
Sunday or Saturday? The Shocking Truth About Sabbath Worship in SDA and Early Christianity! 

Asuni’s Desk
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Welcome to Asuni's Desk! In this video, we delve into some key aspects of Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) beliefs and practices. We'll explore the significance of the Sabbath and the debate on worshiping on Sunday versus Saturday. Additionally, we'll take a look at the practices of the early Church to understand how these traditions evolved over time. Join us for a comprehensive analysis of these important topics within SDA apologetics!
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4 - EGW www.sabbaths.org/white.html
5 - Ex.Adventist Resources www.exadventist.com
6 Dangers of Adventism www.nonsda.org/study12.shtml
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9 www.truthorfables.com/EGW_Cont...
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23 июн 2024




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@gelubalaban9637 6 дней назад
did the catholic church changed the Sabbath? ask them, they will tell you
@ReadingJayde 7 дней назад
"For example, nowhere in the Bible do we find that Christ or the Apostles ordered that the Sabbath be changed from Saturday to Sunday. We have the commandment of God given to Moses to keep holy the Sabbath day, that is the 7th day of the week, Saturday. Today most Christians keep Sunday because it has been revealed to us by the[Roman Catholic] church outside the Bible." Catholic Virginian Oct. 3, 1947, p. 9, art. "To Tell You the Truth."
@asunibobb 7 дней назад
Thank you for your comment. It's true that there is no explicit command in the New Testament that changes the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. However, the shift from Sabbath observance to gathering on Sunday is rooted in the significance of Jesus’ resurrection, which occurred on the first day of the week. The New Testament records several key events that happened on Sunday, such as Jesus appearing to His disciples (John 20:19) and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost (Acts 2:1), which occurred on a Sunday. Additionally, early Christians are noted to have gathered on the first day of the week for breaking bread and worship (Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2). The observance of Sunday as a day of worship is seen as a commemoration of Jesus’ resurrection and the new creation it signifies, rather than a direct continuation of the Jewish Sabbath. While the Catholic Church played a significant role in formalizing Sunday worship, the practice itself is supported by biblical principles and the example of the early church. Therefore, Protestants view Sunday worship not as a contradiction of Scripture but as a fulfillment of the new covenant in Christ, who provides rest for our souls every day. The shift from Sabbath to Sunday reflects a deeper theological transition from the old covenant, centered on the law, to the new covenant, centered on grace and the resurrection of Jesus. PS: There's also no explicit command to go to Church on Saturday
@ReadingJayde 6 дней назад
@@asunibobb However, the shift from Sabbath observance to gathering on Sunday is rooted in the significance of Jesus’ resurrection, which occurred on the first day of the week. Is this the basis of your shift? even Jesus when He was resurrected NEVER instructed a shift. The LAW of GOD is very clear about the 7th day Sabbath. It is rooted from the foundation doctrine of creation week. The 7th day Sabbath was made in the 7th day of the week. For humanity that was created in the 6th day. Mark 2:27
@Robin-wm3hv 6 дней назад
​@asunibobb Jesus rested in his tomb on the Sabbath..Saturday..and Rose first day..Go ahead and break the Commandments..We all have a Choice..
@19818456 3 дня назад
But the Sunday observance began before the Catholic Church, even in the first century 😂
@Robin-wm3hv 3 дня назад
@19818456 some may have but the Bible did not say it was changed..only Constantine had it done in 327 AD..
@elijahrodgers416 6 дней назад
“For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty”? (James 2:10-12) Why would Christ come and die and pay the penalty of transgression if He would just abolish His law? A rejection of Gods moral law is a rejection of the perfect sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Jesus says, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21) Jesus tells them “I never knew you”. “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Read Matthew 15:3-9) “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty”? (James 2:10-12) For further study READ: Matthew 5:17-19; Matthew 15:3-6; Mark 7:6-9; Mark 2:27,28; Matthew 19:17-22; Luke 16:7; Mark 10:19-21; John 14:15; Romans 3:31; Romans 7:12; 1 Corinthians 7:19; Romans 7:22-25; Romans 8:1-4; Revelation14:12: Revelation 22:14; James 2:11,12; 1 John 3:4; Roman 7:7; Roman 13:9,10; Genesis 2:1-3; Luke 23:54,56.
@terrygreenman1540 2 дня назад
Bible hopscotch much? I'll address James only. Adventists teach that this means that if a person keeps nine of the Ten Commandments, then they are really guilty of breaking all then, not just one. And they are correct, but once again, they have narrowed down the interpretation and missed the point. Worse than that, they are again assuming that they alone are to be commended for keeping all ten of the commandments. This is a sad state of affairs which causes them to pass judgment on others while believing that they themselves are without sin and worthy of salvation. I John 1:10 tells us that, "If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." Romans 3:10 says, "There is none righteous, no not one" and 3:23 says, "All have sinned..." No one should dare say that they have not broken at least one of the Ten Commandments. To make matters worse, the Ten is not nearly enough. Throughout James we are shown many other laws which, if we break, we are guilty of breaking the whole law. He starts by saying that if you are guilty of showing favoritism, then you are guilty of breaking the whole law, but which of the Ten does this violate? Then he lists several others which are not covered by the Ten. The point is that every one of us is guilty of breaking the whole law; and, whether Adventists will admit it or not, that includes them. Whole law = 613 Commandments which include the "10".
@charnelallan7159 19 часов назад
@charnelallan7159 19 часов назад
@erncrediblestories6259 6 дней назад
Which day is the Lord' Day? Many claim that Sunday, according to the Bible is the Lord' day. Is this true? As we read the Bible from cover to cover we see only one time when the phrase Lord's day is used by John the Revelator states; Revelation 1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet," You will notice that this verse does not say which day is the Lord's day. In order to determine which day is the Lord's day is, we must allow the Bible to interpret itself. The following are just 2 of many biblical verses that clearly identify which day is the Lord's day. Matthew 12:8 "For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day. " Here we see a direct statement of Jesus saying that He is the Lord of the Sabbath. It is His day. The next verse is even clearer; Isaiah 58:13-14 [13]If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: [14]Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. While considering these, and many other scriptures, there is no doubt that the holy day of the Lord is the 7th day-the Sabbath and not the first day Sunday. While we should worship God everyday of the week, the Bible clearly reveals that the Seventh Day Sabbath is holy that He has set apart and commanded us to keep holy. There is no evidence of a change anywhere in the Scripture. In fact a Bible teacher offered a 1 million dollars to anyone who can find a single verse proving that the day of worship has been changed from Saturday to Sunday. Needless to say, no one has ever collected on that prize. The very simple verse doesn't exist. Now I want to be very clear, there are many sincere Christians that worship on Sunday. They simply have not known any better. I don't judge their hearts anyway. However, God reveals the truth to us, it is essential that we make any necessary changes in order to obey Him. Please consider this; the Sabbath was announced from Mt. Sinai in thunder and smoke and written in stone. If God was to change the Sabbath to Sunday, wouldn't He make it clear in the Bible? He doesn't leave us in darkness to guess and try and figure out what He want us to do. He has writtwe His requirements for His children in Ten simple commands. If we follow these commands, we will find true happiness and peace. God says to prophet Isaiah Isaiah 48:18 "O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea: " God wants us to experience peace and happiness in our lives. God made us, so He knows what's best for us. He has given us His law to safeguard us and keep us happy. The Sabbat is part of that law. Along with the 9 commandments it is written in stone and will not change. I hope you will be a part of those commandment keeping people who will enter into the Holy city of heaven. Revelation 22:14 "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." And so my friend the choice is yours. Will you follow what the Bible teaches and honour the Seventh Day of the week. The day that God chose. John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
@qztip 6 дней назад
Plus, the Lord's day is one single specific day, the last day of human history and of this Earth. The Lord's day is the day that Jesus/Yahushua returns and wrath is poured out.
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
Which Day is The Lord's Day? The term "The Lord's Day" is used one time in the Bible: Rev 1:10 (NIV) On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet Sabbatarians twist the Bible by saying that "the Lord's Day" is the Sabbath because Jesus said, he was Lord of the Sabbath. Matt 12:8 (NIV) For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. Never is the Sabbath called "the Lord's Day" in the Scriptures. The Sabbath is always called (in the Greek) Sabbaton or in the Hebrew Shabbath. Strong's: G4521 σάββατον sabbaton sab'-bat-on Of Hebrew origin [H7676]; the Sabbath (that is, Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself). The quotations below show that the early Church Fathers met for worship on Sunday in the first century, long before the Roman Catholic Church was formed. These early church fathers were closest to the Apostles. The Apostles wanted to honor their Savior by having a day that Christ rose from the dead, set aside for worship. They were thrilled that Christ rose from the grave and that their salvation was assured. 1. The Didache [A.D. 70] "But every Lord's day . . . gather yourselves together and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure. But let no one that is at variance with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned" (Didache 14 [A.D. 70]). 2. The Letter of Barnabas [A.D. 74] "We keep the eighth day [Sunday] with joyfulness, the day also on which Jesus rose again from the dead" (Letter of Barnabas 15:6-8 [A.D. 74]). 3. Ignatius of Antioch" [A.D. 110] [T]hose who were brought up in the ancient order of things [i.e. Jews] have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observing the sabbath, but living in the observance of the Lord's day, on which also our life has sprung up again by him and by his death" (Letter to the Magnesians 8 [A.D. 110]). 4. Justin Martyr [A.D. 155] "[W]e too would observe the fleshly circumcision, and the sabbaths, and in short all the feasts, if we did not know for what reason they were enjoined [on] you--namely, on account of your transgressions and the hardness of your heart. . . . [H]ow is it, Trypho, that we would not observe those rites which do not harm us--I speak of fleshly circumcision and sabbaths and feasts? . . . God enjoined you to keep the sabbath, and impose on you other precepts for a sign, as I have already said, on account of your unrighteousness and that of your fathers" (Dialogue with Trypho the Jew 18, 21 [A.D. 155]). 5. Tertullian [A.D. 203] "[L]et him who contends that the sabbath is still to be observed as a balm of salvation, and circumcision on the eighth day . . . teach us that, for the time past, righteous men kept the sabbath or practiced circumcision, and were thus rendered 'friends of God.' For if circumcision purges a man, since God made Adam uncircumcised, why did he not circumcise him, even after his sinning, if circumcision purges? . . . Therefore, since God originated Adam uncircumcised and unobservant of the sabbath, consequently his offspring also, Abel, offering him sacrifices, uncircumcised and unobservant of the sabbath, was by him [God] commended [Gen. 4:1-7, Heb. 9:4]. . . . Noah also, uncircumcised--yes, and unobservant of the sabbath--God freed from the deluge. For Enoch too, most righteous man, uncircumcised and unobservant of the sabbath, he translated from this world, who did not first taste death in order that, being a candidate for eternal life, he might show us that we also may, without the burden of the law of Moses, please God" (An Answer to the Jews 2 [A.D. 203]).
