
SPEAKING IN TONGUES: An Orthodox Christian Understanding 

St. Anianus Church
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What exactly is "speaking in tongues"? Is the modern day phenomenon a renewal of what we find in the book of Acts and 1 Corinthians? If not, how do you describe it? Fr. Michael Sorial discusses all this and more in light of the Biblical account and early Christian witness.




27 июл 2024




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@roscoes9933 5 лет назад
I grew up in a Pentecostal Church. And believe more people of the Pentecostal church can get a better understanding of what is speaking in tongues and when it should be used. It is a blessing to hear God's message clearly.
@andys3035 Год назад
I've read commentaries that Acts 2 was a reversal of the Tower of Babel and if so, that makes sense. Instead of confusing languages, God uses language to bring people together and that to bring the gospel to the world.
@ArchangelsBookClub 7 месяцев назад
Funny meeting you here. xD
@andys3035 7 месяцев назад
@@ArchangelsBookClub What's up Justin!
@ArchangelsBookClub 7 месяцев назад
@@andys3035 xD Not much brother. Just rollin’ rollin’.
@theeternalslayer 6 месяцев назад
That's true, I've seen people agree with me on something up until I attacked a false secular belief they held onto and they started getting angry at me or stopped speaking and said "what are you talking about?" When their's confusion it means they are in error and are still under the curse of babel. I can give that person bible verse after Bible verse and they won't respond. In my point of view I was speaking clearly but in their point of view I wasn't making any sense.
@brettcopeland707 4 года назад
I was raised in a Pentecostal church (the Assemblies of God) and in my late 20's I was received into the Holy Orthodox Church. I cannot deny many of the things I "heard and saw" within Pentecostalism the way many cradle Orthodox flippantly dismiss the whole lot of Pentecostal experience. In my own local assembly, a woman well-loved in the Church spoke in tongues at length on two occasions in which she was understood by speakers of foreign languages. In one case, she spoke in Hebrew and was understood by a visiting missionary to Israel who explained what she had said. In another case, she spoke in a Native American language and was understood by someone visiting the church who also told the congregation what she had said. Sure, there were no scientists present that I know of, but in both cases, her words were understood by someone present and were found to be in praise of the Lord. I also have first-hand knowledge of similar experiences. So it is lunacy to me when Orthodox monks, deacons, priests, or bishops lambaste modern Pentecostal experiences as being either fake or demonic. We cannot put God in a box. Surely there is much fakery, mimicry, social conditioning, mass hysteria, and the demonic, but even all of that cannot discount that miracles do at times occur both inside and outside the Orthodox Church. Christ Himself acknowledges that miracles do occur outside of the Apostolic circle. I have heard some Orthodox clergy seem to take comfort in an opinion not favored by Saint Gregory the Theologian and other Holy Fathers, preferring to believe that the miracle of tongues at Pentecost was an auditory miracle or something limited only to the Apostles rather than miracles of utterance under the direction of the Holy Spirit in all of the 120 disciples gathered. Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, the Theologian, says regarding the 120 disciples gathered at Pentecost, that the preferred interpretation of the text is that the miracle was not in the hearing of the crowd, but rather in the mouths of the disciples because the Holy Spirit was giving utterance to them, not changing the sound by a miracle in the hearing of the foreigners that heard them. The Theologian says that that is why "they were reproached for drunkenness" (On Pentecost 15). Furthermore, the crowd was not converted by the praising of God in other tongues understood by the foreigners, but rather they were converted by the preaching of Peter in the lingua franca of those gathered from around the world for the Feast of Pentecost. By saying all of this, I am not excusing the fallacies of Pentecostal and/or Charismatic doctrines (e.g., that all who are filled with the Spirit speak in tongues, and other false teachings). Their excesses and unorthodox teachings and practices are clear to anyone taught in an Orthodox way of understanding Scripture. One of the languages spoken at Pentecost was the tongue of Judea, which would have been the vernacular for the 120 gathered there. Even if some of the monks of the Church did speak with tongues during their private prayers, they, out of humility, would probably keep it a secret. Having read many writings of the Holy Fathers, I am convinced that the gift of speaking in tongues operates through the