respect of others through his respect of self - not Ego, not Pride, but Self-Respect. I hope we all learn this, because through it we learn to also respect others. 3) Yes. (SANTOS A01)
@ellaica342 2 года назад
1. The best trait of Rizal as a student was intelligence and hardworking. He really was a brilliant student who liked to observe everything. Rizal was an outstanding student with outstanding academic records in all subjects. As we know Rizal is a fast learner because when he was a little boy he learned to read and write and as he grew up he was fluent in a lot of languages like Latin, German, English, etc... According to what I learned about him he is talented and his performance is very excellent. He won several medals back days like gold medals in various fields and for being the most brilliant boy of his time. He really did a lot of things/great in his academics. He really is an inspiration to us for what he did in his academics. 2. The inspiration can Filipino students gets from Rizal was being hardworking, always wanting to learn, and being open mind to everything. I think if I were his family I will be so much proud of it because of what Rizal's achieved and how brilliant he is for all that medals. Rizal's admirable qualities of intelligence, bravery, and determination enabled him to risk it all in order to save his country. 3. yes SAOIT A01
@rickimaemasongsong8700 2 года назад
1. I think Rizal's best trait as a student, he was brilliant student as we can see during his elementary until he studied at University of Heidelberg for his Ophthalmology specialization at Germany. Dr. Jose Rizal loves to observe things in his school and to the events happened in his surrounding. He never gives up until he's the best in his class. During his stay in Ateneo were he earned his title "Perito Agrimensor" (land surveyor) and achieve many awards such as Latin Excellent, Greek Excellent, Spanish Excellent, Algebra Excellent, World History Excellent and many more. Although he was bullied by his classmates it doesn't affect of how he will be a great student he proves it by earning many awards and become a top student. Dr. Jose Rizal best traits is what we need to be like him, we should loved our country and do everything for the sake of our country just like what our hero did. 2. The inspiration that we can get from Rizal's time in school is how he overcome that challenges he faced as a student, the bullying of how he looked doesn't affect the fact that he could be great no matter how painful the words that his other classmates told him but he turned those bullying as a motivation to strive for more academically as we can see of how far he achieved in his life. Dr. Jose Rizal help us put meaning to our own struggles for survival in school and in our life. He helped us to realized of the best we can be as a student and as a Filipino. We can be like our hero Dr. Jose Rizal, so as a student I will continue to strive for excellence in the midst of hardships no matter what happens as long I put my heart and integrity in everything that I do. 3. Yes MASONGSONG (A06)
@jokailarino2254 2 года назад
1.) I think Jose Rizal best trait as a student beside being smart is that he manage to shine despite of all the social problems he encountered. Jose Rizal manage his study unaffected although he experience being bullied by his classmates. He is also a critical thinker and manage to do a multi task because he investigated in his college days while studying. I also considered Jose Rizal a strongest man in his class because he always excelled despite of all the challenges that his classmates, teachers and others throw at him and he solve problems and overcome the challenges meticulously and smoothly, this is the indication that Jose Rizal was a strong minded person. He always managed to be one the best student when he was studying. 2.) The inspiration that the Filipino students can apply to their life is that no matter what problem and challenges that God throw at us, there will be always a way to deal with it and learn from it. Jose Rizal also inspired Filipino students to become a strong minded person, to avoid being fragile or develop our mind to fight from the challenges instead of thinking of it a lot of time while running from problems. What I mean is we can all be a strong minded person, majority of the people just need a push to become a strong minded person. All of us will have an unlimited challenges in our lifetime so instead of being fearful most of the time, we can think of a solution or we can seek help to others for us to avoid being devastated. Of course, it is not wrong when a person feels that he/she is really down like there is no other solution but we can move on afterwards and start to fight again and enjoy life while learning. I think for me, this was the best inspiration that we can absorb in life and work of Jose Rizal. 3.) Yes. Larino (A06)
@tomie3374 2 года назад
1. The trait of Rizal as a student that stood out to me the most was his passion to study despite the insults directed at him. During Maestro Justiniano’s class in Binan, Rizal experienced bullying from his classmates and still, he topped all his classes in academic studies. In Rizal’s colegio years in Ateneo, he almost did not get to study there due to his characterization of his body feature which was sickly and undersized for his age, and he was a late registrant during enrollment. He received excellent grades throughout his four years in Ateneo and his vocational course. In UST, he experienced racial discrimination from the Dominicans therefore not finishing his studies there. He instead continued his studies in Europe where he was able to complete his degrees and his specialization courses. Throughout the years while Rizal was studying, countless insults were thrown at him but, he did not take those in heart and made those his strengths. 2. The inspiration Filipino students could get from Rizal during his time in school is determination. Most Filipino students have a set goal in studying; to work overseas, to help or repay parents, or personal reasons. Rizal experienced several hardships that could easily have stopped him from studying but he did not. In those hardships is where he also experienced success from his studies, the barkada life, and love life. Filipino students could take inspiration from Rizal’s determination to study. Filipino students today could take inspiration from Rizal by taking inspiration from their families since Rizal looked up to his mother which taught him how to love to learn. 3. Yes Gamilo (A07)
@vryckmeranio7731 2 года назад
1) I believe Dr. Jose Rizal's best trait as a student is him being a hardworking, passionate, intelligent, and most of all dedicated to his craft. Education and learning were somewhat a passion for Rizal which had probably made it easier for him to adapt quick and excel on his studies very well. After watching the video I realized how dedicated he was to prove himself worthy, despite facing discrimination and rejection from the start of his study in Ateneo he proved to everyone he is more than capable of being average student, and on 1872-1873 he won his first token for high academic achievements and again won numerous amount of medals from 1872-1876 (4 years in Colegio). In his Unibersidad years in the "Unibersidad ng Santo Tomas" he was unable to perform at his peak because discrimination and suffocating style of education of the Dominicans hindered him from performing well, although he wasn't happy in UST he still managed to pass his exam with remarks of 'Notable' which was still a good remark. 2) I believe the greatest inspiration a Filipino student can learn from Rizal's time in school is his dedication and willingness to learn despite certain situations. His will to learn despite being bullied and discriminated remained intact which shows how dedicated and passionate he was on learning and succeeding on what he has started. That I believe are his greatest inspiration that can be adapted by Filipino students. College is a tough place to be especially when you can't quite adapt too well on the environment. Having a mindset like Dr. Jose Rizal can help a student find purpose and motivation on continuing their study. 3) Yes Meranio-(A06)
@angeliquesnts 2 года назад
1. In my opinion, Rizal’s best trait as a student is that he tries his best in his studies despite the toxic environment he is in. He was bullied because of his physical trait. He was thin, his body was bent forward, and he has a long neck and a sharp nose. His perseverance was admirable, despite the bullying he experienced. It didn't stop him from being one of the best in his class. During his whole high school year in Ateneo, his academic performance in most of his subjects, especially in Latin, Spanish, Greek, World Geography, World History, Arithmetic, and Algebra, was ‘Excellent’. He even managed to graduate valedictorian along with his 8 other classmates. He also managed to be ‘Notable’ despite not having a nice time in UST because of the Dominicans. Regardless of the struggles he experienced, it didn't stop Rizal's hunger for knowledge, which he showed by graduating top of his class and by excelling in most of his subjects. 2. What we Filipino students can get from Dr. Jose Rizal's time in school is that we can do anything as long as we persevere. Even though he had a hard time at the University of Santo Tomas because of his professors, he still graduated top of his class. He also experienced bullying by his classmates but still managed to be the valedictorian of his class. We can observe Dr. Jose Rizal’s love for the country by wanting the best. He also had an agenda to observe liberalism in Europe. Maybe that made him work hard on his goals. He realized the harsh treatment of Filipinos by the Spaniards and he experienced firsthand the racial discrimination from the Spaniards, especially the Dominicans, who were handling UST during that time. He was hopeful for the country's future. In conclusion, Rizal's eagerness to learn, perseverance, patriotism, and diligence were commendable traits when he was a student. 3. Yes. Santos (A07)
@tenten_ibarra 2 года назад
1.The way we act today always starts on how we act when we are students. Rizal's best trait for me is bravery that is evident when he confronted the one who bullied him when he was young just because of being small . The way he stood up to resist the one that dominates him is a short story of the country that he fought for. Nowadays, the blatant refusal of the people to acquire knowledge is omnipresent on our country and to commend someone who stood up for what we believe as morally right is a thing that is worth fighting for. In addition his bravery is also evident when he admitted that he used illegal drugs for his experiment during his time and to be academically excellent while facing the struggle from the dominicans in college is something that is praiseworthy for our National Hero. 2. I was an eyewitness on how rotten the educational system we have in our country, As our country faces academic crisis, I think the best inspiration that students can get is the way Rizal transcended in academic when he was a student. Though it can be understand that Rizal studied medicine just because of his mother. To live in an era where abuses and killings are preeminent but still be able to excel as a student is something that FIlipino students should admire to. But now students are stuck on social media, online games, tiktok etc. I hope that we should never forget what our national hero did. 3. Yes. (Salundaga, A01)
@angelachacon8546 2 года назад
1. There are many qualities that I truly admire of him as a student. Some may describe him as a genius, team player, hardworking, and responsible. However, the best trait that Rizal has as a student is his burning desire to learn things or ideas from his peers and teachers. The urge to learn and acquire new knowledge is something we should look up to. This makes him more effective when it comes to his studies while enjoying it. Later on in life, the love for work attitude he established when he was a little boy manifests in his literary works. The continuous learning he did throughout his life which helps him develop his personality and achieve his full potential. Overall, the traits and attitude he had are great contributors to finding his purpose in life that gave him a sense of direction. 2. The moment I met Rizal during my elementary days, the first reason I looked up to him was because of Rizal being a good student. Starting from getting excellent remarks to having a good attitude overall. Maybe he is an almost perfect student, but he also encounters obstacles in his way. He experienced a lot of hardships during his time as a student, and this shows us that even in our modern times, we can overcome challenges in our own ways at school or in our day-to-day life. Being true to self is one of many traits of Rizal we can look up to. Being true to oneself strengthens the core values we have in studies or in life. Then other good qualities will follow because you already know your strength and weaknesses, which can be improved over time. Thus, he is indeed an intelligent man with multifaced skills. 3. Yes (ACHACON, A06)
@animefrenzy9301 Год назад
1) One of Doctor Jose Rizal's greatest strengths was his ability to achieve. He persisted and enjoyed becoming the top student in school despite having to endure harassment and discrimination due of his height. He was successful in earning the titles of Sobre Saliente in Ateneo and Notable in UST since he found studying to be enjoyable. He was adversely affected by discrimination to the point where he was unable to excel academically at UST. Despite this, he persisted in gaining important academic experience, and even went overseas to study literature, philosophy, and medicine. He doesn't want to be looked down upon by others as someone who has succeeded. 2) Rizal's determination to strive and reach his goals is his best quality as a student. Despite the challenges he encountered, such as school bullying, love issues, money issues, moving, and a difficult existence, he continued to learn and strive for perfection. These character attributes enabled him to develop into the man who is now revered as the national hero of the Philippines. In addition, he had an open mind about the various problems the nation was experiencing; just like when the Gomburza was put to death, he recognized that the system was broken. Because he wanted to see the liberalism that his own country needed, he even studied abroad. 3) yes barcellano b43
@_clarencesteven 2 года назад
1) The best trait of Dr. Jose Rizal as a student is his consistency in the academe. Throughout his journey as a student, the external factors or so-called life obstacles existed in his life, but Dr. Jose Rizal did not let these obstacles hinder his character growth and making him give up in the academe. There was a time in Rizal’s life when he was a student that he admitted that he had a little knowledge in Spanish in the class of Maestro Justiniano. He studied enough and became excellent in Spanish as he grew older as he was achieving a consistent excellent mark not only in Spanish subject but all of his subjects on his stay in Ateneo. He graduated “Sobre saliente” as a result of his sustained excellency. Though, Rizal did not earn a set of high grades on his stay in UST as Rizal was affected due to the racial discrimination and Dominicans’ suffocating style of education. But he bounced back as he studied in abroad and finished his Philosophy and Letters degree and had a MD degree. Dr. Jose Rizal endured a lot of hardships in his journey as a learner, but he continued striving for excellence to improve himself to serve other people and become an inspiration to future generations. 2) In my perspective, the inspiration that can Filipino students like me acquire from Rizal’s time in school is his continuous effort in studying despite the hardships of his life. Rizal has this great focus and determination on pursuing his target goals which molds his character to become an excellent individual. We can get inspired by his excellency and applied it into ourselves. This previous simple statement is not the motivation that he was trying to give unto us, Filipino students, but a deeper message that could wake the younger generations. Through watching the video lecture, I do realize that Dr. Jose Rizal was not perfect, he is like us, but the difference is he kept on striving for excellence as he was enjoying his studies and he knew he can be helpful and a great fellow for his Filipino people. He did a lot of things that made him the person we know in the present. 3) Yes. SUMARIA, A07
@nikkiabdon133 2 года назад
1) In my opinion, the best trait Rizal presented as a student is his love for learning. He experienced financial difficulties yet it did not stop him from his persistence to studying. Rizal also experienced bullying because of his race and physical appearance but he proved to his bullies that he can rise above them by performing well in his academics. Despite the difficulties and hardships that Rizal encountered, he still persevered in his education. I personally believe that he achieved all of his accomplishments because he loves learning. Often times, when people encounter troubles in life, they lose their passion to do the things they want to achieve. In the case of Rizal, even if he was discriminated and victimized, he focused on his love for learning and persevered to achieve high results in his academics. I think that students should learn from Rizal, that even if we are face with problems and obstacles, our love to continue learning new things should still live on. 2) One inspiration that we can get from Dr. Jose Rizal as a student is to never let hardships hinder your desire for learning. In today’s time, our learning resources are easily accessible. When we want to know a specific meaning of a word or phrase, we just use the internet and search for it. In addition, there are already a lot of available schools and teachers today. Contrary to the modern world, during the time of Rizal, learning resources were hard to access or were not easily available. He also needed to live apart from his family so that he can learn his studies. Moreover, he was also discriminated because of his race and physical appearance. All of these struggles did not hinder Rizal to pursue his studies. As a student myself, I draw inspiration from Rizal to continue my studies despite difficulties that I may encounter, whether it may be financial, physical, verbal, or mental struggle. 3) Yes Abdon (A01)
@juanmigueldecastro8215 2 года назад
1. For me, Doctor Jose Rizal's best trait is that he didn't yield to the hardships that he experienced when he was a student. Based on the lecture, Dr. Jose Rizal experienced bullying, discrimination, having a conflict with a professor, and was exposed to illegal drugs due to his own curiosity. By not letting these things to distract or hinder him from studying is his best trait for me. Not everybody was able to handle the bullying and the discrimination that Dr. Jose Rizal has experienced from his classmates, other people would have become traumatized and chose not to go to school anymore. But Jose Rizal ignored the bullying and discrimination of his classmates and focused on his studying, because he knew that confronting them would not do anything good for him or his family. The reason why I think that by not letting these things to distract or hinder him from studying is his best trait because he prioritizes his family and will only do the things that will significantly benefit his family. 2. I think that the inspiration we can get from the time when Doctor Jose Rizal was still a student is that we can get exposed to different things, such as bullying, failures, conflicts between professors, and even illegal drugs, but we shouldn't let these things to hinder us from learning. I learned that it is common to students to get exposed to bullying, failures, conflicts between professors, and even illegal drugs, but we need to realize that yielding to these things will not do anything good to our life and will only hinder us from achieving our goal. Therefore, the important lesson that we need to learn from the life of Rizal when he was still a student is that we need to know how to handle the possible hardships that we may encounter not only when we are still a student, but to our whole life. There are many hardships that we will be encountering in our life and we have to not to yield to them in order to succeed in life. 3. Yes. De Castro (A06)
@peachyshan7169 2 года назад
1.) I think the best trait that Rizal has as a student is because of his hard-working and is very persevered to do his best in excelling in his school life. Despite having little knowledge on Spanish language from the start of his schooling with Maestro Cruz, he gave his dedication to learn and by that, he became fluent as well as even used it to write poetries and writings. Even though he experienced discrimination during his time, he didn't let it stop him or hinder him from studying hard and attaining his goals as a student. Rizal was one of those students who enjoy learning which is why it made him a valedictorian and a notable student during his high school and college life. He received a lot of awards despite all the hardships and the learning-deficiency when it comes to supplies in studying, he managed to pull-through and enjoy his youthful life. 2.) In comparison with today's time, I think most of the learning resources are available at hand while in Rizal's time there are less books and resources are less. But what I could learn from Rizal is that he didn't let it hinder him from learning and discovering new things for himself. Just like any other kid or student, he was just like us. He experienced bullying, which I think was a very painful phase that most kid experience, discrimination, hardships, "barkada" life, temptations, etc. but all of these did not stop him from studying and getting a degree for himself. He continued to thrive and prove himself that he could excel despite his small stature. He kept his head up and reach for his goals in life. Personally, I think I do not enjoy studying, but as I learn about Rizal, it made me wonder that I could also enjoy myself in learning different things especially if it could help me grow. It doesn't matter if you are not the top student, as long as you do your best and enjoy your youth. 3.) Yes Barbastro (A01)
@ronsoliman1774 2 года назад
1.Dr. Jose Rizal was known as an intelligent man, when he was just a student he possessed different traits and characteristics, such as intelligence, excellent, engaging, happy go lucky type of person when he was with his group of peers. But for me the best trait that Dr. Rizal had possessed during his time as a student, was being persevere and hardworking he never stopped studying even though he experienced different hardships and challenges. He continued to strive to be at the top and continued to inspire himself, and make those hardships became his motivation to continue pushing forward. His harworking attitude made him be what we all know him to be, a doctor in medicine, an opthalmologist. Hardwork and preserverance are the two things that one must possess because even if you are not that intelligent, you can strive to be successful within your own set of skills and knowledge. 2. Dr. Rizal was considered an icon because of his heroism, but he also became an inspiration because of his degree and title as a doctor. Rizal during his time encountered different hardships and challenges, he experienced what most students at our time experience, which are bullying, discrimination, terror profs, hard subjects, peer pressure, love and study, all of that are considered temptations while studying and sometimes can be brick walls to success. But rizal made those hardships into a boat and sailed across each and every one of those challenges, then later on achieved his degree and title as a doctor. He is a true inspiration to those who wants to be a future doctor someday, but also an inspiration to other courses that are struggling to keep up to modern day teaching. Rizal made me realize that in times of hardship find motivation, and it will be your sail to success. 3.Yes (SOLIMAN(A01)
@axiedelacruz4723 2 года назад
1.) Rizal was good in different language such as Spanish, Greek, and Latin. Also he was also good in world history, Arithmetic, and Algebra but above all else, the qualities of Rizal as a student made a big part on his success. Jose Rizal is intelligent, open-minded, and hardworking. These traits made Jose Rizal become qualified for being our national hero. With these kind of qualities, it causes a proper motivation in order to bolster the great social forces that make education a success in order to create a desire for the youth to cultivate its own intelligence. Rizal achieved different awards while he was in Ateneo during his high school days, and UST during his college days. He also continued his studies in Spain and in Germany where he finished some specializations in his course. 2.) We can learn from the life of Rizal when he was a student that even if there are some people who discriminates our own will to achieve something, we must continue and prove to them that we can do what it takes to become successful someday. We must not focus on what other people are saying. We must give more attention on how we could be able to understand and gain knowledge in our journey. The motivation and the strong will of Jose Rizal has been a big part of his success, and it must be adapted by our Filipino students nowadays. Because some of students nowadays easily gave up whenever they experience difficulties. Our willingness to achieve something must be bigger than our problems. 3.) YES.