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
6. The Didascalia [A.D. 225] "The apostles further appointed: On the first day of the week let there be service, and the reading of the Holy Scriptures, and the oblation, because on the first day of the week our Lord rose from the place of the dead, and on the first day of the week he arose upon the world, and on the first day of the week he ascended up to heaven, and on the first day of the week he will appear at last with the angels of heaven" (Didascalia 2 [A.D. 225]). 7. Origen [A.D. 229] "Hence it is not possible that the [day of] rest after the sabbath should have come into existence from the seventh [day] of our God. On the contrary, it is our Savior who, after the pattern of his own rest, caused us to be made in the likeness of his death, and hence also of his resurrection" (Commentary on John 2:28 [A.D. 229]). 8. Victorinus [A.D. 300] "The sixth day [Friday] is called parasceve, that is to say, the preparation of the kingdom. . . . On this day also, on account of the passion of the Lord Jesus Christ, we make either a station to God or a fast. On the seventh day he rested from all his works, and blessed it, and sanctified it. On the former day we are accustomed to fast rigorously, that on the Lord's day we may go forth to our bread with giving of thanks. And let the parasceve become a rigorous fast, lest we should appear to observe any sabbath with the Jews . . . which sabbath he [Christ] in his body abolished" (The Creation of the World [A.D. 300]).] 9. Eusebius of Caesarea [A.D. 312] "They [the early saints of the Old Testament] did not care about circumcision of the body, neither do we [Christians]. They did not care about observing sabbaths, nor do we. They did not avoid certain kinds of food, neither did they regard the other distinctions which Moses first delivered to their posterity to be observed as symbols; nor do Christians of the present day do such things" (Church History 1:4:8 [A.D. 312]). 10. Eusebius of Caesarea [A.D. 319] "[T]he day of his [Christ's] light . . . was the day of his resurrection from the dead, which they say, as being the one and only truly holy day and the Lord's day, is better than any number of days as we ordinarily understand them, and better than the days set apart by the Mosaic Law for feasts, new moons, and sabbaths, which the Apostle [Paul] teaches are the shadow of days and not days in reality" (Proof of the Gospel 4:16:186 [A.D. 319]). 11. Athanasius [A.D. 345] "The sabbath was the end of the first creation, the Lord's day was the beginning of the second, in which he renewed and restored the old in the same way as he prescribed that they should formerly observe the sabbath as a memorial of the end of the first things, so we honor the Lord's day as being the memorial of the new creation" (On Sabbath and Circumcision 3 [A.D. 345]). 12. Cyril of Jerusalem [A.D. 350] "Fall not away either into the sect of the Samaritans or into Judaism, for Jesus Christ has henceforth ransomed you. Stand aloof from all observance of sabbaths and from calling any indifferent meats common or unclean" (Catechetical Lectures 4:37 [A.D. 350]). 13. Council of Laodicea [A.D. 360] "Christians should not Judaize and should not be idle on the sabbath, but should work on that day; they should, however, particularly reverence the Lord's day and, if possible, not work on it, because they were Christians" (canon 29 [A.D. 360]). 14. John Chrysostom [A.D. 387] "[W]hen he said, 'You shall not kill' . . . he did not add, 'because murder is a wicked thing.' The reason was that conscience had taught this before hand, and he speaks thus, as to those who know and understand the point. Wherefore when he speaks to us of another commandment, not known to us by the dictate of conscience, he not only prohibits, but adds the reason. When, for instance, he gave commandment concerning the sabbath--'On the seventh day you shall do no work'--he subjoined also the reason for this cessation. What was this? 'Because on the seventh day God rested from all his works which he had begun to make' [Ex. 20:10]. And again: 'Because you were a servant in the land of Egypt' [Deut. 21:18]. For what purpose then, I ask, did he add a reason respecting the sabbath, but did no such thing in regard to murder? Because this commandment was not one of the leading ones. It was not one of those which were accurately defined of our conscience, but a kind of partial and temporary one, and for this reason it was abolished afterward. But those which are necessary and uphold our life are the following: 'You shall not kill . . . You shall not commit adultery . . . You shall not steal.' On this account he adds no reason in this case, nor enters into any instruction on the matter, but is content with the bare prohibition" (Homilies on the Statues 12:9 [A.D. 387]). 15. John Chrysostom [A.D. 395] "You have put on Christ, you have become a member of the Lord and been enrolled in the heavenly city, and you still grovel in the Law [of Moses]? How is it possible for you to obtain the kingdom? Listen to Paul's words, that the observance of the Law overthrows the gospel, and learn, if you will, how this comes to pass, and tremble, and shun this pitfall. Why do you keep the sabbath and fast with the Jews?" (Homilies on Galatians 2:17 [A.D. 395]). 16. The Apostolic Constitutions [A.D. 400] "And on the day of our Lord's resurrection, which is the Lord's day, meet more diligently, sending praise to God that made the universe by Jesus, and sent him to us, and condescended to let him suffer, and raised him from the dead. Otherwise what apology will he make to God who does not assemble on that day . . . in which is performed the reading of the prophets, the preaching of the gospel, the oblation of the sacrifice, the gift of the holy food" (Apostolic Constitutions 2:7:60 [A.D. 400]). 17. John Chrysostom [A.D. 402] "The rite of circumcision was venerable in the Jews' account, forasmuch as the Law itself gave way thereto, and the sabbath was less esteemed than circumcision. For that circumcision might be performed, the sabbath was broken; but that the sabbath might be kept, circumcision was never broken; and mark, I pray, the dispensation of God. This is found to be even more solemn that the s abbath, as not being omitted at certain times. When then it is done away, much more is the sabbath" (Homilies on Philippians 10 [A.D. 402]). 18. Augustine [A.D. 412] "Well, now, I should like to be told what there is in these Ten Commandments, except the observance of the sabbath, which ought not to be kept by a Christian . . . Which of these commandments would anyone say that the Christian ought not to keep? It is possible to contend that it is not the Law which was written on those two tables that the apostle [Paul] describes as 'the letter that kills' [2 Cor. 3:6], but the law of circumcision and the other sacred rites which are now abolished" (The Spirit and the Letter 24 [A.D. 412]). Conclusions * There is no Biblical or historical support that the seventh-day Sabbath was changed to Sunday or that Sunday is a holy day, and that it was changed by the Pope of Rome or the Catholic Church.
 * Under the New Covenant there is no command to keep the Sabbath and there are no weekly holy days. The Sabbath was never designated as a "day of worship" for Israel but a day of rest.
 * Christians are to find their Sabbath rest in Christ daily and not in a weekly ritual. Hebrews 4. If a church or denomination chooses to select a day or days of the week for organized church meetings this is in harmony with the Bible.
@dinterest 6 дней назад
@@asunibobb So you are quoting people and not the bible. Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. None of the people you quoted created or died for you and none of them have a heaven to put you in. It is God that states and determines what his followers should do, not men. Gal. 1.8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree God told them not to eat of. That is called sin. As a result they died. God defines sin as "the transgression of the law." 1 John 3:4. The Law of God given by God Himself and written by God Himself with His own finger. The same law that says have not other gods, don't commit murder, says don't steal, or commit adultery or covet also says Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy, and identifies that day as the 7th day of the week. Jesus never said remember His resurrection by observing Sunday, but He did say Sabbath is His Day, He is Lord of the Sabbath. We cannot follow God by obeying what men say. Especially when what men say contradicts what God says. If a man is telling you to disobey God, for whatever reason. He is doing the say thing that Satan did through the serpent, when he told Eve to eat the fruit. Its God that says what we must do and not do. How we must live and not live. This isn't works salvation either. Your actions say who you believe in. If I have faith in God, my actions should show that. If I love God, my actions should show that. God is our Heavenly Father. We as His children are called to obey our Father. Jesus said it best. John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commandments." He said that. He told us what to do. Not Augustine, Oregan, so called "church fathers." When Jesus comes again, He not going to ask you if you did what the church fathers said. By the way you are judged by your works. Revelation 20:13 (KJV) And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Revelation 14:13 King James Version (KJV) And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. If we are to live for Jesus, we must obey Him, and help lead others to obey Him. Matthew 5:19 KJV Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said it.
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
@@dinterest I quoted the Early church fathers ago simply refute EGW’s lie that Sunday was not observed as a day of corporate worship in the early church. Under another comment I go into more scriptural detail on the topic.
@charnelallan7159 18 часов назад
I must congratulate u sir Powerful présentation ❤❤❤GOD BLESS UR MINISTRY
@asunibobb 17 часов назад
The God be the Glory! I appreciate your kindness 🙏🏽
@user-ri7gf4gp1j 3 дня назад
Gen 2:2,3 And on the Seventh Day God ended His work which he had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He has done. V3 The God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
@sunkissedb520 6 дней назад
Yes sir!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@richardtite8469 День назад
You either believe in God as creator or you don't. Christ died to save us, his creation, least we can do is remember that. Remembering the Sabbath won't save you, nor will abstaining from killing or stealing. But living the way way the Lord ordained is a good lifestyle.
@asunibobb 21 час назад
Amen! 🙏🏽
@sowingseeds7102 2 часа назад
Did God make a mistake by placing the 7th day Sabbath in His immutable 10 Commandments? Don’t you think that God knew when He wrote with His finger, “Remember the Sabbath day…” that man would forget and try to justify their forgetfulness by attacking the SDA church (and others) who remember. Satan has a counterfeit for everything God says and does, Sunday sacredness, the immortality of the soul, and the rapture are just some of his counterfeits. There is nowhere in the Bible where we are commanded to keep Sunday holy. It is a commandment of man and Jesus said, “…In vain they do worship me, Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:9)
@terrygreenman1540 7 дней назад
Hebrews 4 calls the seventh day of creation God's "My rest" that remained to be attained by a people who were already observing the sabbath. check out their own (SDA) commentary: "Certainly, in writing to Jews, the author of Hebrews would not consider it necessary to prove to them that Sabbathkeeping "remaineth." If the conclusion of the extended argument beginning with Heb 3:7 is that Sabbath keeping remains for the people of God, it would seem that the writer of Hebrews is guilty of a non-sequitur, for the conclusion does not follow logically from the argument. There would have been no point in so labored an effort to persuade the Jews to do what they were already doing -- observing the seventh- day Sabbath.... What relationship a protracted argument designed to prove that Sabbath observance remains an obligation to the Christian church might have to the declared theme of Heb. 3 and 4 -- the ministry of Christ as our great High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary -- is obscure indeed." Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary Page 423 It is sadly fun to prove SDA's wrong using their own published writings!
@asunibobb 7 дней назад
It truly is shocking that they are refuted not only by the scriptures but even by contradictions in their own publications.
@ajw9975 7 дней назад
Wow what a great find! I'm gonna have to keep this one in my back pocket! In Haraldo Camacho's testimony (at Answering Adventism), he seems to feel that there's actually many higher up in the SDA leadership that know exactly what Hebrews 3 and 4 actually means, but suppress it at all costs so that their messages fit the EGW worldview and to retain their jobs/positions within the organization.
@dinterest 6 дней назад
Which Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Commentary did you find this in? I'm looking it up and can't find it. There are 8 volumes of the SDA Bible Commentary, but you just gave a page number. I have not found that quotation in the commentary dealing with Hebrews 3 or Hebrews 4, so where did it come from?
@AubreyDuncan 6 дней назад
You are making a lot of erroneous claims regarding Seventh-day Adventists. Can you please give some specifics to your "they believe ".
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
they (SDA) falsely believe: 1) Their sins will ultimately be placed on Satan. 2)Jesus is Michael the Archangel. 3) On October 22, 1844, Jesus entered the second and last phase of His atoning work. 4)Investigative Judgment - the fate of all people will be decided based upon this event in the future. 5) The dead do not exist anymore - soul sleep. 6) The wicked are annihilated. 7) Ellen G. White, the “founder” of Seventh-day Adventism, was a messenger from God gifted with the spirit of prophecy. 8) There is a sanctuary in heaven where Jesus carries out his mediatorial work. 9) Worship must be done on Saturday (the Sabbath).
@19818456 3 дня назад
​​@@asunibobb I agree the seventh was set apart by God for worship and it was included in the decalogue, so there should be no question and argument about the Sabbath. It's up to individual's choice to reject or obey it!
@erncrediblestories6259 6 дней назад
Why don't you search in google the 28 fundamental beliefs of SDA. And ask them, about the commentaries because most people misinterpreted it also the writings of Mrs. White. People drawn out to their own conclusion. The seventh day is still binding and God will not change it.
