
The Problem with "Spiritual" Influencers 

Anna's Analysis
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Part 1: • My Problem with New Ag...
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14 окт 2024




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@AnnasAnalysis 4 года назад
Don’t mean any hate to anyone shown in the thumbnail or video, I'm not saying everything they do or promote is bad or that they are bad people or you shouldn't watch them. It's not about the people, it's about the actions. Like dakota of earth (who is shown in the thumbnail but not the video because I didn't want to mention anybody in the part of the video about psychedlics, but he was the main person in mind when talking about that so I put him in the thumbnail cuz 3 people looked better than 2) is someone I use to follow years ago and loved most of his videos so I have nothing against him at all, I just think he talks about psychedelics in an irresponsible way. Also meant to say DMT not LSD in the part about "sacred plant medicine". And I when talking about addiction I was talking about psycological dependence, not physical, like shown in the text on the screen. You can be psycologically addicted to anything, I mean there's people addicted to eating toilet paper so I'm not saying shrooms are basically equal to heroin. Idk why some of y'all think I meant physical addiction when the text I showed on the screen says "the development of physical dependence is not well supported by evidence." Which I obviously read and agreed with otherwise why would I put it in the video?
@EarthStory 4 года назад
I think it's strange Dakota appears in the thumbnail when he literally says all the time "I'm not a guru". Then it's really only this Doughty guy that is used as evidence (with audio anyway, didn't watch for most of the video). You bring up a ton of great points, but there is a lot of assumed absolutism when people discuss ideas. There is a lot of generalizing as well. Hope you continue to explore this topic though! These are important ideas to expand on.
@AnnasAnalysis 4 года назад
@@EarthStory dakota being in the thumbnail does not imply that i think he promotes himself as a guru. Just like it doesn't imply that he posts bikini pics on instagram :) also the thumbnail was made after the video was completely finished so it wasn't like the entire video was made about the 3 in the thumbnail. and the girl, hitomi, is in the video too, its not just aaron, but i did not name her... the video was not about the people so talking in depth about those in the thumbnail was not relevant to how i wanted the video to be. also can you give me direct quotes from this video where i generalize or where i express "assumed absolutism" or were you just saying that more in reference to how people sometimes talk about these things and not this video specifically?
@Angelas.Eye_ 4 года назад
People often don’t stare at the screen when watching these videos I think, so a lot of the text you put up might be missed. At least I know I don’t watch the whole time, I mostly just listen.
@AnnasAnalysis 4 года назад
Angela Catalano that’s understandable, but I think it’s a bit strange to comment a disagreement on a video you didn’t watch and only listened to but I guess you’re right, people do do that.
@Kristian179 4 года назад
the psychylogical addicition to eating toilet paper is on a whole different level as it's a fixation coping mechanism due to a lack of iron
@wearesatellites91 4 года назад
An issue I have with spiritual influencers is that they preach about how important it is to disconnect with technology and connect to the self or the earth, but in order to upload as much content as they do, they are obviously spending all day connected to technology. They are filming their yoga and meditations (which, I can’t help but think they do differently when they know they’re being filmed/watched) and then probably spend the rest of the day editing videos, uploading content, answering brand emails, posting stories, etc. So what we see of their lives is them meditating by a creek, but when the cameras turn off they’re actually on their phones and laptops (because that’s their job). Like it’s just very hypocritical, is what I’m getting at.
@HerbBrid3 4 года назад
I’ve thought about that too...they say get off technology but post videos and stories on insta everyday
@bewitchedbanshee 4 года назад
Good point
@wearesatellites91 4 года назад
Aja Totally! They’re not practicing what they preach.
@elvenleaf5589 4 года назад
Deceiver like Satan
@alexandria2800 4 года назад
Only thing I can think is maybe they have someone or a team of people to work on the social media aspect of it? Assistants? That’s common these days to manage projects or businesses, so they have more time than we think to practice what they do. Just a thought
@Natalia-fx6lo 4 года назад
One thing that I have noticed within new age spirituality is that they are very good at questioning everything EXCEPT their OWN worldview. I think it’s important to question things in life, including mainstream society and stuff like that, but it’s also important to question one’s OWN worldview, otherwise one’s being biased, and not objective. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s kind of what it seems. It’s similar to fundamental religious people who question everything but their own religion.
You need to question your worldview and ought to do it often, however the goal should not be to achieve objectivity, which is impossible and counter-intuitive to what the nature of a worldview is (how one sees the world according to one’s own experiences, beliefs and assumptions). It’s inherently biased. The purpose instead should be to avoid stagnant, stale or just out-right incorrect assumptions that inform how you see the world external to you. Life-long learning is subjective to the individual and their own social location.
@Nonduality 4 года назад
Yes, mostly you have to question who or what you are, because that "you" is the questioner.
@Natalia-fx6lo 4 года назад
random person I agree that you can’t really be objective, but I didn’t know how to word it differently so I just wrote it anyways :)
@SaadetOZTRK 4 года назад
This is great perspective
@mia-en2os 4 года назад
Dude these people who practice it are often young. Damn give em time to grow this is all a process
@lostwarriorwandering 4 года назад
I’m a person who has been involved in “spirituality and self-help” for many years. I think what you are doing here is good, because it will help people ask important questions about who they follow, and also examine their objectivity, and maybe be more discerning.
@littlesunshine603 4 года назад
@Ruby Badilla please provide the link for further reading
@Celeseaeyes 4 года назад
Ruby Badilla LMAO! You’re a child! Grow up and learn for yourself!
@valeriaazua 4 года назад
I consider myself spiritual and open minded but I love hearing others opinions especially a “skeptic” talking on a subject, it makes me question reality even more and create a new perspective on it
@TheAmethystSpirit 4 года назад
Same! I love seeing things from another angle. I think it's a great exercise for the mind. I don't like to be so stuck on my opinions that I cant listen to others. (And yes that's difficult to do some days lol)
@amazinggrace313 4 года назад
And sadly everything this woman is saying on her videos is right. Spirituality can lead down a dark rabbit hole and the sad beings that allow it do it all for a superior style of living, yet come no closer to being a "better" person. In fact alot of them turn arrogant and "all knowing " scumbags who judge people constantly, and think every conspiracy theory is true lol. Its a grand delusion.
@gemstone5994 4 года назад
Yes! I've seen some people wear spiritually like a new outfit, but its like they're doing it for me! It makes me think "why am I feeling triggered?" "What am I holding on to or what old beliefs are still lingering that make me feel they are not allowed to experience life in their own way". Its important to give others space to be who they are where they are at and respect that. (unless they're hurting someone in front of me, then its on! 🦁 lol)
@isabella.amaraa 3 года назад
I agree. I think you need to evaluate all points of view and sides of the equation. I don’t think we should completely rule out the knowledge our elders had, but we should also acknowledge what science and other fields have come to terms to. Like anything, it can always lead down a deep hole. I think it leads back to finding yourself and what you truly believe, once you’ve heard everyone’s views. If it resonates with you, then it is true to you. I also think you should weigh reality vs your minds ability to create. Quantum Physics really backs up the power of the mind, but I’m not about to spend the last of my cash on a trip when I need to pay bills.