body (Gregory Palamas TRIADS) and can even do so in those whose hearts are prayerless (ibid.) So speaking in tongues is not necessarily "prayer of the heart" as Fr. Alexis Trader claims. John Chrysostom describes the phenomenon at length, stating the tongue of those given this gift would move under inspiration of the Spirit and they would speak in a language unknown to them. The Apostle Paul explains that a person speaking in tongues edifies himself, but if he wishes to edify the whole Church, he should seek the gift of interpretation by prayer. In other words, one speaking in tongues is not able to interpret apart from a further enablement by the Spirit--the gift of interpretation of tongues. One may seek such a gift i prayer, but that does not mean it will necessarily be given. The Apostle Peter and Saint Irenaeus say, genuine gifts of the Holy Spirit are not subject to the will of man and are given at whatever moment as the Holy Spirit wills. One given such a gift may of course refrain from or even resist its use. The clergy can quench the Spirit and despise prophesying and the exercise of other spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit can be grieved. The Church must stop condemning speaking in tongues and forbidding speaking in tongues and should, instead, zealously desire to prophesy. These spiritual gifts are sought in prayer and Paul wished all the Corinthians could speak in tongues outside of the Church, even though all do NOT speak in tongues. But, whether they spoke in tongues or not, he wanted them to prophesy. The Church should command those displaying genuine miracles to be joined to the Church as Peter commanded the house of Cornelius, but not demonize the miracle with some kind of undiscerning knee-jerk reaction as if all spiritual phenomena outside of the Church must be presumed to be counterfeit. God is not in a box. Believe on Christ. Study to not be ignorant of spiritual things. Join yourself to the Holy Orthodox Church through the Holy Sacraments, seek spiritual gifts, have faith not presumption, and be open to the God of the impossible while not presuming upon Him.
@xmc7189 3 года назад
You are a troll! Why did you join the orthodox church in the first place if you disagree with monks and priests who are well schooled in the faith unlike your Pentecostal preachers.
@bishoyyouhanna9189 3 года назад
@@xmc7189 I am an orthodox Christian and I am not convinced in the way Pentecostals use this gift, but they have their evidence, and if it's not harming anyone, then it's ok. What I am baffled about, is what in the name of Christ made you think it is a remotely good idea that you would call a member in the body of Christ a troll!!!! Protestants are very well schooled, way more than Coptics (generally speaking), you have no right in misrepresenting our beautiful church.
@abanobshehata1481 3 года назад
@@bishoyyouhanna9189 did you just say protestants tend to be more schooled than copts ?🤣. Most protestants i know don't even know who john the babtist is LOL
@bishoyyouhanna9189 2 года назад
@@abanobshehata1481 protestants founded systematic theology, I don't agree with the notion, but it goes to say that when it comes to studies, they know their stuff. You just had bad experience, you need to talk to knowledgeable people.
@abanobshehata1481 2 года назад
@@bishoyyouhanna9189 most protestants i know are completely fake. In fact they tend to embrass the rest of us chirstians with their actions .
@dannyjackson5189 3 года назад
The orthodox church is absolutely the true heritage and Christian church the ancient real church.
@MrSpaceRatt 2 года назад
No, it isn't.
@dannyjackson5189 2 года назад
@@MrSpaceRatt how do YOU know..?
@MrSpaceRatt 2 года назад
@@dannyjackson5189 It doesn't matter how I know. You believe what you want to believe, and no amount of historical proof will sway your opinion, because what you believe has been ingrained into your conscience . Regardless, there is no Biblical or historical proof that the "orthodox" church is "absolutely the true heritage", any more than the claim that Peter was the first Pope. He wasn't. He was not a "Pope" at all. But if you want to go around making such claims, I will have to put you in the same category as other religious groups that make unfounded claims. I'll accept that it makes you feel superior in believing your own myths - but your beliefs won't sway the facts. The orthodox church is absolutely NOT the true heritage and Christian (Orthodox) church IS NOT the ancient real church. It was merely one of several ancient sects, and came to prominence around 400 AD through violence and threats to the other groups, then broke away from the murderous Roman Catholic Church around 1054. It is no more the "real" church than are Baptists, Pentecostals, Catholics, or the cultish Filipino's church "Church of God of the Philippines" (but they claim they are!). That makes you the same in beliefs as these false claims of "We're the REAL Church!"