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
Where in the New Testament are we COMMANDED to Keep the 7th Day Sabbath??? Chapter and verse please
@erncrediblestories6259 3 дня назад
@@asunibobb There are many verses in the New Testament that apostles and gentiles keep it. Luke 4:16 is one
@terrygreenman1540 2 дня назад
@@asunibobb The reason the Adventists are heretical is that they don't believe the atonement (between God and human) was complete at the cross. For Adventists, the atonement is STILL incomplete. For them the process of completion of the atonement BEGAN on October 22, 1844 and STILL isn't complete. Nor will it be complete, in their view, until God places our sins -- even Abraham's! -- on the head of Satan who is then led out into some kind of otherworldly wilderness to BEAR THE SINS OF THE SAVED! Heresy of heresies! This is, along with the mother of all heresies -- the Adventist denial of the full divinity of Christ -- is the reason why Adventism is not considered a fully Christian religion by non-Adventist theologians who are aware of what the SDA church really does teach. I'm very sorry about this situation. But the only thing I can do about it is to keep pointing it out to Adventists and former Adventists and perhaps never been Adventist or Hadventist, you know Those who have had it with Adventism. Many hold the RA (Recovering Adventist) degree.. I digress! This is a way to "re-functionalize dysfunctionalized Adventists" who are willing to look squarely at what Scripture is saying. Which is why I'm so grateful for people like you who are helping to point these heresies out to our Adventist and former Adventist friends plus never been Adventist or Tadventist, you know them that Dabble or toy with Adventism .
@charnelallan7159 19 часов назад
@charnelallan7159 19 часов назад
How so?
@DelaineRobinson 2 дня назад
Revelation 22:14 says Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city (that city is in heaven). This text is saying that which Adam and Eve lost man who has faith, love and is obedient to God is blessed if he do God's Commandments and will have right to the tree of life and the city in heaven. That's Bible not my words.
@asunibobb 2 дня назад
Amen, God’s Word is True. The problem is when people try to define e what those commandments are by porting in the teachings of EGW, and the Law. They also cherry pick what laws will be kept and what laws must be ignored. Very convenient…
@elishandagijimana7062 3 дня назад
One thing i love about Adventist is if the theory of the rest is correct, they will be saved still, but if they are right woe unto earth
@asunibobb 3 дня назад
Yep! They believe only Adventist will make it through their investigative judgement. They wouldn’t say that part publicly though 🤫
@elishandagijimana7062 2 дня назад
@@asunibobb what is investigative judgement? What is it all about ? And where is it derived from? And if it's not public,how do you know about it?
@asunibobb 2 дня назад
@@elishandagijimana7062 it’s a doctrine taught by the SDA church that they received from their prophets EGW. They believe Jesus is in a sanctuary in Heaven and on judgment day He will investigate our lives to see if we were aimlessly perfect. If not, we will not make paradise our home, and will be lost.
@elishandagijimana7062 2 дня назад
@@asunibobb can you downplay it using the bible ?
@asunibobb 2 дня назад
@@elishandagijimana7062 Does the Investigative Judgment change the Gospel? Yes. The good news of the Gospel is that a person can have complete forgiveness for their sins, apart from anything they do, by their faith and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ. This faith reconciles them to God (Romans 5:9-11) resulting in a present peace that the Believers has with God (Romans 5:1). They are transferred from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light (Colossians 1:13-14) by being adopted into God’s family (Ephesians 1:5, Galatians 4:5-7, John 1:12). It’s by being “in Christ” that we can say there is therefore now no condemnation (Romans 8:1) and that we have peace with God (Romans 5:1). We are perfectly secure and righteous in Jesus, despite our shortcomings, struggles, and war with our sin. Believers have eternal life right now (John 4:24; 1 John 5:13) and all of our sins have been forgiven (Colossians 2:13). Furthermore, the Bible teaches that Jesus put sin away at the cross (Hebrews 9:26) and He isn’t dealing with sin anymore. He is ruling and reigning from Heaven as all of His enemies are being made His footstool (Hebrews 10:13, 1 Corinthians 15:25, Psalm 110:1). The Investigative Judgment distorts this by saying your sins are still being dealt with in Heaven by Jesus who is investigating to see who is and isn’t worthy of receiving the benefits of His atoning sacrifice. Despite the Bible saying there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1), this doctrine holds that lots of things can still condemn you, especially the Law. For it’s the Law that will condemn all of those in this judgment that aren’t found spotless. Despite the cleverly devised wording and rewording of this teaching over the decades, it fundamentally teaches that one’s behavior and performance are the ultimate determiner of one’s salvation-not faith in the finished work of Jesus and Him alone. It doesn’t just teach obedience is a fruit of having been saved, but that perfect obedience is a must in order to eventually be saved. answeringadventism.com/does-the-investigative-judgment-change-the-gospel/
@compassion6452 4 дня назад
"The Sabbath was binding in Eden, and it has been in force ever since. This fourth commandment begins with the word 'remember,' showing that the Sabbath already existed when God wrote the law on the tables of stone at Sinai. How can men claim that this one commandment has been done away with when they will admit that the other nine are still binding?" "I honestly believe that this commandment [the fourth, or Sabbath commandment] is just as binding today as it ever was. I have talked with men who have said that it has been abrogated, but they have never been able to point to any place in the Bible where God repealed it. When Christ was on earth, He did nothing to set it aside; He freed it from the traces under which the scribes and Pharisees had put it, and gave it its true place. 'The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath.' It is just as practicable and as necessary for men today as it ever was-in fact, more than ever, because we live in such an intense age." -D.L. MOODY, Weighed and Wanting, page 47; 46.
@asunibobb 4 дня назад
The form of the sabbath has changed. It’s no longer 1 day. It’s Every day! It’s no longer in our homes, but it’s in Christ! 👍🏽
@compassion6452 4 дня назад
Chapter and verse, please. That is impossible. For the command is to work 6 days and rest on the seventh day, which most call Saturday.
@terrygreenman1540 2 дня назад
@@compassion6452 Do you keep the commandment #24 of Torah? Do you stay home that day all day and rest? Or do you violate the command and leave your property, to go to church, shopping, dining, going on hikes in the mountains? have you ever read Exodus 16:29? "Bear in mind that the LORD has given you the Sabbath; that is why on the sixth day he gives you bread for two days. Everyone is to stay where he is on the seventh day; no one is to go out." And if so, what do you make of it? My take is this! Back to Exodus 16:5, "on the sixth day they are to prepare what they bring in, and that is to be twice as much as they gather on the other days". In other words, to provide for, so after church you don't have to stop by Micky D's for a burger and a coke. What else???? 😂😂
@charnelallan7159 19 часов назад
@charnelallan7159 19 часов назад
​@@compassion6452hebrews 4
@compassion6452 7 дней назад
Why did God say, "Remember", if we are to forget about it and more than that replace it. I offer $1,000 to anyone who can show me from the Holy Bible that we are not commanded to keep the Seventh-day Sabbath and instead keep Sunday or the first day of the week.
@asunibobb 7 дней назад
It is true that God commanded the Israelites to "remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy" (Exodus 20:8) as part of the Ten Commandments. This command was given to the Israelites under the old covenant, which was a shadow of things to come, as described in the New Testament. The New Testament does not explicitly command Christians to observe Sunday as the Sabbath. However, it does indicate a significant shift in the understanding and observance of the Sabbath in light of Jesus' resurrection. Jesus declared, "The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath" (Mark 2:28), suggesting that He has authority over the Sabbath. The apostle Paul addresses the matter in Colossians 2:16-17: "Therefore let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ." This passage indicates that the Sabbath, along with other ceremonial laws, was a shadow pointing to Christ, who is the reality. In Him, we find true rest (Matthew 11:28-30). The early Christians, as recorded in the New Testament, gathered on the first day of the week, Sunday, to break bread and worship (Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2). This practice was not a direct replacement of the Sabbath but a commemoration of Jesus' resurrection, which occurred on the first day of the week (John 20:1). While the Bible does not explicitly command Christians to replace the seventh-day Sabbath with Sunday, it does show that the early church recognized the first day of the week as significant for Christian worship.
@ajw9975 7 дней назад
@@asunibobb That's the problem with sabbatarians I find (which includes most SDAs and my own mother). They have enormous difficulty in differentiating a day of worship/gathering vs. the 7th day sabbath. By God's glory, our church (worshipping on a Sunday) openly acknowledges the historical significance of the seventh day Sabbath as the Jews and few other denominations today continue to observe it (Jewish/Gregorian calendar notwithstanding), even so far as to encourage a sabbath day of your own (for your own personal benefit), while also acknowledging that we are free to keep the sabbath day (or any day as your sabbath) or none at all according to Paul as new covenant believers. But at the same time emphasizing that keeping it will not improve your standing with God or result in your salvation. Reply
@compassion6452 7 дней назад
Brother, Paul said in Romans 7 that the commandment is holy, just and good holy and good. The only part of the law that uses the word holy is the fourth commandment and that is also the longest commandment. The Lord God Who is holy made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the fountains of water. If we're going to be holy people who do not take His name in vain, we need to follow the day He has set aside as holy. It makes sense. Angels cry holy holy holy before the throne of God. Lord spoke to Job in chapter 38 asking where were you when the morning stars who sang together and sons of God about for joy at the creation of the world. God is Holy and he set one day as the memorial that he is Lord of Lord and King of Kings and those who are faithful those who seek to follow him or follow his true day in His way. No other day has ever been set aside as holy and good then His 7th day.
@compassion6452 7 дней назад
Other days have been said to be good even very good but never holy except the seventh day Sabbath. May go against the traditions and the regular ideas of the majority but with God one is always in the majority. With God no matter what the masses may say or the churches may declare, the question is what does God say? with the churches what is God's. He's calling me He's calling you have true Liberty. It is the holy royal law of libery. ointing to holy God he set aside a holy day to be kept in His own holy way and he says from this standpoint these are the credentials I'm giving as not only the delivery from slavery in Egypt but as the Creator of the universe I Am giving My law to be kept. It is the reintroduction of My character to the human race. I'm calling you to remember what has been forgotten. Pharaoh tried to get you to forget My law and he said to Moses, you were causing the people to rest (Sabbath) in the Hebrew. This has always been a contention. Now over the many centuries churches have also joined in a misunderstanding in regard to God's true and holy day. God's people have always been identified as following Him in His way not in the world's way. Therefore pointing directly to the creation account where on each day from the 1st day to the 6th day God said good at the end of each day and creating man and woman He said, "Very good." And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. - Genesis 2:2, 3 To sanctify something means to set apart as holy therefore the fourth commandment points it out clearly that God made it for us to keep it holy to recognize it as holy it is the longest commandment of all the 10 and the very one the many say it doesn't really matter. If that is so, Jesus would not say I am the Lord of this day and since He is Lord we are called to follow in His steps.
