
TikTok on child free by choice 

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29 сен 2024




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@Ilovenymets31 Год назад
I rather regret not having kids then having them and not want them.
@deelee4639 Год назад
You can't regret something you never wanted 😅😅😅
@angelaholmes8888 Год назад
Yeah I feel the same way
@elizabethr4107 17 дней назад
@melfreemans Год назад
I'm 62 and happily childfree. About 10 years ago an elderly lady asked me if I had kids. I said no. Her reply was "well its not too late you can still adopt". I told her "no.. I don't want kids". Her face.. it was like I was some sort of alien that had just landed in front of her....she could not wrap her head around a woman not wanting to be a mom.
@honeyspice8989 6 месяцев назад
People with children who bash on child free people are just envious of the child free lifestyle. It says more about them than us.
@MphoenixE Год назад
Therapy and maybe a plant is what so many people need.
@elizabethr4107 17 дней назад
Completely agree. Ty to all the moms out there telling us younger women what having kids is rly like. Bc our mothers won't in the name of grandkids
@xXOFrannieOXx Год назад
To all you child free woman. Congradulations. Im so happy woman are starting to think and decide and not just get nocked up and go " Oh Well". The world is changing and you are one of the reasons it is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
@purplegirl8036 Год назад
😂 I’m the opposite for not getting knocked up and I’m like “oh well” didn’t have kids 🤷🏽‍♀️.
@xXOFrannieOXx Год назад
@@purplegirl8036 🤣
@queeniequeen949 10 месяцев назад
Thank you!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
@OoMASEoO Год назад
"you'll find him one day" God I hate when people say that. I don't want to find anyone. Ever. Trust me.
@purplegirl8036 Год назад
But I tried and I can’t find him 😂
@Raebrained Год назад
Facts 😂 some people act so offended that you're okay with just you
@oldchild527 Год назад
I'm the same! friends and family introduced me a line of men and i wasn't interested in none even tho they where all nice people, I'm just good by myself
@kerdunne3422 11 месяцев назад
Why mess up my plans and peace by adding another person to the mix? It's too much of a gamble and I actually like being on my own (with my dogs and cats for company of course).
@Hollyucinogen 11 месяцев назад
I wouldn't date somebody in the first place if they wanted children. We would obviously be extremely incompatible, and it isn't fair for one of us to give up on our goals just to please somebody else. How about everyone just minds their own business?
@lisettes.9598 Год назад
43, 20 yrs with my husband and we decided not to have children. We do what we want, have adorable dogs we adore, spent a year in Thailand just because. I LOVE my life. We have hobbies and laugh all day long. I had a very difficult childhood. I'm giving myself a great adulthood to make up for all of that stress
@justacatwhocantype Год назад
39, married and childfree, made it permanent by getting my husband fixed. Cheer for vasectomies everyone! 🤩
@merici_ Год назад
@amberrichards2778 Год назад
Be careful. They can heal themselves.
@magnarcreed3801 Год назад
Cheers! Good he did it. Safer than you doing it!
@angelaholmes8888 Год назад
Congratulations 🙂
@CordeliaWagner Год назад
They can't heal themselves. Please get some sex education.
@nixeradicatus Год назад
I had a customer who was constantly asking if I was gonna have another baby yet. I kept telling him I didn't plan to but he kept asking. Finally, I told him, "Never. I even got my tubes tied." And his response was, "Well they have the technology to get you pregnant still." I wanted to smack him.
@merici_ Год назад
I'm experiencing this too. They be like so who's going to play with your child. I honestly really just wanted one. I'm also an only child.
@angelaholmes8888 Год назад
What a jerk he was totally rude for saying that
@mahlohonololebuso741 11 месяцев назад
@queeniequeen949 10 месяцев назад
I hate when people ask this. I’m also an only child on my mom’s side, and I am the youngest on my (deceased biological) “dad’s” side. I heard my mom was constantly asked to have another child and it got on my nerves. I’ve seen where older kids had to help raise their younger siblings so I can see where you’re coming from.