@beshoyadel7304 Год назад
@@MrSpaceRatt first of all the father speaking in this video is of the Coptic Orthodox Church which is part of the oriental orthodox churches. They are non chalcedonians so they split in 451 and not in 1054 as you said👍 you’re confusing the Orthodox Church with the Eastern Orthodox have which only split in 1054. The oriental orthodox churches and the Eastern Orthodox churches have excommunicated each other for around 1500 years and have recently (1960s) started to go into discussions again. The Eastern Orthodox and oriental orthodox have kept all the same traditions, liturgy, sacraments and theology even after not communicating for over 1500 years. The Eastern orthodox churches have understood that they are also miaphysites. Do with that information as you will but there definitely is a true church because Jesus said that the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. So you cannot say that there is no true church because factually there has to be atleast one. That church is the Orthodox Church
@JackieM3 6 лет назад
Thank you Aboona , God bless you for clearing the way.
@omnitrus 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this teaching !Coming from Penticostal churches ,my husband and I really enjoyed listening to this teaching !God bless you!
@StAnianusChurch 3 года назад
Thanks be to God. Were truly grateful that this sermon has been of benefit for you and your husband. The Lord continue to guide and bless you both.
@omnitrus 3 года назад
@@StAnianusChurch Thank you!
@theeternalslayer 6 месяцев назад
Ive been to a oneness pentacostal church where they tried to speak in tongues. I had a massive headache afterwards. One of the girls there said "its usually worse." They have 1 pastor. No prophet or bishop, independent and basically isolated. I found this interesting, i manifested their composite Jesus and i was stunned. They still said fsther son and holy spirit but still believe only jesus is God.
@lepajelena7441 4 года назад
Thank you so much for this. Attending charismatic churches, the Holy Spirit always gave me a bad feeling when people would speak in "tongues". It is confusion and God is not the author of confusion.
@freedomfighter7608 2 года назад
There is a difference of the gift being abused and the gift being from the devil like this priest says...ok!
@lepajelena7441 2 года назад
@@freedomfighter7608 the gift of speaking in tongues is the ability of speaking in your language but the hearer hears the words in their own language Acts 2:2-8. Gibberish is not biblical tongues.
@freedomfighter7608 2 года назад
@@lepajelena7441 You're WRONG that is "the gift of tongues" plural, one way is of people hearing in their own language (Acts 2:8) I agree, but READ this here too: For the person who speaks in a tongue, is not speaking to people but to GOD, since no one understands him; he speaks mysteries in the Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:2) ...Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves...(vesre 4) STUDY this chapter (A' Corinthians 14) cause Corinthians had the same problem, people were speking in tongues in the Church and it sounded like "Gibberish and people were confused" to use your words. READ also this verse gifts of the SPIRIT: “to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another """"different kinds of tongues"""", to another the interpretation of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:10). PRAY and study my friend before you talk about things you know nothing about, just like this priest cause you will be found guilty in the DAY of JUDGEMENT now that you heard the TRUTH, so don't limit GOD to your own understanding. If you are a sincere person who LOVES the TRUTH of GOD, after studying the verses I gave you (and there are many more verses) you will come here and admit that you were WRONG so you/we can help others too, and don't confuse people if you don't know or don't understand something Spiritual...like "the gift of tongues"""Don't be confused my friend (confusion is not from GOD) seek GOD's TRUTH don't give up, things are simple just like CHRIST who was the most simple man ever to walk on this earth...Thanks and may GOD clear your mind now and guide you to HIS TRUTH and don't be a follower of men/priests etc. who think they know something but they really don't know!
@lepajelena7441 2 года назад
@@freedomfighter7608 First of all, the gifts are for the edification of others not yourself. Secondly, how are you edified by gibberish?