@TheWorldTeacher 3 года назад
02. A BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF “LIFE”: Everything, both perceptible and imperceptible - that is, any gross or subtle OBJECT within the material universe which can ever be perceived with the cognitive faculties, plus the SUBJECT (the observer of all phenomena) - is to what most persons generally refer when they use the term “God”, since they usually conceive of the Primeval Creator as being the Perfect Person, and “God” (capitalized) is a personal epithet of the Unconditioned Absolute. However, this anthropomorphized conception of The Monad is a fictional character of divers mythologies. According to most every enlightened sage in the history of this planet, Ultimate Reality is, far more logically, Impersonal Absolute NOTHINGNESS (otherwise called “The Tao”, “The Great Spirit”, “Brahman”, “Pure Consciousness”, “Eternal Awareness”, “Independent Existence”, “The Ground of All Being”, “Uncaused Nature”, “The Undifferentiated Substratum of Reality”, “The Unified Field”, et cetera). In other words, rather than the Supreme Truth being a separate Blissful, Supra-Conscious Being (The Godhead Himself or The Goddess), Ultimate Reality is Eternal-Existence Limitless-Awareness Unconditional-Peace ITSELF. Because the Unmanifested Absolute is infinite creative potentiality, “it” actualizes as EVERYTHING, in the form of temporary, cyclical universes. In the case of our particular universe, we reside in a cosmos consisting of space-time, matter and energy, without, of course, neglecting the most fundamental dimension of existence (i.e. conscious awareness - although, “it” is, being the subject, by literal definition, non-existent). Just as a knife cannot cut itself, nor the mind comprehend itself, nor the eyes see themselves, The Absolute cannot know Itself (or at least objectively EXPERIENCE Itself), and so, has manifested this phenomenal universe within Itself for the purpose of experiencing Itself, particularly through the lives of self-aware beings, such as we sophisticated humans. Therefore, this world of duality is really just a play of consciousness within Consciousness, in the same way that a dream is a person's sleeping narrative set within the life-story of an 'awakened' individual. APPARENTLY, this phenomenal universe was created with the primal act (the so-called “Big Bang”), which started, supposedly, as a minute, slightly uneven ball of light, which in turn, was instigated, ultimately, by Extra-Temporal Supra-Consciousness. From that first deed, every motion or action that has ever occurred has been a direct (though, almost exclusively, an indirect) result of it. Just as all the extant energy in the universe was once contained within the inchoate singularity, Infinite Consciousness was NECESSARILY present at the beginning of the universe, and is in no way an epiphenomenon of a neural network. Discrete consciousness, on the other hand, is entirely dependent on the neurological faculty of individual animals (the more highly-evolved the species, the greater its cognitive abilities). “Sarvam khalvidam brahma” (a Sanskrit maxim from the “Chandogya Upanishad”, meaning ‘all this is indeed Brahman’ or ‘everything is the Universal Self alone’). There is NAUGHT but Eternal Being, Conscious Awareness, Causeless Peace - and you are, quintessentially, that! This “Theory of Everything” can be more succinctly expressed by the mathematical equation: E=A͚ (Everything equates to Infinite Awareness). HUMANS are essentially this Eternally-Aware-Peace, acting through an extraordinarily-complex biological organism, comprised of the eight rudimentary elements - pseudo-ego (the assumed sense of self), intellect, mind, solids, liquids, gases, heat (fire), and ether (three-dimensional space). When one peers into a mirror, one doesn’t normally mistake the reflected image to be one’s real self, yet that is how we humans conventionally view our ever-mutating forms. We are, rather, in a fundamental sense, that which witnesses all transitory appearances. Everything which can be presently perceived, both tangible and immaterial, including we human beings, is a culmination of that primary manifestation. That is the most accurate and rational explanation for “karma” - everything was preordained from the initial spark, and every action since has unfolded as it was predestined in ETERNITY, via an ever-forward-moving trajectory. The notion of retributive (“tit for tat”) karma is just that - an unverified belief. Likewise, the notion of a distinct, reincarnating “soul” or “spirit” is largely a fallacious belief. Whatever state in which we currently find ourselves, is the result of two factors - our genetic make-up at conception and our present-life conditioning (which may include mutating genetic code). Every choice ever made by every human and non-human animal was determined by those two factors ALONE. Therefore, free-will is purely illusory, despite what most believe. As a consequence of residing within this dualistic universe, we experience a lifelong series of fluctuating, transient pleasures and pains, which can take the form of physical, emotional, and/or financial pleasure or pain. Surprisingly to most, suffering and pain are NOT synonymous. Suffering is due to a false sense of personal 'doership' - the belief that one is a separate, independent author of one’s thoughts, emotions, and deeds, and that, likewise, other persons are autonomous agents, with complete volition to act, think, and feel as they wish. Another way of stating the same concept is: suffering is due to the intellect being unwilling or unable to accept life as it manifests moment by moment. There are five SYMPTOMS of suffering, all of which are psychological in nature: 1. Guilt 2. Blame 3. Pride 4. Anxiety 5. Regrets about the past and expectations for the future These types of suffering are the result of not properly understanding what was explained above - that life is a series of happenings and NOT caused by the individual living beings. No living creature, including Homo sapiens, has personal free-will. There is only the Universal, Divine Will at play, acting through every body, to which William Shakespeare famously alluded when he scribed “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” The human organism is essentially a biopsychological machine, comprised of the five gross material elements and the three subtle material elements, listed above. The ANTIDOTE to all mental anguish is to firstly discern pain from suffering, then to achieve complete relief from that miserable state of existence, by abandoning the erroneous belief in personal authorship, and abiding in the primordial sense of being (the unqualified “I am”, which is one's core identity). This is the very same peace which is experienced each night during the dreamless phase of the sleep cycle. This 'resting imperturbably as Flawless Awareness' can be practiced on a regular basis, until it is fully assimilated and integrated into one's life. Every person, from time immemorial, has been either intentionally or unwittingly seeking such causeless peace, most commonly by practicing one of the four systems of YOGA (religion) delineated in the sixteenth chapter of this work, or else in creating wealth and the acquisition of material possessions, or in psycho-physical pleasures. That peace of mind is often referred to as “happiness”, “joy”, or “love”, and often presumed to be a temporal state, since many assume, incorrectly, that continuous peace is unavailable in this life. Fortunately, that is not the case - it is eminently possible to live one's life acquainted with unbroken peace of mind, if destined. Following DHARMA (frameworks of authentic religion and societal duties) is not guaranteed to achieve that desired tranquillity of mind, but even so, it is beneficial for individuals, since it establishes a structure which enables one to more easily elevate oneself beyond the mundane, animalistic platform (i.e. the base pursuits of eating, sleeping and mating). Intrinsic to dharma is the division of the adult male population into the four classes of society and the inherent role of girls and women in society, as fully elucidated in latter chapters of this Holy Scripture. So, now that you understand life, and the reason why we are suffering here in this (ostensively) material universe, you are now able to become liberated from all mental suffering, RIGHT? WRONG! It is imperative to approach an authentic spiritual master to assist you to come to the above realization, by slowly undoing your past conditioning. Just as you have been conditioned over an entire lifetime to think one way, you need to be re-conditioned to think another way (in alignment with your essential identity as The Divine). For one who has himself for a teacher, that man has a veritable fool as his teacher. Even if you adhere closely to the precepts of a competent teacher, you may still not come to a full understanding of life, but if you are sincere, humble and dedicated, you will definitely find more peace in your daily life - all of which was DESTINED to occur, of course. Furthermore, if you are suitably-qualified and it was ordained, you may be fortunate enough to receive discipline from one of the EXTREMELY rare fully-enlightened masters residing on earth at any given time (perchance even the current World Teacher himself), and subsequently realize the aforementioned fundamental concepts, by diligently studying authoritative doctrines (especially the most accurate and complete of all extant Scriptures, this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”), serving your guru with great reverence and devotion, and by deliberately avoiding undue harm to oneself, to other individuals, to society as a whole, and to the natural environment. ☮️
@erinnadia0409 4 года назад
Spiritual people seem to be the most egotistical. I follow my own spiritual journey without any influence from social media and these so called “teachers”
@InnerLuminosity 3 года назад
@moonchild2831 3 года назад
True facts...i think you should just follow what you feel resonates with you and makes more sense to you
@sunnysunshine333 3 года назад
Yes you need to do what feels right within your heart :)
@VSM101 3 года назад
Nah only Abrhamic people are the most egotistical but when the parrot spritual truth without actual there own personal realisation its phoney.
@tionne1341 3 года назад
'True' spiritual people aren't
@helenawoods 4 года назад
I am someone who is highly spiritual. But I like to approach and “teach” others through ways that are very grounded and practical. So many new age spiritual influencers are sooo woo and hippy-dippy and I can’t just relate. I also am a big advocate for “do what works for YOU” and what is aligned with your values and core desires. What is true and works for one person may not work for another. There is nuance in everything. :) I don't always agree with all of your points, but I appreciate your balanced approach to these topics. It's so, so important to question any influencer, and I love that you talk about this.
@dct5624 4 года назад
I think your comment is a good one but I think the "teach" thing is really problematic. Why do you think you're in a position to "teach" people?
@the.perfect.ideal. 4 года назад
DC T because she’s probably just sharing things she has learnt along the way and what works for her. what’s wrong with that?
@anajagodaable 4 года назад
I think that highly spiritual people would not marked themselves as such.
@Semitropical 3 года назад
@@dct5624 Maybe she meant "share" her experience instead of teach? That's how I interpreted it. Unless she's an initiated elder (shaman) in a specific culture of folk spirituality. They tend to do a lot of teaching and have "god children" apprenticing under them.
@capricorn6234 3 года назад
@@the.perfect.ideal. there's a difference between sharing and teaching; a teacher is usually someone in a higher position, someone you'll take advice from as a professional or an expert in their field. There's a power dynamic going on and with that comes a certain risk of exploiting and misleading people.
@kyleighwardwell3766 4 года назад
When I was at a transitional time in my life I watched a lot of Aaron doughty videos. I started to realize I was their target audience- people going through a hard time that want a quick fix. Toxic positivity is promoted over the idea of the full human range of emotions. Aaron gaslights anyone who disagrees with him. If you have a different opinion his cult like following will repeat one of his favorite lines about you just “operating at a lower vibration of energy.” A lot of these spiritual influencers remind me of famous cult leaders.
@topotondo828 3 года назад
Why are the ones so obsessed with conspiracy always the ones who behave the cultiest?
@kyleighwardwell3766 3 года назад
@@topotondo828 Hahah right?
@kyleighwardwell3766 3 года назад
@@deakhanani I'm glad to have found people that also have issues with spiritual influencers.
@jiamalle9013 3 года назад
Really? Damn it I used to watch his videos and like his message
@spiritualsandy 2 года назад
Yes yes yes!!!!! Toxic positivity and spiritual bypassing is huge !!
@dh428 4 года назад
My problem is that these people literally say the SAME EXACT THING ALL THE TIME... like, Aaron, we've heard like 1000 times about that shoe store you worked in.😏😂
@UdoADHD 4 года назад
@ANKI7033 4 года назад
Dominik Hladký and that 9-5 job🙄
@ghostbreath 4 года назад
Aaron is one of the most shamelessly repetitive youtubers i’ve ever come across lmao. man uploads 3 videos a day talking about the exact same stuff he just explained the day before yesterday like we weren’t gonna notice 😭
@OO-ct4hq 4 года назад
I don't want to look like a hater but he literally repeats every same thing in all of his videos and he explains spirituality like he is on crack.
