
Trans Rights or I Bites 

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25 апр 2023




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@Wepospalient Год назад
Speaking as a nonbinary person myself, Wellesley College discriminating betweeen AFAB NB's and AMAB NB's definitely does feel pretty off, as in this context it very much seems to be implying AFAB NB's are just women and AMAB NB's are just men. It feels like they very much missed the idea of what a nonbinary person is.
@ArtsyKnox25 Год назад
OMG what - really? That's kinda stupid lmao
@Justarandomguy654 Год назад
Omg no way! Maybe because AFAB NB are female? And maybe even AMAB NB are male? NO WAY. Man you acting like men don’t have penises. Really? When someone identifies as NB their dick just shrinks and their just flat down there? Stop acting like men dont have biological differences to women.
@broblerone413 Год назад
yeah it's as if they think that nonbinary people lean more in the direction of whatever gender they were assigned at birth, like AFAB nonbinary people are "more female" than AMAB nonbinary people, when in reality someone's sex doesn't make their gender any less relevant. if they're including trans women and AFAB nonbinary people, AMAB nonbinary ppl should be included as well
@electronics-girl Год назад
I agree, although just to play devil's advocate, maybe their thought is that AFABs have some things in common with cis women on the physical side (e. g. reproductive rights issues) that AMAB enbies wouldn't have. Basically trans women have gender in common with cis women, and AFAB enbies have sex in common with cis women, so therefore everyone at Wellesley has something in common with cis women? I'm not saying that's the right way to do it, just that it's possible to find some sort of logic in it if you try.
@alphaomega7191 Год назад
@@electronics-girl - It's super hard to know where to draw the line in these situations - they have actively tried to be inclusive by expanding their definition of Women in the ways you mention and I think you are spot on with your analysis of their reasoning. If there were only Womens and Mens Colleges then that would still be problematic for Non Binary people but most are Co-Ed so there are plenty of options. I honestly dont think they would have had any real problems had they expanded the definition to include all Non-Binary (except with Right Wing Pundits) but I do understand why they drew the line where they did given they are a Womens College.
@a.rat.in.a.trenchcoat Год назад
My brother said the other day that 'no flag contains pink' and my mind immediately went to the trans flag and my mom backed my brother up and it was hilarious to listen to
@monowavy Год назад
if they want one in the political sense: Espirito Santo - Brazil (state flag)
@abugidaiguess Год назад
the pink lion on the Spanish flag would like a word with your brother
@JenniferScrimshaw Год назад
Even if he's talking about national flags only the flag of Mexico also has pink flowers on the cactus so he's wrong anyway
@MynthRowans Год назад
Don’t forget Demigirl
@commandercorl1544 Год назад
Many nation flags have hints of pink, like the Spanish lion, or the Mexican flag sometimes having cactus flowers depicted as a redish-pink.
@Stephen-Fox Год назад
It's the 'assigned female at birth' requirement I'm uncomfortable with. "Non-binary people who feel like they belong in a community of women" doesn't do the "Non-binary is just women-light" stuff that women's groups accepting non-binary people often makes me feel - I might not be but some non-binary folk are fem-aligned - but also requiring AFAB makes it icky, and seems to default to an attitude that our genders are our gender assigned at birth.
@beckyginger3432 Год назад
@poisonedkilljoy9304 Год назад
i’m nonbinary and AFAB and currently feel more comfortable in women’s spaces (because i’ve not been able to medically transition yet, and i present pretty fem a lot), but the exclusion of amab nonbinary people is so gross and icky. like…i’m not closer to a woman than they are, they’re as nonbinary as i am. either include all of us, or don’t bring nonbinary people into this. all they had to do, as you said, is just to just say “nonbinary people who feel like they belong in this community” and it’d be all good. but ONLY afab nonbinary people who fit that? gross. nonbinary people aren’t a “lite” or “diet” version of their assigned gender. sure, some might enjoy labelling themselves as that (some days i do feel like diet woman, and find it entertaining to talk about it in those terms), but we as a community shouldn’t be treated like that
@petrifiedlark Год назад
@@poisonedkilljoy9304 Exactly! I'm also AFAB and nonbinary, so I love when women's or men's only spaces include nonbinary people because there aren't really any nonbinary people only spaces, but saying only AFAB nonbinary is gross. At least they're trying....?
@DrZaius3141 Год назад
I think that the problem with that story was that they were circumnavigating a pretty weird blob, it being a women's only college. Seems that they either settled on: either your gender or your sex has to be female (cis women, trans women, AFABs of any kind) which is very weird but at least has some basis in structure, or they appeased grandfather issues (as in: what if someone comes out/turns out as non-binary after performing female beforehand? You would neither want to kick them out nor stuff them in the closet, so this phrasing would cover the edge case. And yeah, it looks crappy. But the overall change is far better than what you'd expect from "all women's college".
@enKrypt Год назад
The thing that is being missed is that the "assigned female at birth" part is in the current policy. The student vote mentioned was to expand that to include all trans and non-binary people, including trans men. The vote was non-binding on the college though and I haven't seen anything to indicate what the school plans to do.
@adrienstarfaer Год назад
Fun fact: If I'd known what transgender meant and that I was trans as a small child, I would've been Luke or Lucas. How do I know this? Video games. I remember repeatedly restarting games to change my character's gender, and I would always choose either Luke or Lucas as the name for a male character.
@ninjoshday Год назад
Did you play Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?
@charlottesmom Год назад
I'm not trans but constantly play as male characters, my Simself (Sims 3) is switched to male and named Bo. I play as male in Animal Crossing, Minecraft and all the Choices books I read/play (that I can play as a male, a gay male) but I'm strait.
@nincure Год назад
@@ninjoshday I went by "Nick" (male version of my middle name), but when I got older and finally found out what transitioning was, I did a little research and chose the name Luke. And everyone that either knew me from before transition, or if I'm telling someone I'm trans, they always tell me that it fits me! So I guess I picked a good one. Still not sure if I will even take a middle name though.
@HelloSpaceDuck Год назад
@@charlottesmom I have very bad news
@charlottesmom Год назад
@@HelloSpaceDuck , tell me...☺️😊 But seriously, I've been married for 35 years, have three grown sons, dress "female-ish" (I do love oversized comfy clothes and have bought myself exlarge men's hoodies but most of my clothes are ladies stuff). I have no gender dysmorphia I love my female parts, so no trans feelings...I think I just relate more to males, always have, but have no desire to be one. I just think playing games as a male character is fun, males to me are more interesting than females. 👍🏻😊
@arlecchino4004 Год назад
Today I had the most gender affirming experience! I'm enby and in my native language there isn't any gender neutral pronouns, and also literally anything (including nouns, and the word "you") has a gender (only masc and femm...), so I just use all pronouns. I'm not out to my parents, and today we were visiting some old friends, and also some friends of them that we never met were there (including their children), and I was presented to everyone as a girl (because as I said, I'm not out to my parents yet), and I was playing cards with this little boy and one of the adults, and the boy kept addressing me as a boy, so at some point his father tried to correct him and I was like "no, it's alright", and it was very nice😊 ((Also my pronouns in English are it/they))
@4lovebysara Год назад
Kids can be so amazing! I'm so glad that little human saw you for the amazing being that you are. ❤ I hope the dad just dropped it after you pointed out it was ok! 😊 You are loved! ❤
@Sh1garak1s_alt Год назад
on a random note, enby to enby, using NB as a shortcut actually isn’t the correct shortcut, the correct one is enby, the reason is because NB originally was from that black community and ment non-black, so using it as a shortcut for non-binary takes away it’s original meaning. :) -you’re friendly neighborhood gay
@paadoxal Год назад
as an enby with a native language that has the same rules (czech) i feel u so much, i use basically any pronouns and it's ok when someone keeps calling me by only one variation, but i feel so much joy when someone uses he/him or others i don't hear that often. Thanks for sharing:)
@daisiesforghosts Год назад
I work in customs brokerage and my brain dead brain can only translate NB to northern border right now.