@Kimmy313_ Год назад
Being child free is such a blessing
@queeniequeen949 10 месяцев назад
Yess and thank God for free will!! 🥰🙌🏾💯
@Handle70770 Год назад
The amount of grown men that tell me to have children are the same ones where they have five kids, see them four days a month and don’t think parenting is hard🎉
@HattielyEverAfter1995 Год назад
Do you think those,”you never know” people only say that because they weren’t sure about having kids, but then there birth control failed so they were just like “well parenthood is my only option now”. so they think that’s how everyone else gets pregnant to? x
@merici_ Год назад
To some extent yes
@mammajamma4397 Год назад
@belzeebubbubbachunks Год назад
To be fair... that's like half of births... unplanned lol
@magnarcreed3801 Год назад
Lmao I’d get an abortion.
@deelee4639 Год назад
I tell them you can't regret somethin you never wanted
@R0291-l1l Год назад
Like that one about how not all child free people are rich or wanna be rich or can be rich. I think its kinda gross how much a lot of CF people lean into classism, given low wages/high cost of living in this capitalist hellscape is the main factor in a lot of us deciding to be CF. also its just gross and unrealistic. More realistic to say we get to spend the money we have the way we want. Just my opinion.
@bottomofastairwell Год назад
Yeah, that bugs me, coz I'm childfree, but Iike most people, I doubt I'll ever be rich. That's part of the reason I don't want kids though. Coz kids cost money. Money i don't freaking have. And west little extra money i might have, which isn't a lot, I like getting to decide what I do spend it on. I like having the choice to spend the little extra money I've got on a concert ticket or dinner at a restaurant. Or even just the choice of getting dinner ice cream and cookies at the restaurant, coz I'm not carefully budgeting every penny to feed me and 2 kids. I like having choices. And with kids, you don't. Coz they need school supplies or diapers or whatever, and they HAVE to come first. If you're already poor, every last cent will go to that child, often at the exigent of yourself. Haven't gotten your hair cut at a salon in 3 years, coz the extra money has to feed that kid. You want some ice cream, but it's not in the budget, not when you have 3 mouths to feed. And going to a concert? Forget it. Maybe you could even afford the tickets, but not the baby sitter. Not everyone who's childfree ends up getting rich. But for those of us that are poor to begin with, yeah, it makes way more sense to NOT have kids. Cuz why would you want to have an expensive ass kid when you can already barely afford to live yourself?
@magnarcreed3801 Год назад
Lmao “lean I to classism”. What do you mean? Seems smart to me to not have kids you can’t afford to have a better life.
@deelee4639 Год назад
Idk about rich, but i Def have a lifestyle at 36 and he's 38. Not wealthy but saved enough to buy a house as millennials 🎉
@ST-rj8iu Год назад
As a CF woman, why do we feel the need to explain ourselves and give a list? I knew when I was 9 and my decision was based on this one thing only. I just don't want them.
@planetag310 Год назад
Society: You're being selfish for not wanting kids. Me: Selfish people shouldn't have kids.
@uwu-bebs 18 дней назад
I never understood that argument like???????? Being selfish to who or what? How is it being selfish? I'm pretty sure it's more selfish to birth a child that is basically just an accessory to many people.
@ShilgenVens 4 месяца назад
I'm 47, married, and childfree. We're having a simple, happy, quiet life.
@sabias3932 Год назад
3:57 see i always suspected that some parents have kids just so their child’s lives can revolve around THEM (the parent) for about 18 years if not FOREVER. Some parents seem to get a sense of power and grandiosity from having children depend on them and idolize them. It’s disturbing.
@merici_ Год назад
Clipping their wings so that they're never independent. Setting them up for failure.