@ohhhjadeee 4 года назад
omg i can’t actually stand him anymore.... watched for a short while and then realised how boring he is
@tiber1393 3 года назад
Most tarot readers are promoting getting or staying in an abusive relationship aka "soulmate" or "twin flames" which is very sad (I used to be one of their viewers, obsessively watching all the readings all the time not living my life and my crush is always about to "make a move this week"). Like everyone in their comment sections is saying the reading is spot on because their crush/partner's name starts with an alphabet.
@brittneybrisbin744 3 года назад
I used to see a lot of tarot card readings on TikTok that were repeating the same thing: "Your person is going to reach out! They're coming back!" "They miss you and regret what they did" "They're your soulmate; just be patient!" etc. Unfortunately, I was in a bad place when I saw all these videos, so I fell right into the trap, when I was never interested in tarot and didn't know how to read the cards. I feel bad that these videos made me hope and hold onto something that was unhealthy for me, and looking through the comments, there were tons of people going through the same thing, hoping and praying that someone who was toxic to them would come back. I think it's just that "twin flame" or "soulmate" "readings" are an easy way to exploit the algorithm and people who are vulnerable. I know that all tarot readers aren't like this, and many on the app were also fed up with fake readers talking about "twin flames" and "soulmates". But, it's still saddening to think that these exploitative accounts take advantage of people who need to leave behind those horrible relationships, and encourage them to stay in it just so their videos can get popular with a million "Claim!" comments.
@mango3716 3 года назад
@@brittneybrisbin744 keep in mind they do it for a certain person to reach out to not everyone on earth as it is social media
@mango3716 3 года назад
They’re not promoting it
@selenem3384 2 года назад
yeah I think I gave my spirit guides a head ache and fucked up my oracle cards by the same soulmate question over and over🤣🤣
@joybird144 Год назад
I was using tarot and spiritually as a tool to justify staying and trying to fix my abusive relationship. I even believed he was my twin flame and seeing “angel numbers” a lot like 11:11’even made it worse i only just now left my abuser a week ago after two and a half years.
@leeeleelee 4 года назад
thank you for bringing up the hypocrisy in the spiritual youtubers talking about "anti ego" and then having several social media platforms dedicated to.. themselves. this always rubbed me the wrong way but i dont see many people talking about it.
@tasheve3015 4 года назад
i fully believe in spirituality, i’m a wiccan witch, i study/practise witchcraft regularly and it works for me. however i really appreciate your view on things, you clearly put a lot of effort into your videos and i like that you raise awareness of the more harmful side of spirituality, especially with influencers
@vegangamergirl 4 года назад
Although I don't believe in it myself, I've read a lot about wicca and in my opinion it's the only religion that I fully support, because they have that "I do my stuff and I don't care what you do as long as no harm is done"
@salamander8301 4 года назад
Wicca is stupid, it was invented by a man a middle class nudist in the 50s It sells itself as a religion and make money off of people with Wicca "courses" Its stuuuuppiiiidddddd
@salamander8301 4 года назад
You are thinking if satanism Do what you will but harm none
@elvingearmasterirma7241 4 года назад
@@salamander8301 ... Wicca has evolved? And the main thing you learn as a baby witch or Wicca, when looking for teachers, is: If they ask you for money, run fast run far.
@carriekoltunov3288 3 года назад
@@salamander8301 Yes, it was created by a middle class guy in the U.K., who was a nudist, and it was also around the 1950s. True - his name was Gerald Gardner. But anyone who charges money for a Wicca course is not a Gardnerian Wiccan. Gardnerians cannot charge for teaching, although they can ask students to contribute nominal amounts for the cost of supplies. There are several branches of Wicca now, and lots of people who are Wiccan but who are not part of a specific branch. Gardnerians also track their covens. If you are interested in studying Gardnerian Wicca, you can request a vouch from established covens to verify that your teacher is a qualified priest/priestess of the tradition. Wicca is an acknowledged religion in the U.S. The Wiccan pentagram is allowed as a religions symbol on tombstones in military cemeteries. The religion itself is no more stupid than any religion, in my opinion, although it is not for everyone.
@bellakatearts 3 года назад
i have a hard time believing that anyone who feels the need to extensively share their spiritual journey online is truly spiritual. it's something that should be personal, all about growth and learning. these are not things i would ever share except for with close friends. spiritual influencers profit off of people's insecurities, religious beliefs, and desires for self-improvement. they talk about not having a "fear mindset" but go on to promote conspiracy theories saying that you can't trust anyone and that the government is out to get you. how sad.
@SW-jg7yh 2 года назад
This is all so true!!!!
@godisgooda 2 года назад
They have to eat and pay bills too
@bellakatearts 2 года назад
@@godisgooda there are countless ways to make money that don't include misleading and exploiting people.
@hv97 Год назад
@@bellakatearts exactly
@ToyBoxBonanza52 Год назад
Shit, I've noticed that too.
@StudioAnnLe 3 года назад
This is a very insightful perspective. Spirituality can be a dangerous zone for both sides. Some people can lose their grounding and their overall intent while others (esp at the vulnerable stage in life) gets pulled into something they thought was their calling . I’ve gotten my fair share and I think figuring it out is part of the overall evolution in us. I do think this video is a great reminder for some to be more careful and “aware” 😄💕
@jordanmedwell 3 года назад
Preach. I got sucked in back in 2014 with Ralph Smart and I’ve come full circle with it all. I genuinely think in the beginning he was sincere but also just as lost as me and trying to find his place. It’s completely all based on ego and judgement, looking down on others (even if they don’t appear that way) I see it as a way of distancing yourself from acceptance of your own flaws and issues. If everything is just fluffy clouds, love, light, positivity etc then there’s never any need to address your own dark and detrimental traits. There’s literally no evidence to back up 95% of the theories that are pedalled. New age spirituality is the new religion for narcissistic people. If you ever try to question these "Gurus" just watch the narcissistic rage and response or the gaslighting designed to make you look like the fool. It verges on a cult. Especially when people look up to them way too much.
@FruityHachi 4 месяца назад
his demeanor also changed, when he started his channel he appeared like he genuinely believed the positivity he was talking about and just trying to figure things out, but then as his channel grew his demeanor in videos seem more like he's performing that positive energy and hiding negative emotions
@TatonkaJack 4 года назад
She is the absolute nicest "debunker" (maybe there's a better word) I have ever seen. How could you watch one of her videos and be mad? Even if it slams you?
@justycem94 4 года назад
I was so into New Age about a year ago until like 5 months ago I started noticing all these influencers were selling their online workshops and doing retreats for hundreds of dollars. That’s when I realized it was all about money for them and they were only interested in helping others for the right price.
@hkqtt 4 года назад
You can still be into the movement, just lead yourself
@selenem3384 2 года назад
yeah some new age gurus offer a 5 dollar workshop to advertise their 200 dollar retreats
@Charlemagne1367 4 года назад
The Dalai Lama once said during a talk i was priviliged to attend, was not to believe anything he was saying. He told people to think about what he was saying and see how you feel about it and if you agree with it. If the answer is yes, then ok if not, that is also ok. Never forgot that. If something is true, no need to be mysterious and secretive about it.
@m1galler 4 года назад
They arent teaching spirituality at all. They are just commercials for the ego. This type of thing actually makes the person feel worse about themselves in comparison. If influencers were actually spiritual they would be promoting the person they are speaking to and not themselves.
@earthmarkings 4 года назад
You are soooo right about the girls who are supposedly really spiritual and also post a lot of photos/videos of their body. In a way i feel like i'm still sometimes jealous of them, and I feel like younger teens probably also look up to them in a way of being perfect inside& out which in a way makes them feel useless. In my experience, never being able to reach that goal, when those girls like hitomi and claire probably also have insecurities/ struggles with negative mindset and maybe still struggle with body image etc. But they just cover it up by giving off a perfect image online..
@user-ib2bt4ck7y 3 года назад
The most toxic thing about new-age spirituality is the concept of twin flames and soul mates. Dr. Ramani here on youtube has talked about how narcissists target people who believe these things. You can definitely become a potential victim to toxic relationships based on these connections. I have stopped watching tarot readings on youtube for the simple fact that every single time the person doing the reading brings up ex's from various toxic relationships. I find it very harmful to fill people's heads with these false hopes of change and ex's coming back into your life to fight for you.
@squirmiewormie 4 года назад
I really appreciate you discussing the topic of psychedelics. I have had two psychedelic trips on mushrooms in aim to achieve this kind of 'spiritual experience' I had heard about. They both ended up being extremely traumatic experiences which deeply impacted my mental health and still do (flashbacks, disassociation, memory loss, etc). Despite my first trip being so negative I still proceeded to try them again a while later because I was still convinced there was some 'enlightening experience' that I had missed out on, that I just wasn't in the 'right mindset' the first time or whatever. Not saying this is what everyone will experience from psychedelics!! The majority of people I know do in fact have great experiences (and I am not against them) but it is equally important to acknowledge that they are, essentially, just mind altering substances which can result in negative results like mine.