@compassion6452 7 дней назад
​@@asunibobbThere is no example in all the Scripture of any day being kept holy, ceasing from all work except the seventh day Sabbath. The shadows sabbaths or ceremonial sabbaths the people were called to not do any servile work. The Lord didn't say cease from all work on those are shadow sabbaths. The ceremonial sabbaths came to an end when the veil of the Temple ripped in twain when Jesus said it is finished. Therefore the earthly sanctuary had no more bearing in the plan of salvation. Everything now in regard to Christ's ministry here on earth had now been fulfilled, particularly when He rose at the same time rose from the data the same time of the wave sheaf offering. Christ is even now interceding for us in the heavenly sanctuary as Hebrews clearly points out and Isaiah 53:12 says, He would make intercession for us. But, on the seventh day He said aside as holy, sanctified and blessed so in the commandments only part of the commandment that emphasize holy is the fourth commandment and it's also points back to the goodness of the creation account. Each day God said good good good good good very good but of the seventh day he called holy so Paul picks up on that and says the commandment the law of God I see the law of God is Holy just and good he's emphasizing the heart of God's law the fourth commandment and then goes out and it's good point out creation was good and just God's dealings with us are always just the second command points out the mercy of God. Showing mercy those who love him and keep his commandments. How do you keep his commandments? By not taking His name in vain. How do we not take his name in vain? by following the day that he is named after Himself as holy and from that standpoint we're then empowered by the faith of Jesus. at a demonstrated in his life here on Earth and on the cross when he said it is finished father into the hands looking at my spirit presenting committing himself on to the father as a faithful Creator we can by that same faith love God supremely and love others as He has loved us. When it comes to the sabbaths spoken of in Colossians that was pointed out at the shadow of things to come but the substance the body is Christ. We recognize that it could not be pointing to the Seventh-Day Sabbath for The Seventh-Day Sabbath had nothing to do with pointing to the cross for it was instituted at creation had it was not pointing to salvation's account. It points back to the creation account. Throughout the Book of Acts the fourth commandment is demonstrated more in detail than any other commandments because it's distinguished the true followers of God than those who were following the gods of this world they're following the Lord who made the heavens the Earth and this entire universe even in their prayer in Acts chapter 4 - 23 And being let go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. 24 And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord, and said, Lord, you are God, which have made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is: 25 Who by the mouth of your servant David have said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things? 26 The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ. 27 For of a truth against your holy child Jesus, whom you have anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together, 28 For to do whatever your hand and your counsel determined before to be done. 29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant to your servants, that with all boldness they may speak your word, 30 By stretching forth your hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of your holy child Jesus. - Acts 4:23-30 This is a direct quote from Exodus 20:11 pointing to who God is as a Creator Lord and Sovereign. He alone is Savior. Only the Creator could bring salvation only and He through whom all things are created, Jesus Himself the Holy One of Israel Who has called us to keep His day couldn't bring salvation in through faith in His name. There is never an account at all the scripture of any of the followers of the Lord keeping a Sunday for Resurrection purposes or for worship purposes or any day than the seventh day Sabbath to follow God. meeting on a day breaking bread together and for Bible study is not keeping it holy. The very next passage after Jesus spoke about, "Come unto Me all your labor and heavy laden and I will give you rest" the very next passage in Matthew 12, He points out that those who are resting in Him will know how to keep holy His day the right way and on the right day. The religious leaders at that time had the right day, but they're keeping it the wrong way. many people today are confused they're saying they're following Jesus but they're keeping the wrong day a day he never instituted to be kept. there's only two days He named in the Bible the preparation day (Friday or the day before the Sabbath) and the Sabbath. The preparation day points to the seventh day Sabbath. There's no confusion here. Colossians 2 is pointing to shadow or ceremonial sabbaths and the food and drink related to them. This could not have anything to do with being able to eat and drink anything one wants for Paul pointed out to Timothy that if the food or drink item is set aside by the word of God and prayer it is appropriate to eat. This means God's word has already specified this is appropriate for the building up of the body, the mind, and character and prayer meaning thanks is given for it for the provision God has made. When Jesus feed the 5,000 plus and also the 4,000 plus He had the food was in His hands, and even though He made the food as Creator yes He gave thanks to the Father, as our example, for the food that was given. Jesus said the Sabbath is a gift to humanity. The Sabbath blessing can never come on any other day then the seventh day of the week which most people call Saturday. So if one seeks to forget it and keep another day the blessing is missed. The fact remains this cannot be of God if it is being said to miss out on the blessing that only God can give in the day He is sanctified to be kept from the beginning of creation and throughout all history. We see throughout history that actually the first day of the week has its origins only within paganism very clearly in the veneration of the Sun and has nothing to do with following the Creator. It really points to following created things and not following the true and living God. So, God is calling us to follow His day in His way. Finding rest in Him means to obey His word. In His word He never spoke of any other day as holy, but the seventh day Sabbath. The Bible only speaks of one day of rest in the week - the seventh day Sabbath which most people call Saturday. Finding rest in him is shown in keeping his true day holy and not in the other day. He called for 6 days of labor - the 1st day through 6th day just as He did at the creation and to rest on the seventh day the last day of the week, which most call Saturday. Only a holy people can keep holy His holy day. Put for the effort, labor to enter into My rest by exercising faith in My word. Hide My word in your heart. Abide in My word that you will not sin against Me We are called exercise our faith muscles by trusting by resting in His righteousness.He wants to fulfill in us His holy royal law of liberty by in writing it upon our hearts. That can only be made real if we are abiding in His word and allow His word to abide in us. We want the blessing of the Holy Spirit of the promise in our lives and not to grieve the Spirit of God. We grieve the Holy Spirit when we don't go by what He has said to do. He has called us to cease from our own labor on the day He has set aside as holy. He has commanded for work to be done work every day Sunday through Frida, but cease for all work on the day most call Saturday. Because he has called us to do that there's nowhere in the Bible that says any thing other than that. By not done it on the day and in the way that He has specified a whole 24 hour blessing is lost. If we want to find rest in Jesus we need to rest with Him on his the only day that He has called His own as holy He didn't say My day of love or My day of grace. No, He said my holy day the same attribute which the angels declare before His throne holy holy holy the same name we give to His own Book the Holy Bible. Even in His death Jesus kept the Sabbath. John said it was an high Sabbath. That's because the ceremonial sabbath and the Seventh-day Sabbath met on the same day that year. So, it was a high Sabbath that particular time.
@jesusfloresjr6904 6 дней назад
We will pray for you that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes before is to late.
@charnelallan7159 19 часов назад
ITS u WHO NEED to asked the HOLY SPIRIT for GUIDANCE. Since when anything created is ETERNAL?
@NoSundayLawComing 2 дня назад
I just asked an A.I. help source this question: *Would a Sunday law ever be implemented in Saudi Arabia?* Answer: _"Based on the available information, _*_it is UNLIKELY that Saudi Arabia would implement a Sunday law_*_ . Saudi Arabia follows a different weekend schedule, with Friday and Saturday designated as the weekend days for the country...Saudi Arabia is an Islamic absolute monarchy, and its legal system is based on Sharia law. The country's laws and regulations are influenced by Islamic principles and teachings...the implementation of a Sunday law, which is more closely associated with Christian traditions, is not anticipated...However, based on the available information, _*_there is NO INDICATION that Saudi Arabia would implement a Sunday law"_* . Attention Adventists. Please consider that many major and *entirely unlikely changes* that would have to be made in Islam alone to ever tolerate something like a universal Sunday law in all Islamic lands. This problem is magnified when we consider all the rest of the world religions as well as communism and atheism. Many things would have to change in the world for a Sunday law to ever come about. In reality, with Christianity waning in many parts of the world, the notion of a Sunday law just keeps getting dimmer and dimmer. So if you are looking for a soon coming Sunday law, you are living in a fantasy world. Please think rationally about this matter.
@asunibobb 2 дня назад
A fantasy land indeed. 😢
@NoSundayLawComing День назад
@@asunibobb Liked "Fantasy Land Indeed". Honestly, I am surprised that almost all Seventh-day Adventists never give this subject any real thought. Blind acceptance.
@compassion6452 4 дня назад
"There was and is a command to keep holy the Sabbath day, but that Sabbath day was not Sunday. It will however be readily said, and with some show of triumph, that the Sabbath was transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week, with all its duties, privileges and sanctions. Earnestly desiring information on this subject, which I have studied for many years, I ask, where can the record of such a transaction be found: Not in the New Testament - absolutely not. There is no scriptural evidence of the change of the Sabbath institution from the seventh to the first day of the week." -Dr. E. T. Hiscox, author of the ‘Baptist Manual’.
@charnelallan7159 19 часов назад
@charnelallan7159 19 часов назад
While Christ walk the earth did hé once preached about SABBATH KEEPING ? JUST ONE TEXT. DONT RUNNN
@Pkonreaction 6 дней назад
Revelation 21:23, it’s not talking about new earth. It’s referring to new heaven. Notice the previous verse 22 said “ I saw no temple therein”. We gonna enter heaven on the 7th day. and from new moon to new moon and new sabbath to new sabbath had already came to pass. In that one day or 1000yrs , that’s why we don’t need moon or star bc Jesus and the father is the light!
@charnelallan7159 18 часов назад
WHO told u we gonna enter heaven on the 7th Day? I know GREAT CONTROVERSY. ELLEN G WHITE FABLES😮
@Pkonreaction 8 часов назад
@@charnelallan7159 did God wrote the Bible or Ellen white wrote?
@charnelallan7159 7 часов назад
Where is we gonna enter heaven on 7th day? SCRIPTURES plz​@@Pkonreaction
@Pkonreaction 5 часов назад
@@charnelallan7159 a thousand year is a day according to the Lord. 2 peter 3:8 and those who received the book of life will be with the Lord for 1000 yrs, revelation 20:4. Why do you think Jesus only heal the sicks, cast demons, feed his disciples, and took them mountain on the 7th day or the sabbath while transformed himself to jame, john and Peter as God? Why is showing us or foreshadowing that on the sabbath there’s no more hunger, pains, death, tears and life being resurrected? According to revelations 21:4, while he was on earth, on the sabbath , he fulfilled these thing! Where does the Bible also said we will NEVER keep the sabbath or never enter sabbath in heaven? *make sure to use the Bible and back up your claim and prove to me Ellen white wrote the Bible* God word: (Transformation on sabbath) Matthew 17:1 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, 2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. ( Heal sick on sabbath) Mark 3:21, 25-26 21 And they went into Capernaum; and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue, and taught. 25 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. 26 And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him. (Feed disciple on sabbath ) Mark 2:23 23 And it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn. ( 1000 yr is a day to the Lord) 2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (Spending a 1000 yrs with the Lord) Revelation 20: 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (Jesus foreshadow heaven on the sabbath while on earth) Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
@Pkonreaction 4 часа назад
@@charnelallan7159 a thousand year is a day according to the Lord. 2 peter 3:8 and those who received the book of life will be with the Lord for 1000 yrs, revelation 20:4. Why do you think Jesus only heal the sicks, cast demons, feed his disciples, and took them mountain on the 7th day or the sabbath while transformed himself to jame, john and Peter as God? Why is showing us or foreshadowing that on the sabbath there’s no more hunger, pains, death, tears and life being resurrected? According to revelations 21:4, while he was on earth, on the sabbath , he fulfilled these thing? Where does the Bible also said we will NEVER keep the sabbath in heaven? *make sure to use the Bible and back up your claim and prove to me Ellen white wrote the Bible* God word: (Transformation on sabbath) Matthew 17:1 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, 2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. ( Heal sick on sabbath) Mark 3:21, 25-26 21 And they went into Capernaum; and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue, and taught. 25 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. 26 And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him. (Feed disciple on sabbath ) Mark 2:23 23 And it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn. ( 1000 yr is a day to the Lord) 2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (Spending a 1000 yrs with the Lord) Revelation 20: 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (Jesus foreshadow heaven on the sabbath while on earth) Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
@NaomiBobb718 7 дней назад
Part Two!!! This is Solid!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
@Pkonreaction 6 дней назад
The Holy Spirit doing the sealing, but what is the seal that Jesus or spirit putting in us?
@charnelallan7159 19 часов назад
Can Jesus put the Sabbath in u? R muslims, judaïsme and OTHER religions section WHO adhère to Sabbath keeping get the adventism seul of God Sabbath by défaut? God open the EYES of SDA'S
@Pkonreaction 5 часов назад
@@charnelallan7159 what’s the spirit, Jesus or the Holy Ghost put in us? It’s a simple question.
@charnelallan7159 5 часов назад
The HOLY spirit
@Pkonreaction 5 часов назад
@@charnelallan7159 I don’t think you got the question. Holy Spirit will give us the spirit. My question to you was, what is that spirit, that the Holy spirit or the Holy Ghost gave us or put in us?