@jaddek.astrie3071 Год назад
How to bring a child if we can’t even buy a home and nearly pay rent. That’s would be unbeatable mental , emotional and physically pain. For the mom if she is single of for both parents that are in constant struggle.
@paigeworrell2671 10 месяцев назад
I'm an oldest sibling and the shortest gap is 12 years so I was IMMEDIATELY the parent, I've done my time.
@Step-Into-Your-Power Год назад
childfree by choice at 34 and I love it so much. bought two apartments for rental, saving to start building my house next year, I can't wait to retire at 38 and live in my cozy house doing whatever the hell I want.
@cccwomensempowerment Год назад
🙌🏾 yezzz!!
@angelaholmes8888 Год назад
Wow good for you
@Just...Peachy 10 месяцев назад
That's awesome! Congrats 👏
@forgoogletotrack7181 10 месяцев назад
Retired at 40 here, sisi. Five years into retirement now, childfree, bond-free, debt-free, lol.
@Goddess_Infinity 8 месяцев назад
@bottomofastairwell Год назад
I love the argument that you'll be so lonely later in life of you don't have kids. So like, even lonlier than I am now, without kids? Coz I'm good with me and just me, without no kids, right now. So I think I'll probably be okay, still just me, no kids, in ten years. Like if I'm not lonely now with no kids, why would I be lonely in the future, when literally nothing has changed? And also, you think my mom is lonely, with her children that NEVER talk to her because she was an abusive bitch? Yeah, she's in her 60s, she she had kids, TWO, me and my sister. But we don't talk to her, don't visit her, nothing. As a direct result of the horrible things she did while raising us. So where the parents talking about that? Where the parents saying "you think you're lonely now? Just wait until you're 60 and those children you had for selfish, petty reasons, don't talk to you at all coz you were such an awful, abusive parent. You'll REALLY be lonely then." Pffft, ok. But god forbid people just let women live without telling them what to do or trying to control them.
@CordeliaWagner Год назад
I am not going to ruin my body with pregnancy. Plus I hate household work and that's how I see motherhood: endless household work. I have bezter things to do, videogames and my horses and travelling. My life is to good to become a mother.
@angelaholmes8888 Год назад
I made the choice to never have children when I was 11 years old because of my horrible childhood I didn't want to pass on all that trauma to the next generation plus I don't feel the need to be a mother
@tonyahenry8166 Год назад
@Aries16603 9 месяцев назад
I’m a man and I had a long talk with my boyfriend about not wanting children. I told him I just want us to be gay together, travel the world, get property together and be happy. Having kids would fuck all of that up. I just want a peaceful life and I feel kids will ruin that for me.
@bettemiddler7756 Год назад
Most parents dont actually look at the entire picture of having a child,its just something they were told they had to do to meet some societal obligation. Then parenthood is painted as this magical experience thats so great and thats a lie. There needs to be honesty when it comes to having kids.
@echo.echo08 Год назад
I'd like to think I'm doing the world a favor by choosing to be child-free. If I allow myself to be pressured into having a child, knowing how impatient, irritable and bad-tempered I am with babies, children, and teens, (and adults who act like brats), I could be raising a traumatised child and releasing a potential serial- or mass-killer into the world. I'm not a child-hater. I wish all children could be raised lovingly by good parents and have happy upbringings but I just don't want to have any interactions with them much less have one myself. It's like the "i love humankind, but i hate people" mentality. Instead of selfishness, it's more self-love.
@karasunostherapist Год назад
I really stand with the people that state that theyre "selfish", who want to sleep when and how long they want to, who like to drink sometimes more than they should, who want to go out and party because that's what they do. Someone who really likes their work should be able to focus on that because that's what they want to do. And it's totally fine to be "selfish" but it's not fine to be "selfish" as like a lifestyle _and_ have kids, because they need attention and they need money and they need all kinds of stuff, and if you have them you should be able to and want to provide for your child or children.