@arlecchino4004 Год назад
@@Sh1garak1s_alt I didn't know that, but from now on I will use enby and not NB!
@pixelbee8349 Год назад
Shoutout to people who are comfortable with their gender without anyone telling you otherwise. Shoutout to people who are closeted. Shoutout to people who are mid-transition. Shoutout to people who questioned their gender, and realized they were still actually cis. Shoutout to people who never needed to question their gender, because it was so obvious who you wanted to be. Shoutout to people who get clocked for a gender they're not, but don't feel like they need to change themselves. Shoutout to people who are nervous of getting clocked for a gender they aren't. Shoutout to valid, amazing queer people, and valid, amazing allies.
@tjenadonn6158 Год назад
Shoutout to my parents for getting my name and pronouns right even when I was very obviously baked and probably thought I couldn't hear them and wouldn't remember it.
@ConstantChaos1 Год назад
Shout out to the messes, like me I'm genetically intersex and an nb and idefk what that makes me, am I cis nb? Is that allowed? I am confusion
@ashleyboots3386 Год назад
Shoutout to YOU as well for your kind-hearted shoutouts!!
@strangegaybeing Год назад
Shoutout to my parents who don't speak english well and sometimes use my preferred pronouns without knowing by accident
@LeviAckerman096 Год назад
​@@ConstantChaos1 - Labels don't matter. Sure, they can help to describe yourself. But at the end of the day, you're just you, and you don't need a fancy label to put you into a box of who you are. Identify however the hell you want. That's the beauty of this diverse world. ❤️
@alicebthegachaweirdo8378 Год назад
Trans people are valid, non-binary people are valid, gender fluid people are valid. Everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community are valid.
@robinfloof Год назад
@abugidaiguess Год назад
@LeeKnows_Tissue_Box Год назад
@ConstantChaos1 Год назад
Idk i feel like Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't super valid with the whole eating people part but otherwise I get what you mean
@strangegaybeing Год назад
Thank you :D
@Andy-the-crow Год назад
I just found out that a brand of packing underwear ships to my country i could not be happier
@splashdann6340 Год назад
Amazing! Hope they help!
I'm so glad!! That's awesome:)
@MirandolinaAmaldin Год назад
Congrats! I hope you'll have a good experience
@LeeKnows_Tissue_Box Год назад
Congrats I’m so happy for you!
@Andy-the-crow Год назад
Thank you all i plan on ordering a pair or two after i get my next check
@thonk1357 Год назад
Omg, earlier today I had a french exam and my teacher noticed I had a pronoun badge on and asked if I wanted to be referred to as Madame or Monsieur and she was just so nice about it like saying “I hope it’s not too invasive of a question” and stuff like that and honestly it just made my day, like it’s just the little things like that that really make a difference
@bunhelsingslegacy3549 Год назад
You're making me wonder now. I know in English I've seen Mx when someone doesn't want to be Mr. or Miss/Mrs, is there a French equivalent? Or do you still have to choose between Mme/Mlle and M if neither really fits?
@thonk1357 Год назад
I actually don’t know, I tend to go by more masculine terms so I picked monsieur, but like I said I have no idea if there’s a word for that
@GreyPunkWolf Год назад
​@@bunhelsingslegacy3549French here, sadly there isn't anything. Everything is gendered and there is no nb pronoun. A part of the community is advocating for "iel", but it's not well received and has little to no hope of ever making it official, imo. Even most french nbs I know don't like iel...
@bunhelsingslegacy3549 Год назад
@@GreyPunkWolf Yeah I kinda get why, sounds to my mostly anglophone ear like if you smash "her" and "him" together and get "herm" which soulds kinda offputting, I'm glad in English we at least have a gender-neutral plural, even if I lost marks in high school in the 90s for using it for an unknown singular rather than defaulting to "he" cause I always thought that was an unfair assumption so now I'm happy it's become common. In the same vein, one thing that always irriated me about French plural was how if there was a million women and one man in a group, the group gets male plural. Or at least that's what I was taught thirty-mumble years ago by French-speaking people in Ontario, though the curruculum was Parisian French rather than Quebecker French, I didn't learn that till university :)
@Anuyushi Год назад
6:10 I remember when I told my friend that my chosen name was Nathaniel and he was like "You have an infinite number of choices and you chose fucking Nathaniel? 😭" It was so funny, especially when I told him why and he was like "THAT'S EVEN WORSE"
@ninjoshday Год назад
I personally really like the name Nathaniel
@pheonixrises11 Год назад
I also like the name Nathaniel, but I have my own list of names I hate for no reason
@valentinewiggin7782 Год назад
Nathaniel is a perfectly decent name.
@shadowking278 Год назад
For me. I heard my new name from a voice I heard that was calming me down when i was having a panic attack.
I like Nathaniel, tell him your other option was richard so that he thinks you made a very good choice
@avery_atleast Год назад
I celebrate the day I started HRT because fully accepting I was trans and figuring out how that affected me was a very gradual process.
@dandelion_16 Год назад
Happy second birthday/rebirthday!
@juliamrn5812 Год назад
So happy for you😊. Mine is the same day as my birthday 😊
@avery_atleast Год назад
@@juliamrn5812 Happy belated birthday and biHRTday!
@mrfrogkingg Год назад
I like my birthday date, so intend to count starting HRT as a rebirth, and start exactly on my first birth date.
@shadowking278 Год назад
I will cue up the song Celebration. Let’s get this party started. 🥳
@TheQuietTyper Год назад
I'm trans masc and I used to hate dresses because they were pushed on me, but I realized they weren't so bad once stopped considering what other people thought looked good on me. I really like sundresses in the summer because they are built for keeping you cool. I did have to put them away when I started transitioning because my mom was having a slow time wrapping her head around this and I didn't want to throw a wrench in it. I do look forward to putting them back on once i have a full beard just to watch people go "but boobs, but beard, but dress, ?????"
@dandelion_16 Год назад
😂 It's the best part isn't it?
@jerrimenard3092 Год назад
My housemate and I had a talk about how I wore dresses but I am non-binary. She said I was female due to my clothes I wore. I then pointed out several men, fashion designers, who wore dresses. She sort of gets it now. I feel like the majority of people my age or older don't get that not everyone who is under the Trans umbrella is wanting surgery or hormones. All I want is peace inside myself. I want to not want to feel like waking up is a curse.