@charnelallan7159 4 часа назад
@@Pkonreaction wisdom piété, fortitude counsel, understanding, discernement, knowledge
@TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx 6 дней назад
Acts 15 If one reads the entire chapter verse by verse, starting at verse 1, you would see that all the apostles and bishops of the church condemn the Judaizing of the Gentiles by the Jews. Every verse in Acts 15 is a condemnation of those who abuse Christ's name to preach Moses. *The Council of Laodicea in AD 347 which is nothing more than a reiteration of the decrees of Acts 15 by the Apostles themselves.* and the Anathema from the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Galatians who stupidly taught the same thing as the Adventists and the Armstrongs. Acts 15:22 *Then pleased it the (Jewish)* *apostles and elders, with the whole church* , to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren: 23 And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia: (Here, you want to keep a "commandment from God" try this one! It's THE commandment from God by the Holy Spirit to STOP TRYING TO MAKE GENTILE CHRISTIANS JEWISH OR BURN IN HELL!) 24 *Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment:* 25 It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, 26 Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, *who shall also tell you the same things by mouth.* Acts 15:28 *For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost (GOD ALMIGHTY) , and to us, to lay upon you NO greater burden than these necessary things; 29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well. • These are commandments from God Almighty to leave the Gentiles alone regarding any Jewish holyday, Sabbath, meat distinctions, tithing, or any other Jewish custom. • *20 YEARS LATER:* ACTS 21:25 *As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing*, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication. • Acts 21 is 20 years after the council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 and absolutely nothing had changed. There are NO sabbaths, no Jewish holy days, no Jewish New Moons, no Jewish tithing and leave the Gentile Christians ALONE! You won't find one scripture anywhere in the entire bible telling anyone to keep the Sabbath except those in the circumcised Jewish community, period. NOT one single verse. This whole entire Sabbath argument from the Adventist is purely and public display of their bible ignorance and arrogance. The Adventist are guilty of falsely speaking for God, making void the commandment from God to leave the Gentiles alone and creating, Jewish fable and traditions of men, not from God. And, deliberately putting a stumbling block in the way of being Christian. For them, it's all about a pretended Sabbath keeping to hide their own sins. The Sabbath is not required of Christians. *The Fruits of the Spirit are required and are by faith through the Grace of Jesus Christ are.* See Gal.5:17-22 As Gal.5:22 "Against such there is no law!" Period, The Adventist's just want to throw a stumbling block in your way, and they don't keep the Sabbath either. Satan rejoices when he uses a cult member to destroy the faith of a Christian and makes them Jewish. He loves it when people use Christ to preach Moses. That way both the preacher and his follower go to hell together for their heresy.
@LearnwithPGS143 7 дней назад
Keep exposing, brother... God Bless you.
@asunibobb 7 дней назад
Thanks for the support!
@asunibobb 5 дней назад
Crazy Quotes from Ellen G. White By Robert K. Sanders When I come across Ellen G. White's (EGW) crazy quotes doing research, I wonder how I ever believed this stuff-for 37 years. When I read them now I have a good laugh. I hope you see the humor in them also. 1) Excessive seeing is a sin: "Excessive indulgence in eating, drinking, sleeping, or SEEING, is sin." -Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 141, written in 1880. I guess EGW did not want her help "seeing" her excessive indulgence in eating meat, oysters, drinking wine, and stealing material for her books from uninspired authors. 2) Piano tuners deal with insanity: In many cases I have advised out-of-door work for piano tuners, telling them that unless they changed their business, they would have to deal with insanity. -Letter 104, 1901. I wonder how many piano tuners tried to tune pianos out-of-doors in the winter so they would not go insane? Really! Perhaps wearing gloves would help keep them from going insane! How many piano tuners have gone insane? 3) Having an upset stomach will make infidels: Deranged stomachs have made infidels. You can be a preacher of righteousness in this respect. The greatness of the work that may be accomplished in the lines of health reform has not been comprehended or appreciated. There is religion in the making of good bread. I hope you will consider these things, and realize that your work is of consequence. -Manuscript Releases, Volume Fourteen, page 342, paragraph 2. Would taking Pepto-Bismo after being gassed up eating SDA Veggie meat keep you from becoming infidels? And I always thought an infidel was a person that rejected Christ or was not a Christian-not caused by a deranged stomach. 4) Tea and coffee drinking loosens the tongue: When these tea and coffee users meet together for social entertainment, the effects of their pernicious habit are manifest. All partake freely of the favorite beverages, and as the stimulating influence is felt, their tongues are loosened, and they begin the wicked work of talking against others. -Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 423. SDAs must drink a lot of coffee and tea in secret. I remember some church members back-stabbing their fellow church members when they get together in their clicks. If you find this going on in your church, suggest that they lay off the coffee and tea! 5) Showing face and head are immodest: I was shown that the people of God should not imitate the fashions of the world... I was pointed back to God's ancient people, and was led to compare their apparel with the mode of dress in these last days. What a difference! What a change! Then the women were not so bold as now. WHEN THEY WENT IN PUBLIC, THEY COVERED THEIR FACES WITH A VAIL. In these last days, fashions are shameful and immodest...The small bonnets, exposing the face and head, show a lack of modesty...The inhabitants are growing more and more corrupt... -Testimonies, Volume 1, pp. 188; 189. EGW would have supported the Muslim women wearing veils and burquas. EGW sure did not have her faced covered, so she was a bare faced hypocrite. See her pictures that she claimed were idols. 6) Angels need a gold card to get in and out of heaven: There is perfect order and harmony in the Holy City. All the angels that are commissioned to visit the earth hold a golden card, which they present to the angels at the gates of the city as they pass in and out. -Early Writings (1882), page 39. (Do angels really need a gold ID card to get in and out of heaven? Can evil angels deceive the loyal angels to get into heaven? Why did God withhold this important piece of information from Christians for over 2000 years?) 7) Women should not allow wet-nurses to suckle their babies or the babies will take on the temper and temperament of the nurse. A stranger performs the duties of the mother and gives from her breast the food to sustain life. Nor is this all. She also imparts her temper and her temperament to the nursing child. The child's life is linked to hers. If the hireling is a coarse type of woman, passionate, and unreasonable; if she is not careful in her morals, the nursling will be, in all probability, of the same, or a similar type. The same coarse quality of blood, coursing in the veins of the hireling nurse, is in that of the child. -The Health Reformer, September 1, 1871, paragraph 7. Ellen claims that if the wet nurse is a course woman with low morals the baby will have the same nature. Really? This means when the milk is digested by the baby and turned into blood, the brain will recognize that the milk came from a woman of low morals and pass that nature to the baby. Let us ask this question, if the milk the baby drinks comes from a cow, does the baby have the morals and nature of a cow? Please be concerned if the baby starts mooing. The low morals that babies have are not from the food they eat, but being born with a carnal nature. A former SDA lady wrote me that her mother is a real EGW fanatic and nothing that she says to her mother will move her from believing in EGW. This lady drank a glass of milk and then mooed in her mother's ear which her mother did not find funny. At another time she whispered in her mother's ear that she had a need to go outdoors and eat some alfalfa and hay. Even humor sometimes does not help a person to admit they have been deceived. 8) What is the most worthless job angels have on planet Earth? Watching over the dust of Wm. Miller says EGW in one of her "I saw" moments! God suffered him to come under the power of Satan, and death to have dominion over him. He hid him in the grave, away from those who were constantly drawing him from God. Moses erred just as he was about to enter the promised land. So also, I saw that Wm. Miller erred as he was soon to enter the heavenly Canaan, in suffering his influence to go against the truth. Others led him to this. Others must account for it. But angels watch the precious dust of this servant of God, and he will come forth at the sound of the last trump. -Spiritual Gifts, Volume 1 (1858), page 168. William Miller’s membership in the Masonic Order has been a matter of public record, in print, since 1853. Miller died in 1849. In 1858, nine years after Miller's death EGW had one of her visions from God where she pronounced him coming forth in the resurrection. This is important because EGW made it clear those that belonged to the Masons would lose their souls. Why did God tell Ellen that Miller would be saved and then give her another vision that those belonging to Masons would lose their souls? Any rational person can see EGW never received visions from God. In 1853, Sylvester Bliss noted in his Memoirs of William Miller, pp. 21, 22: “It was here [Poultney, Vermont] that Miller became a member of the Masonic fraternity, in which his perseverance, if nothing else, was manifested; for he advanced to the highest degree which the lodges in the country, or in any in that region, could confer.” There is no doubt that Mrs. White took every opportunity to degrade men who became Freemasons. Read the words she wrote regarding Brother Faulkhead: “The Lord also revealed to me Brother Faulkhead's connection with the FreeMasons, and I plainly stated that unless he severed every tie that bound him to these associations he would lose his soul. -Selected Messages, Volume 3 p. 85: 1980 Ed. Now which is it, will Wm. Miller will be resurrected with the saints or he will lose his soul because he was a Mason? Where does the Bible tells us that angels watch over the dead or the dust of the dead? 9) In heaven there will be no color line; for all will be as white as Christ himself. I received an e-mail that brought this to my attention as follows: Thus, Adventists not only have to observe the Jewish food, sabbath, and tithing laws, but they must actually look like Jews as well in order to enter heaven and have the same skin color as Jesus had. How do I tell my sweet little, five-year old, African-American granddaughter that the color of her skin is unacceptable for heaven? EGW: "The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, Whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance." You are the children of God. He has adopted you, and He desires you to form characters here that will give you entrance into the heavenly family. Remembering this, you will be able to bear the trials which you meet here. In heaven there will be no color line; for all will be as white as Christ himself. Let us thank God that we can be members of the royal family. -The Gospel Herald, March 1, 1901, paragraph 20, Article Title: Trust in God. Is God really going to change the color of your skin if you are not white? I f you are not white what is your reaction to this? Do you really accept EGW as a lesser light leading you to the greater light and that she is another source of truth?
@umabrijmohun6720 6 дней назад
Brother you are spot on with your research on SDA heresies I am a former Adventist keep it coming
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
Much appreciated Brother! I’d love to hear more from you and your experiences as the series progresses 💪🏽
@19818456 3 дня назад
One thing every one should remember is that God does not save us by the day we worship Him but by His grace alone!
@asunibobb 3 дня назад
I completely agree 🙏🏽
@terrygreenman1540 7 дней назад
The argument about Sabbath and marriage is a straw-man device. Marriage was part of God creating mankind. It was part of His work of the sixth day. God's rest was not a creation ordinance. The seventh day was not part of creation. Adventists say there were seven days of creation, that God created or gave the Sabbath on the seventh day, but the Bible is clear that God's work ended and was complete after the sixth day. There was nothing left for God to create. Sabbath was NOT part of creation. Genesis 2:1-3 explain that by the seventh day God "had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." Adventists say God gave Sabbath on the seventh day of creation. But the Bible says creation was completed in six days-and marriage was part of God's creation of man. The seventh day was all about God's rest. For Adventists to say creation and Sabbath were the two creation ordinances is yet another example of their misuse of Scripture and their faulty hermeneutics. Sabbath was NOT a creation ordinance. Creation was ONLY six days. The seventh day-which had no morning or evening, by the way, was all about God totally resting. He didn't "make" Sabbath. He rested, and Adam and Eve were resting in Him. And by the way, the seventh day was Adam and Eve's second day.
@asunibobb 7 дней назад
Thank you very much my brother! Excellent points. The reason I said it was Adams first day was that it was the first full day of man. The beauty in that is that on God’s day of rest (that you rightfully said has never ended) man was in their 1st (full) day. What are your thoughts on that? Also, I truly enjoy your contributions, it’s very helpful 🙏🏽💪🏽
@compassion6452 7 дней назад
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shall you labor, and do all your work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD your God: in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates: 11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: why the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. - Exodus 20:8-11
@compassion6452 7 дней назад
The two institutions established in Eden are marriage/family and the Sabbath. The two have continued even outside of Eden. Both are pointed to in the fourth commandment. Parents are committed to call their sons and daughters together even their workers and even animals to recognize God as our heavenly Father. Indeed, it is a weekly Father's Day recognition of God as our heavenly Father and Creator.