@MM-uw5tt 4 года назад
My friend used them regularly and after a bad trip she went to a psychiatric hospital for half a year due to schizophrenia she developed
@squirmiewormie 4 года назад
@@MM-uw5tt Wow, I'm so sorry she had to go through that. :( Some people don't anticipate the ways in which these drugs seriously alter your consciousness. It's a terrifying experience when that happens and you are really not in a good place. I am looking into finally going to therapy to work through my flashbacks. Hope your friend is doing okay. :)
@MM-uw5tt 4 года назад
@@squirmiewormie I hope everything will go well for you as well! Therapy is an awesome tool to get the solutions we wouldn't otherwise know how to find :) also edit about my friend; she's doing amazing now. She's still an awesome person that enjoys life and it's great what a therapist and medications can do for an individual
@Sophiasisi 4 года назад
I'm sorry for you but you need to set an intention. There are resident spirits in these plants that need respect. You don't take plant medecine to have an enlightening experience. I cured my BDD with psilocybin with intention. My "trips" that had no focus on what I wanted to heal or solve led absolutely nowhere
@squirmiewormie 4 года назад
@@Sophiasisi I'm really glad those experiences worked for you for the better. But perhaps my wording didn't come across quite right - I didn't necessarily go into them thinking 'I want and need a spiritual enlightening experience', more so I was going into it interested in what the outcome would be as I'd heard of people having really eye opening experiences. I was intrigued as to what I could learn. I don't mean to discount the experiences that you've had, at all, but I really don't agree that its just as simple as 'setting an intention'. In both trips I wasn't around the wrong people, I wasn't in a bad mindset, I was in a place that I was comfortable with, and I wasn't trying to force anything. And they still damaged me significantly. I don't want to take away from the fact that you, and many others I know, have had incredibly healing experiences from these plants and that is genuinely wonderful. But clearly, the kind of shifts they cause in the brain just maybe aren't compatible with everyone. Just going off what I experienced personally, it felt far more than just my level of awareness or intentions.
@aname4700 4 года назад
I just realized how much Americans LOVE conspiracy theories. Like there are so many blogs, videos and movements in social media to promote them. They even have huge groups and meetings. In my experience, here in Spain I haven't seen conspiracy theories being that relevant and extended in society
@ratumatu 4 года назад
In the Netherlands there is a guy who used to have a TV show, and he has a youtube channel now with conspiracy theories 😭 his viewers really worship everything he says and they also comment on the youtube channel of our national news station, and now his ideas spread more and more and I find it so toxic and scary
@shaquicedacosta 4 года назад
Yup yup. I think one reason for this is because some conspiracies turn out to be true then people fall down the rabbit hole. Also, trust in the government could be a factor.
@MayaPapayaa 4 года назад
@@ratumatu wie bedoel je? :)
@ratumatu 4 года назад
@@MayaPapayaa Robert Jensen 🤢
@abnormalways 4 года назад
I'm in Spain right now and I was chatting with a 35 y/o local, I mentioned that I'm a physicist & skeptic and he starting ranting down rabbit holes I didn't even know about!! From flat earth to sun worship. So there are definitely outliers in Spain! He said he learned a lot of it from his elderly friend.
@intentionalliving5932 4 года назад
Im so sad, i still have trauma from being in this spiritual abusive cults. Im happy to have found this video. Its very reassuring.
@FindingYourSerenity 4 года назад
I signed up to Aaron's email list and after a few weeks of sales pitches and webinars I HAD to unsubscribe to them. I was after value but didn't receive any. He also said he cures his ADHD by meditating which never worked for me all the years I tried! You are literally what RU-vid needs right now.
@AviKabani 4 года назад
Another problem: It's so hard to communicate "spiritual" beliefs and "spiritual" thought through social media. The language and the ideas really just become an aesthetic to whatever social media platform you are using. It's so hard to follow your passion of wanting to help people through spirituality on social media because it's been turned into intense competition. There really is no room for art anymore. People have to pay their bills, water, food, etc. I believe there are good people who want to help others through advanced spiritual belief systems, some of which are great! But those people will be drowned out by the noise of advertisement, "influencers" who do outrageous spiritual things, and dumb social media algorithms that only show you what I believe, they want you to see. It's all the same dynamics and energy, just different personalities posting things. How many times have we seen the same spiritual men and women of IG post the same provocative photo, idea, and beliefs? I've started to realize this myself as I'm in the sacred sexuality space, another VERY interesting space where I'm literally always just like "WHY!?".
@PerfumeCognac 4 года назад
I soooo agree with this. I don’t believe all of them are explicitly bad but it’s just so hard for the genuine ones not to get lost in the shuffle. Everything is a business- even if we don’t want it to be. Everyone has to earn a living and if you can do that while helping people and doing what you love great! But the lines get blurred so much with social media and the internet that it’s overwhelming trying to reconcile what we THINK a certain movement or philosophy is about when the person “teaching” it is doing so thru a very modern way that seems almost counter intuitive to the teaching itself
@starrix4712 4 года назад
Omg you hit the nail on the head, that’s why I’ve always been eternally confused from day 1 as to how all of this even exists on the internet in this huge dynamic way lmao
@kajalspandey 3 года назад
So true, it's an echo chamber.
@laritza8284 4 года назад
Hey girl, I love this video, a few years ago when I was going through a tough patch I found spirituality and it was there for me, however fast forward to now the spirituality influencers are turning me off so much & the community is so overly saturated. I've found that it's more comforting to me now to have a logical answers to my problems than to think that something happened to me because I attracted it or I feel like shit because of my negative mindset. Also I met my boyfriend when I was the lovey dovey super spiritual type lol and let me tell you, he never responded well to my "condescendingness" during arguments and there was me thinking that I was always right and he was always wrong & that he isn't as "woke" as me so he wouldn't understand. As of right now I lean towards spirituality that is backed up by science, Dr. Joe Dispenza is my favorite. Ive found a great balance between science and spirituality and am honestly way happier now compared to back then since I can understand my hardships and great moments instead of just classifying them as a "bad headspace" if that makes sense. Great video, your hard work does not go unnoticed:)
@Eliisliving 4 года назад
You just narrated my own journey! 😂 including the condescending behavior in our discussions...I’m also now in a process of a new “awakening”, but this time, from new age! Somehow one day I felt I was brainwashed and it was tough to get to the realization that new age is not the answer for everything. It’s hard to wake up and not believe in something that actually saved my life and gave me a reason to live. Now I’m trying to find balance again between science and my own spirituality just like you said. Thank you for sharing your story :)
@amazinggrace313 4 года назад
The girl i just broke it off with that i was dating was very condescending in the same manner. It was disgusting to me to see her behave so arrogantly rude and disrespectful. I just couldn't do it in the end. I actually feel sorry for her her because I think she's been influenced by others who would never care for her more than me, but such is life. Hopefully one day she will realize her errors
@Tieritta 3 года назад
At the core of it, spirituality and science go hand in hand.
@sladjaraicevic3221 4 года назад
I want to be a part of some world- and the spiritual community one is really nice. But its also confusing and contradictory. I guess we can find the truth only in our own experiences... Thank you Anna. I drank a few shots of logic.
@PerfumeCognac 4 года назад
I’m grateful for the fact that there is SOME access to this stuff out there as I’ve adopted practices and philosophies from it that have been extremely helpful and beneficial for my life. HOWEVER, it’s important to keep it all in perspective. I also remember that these people are “influencers” so I cherry pick the things that have genuine years of research and information behind it and leave the stuff that sounds more like a personal opinion or product push. It’s so hard to do that but it is super important to just keep doing our own digging. Take what speaks to you, verify that it makes sense and go from there. We don’t need to follow any one person or thing, we are so multidimensional and we can totally use what benefits us and leave the rest
@annalawrence1824 4 года назад
Your content is so well-researched, honest, professional, and well made! I always look forward to your videos! :)
@Koato 4 года назад
I wonder how many people are completely unable to think critically of what they watch on youtube, the younger audiences are so susceptible to the predatory influencer model
@twiggy114123 3 года назад
Yeah I'm worry about that too..
@77moonwalker77 4 года назад
I unironically love the quote "you're exactly where you need to be". I feel like ppl should use it in a different way. when i think i'm not fast enough in my studies or i haven't worked out enough or similar, i remind myself that I go at my own pace and I'm exactly where i need to be
@aspriggs08 4 года назад
Your pfp in my fav Michael outfit 💛💛
@77moonwalker77 4 года назад
@@aspriggs08 💕💕
@ruths9987 4 года назад
“People from the US only think about the US” I live for this self awareness haha. I love your videos, this was fantastically done 🙌🏽
@ivyrainbitch 4 года назад
No we don’t. The world just cares about what we do too much
@starrix4712 4 года назад
Ivy Rain Usually as an English speaker I am looking up universal topics and it’s all Americans with biases only towards their countries, as though all universal concepts only exist there? How am I caring when I was looking for a topic, NOT Americans? No, we other countries do NOT do that unless we title it that way. This is the insane idiocy she was referring to.
@ivyrainbitch 4 года назад
Starri X America is 2 continents
@starrix4712 4 года назад
Ivy Rain Don’t be pedantic, that’s how many people in your country refer to themselves to the point that it’s a common term for them. You KNOW that. All you had to do was insert North America/ns where it should be. Simple. Your first reply has been refuted.
@LisaCulton 4 года назад
@@starrix4712 I have to respectfully disagree. I'm American and I live in Europe and I have noticed that the German-language media, especially in Germany, is positively obsessed with what is going on in the USA. I had to cancel some online subscriptions because they were hardly ever reporting anything useful about Germany, for example. They even admit it: when I called to cancel a particular subscription, the person with whom I spoke said "it's a running joke around here that everything is Donald Trump's fault" and he could understand why I (as an American) was cancelling and that was a supposedly unbiased, well-established publication.
@MsLegaC 3 года назад
I’m so glad u called out Aaron and Ralph, I have a personal experience w Ralph and he’s def one of the most harmful
@SermonsSubtitled 4 года назад
You are just 19 and already THAT smart and sharp-minded??!! I LOVE it!!!!