@antoniricafort9919 2 года назад
1. As a student, Rizal’s best trait is perhaps his determination and willingness to learn. It takes a special amount of dedication to be able to consistently get good grades all throughout one’s academic career, across multiple schools and even continents, a trait that helped him achieve his academic prowess and knowledgeability that he was so famous for. One of the major reasons Rizal had such an influence in our country’s history and freedom was because of his ability to fight not with guns or swords, but with pens and papers, something that wouldn’t have been possible without his thirst for learning that he exhibited early on as a student. In and of itself, his passion to learn is something that everyone should strive for in order to get the full potential of their abilities, which they can put to use towards the betterment of society, just like he did then. 2. As mentioned earlier, students these days can gain inspiration from Rizal’s passion for being educated. A well-educated person can do so much more for themselves and for others because, after all, the mind is a person’s greatest weapon and tool. Another important thing to take note of is that, just like us, Rizal’s school life was quite normal and relatable; experiencing much of the same things we do on a daily basis. This just goes to show that although he is a hero and lived quite an exceptional life at times, he was still just a normal human being and a Filipino just like the rest of us. In other words, we can be just like him. We don’t have to be a super genius or super rich, we can be great even if we’re being bullied and looked down on just like he experienced. We too, can be heroes. 3. Yes. RICAFORT, A01
@matthewtungga1216 2 года назад
Rizal's best trait as a students was being intelligent, hardworking and open minded to a lot of ideas. he topped all of his courses or subjects and graduated as valedictorian. He was a brilliant student with a brilliant mind, he was an emperor in the classroom, A campus leader, he always achieve for the best results and never give up until he became one of the best on his class. Jose really is inspired to gain the freedom of the Philippines from Spain he cared about his country and that's why he studied so hard in order for it to happen.. As great as Rizal many Filipino students would be inspired of his time when he was at school as Rizal overcame many adversities when the time that Rizal is not that good and had a little knowledge in Spanish he had a fight with one of the students and in that time he won so if you are being bullied, fight back. He topped and did very well on all of his subjects. Students should be inspired by this even though Rizal experienced being bullied, tough profs and subjects, even he had "barkadas" we as a student can also became Rizal and continue to strive for excellence for the future. YES
@xfontanilla3547 2 года назад
1.) I would say that the best trait that Jose Rizal had as a student was tenacity. All the hardship and persecution his family experienced and that Jose Rizal saw as a child was traumatic to say the least. Thus, it amazes me that he can still focus and even thrive at his studies even though the state of national education at his time was much harder and unwelcoming than the state of education we have now. I would also imagine that Jose Rizal is a hardworking student, because of the discrimination of the Spaniards towards Filipinos. I can imagine, Filipinos doing twice the effort for the same opportunity given to the Peninsulares and to the Insulares. That is why I can only imagine and applaud Jose Rizal for his tireless effort to become someone he wanted to become. I am also amazed at the mental fortitude of Jose Rizal, for he overcome bullying and discrimination in a school without quitting on education itself. He fought for himself well and later on became, academically excellent. 2.) The inspiration that I got from Jose Rizal is that I have much more opportunities and freedom of choices than what he got at his time. So, if even Jose Rizal excelled while the odds are stacked against the Filipinos, and he still got excellent in almost everything, I believe and is inspired that I can do it too. I also learned to do my best in everything that I do, only then does I live a life with purpose because I was inspired from the purposeful life led by Jose Rizal. Moreover, I learned to be not just think of myself but to other people also. I must be intuitive and a problem solver, so that I can be of use to other people and in extend, to the society. 3.) Yes Fontanilla(A06)
@patriciasofiacapola3249 2 года назад
1. I think Rizal's best trait as a student is that even amidst the hardships, he continued to strive for excellence. But what I liked the most is that he did not pass up on opportunities to enjoy his student life. He had a barkada life, a love life, experienced temptations, etc. For me, these are some of the factors that make student life easier and enjoyable. Except for his being bullied and racially discriminated, sharing hardships with barkadas, falling head over heels with someone, experiencing tough subjects and professors, shifting, all these made the end of his student life more appealing. His strive for excellence was enough to maintain a balanced life for Rizal and even got excellent results, which is personally very admirable. Moreover, his passion to learn and pursue his interests was apparent in how he was able to complete two degrees amidst the hardships. This just shows that we can achieve great results if we just commit to our goal and are willing to sacrifice and fight hard for it. 2. As a student, Rizal's story taught me that if we were to choose between our wants and our responsibility, we have the option to choose both. What struck me the most was that as the youngest son, he was expected to become a doctor or a priest. Although he was on another career path before, he became a doctor eventually, fulfilling his duty. But that responsibility of his never became a hindrance for him to also complete a degree in Philosophy and Letters, his first choice. While I think Rizal had the means to pursue both careers, his story held lots of hardships including financial struggles, which for me is one of the deciding factors in having good education attainment. Other struggles such as emotional, physical, and mental problems will also inevitably come our way. But if we strive for excellence and if we have a dream, perhaps the efforts that we put through to get that will bear a sweeter fruit at the end of the road. 3. Yes (Capola, A01)
@jrdnsbstn 2 года назад
1. In my opinion, Rizal’s best trait as a student was being hard-working. When he was a student at Ateneo, he was regarded as inferior and was placed at the bottom of the class, but since he was a dedicated student, he rose to the position of Emperor and got a reward, a religious picture, from the end of the month. Furthermore, during his fourth year in Ateneo, he received 5 medals at the end of the year and graduated as sobresaliente. Despite the fact that Rizal was naturally blessed with intelligence, he nevertheless had tutors to educate him and broaden his knowledge. Moreover, we all know that Rizal excels at everything, he was continually striving for success and never gave up. Being a hard-working person is always seen to be the path to success. Working hard forces us to push our limitations and do better than we previously did. We learn a lot when we work hard, and it helps us progress in life. 2. Rizal is a terrific role model for today's youth. His enthusiasm for learning much exceeds our expectations. Rizal demonstrates that knowledge is not enough. Learning is a never-ending process. We, being Filipino students, should strive for greatness in the same way that Rizal did. In addition, Rizal excels not just academically, but also in extracurricular activities. He became a member of various organizations and associations. We all know how shy he was as a child. Despite this, he was able to join groups. Through this, he serves as a useful reminder for students who are frightened to interact with others. If Rizal can manage it, we can as well. The one thing that will never be taken away from us is our education. True education improves both our brains and our mentality. Moreover, Filipino students may admire Jose Rizal for his ability to stand on his own and tolerate setbacks and prejudice in life. 3. Yes. - Sebastian (A07)
@robinbryanligutan8659 2 года назад
1. For me, I think Jose Rizal's best trait as a student is he is very open-minded on things, he is intelligent, and he is a very hardworking student. When Jose Rizal is still a student, he focuses on achieving his goals and dreams by studying very hard in order to have a better future. He even studied at the Central University of Madrid somewhere in Europe in order to finish his medical degree. Even though he has plenty of problems, he suffers that much, he faces the problems of his family, he still went to Europe in order to finish his studies. Jose Rizal is a very hardworking person. He focuses on his own self in order for him to have a better future. Even though life is hard, he still manages to finish his studies. 2. I think the inspirations that Filipino students can get from Jose Rizal's time in school is by getting a better future and by achieving the student's dream while he/she is still a student. We can rely on Jose Rizal as a student in order to achieve our own dreams and goals. By studying hard, by focusing on studies, I think that are the inspirations we can get as a student when Jose Rizal is still a student. Also, we can also rely on his books which is the Noli Me Tangere and the El Filibusterismo. How? By reading and understanding how he writes novels. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo have a very good story line and those books are very interesting. I think those are one of the reasons while we study Jose Rizal and why it is required to study him. It is because we can get inspirations to him when he is still a student. 3. Yes. Ligutan (A06)
@kategutierrez2941 2 года назад
Best traits of Jose Rizal as a student was his intelligent and hard working. Jose Rizal was really inspiration of the youth like me. He really inspired me to give some effort to study more. He will do everything for education even if he is away from his family. His willingness to learn is her also best trait even he experiencing discrimination from the Dominicans. Even he experienced not good from Dominicans he didn't neglected his studies and he also finished his studies with award "notable" which considered remarkable. I admired Jose Rizal dedication and willingness to learn he didn't give an attention to others he only focus to his goal in life. 2.For me, as a student the inspiration that get in Rizal's time in school was his being dedicated and willingness to learn. Some of his experience I also experienced as a student one of this is being bullied by my classmate. I think Rizal experienced was also experienced some of the students one of this don't have enough money to finished studies, discriminated by others, bullied by classmates. Despites of all of the challenges of the students all of the sacrifices it will fruit of success. Don't lose hope to your dreams to finished studies even experiencing negative. Always give an effort in all doing. Dr. Jose Rizal was inspiration of the youth. Yes (GUTIERREZ, A07)
@danecollado 2 года назад
1. The best traits of Dr. Jose Rizal as a student are hard-working and observant. Aside from being naturally brilliant-minded, he is also a very diligent and driven man. He always strives to achieve his goals and learns from them. Dr. Jose Rizal being at the top of his class and gaining many achievements in different subjects are the result of his hard work and efforts. At a young age, he already had a vision of what he wanted to become, and he made sure it would come true by not giving up on his dreams. Dr. Jose Rizal, as a student, encountered a lot of difficulties too, just like every one of us. There are moments when life has not been so kind to him. However, these challenging moments did not stop him from excelling in various fields, especially in the field of medicine. Moreover, Dr. Jose Rizal was a very observant person, and this trait always led him to learn and discover more about different things. He learned and realized countless things just by being observant, and he became socially aware too. 2. One of the inspirations we could get from Dr. Jose Rizal’s time in school is true success does not happen overnight. Dr. Jose Rizal was born intelligent and was gifted with so many talents. But he did not stop there, although he was already an excellent student he still strived to reach the top. Dr. Jose Rizal did not settle on just being intelligent and talented, but he also made sure that he is a hard worker who was willing to learn more things beyond his knowledge. Like Dr. Jose Rizal, we should strive and work hard to achieve our goals, to become what we want to be. No matter how many times life and other people bring us to our knees, we should learn how to stand up on our own and learn from our past mistakes. Also, Dr. Jose Rizal was also a victim of racial discrimination and a suffocating educational style. These factors caused him not to enjoy his stay at UST which further resulted in his low grades. From this, we should learn that we must be careful in what we do or say to other people. As much as possible, no matter who they are, we should treat people with kindness and mutual respect. We have no idea how much our words and actions affect other people, and we should be cautious because sometimes words cut deeper than knives. 3. Yes Submitted by: Collado (A01)
@jordimadelenedelacruz5138 2 года назад
1. We can all agree that Dr. Jose Rizal was born with brilliance. Aside from his artistic ability, he was named "the most intelligent student" when he graduated from high school at Ateneo De Manila University owing to his literary abilities. They are just proof that Rizal is a hard worker who values the importance of education. 2. His passion and desire to learn in order to broaden his knowledge astounded me. He, like any other student, faced bullying, difficult teachers, difficult classes, barkada life, financial issues, and other hurdles. However, none of this deters him from chasing his dream. Slow learners, average students, and fast learners, on the other hand, are the three sorts of pupils. They may learn through different methods, but they all want to be able to finish their education and provide a good life for their parents. Furthermore, I believe that a student's life progress is depending on his professor's teaching skills. 3. Yes. DELA CRUZ (A07)
@kimsangab2733 2 года назад
1. Even at a young age, Jose Rizal is notable for his outstanding academic performance. His eagerness to learn and to prove that the Filipinos were intellectual equals of the Spanish led him to maintain an excellent grade as he was a consistent honor student in high school and college at Ateneo de Manila and University of Santo Tomas, respectively. His strong interest and dedication to learning can be attributed to the upbringing of young Pepe by his parents in which education is given importance deriving from his parent’s demeanor. Having said that, he was able to develop a passion for excellence, which I think is his greatest characteristic as a student. He took every opportunity that came along the way, such as studying abroad to complete his Ophthalmology specialization. He never stopped learning, and he never turned a blind eye to the harsh realities of life. Instead, he used his learned ideals to fight for an ideal cause-our freedom. 2. Rizal’s life as a student was not a smooth sailing one. He was bullied by his classmates because of his seemingly weak physical appearance. Filipino students, including Rizal, were racially discriminated against by Spaniards at school. The Dominicans were also hostile to him, and Rizal felt that their way of education was stifling, which became the reason he didn't like staying at UST, resulting in lower grades compared to his performance at Ateneo. He couldn't finish his PhD because he was not able to pass the dissertation and pay the corresponding fees. Despite these challenges he has been through, Jose Rizal proved them wrong by distinguishing himself in the field of medicine, aside from being a man of letters. Rizal didn’t let himself to dwell into self-pitying caused by the people and circumstances around him that’s pulling him down. But instead, he used these obstacles as a driving force to persevere more and to strive for success. This should be an inspiration among Filipino students that life doesn’t stop just because you are facing barriers that hinders a progress. Yes, your feelings of being tired, exhausted, drained, etc. are valid but you shouldn’t let yourself be consumed by these emotions. You have to trust that perseverance will never betray you. 3. Yes. Sangab (A01)
@kelvincabasac5052 2 года назад
1. There are many qualities that can describe Jose Rizal. As a student, he was hardworking, open minded and very intellectual. Personally, I think that all these qualities are the standard qualities a student should have. He really stood out but never see others as competitors. He continued to challenge himself in order to gain more knowledge and skills which led him to his former professions. He became a successful writer, doctor, scientist and etc. He also focused and prioritized his studies back in those days, that is why he learned so much beyond academics. He did not just memorized all the knowledge he learned from school but actually applied it to his life and career. However, the best quality Rizal had is his perseverance. All of these qualities were applied later on when he got to revolt. He had this determination not just to acquire these qualities as a student but to actually do something for a change as a Filipino. 2. Filipino students should inspire themselves through learning what was Rizal when he was a student just like them. As what I have said, Rizal deemed all the qualities that the students must have. He can inspire them to be as hard working and determined as him. What I have observed from Rizal, is that, he was really focused in what he wants and he knew what he wanted to be. Filipino students should learn from that. They must develop a sense of determination in achieving their goals. Also, planning ahead can help them later on in life. 3.) Yes CABASAC (A07)
@vmbalagtasvb 2 года назад