@merici_ Год назад
I agree
@Mr_Banker222 Год назад
Well said
@jaddek.astrie3071 Год назад
I have meet people who had kids be abuse they believe one day those kids will take care of them. That’s wrong already the kid never asked you to get here in the first place. A family member had 3 daughter and the father make them to take loans so he can make his business trive still today they are dealing with the consequences and making payments from their dad abuse. How many kids are living in adoption centers. Please all think about it. And it’s much more than the trivialities of personal freedom. It has a deep spiritual connotation as well. Many of us single with not kids we don’t want to be single moms or have a child with someone who may not be around. There are many things that comes to play in wanting to be child free.
@karasunostherapist Год назад
@@jaddek.astrie3071 yes, exactly, so many people dont have the resources (financial, emotional, support-wise) to raise a child, may it be biological or not. If someone is self-aware enough to say that they do not want a child everyone else should respect that
@3amDayDreamer 8 месяцев назад
Like my mom got upset when I said that I don’t want kids. It’s always the bad parents that want grandkids smh.
@laylascarlett2010 7 месяцев назад
For real, my parents made me believe that it was selfish if I didn’t give them grandchildren. But it’s not. I just don’t understand why ppl have children when they have no idea how to do parenting
@cccwomensempowerment Год назад
I've been divorced for 7 years and even though I'm childfree, I feel like I mothered my exhusband. He was definitely a man child. So that was enough childcare for me. But seriously I love kids, just don't want to commit to that lifestyle. 😅😂😊
@merici_ Год назад
@whatislife5295 7 месяцев назад
Correct is right. I love kids, but don't want to commit to that lifestyle
@j.louisrodriguez2025 2 месяца назад
That is what heterosexual men are this from a gay men n no desire for children.......
@QueenDivineLove Год назад
Kudos to everyone living their life on their terms. ❤
@harlowblackadder356 11 месяцев назад
Im lucky - when the 60yo+ ladies I've encountered ask me if I have kids, and I say, "No", they've unanimously tell me "good for you - you have fun Honey!" Or something similar. 😂
@loryndabenson2118 Год назад
I love that more women are realizing how having children, especially in your twenties can keep you both in poverty. I personally plan to have one and be done. But I'm waiting until we are financially and emotionally ready. If I just happen to no longer be able to have a child by that point it is what it is. Better to not have them at all than to bring a child into a neglectful situation or into poverty because we weren't prepared.
@purplegirl8036 Год назад
So I’m the only one that doesn’t have kids that didn’t make a plan to not have kids. 😂 I just thought that marriage came first and I never got married so I didn’t have Kids.
@idonthaveahandle2000 Год назад
A child knows when you don't love them, don't traumatize them by keeping them while feeling resentment. Please adopt them out to a potentially more loving family. The child didn't ask to be born either.
@ankra12 9 месяцев назад
How is it possible to have children without thinking of on how that will affect your life? Its the most life changing thing you can do..I find that just 🤯
@SailorOrbiter 3 месяца назад
It's because we're conditioned from a young age to just do it as soon as we're able to.
@Justaperson354 11 месяцев назад
No one questions when you say “I’ve wanted to be a mom since I was a kid” so to question the other way around is insane to me. I don’t understand why people think everyone wants children or that having children is the greatest thing you can do. It’s not.
@jaddek.astrie3071 Год назад
I believe it’s a responsible choice not to bring kids into this chaotic world. We can’t even afford health care that should be a right and even free for everyone. The wages are really low in comparison to all the needs you will need to cover up having a child. If you barely support yourself why in this world will anyone bring a child to suffer. That will be selfish. We are already at war we haven’t been affected yet by it but there are many social, political and economical changes. Think about it.