@electronics-girl Год назад
A while back (before my egg cracked), I encountered a "beard and dress" person in the men's room. It took me one or two seconds to process, and then I was like, "Okay, doesn't affect me", and proceeded to go find a urinal.
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
Becoming a trans masc femboy so you can be a man in dress but not how transphobes think just to extra fuck with their heads
@seekervaltriz9447 7 месяцев назад
"The pure POWER!"
@RinSenna Год назад
I finally got my bottom surgery a week ago. I feel so amazing in my new body. Thank you for being a bright shining star in my life these last years!!!
@dandelion_16 Год назад
Congrats! Hope it heals well!
@LoveWolf2101 Год назад
You feel amazing?? I mean I'm so glad but doesn't it hurt rn? 😭 Regardless I wish you a quick and painless recovery 💙
@RinSenna Год назад
@@LoveWolf2101 It definitely hurts, but I have good meds. The mental and emotional satisfaction are amazing. So much euphoria!
@ItsaVee4117 10 месяцев назад
Hey, good on you, love 🙂 Hope you’re doing alright ❤️
@stdesy Год назад
As a trans woman who is almost always wearing shorts or trousers and a T-shirt I take extra offense to the “man in a dress” trope
@dragonsarebutterflies3663 Год назад
I made the mistake of looking into a really transphobic comment threat so thanks for cheering me up after that experience
@KimsiePimsie Год назад
Ugh i can relate to that and that sucks, sending lots of love
@dandelion_16 Год назад
Sincerest condoleances for your mood. Glad to hear you're feeling better now!
@skygazer6082 Год назад
I like doing RU-vid polls, and found one asking what you identify as. The comments were horrible, only 5% put trans or other to :(. Hope you're feeling better.
@dragonsarebutterflies3663 Год назад
@@skygazer6082 yeah, this was something similar. I think the question was "should teachers be fired for misgendering their students" (obviously meant as repeatedly and on purpose) and only 5% said yes :/
@persooniemand8346 Год назад
Got recommended a TERF vid not so long ago so I feel your pain :(
@jamconjax3452 Год назад
Came out not as trans but as non-binary to everyone I know, and only my mum and dad refused to call me my chosen name and pronouns. But I love walking in a room and hearing "mornin' Janus" from everyone. such joy
@lolymop333 Год назад
I support you. Janus is a great name
@prestonsmorg2098 Год назад
@@GhostW1thTheMost that’s a good one
@lucabaroni7715 Год назад
Janus like the romans god? It is simply perfect... i love it
@jamconjax3452 Год назад
@Luca Baroni yeah! The roman god Janus, besides my friends love calling me J-anus as a funny joke, and I'm cool with it
@GhostW1thTheMost Год назад
@@jamconjax3452 wait, I just looked it up and Janus is the God of transitions. Epic gamer move, sorry about the previous comment.
@PokhrajRoy. Год назад
Sometimes, I feel like Memes can be so educational in understanding certain concepts and nuances.
@mariomaniac581 Год назад
I mean, when you're having fun while learning you do remember stuff easier. Its why some people remember lyrics of songs they heard years ago but not the name of someone who introduced themselves 30 min ago. At least in my case :P
@bunhelsingslegacy3549 Год назад
I think I learn something new each time I watch one of Jamie's videos
@christopherb501 Год назад
With how they've been used to also harass and propagandize, it's a mixed bag.
@bioinvasion_ Год назад
Out of all my friends I had before coming out, only one was transphobic. Before he refused to use my pronouns (she/her) until I changed my legal gender (I actually got my new id today), I was already distancing myself because of his sexism and self-righteousness Edit: everyother friend has been super supportive :3
congrats on the changed ID and supportive friends!
@bioinvasion_ Год назад
@@TransmascWantsChickenStrips Thank you :)
@josephhorn7229 Год назад
That one friend is a walking W
@bioinvasion_ Год назад
@@josephhorn7229 The one who expects his parents to do everything for him and shows off how little he does? The one who thinks there's no thing as sexism? I guess you could be a fan of him. Not doing anything, living off anyone who somehow still cares about him. It isn't a bad live lol, not the one I'd like to live tho (I kinda want to have friends)
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
@@bioinvasion_ what's machism?
@NoxBVansyn Год назад
My dad asked me if my chosen name, Nox (latin for night) was actually a name, having serious doubt about it, which caused me to question it. A few baby websites said it was a female name, but a couple also said it was ambiguous, not that that entirely matters. So fast-forward to me hip-hopping between names and circling back to Nox as my name, the more I get referred to as it at work. The more I'm sitting with it, the more I'm feeling ready to apply for a legal name change.
@MarimbaBurd Год назад
that is such a sick name!
@NoxBVansyn Год назад
@@MarimbaBurd thank you!! 🥰
@TyphinHoofbun Год назад
If you want it as a name, then it's actually a name. My roommate changed hers to Kitnoki and is happy. Everyone calls me Typhin, but I plan on using Stephanie as a legal name when I change mine, for a couple reasons. "Typhin" is both an online name and a "for friends" name for me. Stephanie would fulfill the same role Steven does now, it's just a "public" name, and I like the idea of it highlighting how little changed about the person that is "me". I didn't become a totally new person when I came out as trans, I just was willing to show more about what has always been inside. ...That, and because I came up with Typhin back around 1996 before voice chat was popular, I didn't realize that the way it's spelled leads people to pronounce it differently than I did. So people would constantly be calling me "Tie-fin" instead of "Tiff-in". >.
@dandelion_16 Год назад
I mean if it makes you happy that seems the most important part to me. Because of the concept of wish names, most common names are nouns anyway
@anoddperspective Год назад
I liked Marimba's comment, but I wanted to say as well: That is such a cool name! 🌟
@emilychapman3277 Год назад
That taking pronouns one resonates with me bc I lost my pronouns afew weeks ago (figuratively and litterally, I lost my badge and idea of gender😂) so I have started stealing everyone else's, turns out it's acctualy really fun 🤣🤣
@InspirationalSmiles Год назад
😂😂😂 love this!
@flikkeringlightz7472 Год назад
Fun fact: Vampires didn't have a reflection because the mirrors used to be made of silver. As far as I know, nowadays, mirrors are silver-free so tecnically vampires could have a reflection. So be warned!
@awaredeshmukh3202 Год назад
But perhaps....... mirrors are portals to other worlds and vampires weren't invited over the threshold???
@Jaybird196 Год назад
I thought, it had to do with them not possessing souls (as opposed to living people).
@ten6446 Год назад
I’m on the waiting list for the gender clinic in Nottingham!! It’s two years long but it still feels like such a big step and I’m really happy that I’m on my way there :D
@someanthropologist Год назад
Congrats! I hope that things go smoothly for you when that 2 year marker comes around.
@tjenadonn6158 Год назад
I finally got to meet my niece recently (via videocall, but we live several time zones apart so it is what it is.) Estrogen is a hell of a drug I tell you because I think I would unironically break into Fort Knox for this most precious of beans. Every little noise she made made me make a corresponding noise that had the neighborhood dogs howling. She's going to have some of the best parents on Earth, and I can't wait to be the crazy aunt from Heck! Also after over a decade of delays, unforeseeable circumstances, and sudden medical emergencies, my BIL is finally getting top surgery lined up. He's never questioned needing it, bit his life hasn't been the smoothest so he just hadn't been able to get it until recently.