@paultardspambot 3 года назад
Is she only 19? She looks older. Another new age thing is not wearing makeup. Thats cool to each their own (I'm a guy and I wear makeup) but wearing makeup generally makes one look younger and not wearing makeup conversely makes one look older.
@missdee9501 3 года назад
@@paultardspambot lol are you angry? Whats wrong?
@ade2nd664 3 года назад
She is 19??? I’m so amazed man I can’t believe people like her are this intelligent. I really do wanna look up to her she seems like a very inquisitive and self informed person
@tatihinds4939 3 года назад
@@paultardspambot I look older with makeup
@Key_1111 3 года назад
What???! I thought she was in her 20s!!
@user-bv5sq9dy7w 3 года назад
So glad you mentioned the “woke” aspect, I personally believe no ones woke because we all have our personal assumptions about life, the people that are more confident in their ideas are the ones that tend to be “woke”.
@Siouxthenation 3 года назад
The thing some call an "awakening" is a physical, spiritual, mental thing yadayadayada. Not to get into it too much but I had that happen to me and I did make realizations. Although I we confused for about a year. It was a jump into a different perspective that I wasn't expecting. True guidance on things like that in the community would be more helpful than a lot of the videos online. After all a lot of people just want answers. 🤷‍♀️
@user-bv5sq9dy7w 3 года назад
@@Siouxthenation that’s good for you
@m2024passingby 4 года назад
Now this is a REAL influencer! Finally someone who has brains! You’re absolutely incredible, specially for your age. We definitely need more young women like you to spread important and substantiated information . Keep up your great work!
@BigManTate7364 3 года назад
These videos are necessary for all people watching spiritual videos. Glad to find your channel and someone who isn't totally brainwashed by the fake spiritual stuff out there. I was one of them and still am so these types of videos help me detox and take it all with a grain of salt. Not that all spiritual stuff is fake and I still believe a lot of it but it is so egotistical and toxic in many ways and I was drinking the Kool aid for a few years. This grounds me. Basically I think we should take in all information and use critical thinking to consider what we believe to be true. Everyone is right in some ways, always a bit of truth in all sides but we should never blindly follow anything including mainstream and more niche view points 😉
@trustme411 4 года назад
Very happy you brought up Hitomi and that particular sphere. I recently unsubscribed from her because of that dissonance between images and the message (if that makes sense). And it really taught me to choose who I follow on SM based on how the content makes me feel. Like rationally, I had no reason to dislike her, and I’m sure she’s totally nice, but if I come away from the content feeling icky, then it’s just okay to unsubscribe 😊❤️
@Moonietie 4 года назад
Haha the 'icks' I've starting feeling icky when I watch Netflix lately or too much RU-vid, it's definitely a thing lol x
@marinakhalaf446 4 года назад
I did the same thing something really felt off about her lately 🤢🤮
@alex434343 3 года назад
As someone who takes spiritual awakening as seriously as any monk, I am very saddened by these people deluding themselves and everyone else with "spirituality" that tends to be practically all hat and very little cattle. Thank you Anna for taking a level headed and sensible approach to this topic, and for talking about these issues in the same way.
@nishantagam8619 3 года назад
Being spiritual is a dedication to self & looking spiritual is decoration of self
@eanu123 2 года назад
Well written
@spiritualworlds_jeanyang 2 года назад
Amazing and wonderful! I accidentally came into your channel and I absolutely love the fact you said it is important for the audience to have their own discernment. It is important to have that. We have to develop our own sense of judgement on what is right and wrong. In my past, I had a bad experience that I listened blindly to a spiritual teacher (not influencer), and it has really blinded me to see the whole picture. It is important to always important to have your own opinion and stand your ground. Take what you find valuable, and whatever you don't feel fit in your perception, you let it go. Thank you for your video! 🙏🙏
@FlexNFly 4 года назад
Girl! I'm so ready to hear your thoughts on this. Also I like the lamp. As long as it's not too crowded for you. I'm focused on you anyway. Okay Let me focus on this video
@bewitchedbanshee 4 года назад
You're mopping the floor with these so-called "influencers" (not a fan of that term.) I love the direction your channel is taking. Thanks for talking about this!
@AnnasAnalysis 4 года назад
thanks :) glad you enjoyed it!
@sallyw.2204 4 года назад
That's exactly what I thought but I couldn't verbalize it 😄👌
@arirojas8988 4 года назад
I am thankful you are creating these videos about spirituality. Sometimes I'm shy about admitting I have a sense of spirituality and hide it because I'm ashamed about how so many spiritual people act. It's good to hear someone else who has a sense of spirituality offering these critiques and knowing there are spiritual people with more grounded points of view who believe in the importance of logic and rationality.
@luisaramos6862 4 года назад
I realized something was off when an "influencer" with a very normal name, suddenly started showing a lamborgini in his videos and after a retreat in the mountains of nepal or something changed his name to Master something something...MASTER... he asks people to call him master. I was like...hooooooooold on, wait, what?
@solgb6676 4 года назад
🤣😂 delusional
@mayphoenix4725 3 года назад
I noticed that with Eric Ho...he now goes by Master Sri
@luisaramos6862 3 года назад
@@mayphoenix4725 Hahaha yes, he's precisely the one I was talking about. He's now Master Sri Akashna and everyone in his team calls him master and sit around him on the floor with this messiah illusion kind of thing
@mayphoenix4725 3 года назад
@@luisaramos6862 + At first when you said showing off his Lamborghini, I thought of Tai Lopez...I don't think he's a spiritual guru but he's still was an egotistical internet entrepreneur influencer. Anyways, I'm glad somebody finally calling this bullshit out. I feel for it.😡 Lots of people have been ripped off. It's sad that people have to stop this low to make a living and still have the nerve to talk about love and light.🤔
@luisaramos6862 3 года назад
@@mayphoenix4725 HA! well Eric calls himself a Yogui in a lamborghini so... yeah! lol I was referring to him. He is a "spiritual guru" of sorts and talks about law of attraction and stuffs
@ckse7536 4 года назад
everyone is good and bad at the same time. Take what you want, leave what you don't want.
@mayphoenix4725 3 года назад
@splishsplash515 4 года назад
i love everything you said on the "to be egoistical or not to be" part of the video. as someone who's suffered with ED and body issues it's always bothered me how the spiritual influencers (who may relate to that) preach the you are not your body stuff, yet still seem to hold their physical appearance to SUCH a high standard to show off. at least for me, i found that not holding so much significance to my physical body (and being vain in general tbh) is a huge part that's helped me recover. its also funny that the influencers know they'll get tons of comments praising them for their body, people telling them they wish they looked like them, comparisons, but never really address that stuff which bothers me bc it's harmful and they're pretty much hypocrites imo. idk it just seems really phony to me for them to preach spirituality and being deep yet still be so narcissistic and shallow
@jessicaodonovan 4 года назад
I feel exactly the same. It indirectly sends the message that you need to meet a certain aesthetic physical standard to be spiritual. Or even, that becoming physically beautiful is a side effect of 'awakening' (when in reality I believe it is more about learning you're not your physical body). Spirituality is not reserved exclusively for the beautiful, fit, able bodied humans!! It is for everyone, indiscriminately.
@Munahidfrommars 4 года назад
If you twist your body in certain ways and hang upside down, you are not a yogi. You are just doing circus. yoga means, you sat here and you experience the whole universe by itself.
@LauraVerbich 4 года назад
Wow that’s beautiful !
@bellaluna3870 4 года назад
Hi - yoga teacher and circus artist. I think this gatekeeping idea that yoga is one specific thing is really harmful. Yoga is however you interpret it. It's important to understand where it comes from and the spiritual roots of yoga, but everyone experiences that differently - meaning for some people, turning upside down can be spiritual! Gatekeeping will end this whole community, I hear it all the time, and it is a #1 reason why I hear from people who want to be potential students why they DONT want to try yoga. It's not really on us to gatekeep something that existed thousands of years before we were ever born :)
@simoneroberts4848 4 года назад
@@bellaluna3870 thanks for saying that yoga for me is gaining strength and reducing my anxiety it helps me unwind but in my own journey with yoga I don't have some spiritual awakening with it so I just say yoga is just how others interpret so thanks for saying that.
@_-lydia-_8175 4 года назад
I see Hitomi being pictured throughout this video and I am subscribed to her, I don't actually agree with much of her spiritual beliefs myself, but I watch her videos to feel more confident in myself and get outfit inspiration because I have a similar body to her and feel pretty insecure in my own skin. I know some people would consider it to be a good looking body type and I have nothing to be insecure about but they haven't lived in my body and been through what I have been through that has led me up to this point. One time I commented on her Instagram thanking her for posting pictures with her natural body because it makes me feel better about myself by seeing representation and seeing someone who looks like me being confident, someone just commented back saying "weird flex but okay" I would like it if she made body empowering videos and shared her journey with her relationship with her body so others can see that everyone had insecurities and has to learn to get except themselves, rather then just never adress all the people constantly commenting under her posts and video "if I looked like her I would be happier," maybe her demographic is young and that's why she gets so many comments like that. Really enjoyed your video Anne, thanks for uploading! 💓
@EmeraldKenny 4 года назад
Literally scanning the comment section for a comment about Hitomi! I recently started following her too, mostly because it was great to see a half-asian (with big boobs like me 🤣) twenty-something year old on RU-vid. I have found comfort in a lot of what she has said about plenty of things, but I do think that her popularity has to do with how aesthetically beautiful/thin she is.