1.) I think the best trait of Dr. Jose Rizal as a student is he is an intelligent, hardworking, and dedicated during his time. He was a very intelligent student, as we all already know, he made himself topped to all of his classes in academic studies when he was studying in Biñan, wherein he also excelled his skills in Latin and Spanish. He even graduated in High School as sobresaliente also known as excellent or valedictorian in Ateneo de Manila, and notable or remarkable in University of Santo Tomas in his college even though he experienced racial discrimination and suffocating style of education in this school. Jose Rizal was also a hardworking student; he became apprentices of Juancho an old painter together with Jose Guevarra. Then, he took three courses which is Philosophy, Letters, and Medicine, and even went to different country for his specialization. Additionally, Jose Rizal is also a very dedicated student, at the age of 8 he left his hometown and family to study in Biñan. It shows how dedicated he is to learn even away from his family at a very young age. And this dedication that lead him to all of his achievements as a student. 2.) An inspiration to try harder to achieve desires and excellence in the middle of challenges and hardships of academic life. At the beginning of Rizal’s time in school he experienced his first school fight with Pedro for bullying him, and Jose Rizal did not let him do this to him, he confronted Pedro for it and despite his size for being small he still won over him. And it teaches us, the youth, the students, especially those who experienced bullying to fight for it, to confront it. We should not let them lead our weaknesses into trauma instead make it as a strength to fight and stood up. Aside from that, always strive for excellence and focus on academic performance for us to excelled in a field we desired, no matter what the challenges the school life may bring just focus to the goal and it may possibly lead us to excellence of our future career. 3.) Yes. Balagtas (A06)
@jerardmacandog7218 2 года назад
1.) Jose Rizal as a student is very intelligence in many aspect more likely in Latin and Spanish he is the top of the when he was a kid. His best trait being a student is being him. Being who he was he may not be the best but Dr. Jose Rizal knows how to be in the top. And all of the trait Dr. Jose Rizal had the best of it is he is an observer. He is a good observer. Even though he encountered many problems and also temptations. Dr. Jose Rizal being a student almost experience everything as him being a student. But with all those troubles being a student he may not want to be a hero but we all knew that his brilliant and intelligence and also talents deserve what he is right now. He is not excellence student but he just enjoyed his life as a normal student. 2.) There are many inspiration can Filipino students get from Rizal's time in school. It is like us a normal student but one of the best inspiration is despite of all the problems of Dr. Jose Rizal in life like the bullying or barkada life is normal to us and also the temptations that he tried is also normal to us and he may not be excellent but he enjoyed his student life. He finished his school even their are tough profs and late registration. He did not stop to pursue his mission. He inspired us to be the hope of the nation it is because of him why we have freedom. He inspired us that education is not a race we must enjoy it but at the same time we should know our priorities and be the best version of us each day. Even there are problems in life we should not stop believing in ourselves and finish our education. 3.) YES -Macandog A07
@janlemueldelosreyes9278 2 года назад
1) In my perspective, the best trait of Jose Rizal as a student is his dedication and eagerness to learn despite all the problems he and his family are experiencing, such as financial problems, racial discrimination, and the suffocating style of education of the Dominicans. With all these problems and distractions in Jose Rizal's life as a student, he still managed to get excellent and high grades in most of his subjects and courses in his high school and university days. Even when Jose Rizal was just an eight-year-old child, he left his family in Calamba, Laguna, to pursue his early studies under his Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz. The financial and health or physical problems of Jose Rizal did not hinder his desire to finish his studies, even though he was rejected to be admitted to The Ateneo De Manila by Fr. Magin Fernando because of Jose Rizal's late registration and sickly and undersized for his age. Little did they know that this weak and puny student would be one of their best achievers. 2) As I have mentioned in my answer to the previous question, the young Filipino students of the modern Philippines should be inspired by the dedication and eagerness of Jose Rizal to study during his time in school. These days, the pandemic has taken a lot of opportunities for learning because the students cannot go to school. Due to the financial crisis, most jobs that help the parents or guardians pay for the school have been temporarily stopped. Even though it is difficult, there are a lot of ways to study and learn for one's future. Jose Rizal, being financially unstable, did not hinder his desire for learning. We may not be gifted as Jose Rizal, and we must still be dedicated and motivated to pursue our studies regardless of our grades. We may stop for a while but do not ever forget to continue forward. We, young Filipino students, should be dedicated and persevered the same way Jose Rizal did when he was still a student like us. 3) Yes. Delos Reyes (A01)
@h4n53ll 2 года назад
1. I think the best trait of Rizal as a student is his hard work and his eagerness to learn new things. Even though he was refused to admit Rizal just because he is sickly and undersized for his age, Rizal didn't stop and entered Ateneo as a Late Registrant. One example of Rizal's hard work are his achievements, excellent grades, and medals that he got when he was studying in Ateneo. After he graduated as a Sobre Saliente in Ateneo, Rizal eventually earned a land surveyor’s degree from the Ateneo Vocational while taking up Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas but later on shifted into medicine. Rizal didn't enjoy his stay at UST because of the racial discrimination that he experience from the Dominicans but because of Rizal's hard work and eagerness to learn, he finished his UST years with a Notable award which is considered a remarkable grade. 2. Every Filipino student should take Rizal's educational experience as an inspiration. Rizal manifested the highest virtues of being a Filipino. He finished his studies against all odds. Rizal experienced everything like bullying, peer pressure, late registration, financial problems, love life, etc. He still managed to finish his studies and be an excellent student. The lesson of this is whatever you encounter through your journey, don't let it stop you. Learning doesn't stop when you finished college. Like Rizal, he continues to study different professions. He became an Opthalmologist just to cure his mother's blurry eyesight. Just imagine the hardwork and the love of Rizal in studying and to his mother. 3. YES DATAY (A06)
@kaloy6630 2 года назад
1. I think Jose Rizal's best trait as a student was his thirst for knowledge and his passion to persevere with his studies through the discrimination and challenges that awaited him. We all know that During Jose Rizal's time, education was a not available at every Filipino because of the discrimination and also because there were not that many schools present during that time and only those who can afford bringing their child into schools can study. Jose Rizal was very lucky that his family was able to give him the education that he needs and Jose Rizal did not fail his parents for giving him a chance to be educated. Jose Rizal took advantage of his opportunity to study to grasp every knowledge he can so that he can go to the places where he wants to go as he observed how liberalism were and gather some ideas on how he can end the discrimination in our country. 2. We can all agree that education is a privilege given to us by our parents so that we can reach our dreams and aspirations. We also need to remember that not everyone has a chance to study, therefore, we should value this privilege that we have. Education is not just about graduating and having a degree, it is about having a thirst to learn something new and the passion to attain more skills and ability. It can be hard but we can look at Jose Rizal wherein he excels at his education because he enjoys the education itself and the journey he is advancing through. Therefore, we can surround ourselves with the people that value us and those that is also chasing their dream, so that, they can uplift us and we can enjoy the journey more. This gives us more motivation to work harder in order to chase our dreams. 3. Yes. (Manongdo, A06)
@jetrholafiguera5713 2 года назад
1. In my opinion, the best trait of Rizal as a student is studying smart by being responsible and handling his time appropriately between studying and his leisure activities. Moreover, that trait of Jose Rizal leads him to achieve several goals in life and become a successful and well-known individual in the world. Additionally, his mother taught him the importance of spending an individual’s time efficiently and meaningfully, and he achieved those accomplishments in life in terms of professional success and personal success. Besides, I admire Jose Rizal for handling his time properly for studying and leisure activities while achieving several academic performances and appreciating every moment of experience. Also, Jose Rizal surpassed several challenges in life, which inspired him to strive for excellence and success amid hardships and struggles in life, including bullying from other students, challenging program courses, strict professors, and balancing the time between academics and love relationships. 2. For me, the inspiration that the Filipino students can get from Jose Rizal during his time in school was studying smart and handling different situations in school and in personal life. Furthermore, studying smart is quite challenging to manage, especially between studying several subjects and leisure activities for relaxation due to the pressure and stress from academics and family. In addition, Jose Rizal handles different situations in school and personal life without affecting academic grades and the mental state of an individual. Besides, as a student, it is difficult to manage and balance the time appropriately between studying and leisure activities as pleasure since some leisure activities sometimes can be caused distraction and temptation. Moreover, as a student, the experiences and challenges of Jose Rizal inspire me to strive more for excellence and success in life to achieve my dreams and surpass the challenges that I will encounter in the future. 3. Yes - Lafiguera (A07)
@kensales6402 2 года назад
1. We all know how hard it is to go through college and not only the studying but the college life in general. Despite all those things Jose Rizal yearned for independence from Spain in the Philippines, so that Filipinos would not be ruled by another country. He was unconcerned about himself. He was more concerned with assisting his country. Rizal was a hard-working student as seen by the results he's shown through his grades and different accomplishments. He was focused on his goals and never lost sight of it even though there are certain circumstances that hindered his studies like all of us ordinary students went through. He still kept pursuing his set goals despite the bullyings, tough profs, late registrations, shifting, financial hardships, conflicts and temptations. That is why being hardworking and combined with being dedicated is the most important trait Dr. Jose Rizal had during his student life. 2. I think that the inspiration Filipino students can get from Dr. Jose Rizal during his time in school is the way he handled the hardships or the hurdles he had when he was still studying. As a college student we always experience all types of difficulties in studying whether it be bullyings, tough profs, late registrations, shifting, financial hardships, conflicts and temptations not to mention the adding pressure from our current situation being the world currently experiencing a global pandemic and studying has been restricted to being fully online. Dr. Jose Rizal was able to maintain his composure and able to power through his goals and finish college and even got multiple achievements and accomplishments along the way. Being a Filipino, Rizal exemplified the best values. He persevered and triumphed in the face of adversity, inspiring the Filipino people and thereby benefiting each and every one of us. 3. YES
@glenmark7214 2 года назад
1. Rizal's best trait as a student would be his determination to learn and his passion to become a doctor in order to cure his mother's eyes, which drove him to travel to other countries to do so. Another of his traits is that his curiosity knows no bounds, and he would do everything in his power to ensure that the answers are known not only to him but also to others. Jose Rizal is open-minded, clever, and diligent, to name a few characteristics. Jose yearned for independence from Spain in the Philippines so that Filipinos would not be ruled by another country. He was unconcerned about himself. He was more concerned with assisting his country. He aspired to make his country proud of him. Jose was also quite intelligent. He could do a variety of vocations and spoke 23 languages. He also assisted those who required assistance. Jose put forth great effort in all he attempted. 2. Rizal spent a lot of time working on himself through self-education. He was not only occupied intellectually, but he also studied art, painting, and languages, including German, as well as keeping up with worldwide philosophical and scientific debates. He spent his time in exile in Dapitan (a rural hamlet in Mindanao) to list the local animal and plant kingdoms to share with fellow revolutionaries. Students may learn from our experiences and strive to be a better version of themselves every day. Whether it's through enrolling in an online or after-hours course at your local institution, picking up a new activity, joining a hobby circle, or simply reading instead of spending hours in front of your phone. To own representation for your employer, you don't have to be a model, actress, sportsperson, or live a spectacular lifestyle. When you work for a firm, you become their face. Its development is influenced by your principles, hard effort, and personal ethics. So be proud and take ownership of it. Rizal read widely to demonstrate the value of Filipino culture prior to annexation. 3. Yes -Caballas(A07)
@irabelles139 2 года назад
1. Rizal was a very studious and devoted student. We have learned from the previous discussion that Jose Rizal was a very much dedicated student. I think that his eagerness to learn is his best trait as a student. Even though he was initially rejected to go to his desired colegio because of his physical appearance, he has them otherwise. He then goes on to show that learning is not about your external capabilities, but rather your desire and your eagerness to be educated. Throughout his student life, he became involved not just in his academics, but also in several extra-curricular activities. He is very much an active student, being involved and improving his skills and knowledge everywhere and anywhere he can. The dedication that he has is what makes him a great student, and the passion he has as a student, which then translates into all of his works late in his life. 2. I think that Rizal’s dedication and eagerness can be a very trivial inspiration to every Filipino student. Despite him being scolded and seen as a weak boy during his ‘elementary’ years, he has proven all of those people wrong, and he even graduated at top of his class, and when he was being discriminated against at the university, it was not pleasant, but it did not let it affect him and his studies, better yet, he moved on from those people and decided to continue and finish his studies somewhere else. This just goes to show that despite the hardships he has encountered throughout his life as a student, he did not let that affect him in any greater way, but he made it some o form of encouragement. This just also goes to show that you don’t always need to stay in a place where you are not welcome and is not benefiting you positively. 3. Yes. [Labapis-A01]
@austinsoriano4887 2 года назад
1) The best trait Rizal has as a student is that he did not give up his studies at the University of Santo Tomas even though he was suffocated and being discriminated against by the Dominicans. In short, he has a strong will to learn and finish his studies. The dedication that he had during that time even he did not have a high grade compared to his studies in Ateneo. Rizal is very hard-working and intelligent, and he becomes 2nd notable in the faculty of medicine from 1881 to 1882. Also, Rizal in Ateneo achieve so many gold medals and even graduated as Sobre Saliente or valedictorian. 2) The inspiration Filipino students can get from Rizal's time in school is to never give up on what they are doing. For example, Rizal did not finish his Ph.D. degree in pain because he was not able to pass a thesis and pay the corresponding fees, but Rizal did not stop there he went to France and Germany and he completed his Opthalmology specialization there. The bullies he experience at UST where he went way back then he experience most of the students also experience today, bullying, tough professors, barkda life, late registration, academic and relationships, and temptations. So we/us can continue the strive for excellence in the most hardships in our life not just in schools even in our daily life we can also apply it. 3) Yes. Soriano, A06
@annlorainebanzon4114 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal was a bright student who enjoyed watching others. He was always striving for success, and from what I've read about him, he never gives up until he's among the best, and he actually topped the class, earning him the title of "emperor," winning gold medals in various fields, and earning the moniker "pride of the Jesuits" for being the most brilliant Atenean of his time. Jose Rizal's characteristics as he grows older include being open-minded, intelligent, and hardworking. He yearned for independence from Spain in the Philippines, so that Filipinos would not be ruled by another country. He was unconcerned about himself. He was more concerned with assisting his country. 2. We can learn to concentrate on our goal. Rizal's sole mission in life was to fight social injustice. Rizal rose to prominence as a leader of the Propaganda reform movement, a tireless campaign for political and social liberties. He never stopped writing for La Solidaridad, and he even wrote two novels to expose the Spanish colonial atrocities. His assassination resulted from these events, but he died a hero. Rizal also inspired us to make the most of our time. Rizal spent a lot of time working on himself through self-education. He was not only occupied academically, but he also studied sculpture, painting, and languages, including German, as well as keeping up with global philosophical and scientific debates. 3. Yes. Banzon (A07)
@princessmae4735 2 года назад