@disableddragonborn Год назад
I've seen you comment on other videos but this is the first time I have seen your comment before transphobes flood the replies and your comment made me feel a little bit less hopeless, which doesn't sound like an achievement but it absolutely is.
@dandelion_16 Год назад
Omg that's amazing to hear!
@nincure Год назад
Congrats on his surgery! I've been on HRT for almost 17 years. I'm glad he's getting his surgery done! 💚
@LittleGhost_16 Год назад
Thats great news! Hopefully the transphobes will mind their own business for once and not flood this reply section with their bs.
@firstaidowl Год назад
As an afab nonbinary, I wouldn't want to attend a college that would just view me as a woman. I basically only feel a part of community with women because society has forced me into such a position. I think if a nonbinary, with any assigned sex at birth, felt like they were part of the womens community, then they should be considered. Not just afabs. Some of us have been trying to escape being viewed as women for years lol
@novathevibe Год назад
The HRT thing is like a tumblr post I saw a while ago. It was about shapeshifting, and having an intricate tattoo covering your back, but it moved so slowly that it would look practically the same a day later... But weeks in, it looks a little different. Months in, it looks similar the the original, but is overall pretty different. After a year or two, it might as well be a new tattoo.
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
Buying 365 t-shirts in slightly diff shades so that they go through the whole rainbow in a year, but day to day look identical to most people
@ShaSha-lex Год назад
My friend after I told them I was trans but didn't have a name just said "you look like an Alex." And they were correct but I made it a bit more fancy "Alexander" for the fun but also Alex too
@NoxBVansyn Год назад
I tried so hard to get my friends and family to help me choose a name, mostly because it sounded like a fun thing to do. None of them would jump in and help T_T
@ShaSha-lex Год назад
@@NoxBVansyn ah I didn't ask my friends all just got excited and pinned names to me lmao.
@NoxBVansyn Год назад
@@ShaSha-lex nice lol
@AlexanderStark Год назад
I love this comment. I didn't discover that being trans was "a thing" until I was in my late 20's, but when I was in my mid-teens, I had a group of online friends (AOL chat rooms - yes, I'm old) who all decided to play a game where we guessed each other's real names. Most of them said that they thought my name was probably some variation of "Alex" (I was 16 at the time, and am a month from 39 now) and when I came across information about being trans in my early 30's, that is the name I chose. It felt so right for me. Officially, I go by Alexander, but everyone close to me calls me Alex. It always takes me back to my teens ("the good 'ol days") when someone says "Alex!" to get my attention. Names we choose, ourselves, hold so much more power than the ones we're assigned, even (or maybe *especially*) when we had/have friends who guided us toward the name we chose. Edit: Typo correction.
@sarahvunkannon7336 Год назад
@@AlexanderStark This comment thread is driving me nuts because I have a favorite character in a video game that is named Alexander. Every repetition of the name makes me smile harder.
@dragondoodles78 Год назад
Okay I'm admit something. I look very young, like I constantly get told I look 12 despite being a full grown adult. So sometimes I use my childlike looks to tell people who look very uncomfortable in where they are that they are really pretty/handsome and ask them if they are a prince/princess. It never fails to make people smile.
@Silkenray Год назад
As a cis ally, I watch you and other trans and gender diverse RU-vidrs so I can learn about the stuff I’m curious about without burdening my trans friends with unending questions. That way they can just relax and be friends rather than having to be an ambassador for the trans community.
@supermangarritano6636 Год назад
We needed this I’ve dealt with so many dummies in the comment section try to tell me how to be trans even though they don’t know what a trans person truly is .😂
@tiffprendergast Год назад
@@dustygania2425 a women pretending to be a woman
@luvlucks Год назад
​@@tiffprendergast nah that's not what it means. maybe get good
@arturferrao7353 Год назад
@@dustygania2425 "What do you mean "what a trans person is"?" Again? You alreasy know very well what transgenders are. let us see it once and again, shall we? Transgender individuals (TIs) show brain-structural alterations that differ from their biological sex as well as their perceived gender. To substantiate evidence that the brain structure of TIs differs from male and female, we use a combined multivariate and univariate approach. Gray matter segments resulting from voxel-based morphometry preprocessing of N = 1753 cisgender (CG) healthy participants were used to train (N = 1402) and validate (20% holdout N = 351) a support-vector machine classifying the biological sex. As a second validation, we classified N = 1104 patients with depression. A third validation was performed using the matched CG sample of the transgender women (TW) application sample. Subsequently, the classifier was applied to N = 26 TW. Finally, we compared brain volumes of CG-men, women, and TW-pre/post treatment cross-sex hormone treatment (CHT) in a univariate analysis controlling for sexual orientation, age, and total brain volume. The application of our biological sex classifier to the transgender sample resulted in a significantly lower true positive rate (TPR-male = 56.0%). The TPR did not differ between CG-individuals with (TPR-male = 86.9%) and without depression (TPR-male = 88.5%). The univariate analysis of the transgender application-sample revealed that TW-pre/post treatment show brain-structural differences from CG-women and CG-men in the putamen and insula, as well as the whole-brain analysis. Our results support the hypothesis that brain structure in TW differs from brain structure of their biological sex (male) as well as their perceived gender (female). This finding substantiates evidence that TIs show specific brain-structural alterations leading to a different pattern of brain structure than CG-individuals. Source: neuropsychopharmacology -> Biological sex classification with structural MRI data shows increased misclassification in transgender women
@arturferrao7353 Год назад
@@dustygania2425 And: However, Riley’s brain didn’t develop as male during gestation and was mapped as female. We know from advances in neuroscience the past few decades that the differences between male and female brains are not insignificant - it influences everything from color perception to taste, scent, emotional reaction, empathy levels, rationality levels, pain tolerance, vocal inflection, and a host of many other factors. This is easy to see on an MRI - male and female brains respond differently to different stimuli. The largest study documenting the extent of the differences between male and female brains was done by Dr. Daniel Amen, who analyzed 26,000 people and found that the male brain has heightened activity in regions “associated with visual perception, tracking objects through space, and form recognition” and are 8% to 10% larger in mass size, while the female brain shows more overall activity, as well as increased blood flow in 112 out of 128 brain regions. Riley’s parents realized this when they discovered her at 2 years old in the shower holding clippers against her penis saying, “It doesn’t go there.” She kept insisting she was a girl. Sure enough, a lot of medical tests later, that turned out to be the case. That means that, in this case, the physiological sex mapping of the brain is different from the biological sex of the body. Riley’s brain is wired as female despite having XY chromosomes. There is no question about it. It’s a fundamental, scientific, indisputable fact. It is not a mental disorder. She is not confused. Her brain is of the same structure as the typical woman. A century ago, she would have been written off as crazy or disturbed but our understanding of the interesting outcomes of biology now let us know that it’s a very real condition based upon demonstrable facts. Source: joshuakennon -> The 6 Most Common Biological Sexes in Humans
@arturferrao7353 Год назад
@@dustygania2425 And: Thanks to the participation of trans people in research, we have expanded our understanding of how brain structure, sex and gender interact. For some properties like brain volume and connectivity, trans people possessed values in between those typical of cisgender males and females, both before and after transitioning. Another study found that for certain brain regions, trans individuals appeared similar to cis-individuals with the same gender identity. In that same study, researchers found specific areas of the brain where trans people seemed closer to those with the same assigned sex at birth. Other researchers discovered that trans people have unique structural differences from cis-individuals. Source: Scientific America -> Stop Using Phony Science to Justify Transphobia
@devinlupei5071 Год назад
With the last one, my girlfriend (MTF) has one legal name and two additional names that she also goes by. So, yes, she found two other names that fit her.