@terrygreenman1540 6 дней назад
@@compassion6452 I wish I could agree with you but then we both would be wrong. WHAT ADVENTISM FALSELY TEACHES: The Sabbath is eternally binding upon men from creation. Seventh-day Adventism says the Sabbath was made for mankind in general and was given to Adam in the Garden of Eden. Sabbath-keeping, therefore, is a sign of loyalty to God, the Creator. God instituted the Sabbath in Eden; and so long as the fact that He is our Creator continues to be a reason why we should worship Him, so long the Sabbath will continue as its sign and memorial. ...The keeping of the Sabbath is a sign of loyalty to the true God. The Great Controversy, p. 386). The Sabbath was kept by Adam in his innocence in holy Eden; by Adam, fallen yet repentant, when he was driven from his happy estate. It was kept by all the patriarchs, from Abel to righteous Noah, to Abraham, to Jacob. GC p. 398. ----- WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES: 1. The seventh day, though mentioned in Gen. 2:2-3, We find no command to keep a Sabbath. The Sabbath was first mentioned in Exodus 16 and was not given to anyone until it was given to Israel in the wilderness (Ne. 9:13-14). 2. The sabbath was given, not to mankind in general, but to Israel alone as a special covenant sign between her and God (Ex. 31:13,17). 3. Ellen White added to Scripture in teaching that Adam and the patriarchs kept the sabbath. The Bible says absolutely nothing about this. In fact, it cannot be true. If the sabbath had been kept by mankind in general from the creation, it could not have been given as a special sign to Israel.
@terrygreenman1540 6 дней назад
@@compassion6452 "Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you." (KJV) Exodus 31:13 "Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant." Exodus 31:16 "And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God." Exodus 31:18 The sabbaths was given as the sign of the covenant given on mount Sinai. How could this sign be in function before the covenant was given? If God instituted the sabbath at creation, many people would have been observing the sabbath, and what sign would it then be, how could this sign separate those in the covenant with those out of the covenant?
@AdventDefenseLeague День назад
Lots of regurgitation from other critics. Same old arguments.
@asunibobb 23 часа назад
I feel honored that your eyes have graced my channel 🤯😂
@AdventDefenseLeague 23 часа назад
@@asunibobb you're welcome? lol
@charnelallan7159 18 часов назад
@charnelallan7159 18 часов назад
@charnelallan7159 17 часов назад
@bernadette6025 7 дней назад
You doth protest too much, me think....
@gelubalaban9637 6 дней назад
Lord's day? The 4th Commandment explains what the Lord's Day is . Also. Jesus said do not call no one father.... Christians go by the bible, Catholic church go by traditions, And? pagan practices...
@qztip 6 дней назад
Wrong. The Lord's day is the last day of Earth when God's wrath is poured out.
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
Which Day is The Lord's Day? The term "The Lord's Day" is used one time in the Bible: Rev 1:10 (NIV) On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet Sabbatarians twist the Bible by saying that "the Lord's Day" is the Sabbath because Jesus said, he was Lord of the Sabbath. Matt 12:8 (NIV) For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. Never is the Sabbath called "the Lord's Day" in the Scriptures. The Sabbath is always called (in the Greek) Sabbaton or in the Hebrew Shabbath. Strong's: G4521 σάββατον sabbaton sab'-bat-on Of Hebrew origin [H7676]; the Sabbath (that is, Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself). The quotations below show that the early Church Fathers met for worship on Sunday in the first century, long before the Roman Catholic Church was formed. These early church fathers were closest to the Apostles. The Apostles wanted to honor their Savior by having a day that Christ rose from the dead, set aside for worship. They were thrilled that Christ rose from the grave and that their salvation was assured. 1. The Didache [A.D. 70] "But every Lord's day . . . gather yourselves together and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure. But let no one that is at variance with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned" (Didache 14 [A.D. 70]). 2. The Letter of Barnabas [A.D. 74] "We keep the eighth day [Sunday] with joyfulness, the day also on which Jesus rose again from the dead" (Letter of Barnabas 15:6-8 [A.D. 74]). 3. Ignatius of Antioch" [A.D. 110] [T]hose who were brought up in the ancient order of things [i.e. Jews] have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observing the sabbath, but living in the observance of the Lord's day, on which also our life has sprung up again by him and by his death" (Letter to the Magnesians 8 [A.D. 110]). 4. Justin Martyr [A.D. 155] "[W]e too would observe the fleshly circumcision, and the sabbaths, and in short all the feasts, if we did not know for what reason they were enjoined [on] you--namely, on account of your transgressions and the hardness of your heart. . . . [H]ow is it, Trypho, that we would not observe those rites which do not harm us--I speak of fleshly circumcision and sabbaths and feasts? . . . God enjoined you to keep the sabbath, and impose on you other precepts for a sign, as I have already said, on account of your unrighteousness and that of your fathers" (Dialogue with Trypho the Jew 18, 21 [A.D. 155]). 5. Tertullian [A.D. 203] "[L]et him who contends that the sabbath is still to be observed as a balm of salvation, and circumcision on the eighth day . . . teach us that, for the time past, righteous men kept the sabbath or practiced circumcision, and were thus rendered 'friends of God.' For if circumcision purges a man, since God made Adam uncircumcised, why did he not circumcise him, even after his sinning, if circumcision purges? . . . Therefore, since God originated Adam uncircumcised and unobservant of the sabbath, consequently his offspring also, Abel, offering him sacrifices, uncircumcised and unobservant of the sabbath, was by him [God] commended [Gen. 4:1-7, Heb. 9:4]. . . . Noah also, uncircumcised--yes, and unobservant of the sabbath--God freed from the deluge. For Enoch too, most righteous man, uncircumcised and unobservant of the sabbath, he translated from this world, who did not first taste death in order that, being a candidate for eternal life, he might show us that we also may, without the burden of the law of Moses, please God" (An Answer to the Jews 2 [A.D. 203]).
@qztip 6 дней назад
@@asunibobb So you just gave a bunch of non bible sources implying sunday is the Lord's day, but Revelation (your one bible source) which shows that I am correct. The Lord's day, also called the Day of the Lord, is the day when God pours out his wrath.
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
@@qztip Mr. Christian of Answering Adventism does an excellent job dealing with your arguments in his article linked below. My points are the same 👍🏽 answeringadventism.com/does-the-bible-support-christians-worshiping-on-sunday/
@qztip 5 дней назад
@@asunibobb I am familiar with the channel. Well sir I suppose we’ve arrived at an impasse. I will depart peacefully.
@user-dt8rr3in1x 8 дней назад
JESUS IS OUR REST! Great Teaching! Thank you for this!
@asunibobb 8 дней назад
Thanks for listening 🙏🏽🔥
@AubreyDuncan 6 дней назад
Do you really believe that anyone, early church fathers or otherwise, can change God's law? Where in the Bible does God change His Sabbath-day from the 7th day of the week to the 1st?
@TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx 6 дней назад
Acts 15 If one reads the entire chapter verse by verse, starting at verse 1, you would see that all the apostles and bishops of the church condemn the Judaizing of the Gentiles by the Jews. Every verse in Acts 15 is a condemnation of those who abuse Christ's name to preach Moses. *The Council of Laodicea in AD 347 which is nothing more than a reiteration of the decrees of Acts 15 by the Apostles themselves.* and the Anathema from the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Galatians who stupidly taught the same thing as the Adventists and the Armstrongs. Acts 15:22 *Then pleased it the (Jewish)* *apostles and elders, with the whole church* , to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren: 23 And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia: (Here, you want to keep a "commandment from God" try this one! It's THE commandment from God by the Holy Spirit to STOP TRYING TO MAKE GENTILE CHRISTIANS JEWISH OR BURN IN HELL!) 24 *Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment:* 25 It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, 26 Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, *who shall also tell you the same things by mouth.* Acts 15:28 *For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost (GOD ALMIGHTY) , and to us, to lay upon you NO greater burden than these necessary things; 29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well. • These are commandments from God Almighty to leave the Gentiles alone regarding any Jewish holyday, Sabbath, meat distinctions, tithing, or any other Jewish custom. • *20 YEARS LATER:* ACTS 21:25 *As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing*, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication. • Acts 21 is 20 years after the council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 and absolutely nothing had changed. There are NO sabbaths, no Jewish holy days, no Jewish New Moons, no Jewish tithing and leave the Gentile Christians ALONE! You won't find one scripture anywhere in the entire bible telling anyone to keep the Sabbath except those in the circumcised Jewish community, period. NOT one single verse. This whole entire Sabbath argument from the Adventist is purely and public display of their bible ignorance and arrogance. The Adventist are guilty of falsely speaking for God, making void the commandment from God to leave the Gentiles alone and creating, Jewish fable and traditions of men, not from God. And, deliberately putting a stumbling block in the way of being Christian. For them, it's all about a pretended Sabbath keeping to hide their own sins. The Sabbath is not required of Christians. *The Fruits of the Spirit are required and are by faith through the Grace of Jesus Christ are.* See Gal.5:17-22 As Gal.5:22 "Against such there is no law!" Period, The Adventist's just want to throw a stumbling block in your way, and they don't keep the Sabbath either. Satan rejoices when he uses a cult member to destroy the faith of a Christian and makes them Jewish. He loves it when people use Christ to preach Moses. That way both the preacher and his follower go to hell together for their heresy.
@joelchirchir242 3 дня назад
There isn't a single text which annuls the eternal law of God, including the Bible Sabbath. The breaking of bread on the first day was the usual partaking of an evening fellowship meal just after closing the Sabbath in the evening which is the start of the first 12 hrs of Sunday 15:54 . Bread was daily broken and the Sabbath couldn't be every day of the week. The Lord blessed and hallowed the 7th day, when did a holy day become common?? Did God change His mind?? If the Sabbath now commemorate ressurection (which is not part of the ten commandments), yhen how do we commemorate his power and act of creation andrede
@terrygreenman1540 2 дня назад
^^Hebrews 10:29 How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified (past tense) him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," and again, "The Lord will judge his people." 31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.^^ Changing God's grace into Satan's grace IS trampling "the Son of God under foot," IS treating "as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant," and IS insulting "the Spirit of grace" in verity. ^^For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are GODLESS MEN, who CHANGE THE GRACE OF OUR GOD INTO A LICENSE FOR IMMORALITY AND DENY JESUS CHRIST our only Sovereign and Lord.^^ NIV Jude 4.
@ReadingJayde 7 дней назад
"Regarding the change from the observance of the Jewish Sabbath to the Christian Sunday, I wish to draw your attention to the facts: "1) That Protestants, who accept the Bible as the only rule of faith and religion, should by all means go back to the observance of the Sabbath. The fact that they do not, but on the contrary observe the Sunday, stultifies them in the eyes of every thinking man. "2) We Catholics do not accept the Bible as the only rule of faith. Besides the Bible we have the living Church, the authority of the Church, as a rule to guide us. We say, this Church, instituted by Christ to teach and guide man through life, has the right to change the ceremonial laws of the Old Testament and hence, we accept her change of the Sabbath to Sunday. We frankly say, yes, the Church made this change, made this law, as she made many other laws, for instance, the Friday abstinence, the unmarried priesthood, the laws concerning mixed marriages, the regulation of Catholic marriages and a thousand other laws. "It is always somewhat laughable, to see the Protestant churches, in pulpit and legislation, demand the observance of Sunday, of which there is nothing in their Bible." Peter R. Kraemer, Catholic Church Extension Society (1975),Chicago, Illinois.
@asunibobb 7 дней назад
First, the New Testament does not command the observance of the Jewish Sabbath on Saturday. Instead, it emphasizes the fulfillment of the Sabbath in Jesus Christ, who provides rest for our souls every day (Matthew 11:28-29, Colossians 2:16-17). Historical texts and the Bible indicate that early Christians gathered on Sunday, the first day of the week, to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection (John 20:1, Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2). These gatherings reflect a transition from the Jewish Sabbath to the "Lord's Day" (Revelation 1:10), highlighting the new creation and the new covenant established by Jesus. While the Catholic Church acknowledges its authority in making certain ecclesiastical laws, Protestants rely on the scriptural foundation for Sunday worship. The practice aligns with the early church’s tradition and the theological significance of Christ’s resurrection. Thus, observing Sunday as a day of worship is consistent with biblical teachings and the example set by the first Christians. This approach does not undermine Protestant beliefs but rather affirms the continuity of Christian practice from the New Testament era to today
@qztip 6 дней назад
@@asunibobb Naw bro, it doesn't say that. Misled theologians say it says that, but they are deluding themselves.