@Emiliapocalypse Год назад
The only bone I have to pick is with the second door. It’s not childLESS if you don’t want kids, it’s childFREEDOM. And also, it’s not carefree! We’re still adults with adult responsibilities
@mahlohonololebuso741 11 месяцев назад
I'm 25, South African🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦, I'm a woman. I am desperately yearning for these types of conversations to be held in my country😩😩😩😩 I feel like I'm the only one who understands this whole childfree thing. It's so lonely here🤦🏾‍♀️
@subspacescout9951 7 месяцев назад
Mahlo, You’re not alone … you have us.
@mahlohonololebuso741 7 месяцев назад
@@subspacescout9951 🙂🙂🙂
@antinatalistwitch111 6 месяцев назад
May I ask what part of S Africa? S. Africa had intrigued me for some time now
@mahlohonololebuso741 6 месяцев назад
@@antinatalistwitch111 I'm in the city of Johannesburg
@jowaness 18 дней назад
Commit to focusing on what you plan to do with time you have to yourself considering it(time) would be taken up taking care of your family. I am 43, Kenyan and childfree. I know very few of our kind 😢
@nonotlikethatxoxo9509 Год назад
Childfree life is like having a car that needs repairing here and there but runs fine 90% of the time. Havin a child is like having a car that is broken 90% of the time and sucks you dry of life, money and time with it's constant needs. In the olden days having a child brought good things in life. You had work hands in the field, you had help taking care of the house. You had some one to rely on at old age (talking about like 100 years or more ago). The world has changes. A child is no longer "useful" in the way they used to be. Having a child does not bring to your life. It takes from it. UNLESS you are one of the people who really really want a child. Then go for it. For you it's worth the while. For us childfree it's just not.
@Hollyucinogen 11 месяцев назад
Speaking as the child of a narcissist: I'm an expert at what true selfishness looks like - and no, actually, it's a completely normal level of taking care of your own well-being to not want to spend most of your life taking care of other people. It's not selfish at all. Somebody on RU-vid tried to bingo me once with a "But then who will become the next generation of doctors if you don't have kids?! 😩". Seriously. This actually happened.
@Kris-fq9bi Год назад
Oh my god, the woman at 1:10 is my spirit sister. Exactly what she says about not necessarily wanting a lux life, but a calm life. THIS
@Jordè1222 Год назад
Aww those moms who hate their children need more support :( mothers kill their children sometimes when they get that desperate. I'm praying for them
@jackred2362 7 месяцев назад
Keanu Reeves and his girlfriend are happy childfree and definitely not lonely or unfulfilled. No better example than that, that would make it easy for anyone to understand.
@cocoace7587 Год назад
To women who are feeling horrible to be moms , do something about it . Put them in foster care , b/c if you snap , then it will be too late . Call your state , get a social worker to come over . If moms say exactly what some of those letters say , they will put your kids in foster care , that same day . Or , drop them off at their dad's, let them tow the line for once . But , no i wouldn't want to dread my kids , life is too short . # good luck # your state of mind is alllll that counts # you can't help kids , if you can't help yourself 😢 # good luck ❤
@nicolem889 Год назад
I need child free friends! I had no idea this was a lifestyle 😂 I just thought it was practical for me. I literally have 2 hours before work and 3 hours after work to be free. Then I have two days off (in which I wake up at 2:00pm and drive atleast an hour away for the lake or outdoor activities). I literally could not add extra people in that space. Let’s just be practical. I don’t have the extra time. Now if some dude just so happens to make enough money whereas I could work part time and come home and take care of kids-- I still wouldn’t have them. I just really enjoy my personal free time. I think I’ll adopt at 50.
@Goddess_Infinity 8 месяцев назад
😂😂😂😂 you got me at the end
@yolandaemba919 Год назад
I've dated someone with regretful parents, it was confusing, frustrating and just a bad experience. He's so emotionally detached yet so traumatised and it traumatised me. He only opened up years after we separated, after his father died. Both parents regretted having them.