@EmeraldKenny 4 года назад
@Anna'sAnalysis has a point - the spirituality comes across as egotism with different jargon. And as a subscriber and a follower, I find myself more and more asking... Do I take in her content because I actually connect with this girl or do I want to BE this girl?
@EmeraldKenny 4 года назад
I think what's great about the internet is that we get these complete variety of voices and opinions. A lot of what Hitomis lacks in encouraging body positivity I get from other channels/influencers who are... I guess more "real". We need to start realising that no ONE person has all the answers, no matter how pleasing the aesthetic. *I am so sorry for writing all these comments it's very late where I live and your comment just sparked something in me 🙊🙊🙊
@_-lydia-_8175 4 года назад
@@EmeraldKenny Yesss!! To all of what you said, good point I do the same by following many people for many different things, what I don't get from Hitomi I get from others, I appreciate you commenting to me you said some insightful and nice things. :)💓🌸
@tondiss3131 4 года назад
She has talked about her struggle with eating disorders and body dysmorphia too I think if you haven’t seen the videos ! That could be a reason why she hasn’t addressed it recently, I think whether she IS or ISNT posing “half naked” photos for attention doesn’t really matter ? I personally don’t think that’s a bad thing as that is the point of social media as a whole, to get attention and grow your following, and doing what works in order to do those two things shouldn’t be something that’s a punishable offense especially when being confident in your body is difficult, and seeing Hitomi being so confident in her body gives me hope that that could be me one day, also, people with body image issues compare themselves no matter what people are wearing, it doesn’t matter if you’re completely covered or not, this point felt a little slut shame-y to be completely honest, and that’s basically my main gripe with this point
@shahaalagil6640 4 года назад
My friends who believed in this stuff looked down on people who used psychiatric medication. They were more likely to encourage psychedelics instead. Let’s just say I took it seriously and landed in the hospital with an interesting realization about my life. Not because I got off my medicine though. I took a high dose and although it was extremely beneficial it was not under medical practices. And due to the fact I didn’t have a trip sitter didn’t help (the experience was still healing than harmful surprisingly) {not recommended} It would have been responsible if psychotherapy therepy was involved. I’m not at all saying psychedelics are bad, I’m just saying it’s easy to preach only the positives on certain topics because the negatives can be seen as someone being less aware, unconscious or ignorant. I do believe under medical settings that taking psychedelics and enthogens can be extremely useful for those suffering for multiple conditions. I believe my point is make sure you take care of yourself and the people you hang around may not know what’s best for you. That is all.
@elvingearmasterirma7241 4 года назад
@@samanthab6642 They misplaced their trust, made a bad decision and fucked up. Even the most intelligent, well taught people can misplace their trust.
@cosmiccoco6889 4 года назад
“Medical setting” and “taking psychedelics” is a complete oxymoron..... if you’re actually spiritual and deep in it you’ll get what I’m saying. The whole medical industry is a sham
@elvingearmasterirma7241 4 года назад
@@cosmiccoco6889 No it's not. Being safe and clinical is not a bad idea when taking mind altering substances Do you want something awful happening? Oh also, if it weren't for the medical industry a lot of us wouldn't be alive! Most of us wouldn't even make it past childhood! Modern surgery, medication and clinical practices are very good at keeping us alive! Medical science is merely taken that good ole spiritual herbal shit and refined it down to a T. Making the dosages more reliable and safer than if you took it right from the plant. I get America's healthcare is money run but do not toss the baby with the bathwater out and no, you don't know everything.
@shahaalagil6640 4 года назад
@@cosmiccoco6889 being deep or spiritual isn’t the point here and neither is doubting someone else’s psychedelic experiences.
@samanthab6642 4 года назад
@@shahaalagil6640 I'm not judging honestly. I am so sorry it came across that way I read it again just now and deleted it!! Everyone makes mistakes. Trust your own gut especially for super serious situations. Sorry if my comment came across as judgemental. I don't use Facebook etc. and do not comment too often so I am not good at this technology stuff which is why I also barely text. Lol
@PluviophileTraveller 4 года назад
Thank you. This is so important. Videos like the ones you mentioned have bothered me for a while. Something has always felt off. Ego seemed to play way too big a role in these influencers' content. You hit the nail on the head.
@papercopy1692 4 года назад
Can confirm I've met A LOT of new age people and they are the biggest douche's I've ever met (most not all). Knew a girl who is a yoga teacher and she would always talk down on social media yet on a trip we were on she was stopping to pose for pictures every 5 minuites for her insta. Wild
@lauraflaherty563 4 года назад
Hehehheee 😂😂 I love this comment!
@starrix4712 4 года назад
Because the whole mantra of losing ego and being egoless is actually extremely lazy and careless and easy for them to do. They’re sociopathic (so not attached to “anything material”) and they can easily be nice and accepting about everything in life (probably due to the somewhat sociopathy) therefore this mantra has just become the sociopath’s goldmine. All twisted wrong. Nirvana is a whole complex religion, NOT an experience or a concept or a way or a state of mind, despite what people have (forced) translated it to. Westerners and the younger generation of Asians, that is.
@alexmcginness8859 4 года назад
Youre my hero! I knew I wasn’t nuts. Soooooo many people in my area (I live in the love and light mecca of the world-Encinitas, CA) are exactly as you describe. So happy to find someone who legitimately believes in science!
@leoscorpio6366 2 года назад
WOW. More wisdom and diplomacy in this 24min video than I've seen in a lifetime (social media or real life). Unfortunately common sense and discernment isn't so common these days but listening to you is like bathing in a refreshing pool of truth bombs. ✌️💣✨️
@_x178 4 года назад
yes! i’m so glad you talked about the egocentrism of some of these influencers and the pictures they post! I think it’s important to mention as well that they could be posting images of themselves that aren’t so blatantly posed. I think such a big aspect of self/body acceptance/neutrality is being comfortable with images of yourself that aren’t necessarily flattering in a societal perspective. But that’s ok because it’s still your body! I feel as an influencer that is being ‘more than their body’ it’s important to promote content that demonstrates how bodies get bloated, have fat folds, have cellulite, etc but that’s very normal and is actually a good thing! However, I never really see any of them doing this. They seem to be so involved in self image that they don’t care about the damage they are doing to their young audience when they have the power to be doing good.
@tao_of_mary 4 года назад
Alix Byrd so true!! They claim to have an attitude of not caring and "wanting to let go of everything" and yet they post staged photos of themselves looking "perfect". It's weird how all of these influencers are very conventionally attractive people. Would someone who is not conventionally attractive be able to even become a spiritual influencer??
@jaykay1899 3 года назад
Thanks for this video. More people need to talk about this stuff ESPECIALLY ever since the pandemic started, a lot of spiritual influencers have flown off the rails in terms of posting fear inducing/ conspiracy thinking videos that often don't actually serve any purpose other than fueling paranoia and over the top questioning of reality. Not to mention the fact that all of this "Q" stuff has leaked into the community as well, which in my opinion leads people down the wrong path who would otherwise be able to reasonably question the things that are going on. Yes, there's a lot of shady things happening in the world these days, but Q is clearly not the answer...
@GregorySkidmore 2 года назад
The presentation of your ideas land as a deft balance of mildly frustrated criticism, conscientious inquiry, and grounded perception of actual reality. Thank you for your efforts to provide your viewers with well-rounded and informed opinion pieces. Keep it real!
@AnimeMaster1001 4 года назад
Thanks for making this video! I haven't found a lot of people talking about the spiritual community. I used to watch aaron doughty, and some other youtubers, and i do still like some of these spiritual youtubers BUT i've significantly stopped watching them all the time. It's just gotten boring. I have definitely bought a lot of these influencer's courses and while they did help at the time, I just don't use them anymore. It's gotten repetitive and I find myself not agreeing with all that they say. I'm tired of blindly taking what these influencers say as what I should believe. A lot of the stuff in these courses are long ass ceremonies for things like the full moon, shadow work, yknow all that jazz (basically a lot of fancy stuff like affirmations, meditations, reprograming your mind is basically like cognitive behavioral therapy) UGH unfortunately, I became obsessed at some point and have bought in to the products they sold and now I feel like it's been such a waste in money. Don't even get me started on wasting money on a $600 course that was not worth the $600. I've met aaron in real life, and he seemed nice enough but I do think the way he sells his products are too manipulative and similar to how people sell mlms. The scary thing is is that I can tell he genuinely believes he's doing good, and while his courses don't all suck, it's manipulative how he decides to sell it. You get an email for a webinar, you go to the webinar and he gives you a run down on what you can learn to make more money and be your own boss, and then at the end of it he tries to sell you his course PERSISTENTLY. He says it's worth $4000 (some high number) but because he's a good guy he'll sell it for $600, manipulating his audience into thinking it's a steal. He's persistent and uses the whole scarcity tactic, by saying "it's only gonna be 600$ today! so you have to buy it it'll never be this cheap again" but I get another email eventually and its that same price, and as far as I know it's still that price. I fell for it OKAY. I was weak. He's a good salesman, I'll give him that. I got a text from my bank texting me asking if it was fraud, lmao. I've since then opened my mind, I'm still into spirituality and sorta believe in manifesting yada yada yada, but I'm more skeptical now. The shit they're saying is ridiculous. I can tell they have good intentions, but some of them have gotten so wrapped up in this that it's blinding them from different perspectives, from listening. It has been toxic thinking I've attracted bad shit into my life, or have chosen that before I came into this life. Denying myself my feelings or issues because "if i think positive it'll go away", but the truth is you gotta face shit. And I'm definitely not saying all of these spiritual influencers are like that!! because there are some who I still really love and talk about letting yourself deal with your shit yknow? But I'm talking about some who are just keen to ignoring negativity or any problems. When you really think about it, they're making money on their lifestyles. Their viewers buy into their stuff because they want happiness, success and believe this will help them get there. But true spirituality shouldn't be about having things, it should be about connection to something bigger than you (probably? idk) I'm tired of having to feel like i have to buy another book or course or crystal to be spiritual. Okay, so i know that was long but man I have so many thoughts on this topic!! I have considered myself spiritual for so long and while it's helped me, it's also has some down sides. I think these influencers probably mean well, but I trust more in the ones that aren't really trying to sell me something every video.