@freedomfighter7608 2 года назад
@@lepajelena7441 You're WRONG that is "the gift of tongues" plural, one way is of people hearing in their own language (Acts 2:8) I agree, but READ this here too: For the person who speaks in a tongue, is not speaking to people but to GOD, since no one understands him; he speaks mysteries in the Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:2) ...Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves...(vesre 4) STUDY this chapter (A' Corinthians 14) cause Corinthians had the same problem, people were speking in tongues in the Church and it sounded like "Gibberish and people were confused" to use your words. READ also this verse gifts of the SPIRIT: “to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another """"different kinds of tongues"""", to another the interpretation of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:10). PRAY and study my friend before you talk about things you know nothing about, just like this priest cause you will be found guilty in the DAY of JUDGEMENT now that you heard the TRUTH, so don't limit GOD to your own understanding. If you are a sincere person who LOVES the TRUTH of GOD, after studying the verses I gave you (and there are many more verses) you will come here and admit that you were WRONG so you/we can help others too, and don't confuse people if you don't know or don't understand something Spiritual...like "the gift of tongues"""Don't be confused my friend (confusion is not from GOD) seek GOD's TRUTH don't give up, things are simple just like CHRIST who was the most simple man ever to walk on this earth...Thanks and may GOD clear your mind now and guide you to HIS TRUTH and don't be a follower of men/priests etc. who think they know something but they really don't know!
@R1amuse Год назад
Thank you for youre Teaching Fr , God Bless you
@jenniferpowelldesandria6374 5 лет назад
Mind blown 🤯
@admiralmurat2777 6 лет назад
Most charismatics Don't think you have to speak in tongues.. But I agree with this minister.
@semuhoney991 6 лет назад
God bless you
@mikecasale438 Месяц назад
We also also see tongues mentioned in the longer ending of Mark 16 which is indeed early church writing.
@ThaKingzsouljahPR777 Месяц назад
That is a very interesting perspective there Father. And I mean it with full respect. But this lecture honestly left me with more questions than answers tbh. Like, if the modern phenomenon is not biblical as you claim, then why other Christians, Charismatic, Roman Catholic and other sects have that gift?
@christophertaylor3150 3 года назад
Very insightful. Can you recommend a book for me to get a fundamental understanding of the theology of the Orthodox Church?
@StAnianusChurch 3 года назад
The Orthodox Way by Kallistos Ware is a good starter
@christophertaylor3150 3 года назад
@@StAnianusChurch Thank you. I Will look for It.
@dannyjackson5189 3 года назад
The book of Acts verse 10:34 then Peter opened his mouth and said in truth I perceive that God shows no partiality 10:35 But in every nation whoever fears him and works righteousness is accepted by him. This demonstrates one can be ignorant of doctrine/ abut the Godhead/ history of saints/even of the wonderful blessed Virgin mother/icons/ If a person leaves the world and repents and works righteousness and calls upon God out of a pure heart and seeks his face whole heartedly.
@JGuti-ko2xe 2 года назад
Then God will send the means necessary to save that soul. God didn't leave Cornelius as a pagan, but God rewarded this man for his sincerity and his righteous works which were brought up for a memorial before God. God then sends blessed saint Peter, so that this man and his household would be saved by the true religion.
@dannyjackson5189 2 года назад
@@JGuti-ko2xe Yes Yes I definitely agree with what you're saying there. Do we disagree in a way?
@admiralmurat2777 6 лет назад
I go to a non-denominational church and we use Many Orthodox basis.