@maenad1231 Год назад
I like the first clip but I wish we would collectively decouple the childfree lifestyles from the singleton lifestyle. Dink couples are often so in love, fulfilled, and kinda get the best of both worlds of valuing family and not having offspring Voluntary Singledom and Voluntary Childlessness often but not always go together. Love my tranquil child-free, devoted wife-life
@CordeliaWagner Год назад
What if the husband you are devoted to tells you his mother wants grandchildren and you have to breed them?
@Sinderella1987 Год назад
Intentional thought before giving birth
@2stayweird Год назад
I got the "well, you never know" type response right up until I was on the other side of 35. Now that I'm over 40 people have all but completely stopped questioning it. Ready to enter my Crone era lmao
@samcarmen 6 месяцев назад
It’s so funny about how my mom always “forgets” that I don’t want kids until the next time I remind her
@BoopMeHard Год назад
There are countless reasons as to why I’m happily choosing to be child-free 🙌
@jaddek.astrie3071 Год назад
Look at some people who never give a tough about the huge consequence of having kids. Many have 4 or more and it’s scary I doubt it fun living counting every penny and not knowing where the next meal will come from.
@valentinaibagos4317 7 месяцев назад
Lady at 2:28 is so right. Life is already chaotic as hell and a struggle. Being childfree allows so much calm and clarity among the chaos.
@a.r.9779 Год назад
As a wife and mom of 3 I think it’s admirable to decide not to have children and not selfish. If I could have peaked into the future and seen this life I wouldn’t have picked it.
@jupiterthree5228 11 дней назад
I think people say "welp, you never know" is because they had an accident baby. Over half of conceptions are accidents.
@SailorOrbiter 3 месяца назад
We have a friend who has a kid, she wanted two. After having her one she changed her mind because she didn't realize how hard it would be. And that's with her having a partner that is involved with child rearing while still being the sole financial provider. I couldnt help but think, "Yes? Why did you think it would be easy?" Then I found out a lot of people purposely lie about how hard having kids is.
@Eric-ej3oy 3 месяца назад
At 20:50 she was telling the truth. A lot of parents, moms esp, hate their kids. Working at a school moms would drop thier kids off early and pick them up late. These same parents often tell thier kids "you get on my nerves". They cant wait to get rid of them. Lmso!
@samcarmen 6 месяцев назад
Kids are only a blessing if you CHOSE to have them. Kissing are living nightmare if you don’t want them. I work at a preschool and am exhausted every day after my shift is over and that’s only for like 2 hours. I can’t imagine being a parent. And I actually do like kids and enjoy working at the preschool
@AdahPAHtatah 10 месяцев назад
What is this trend of folks having to do personal grooming while making a video. I find this trend disturbing. Like they cannot focus their attention on just making a video for 60 seconds. It makes me as a viewer feel like I am an afterthought. Like I am so entertained by watching you wax your unibrow. That being said, I am 66 and child free. Every woman in this age should seriously consider their options before choosing to have children. It can be so freeing not having children on your hip.
@nicolefranjevic5380 3 месяца назад
Literally this is so true like people r always like well you will want kids one day and you don't wanna be a cat lady do you? And I'm like yes! Yes I do! The worst thing a cat can do is step on my ribcage and swat at me occasionally
@yanie4674 11 месяцев назад
My father ( a horrible parent who i could only say "yea i know my dad " asked for grandparents saying " any day now " 🖕🏾
@letmethinkaboutit8982 Год назад
I went to visit my grandmother at the old age home (every weekend). It’s sad to see elderlies who don’t get weekly visitors because they have no family or friends to come visit them. I remember one lady bursting into tears. The nurse had to take her back to her room. I felt so awful for her. After that, when I went to see my grandma, I would bring her to her room. We sit on her bed and talk. I would paint her nails and help brush her hair. Not that she had much hair and it wasn’t messy, but I think she liked it and I liked to pamper her anyway that I could. Or we would just take a stroll in the hall ways, since she wasn’t allowed to be outside because the home did not have a courtyard and I think they were afraid of missing patients. Maybe there have been people trying to leave with the patients without permission? I don’t know.