1.) Different traits can describe every hero in the world. As for Dr. Jose Rizal, people see him as an open-minded, intellectual, and diligent individual. Dr. Jose Rizal's best trait as a student, in my opinion, is how he spends time meaningfully, which his mother, Doña Teodora, taught him growing up. He quickly learned to respect time as life's most valuable gift, as his mother instilled in him to never waste a single second of it. As a result, despite Rizal's actions as a Propaganda leader, he became the most diligent student while studying in Spain. He never missed a lesson or examination as a student; he takes it even with an empty stomach. With this trait, Dr. Jose Rizal inspired his compatriots; those who had plunged into a life of squandering, spending time and allowances on gambling and promiscuity; to return to their studies and repay their parents' efforts back home. 2.) As I have said, Rizal placed a high value on time, and to make the most use of it, he invested a great deal of time and effort in his education, taking up sculpture and painting in addition to the customary academics. This can serve as an inspiration to all Filipino students. Rizal can inspire us to spend our time doing something new, learning something new, exploring something new, doing something creative, doing what interests us, and spending our time focusing on our career rather than wasting time doing nothing. The value of time is the most essential aspect that influences student life. Students must complete all tasks on time because time does not wait for anyone. Because time cannot be reclaimed, it is much more crucial in the lives of students who are going to shape their ambitions. Time can either make or break you. We must use our time wisely to build a successful career. 3.) Yes, I have watched the entire video. -Ceres, A01
@imperatrix9411 2 года назад
1. Rizal's best trait as a student is that he is hardworking and passionate about his studies. He experienced the things also that any student can experience. When he was only 8 yrs. old he was described as a thin man and was undersized for his age. He experienced having to quarrel with someone because of being bullied by another pupil. Because of his passion for studying he managed to get into Ateneo at high school and Ust in college. Despite being a good student he faced some challenges in his college years because of discrimination and their educational style and his grades was not as good unlike in his past school. Despite all of the challenges, he managed to be a successful person and a great hero. 2. Rizal's time in school can inspire Filipino students that anyone can be a Rizal as long as you continue to strive in your challenges and dreams. During Rizal's time in school, he experienced many challenges such as bullying, racial discrimination, struggle in studies, Financial problems, Enrolling problems, temptations/curiosity, and conflicts between academics and love life. He lived a life that any person can live too. But as long as you continue to strive for your future, you can achieve the things that you dream of and I think knowing now that Rizal has experienced such things is what inspired me to strive too for my future despite many challenges that we may face. 3.Yes Ladrido,A01
@andreag.2689 2 года назад
1) From my perspective, Rizal’s best trait as a student would be his perseverance to study. This is because, despite the bullying he faced in Maestro Justiniano’s class, tough professors, financial constraints, late enrollment, and the racial discrimination in UST, it did not stop him from achieving academic excellence as a student. Jose Rizal was able to persevere through all of the obstacles that he had faced perhaps because he was determined to learn. Determined to learn in a sense that, he was a teachable student who was open to learning new ideas, like the time that he admitted to Maestro Justiniano that he has little knowledge in Spanish, or the time he tried drugs as an experiment. Also, the trait ‘perseverance’ is probably the reason why he could relate to the Filipino youth and marginalized so well, because he himself experienced the hardships that they had experienced. 2) The inspiration that Filipino students (like me) could get from Jose Rizal’s time in school is his passion for learning. As we all know, being a student is never easy. An individual like me will face numerous bumps in the road in order to become successful and, as stated above, Jose Rizal experienced a student life that is very much identical to most of us - he faced different obstacles like tough professors, bullying, financial constraints, etc. However, despite these hindrances, it did not stop Rizal from becoming a doctor. Because of Rizal’s passion for learning, the obstacles that he faced became his stepping stone to achieve much greater things in life. Relating to this as a student, there are times that I feel like my efforts in studying are not enough and this weakens my resolve to graduate on-time. However, learning from Rizal, being passionate about learning could boost my morale and improve my mindset whenever I'm having second thoughts about myself as a student. 3) Yes, I did. GARCIA (A01)
@kiermichaelperalta4799 2 года назад
1. Dr. Jose Rizal has been a great achiever in his time as a student. He had gain and accomplished multiple achievements through his ability of being a hardworking student. Dr Jose Rizal is a very hardworking student. His passion for learning had given him the success he had work for for several years. Dr. Jose Rizal had also been an intelligent student for the matter of him being a hardworking student. He was also able to have a wider vision and understanding about the world around him which had allow him to have an open mind with the help of him having a passionate and hardworking trait. Dr. Jose Rizal has been a bright student who loves to observe allowing him to gain sufficient knowledge for him to the best when in his younger days as a student. With this he was able to surpass a lot of students in his batch His great learning abilities had helped him to gain a lot of awards and recognitions. Dr. Jose Rizal loves to continuously learn and he never gives up until he is one of the best. 2. Filipino students had all had different experiences and stories being a student. Some of those experiences were able to be relatable to the life of Dr. Jose Rizal as a student. Life as a student was full of different stories which could be great and wonderful but it could also be overwhelming and unfortunate. Dr. Jose Rizal had also experienced a lot as a student just like what students are encountering today. He had experienced to be bullied and discriminated, having terror teachers and professors, difficult subjects, a circle of friends, shifting to a different profession, academic conflicts, love life, temptations and many more. As life goes on, Dr. Jose Rizal continues to learn and strive hard in order to conquer challenges and fulfill his dreams. Students in the present generation could be inspired by the life as a student of Dr. Jose Rizal, where ups and downs are inevitable and amidst of the different struggles we had faced and battles we have fought, students would be motivated to continue to achieve the success and happiness they deserve. 3. Yes Peralta A01
@armandoagraviadorjr2594 2 года назад
1.) I think Rizal's best trait as a student was his determination to perform in class, finish his studies, be aware of what was going on around him, and freely commit himself to the things that he was passionate about. Rizal studied Latin, Spanish, and painting from a young age, including how to write poems, essays, and other literary works. Despite bullying, an outmoded educational system, and other factors that may have hampered his studies at the time, he managed to excel in the whole of his classes, obtain numerous good awards, and maintain a continuously high academic achievement. 2.) I believe that Dr. Jose Rizal inspired every Filipino student during his school years with the idea of developing oneself through education and understanding its importance. Rizal urged everyone to value their education and to always consider the welfare of others. Someone cannot take your ability to learn, explore, experience, and find new things away from you. But not everybody has the same skills and privileges, every young person should seize every educational opportunity. Anyone should be thinking outside the box in order to assist one another in seeing things they haven't noticed before. Improving oneself can have a major impact not just on oneself but also on others. 3.) Yes Agraviador (A07)
@CSColdishGamer 2 года назад
1) Rizal’s best trait as a student is his commitment to gaining knowledge and sheer force of will. Jose Rizal, even as a child, has been fueled by curiosity that carried on through his Colegio and Universidad life. Throughout his academic life, he has been subjected to racial discrimination and physical appearance discrimination. During the Spanish occupation, Filipinos are often subjected to racial discrimination which is experienced by Jose Rizal. Due to Jose Rizal being a Filipino and undersized for his age, he experienced not just academic struggles but also societal issues. His mental strength is admirable since being smart is not enough to survive an Universidad life. Factors such as motivation, passion, commitment, and strength of will contribute to the surviving capability of a student. Even though Jose Rizal has experienced such difficulties, he was able to push through with his studies through his commitment to learning and sheer force of will. 2) Rizal’s experience through his academic days has a lot of lessons to learn and inspirations to gather from. First, even if we glorify him as our national hero, he is still human. He also experienced the same difficulties as us in studying. Second, his commitment and unfazed striving for excellence as well as emphasizing good virtues are inspirational. I think the reason why the motto of Malayan Colleges Laguna is Excellence and Virtue is because of Jose Rizal’s traits. Lastly, there is no specific requirement for a person to be a hero. Ideally, everyone should have equal chances of being excellent and is only dependent on the motivation of the person. In reality, privilege is one of the key factors towards being excellent. Not everyone has equal access to good quality education. With this, people who have the privilege to study in a good school should strive for excellence as much as they can. 3) Yes TORRES (A01)
@haezelbrequillo1173 2 года назад
1. Dr. Jose Rizal has always been a very dedicated student who was always determined to complete every task assigned to him. His mother instilled in him the importance of education and how it can mold him into a better person and these lessons shaped a large part of who he became as he grew older. Given his academic excellence, Dr. Rizal's best student trait is his perseverance. He never wavered in the face of the challenges that gradually arose as he advanced in the academy. Furthermore, it was clear that the young boy from Calamba, Laguna never settled for learning within the four walls of a classroom, but rather pushed himself to reach his full potential by learning beyond what he could learn from books. As a student, he never let his comfort zone limit him; instead, he persevered in going out and learning new skills. Also, his best quality was evident when he continued his career in Spain because he wanted to learn more about how he could truly contribute to the betterment of our country. And because of the best trait that he had as a student, all of the time and effort that he invested in his goals came to a realization. 2.Dr. Jose Rizal's achievements while still studying are undeniably inspiring because what he accomplished during his school years was unparalleled. But the most important lesson that Filipino students can take away from Rizal's time in school is his work ethic. Rizal has always managed his time well, despite the fact that he was involved in a variety of activities both on and off-campus. Regardless of the circumstances in his surroundings because of colonization, he always finds a way to overcome the challenges that come his way. Aside from that, Rizal's dedication to his craft can be very inspiring because the fuel that drove him to be who he was and do what he did, stayed with him throughout his years in school and university, and as a result, his dedication stayed unfaltered. And it is through this that Filipino students must acknowledge that no matter what they do, they must find one inspiration that will ignite the fire within them. Because this will serve as motivation for them to keep going and stay on track towards the goals that they have set for themselves, similar to what Dr. Rizal has done. 3. Yes (Brequillo, A06)
@gelallames 2 года назад
1. In my opinion, Rizal’s best trait as a student is that he is diligent when it comes to his studies. As mentioned in the lecture video, he has experienced some instances of bullying and racial discrimination. In one instance, when he was still a kid, he even tried to stand up for himself against the bullying that he got from Pedro through fighting with him. Moreover, he also experienced some hardships as a student. However, he never truly let his bad experiences to stop him from focusing on his goal, which is to acquire new knowledge through studying hard. This is evident with his academic credentials, which show that he was able to top all his classes back when he was still an apprentice. In addition, he also gained different kinds of awards when he was in Ateneo and UST. He was able to achieve all of this because he is dedicated enough to learn something new even though he was also having a hard time. 2. Through learning about what kind of student Rizal was before he became a great hero, one might realize that he is just like other students. That goes to say, even though he exceptionally excels with his studies, he also went through similar obstacles as any other students would tend to experience in school. He experienced how it is like to have hard subjects and tough professors, to have problems in terms of registering for classes, to have financial struggles, and to have some temptations. Thus, it can be said that he was never a perfect student. From this, Filipino students should realize that one does not necessarily need to be perfect in order to achieve greatness in the future. As simple as they are, as hard as the hardships that they could experience while in school, they could still turn into someone who is relevant as long as they would strive for excellence. There would always be some sort of obstacles along the way, but if one would never give up, they would eventually overcome them. 3. Yes. (Llames, A01)
@Itspoppins16 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal’s qualities are having an open-minded, brilliant, and hard-working person. These qualities of Jose Rizal help him to achieve his dream and fight for freedom. When Jose Rizal was a child he loves to observe and he is curious about many things and he always aims for achievements. He experiences bullying and discrimination when he was studying but this did not let him down and he keeps fighting for his goal. He doesn’t care what can happen to himself he cared more about his country. When Jose Rizal first studied in Ateneo he doesn’t have such comprehensive knowledge of the language Spanish and that leads him to be low ranking in the Carthagena empire. But he studied a lesson at the Colegio de Santa Isabel and after the end of the month, he was called the “Emperor” a high rank. Jose Rizal also took two courses in Madrid, Medicine, and Philosophy & Letters. 2. We all know that Jose Rizal doesn’t have a straight path through his studying in school because he suffered from discrimination, bullying, and financial problem. Jose Rizal inspired Filipino students to continue studying and his experiences of suffering are not a wall that can stop us to achieve our goals. After watching the video about Rizal as a student, I perceive that knowledge is the best weapon that we have. We as a student should think that if Jose Rizal can do it we can also do it. Especially we need to be a hardworking people because we all know that studying is not easy and to be successful we need proper thinking and passion. For me, Rizal's impact on everyone is always living to your best ability and sharing that ability with others. He as well motivates Filipinos to be strong and bold, regardless of their size or culture. 3. Yes. -Milo (A07)
@vinztataro1860 2 года назад
1) There are different traits to choose from when Dr. Jose Rizal was a student. He was very smart, he excel in many subjects, he was hard working, he do not take anything as competition besides himself, and many more. But for me, the best trait of Dr. Jose Rizal when he was a student was is willingness to learn new things, discover brand new ideas that can help him as a person and the connection between him and the people. I chose this trait because even though you are very smart, the willingness to learn from others is just limiting you from what you can achieve and what you can develop as a person. Dr. Jose Rizal is not only book smart, but he is also street smart. So even thought he was an introvert in some way, he can easily interact and connect to the people that surrounds him. 2) As a Filipino student, I think the inspiration that I can get form Dr. Jose Rizal's time in school is how he worked hard and get the opportunities even though he was held by in some way compared to other students. We students needs to work hard even though we have many opportunities even though we do not graduate because of our parents and/ or connection. There are other students or kids that don't have the opportunities that we have because of the lack of money to get through a school. Other students do not take studying seriously because they know that even though they do not graduate, they will still have a high paying jobs because of their many connections. There are people who wants to study even though there are many road bumps. So I commend the people who studied and graduated in an old age. 3) Yes Tataro, A07
@patriciaemperador8619 2 года назад
1.We all know that Dr. Jose Rizal was a bright and smart child even before he went to school. He was raised with good education and therefore results of being excellent in everything he tries and does. On the other hand, I would say that Dr. Jose Rizal's best trait is that he is an explorer, he tries to learn by doing it in a way that he can understand it by himself. He is a persistent student leading him to accomplish ample awards and rewards towards his hardwok in relation to studying. Likewise, being an explorer makes him realize that not all things can be learned in the book but somehow you have to experience it yourself for you to have an answer in your curiosity. Furthermore, some unnecessary things do not limit him not to try it when it can give him answers. That is why I assumed that he explores in exchange for new learnings regardless of the harm he might get. 2.The inspiration that we should take into consideration in Rizal's life when he was a student is that despite having all the privileges he has, he continues to learn and study so well and does not take their life status for granted. Likewise, his determination to learn is exceedingly inspiring since it depicts the truth that when we strives to exert effort in a certain situation, we got to accomplish ample things for instance, when he studies he got to get awards and recognition for being excellent in his subjects, thus, it's a win-win situation since you already learned something and you've got to accomplish an award also. Nonetheless, regardless of how hard the path we are taking on, we should consider the traits that Dr. Jose Rizal showed when he was a student because it is clearly evident that hard work really pays off. Let's not think that something is hard when we haven't tried it yet, the realization comes at the end so why don't we just explore everything and learn from every lesson it would give us. 3. Yes Emperador (A07)