@dannyjackson5189 3 года назад
From a great height I wonder who all the people were and as I wondered it became absolutely black in front of me as black as the inside of a piece of coal. Then a light cut through like halogen bright but it did not hurt to look at it. I saw before me 3 silhouettes in the halogen like light I had set up on my bed by this time period and I reach my hand forward to touch the middle silhouette. When I did this I open my eyes on my bed because I heard a sound in the corner of my small Room just like the sound of when rushing around the corner of a house. The sound of wind moved towards me with a Doppler effect as it came towards me it became louder it took just a bit of time .then It came closer and came over me When it came down on me it went down into my belly and turned around when it came up it took control of my speaking apparatus I raised my hands in the air and I spoke just as I normally do in my mind in English but it came out in a nother language I did not know what it was there was no one around. What I was saying was all thank you Lord Jesus O thank you Lord Jesus and I heard it come out entirely different then English. I was amazed astonished and so taken aback I began to cry and I explained to God. I am so sorry I did not know what you were I'm sorry I ever thought you were some dude on a cloud with a beard I'm sorry. The next day when I got up. And I don't know how I was able to go to sleep but I was. When I went outside to walk to tell my friend about what happened. I looked down at the ground and the insects and the grass had a Halo about them. I walked a little further and looked at a tree and pull the leaf down and I could see the light blue Halo around the leaves of the tree just like the insects. And this was the day after when I told my friend I said how come you didn't tell me that that's what you all meant. He said I told you you would know when it happened. When I left his house I try to look at the grass to see the Halo. But it was gone. But I was still afraid Many charismatics not pentecostal have a technique to speak based on Kenneth Hagen understanding O just open your mouth and speak by fath it is not faith. It is presumption a lady came to the church before this happened to me. And laid hands on me and told me to open my mouth and say some of the words she was saying I just looked at her. Because I didn't understand what she wanted I didn't do it. I was almost about to give up on the whole entire business of the Holy Spirit God speaking in tongues the whole entire thing what I did not because I had said within myself it either was or wasn't. I have also laid hands on someone once after fasting and praying and I saw this happen to them because they reached and grabbed themselves around the belly and raised their hands up to praise God. I was not on television and there were no foreign people. You guys have this wrong. I also grab a guy that no one wanted to touch because I think the guy might have been a secret homosexual 4 had a problem with it that he was trying to overcome he had a badd heart or something and he fainted and he quit breathing and everyone was just looking so I got down on the floor and put my arms around him and loved him and willed from myself and pushed inside of me with my spirit that he might get up he came to. My wife told me that when the Van came to get him the paramedics put him on the machine and they said that his heart had stopped. But I know he was not breathing for myself. When she told me this I thought surely this man was dead momentarily but he came to. The orthodox are the real church they should know if they just ask on atos on mount atos that they will see this happen I know many people that the real phenomenon happened to. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God O please don't just intellectually blow this apart. God answers he answers he answers he answers prayer Jesus said ask that your joy might be full ask in my name this is not all totally demonic some people in the charismatic movement are deluded have badd doctor in are gone astray our bit out of the way but some well meaning pentecostal have this happen all the time not because they are so wholly they left the world they saw the scripture they asked again and again with a whole heart bless the orthodox church bless the bishops the priests of the orthodox church please do not blasphame the holy ghost in thinking that you are so correct that you lie on the holy ghost and say the real phenomena is not Jesus because when it really happens the person becomes aware of Jesus he really walked in Galilee and The Bible the testimony is real it is real it did not cease to happen some people are lying but others are totally not
@AndersErichsen-rr7vs 6 лет назад
I must say I understood or understand that the disciples was speaking different languages in different dialects by the holy spirit - and the people hearing them in these different tongues and are then questioned by the masses of people are these people not Galileans how then do we hear them speak in these different languages...
@ArchangelsBookClub 7 месяцев назад
46:07 The King James Translators used the phrase "unknown tongue" because that very line says, that the person "speaks not to men, but to God for NO MAN understands him." The word "unknown" is implied. I don't think it is inaccurate or confusing. I don't see why adding or removing the word would affect the meaning at all.
@user-ip8hq8hh4p 7 месяцев назад
The Methodist movement where Pentecostalism came from has some parallels to Orthodoxy. As a Pentecostal I found the understanding of a "point of contact" in the icon, the doctrine of sanctification and perfection in Theosis, and free-will in the Orthodox understanding of free-will. In classical Methodism grace is not only mercy ,but God's Grace gives us power over sin and this fits well with an Orthodox understanding of salvation as Christ the Victor. The Charismatic movement is ecumenical however. There is Charasmatic churches across denominations even Roman Catholic. Charismatic is not just nonDenominational megachurches as commonly known. Reformed Churches however are generally not charismatic.