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
@@qztip what’s “it” What’s doesn’t “it” say? Whats does “it” say?
@qztip 6 дней назад
@@asunibobb Well it was the new testament in your post which I was responding to. So when I said "it doesn't say that" I was telling you that "the new testament doesn't say what you are implying. Liars and wolves have come in and trampled God's holy law and his holy day. it, actually says, the first century christians kept sabbath and the feasts. Jesus said to think not that I came to destroy the law and the prophets. Fulfill means to expand upon, clarify, and to reiterate. Jesus explained that the ten commandments were meant to be kept out of LOVE and not out of hard and cold hearted stubborness. You are in grave danger when you believe the lies of human tradition and throw God's holy law into the trash. I DARE YOU TO DO A SEARCH WITHOUT BIAS, ABOUT THE EARLY CHURCH AND WHETHER THEY KEPT THE HEBREW CALENDAR AND SABBATH AND FEASTS. Jesus even kept Chanukkah, although 99% of Christians don't know that. Yeah its called the festival of lights. I know you won't look into it because you would have already. look into Philo if you like non Bible sources so much. He writes about the sabbath and how the early church kept it... according the the Sun, Moon and stars.... that is another topic for another day though.
@qztip 6 дней назад
@@asunibobb I should also tell you, the romans had an 8 day week at the time of Christ labeled A-H. And when the Bible says first day or second day or 7th day, it absolutely doesn't have any correlation to monday, tuesday, saturday, etc.
@troytonbeckford2059 6 дней назад
The Sabbath can be proven quite clearly from the Bible without the use of Ellen White. Every point you made, a little more understanding of the same scriptures would have allowed you to find the truth therein. You should have posted the Edict of Milan 313 which was an entering wedge. In 321 this decree was made by Constantine. "On the venerable Day of the sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits: because it often happens that another Day is not so suitable for grain sowing or for vine planting: lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost". Then in 325 AD this "We further proclaim to you the good news of the agreement concerning the holy Easter, that this particular also has through your prayers been rightly settled; so that all our brethren in the East who formerly followed the custom of the Jews are henceforth to celebrate the said most sacred feast of Easter at the same time with the Romans." Then 364 AD this "Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday, but shall work on that Day: but the Lord’s Day, they shall especially honour; and as being Christians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day. If however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out from Christ." All of which was done in counsel with the so called Church. The Roman Christians did not want to associate themselves with the Jews because they thought they were more superior to the Jews. The Judeo-Christians were much different that's where you find Paul and Barnabas and the early Apostles. It was Barnabas who sent to call Paul. So 50:04 Paul is Barnabas disciple. Barnabas was placed in charge of the church at Antioch. It's not the other way around as you have stated. Take a little more time to check your points. Ephesians 4:30 tells us who is the sealer, which is the Holy Spirit. Grieve not the Holy Spirit by whom you are sealed.." He is not the seal. You are sealed by him. So He stamps you seal. The Bible did not say there will be no sun shining on the new Earth. It said in the city there is no need for the sun Rev 21:23. So in the new Jerusalem no need for the sun. The same one which comes down in Rev 21:1-4 no sun will be needed in there. You need to take your time to explain this Isaiah 66:22-24 "For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain. 23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord. 24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh". Don't rush it take your time to study.
@charnelallan7159 18 часов назад
@charnelallan7159 18 часов назад
@lolognokominaaboatchi5297 6 дней назад
Constantine founded Sunday worship,7 march 321 But God founded Saturday seventh day Sabbath worship the 7th day of the week of creation.Jesus is the Lord of Saturday seventh day Sabbath. In Matthew 24 Jesus ask you to pray for the Sabbath and Paul I Hebrew 4:9 the holy Lord's day Sabbath remains for God's people
@charnelallan7159 18 часов назад
@donalddanhauerjr7696 6 дней назад
2 Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made. If God Himself rested on the SEVENTH day, it is THE Sabbath. The early church didn't observe Sunday, breaking bread is eating, they did that every day. God instituted the Sabbath on Saturday, before the mosaic laws.
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
Which Day is The Lord's Day? The term "The Lord's Day" is used one time in the Bible: Rev 1:10 (NIV) On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet Sabbatarians twist the Bible by saying that "the Lord's Day" is the Sabbath because Jesus said, he was Lord of the Sabbath. Matt 12:8 (NIV) For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. Never is the Sabbath called "the Lord's Day" in the Scriptures. The Sabbath is always called (in the Greek) Sabbaton or in the Hebrew Shabbath. Strong's: G4521 σάββατον sabbaton sab'-bat-on Of Hebrew origin [H7676]; the Sabbath (that is, Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself). The quotations below show that the early Church Fathers met for worship on Sunday in the first century, long before the Roman Catholic Church was formed. These early church fathers were closest to the Apostles. The Apostles wanted to honor their Savior by having a day that Christ rose from the dead, set aside for worship. They were thrilled that Christ rose from the grave and that their salvation was assured. 1. The Didache [A.D. 70] "But every Lord's day . . . gather yourselves together and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure. But let no one that is at variance with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned" (Didache 14 [A.D. 70]). 2. The Letter of Barnabas [A.D. 74] "We keep the eighth day [Sunday] with joyfulness, the day also on which Jesus rose again from the dead" (Letter of Barnabas 15:6-8 [A.D. 74]). 3. Ignatius of Antioch" [A.D. 110] [T]hose who were brought up in the ancient order of things [i.e. Jews] have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observing the sabbath, but living in the observance of the Lord's day, on which also our life has sprung up again by him and by his death" (Letter to the Magnesians 8 [A.D. 110]). 4. Justin Martyr [A.D. 155] "[W]e too would observe the fleshly circumcision, and the sabbaths, and in short all the feasts, if we did not know for what reason they were enjoined [on] you--namely, on account of your transgressions and the hardness of your heart. . . . [H]ow is it, Trypho, that we would not observe those rites which do not harm us--I speak of fleshly circumcision and sabbaths and feasts? . . . God enjoined you to keep the sabbath, and impose on you other precepts for a sign, as I have already said, on account of your unrighteousness and that of your fathers" (Dialogue with Trypho the Jew 18, 21 [A.D. 155]). 5. Tertullian [A.D. 203] "[L]et him who contends that the sabbath is still to be observed as a balm of salvation, and circumcision on the eighth day . . . teach us that, for the time past, righteous men kept the sabbath or practiced circumcision, and were thus rendered 'friends of God.' For if circumcision purges a man, since God made Adam uncircumcised, why did he not circumcise him, even after his sinning, if circumcision purges? . . . Therefore, since God originated Adam uncircumcised and unobservant of the sabbath, consequently his offspring also, Abel, offering him sacrifices, uncircumcised and unobservant of the sabbath, was by him [God] commended [Gen. 4:1-7, Heb. 9:4]. . . . Noah also, uncircumcised--yes, and unobservant of the sabbath--God freed from the deluge. For Enoch too, most righteous man, uncircumcised and unobservant of the sabbath, he translated from this world, who did not first taste death in order that, being a candidate for eternal life, he might show us that we also may, without the burden of the law of Moses, please God" (An Answer to the Jews 2 [A.D. 203]).
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
6. The Didascalia [A.D. 225] "The apostles further appointed: On the first day of the week let there be service, and the reading of the Holy Scriptures, and the oblation, because on the first day of the week our Lord rose from the place of the dead, and on the first day of the week he arose upon the world, and on the first day of the week he ascended up to heaven, and on the first day of the week he will appear at last with the angels of heaven" (Didascalia 2 [A.D. 225]). 7. Origen [A.D. 229] "Hence it is not possible that the [day of] rest after the sabbath should have come into existence from the seventh [day] of our God. On the contrary, it is our Savior who, after the pattern of his own rest, caused us to be made in the likeness of his death, and hence also of his resurrection" (Commentary on John 2:28 [A.D. 229]). 8. Victorinus [A.D. 300] "The sixth day [Friday] is called parasceve, that is to say, the preparation of the kingdom. . . . On this day also, on account of the passion of the Lord Jesus Christ, we make either a station to God or a fast. On the seventh day he rested from all his works, and blessed it, and sanctified it. On the former day we are accustomed to fast rigorously, that on the Lord's day we may go forth to our bread with giving of thanks. And let the parasceve become a rigorous fast, lest we should appear to observe any sabbath with the Jews . . . which sabbath he [Christ] in his body abolished" (The Creation of the World [A.D. 300]).] 9. Eusebius of Caesarea [A.D. 312] "They [the early saints of the Old Testament] did not care about circumcision of the body, neither do we [Christians]. They did not care about observing sabbaths, nor do we. They did not avoid certain kinds of food, neither did they regard the other distinctions which Moses first delivered to their posterity to be observed as symbols; nor do Christians of the present day do such things" (Church History 1:4:8 [A.D. 312]). 10. Eusebius of Caesarea [A.D. 319] "[T]he day of his [Christ's] light . . . was the day of his resurrection from the dead, which they say, as being the one and only truly holy day and the Lord's day, is better than any number of days as we ordinarily understand them, and better than the days set apart by the Mosaic Law for feasts, new moons, and sabbaths, which the Apostle [Paul] teaches are the shadow of days and not days in reality" (Proof of the Gospel 4:16:186 [A.D. 319]). 11. Athanasius [A.D. 345] "The sabbath was the end of the first creation, the Lord's day was the beginning of the second, in which he renewed and restored the old in the same way as he prescribed that they should formerly observe the sabbath as a memorial of the end of the first things, so we honor the Lord's day as being the memorial of the new creation" (On Sabbath and Circumcision 3 [A.D. 345]). 12. Cyril of Jerusalem [A.D. 350] "Fall not away either into the sect of the Samaritans or into Judaism, for Jesus Christ has henceforth ransomed you. Stand aloof from all observance of sabbaths and from calling any indifferent meats common or unclean" (Catechetical Lectures 4:37 [A.D. 350]). 13. Council of Laodicea [A.D. 360] "Christians should not Judaize and should not be idle on the sabbath, but should work on that day; they should, however, particularly reverence the Lord's day and, if possible, not work on it, because they were Christians" (canon 29 [A.D. 360]). 14. John Chrysostom [A.D. 387] "[W]hen he said, 'You shall not kill' . . . he did not add, 'because murder is a wicked thing.' The reason was that conscience had taught this before hand, and he speaks thus, as to those who know and understand the point. Wherefore when he speaks to us of another commandment, not known to us by the dictate of conscience, he not only prohibits, but adds the reason. When, for instance, he gave commandment concerning the sabbath--'On the seventh day you shall do no work'--he subjoined also the reason for this cessation. What was this? 'Because on the seventh day God rested from all his works which he had begun to make' [Ex. 20:10]. And again: 'Because you were a servant in the land of Egypt' [Deut. 21:18]. For what purpose then, I ask, did he add a reason respecting the sabbath, but did no such thing in regard to murder? Because this commandment was not one of the leading ones. It was not one of those which were accurately defined of our conscience, but a kind of partial and temporary one, and for this reason it was abolished afterward. But those which are necessary and uphold our life are the following: 'You shall not kill . . . You shall not commit adultery . . . You shall not steal.' On this account he adds no reason in this case, nor enters into any instruction on the matter, but is content with the bare prohibition" (Homilies on the Statues 12:9 [A.D. 387]). 15. John Chrysostom [A.D. 395] "You have put on Christ, you have become a member of the Lord and been enrolled in the heavenly city, and you still grovel in the Law [of Moses]? How is it possible for you to obtain the kingdom? Listen to Paul's words, that the observance of the Law overthrows the gospel, and learn, if you will, how this comes to pass, and tremble, and shun this pitfall. Why do you keep the sabbath and fast with the Jews?" (Homilies on Galatians 2:17 [A.D. 395]). 16. The Apostolic Constitutions [A.D. 400] "And on the day of our Lord's resurrection, which is the Lord's day, meet more diligently, sending praise to God that made the universe by Jesus, and sent him to us, and condescended to let him suffer, and raised him from the dead. Otherwise what apology will he make to God who does not assemble on that day . . . in which is performed the reading of the prophets, the preaching of the gospel, the oblation of the sacrifice, the gift of the holy food" (Apostolic Constitutions 2:7:60 [A.D. 400]). 17. John Chrysostom [A.D. 402] "The rite of circumcision was venerable in the Jews' account, forasmuch as the Law itself gave way thereto, and the sabbath was less esteemed than circumcision. For that circumcision might be performed, the sabbath was broken; but that the sabbath might be kept, circumcision was never broken; and mark, I pray, the dispensation of God. This is found to be even more solemn that the s abbath, as not being omitted at certain times. When then it is done away, much more is the sabbath" (Homilies on Philippians 10 [A.D. 402]). 18. Augustine [A.D. 412] "Well, now, I should like to be told what there is in these Ten Commandments, except the observance of the sabbath, which ought not to be kept by a Christian . . . Which of these commandments would anyone say that the Christian ought not to keep? It is possible to contend that it is not the Law which was written on those two tables that the apostle [Paul] describes as 'the letter that kills' [2 Cor. 3:6], but the law of circumcision and the other sacred rites which are now abolished" (The Spirit and the Letter 24 [A.D. 412]). Conclusions * There is no Biblical or historical support that the seventh-day Sabbath was changed to Sunday or that Sunday is a holy day, and that it was changed by the Pope of Rome or the Catholic Church.