@jhonmichaelandaya3326 Год назад
1. Dr. Jose Rizal was unhappy when he was studying at the University of Sto. Tomas and was not able to finish his studies because of the racial discrimination and bullying that he experienced from his fellow students and some of his Dominican professors. Another one is the suffocating style of education of the Dominicans. I think if I were in the same place as Dr. Jose Rizal, I would also feel the same thing because studying at a big university is not a joke because you need to satisfy your professors and you need to have high grades. And with the suffocating style of education and being bullied at the same time has an impact on the student's psychological and emotional well-being. 2. The trait of Jose Rizal as a student that I wish to emulate is his determination to continue in striving for excellence in the midst of hardships. Jose Rizal experienced almost all of the things that students just like us are experiencing today. But despite all his struggles and hardships in life, he still continues to be a good student, a good person, and was still able to study abroad. This teaches me that if we want to achieve in life, we need to aim for excellence and continue to live on despite all the challenges that we will be facing because I believe that we can learn from it, and learning from it can be a solid foundation for achieving success in the future. 3. YES Andaya, A18
@lawrencecabatac8009 2 года назад
1.) For me Dr. Jose Rizal's best trait as a student is he will always strive for excellence, although he is not a perfect student he always wants good results. Striving for excellence helped him get motivated and inspired. An individuals success in life only begins when they make a commitment to be excellent at what they do, if they don't have a strong commitment they will only perform at mediocre or average levels and can't achieve their full potential. Life's best rewards result's from always performing at max levels. Dr. Jose Rizal's strive for excellence helped him become a very honed individual. He achieved success and greatness because of always striving for excellence. He then become our national hero because of this trait. 2.) For me the inspiration that we, the Filipino students can get from Dr. Jose Rizal's time in school is we should always be competitive and work hard in all circumstances. Dr. Jose Rizal always did his best even though he is being discriminated by his classmates and professors because he only had little knowledge about Latin and Spain, he is also not really that tall and on top of that he was a late enrollee. He coped by fighting the bullies and he somehow defeated a bully and earned some respect, he then learned to fight with his wits rather than his fists. Despite of all the negative things that has happened to him during his time he always persevered and always performed at his best, he is always competitive and always strived for excellence. We the Filipino students should be inspired by Dr. Jose Rizal. We should always persevere, perform at our best and strive for excellence even though we face a lot of struggles along our journey in studying. Because by doing that we can achieve success. 3.) Yes. CABATAC (A07)
@bongocat7835 2 года назад
1.) I think that Rizal’s best trait as a student is his intelligence. His intelligence is what separated him among his classmates, and it started when he was mentored/taught by Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz when he was just a child, where he excelled among his classmates. Seeing how he was able to achieve multiple subjects in Ateneo (during his High School years), with a grade of “Excellent” in subjects that I see as really difficult if we were to study it today. Achieving gold medals and getting a “Notable” remark in unibersidad, accounting the fact that he could’ve achieved the “Sobresaliente” if it wasn’t for the discrimination that happened. Seeing how friars and Dominicans ruled and dictated the way of schools, it was very difficult for Rizal to cope up with the racism and inequality among the class, but it didn’t stop him to achieve high remarks and that alone would show the best trait in a student. 2.) Personally, as a student, the inspiration that a student like me and many other Filipino student can learn from Rizal’s time in school is that, experiences in school can be high and low. There can be high moments like meeting new friends, barkada life, hanging out, loving the environment, but at the same time low moments like bullying, terror prof, difficult subjects, financial or love related conflicts. Knowing Rizal’s time in school, we should know that all of these factors are normal and we must learn to power through these obstacles. Looking at Rizal’s experiences, he had it worst, with racial discrimination and Dominicans tough style of teaching, but he was still able to achieve outstanding grades and achievements. As students of today’s generation, we should learn from him and reflect on how lucky we are with how schools are operating today, we must not take for granted these moments and learn to turn them into our motivation and power to be on top of our class. Not give up just because of minor inconvenience and learn to adapt when the going gets tough. 3.) YESSS!! -RIVERA, A01
@tripler2325 2 года назад
1) The best trait of Rizal as a student is his diligence in his studies in spite of many challenges in his surroundings. Although he got a low grade at University of Santo Thomas (UST) than at his previous school Ateneo De Manila University (ADMU), he still accomplished his required tasks even though he flew to Europe to observe liberalism there. Going back when he is still a young at age, he had a little knowledge in different languages such as Spanish but this weakness became his strength and goal to study harder and learn more about all of it. That is why as he studied at ADMU, he got excellent grades on those various subjects. Not only that, as he gets his opportunity to study, he always grabs it just like to study in Spain, France, and Germany just to finish his studies and specialization in Ophthalmology. I can say that his diligence in studies is his best trait as a student. 2) The inspiration that Filipino students can get from Rizal’s time in school is that to strive to gain knowledge and learn as much as you can. We have a saying that knowledge is power and this knowledge can get from different opportunity that we may encounter. His time and our time during our life at are no different, we face challenges and hardships from different people, especially from the ones that little is known about us, they tend to discriminate or belittle us just to take away us from our goal just like what happen in Rizal’s college life from ADMU and UST; which we can see the difference on how he responded on his environment and how these affect his studies and grades as well. For me, it is also the biggest obstacle that a person that may encounter but as you move forward, sooner or later you will understand and you will cope up on different obstacles that have been in front of you. Just take the chance to strive and everything will follow just like what Rizal did after he flew to Spain to finish his degrees and be specialized afterwards on your chosen field. 3) Yes po. Reyes, (A06)
@kimnicolenarvaez1835 2 года назад
1.) Jose Rizal has many good traits as a student, he excel in many things he is intelligent, hardworking, open minded, and obedient but for me Its really hard to choose or think the best trait of Rizal as a student. He sums up all the good qualities of Jose Rizal, like being a hardworking, persevere, eager to learn and we can see that when he chose to be away from his family at a very young age just to study. From our previous lecture/topic Rizal as a wonder child we can already tell that he is intelligent because at the age of 5 he can write, read and even make/write poems and even his priest uncle Fr. Leoncio wouldn't believe Jose Rizal wrote those poems. During his stay in Binan he excelled over his classmates and became a better Spanish writer and speaker and from that we can see all his good traits as a student, so choosing a best trait for Rizal as a student is really hard to tell because he is truly an extraordinary and remarkable one. 2.) In my opinion the inspiration a Filipino student can get from Jose Rizal's time in school was his passion in studying and learning, there were no waste of time for Rizal. He is a goal oriented and a dedicated student who is willing to learn and passionate about what he is doing. Jose Rizal was also a visionary and said to be an agent of change, and that all his works reflect burning passion for uplifting the Filipino spirit that's why he's encouraging that the youth are the hope of our nation/ our future, so Filipino student just like him can change the future and be remarkable. Everyone can excel just like him if they focus and have the passion to finish what they started because we never know what faith may bring, just like when Rizal's sisters found him molding a little statue of Napoleon and they laughed at him and Rizal snapped back at his sisters saying "Don't be surprised, one day, people will be making statues of me!" and it really happened. 3.) YES (NARVAEZ - A06)
@Carlos-cy5qz 2 года назад
1. Rizal’s best trait as a student is being a life-long learner. He is eager and persevere for the sake of learning. As seen at the lecture, through the course of his early years he always studies in learning something. First it was seen as he studies under her mother, and he was able to read at write even before the age of 5 years old which is an impressive feat, then he left his family in Calamba at the age of eight (8) to study in the school of Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz. And at that time, before he fought a bully, he went through a physical training with Tiyo Manuel. It can be seen that he doesn’t want to back down and is eager to learn how to stand and fight. In the days of his colegio (high school), he put to display his excellence in studying which he can be seen on his recognition and awards. He also finished a vocational course in Land Surveying. And even when he was put in a disadvantage and discomfort situation in UST when he was taking ‘Unibersidad’ (Tertiary level) he was able to persevere through it. He also went to Spain to study and finish the course in Medicine. And after that he went to Germany to finish in specializing in Ophthalmology. We can refer that he is a person who loves to study and wants to excel on it. 2. The inspiration that Filipino students can get from Rizal’s time in school is that he also experienced almost everything that a student went through. He experienced bullying, late registration, shifting courses, temptation, use of drugs, love life, discrimination, tough subjects, and more. With that being said, we also have the ability to persevere and can still excel amidst of hardships like Rizal. It is a matter of how eager you are to change the course of your life. Every person faces challenges, some may find it too difficult and give up, and some may find it as a ‘Rubik’s’ cube’ waiting for it to be fixed which Rizal have done, he had faced and fix those challenges and become excellent on it. We can see that on his achievements and how he is able to be what we known him to be today. A person who has several degrees on its name, an excellent learner, a poet, and a hero. The inspiration that we can gain on Rizal is that whatever hard the challenges may perceive, there will always be a solution for that, and whenever you are put on a difficult situation there is still a way to excel from it. 3. Yes. MEDALLA, A06
@ojhaefirme5204 2 года назад
1. Rizal's best quality, in my opinion, is that he is a hardworking student. Rizal was a late enrollment student at Ateneo since he was unwell and underweight for his age, but he didn't let that stop him. He got a religious picture as a prize in his first year at Ateneo, and it was his first symbol of outstanding academic accomplishment. In his second year, he received excellent grades and a gold medal. In his third year, he maintained an exceptional grade in all subjects and got one Latin medal. He won five gold medals at the end of his fourth year, and Rizal graduated as valedictorian and completed his vocational surveyor course at Ateneo, giving him the title of Land Surveyor. Rizal then enrolled at UST, where he received lower grades than at Ateneo. Because of racial discrimination and the Dominicans' oppressive educational method, he did not like his time at UST. Nonetheless, he studied the following subjects in Spain: medicine, philosophy, and letters (the same ones he took in UST). He finished his Philosophy and Letters degree. He was able to finish his MD program. He was unable to complete his PhD degree, however, due to his inability to pass a thesis and pay the required fees. Rizal has gone through a lot, but it hasn't stopped him from attaining his goals, which is why I believe his best trait is being a hardworking student. 2. I believe that one lesson we Filipino students may learn from Rizal's experience in school is to never give up on our dreams. Rizal went through practically everything that today's kids go through. Bullying, difficult professors, difficult subjects, barkada life, late registration, financial struggle, academic-love life conflict, temptation, and so forth. Despite the difficulties, Rizal did not give up and continued to strive for excellence. Rizal spent a lot of time working on himself through self-education. He was not only occupied intellectually, but he also studied art, painting, and languages, including German, as well as keeping up with global philosophical and scientific debates. You can learn from his example and strive to be a better version of yourself every day. Whether it's through enrolling in an online or after-hours course at your local institution, picking up a new activity or joining a hobby circle, or simply reading instead of staring at your devices for hours. We can also be like Rizal and always strive for excellence in the face of adversity. 3. Yes. Firme (A07)
@RnZ_226 2 года назад
1 I think Jose Rizal's best trait as a student is being a hardworking student even though Jose Rizal was teased because of his physical appearance. It also shows that all his knowledge he picked up from being an author, and Jose Rizal cherish his studies is the main reason why he created El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere. . I want to be educated by him because he is an eye opener as he experienced and encountered a lot of challenges in life. Jose Rizal is fun to be with because he is intelligent and has a good sense of humor. Jose Rizal also know his stand and how to argue without physically hurting anyone but he said his arguments through speech or words with a pen. 2 Jose Rizal was teased because of his physical appearance, I am also bullied when I was little because of my skin color and height by my cousins or classmates. I had a stuffed toy that I share stories about my day just like Jose Rizal but his companion is a dog. I also like writing poem when I was young about my loved ones up until now, Jose Rizal also writes poem about freedom and his love for our country in such a young age. . Jose Rizal experienced all sorts of pain because he lost his wife, child, family, dignity and freedom when he was deported, deceived and betrayed. Jose Rizal always makes a point that education is the best gift that we could ever receive because this is where we can have a power in all the aspects in life as our knowledge leads to be respected and makes us richer in health, relationships and also money which is essential to help us survive in this life to make a legacy or meaningful life as it gives us purpose. 3 Yes -GARCIA (A01)
@minigon9402 2 года назад
1. I think the best trait of Jose Rizal as a student is being a hard-working person and being an excellent student. Jose Rizal’s trait being a hard-working person helped him to become an excellent student, successful, and an achiever. With the help of Jose Rizal’s trait, he achieved many medals such as being a valedictorian in Ateneo de Manila. In his first year in Ateneo, he achieved excellence in Latin, Spanish, and Greek. In his 2nd year, he also achieved excellence in Spanish. Greek, and World Geography, in his 3rd year, he achieved excellence in Latin, Spanish, World History, History of Spain and Philippines, Arithmetic, Algebra, and Greek. With the help of his traits and perseverance, he achieved many goals in his student life. In his years in the Ateneo, he was a gold medalist and an excellent student. Jose Rizal was a remarkable student because of his talents and traits. 2. Filipino student can get an inspiration in Jose Rizal’s time in school, and these are his achievements and his story as a student. According to the story of Jose Rizal’s life as a student, we can agree that we can relate to him since we can understand him because we are experiencing it now or we already experienced it already. We can understand it because we gone through the hardships of being a student or going through it right now like having tough subjects, tough professors, and many more. As a Filipino student, I can relate to Jose Rizal’s life a student because I’m also experiencing it now. Learning the student life of Jose Rizal can give inspiration to all of us since it gives us motivation on his talents, traits, achievements, medals, experience and many more. Using the student life of Jose Rizal as an inspiration will help the Filipino students to pursue their dreams. 3. Yes Lara(A07)
@angelachacon8546 2 года назад
1. Among the names listed above, I still believe that his mother, Teodora Alonzo was the most influential in molding Jose Rizal's perspective and ideas when he was a child. I can't deny the fact that each name stated has its own contribution to influencing Rizal's standpoint on different points. However, Teodora, his first teacher, is a prominent presence in Rizal's life as early as he was born, which helps him to mold his character. Starting from reading to having multifaced skills. His mother taught Rizal to value various things. Such as spending time meaningfully, hard-earned money, and the value of improving oneself. This makes Rizal to open his mind and heart in every way he does for himself and for the world he lives in. His mother's involvement showed guidance to Rizal's life, not just when he was a child but also throughout his lifetime. Thus, the role of Teodora as a teacher and a mother, impacted his growing years that define who is he today. 2. Yes ACHACON (A06)
@daviddetal1775 2 года назад