@mmaakkiinn Год назад
@gheiberg59 7 лет назад
@___-_____- 6 лет назад
The problem is, the clarification isn't shown in any(that I grew up in; which was many) pentecostal churches. We went to some that say "you have to", and mean that it's a requirement, and others that say the same thing, but mean different(what you mean). Truthfully it's a messy denomination. Many try so hard to be "hip and cool" with the kiddies, and it makes it a hangout place. Most kids in my youth group I believe I can say(forgive me) went because of friends, and sometimes more than that(some kids were sexually active with each other in the youth group). I became Orthodox on Pentecost(ironic lol) this past year. My reasons were church history, and a realistic look at what I grew up in. I had to drop all bias I had, and look at the world with new eyes. I'd like for you to join me :)
@gheiberg59 6 лет назад
Hey, thank you for your reply. It is true that in a few regions of North America, the United Pentecostal Church, who is the worst offender in that regard, are in the majority. But overall, most Pentecostals and Charismatics do not teach that speaking in tongues is evidence of salvation. I became a Christian at a charismatic assembly just over 38 years ago, and in those years, I have also attended Pentecostal (PAOC, the Canadian version of Assemblies of God), Baptist, and CMA (Christian and Missionary Alliance) assemblies in western Canada. In this region, Oneness Pentecostals and the like are an extremely small minority. Last February, I began attending an Orthodox Church (on the first day of Lent, as it turned out), because I wanted to learn more about the Orthodox understanding of the atonement. A few months beforehand, I had run across a presentation by Subdeacon Steve Robinson (ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TZrsbCK5Hrg.html), and realized that the Orthodox version of the atonement was much closer to what I had always believed deep in my heart, as well as what I have personally experienced in my relationship with God during the past ~15 years in particular. Since I began attending last Feb., I have been digging into Orthodoxy, learning as much as I can. Yes, there are a few things that are a bit of a challenge, but, like you, I am compelled by the history to lay aside my old biases and give serious consideration to those challenges. I can say, however, that I am discovering that much of what I have come to understand about God in these 38 years is already in agreement with Orthodoxy.
@___-_____- 6 лет назад
Same here, brother. There were challenges, but like you say as well, already so much in agreement. Those challenges begin to make more and more sense as time went on, and became almost crazy for me not believe after some time. I encourage you to keep on with the journey, for me, it has been beautiful, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. If you need any book recommendations, or some people who give some really good talks too I'd be happy to throw some things your way. Off the top of my head, some books that help were "The Orthodox Way" and "The Orthodox Church" by Kalistos Ware, and "Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy" by Fr. Stephen Damick. Also check out Ancient Faith Radio, I usually put an aux cord in my car and have AFR play through my phone while I drive, some really good talks on there.
@gheiberg59 6 лет назад
Those books by Metropolitan Ware were already on my shortlist for purchase; I will look into that by Fr. Damick. My priest, Fr. Lawrence Farley, is a some-time AFR broadcaster and author of a series of NT commentaries (something I discovered after I decided to make St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church my home assembly) - which I receive as God's working in my circumstances to lead me to where I need to be - I feel I am in a very good place to learn what I need to learn at this time. btw, I'm sorry if my initial response may have come across as overly strong... however, in this era, we must keep in mind that whenever we confront error, we must always be sure that we fully understand the error we are confronting; otherwise, those who we are confronting will simply brush us off as ignorant.
@___-_____- 6 лет назад
No need for apology brother! But yes I know of Fr. Lawrence, I love his AFR show!
@simonewilliams7224 8 месяцев назад
It is not to speak in a dead language and not be understood. If you are truly blessed with ‘speaking in tongues’; it is your ability to speak a language to someone in front of you that speaks the language you are miraculously speaking. You would understand what you are saying to that person and they would understand in return. You do not normally speak their language, the Holy Spirit inspires you to communicate in the other persons language to impart God’s WORD and LOVE to them, blessing them, not you. Not Babbling !!!
@jonathansuddarth5597 Год назад
So question I see some orthodox churches accept speaking in tongues as a gift still but don't make it to be something you need as the charismatic and pencostals so.help me out here when I was 14 I was prayed over and began to feel my stomach feeling like it had rushing water in it and I began to utter language that I did not know or learn.
@StAnianusChurch Год назад
I know of no canonical Orthodox church that accepts 'speaking in tongues' as it is understood within the charismatic movement. All Orthodox churches accept speaking in tongues, as explained in the video by Fr. Michael
@Our_Daily_Bread_With_JB Год назад
So for the ones that pray in tongues like I do I was raised orthodox but go to a non denominational bible study I got that gift and according to st Paul it’s to edify your self and no one understands it’s between the person and God.. so if I prayed to Jesus for the gift then who else would have given me the gift???? Please explain and it was a super natural experience and from that day I was hungry for the WORD OF GOD. 🙏🏻
@ntlearning 11 месяцев назад
Pentecostals don’t believe speaking in tongues is for salvation. Pentecostals believe that one can only be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Speaking in tongues has nothing to do with salvation.