@topotondo828 3 года назад
Was he a QAnon conspiracy theorist at the time you met him or did that happen afterwards?
@AnimeMaster1001 3 года назад
@@topotondo828 i think it possibly happened afterwards? I met him around 2019 June or July. At the time, I do remember him being into alien stuff and I think that's when he started doing more videos like that.
@rozinan7400 4 года назад
Thank. You. I felt so alone on this topic for the longest time. THANK YOU!! You have to follow your heart you were born with. Not what “spiritual influencers” tell you to do. Burning sage in your room is not going to get rid of “bad vibes” if you can take control of how you perceive/react to the world, you just need yourself to surround yourself with positivity. No crystals or oils necessary
@dionysius360 4 года назад
Ooh, the point where you mentioned how it seems like some people in the new age spirituality community (whatever it’s called) compete to be woke reminded me of a lecture I heard by Alan Watts. He was talking about how the dangers of enlightenment, particularly those who seek to attain it, often unknowingly fall into a game of oneupmanship.
@lovelyleovirgo2718 4 года назад
Used to be a HUGE fan of Aaron’s until he decided to focus more on conspiracy theories instead of the actual facts of police murders/brutality 🤦‍♀️
@topotondo828 3 года назад
It seems like he is dragging more people in this "spirituality" circle down the rabbit hole with him. I discovered him through Zoey Arielle, whose content I used to follow because it related to travel and Italy. She started posting some QAnon-adjacent stuff on IG and then he appeared on her podcast. I heard him talk vaguely about "something deeper going on" and "there's a singular power in control" then found on his blog that he is ranting about Tom Hanks and George Soros. Big oof.
@Hersheychocolate12 3 года назад
@@topotondo828 I used to love leoor alexandra but she was getting into stuff I didn’t vibe or comfortable with. But I think she’s pretty legit and honestly I really enjoyed her channel at that time. I was able to manifest last min parking spots for an overfilled lot on year 😂Idc what ppl say but I did that 💀
@Dilemma998 3 года назад
the "sending love & light" SENT me because its way too accurate 😂
@davidfinch2478 4 года назад
As an old guy, formeraly 'new age wonder boy' I've heard about the Big Shift since the 1970s. Things have happened but I'm still waiting...and waiting ... and God, consciousness, the Infinite/Eternal is real, the rest is just what humans/2 leggeds do. It's quite amazing but a bit redundant.
@leol9389 3 года назад
the social media influence side of the rising trend of new age spirituality was one of the main reasons I had to stop. I started engaging and delving into the new age wave in 2019 and rode the wave into 2020 during the pandemic. Mostly because it was attractive and gave faith and a coping mechanism during a time of uncertainty. I hated how....alarmist it tended to be. From transits, to retrogrades, to bombarding card pull videos on the feed, to astro forecast tweets, etc all talking about "volatile" and "dramatic" energies or "intense circumstances". It was awful for those of us with anxiety. I mean just look at the comments, so many people who thought they were getting into a harmless hobby suddenly scared, panicked, and having existential dread because a planet entered a new sign. It all just made it seem like the universe was bullying us for being born lol. I realized something was wrong and had to distance myself, clean out my feeds, and throw some things out. There were the real world worries I had, like the pandemic, unemployment, etc. And the thing I thought would bring me healing and relief was not creating spiritual and cosmic worries. SO backwards.
@sabrinapugs 4 года назад
Ngl seeing hitomi (I think?) in the thumbnail was a huge “finally” moment for me-this whole video hits the nail on the head. I’m tired of seeing influencers curing their deep mental health problems through “spirituality” when in reality we aren’t seeing how much wealth they’ve accumulated during this recovery period. Its cool to be positive and self helped, but most of us need professional therapy to move on and cope with the traumas we face!
@samisjournal2725 3 года назад
But she does talk about getting professional help and has shared her journey with therapy too
@amazonflower5414 4 года назад
Rachel Bells program (that I personally took) teach coaches how to have their audience agree with every. single. thing. so that they can create “irresistible offers” Red flag station 🚩
@AnnasAnalysis 4 года назад
Amazon Flower woah that’s crazy. If you’re interested I’d love if you’d dm me and share more cuz I’ve been planning on making a part two of my video about retreats and courses and would like to hear about your experience but if not that’s cool :)
@cdb8825 4 года назад
@Kamilla J could you elaborate on that? I have been interested in her programme for a while
@nautica00 4 года назад
Yes manifestation sounds woo woo, until you realize you’ve been doing it the whole time. Watch where your mood gets you, just start there. You don’t have to believe anything, just observe your thoughts and try to see the positive in every situation. Surely you’ll notice that you notice more and more values in your life.
@i.rail.straggots2605 3 года назад
@upliftsouls 3 года назад
Manifestation works but only if you know how to actually harness its power. Simply wishing for something or thinking a positive thought does nothing
@nautica00 3 года назад
@@upliftsouls you need to hold your desired outcome and your declared thought. That does start with positivity around it. The negative thoughts will manifest if that’s the main thought.
@OllieSmiless 4 года назад
This is great, Anna. I've been enjoying your videos. Another extremely popular point is "you're so ignorant" perspective/come back on anything a person disagrees with you about. It's gotten so out-of-hand. Oh, "uninformed" is what other people use, with a little less ego. I've been a part of the "spiritual community" for many years. The amount of nonsense they teach/instill into people's minds who feel lost is staggering. You're right on point about: "you're not woke, you're not ready for this information, I pray for your awakening, I send you love and light" and a whole bunch of other similar egotistical mambo- jumbo is mind-boggling.
@celiafernandes2033 4 года назад
Girl I'm laughing so loud! You said it! Nowadays religion isn't cool, so being spiritual it's the thing! Burning sage, buying a thousand of crystals, ...blah blah blah You're so young but so wise.
@hannahHaii 3 года назад
As a very spiritual person who hates the government I hate the majority of spiritual and “woke” influencers😂😂
@mumzieof563 2 года назад
@sunnysunshine333 3 года назад
I was spiritual before it became a trend and people would call me crazy but now I just follow my heart and don’t listen to others. I follow my heart and act with love instead of listening to a random person on social media LOL 😂 but just follow your intuition
@dragonbutterfly111 3 года назад
Following your intuition is spirituality. We don't need guru to be spiritual.. You're right, just follow ur heart
@evanmaldonado9799 3 года назад
Reminds me of Spiritual so, he calls people who disagree with him bots and I used to be very gullible when I watched him.
@TN-ju4ro 3 года назад
i used to love his videos until he fell into the rabbit holes
@evanmaldonado9799 3 года назад
@@TN-ju4ro same here
@noplansplease4345 4 года назад
on the sadguru onion thing... i know of a diet called the satvic diet that excludes onions and garlic. Ayurveda is a good source of info on this. just in case you want to research it :)
@xosamreen 4 года назад
I’m from India and there’s a community/religion called Jainism in which people don’t eat food like onions and garlics and anything that comes from the ground.
@smartadj 4 года назад
I think he mentioned sth of onions and garlic being medicine (like a natural antibiotic) and she be taken accordingly, same as caffeine (stimulant)...It's good to look into the effects an ingredient has on your body, but I wouldn't go as far as eliminating them
@juniper1982 3 года назад
I commented about this as well. His comments have everything to do with those traditional teachings, I believe.
@ajipet 3 года назад
I am from India and the whole concept of vegetarianism and onion garlic is just a matter of privilege just because you are born near the equator and can choose your variety of food. As a result a group of people in india are using food as a barrier to project themselves as self important and look down on other fellow country men.
@ajipet 3 года назад
I am from India and the whole concept of vegetarianism and onion garlic is just a matter of privilege just because you are born near the equator and can choose your variety of food. As a result a group of people in india are using food as a barrier to project themselves as self important and look down on other fellow country men.
@michelled5655 4 года назад
Yes!! I completely agree with the attitude of „I am just doing what works for me, of course this is my journey (but please follow my journey and buy my ebooks), so if you don’t get super healthy and enlightened, you’re not ready/doing it wrong/on another path.“ For people who promote love and wellness, there’s actually a lot of shaming and blaming going on. And giving medical advice with 0 foundation other than interpreting books and research of actual doctors...that can be dangerous, especially for young people who want to believe all this stuff.
@StellaRae 3 года назад
thank you for this omggg
@NewYorkCityLost 4 года назад
This is so true. People don’t do their research. They just blindly follow these “gurus” just because they have “secret” knowledge lol
@ToyBoxBonanza52 Год назад
@catobrien837 4 года назад
One quick thing, after the bubonic plague the Renaissance followed and historians are united in the fact that Europe really did transform after the plague due to a cultural shift. So here’s hoping we see a similarly bright future after our own pandemic is over! I definitely see what you’re saying about the influencers view of “the shift” being everyone copying their lifestyle which is just absurd. Stay safe, all!