1) Rizal’s best trait as a student was that he was a diligent and a persevering student. He never let anyone bully him as he knew how to fight back. An example would be his first school fight, in Binan, with a classmate named Pedro whom he defeated. Next, he displayed perseverance as he never gave up with trying to get in Ateneo despite of the fact that that the school administrator, Fr. Fernando, refused to admit him because of how sickly he looked like and despite of the fact that he was also considered as a late enrollee. During his stay in the said school, he excelled and received excellent grades, acquired a lot of gold medals, and even graduated “sobresaliente” or the equivalent of the valedictorian today. Also, he displayed the qualities of being open to change. An example would be his decision to shift to Medicine, during his stay at UST, as he wanted to help his family as the “bunsong lalaki” of families were expected to do so since it was one of the standards imposed by the society during that time. He was also open to the realities happening around him. An example would be the reasons why he didn’t excel well in the said school because he experienced racial discrimination and the suffocating and challenging approach to education by the Dominicans as well as pursuing his undercover mission of observing liberalism in Europe. He was also an honest person as he admitted in one of his letters that he tried an illegal drug out of curiousity. 2) Filipino students can learn from Rizal’s time as a student the values of hard work and perseverance despite of the multiple challenges present. Rizal displayed such traits in situations such as failing to finish his PhD degree as he failed to pay the fees yet he pursued a specialization while he was in France. He studied hard despite of being bullied for his physical appearance and mistreatment from the people who ranked above him. He also never stopped learning as he went to France to observe eye clinics in order to help him learn about the specialization that he chose for himself. His efforts never betrayed him as he received high grades and medals for excelling in the classes that he was part of. Indeed, Rizal experienced everything that almost all modern-day students have experienced. As what I’ve said before, he is the epitome of perseverance as he never gave up and he kept on exerting efforts to reach his dreams. Most importantly, besides being academically gifted, he was socially aware of his surroundings and that inspired him to do better in order to help the Filipinos and to find ways to improve their ways of living during that time as well. 3) Yes DETAL (A06)
@patriezmarcelo2648 2 года назад
1. I can see him as a very intelligent student. Dr. Jose Rizal was a brilliant student who loved studying. He was always striving for success, and from what I've learned from him, he never quits until he's one of the best. Dr. Jose Rizal was a gifted and intelligent man. He was an excellent student who had excelled in all areas. He is indeed a quick learner who thrived at all levels in school and is a gifted individual. Rizal excels not only in academics but also in extra-curricular activities. He was a learner who would always find a way to engage and give his all in everything he was doing, and he was a professional student. He was inquisitive and open-minded. He had to have an eager need for knowledge and a diverse set of interests. In his journey of learning, he was persistent and persisted until he reached his ambitions. 2. The inspiration that we Filipino students can get from Rizal’s time in school is to appreciate the importance of what we have right now, such as freedom and democracy. The life of Rizal as a student empowers us Filipino students to better comprehend how our ancestors struggled and suffered for our rights and ideals. It serves as a reminder that we should never give up fighting for what we believe in, no matter how tough it is. It also serves as a reminder that we should be appreciative for what we have now because our ancestors fought hard for it. Rizal's views and teachings can be applied to society's current realities and concerns, fostering empathy and a greater understanding of the reasons for which he fought in the war. Dr. Jose Rizal is a fine example of what young people may achieve if they work really hard and study. 3. Yes
@chylog5346 2 года назад
1. Rizal has several traits that we, Filipinos, admire which is a reason why so many people, not only Filipinos, but also foreigners, idolize him and appreciate all the characteristics that he has as a person. However, there is one particular trait that I find the most influential and inspirational when he was a student, and it is his passion for learning and to learn more. When he was a student, we all know that Rizal was an exemplary and excellent student. Even if he is an excellent student, he most likely did not brag about it and wanted to learn even more. This is why he accomplished several degrees such as Ophthalmology, Philosophy and Letters, and Medicine. For such a feat, I cannot even imagine how hard it is to accomplish several degrees, even I am having difficulties accomplishing my degree today. But Rizal made it possible, so I know that it will be possible for me too. This is why I think is his greatest trait, it will spark students to be more and be better every day. 2. As I have said, the greatest inspiration Filipino students can get from Rizal is his passion for learning and his yearn for more knowledge. With this, Filipino students will be able to look up to Rizal with pride and say to themselves “I can be like Rizal too.” and “If Rizal can do it, so can I.” This particular trait of his is enough to inspire millions of students, not only in the Philippines, but worldwide. Another inspiration that student can get from Rizal is that they will realize that he is also just a regular student like everyone else. He faces the things students face today such as bullying, having difficult professors, having fun time with friends, trying out new things, and getting tempted. Lastly, another inspiration that they will learn is that failure is normal and that there is always room for improvement. Rizal failed being having a PhD because he was not able to pass his thesis, but even so, he still became a great man that everybody idolizes. These are only some of the things that will inspire students, but there are plenty of more that can be mentioned. 3. Yes (PUNTANAR, A06)
@jm0413 2 года назад
1) Rizal’s best trait as a student is that he was outstanding in almost everything. Moreover, other than being an academic achiever, he is also courageous in his academic choices wherein, he selected his own school despite his father’s wishes. In addition, given that he is talented and intelligent and have already passed college, he still continued to pursue post-graduate studies. In addition, despite being discriminated he kept an open mind and continued to pursue education and finished it with flying colors. Likewise, amidst all the bullying and the vices that lurked around him during his time of studying, his unwavering determination kept him going forward. Thus, Rizal being a student, his greatest traits are being a lifelong learner, persevered student, and a hardworking persona in the academe. In addition to these traits are his ideals and values that served as his foundation in studying in which some of these are being able to doctor his family and do surveillance abroad. 2) There are numerous inspirations Filipinos can get from Rizal’s time in school. First one is his experience in Biñan wherein he mentioned in one of his memoirs him being the smallest among his fellow students he got bullied, but he did not let this hinder him and this led him to learn martial arts. Moving forward is his independence which he showcased in choosing his school wherein instead of going to Letran he pushed through Ateneo de Manila despite the wishes of his father. Moreover, other than these traits he is also a lifelong learner which is one of the traits that I admire more as being one helps one gain unquestionable wisdom and knowledge. Lastly one of the best inspirations was his unwavering passion and courage wherein despite bullying and discrimination from the school administrators and colleagues this did not hinder him from finishing his studies with flying colors. 3) YES (GALANG, A06)
@sandreadiamante2625 2 года назад
1) It will be his perseverance and attitude towards education or studying. He experienced a lot of negative situations during his time when he is studying. Bullying, tough profs, hard subjects, Social life, Bad influences on teenagers, shifting, financial issues or hardship, a conflict between his love life and studies, and a lot more. But those challenges did not stop him from pursuing his studies even more, he worked hard and excluded great efforts to achieve a lot for his academic standing. Rizal always strived for excellence amidst all the hardships he is facing. Given the situation that only lucky ones can obtain education before it is imaginable how hard it is to study when your country is being ruled by other countries. During Rizal’s time he experienced a lot of discriminations and racism since he studies with dominicans also especially during his time in UST. I believe that this trait of Jose Rizal where he doesn’t give up and let hardships pull him or stop him is what the new generation needs nowadays, it seems like as time pass by the importance of education is slowly decreasing in the eyes of the new generations they easily give up given one hardship or obstacle. 2) It will be his independence and hard work, at a young age it was mentioned that Rizal left their home in Calamba to study at the school of Maestro Justiniano. He always excelled in his studies because of his hard work. He was raised as a strong man by his mother that is why when someone bullied him he will always fight back. Rizal also keeps in mind everything he learns or hear from other people and he adapts it on his life as a lesson. Rizal was known to be really fit and his size is different for his age that is why he got bullied but he is a strong man and didn’t let the actions of others affect him for what he believes and what he wants to do. As a student, I believe that this actions of rizal will definitely inspire others like me that even if we might be different from others and have a lot of hardships that won’t stop us from reaching our goals as long as we stood high and work hard. 3) YES DIAMANTE (A07)
@daniellava469 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal's best trait as a student was his perseverance to seek more knowledge through education. Jose Rizal at an early age of 8, left his family in Calamba to study in Biñan under Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz. One cannot imagine how hard it is to leave one's family at an early age and settle in another place, but Rizal sacrificed being away from his family t pursue his studies. This was also the same when Rizal went to Manila to study in Ateneo de Manila where he excelled in all of his subjects and in University of Santo Tomas, the oldest university in the Philippines and in Asia where he took the program Philosophy and Letters but later on shifted to medicine, because during those times, the "bunsong lalaki" were usually made into priests or doctors to serve their parents and older siblings. Rizal also studied in Spain, France, and Germany to pursue higher education and to observe liberalism in Europe. Rizal got his ophthalmology specialization in University of Heidelberg. 2. Jose Rizal is an inspiration to every Filipino student. Jose Rizal did not give up but rather he studied hard to achieve his dreams. Jose Rizal experienced almost everything that we students today experience. Bullying, tough professors, tough subjects, barkada life, late registration, shifting, financial hardship, conflict between academics and live life, temptations and others but he continued to strive for excellence in the midst of hardships. We students must also persevere, do not lose hope. There will always be obstacles and struggles in our studies but what is important is that we focus on our dreams and do our best to achieve it and be successful in our chosen field just like Jose Rizal 3. yes Lava, A07
@znarf7840 2 года назад
1.Rizal manifested the highest virtues being a Filipino. He struggled and won in the face of the most arduous situations, and inspired the Katipunaneros to revolt, and thereby helped found the first independent Republic of Asia.Fighting injustice in society was Rizal’s sole motto. Night and day, all he dreamed of was to free fellow Filipinos. Rizal became a leader of the reformist movement called Propaganda, an unwavering campaign for political and social freedoms. He wrote unceasingly for the La Solidaridad and even wrote two novels to reveal the atrocities of the Spanish colonials. These led to his assassination, but he died a hero.While we do not live in such tumultuous times as Rizal's, it is important to keep distractions away from every workday. Rizal was so focused on the work that he did not allow loved ones or even his own preferences or emotions come in the way.Too many too mention but all are the best traits of rizal. 2.Rizal always led a frugal existence, including staying hungry at meals to pay rent and skipping outings to stay on track with his medical education. In Dapitan, even though he won the lottery, he relinquished all his winnings to build light and water infrastructure, and a school for fellow citizens, where he taught as well as offered free medical treatment.Rizal spent much of his time in self-improvement via self-education. Not only was he busy academically, but he also learned sculpture, painting, languages including German, and kept up with the latest conversations globally in philosophy and science. Even in exile in Dapitan (a remote town in Mindanao), he used his time in cataloging the local animal kingdom and plants to share with fellow revolutionists.You too can take a leaf from his life and become a better version of yourself every day. Whether by taking an online or after-hours course at the local university, acquiring a new hobby, or being part of a hobby circle, or even just reading instead of spending hours in front of your (not-so-) smart tv or phone! (SARMIENTO,A01)
@juliocajucom1276 2 года назад
1.) Rizal's best trait as a student are being open minded, intelligent, and hardworking. Rizal is an open minded student because he takes observation of the countries he studied in, and wanting to provide similarities and addition to what his own country would like to be. Although Rizal gets discriminated from time to time or maybe all the time, it does not stop him from learning what his other classmates are learning. The intelligence of Rizal was high as he managed to understand and speak different languages with ease. If Rizal had liked the environment in UST he would have obtained a higher grade. Rizal is an exceptional student, but on top of that he combines it with his hard work and thus further completes his already better work ethic. All these traits of Jose Rizal are what makes him the best student, teacher, and role model for generations to come. 2.) The inspiration that Filipino students can get are courage, tenacity, respect, and determination. Courage is a very important inspiration for the students today, the courage to do what matters or is important to an individual is courageous as it is what they are chasing after. Tenacity is another one of the trait that is needed for an individual, many students are bullied throughout elementary school to college maybe even further during work. The tenacity of reserving oneself is very hard for a lot of students as it is very taxing. Respect another important aspect of inspiration, respecting other people and respecting others' work are important as it helps you get through life, as the saying goes respect others if you want to be respected. Determination an aspect that is not present in many Filipino students, this is by far the most important, the determination to study in school, finish studies, and the determination to do everything they want as a student. 3.) Yes Cajucom (A07)
@MeMyselfandIsay23 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal studied medicine in Manila and was a brilliant student who learned numerous languages. He went to Spain to finish his medical degree in 1882, which focused on writing and reform. Rizal as a student embodied the characteristics of being open-minded, intellectual, and diligent. Rizal yearned for independence from Spain in the Philippines, so that Filipinos would not be ruled by another country. He was unconcerned about himself. He was more concerned with assisting his country. He sensed the ideas of self-respect, a passion for work, and the ability to think independently, the thought of pious nature, self-sacrifice spirit, passion for the arts and literature. In terms of Rizal's philosophical values, it is centered on the provision of appropriate motivation in order to strengthen the major social forces that make education successful, to instill in the youth an intrinsic desire to cultivate his intelligence and offer him eternal life. 2. Being a Filipino, Rizal exemplified the best virtues. He persevered and triumphed in the face of adversity, inspiring the many citizens. Rizal's only mission in life was to fight social injustice. He fantasized of releasing fellow Filipinos at all hours of the day and night. While we do not live in such turbulent times as Rizal's, it is nevertheless necessary to keep distractions out of the workplace on a daily basis. Rizal was so concentrated on his work that he ignored his loved ones, as well as his own preferences and emotions. Rizal spent a lot of time working on himself through self-education. He was not only occupied intellectually, but he also studied art, painting, and languages, including German, as well as keeping up with global philosophical and scientific debates. Rizal lived a modest life, going without food to pay his rent and skipping outings to complete his medical school. 3. Yes. (PINEDA, A06)
@miconelsunga9195 2 года назад
1.) Rizal was known for several traits. But in my opinion, Rizal’s best trait was being a hard-working student. Rizal experienced difficulties and challenges in school. Just like us, Rizal also experienced tough subjects and professors. Because of his physical appearance, such as having a long neck, a sharp nose, and a slightly bent body, he was bullied and discriminated against by his classmates. Moreover, he was having a hard time with finances, academics, and love life. Through all of those circumstances, he was able to overcome them and become an outstanding student. As a student, Rizal achieved several accomplishments, including gold medals at Ateneo and being a remarkable student at UST. In addition, he went to Spain and took medicine, completing the degree. He obtained all of that because he was a hardworking student. Even though he experienced a rough life, especially in school, he just studied hard and was responsible for his tasks as a student in order to accomplish his goals. 2.) As we all know, Rizal was a very intelligent and hardworking student. Filipino students of this generation should be aware of Rizal’s background when he was in school. Rizal achieved several awards during his high school and college years. Rizal was very persistent and responsible about finishing his studies. Even though he was unable to get the PhD degree because of financial problems, he took medicine and completed the MD degree. Also, he went to Germany and completed the Ophthalmology specialization. Rizal was a huge inspiration to Filipino students since he is just like us and we can be like Rizal someday. He makes mistakes and is not perfect either. Rizal, who struggled in school, is an example because he believed that the power of education could change everything. His background in his school years was truly impressive. He continues to seek success, even in the middle of hardship. Moreover, he really inspires Filipino students because Rizal never gives up so easily and gives his best all the time. 3.) Yes. Sunga (A07)