@poisonedkilljoy9304 Год назад
personally i (nonbinary transmasc) went for the “i’ll change my middle name too! and sometimes go by that because i CAN!” this has also led to some hilarious moments in starbucks where it has been misheard. My middle name is Quinn, i use it pretty frequently, and i have been referred to as “Quinnie” (this is new. I am also autistic, so…i guess they clocked that?), “Will” (no idea how that happened), and also, somehow…”Twink”. This one confuses me the most
@lynxlynx6685 Год назад
I changed my name and midle name. I would like to use my midle name as a nickname, it might however be too dificult to say
@Luka-Hartman-VT Год назад
Funniest shit ever, I actually started T last week and that meme about waiting for the effects just speaks to me lmao. Time just feels too slow when starting out 😂
@lukyva7955 Год назад
I've recently read a good reasoning why transphobes hate being called cis. Since they use trans as an insult, cis feels like and insult to them too
@thewickeddevilofthewest Год назад
Damn.... Never thought of it that way
@christopherb501 Год назад
@lostinmymind8147 Год назад
Thank you! I am so incredibly thankful rn. I’m having a breakdown and I just really need smh to distract me and some positivity and your videos are such a safe space for me! Edit: i finished the video and now there’s a little smile in my face again and I managed to calm down
@DanielledeVreede Год назад
Sending you warm bear hugs❤
@ninjoshday Год назад
13:27 I'm a cis person, and I still feel that way when choosing usernames and whatnot. I can only imagine how it feels when it comes to your actual name
@electronics-girl Год назад
Unfortunately, I used to choose a username that was based on my real name. Now that my real name is changing, I need to change all of those usernames, but some sites don't let you change your username. (My username only had my first initial, so if I'd picked a name that started with the same letter, I would have been okay. But I had to go and pick a completely different name, and make things more difficult for myself.)
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
My username in teens was Elex, long before I knew I was trans And now my legal name is Alexander lmao
@AnnabethOwl 11 месяцев назад
My Unser name for everything is Annabeth because of Percy Jackson, now I’m questioning my gender and idk what to change it to and I can’t change it with my PARENTS and BROTHERs or NEICES(10, live in Texas, homophobic) be like why did you change your username to this😢 so I’m stuck
@eden.nd. Год назад
I was agonising between 2 names for about a year, worried that I'd pick wrong. Then I spend 2 months in the hospital, and after hearing my deadname nonstop (my friends use a nickname) I just picked one so that I didn't have to hear it anymore. Then I realised how easy it is for an adult to change their name in the UK 😂
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
Yup it's completely free, you just need the right words, 2 long term friends, and some signatures
@eden.nd. Год назад
@@WolfgangDoW exactly! Admittedly I spent about £4 on some nice fancy looking thick paper, but I now have 10 "original" documents with paper left over (it's fun to print "certificates" on it for kids when they do something especially good haha)
@Bildgesmythe Год назад
Cis/het grandmother of five standing with you. I will stand with you with my vote, my voice and hugs.
@MarshuTheBurninator Год назад
thank you bildgesmythe
@cloudysky9088 Год назад
Thank you for making videos, as a young trans male who will hopefully some day receive treatment these videos keep me smiling
@cerberaodollam Год назад
Hahaha, I had to wait until after I was a legal adult :D Now, parentless, I'm happy as a clam. Also, be careful with counselors, they are trained to be against self-checkout and most of them are mandatory reporters! Stay safe, beans.
@MossyBear Год назад
Self-checkout? 🤔
@cerberaodollam Год назад
@@MossyBear yeah.
@John_Weiss Год назад
@@MossyBear As in "unaliving" onesself.
@yf-n7710 Год назад
As a trans woman who has not changed her name, nor made any plans to do so beyond idle musing, that bit at the end spoke to me. My name is me, because I've grown into it. Sure, I've never met, or even heard of, another woman who has my name. Sure, it's a 'male name'. But it's also a female name, because it's my name, and that makes it a female name.
@momamiandkiddokelsi9027 Год назад
❤🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈 Daily reminder; You are valid and amazing just the way you are! 🏳️‍🌈❤🧡💛💚💙💜
@alicebthegachaweirdo8378 Год назад
Thank you!
@-..AceySLAY Год назад
Thank you 😊
@momamiandkiddokelsi9027 Год назад
@@dustygania2425 egg! Same old reply to my same old comment! We are so predictable! See you again on Sunday!
@arch3r_istired Год назад
thank you. i needed this today.
@danielespinocarmona1896 Год назад
Im do my best, also i just sleep 6hrs the past week :^
@cascrim7734 Год назад
I once explained for like 15 min to my coworkers what a deadname is and especially not to ask someone for their deadname and they were like yeah ok. Turn around literally 1 second later "but what's your deadname?" And were offended when I said first name nunya last name business. Like did you not absorb anything I just said? It's one thing to use me instead of Google it's another to completely ignore what I said...
@StraySilver Год назад
Thank you for being such a transparent supportive sweetheart.
@liqourspapi Год назад
Supportive of delusion 😂 all you need God, such dark times we’re living in
@bigawesomewatermelon9511 Год назад
@@liqourspapi talks about delusion. Believes in God. Hahahahahahahaha
@shadowking278 Год назад
I see pun. :3
@StraySilver Год назад
@@liqourspapi Thank you for making me laugh so hard i spat out my tea.
@Kami43644 Год назад
Hearing you talk about the difference between gender identity and gender expression made me feel so validated as a nonbinary person who likes pink and skirts and jewelry and dresses and just cute things in general
@armie4172 Год назад
If you’re a trans person in the US (especially Missouri and Florida) having your rights to gender affirming healthcare taken away and need assistance, here are a couple of places to look up: -Trans Resistance Network (help getting HRT after the ban, relocation assistance within another state.) -Rainbow Railroad (relocation assistance for trans/ lgbtqia+ people worldwide being targeted by their government) (Unfortunately I can’t include links, but know there are people out there who very much want to help you!)
@Justarandomguy654 Год назад
I dont remember the UN saying that gender affirming care is a human right. Wanna know why? Cuz it isnt! Water and food is a human right. Affirming to delusions isnt.
