
Sixteen Prophecies | Mahasupina Jataka (Part 3) | Animated Buddhist Stories 

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2 окт 2024




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@herawijaya9709 2 года назад
All of the dreams be factualized now days. Lord Buddha is the most perfect being in the universe. 🙏🙏🙏
@s.tn. 2 года назад
From the very start, the Buddhist religion has always been paired with a monarch. This has always been the nature of Buddhism because Buddhism teaches to look inward to improve yourself and not to be aggressive toward others. As a non-aggressive religion, it is necessary to have a monarch who will protect and fight for the religion. That is why it is no surprise that when the monarchies fall, so will Buddhism.
@DhammaGirl. 2 года назад
I always wondered why the stories from the old time always associated with the monarch. They are there for reasons and for protection. I think religions and monarchies have something in common and it's the belief of the commoners.
@Richdadful 2 года назад
I think monarchies are not needed for buddhism to flourish. If Christanity can flourish without it so can buddhism. Its just that the state should a secular and democratic ideology.
@Amila5209 Год назад
There is a great story in the video. Which has became true by now. But you guys are loitering around some nonsense. Buddha was right. Nowadays people are so foolish so that they cant see the truth.
@Ansh-vajra 2 года назад
Sad but true... It all starts happening..
@sumitpatil2955 2 года назад
After watching the Prophecy Jataka Tales which is happening right now in this era.I wonder how to find true Buddhist teachers, Guru's and how to handle these 16 things.
@10milionsviews 6 месяцев назад
You can escape these 16 things by adopting pancha sila (morality) ,Buddha knowledge from tipitaka ( pragya) and samadhi ( meditation) from Goenka Vipassana or Burma Vipassana courses
@theinngu5560 Год назад
🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🌿🌿🌹🌹🌿🌿 Loved the 3 parts of this story. I had seen it in Myanmar, displayed as a series of pictures with script, in the pagoda at a giant reclining Buddha in Yangon. It was a delight to hear it on this animation.
@anuj31416 3 месяца назад
But i dont understand still why king pasenadi saw these dreams. Will he born in these times? These stories dont tie with him in any way.
@sweatshirtguy3424 2 года назад
I have learned from this story that we are already in the far and distant future and that any further would be an apocalypse if morality, right conduct, speech and cultivation of mind is not revived and maintained again as in the buddha's days.
@atrudokht Год назад
May Buddha Maitreya come soon to save the world
@pannavaddhi6573 Год назад
"What did you learn from this story? " "😢😢😢"
@nickb8736 Год назад
The amount of irony in the eleventh dream compared to this exact video is pretty insane
@CreampuffieO_o Год назад
No ads in any of the videos, there is still a shimmer of hope my friend
@nickb8736 Год назад
@@CreampuffieO_o lmao you are hilarious my friend, very good point!
@Richdadful 2 года назад
A lot of these predictions have come true. The sixteenth dream is also true. Moanarchy has been wiped out in most of the world. I really don't think it's bad by any means. Bhutan can be considered as one rare country were king is beloved. North Korea is also there but we know what's happening there.
@JessT-xx9gj Год назад