@emmanuelticzon6220 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal was a very lively child, and his curiosity and drive to become better than himself before cannot be bested by mere bumps along the journey road, his discipline and curiosity to attain new knowledge was the best trait I can see within him which was based on the information I have acquired in the video lecture. His perseverance to learn is remarkable, despite facing multiple hurdles such as racial discrimination and strict school rules, he continued to pursue his goals with no doubts in his mind. Rizal has his inborn talent of being smart, a talent without rigorous training and hard work will not become a mastered skill. As to what happened to Rizal, he makes use of his inborn gift to the fullest to attain his goals in mind, keeping him straight towards on becoming a hero that everybody needed and what we see today as an inspiration on becoming a great Filipino with moral integrity and respectable principles. 2. As I have stated from the first question, Rizal has his discipline, thirst for knowledge, and perseverance, and I as a Filipino student, can learn from those. The thirst for knowledge can push me towards developing myself even further than before aiming for higher goals after attaining one after another. Discipline keeps me on the straight path in my tasks, keeping myself in check onto what I need to do and what I want to do, keeping things balanced is the key on to handling our time correctly and thus become more productive on the self and to what I am doing towards my goal. Lastly, the perseverance trait is what should keep me going after finding a reason to attain my goal. It will help in keeping my morale up, mere bullying and mistakes shall not stop me from moving, instead I will use these challengers as a lesson for me to learn, in order to avoid the same mistakes in the future. 3. Yes Ticzon (A01)
@franzravendelrosariobatain8943 2 года назад
1. As Rizal being a student, he executed different traits. He was very zealous in his studies; he was a brave man that he was able to defeated the bully named “Pedro” while he was studying in Binan. He is also a clever person. His academic performance when he was in Ateneo during his high school, as well as in vocational school where he studied land surveying were all “outstanding”. His brilliant mind when he was a little boy was evident that why he excels. Another thing Rizal executed is endurance. He endured all the barriers when he entered Ateneo and UST. From late admission, racial discrimination, rejection due to size and age. Those factors don’t bother him and he finished studies in both schools. After studying at UST, he flew to Europe especially to Germany, France and Spain. He got PhD and MD degrees. That were evident due to his zealous trait. 2. Rizal experienced bullying, tough academic life, peer pressure, tough professors and financial instability, but they are not obstacles for him to stop studying. We also experience those kinds of things in our academic life especially for college. But do we have to give up? Do we have to stop? It is our choice to give up but let as look to the consequences. We will see that if it slaps directly on our face. We are sent to school not to give our parents a better grade, nor to receive awards and recognitions, nor gaining knowledge. But to level up our mindset that we should be open minded and to show to ourselves that we are unique. Our inspiration just like what Rizal have been the zealousness, motivation and diligence. Being brilliant or genius were just an additional aspect. We should have those traits just like Rizal have it. 3. Yes. Batain, A07
@ryanesperanza3332 Год назад
1. Jose Rizal experienced lots of bad memories at the University of Sto. Tomas, unlike the Ateneo. Rizal experienced being bullied and with the tough professor and subjects. Dominican academics resented him. Filipino pupils faced prejudice. That is an ongoing cost of despair and anxiety in youths nowadays, which can lead to suicidal ideation, which is why Rizal struggled in Sto. Tomas. The technique of instruction at UST was antiquated and repressive which is restraining the freedom of Rizal and other students. In addition, the unsuccessful in taking the Ph.D. degree because Rizal did not pass the thesis and pay the corresponding fees. However, failure is only another stepping stone on the path to greatness. As a result, Rizal became our national hero. Rizal's unhappiness stems from the people around him, as well as the harsh realities of life. 2, If I possess Jose Rizal qualities, being open-minded, intelligent, and diligent. I will be able to achieve success similar to Rizal, however that is Rizal success. But, in my opinion, everyone has unique characteristics that no one else has, which makes us all unique in our own way. Which is why I believe that the characteristics I possess can lead me to my own life goal. I'll preserve my ideals and distinguish myself from others by remaining true to myself. I'll live a happy life and treasure the freedom and serenity that Jose Rizal earned through his hardwork. 3. Yes Esperanza, A43
@ninfosmr 2 года назад
1.) During Rizal’s time as a student, his best traits would be being intelligent and hard working. His intelligence was seen from the grades he got and on how he topped his academic studies even during his young age. Even continuing to colegio, he was Valedictorian having excellent grades in different subjects. During his university time in UST even though it was relatively lower compared to Ateneo he still was remarkable. Rizal’s hard work as a student also showed from how he was refused to be admitted to schools due to late registration or being sickly, he still pursued and continued with his studies. His achievements also show his hard work, from the prizes, tokens, and gold medals he got during his years in Ateneo to his time in Spain where he pursued his courses and even continued his specialization in Germany. Rizal experienced a lot during his time of being a student, but his constant pursuit for greatness shows his intelligence, love for studying, and hard work in what he does. 2.) Filipino students can get inspiration from Rizal’s time in school from what he did and what he achieved. Rizal experienced what students may have experience today from late registration, discrimination, bullying, shifting and even financial issues, but all of that did not stop him from continuing his studies. Students can also get inspiration that shifting and moving schools does not leave one left behind as Rizal has shifted and studied in Spain, he still achieved greatness and success as he went at his own pace. And even with rigid discipline and suffocating style of education during his time, as students may compare it to their time, with proper discipline, hard work, and will to achieve goals in school, students may pursue their goals as one’s success can lie on their own even through hardships outside of their control. Striving for excellence through hard work just like Rizal should definitely be one takeaway that students can take from Rizal’s time as a student. 3.) Yes Pomperada (A06)
@jadeeortiz2143 2 года назад
1) Rizal's intelligence, in my opinion, is his best trait as a student. He wrote novels and articles to express his views on the government so that others could have been made aware, such as Noli Me Tangere, which emphasized the suffering of his fellow citizens that had to endure during the years of Spanish dominance, and El Filibusterismo, which illustrated how the Philippines were enslaved by Spain, and was dedicated to the Gomburza because one of the Filipino Catholic priests was Paciano's friend. Another trait would be honesty, his mental honesty could not be contradicted, like when he acknowledged to using illegal drugs for the purpose of experimentation in one of his letters. He refused to distort the facts, pretend, or pose because his motives were pure, and his actions were honest. 2) The inspiration Filipino students can get from Rizal's time in school are constant learning because it is well known that Rizal went to great difficulties to master numerous languages, including Spanish, English, German, and even Japanese. Nobody can really possibly learn all of these languages at the very same time. Historians revealed that he memorized phrases from each language each day until he knew enough to speak the language. This was a realistic and straightforward method to learning new life skills. Another source of inspiration was the effective use of time. He made good use of his time by writing poems, novels and articles. He carved figures, painted, studied numerous languages, and even practiced medicine. 3) Yes - Ortiz (A01)
@rovicmghrng 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal was just like every other student in our country, but he experienced a lot of things in his life as a student and some of his traits let him excel in what he pursues in his life. I believe that him being an ambitious person is the best trait that he has that made him persevere to the challenges that he faced and continued to pursue greater heights to learn and experience everything that he can possibly attain. As a student, having the drive and ambition is an important trait to have and it is one of the driving force why a student persevere hardships and pursue their studies, and I believe that Jose Rizal’s ambitions are greater than the hardships that he faced in his journey as a student that he can still apply in his life later on after he graduates. In conclusion, although Jose Rizal was not the best in his studies but him being ambitious is the best trait that he had as a student that made him persevere and strive for success even after all the hardships he faced in his time as a student. 2. One of the inspiration that a Filipino student can get from the story about Jose Rizal’s time in school as a student is that everyone have the right to strive for excellence even in the midst of hardships. Jose Rizal experienced a lot of hardships from bullying to conflicts between academics and love life but Rizal did not let those hardships stop him in pursuing his goals and strive for success and that even those that are experiencing hardships still strive for excellence just like Rizal. Being a student in the Philippines can sometimes be hard and failures and rejections are always a possibility but us Filipinos must learn from Rizal because even among the hardships that he faced as a student, he still became a hero and that is because even if he failed did not meet his goal, he did not stop but he persevered and he focused on his goal and proved everyone that anything is possible even after some failures. 3. Yes Maghirang (A01)
@irismorfe4896 2 года назад
1. Being an achiever was one of Doctor Jose Rizal's strongest character traits. Even though he faced discriminatory practices and mockery because of his height, he persevered and had a great time being the best student in school. He enjoyed his studies, and as a result, he was able to achieve the status of Sobre Saliente in Ateneo and Notable in UST. Discrimination had an impact on him in such a way that he was unable to achieve an outstanding grade at UST. Despite this, he continued to gain valuable academic experience and even traveled abroad pursue medicine, philosophy, and literature. As someone who has done well, he doesn't want to be looked down on by other people. To prove that he was more than what he seemed, he persevered in his studies despite the mockery and discrimination he received from his peers. He valued his honor and his studies at the same time. 2. Dr. Jose Rizal's time in school has taught me that we, students, should always be competitive and work hard under any circumstances. Dr. Jose Rizal always gave his all, despite the fact that he was discriminated against by his classmates and teachers. His limited grasp of Latin and Spanish, appearance, and was a late enrollee, among other reasons was not a reason for him to give up. He learned to fight with his wits rather than his fists after defeating a bully and earning respect. Regardless of the negative events that occurred during his stay, he always persevered and performed at his peak; he is always competitive and strives for excellence. Dr. Jose Rizal should serve as an example for us. It is important to always persevere, give our best effort, and strive for excellence even when faced with numerous obstacles along the way. 3. YES (MORFE,A01)
@jeanpaulmanapat146 2 года назад
1. One of his best traits of Rizal, when he was a student, was his mental fortitude. Even though he was faced with uncertainties and adversities, he still stood up and excel in his academics. It was mentioned that Rizal was bullied by Pedro, but he countered him by applying the teachings of his physical training with Tiyo Manuel. Furthermore, Rizal was also discriminated in high school due to his physical appearance and health condition. But this didn't stop him to become the valedictorian among his classmates in Ateneo. Importantly, he didn't enjoy his college days at UST due to also the discrimination and the suffocating style of education in his school. However, he still earned the title "notable" or the second placer of the top-performing students in UST. Thus, the mental fortitude of Rizal was the best trait for me since it is difficult for a person to maintain his/her focus with all the external and unwanted treatment of the environment. 2. A student will be inspired by the dedication Rizal has given to his academics in order to become one of the top-performing students in his school. A Filipino student will also be inspired by his hardships in his school since they can be considered severe disruptions in one's academics, and can therefore negatively affect one's performance in school, especially in these modern times wherein students at an early grade level get depressed because of bullying. However, Rizal strived to be the best in his school and this is very inspiring for us students wherein we should still give our best in every thing that we do especially in school even if we are facing problems from our family, classmates, or other sources since there will be someone or something we are willing to fight for. In Rizal's scenario, he gave his best for his family, for his friends, for the Gomburza, and for all the Filipinos to give us the freedom we deserve at that time. 3. Yes. MANAPAT, A01
@michganda1000 2 года назад
1. Rizal was a high achiever who enjoyed observing things. He was always striving for greatness, according to the lecture about him. He was the most brilliant Atenean of his day, having topped the class and been dubbed "the Emperor" and won gold medals in various fields. 2. The devotion to study, regardless of being born smart or not so smart as a student, you must embrace the gift of wisdom, the opportunity to be educated and attend school, is the greatest gift a person could have. That is why Filipino students must mirror Rizal's characteristics as he devoted himself to being educated. Because I believe the teachings of the school institutions of our country as it envisions to help the youth to be successful in their future lives. 3. Yes (TAGALOG, A01)
@ezekielresurreccion2913 2 года назад
1.) Jose Rizal is an outstanding student. He studied at the Ateneo de Manila and the University of Santo Tomas, where he practiced medicine and achieved high academic and literary distinctions. In 1882, he traveled to Europe to finish his medical course at the University of Madrid. Rizal was a prodigy with few counterparts among the world's geniuses. Just at the age of three, he knew the alphabet. At the age of five, he could speak Spanish. At the age of eight, he wrote a Tagalog drama. He was already a refined poet, sculptor, and painter at fifteen. At the age of eighteen, he won a prize in a national poetry contest with his famous ode "To the Philippine Youth." At twenty-four, he was a known physician, scientist, and scholar in Europe. He was a skilled linguist who spoke Tagalog, Bisayan, Ilokano, Subanen, Spanish, English, Catalan, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Latin, Malay, Greek, Hebrew, and Sanskrit - a total of 22 languages. 2.) As students, we have the ability to make the most of our time. Rizal dedicated most of his time to self-improvement and self-education. He was not only occupied academically, but he also learned art, painting, languages, including German, and stayed up to date on global philosophical and scientific issues. Moreover, his enthusiasm for learning much exceeds our expectations. Rizal demonstrates that knowledge is insufficient. Learning is a continuous process, and we must work hard to gain more knowledge. Rizal excels not only in academics but also in extracurricular activities. He was a member of numerous organizations and societies. We all know Rizal was a quiet young man. Despite this, he was able to join many groups. He serves as a friendly reminder for students who are frightened to socialize with others by doing so. If Rizal can accomplish it, we certainly can. Rizal also composed much poetry. The unfairness done to his mother made him unhappy. He wrote a poem to show his joy when his mother was released. We should value our parents as much as Rizal did. Many youths these days cannot appreciate what their parents have done for them. Rizal is someone we should all admire. We must never forget that our parents took care of us when we were little and continue to do so now. It is now our responsibility, as adults, to repay the favor and look after them. Even if we have difficulty expressing our affection for them, we can show it to them in small ways. 3.) Yes Resurreccion (A01)
@serkromereyno3574 Год назад
1) Rizal was unhappy at the University of Santo Tomas due to the conservative and suffocating teaching style of the Dominicans and racial discrimination. The university's teaching style was at odds with Rizal's liberal and progressive ideas, leading to frustration. Additionally, Rizal experienced derogatory name-calling and accusations of cheating due to his mixed heritage. Rizal's experiences at the University of Santo Tomas informed his criticism of the Spanish colonial system and its institutions. 2) Based on Rizal's traits as a student, one admirable trait that I think can be emulated is his thirst for knowledge and continuous learning. Rizal was a lifelong learner, and he recognized the importance of education in improving oneself and contributing to the betterment of society. Despite facing challenges and discrimination, he remained committed to his education and pursued it relentlessly. He sought knowledge not only in the classroom but also through his travels and experiences, and he was constantly expanding his understanding of the world and its complexities. Emulating Rizal's passion for learning and seeking knowledge can inspire personal growth and contribute to making positive changes in the world. 3) YES Hermosa (A18)
@AJMacario Год назад