@merici_ Год назад
Damn.. that's sad, to each their own
@firefeethok_tui2355 7 месяцев назад
4:12 ❤. 12:52 wow. Profound honesty!
@cocoace7587 Год назад
If you put your kids in foster care , you can visit or pick them up on the weekends. Or work 2 jobs , to pay someone to help with the kids . Then when you get home , hug , kiss, talk to your kids . The babysitter already fed & got your kids clean for bed . Then , they go to bed & you go to sleep . The babysitter leaves at 9 pm & returns in am 7am to get the kids up & fed for school . She drops them off & picks them up . If you would rather be at work , instead of home with kids , that's a solution. Your 2nd job could be easier than your main job ..... sitting with the elderly , anything. But , try , try & keep trying .👍🥰
@lotusflower2315 Год назад
LMFAOOOOOOOOOO! 🤣😭H3 LL NOOOOOO! 🗣WE DON'T WANT THEM AT ALL! WE ARE NOT HAVING THEM AT ALL!! We don't have to do ANY of that you suggested because we choose to be CHILDFREE! Haha 😄 You guys are insufferable. You think we don't know ourselves & you know us better or can think of a solution to problems that we've opted out of having all together. I'm so glad Women are decentering males & centering ourselves.. Our wants, needs, desires & preferences. This video is full of Women expressing their preference to be childfree & here you come with an unsolicited comment about how to manage children THAT WE ARE TELLING YOU WE ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE! Ppl like you don't LISTEN to Women because you don't value us & I'm beyond grateful that we've begun valuing OURSELVES & decided NOT to have your crotch goblins 🥳
@queeniequeen949 10 месяцев назад
The crazy part about being child free is that you’re still expected to be a mother regardless of your circumstances or whether you want to or not. The same people who want to force motherhood on others who are NOT mothers are the SAME ones who WON’T support their OWN children or other people’s children. It’s SICKENING.
@mrsholloman12 8 месяцев назад
Millennial mom here! I’m in no way against anyone being kid free just wanted to say that first. I think I always knew I wanted kids, always! I got two one boy and one girl. I love them both they both make wonderful grades help me out at home and even with everyday frustrations they don’t add to it more than having a new puppy or new job would. I have a degree, work from home, and I manage my stress well. We eat well and exercise. We have a debt free home, I drive a brand new luxury SUV, we go on tropical vacations every year, we visit Florida to see my grandparents, both kids in private school and a husband that works hard but comes home to his family every night by 6:30 never works weekends. With all that said, if you really want kids I think it’s all in how you plan. I’ll admit we had to save a lot in the beginning but it was worth every penny to be able to bring two world changers into this life! Also I’m still young only 34 hubby 38 and by the time we retire my kids will be about to leave for college or whatever they decide to do! It’s the best of both worlds really.
@rageintothelight Год назад
The lady complaining about her child horribly should just take their kids traveling with them. Maybe get a camper and just take off on a road trip experiencing these great wonders of the world with another human whom you gave birth to!
@yolandaemba919 Год назад
Childfree for now. If it happens the way I'd want then it will happen, if it doesn't, it doesn't.
"But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people." Luke 21:33 Jesus Christ warned us of many things. We need to read our Bibles, book of Revelation is where you can start.
@CordeliaWagner Год назад
Most people aren't christian. And more and more people see the truth: Religion is a scam.
@mahlohonololebuso741 11 месяцев назад
The last guy killed me😂😂😂😂😂
@ebonyoverload3009 Год назад
Me and Andre are bestfriends now.
@bananarama480 9 дней назад
4:18 True! Therapy is the way to go for this.
@nowyouasinglemom_ Год назад
Having children can be fulfilling but so can building capital and starting a school for girls, or finding a way to help others. Instead of using money for kids imagine investing that money for 18 years instead 😮 You can travel, less stress, and will have time to work on your own endeavors
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