 * Under the New Covenant there is no command to keep the Sabbath and there are no weekly holy days. The Sabbath was never designated as a "day of worship" for Israel but a day of rest.
 * Christians are to find their Sabbath rest in Christ daily and not in a weekly ritual. Hebrews 4. If a church or denomination chooses to select a day or days of the week for organized church meetings this is in harmony with the Bible.
@compassion6452 6 дней назад
@@asunibobb Brother, are you follower of early fathers or of Word of God? Prayerfully, answer my post sent yesterday.
@asunibobb 6 дней назад
@@compassion6452 I’m a follower of the word of God. I brought up the Early church fathers because the person that I’m responding to claimed that there was no Sunday observance in the Early church. My reply proved that claim to be false. Also, I’ll look for your comment and respond 💪🏽
@Pkonreaction 6 дней назад
@@asunibobbwas Jesus the first church or Peter was the first church?
@DelaineRobinson 2 дня назад
God tells man to keep His law, the 10 Commandments. Jesus tells man to keep the Commandments which is His law. The 10 Commandments was written with the finger of God. Jesus then says if you love me keep my commandments. Jesus is referring to the 10 Commandments which includes the 7th Day Sabbath. The 10 Commandments are 10 things that God wants man not to do. Why? because the wages of sin is death. Sin is the transgression of the law of God. What man earns from sinning is death. Premature death and eternal death. God shows his love for man by giving him these 10 principles. The 10 principles show us God's love for man. How so? Jesus says love God, Neighbor and your enemies. The first 4 Commandments point to how we canove God and the last 6 Commandments point to how we should love our Neighbor and enemy. When one of these laws or principles is violated it shows no love for man or God. What also occurs is any follower of Jesus who violates these principles and say it ok by act or thought he or she is saying it's OK not to love likecGod says to love. They actually pervert God's love. Dan 7:25 says the little horn will seek to change God times and laws. This little horn power is anti-Christ. Many of the Protestant believers believe that the Pope was the antiChrist. We see the Pope or the Papacy today promoting a Sunday Rest day. In early America the explorer or discovers who were Romans brought Sunsay worship to the America's. North America, South America and Central America kept the little horn or Papacy's Sunday and other practices that blended with Paganism. In the Indian Schools in Canada and North America the children just like adults in these areas were forced to keep Sunday. Under the guise of civilization the Indian people in these 3 areas and in Africa, Austrailia, parts of Asia were force to keep Sunday and worship as Catholic Christians. Catholic Christian has its mark on North America in the form of Sunday Blue laws. Early American history show Seventh-Day Baptist, Adventist and even other Christian religions being penalized for not keeping the Catholic Sun-day worship day. This Sabbath Saturday worship day is God day that he made for man to rest. This is not an Adventist Doctrine. Adventist along with Ellen White simply confirm what the Bible says. So, the BASHING of Adventist and Ellen White and what they teach is actually BASHING God because Adventist and Ellen White are simply following what God and Jesus says do. If you're a Christian should follow God or a man or Pope? The Adventist are not cultic but those that refuse to love like Jesus said love (keep my Commandments) are actually appearing CULTIC because they are refusing g God's Commandments. Are far as the Sabbath being made is irrelevant. The Holy Bible says the angels in heaven sinned and were cast down to the earth. Those fallen angels violated the first 4 Commandments before man was created. There for the law , 10 Commandments existed in heaven before it was given to man. God gave man a Sanctuary which a replica of the Sanctuary in heaven. In the earthly Sanctuary we see the 10 Commandments in the Most Holy Place. So in heaven in the heavenly Sanctuary we see the 10 Commandments.
@asunibobb 2 дня назад
“To Bash Ellen G White is to Bash God” Wow, what a quote 🤯 My friend that is Blasphemy! Also give me 1 verse in the New Testament where Saturday observance is explicitly commanded without jumping through hoops. If it was so significant as you claim, God would have made that clear. Rather what is made clear is that Jesus is our Eternal sabbath Rest ❤️
@asunibobb 2 дня назад
Also, I noticed you said, “God and Jesus.” Do you believe Jesus is God, and has always been the almighty God?
@raturakaivatukatakata2742 3 дня назад
@DelaineRobinson 2 дня назад
My friend did you know the 10 Commandments show us God's love. God is trying to keep man from death. Breaking God law leads to death. Wages of sin is death says the Bible. This death is eternal death. God is trying to give man eternal life. So not observing God Sabbath when one has the knowledge of the 7th Day Sabbath and refuses to keep are saying to God I don't accept your love to save me from my sins.
@asunibobb 2 дня назад
The 10 commandments are beautiful, I agree. However, Jesus is the fulfillment of the law. He said he didn’t come to do away with the law, but to fulfill it. How did Jesus fulfil the sabbath command? Jesus is our Sabbath Rest. You would agree that the Jews observed the sabbath correct? Well God said that even though they observed the Sabbath, they never entered God’s Rest! Therefore God gave them another day called, “Today!” Take your time and read Hebrews 4:1-13 (Don’t read it in the Clear Word Bible)
@sepsimargit7582 3 дня назад
Soon a Sun-day Law will be enacted and you will see the difference between God`s seventh- day Sabbath and Sun-day the first day of the week, which will become the Mark of the beast.
@asunibobb 3 дня назад
Show me that in the Bible, without using EGW please. 🙏🏽
@19818456 3 дня назад
Sunday law is a wild myth and a fiction conspired by Ellen White 😂😂😂
@gordo191 6 дней назад
Its obvious by your statements on the SDA church you know nothing about what we believe .
@elishandagijimana7062 3 дня назад
As you are presenting certain things, get your facts right, Ellen white never claimed to be the spirit of prophecy, the bible says the spirit of prophecy is the Testimony of Jesus Christ and vice versa. I beg you to observe and study prophecy and you will realize that even without Ellen white you will get your facts right exactly the same way she did!!!
@asunibobb 3 дня назад
Central to the Adventist system of theology is their claim that the “spirit of prophecy” found in Revelation 19:10refers to the Holy Spirit speaking through the writings of Ellen G. White, pointing people back to the Bible. Their chain claim is “the testimony of Jesus” = “the spirit of prophecy” = Ellen G. White’s writings. They interpret this text-along with Revelation 12:17-to be saying that the end times church will be marked by the one possessing the spirit of prophecy, which is Jesus testifying through an individual. Since that was manifest in Ellen G. White supposedly, that identifies them as the remnant church of bible prophecy. Within Adventist circles the phrase “spirit of prophecy” refers to the writings of Ellen G. White. -- SDA Fundamental Belief #18 One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested in the ministry of Ellen. G. White. As the Lord's messenger, her writings are a continuing and authoritative source of truth which provide for the church comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction. They also make clear that the Bible is the standard by which all teaching and experience must be tested. (Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:14-21; Heb. 1:1-3; Rev. 12:17; 19:10.) The SDA church ascribes Revelation 19:10 to EGW… I referenced (Answering Adventism here)
@elishandagijimana7062 2 дня назад
@@asunibobb you have the document? Because if you read the spirit of prophecy volumes she didn't claim that! She's a prophetess but not a spirit of it!! I would be more glad if you quote the books and not suggest or say some people say that or that, e.g Jesus the name has controversy as it stands because letter J was not available in the days of Christ, neither is the title of Christ, but if we read and quote what we have written not what another person claims, because the bible gives clear definitions about what the spirit of prophecy is, testing of prophets. My advice is read her books first, see what she says then tell me if she was the spirit of prophecy or she is one of the people with the gift of prophecy
@asunibobb 2 дня назад
@@elishandagijimana7062 Ok, you don’t believe she or her writings are the Spirit of Prophecy, great. We are on the same page where that is concerned. She isn’t a Prophet either. I’m glad we can agree on that friend 👍🏽
@elishandagijimana7062 2 дня назад
@@asunibobb she is a prophet, her writing are divinely inspired but she is not a spirit of prophecy,, she had the spirit of prophecy. It's another thing to her a spirit of prophecy it's another to claim she had the gift !!! And by the way, when you test her writings in the bible, they are not in anyway in error, they are amplifing the bible, I was like that(arguing that she was not true) when I read the books, actually the bible shines up! If you test the prophets you have today to what she wrote 100 yrs ago,! Almost everyone fails and if you know how to test a prophet of God using scripture! Test her !! God says test them with bible !!! Take all the prophets and test them against the bible and see how marveled you will be
@asunibobb 20 часов назад
She’s divinely inspired? Like the Bible?
@gelubalaban9637 6 дней назад
God defines "The Lord's Day" The Lord God The Great "I AM" written with His finger on the tables of stones that cannot be changed. Exodus 20:8-11 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. "The Sabbath was placed in the decalogue as the seal of the living God, pointing out the Law-giver, and making known his right to rule." Thus the Sabbath is the sign of a relationship between God and His people, serving as "a test of their loyalty to Him" - There are 2 classes of people in the world today; 1 - one class (majority) that worship man made command, (Sunday worship) 2 - One class that has 10 Commandments written in the heart, and has "The Seal of God", and worship on Sabbath /Saturday ... - Very soon, this will be made clear to all the world. The last test that God gives the world is The Lord's Sabbath, or papal Sabbath (they call it now "Climate Sunday/green sabbath") . This would be made (by the United States and papacy behind) mandated , legislated.. Revelation 13 explains the first beast and the second beast, (papecy, America) - Sunday is the "Mark" of the papacy and America will impose it by legislation... (maybe in 2025) Accepting Sunday warship "the mark of the beast" is accepting the seven Plagues that God will pour in His wrath, just before The Lord Jesus comes to take His obedient children to the "mentions" He has promised.... Jesus said; "If you love Me keep My Commandments... Why? He wrote them with His finger... Jesus will come with all His angels, He will not touch this earth for a thousand years, The whole world will "burn up" because of the brightness of His coming.. 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. That's what makes you a christian when you believe in obey what God said... If not, you will burn up when He comes... Remember he is a consuming fire, REAL FIRE.. Sin is transgression of God's Law, (Sabbath 7th day included) The true people of God will never give up worshipping on the seventh day... they will be hated by the whole world, especially because of the seven plagues, that all the world (Those that received the mark of the beast) will experience... They worship THE SUN The sun will burn them in one of the seven Plagues.. Dear people of God, that are in Babylon/confusion, God loves you and wants you to live "ETERNALLY" He wants you to come out of babylon and not receive there plagues... Revelation 18:4. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues... Remember sin is transgression of God's Law...
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