@nincure Год назад
There's for sure going to be a ban? Or just something being voted on? Because if it's gonna be a ban, I need to get refills for my T. And then I guess I'll figure out how to get it shipped here. I started transitioning in 2006. Up until I got on disability, my dad was paying for my hormones. I got them from a pharmacy in Oregon, and they shipped to me in Texas. Needles, syringes, T, and they even include alcohol wipes! I think it's called something else now, but it used to be called Strohecker's. Also, I've been going to the same Drs office long before and after transition, they prescribe my hormones. Funny enough, in 2005 my therapist gave me a list of maybe 10 doctors that would be trans friendly and not question it with the letter from the therapist. I look on the sheet, and my doctor was already listed on there! I said hey, that's the Dr I already see. Sweet. And unless it's some kind of law he'd be breaking, he'll always write for my T shots. And if for some reason I have to go to the Dr to get it, it's like a $1 copay for me to get a shot. I've been doing it myself though for almost 17 years, so if I had them do it, that would just be me being lazy lol.
@armie4172 Год назад
@@nincure Hey there- there is to be a ban, for sure, in Missouri specifically, starting tomorrow. It’s actually something that shouldn’t be able to happen, but it is. It’s being called an “emergency order” done over the heads of the legislature in Missouri by the Attorney General, and doctors providing the trans healthcare are complying for fear of losing their licenses. It’s written in such a way that it affects *all* people (adults and kids) in Missouri receiving gender affirming healthcare because there are a number of catch-22 type clauses stating that you must have been diagnosed with “extreme persistent gender dysphoria” for three years to get any HRT/ surgeries…but…you also can’t have any other mental health diagnoses-especially not ones that people with gender dysphoria experience as a result of having gender dysphoria-like depression or anxiety that is unresolved. So if you’re depressed because you can’t get HRT or need affirmation surgery, you can’t get that affirmation healthcare. You also can’t have any neurodiverse diagnoses like autism, and you need to be tested for autism and be deemed not to have it also to receive gender affirmation care. (Btw people with gender dysphoria are 6 times more likely to be neurodiverse than the general population) It’s a really basically shutting down anyone seeking GAHC from getting that care. Some are saying there may be a “grandfather clause” stating if you are already receiving HRT, you may continue taking it, but from what I have heard this may or may not be the case, or may depend on how concerned your doctor is about treating you. (Additional place where you can learn more details below.) As far as I’m aware this is currently only happening in Missouri, but I know some other states are also trying to pass similar laws through legislation- some affecting only people under 18, and I think some are also trying to restrict adults. Florida and Montana I know are currently trying to pass GAHC restrictions. Florida specifically is also trying to take trans kids away from parents and guardians who are supportive of their trans/ enby kid’s gender-which is is honestly horrific. I very much hope you are in a state that isn’t currently trying to cut us off from our healthcare, but you should probably check. I can’t post links, but if you go to the “Them News” website, and scroll through their “news” section, there should be an article listing the current anti- trans legislation that is in various state legislatures at the moment. “Everything That Happened in Anti-Trans Legislation This Week: April 15-21” is the headline. Also the ACLU should also have more information by searching “ACLU anti-trans legislation”. If you are in one of those states, beginning a plan to first be able to access treatment/ prescriptions is a good idea (check out the Trans Resistance Network website) as well as making plans to relocate to another state is also a good idea. There’s a trans guy RU-vidr from Missouri who has a couple of videos detailing what’s going on there and how to get help as well. His channel is: trans_catdad . His videos on this subject also provide a link to details on the specifics of the Missouri order. Very much wishing you the best and hope you continue to be able to access your HRT/ other healthcare!
@user-mv5zt8qd9l Год назад
@@Justarandomguy654 I see no "delusions" here. Trans people have a pretty solid body of research behind them. Human rights include that to healthcare, you know?
@-ashy Год назад
​@@Justarandomguy654 how about you educate yourself before talking about shit you clearly dont understand.
@elvacoburg1279 Год назад
As a trans woman the one about laser hair removal is very familiar, as I have just come back from my third bout of treatment on face and neck. Not super painful, definitely known worse, but as it is constant for the best part of a hour, it was bad enough. If currently feels as if I have been out in the sun for a little too long, not quiet sunburn, but nearly there. Just the thought at I will be beard free at the end makes it worth it and keeps me going back for more.
@daisymay6505 Год назад
@gil8548 Год назад
I am super closeted due to community/circumstance. Yesterday I met someone who asked what pronouns they should use for me, an absolute first, and they used they/them in our conversation and I have been crying ever since. Thank you Jamie for always posting great stuff. It's super appreciated to have a space to feel like myself 💜
@babs_babs Год назад
hope you find yourself in a better situation someday love. you’ve got a community you can fall back on if you ever need ❤
@hannahwells9397 Год назад
That moment where you get the problematic question "You're such a pretty woman why would you want to be a man?" But you're a transwoman so it means you're passing but also you acknowledge that passing isn't required.
@Kitty-Marks Год назад
I've been on HRT for 13 years and for 13 years I've celebrated my birthday on the day I started HRT.
@SkyTheSnake Год назад
The trans wallpaper one was too true LOL I have both an ace one (home screen )and a trans one (lock screen) on my phone. So far, I've had the wallpapers for at least a year and not one person has commented on them. Not sure if I'm sad about that or not. Would be an interesting conversation starter.
@nope.0. Год назад
I was walking towards a crossing and the person in front of me had one of those city name souvenir bags, except in trans colours. I kind of wanted to make a comment, but it felt like I could have easily made them feel unsafe and the green man showed up before I could come up with anything. So maybe you were spotted, but the chance to comment didn't arrive.
@adhdnd-ace Год назад
I just got my first binder and when I put it on I was crying happy tears. I thought, “I look like me!” It took so long to get to this point and I’m glad to have had Jamie help crack my egg 😊
@anorien111 Год назад
I have been watching this channel for at least a year now and somehow still had a moment at the beginning when he said, "I'm trans" where I was like, "What--you are???" I don't know where my brain went, someone help me. Also, I was admiring the beard. It looks especially good in this video. c:
@ekaterinakonovalova1377 Год назад
Hey Jamie, just wanted to let you know that BetterHelp and Pride Counseling have been leaking patient information. I very much appreciate you bringing opportunities such as those, but they may not be safe.
@youngbloodedarts Год назад
I got my T prescription yesterday only for that time of the month to come the next day... I feel like I've been hate crimed by my own body...lol
@leaftheleafyleaf4302 Год назад
My school is making steps forward and backward in trans acceptance that they cancel each other out. 🏳️‍⚧️
@leaftheleafyleaf4302 Год назад
This is a neutral statement, just like the progress were getting
@hopesauce3324 Год назад
Endured a lot of transphobia today, had a panic attack and an autistic meltdown. I'm gonna have a self care day tomorrow, I need it.