@bellenotbella 4 года назад
Yes thank you!
@katelyngrabowski1205 4 года назад
can we have t shirts that say SACRED FUNGUS MEDICINE?!
@martham7997 3 года назад
🤣love them
@lauraflaherty563 4 года назад
I love your videos Anna! :) And you are absolutely right, with the utmost respect to everyone who means well, there is sooo much ego out there in spiritual circles and some very patronising attitudes! Thanks for pointing out, discernment is definitely key :)
@lisaw8619 4 года назад
You are right, many people do not care about evidence - they simply do not care. If a belief feels good, many people will adopt it, regardless of evidence. Thank you for being a rational voice in the vegan community. I'm vegan, and there is so much overlap with pseudoscience nonsense. I'm a biologist, and the widespread lack of critical thinking everywhere is depressing and scary.
@distanceanimalreikihealera5688 3 года назад
Thank you bringing this up I am so sick of seeing people condone being “spiritual” all because they start eating mushrooms daily. And it’s such bullshit.
@suzsiz 4 года назад
That Aaron guy has this insane look in his eyes. 👀 👀 👀 👀 👁👄👁 👁👄👁 👁👄👁
@VideoCesar07 4 года назад
The one thing about you that gives you a big advantage in life is noticing all the small details, ergo, the inconsistencies between what they are saying and what is going on around them. It may not be his house at all, maybe a friend's house or even his parents but the ones who buy into his "great awakening" and only listening to him and watching him, not what is going on around them. The analogy between them and the church leaders is perfect. They tell us we have to live a life of austerity in order to become enlightened but then they are enjoying all of life's luxuries and it's always because of their level of enlightenment or that they have to play the part to reach more influential people. " My problem with influencers isn't just the influencer but, at times, their followers . There are many people I listen to for their take on certain topics and experiences to gain a different perspective. The issue is many of their followers will jump all over anyone who says "I like their message but I don't agree with..." They portray that influencer as the ultimate authority probably because they have the exact same beliefs that they do and don't want anyone to question their view. ...and then they call others who don't have their cult-like mindset a sheeple. 🙄 This is why it's good to have others who make you explain why you agree with certain things so you can see any flaws in the logic or if you actually believe what you heard or are just following along.
@thechaosvibration1181 3 года назад
"new age spirituslity has become a competition if who is the wokest" hahaha
@tatiyanahall 3 года назад
Yes I’m glad you said that
@anon2218 2 года назад
You’re speaking the truth. I’m spiritual but not to the extreme. I feel most “spiritual” people are delusional. They be like “I am God. I am the giver of the earth.” They stay posting the meditating, which I know in person they’re probably sitting on the couch eating chips. They love to talk about veganisim, when in person they eat all kinds of meat. You’re right, most of them aren’t who they say they are.
@terrirandilee5239 3 года назад
I'm glad I found Gigi Young first when I was first looking for truth. She says this is her truth and just her truth right now it can change. Use your discernment and find your own truths. I tried watching the people you mentioned. They do not resignations with me.
@mariangelaserrano1078 4 года назад
I literally click on the video because I saw the photo of Hitomi in the thumbnail! I appreciate so much you sharing this thoughts ✨🙏🏻
@yvonne2965 4 года назад
You are 💯 on target with this video.. We dont need these people to guide us ..most of the information they give out can be learned on your own & with good books & most of all nature..nobody owns the truth.. Its free to all of us .. & we are all naturally spiritual
@kahlilgarcia3995 4 года назад
I’m glad someone said it, I have my own opinion about mainstream media because it can be deceiving at times but pulling the shimmery vail off these self proclaimed “influencers” when they may only be public figures is refreshing as hell i gotta say, Thanks Anna,
@carpo719 3 года назад
I haven't watched the video yet but thanks for making it on this topic it's important to do it. I find myself making videos like this at least a couple times a year. Trying to save people from falling for that crap. I've always enjoyed believing in something greater and meditation, I love crystals Etc. But I know how much Placebo plays a role
@baileymoran8585 Год назад
This is why I cherry pick things and try to approach them from a clinical perspective. Guided and certain herbs are helpful for me. Law of attraction, in particular, is toxic AF. It’s a socially acceptable god complex. They say ‘we are the creators of our realities.’ I don’t want to be a higher power. I’m good just controlling and influencing myself. There’s also a lot of victim blaming. I had a hard life. My attitude didn’t attract these traumas, anymore than any abuse survivor ‘asks for it.’ I did heal, as much as I could have, at this point. I am stable after going through something that is fairly common but considered one of the worst experiences someone can have. I’ve woken up from comas when I had less than 10.% survival odds. I have been through several natural disasters… two were unpredicted and came seemingly out of nowhere. I’ve re-learned to walk again. I didn’t have a good attitude for a lot of it but healing happened, and my attitude changed when that started. The most comforting thing was knowing I was allowed to feel whatever came up, and I didn’t know what would happen from one day to the next, and I had no control over what happened next because I had my own actions and choices to control and that was enough. I also don’t like dwelling too long on reasons because they are less important than ‘ok what do I do next?’ But a lot of LOA people were very rude to me when I was healing from the worst time of my life. I was told I attracted it, or maybe secretly wanted to be the victim of it because someone with as much trauma as me must like being a victim. In reality I see myself as someone who was a victim sometimes but that is not a personality trait for me. It never was. I am still in therapy and don’t need more spirituality to keep healing and trying to be my best self. I don’t need a divine purpose or a great reason for why things happened, or to be some sort of conduit or extension of whatever sentient being(s) are out there. I just go with the flow, as much as possible, unless that is not what is needed to make progress. The current new age movement really only appeals to super privileged and self important people who really don’t have some objective horrible experience that needs supernatural intervention, and people who’ve run out of options to heal. Most the gurus who put out some super famous self help book are arrogant, unable to admit they have flaws, and are generally privileged enough to be out of touch and not even know it. They should not be giving advise.
@nah9895 4 года назад
I'm only a couple minutes in, but I already love the approach you're taking with this. I'm a very spiritual person, but I also think everyone should question the information that is presented to them and figure out what they believe based on their own experience. It really concerns me with how willing people are to preach their beliefs as the absolute truth and others willing to follow blindly without discernment
@spiritlove2 3 года назад
I agree with u a lot on most of the stuff, I do believe a lot of these "spiritual" influencers don't practice what they preach as much as they claim to or maybe a better way to put it is by being realistic on social media. Aaron has a lot of ego still n claims he let it go. Living in a big house is not what made u doubt him it's the way he only talks n never really has any evidence of something he has done or is doing. With that being said I personally have seen influencers post positive things they have done n still get hate like they have only done it for clout or recognition. Whatever the case is I do believe that if ur a positive person the hate should not be what stops u from doing anything u love or help others.
@juniper1982 3 года назад
Just on the garlic and onion example: Garlic and onions are obviously very healthy and nutritious. However, Indian spiritual practice involves a specific diet that is believed to be helpful for meditation, so Sadhguru’s comments are in line with that tradition. I’m no expert, but I think we should see that example as more of a cultural teaching...
@shivangi3769 3 года назад
Yups, Sadhguru is probably not someone who is a good fit as a New Age guru. There are mainstream religions that prohibit eating garlic/onion and don't consider them kosher. However, there is a much deeper scientific reason where certain chemicals can cause distress in large quantities. For example, garlic is a known vasodilator. It is considered "hot" in essence. This is what Sadhguru is implying, if you want to say, meditate on a certain day and are on an abstainance diet. It's not literally anxiety 😊
@FruityHachi 4 месяца назад
@@shivangi3769 pretty sure people don't eat garlic and onions in large quantities, they're usually just added to recipes and dishes for taste
@nicolederosa5724 4 года назад
I appreciate your content a lot.
@TheTizidude 3 года назад
Anna! At the end of the day, each one of us have a choice to pick the things/tools and infos that we value work the best for our journey and that includes some of those odd videos you are skeptical about .. And in many ways you are right, but know this if I've first watched your video I may never end up watching some of those beautiful positive contents and insights displayed on their channels. And again you are right some of those people may end up change or improve their opinion just as well as you may do in the future. Thanks for sharing ..
@aslcerenlort6884 2 года назад
Lately, I have been thinking about some spiritual beliefs just are not good for me. I started questioning my belief system and the whole "spirituality" as a thing. I just wanted to listen different viewpoints on all these stuff. So, I am watching your videos. Your channel is so beneficial for me :) I realised that sometimes spiritual beliefs narrow down our perspectives when we go too far.
@alexanderfields4172 4 года назад
logic is lost on many new agers. i am refreshed to hear your thoughts. Keep up the wonderful flow of consciousness!
@peanutbutterpancakes7 3 года назад
Thank you for this video I'm soo glad somebody FINALLY said it about Aaron. He's a very selfish individual. He claims to want to help people and he's so loving but his ego is huge. He buys these big amethyst rocks like 10 of them all worth 1000$ a piece and places them around his mansion just because he can and because he doesn't know what else to do with all his money he gets from scamming people.
@PrettyPatriciia 4 года назад
"They don't care about research, they care about anecdotes" ....Spot on!
@FruityHachi 4 месяца назад
same with "meat cured all my illnesses, vegetables destroyed my hormones" crowd
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