Transcripts of Chinese are missing. Sharing Chinese Simplified below. Sadhu sadhu sadhu 🙏🙏🙏 0:13 “在我的第十一个梦里, 0:15 我看到一群人在做不同的昂贵和有价值的檀香交易 0:20 为了一锅发酵牛奶 0:26 “在遥远的未来, 0:29 一群人将佛陀的教义换成货币。 0:35 他们将编写手册并以出售为生。 0:40 正法将被改编成表演和诗歌。 0:45 人们会宣扬无价的正法 0:48 以换取价值可比性低得多的工资或奖励。 0:55 这些事件将发生在佛教末期, 0:59 在遥远的未来。” 1:06 “在我的第十二个梦里, 1:08 我看见一只干枯空心的葫芦沉入水中 1:11 而不是像往常一样漂浮。” 1:17 在遥远的未来, 1:20 社会不会尊重僧人和在家人 1:24 他们是可敬的、受过良好教育的和聪明的。 1:30 这些人会不断地被愚蠢、有罪的人阻挠。 1:37 可敬的在家人不会参与管理国家。 1:42 他们会被居心叵测的人排挤 1:46 谋取私利。 1:49 在他们眼里,尊者就是敌人。 1:57 同样,清净心的受戒者 2:02 立于戒律并修持正法的人将不会受到任何关注。 2:11 没有人愿意在他们面前或聆听他们的佛法布道。 2:17 人们会认为这些有道德的人是守旧的 2:22 并且不值得尊重。 2:25 人们不会相信这些出家人 2:29 也不会捐出他们丰富的财产。 2:34 任何捐赠都将是半心半意的 2:37 而且只是以传统的名义。 2:41 因此,这些出家人将难以生存 2:47 在这种情况下,没有人愿意出家。 2:55 最终,佛教传统中的高僧会逐渐灭绝。 3:02 这些事件将在遥远的未来发生。” 3:13 “在我的第十三个梦里, 3:15 我看到一块大而坚固的岩石,有房子那么大, 3:19 像一艘空帆船一样漂浮在水面上。 3:23 通常情况下,一块岩石会沉入水面以下, 3:28 但这个漂浮了。 3:34 “在遥远的未来, 3:37 麻烦制造者,行为不端的人, 3:41 以及不道德的、轻浮的、不诚实的、腐败的、无耻的人 3:48 将受到钦佩并在社会中扮演重要角色。 3:53 他们将获得巨大的名声 3:56 并因此拥有很大的权力 4:00 以及大量的粉丝和追随者。 4:05 这些人将享受名人待遇 4:09 并给予更多的尊重 4:12 与诚实纯洁的人相比。” 4:18 对于出家人也是如此 4:23 在宗教或邪教追随者中。 4:27 僧侣不会单靠自己获得名望。 4:31 他们的名人地位将通过他们的追随者的工作来建立和巩固。 4:38 追随者会预测和自我确认 4:41 哪些出家人开悟了。 4:46 每个支持者和每个派系都会拥护他们的领袖为阿罗汉。 4:52 这是漂浮在水面上的大而坚固的岩石。 5:01 在佛教衰落的日子里,人们将靠宗教外表谋生。 5:08 有信仰的人,也会失去信仰 5:11 由于那个时代僧侣的可恶行为。 5:16 这些事件将在遥远的未来发生。” 5:25 “在我的第十四个梦里, 5:27 我看到一只小小的雌性青蛙追着一条巨大的眼镜蛇。 5:32 一旦青蛙追上, 5:35 它扑向蛇并立即吞噬了它。” 5:41 “在遥远的未来, 5:45 具有巧妙演讲的著名出家人 5:49 将自己展示为带有展开罩的眼镜蛇。 5:54 他们将在社会中扮演重要角色 5:58 并会赢得他人的尊重和钦佩。 6:03 他们会迷失自我 6:05 因为他们获得了更多的财富和地位。 6:09 他们将缺乏正念、智慧、 6:13 和照顾自己的智慧。 6:18 结果,小小的雌性青蛙,女人, 6:23 会利用这个机会 6:26 并使用狡猾的技巧诱捕眼镜蛇并将其吞噬。 6:31 这将在遥远的未来发生。” 6:39 “在我的第十五个梦里, 6:41 我看到一群金色的天鹅围着一只黑乌鸦。 6:46 乌鸦所到之处, 6:48 金天鹅紧随其后。” 6:54 “在遥远的未来, 6:57 刚出家的僧侣和沙弥,心清净 7:01 将包围和支持不道德的僧侣。 7:05 他们会把这些坏僧侣当作他们的老师 7:09 并向他们致敬。 7:12 正如乌鸦狡猾地寻找食物, 7:16 这些腐败的僧侣在获得财富和权力方面会很狡猾。 7:22 作为回报,金天鹅会相信黑乌鸦的重要性。 7:30 在佛教末期, 7:33 在遥远的未来, 7:36 不道德的僧侣数量会增加 7:40 新出家的僧侣不会学习修道法的基础知识。 7:47 他们不会知道对与错的区别 7:50 或者他们真正的职责是什么。 7:53 这将是社会的状况。 7:57 这些事件将发生在遥远的未来。“ 8:05 在我的第十六个也是最后一个梦里, 8:08 我看到一群山羊在追赶, 8:11 捕获并尽情吞噬一只老虎。 8:19 “在遥远的未来, 8:22 人们会对君主统治不满意。 8:27 他们会聚在一起抗议 8:31 为了削弱君主的角色和权威 8:35 并走向民主。 8:39 任何不接受这一点的君主都将在革命中被推翻。 8:46 如果国王拒绝听从人民的吩咐, 8:50 整个王室将被消灭。 8:56 在君主愿意遵守人民意愿的国家 9:01 并放弃他的王冠和权力, 9:05 人民将尊崇他为活神。 9:11 国王将被视为那个国家心爱的灵魂, 9:17 永远受到尊重和钦佩。 9:22 这些事件将发生在遥远的未来。” 9:28 在听到他的梦想的意义后, 9:31 国王很自在 9:33 并感谢佛陀的智慧。 9:38 你從這個故事中學到了什麼?
@watsanfran Год назад
Hi Jess, thanks for your help!
@JessT-xx9gj Год назад
@@watsanfran ❤🙏🙏🙏
@Ashes3333 2 года назад
All 16 prophecies have been fulfilled now do we continue like this or there is gonna be a divine intervention.
@jimmypadma5232 2 года назад
@a_j_pessa 2 года назад
Heavy! Will definitely need to watch this one a few times.
@swapnilwaghmare3081 2 года назад
sadhu sadhu sadhu 🙏🙏🙏🌷🌷🌷🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸
@vincenandosim8994 2 года назад
Keep it up! :) Nice video
@daspov4709 Год назад
Part 13 - Kim Kardashian
@bahadursunny1674 3 месяца назад
@AyyaSambodhi_2024 2 года назад
🌺🙏Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu🙏🌺
@facebookjataka547 2 года назад
สาธุค่ะ 🙏🙏🙏
@deepikakedare2141 Год назад
@SukmaHema 2 года назад
is there any part 4 for the story?
@watsanfran 2 года назад
There is no part 4
@laviray5447 10 месяцев назад
I think these predictions were bound to happen but not necessarily meant bad or good, it depends on interpretation as well. Like the 16th dream, it isn't necessarily bad, it was just a prediction.
@naturallife820 Год назад
@MetaKaruKna2024 7 месяцев назад
Lord Buddha!! 🙏🙏🙏🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🐘🐘🐘☮️☸️🥰🩵💙❤️🩷😇🇰🇭🇮🇳🇺🇸
@doraemonkawaii6720 2 года назад
@watsanfran 2 года назад
Thank you for visiting our channel. Anumodana with you 🙏
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