@ninjoshday Год назад
Fellow autie here. That sounds rough. Take your time and do whatever you need to take care of yourself :D
@s0m3fl00fyb3an Год назад
Trans people have discovered the character creation options
@ideRRedi Год назад
This comment made my day xdd
@mysaysthings5512 Год назад
​@Bronze Stars and Moons Pardon me sir, I've been inspecting them all day, but my boobs do not seem to be a lie. 🧐 Hmm, mmhm, oh indeed, yes, jolly good. I have reached my SCIENTIFIC CONCLUSION... dem boobs real :3 Myth DEEEEEEEEBUNKED 🥳 onto the next one 😏
@pathevermore3683 Год назад
​@@mysaysthings5512 lmao. You owe me a cup of coffee. Mine ins now all over the keyboard.😂
@wacawaka1802 Год назад
@@pathevermore3683 you supoort conversion therapy. No one owes you anything
@JosiahTheRoach Год назад
My friend uses mirror pronouns (they use the same pronouns as the person they are talking to) and he jokes about stealing peoples pronouns and becoming their gender doppelganger 😭 Love him but I also want my pronouns back
@Regulus_Offical Год назад
Coming back to this video every time I get a like. Because it makes me happy and I'm slowly dying knowing my state is making my existence illegal and I could be k*lled any day. I love all my lgbt+ community and my allies who are outraged about this. Hope to make it out of this state before it's too late. ❤️
@ninjoshday Год назад
That sounds so scary. Sending you all the best!
@Regulus_Offical Год назад
@@ninjoshday Thank you!
@sakuraemerald3288 Год назад
1:13 I had a friend who’s phone background was an uno reverse card trans flag. I inquired about it, and they had no idea. “It just fit my phone aesthetic.”
@starrywizdom Год назад
That first meme reminds me of buying my late trans son his first binders online. He approached me very hesitantly about it & was so relieved when I just grabbed my debit card & said "Okay, you fill out the order & let me know when I need to put the card numbers in..." He'd only told me about the existence of binders a few days before, but I listened between the lines. I'd been buying him boys & men's shirts, trous, & pants for a couple years at that point. I know I made many, many mistakes trying to trans parent, but at least I was able to be somewhat okay about gender affirming clothes. IMO, if they're accepting non-binary people who feel they belong in a community of women, Wellesley (or any other community of women) shouldn't care how those enbies were assigned at birth. That's the WHOLE POINT. I'm in favour of men (trans & cis) wearing dresses or skirts if they want to, or not. Same with enbies & women (trans & cis). Same with trousers. People should deck themselves in the garb that makes them happy &/or works with whatever goals they're trying to accomplish. So, maybe not a great idea to wear a ballgown & run a marathon if you're trying to cut down your time, but hey, you do you! Love love LOVE "Trans rights or I bites" with a kitty -- now I want to see it with a Tyrannosaur! I was SO HAPPY when I finally figured out I had the right name. Yes, it's actually Starry. That *IS* my name. It's just not my legal alias or any of my long string of dead names. I gave my child FIVE names, hoping that ONE of them would be right. Since he wasn't assigned his real gender at birth, none of them were. So he found his own name, which happened to be on my short list of names for a boy... Much love to you & Shaaba!
@timnewman1172 Год назад
@Jammidodger Bless you for what you do! I genuinely fear for the safety of trans youth in this country, especially Florida... I hope we can overturn these bigoted laws ASAP!!!
@dippyfresh1635 Год назад
Before I was out at work, a coworker asked me for my pronouns, so I felt safe telling them. They immediately said "ok, so you want to be a girl." They are amazing but I did feel that squidward meme.
@John_Weiss Год назад
7:00 As The Click could tell you, "blåhaj" is pronounced /blow'high/. In Swedish, like in German, "j" represents the /y/-consonant. So "haj" is /ha/+/y/, which sounds something like /hai/. The Swedish letter "å" _does not represent_ any of the vowels we spell with an "a" in English! It's actually an "o" … specifically, it's the English vowel, "oa" [as in "boat"]. so "blå" would be spelled "bloah" in English and pronounced /blo/. Lastly, "blå" is Swedish for "blue", and "haj" is Swedish for "shark". [BTW: The German word for "shark" is, „Haifisch“, pronounced /hi fish/ in English. So yeah, its cognate across the continental Germanic languages.]
@spacegeck Год назад
I definitely need a "trans for dummies" book 😂 ive been trying to figure out how to get my name and gender marker changed for ages, but its so confusing.
@babs_babs Год назад
i don’t know about books but there are good websites out there that have state by state info (if you’re from the US)
@thehopefuledwardian Год назад
I’m not trans but i’m a stereotypically masculine lesbian, and i related to the goat meme hard.
@redwritinghood8741 Год назад
these positive meme videos are always so fun and healing. I've just had to move back in with my family after 4 years living independently so I'm dealing with getting deadnamed a lot again. but I've noticed whilst my mum will consistently deadname me, my dad will only use the nickname he's had for me since I was a kid when my mum is present. but when my mum isn't around my dad has been trying his best to get used to using my chosen name. he's even apologised to me about the fact I'm having to deal with more dysphoria being home again around my mum. she is learning. slowly but surely and is getting more understanding about me wanting to go on HRT but she still refuses to use my chosen name despite getting better with other things. thank you for always being so bubbly and entertaining as it always makes me feel better being able to relax and watch your videos.
@Alexandretta Год назад
Your channel is what helped me understand that gender identity and gender expression are separate things. I'd previously thought I couldn't identify as agender, regardless of how I felt, because I wasn't willing to cut off my long hair to look more androgynous. In hindsight, I realize that is very silly.
@invaderCJ Год назад
My appointment to start HRT process is on May 11th! So excited. ❤ Love you and Shaaba!!
@shadowking278 Год назад
Let’s celebrate. 🥳 And I know it doesn’t have as much as an impact as it would from parents. But I’m really proud of you for following your heart. Just remember. We are all here and we’re all supportive of you.
@doobat708 Год назад
Since I asked my parents to pick out a new name for me (to involve them in a positive way in the process), I can tell people, "I'm so good, they named me twice." 🤣
@ethankillion786 Год назад
i have a lot of respect for trans women that surgery takes balls! 😂
@Clawpelt Год назад
bruh 💀
@cerylegaehl793 Год назад
My niece (couple of months as a niece) has changed her pronouns, and told us her new name, but isn't 100% sure if that will be her forever name. I just think that it is cool that she is comfortable with telling us, and hope she has fun with picking the forever name that she feels suits her. I sometimes feel bad that I don't care that she's trans (or that anyone is) - it's not that I don't care about her - it's that I don't care what her gender is - she is still loved.
@babs_babs Год назад
thats not something to feel bad about at all. that’s genuinely going to be a relief for her if anything. having my gender be nothing special and no big deal is one of the most euphoric things for me because i’m so used to being othered but it. honestly it’s just a nice reminder that makes me feel human and i’m sure your niece will appreciate it
@jerrimenard3092 Год назад
I am an older non-binary person who was AFAB. I think it's hard to understand for those of us over 50. We did not have a word for ourselves to even use to come out. So, I can see why a college may have a hard time understanding why they are being transphobic. I will say that since I have come out the questions I get are honestly ones I had about my own self. Education is the key. Somebody should contact them and meet with staff to get this right.
@misamisaa4547 Год назад
When Jammie said 'Jammie has been my name for 12 years' I legit thought for a second that he's 12 before my brain reminded me that's not the case xD
@ninjoshday Год назад
Dang, Jamie's younger than I thought he was 🤣
@vanessamonster5038 Год назад
When Cis people ask me intrusive questions, I gently ask them intrusive questions. It leads to some interesting conversations.
@babs_babs Год назад
ooh got any examples? id try that strat
@pathevermore3683 Год назад
​@@babs_babs you are awesome, mate. Keep up the good work.