1.) During his time at the University of Sto. Tomas (UST) was characterized by his unhappiness for a variety of reasons. As a Filipino student, he first experienced discrimination and racial prejudice. Because of the widespread colonial attitude at the time, Filipinos suffered discrimination in higher education institutions, with Spaniards and mestizos typically receiving special consideration. As a "Filipino", Rizal felt personally impacted by this prejudice which left him frustrated and discontent. Furthermore, Rizal's critical attitude contrasted with UST's conservative surroundings. He questioned the present status quo and questioned established standards, which frequently led to disagreements with his educators and peers. Within the university's conservative environment, Rizal's radical convictions and feelings of nationality made him feel rejected and misunderstood. In the end, Rizal's unhappiness at UST was caused by discrimination and the clash between his innovative thoughts and the traditional setting. These events influenced Rizal's later desires as an inspiration to everyone and an advocate for social justice in the Philippines. 2.) A characteristic of Jose Rizal that I want to imitate as a student is his unending hunger for knowledge. The dedication of Rizal to education and continuous pursuit for it was truly inspirational. Despite several obstacles and barriers, he searched for knowledge with enthusiasm and succeeded in a variety of subjects of study. Rizal's appreciation for learning is an inspiration because it displays the value of intellectual desire and striving for greatness. His dedication to study not only enabled him to become a man of honor, but also allowed him to make significant improvements to his nation and society. By incorporating Rizal's unending drive for knowledge in my system, I may be able to find myself to be a life-long seeker for self-improvement. 3.) Yes Macario(B43)
@heurencysarmiento6745 2 года назад
1) In my own perspective, Rizal’s best trait as a student was being fearless and being an achiever. He is not afraid to show or say what he has on his mind, he has his ambitions and not afraid to fight on what blockage may come. In his time there is a lot of Insulares studying in the same school he goes, most of them felt like they are superior and the system in school was also injustice. Still, Rizal did not back down on showing off his capabilities. He does not care whether the person Infront of him was taller to him. Bullying does not make Rizal stop on showing and putting in the Spaniards minds that a Filipino were and can be intelligent and beat them. It is just that, most of the Filipinos does not have the opportunity that time, and therefore Rizal said that “Ignorance is slavery” emphasizing that education is a must. 2) In my own opinion, the inspiration that a Filipino student can get from Rizal’s time in school is that you should not be afraid to fight to achieve your goals if you are in the right for fighting for your rights. Being a student was also hard and needs so much patience and hard work. Despite of the discrimination thrown at him every day, he used it to be greater than the bullies. Rizal might not be perfect, but he has his own ways to stand out and I believe that everyone can too. Nurturing his strength and challenging his weaknesses makes him fearless on exploring to gain more knowledge and skills. Rizal as a student also teaches on how to value the education as it can mold everyone to become a better person or citizen because improving yourself would not only give impact on yourself but also to your surroundings, just like Rizal he gave the courage and efforts to his surrounding to have a massive change. 3) Yes. (SARMIENTO, A07)
@michaelmaniago2095 2 года назад
1.) If I were to say what my personal opinion is on Rizal's best trait as a student, It would be his dedication and will to learn new things by observing and carefully studying what caught his interest. When Rizal was still a child that attended school in Ateneo, he had no problem in terms of academic purposes since he was a gifted young child that had an excellent overview of what he was studying and what he wanted to learn, having achieved all excellent grading in all his subjects Rizal went on to be considered as a Sobre saliente (Valedictorian). But what made me say that I admire his dedication and will in learning is his story when he went to The University of Santo Tomas. Even though he was discriminated due to his race and being unwelcomed by fellow students, that never stopped him from pursuing his quest of gaining knowledge whether it was considered welcome or not. He might have not gotten the grades he did when he studied in Ateneo. But it was still commendable despite the circumstances he was dealing with. Rizal knew what he wanted and observed what he needed to observe. That is why I say this was his best trait. Not only as a student but as a hero as well. 2.) As a student myself, I think if we were going to be asked this question, students would agree that his dedication to learning is what we students can be inspired by. As an individual, I believe that knowledge does not come to you naturally. For me, knowledge comes to those people who have the dedication to broadening their perspectives in order to see the different views of people in order to gain different types of knowledge that aren't contested by only what they know. Rizal never had problems handling hardships because he knew his ambition. He had no doubt about his motives and what he wanted to do because Rizal's choices weren't followed with a feeling of doubt when he made them. Rizal was like us. He was bullied, had tough profs, tough subjects, shifted courses, had financial problems, etc. but one thing he had that some students don't is his will and dedication to continue learning amidst those hardships. Everyone can be a Rizal, all it takes are students like us who still have doubts, fears, problems, etc. would choose to stay down in the face of defeat or continue to strive for excellence amidst those hardships as Rizal did. This is what we students can be inspired by when Rizal was still a student. 3.) Yes. Maniago (A01)
@kristallynfojas9425 2 года назад
FOJAS- A07 1. I believe that Rizal's best trait as a student is his passion to learn things. Whenever he goes, whatever he do, whatever the outcome may be, he pursues things that will benefit his intellect. Being able to chase things that he is passionate about without giving emphasis to the trials and hardships is a best trait I see. Even before studying at colegio and university, Dr. Jose Rizal was very much willing to learn from his mother. He even leave Calamba just to study in Binan, Laguna. Imagine an 8-year old boy who is willing to leave his home, family and comfort zone for the sake of learning. And in his colegio and university era, he was willing to learn things despite being bullied by his classmates due to racial discrimination. Despite those experiences, he even excelled at his studies. That's why, I believe that the best trait of Dr. Jose Rizal as a student is him being passionate to learn things, that he is willing to learn whatever it takes. He was so focus to his love for learning that he can endure all the trials and challenges that it has. 2. Filipinos can be inspired in his dedication and hard works not because he is well-known in the world but because he deserves it. His dedication to study despite leaving his family and getting bullied, his dedication to learn despite those hard ships, and his hard works experienced are all forms of inspirations that Filipinos should look into. Knowing that a well-respected Dr. Jose Rizal experiences those hardships as well, can put an ease and comfort to an individual feeling the same thing. Personally, I am moved by the fact that even without recognition, even after getting the second and not the first spot in UST, he still pursues his education. That is what strikes in me the most as when I do things and resulted to an outcome that I didn't expect, I get discourage. Knowing that Dr. Jose Rizal did not finish his PhD and knowing that he was not always the first in his class, motivates me that its okay. My success should not be determine by what I think is the best but should be gauge by how much I enjoy and how much I truly learned that I can apply and be an armor in today's world. 3. Yes.
@genewilsantos1753 Год назад
1) As the video lecture stated, Rizal experienced racial discrimination and suffocating style of education, which is kind of similar for most of the students experiencing even for today. But Rizal was able to confront those hardships that it didn't became a hindrance to him to achieve his goals, even if he failed he keeps on getting up and became consistent until he reach the goal that he want to achieve 2) The trait of Rizal that I want to emulate as a student, is his determination and love on what he was doing. Because of this he manage to achieve greater accomplisments. Since It takes determination to remain committed to a cause. And if you have a goal, you can make paths to it, getting closer and closer to the success you desire, and by having a positive attitude and enjoying our studies can increase productivity and improve results. The likelihood of being upbeat, motivated, learning more quickly, making fewer mistakes, and making better business judgments are all higher in those who enjoy their professions. 3) Yes Santos (A18)
@emmanueltabafunda6978 2 года назад
1. Rizal's best trait as a student is being a hardworking and consistent student. We know that Rizal experienced difficulties being a student because he was bullied at a young age because he is a thin man, but he won over his opponent because of his physical training with Tiyo Manuel. He also has trouble in entering Ateneo de Manila. He manage to become excellent in his studies, he almost got excellent in all of his subject in High school. He also graduated Sobre saliente or valedictorian. In his college days, Rizal take the course Philosophy and Letters but later on he shifted to Medicine. He had a low grade in UST because he did not enjoy his stay there and also because of discrimination and suffocating style of education. Despite of all this challenges he faced, Rizal was able to complete his degree because of his hardworking and being consistent. 2. Students can be inspired from Rizal because of his journey and challenges in his time in school. We all face different challenges when it comes to school, there will be times that you will be bullied, you will be facing terror professors and tough subjects, late registration, shifting, financial problems and many more. But like Rizal, we should not let our problems bring us down. It depends on us whether we let our problems defeat us or face it. We should focus on our goals and continue to strive for what we want to achieve and to become in life. Also, use your time to the fullest. Just like Rizal we can spend our time in self-improvement through education. We can try new and different things outside our comfort zone. Always be curious on what is life out there and never stop yourself from learning, just because you are old does not mean you will stop learning, it is a continuous process until we die. 3. Yes. (Tabafunda, A06)
@kimpoy2479 Год назад
1. Rizal was unhappy in his stay in UST because he was experiencing discrimination there and the suffocating style of the Dominicans in the campus. Well, even I would not enjoy my stay in there if the people around me is like the Dominicans. I know myself that I can’t last in that school if the system is like that. It is hard to find a true friends in that environment and possible that I can’t focus on my study if they were bullying me because I tend to overthink the situations that happened to me in a day. 2. Of course, I want to emulate his intelligence and hard work because based from what I have learned, Rizal was naturally born smart. I also believe that I can be smarter than Rizal but I am not exerting effort in it that is why being smart is not enough if you are not hard working. It is great to see that Rizal is passionate about his education and he was not intimidated by what’s happening in our country that time. Instead, he made it as his inspiration to become smarter. 3. Yes.
@jbcagampang3566 Год назад
1) Rizal was unhappy during his stay at the University of Sto. Tomas because he experienced bullying such as racial discrimination and the suffocating style of education of the Dominicans. This led to Rizal having low or bad grades during his time there. It is expected that when discrimination at a certain place happened, especially in school, it will be led to you not being able to focus on your studies and you being unhappy and uncomfortable at that place. It even led him to experiment on illegal drugs, that is how worse it is for Rizal that he wanted to transfer or go to another place. But even with the harsh environment he had, he continued with his life and turned this as a lesson in his life to be even better and go through the struggle. He even had conflicts with his academics and had temptations but he powered his way through. 2) The trait of Rizal that I wish to emulate as a student is his strive for excellence in the midst of hardships. Hardships in life are always there but it has a purpose, it makes us stronger. It is a stepping stone that will make us wiser, and to be better as a person. Even though Rizal is an intelligent student, he is still just a human like us, he feels pain, suffering, and tiredness, we are just human after all. But what he showed to us all is his perseverance, his grit for excellence. He never gave up and still kept going to achieve his dream, he has the mentality to never give up and keep going. Problems and hardships in life will always slow us and drag us down, but we must break through for us to be stronger and be the best version of ourselves. If Rizal can do it, we can do it as well. 3) YES (CAGAMPANG, B43)
@vanessabuenconsejo5979 2 года назад
1. Rizal's best trait as a student is his being an achiever. All his achievements were proof that Rizal loves to study. Also, being an achiever means that you are industrious, and you love knowledge. Moreover, Rizal pursued his degree in another country despite the discrimination he suffered in the UST. He got his master's degree, and he also has a degree in Philosophy and Letter. His love for knowledge made him achieve his degree. Also, as you can observe in the video, most of his achievements are aligned to his Letter degree. It means that, besides the knowledge, being an achiever can help you choose the career path that you want. Personally, being an achiever helped me realize the career that I wanted to take, but I choose another course since my parents do not like it. Moreover, the knowledge he gained from being an achiever, and his love for knowledge is the reason why Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo existed. 2. Jose Rizal as a student inspired me that he experienced the same experiences that I had, which means that I can also achieve what he achieved. His journey from college to another country also inspired me since it is not easy to graduate in a school that discriminates against students, and it is not easy to study in another country. Moreover, I also liked that he confronted the kid who bullied him when he was a kid, and he still pursued to studies. In my perspective, it is good that the bullying accident did not affect him in his succeeding school years, and he became an achiever instead. I can relate to this, I experienced 6 years of bullying in my elementary days, and I still push myself to study more in high school which produced a positive result since I also became an achiever. More importantly, his love for knowledge made all the things he achieved possible which means that you can also achieve anything that you love if you keep pursuing it. 3. Yes. Buenconsejo, A01
@miguelcarlodamitan969 2 года назад
1.) Dr. Jose Rizal’s best trait as a student for me is the consciousness one that he experienced in University of Santo Tomas “UST”. Because during that time there are racial discrimination towards to that school. There were bullying, fighting probably and many more. Dr. Jose Rizal did not acknowledge those actions that were made during his school tenure at the University of Santo Tomas. That is why he did not finish his course to that school due to toxic environment. Also, he did not finish his college in University of Santo Tomas because he had a secret mission that he needs to observe liberalism in Europe. In his academic performance in University of Santo Tomas, Dr. Jose Rizal is Notable student that his academic performance is excellent but somehow, he did have some low grades compared to Ateneo De Manila University “ADMU”. So for me, Rizal’s best trait as a student is consciousness. 2.) The inspiration that the students can get from Dr. Jose Rizal’s tenure in his school is that no matters what happens try and try until it succeeds. Dr. Jose Rizal experienced his school life in his tenure the same way that the students are experiencing now. Dr. Jose Rizal did have some bad memories in his school life although he had an excellence performance towards his academic performance. Dr. Jose Rizal wanted to learn things because he wanted to be a better person for himself so that he can lift himself in the future when it is his time to lift himself up and that is why he strives in his academics so that he can bring those lessons in the future. Students can have the same mentality as Dr. Jose Rizal had. Students can be better from themselves because this will help them in their future. School is very important to students because of the lessons that were taught to them and students will apply it once they finished their school career. 3.) Yes DAMITAN (A06)
@cedricquicay8843 2 года назад
Quicay (A01) 1.) In his primary education, Jose Rizal topped all of his academic subjects such as Spanish and Latin. When Jose Rizal studied his secondary education in Ateneo, they thought that Jose Rizal was inferior to others, refusing him because of his physical stature. There were ups and downs throughout his secondary education. However, Jose Rizal achieved excellent grades through the years. Jose Rizal even became one of the "Sobre Saliente" or valedictorians in Ateneo. In his tertiary education, he studied philosophy and letters until he decided to shift to Medicine for his mother. Jose Rizal studied at the University of Sto. Thomas. He did not finish his tertiary education because of the style of education of the Dominicans, it was very different compared to the Jesuits. Jose Rizal then studied abroad to continue his medical course. His specialization was ophthalmology, a study of medical conditions relating to the eye, because of his love for his mother. Jose Rizal was a very hardworking student. Jose Rizal strived hard for him to achieve his goals. 2.) For me, I'll consider Jose Rizal's hard work and being unbothered by things that people throw at him. Jose Rizal is a hardworking student who inspired me that be an optimistic person and believe that you can achieve your goals with hard work and dedication. He also inspired me how to continue his education and finish his education abroad. Jose Rizal being an unbothered person is also an inspiration to me. Because of his physical stature, he was bullied and degraded by others. However, Jose Rizal took revenge not by doing the things they do to him but by proving to them that knowledge does not matter with your physical appearance. I also experienced until now the problems relating to finances, being a late enrollee, facilitators and their subjects, and others. Despite that, it did not stop me from giving up. There were times that I doubted myself, but still, I find ways to manage or cope with the problems. 3.) Yes.
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