@ntlearning 11 месяцев назад
@@Our_Daily_Bread_With_JBit’s a supernatural gift given by the Holy Spirit. Other orthodox priests confirm this ….
@ntlearning 11 месяцев назад
@@Our_Daily_Bread_With_JB ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nQjcmQ-KXk0.html
@partlysimpson5154 2 месяца назад
peaking and praying in tongues seem to be different things.
@lancep994 Месяц назад
I think you missed some big points. I dont think this would be convincing to a Pentecostal. When explaining 1 Cor 14, Paul very clearly does not mean "tongues" in the Day of Pentecost sense. If he did, then the question of understanding would be moot. Everyone understood those tongues. He is speaking about a prayer language. You hinted at this at the beginning of the talk: there are 2 kinds of "tongues" biblically. One used for evangelism, one used for a prayer language. In the public life of the church, speaking a prayer labguage that no one understands is obviously wprthless to others. But the argument that you shouldnt do it at all then, or that it doesnt exist, does not follow. It seems to suggest you should just do it in private. Prayer done in private does not edify the public gathering of multiple people, but you would not say "dont pray in private." Maybe you would say "do not prophecy in private." So i was really looking for an explanation of this kind of "tongues," and am looking for an orthodox explanation of this practice. Paul himself says he speaks in tongues, seemingly speaking about the prayer language. Where did this practice go, historically? Why does Paul mention it, but its immediately lost to the early church fathers? Dismissing tongues on the basis of the Day of Penecost tongues is easy and ive heard it since i was a Southern Baptist. But this other aspect of tongues, which is extant in the bible, is never touched, and is the most usual form of tongues practiced in the evangelical Pentecostal world today
@SinnGread 6 лет назад
hey folks .... drop your prfixes to your little clicky churches and get back to the basics and you wont get lost like sheep.... look at how divided the churchs are ... you divide then divide again dilluting the source and your understanding it it
@xmc7189 3 года назад
@Jonathan Donnchadh you are a troll! Did u even pay proper attention to the lecture?
@mikecasale438 Месяц назад
No trinitarian Pentecostal or charasmatic denomination or church teach that speaking in tongues as evidence of being saved. This is not a correct statement.
@solomonjima2097 3 года назад
I don't understan the cover of this powerpoint it looks like a snake toward his brain.
@freedomfighter7608 2 года назад
Yeah that's sad he thinks the gift of tongues is from the devil...he will have to give an account to GOD one day for every word he says here.
@andys3035 Год назад
@@freedomfighter7608 and so will those who bear false witness
@freedomfighter7608 Год назад
@@andys3035 Like this priest...Yeah you keep following your priest blindly.
@andys3035 Год назад
@@freedomfighter7608 send me the timestamp of him saying those exact words "the gift of tongues is from the devil". Thanks
@freedomfighter7608 Год назад
@@andys3035 Dude look at the cover-logo-picture of this video, do you see the snake? i'm not going to do all the work for you, search and you should find...pray/wait and GOD will show you the TRUTH.
@Revdscott 6 лет назад
@shirleygoss1988 5 лет назад
Revdscott: Are you addressing Abouna, to criticize what he is saying? I hope not, as I heard him say nothing amiss. I looked into the modern tongues movement in 88, 89, and could not believe it as Truth. Furthermore, it was not from an Orthodox perspective either.
@joshkeravuori1 4 года назад
Please give evidence of your statement. Abuna here has made everything clear and backed it with scripture, facts, history, and Church history.
@JoeTorbay 2 года назад
His interpretation of 1 cor 14:2 is purely carnal and very misleading. He should leave it alone. He gets lost at the end and contradicts himself badly. Doesn’t know what he is talking about. Blind guide.
@ntlearning 11 месяцев назад
@@shirleygoss1988 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nQjcmQ-KXk0.html
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