@wacawaka1802 Год назад
@@pathevermore3683 hi again admitted transphobe. Remember when you openly said you were transphobic? Oh how about the time you supported conversion theraoy? Oh what about that line about how you admitted you were a troll.
@theotherrat Год назад
I love the wholesome video. I am not feeling exactly great at the moment, so this really made my evening. Thank you for that :)
@azaria7528 Год назад
My first experience choosing my own character, like customization in a game was when my cousin allowed me to start my own sims game in his computer, 12ish yr old me was just like IM CHOOSING THE GUY and I made him ripped and I was happy, looking back I definitely should've realized I was trans way earlier based on other trans experiences I had growing up
@CatherineKimport Год назад
That mirror thing tho, oof. I worked, briefly, at a call center with a very gendered businessy dress code, before transitioning. One of the tips they gave us was to put a mirror on our desk to make ourselves smile while talking, and the thought of doing that just made me cringe so hard inside. Like... it's not bad enough dressed like someone I'm not, working a job that I hate, now I have to look at myself the whole day while doing it? No thank you. I got a giant plush Togepi instead, that worked much better than a mirror at making me smile.
@ninjoshday Год назад
Togepi's a great pokemon
@SelkieGirl Год назад
Tomorrow's my hrt prescription anniversary!
@isabelcore Год назад
@ninjoshday Год назад
Happy transiversary!
@babs_babs Год назад
i got a lot of love for jamie and this whole community. i got top surgery yesterday and it went super well. y’all have been such a gem ❤
@eeng17 Год назад
Congratulations 👏
@Aspen_thee_rodent Год назад
When I was three I asked respectful questions to a trans person while all the adults didn’t know what to do and where being stiff and uncomfortable
@babs_babs Год назад
that sounds about right
@LittleGhost_16 Год назад
11:04 I have the same problem except for me I want to set my wallpaper to something aroace themed but I’m nervous my family will ask questions about it (I’m not out to them yet).
@babs_babs Год назад
you could do something that just happens to have the aroace colors. like a photoshopped picture of a cat that you picked bc it looked cool
@RPGLover87 Год назад
Jamie's publisher suddenly calls "Dr Raines, do not change your name again or we'll have to reprint all your books and that will be a HUGE pain!" Also the invasive question thing reminds me of one of my favourite moments in Supergirl where she completely screws up babysitting Kat Grant's son because she's having trouble juggling too much shit and she asks Kat how she does it, and her incredibly pissed off response is the perfect summary of the problem even if it's a different context: "Congratulations Danvers, you have just hit on the most BORING question I have ever been asked in my entire career. 'How do you have it all?' It's like learning to juggle. You start with 2 balls, and add them as you grow comfortable."
@alexbenjaminlubbers Год назад
The mirror thing is also true for someone who has a physical disability. I'm a trans woman and disabled, lucky me!
@sabiangriffin3713 Год назад
There are days when I'll have some nasty dysphoria going on and then I've got to avoid mirrors, but it brings me the slightest amount of joy (although not enough to outweigh the dysphoria sadly) because I feel like a vampire trying to avoid detection
@PokhrajRoy. Год назад
7:44 To quote Lucille Bluth: “If that's a veiled criticism about me, I won't hear it, and I won't respond to it.”
@nathryl03 Год назад
Regular reminder that you're all awesome and valid, just as you are ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
@KatelynCollins225 Год назад
7:38 replace the last panel with agony for me because the stupid biology teacher wouldn't let me go to the restroom to take it off lmao. I can't tuck anymore ):
@pameladavies337 Год назад
Thank you Jammi. Another great video.
@jessicastevens5782 Год назад
there are 4 Ikea's in the entire state of Texas (you can fit 2.8 UKs in that space). "going to another one" can be a 6 hour drive
@aerendyll Год назад
I am nonbinary and the idea that my birth sex is considered for whether I'd be accepted into a women's university makes me think they still see AFAB nonbinary people as a women. (And even then, I'm not that comfortable with the idea that nonbinary people get grouped in with women, because we're not "women light".)
@ehrenyu Год назад
Yeah I'm bigender af so it's weird that ppl think I'm woman lite when I'm actually agender/transman duality
@danielreher1987 Год назад
Love the video and just wanted to say that your hard fought battle for the beard is being won. It's just getting better and better with each video uploaded.
@narnigrin Год назад
*On Wellesley:* They're like "Yay! We support the transes now
@Azukwuah Год назад
i love your videos jammi!
@christinakyleloves Год назад
Love you Jamie!!💛💛🥔🥔
@DianaBell_MG Год назад
I've been Diana since 1997, a 1/4 of a century ago. almost 2 decades before I actually came out and transitioned. Every so often there's still that little voice that questions it.
@erikaclark4205 Год назад
Hi! Little story I have that happened a couple days ago. (I play in a all girl hockey teem) Last year I came out to my hockey coach and she was really supportive but she had to stop coaching for our team. She passed on that I’m trans and use he/him and our new coach asked me on the third training. Like if my I still use my preferred name and what pronouns I use. Last year we had a pride rounds where we were told that we could wear rainbow and me and my 2 other friends dressed almost all in rainbow. I think we will have it this year to!
@John_Weiss Год назад
4:06 Jamie, there may be "a lot of support out there," but the problem is that _they are sitting on their hands and _*_doing NOTHING._* Just like they did to gay men like me back in the 1990s. 😠 I'm not even trans and I'm _LIVID_ at what's going on.
@bloodgutsandangelcake6079 Год назад
"Being a bystander is just as bad", so to speak.
@Blitziaeleece Год назад
Never left a like on a video so fast in my life. That "DO! THE! THING!" is everything! Thank you so much for doing *your* thing ;u;
@ianmayhew8539 Год назад
I feel the transmasc wearing dresses in my soul. I hated wearing dresses when I thought I was a woman, but since coming out and realizing that men's fashion needs way more color and style, I've been thinking that dresses are actually pretty cool
@kami0njnegjfkd Год назад
* !!! For anyone struggling with the names !!! * I'm enby, and I have that really big struggle with constantly finding names that I adore and so I adopt them. And it's always really hard because some of my friends find it difficult to switch names over that fast and it's not like I don't like some of the other names I've chosen, it's just that I ALSO like this one! So, my personal solution is to pick the name that is a good balance of formal and almost sounds like a name you would give a baby that wouldn't make everyone tilt their heads, but also one you love, to be your legal name and/or the name that you give most people should they ask. Then, I have like 15 nicknames, and I use whichever one(s) I'm most obsessed with at the time as my ENTIRE internet personality. Bonus: It helps protect your legal identity, because even if you haven't legally changed your name yet, if you're planning to, it can be dangerous to be publicly trans and have your full name on a platform. It also lets you fully delve into the obsession and why you like that specific name. My chosen name is Kami, and I'll be changing it sometime soon in the legal system. (I'm comfortable saying that here because I have an added layer of protection in that I'll also be changing my legal last name, so even if someone knows my face and my first name, they will struggle to find me legally.) BUT, online, I go by Moss. Literally everywhere. It's actually been really nice because even the people in my life that struggle with changing names super quickly are recognizing that Moss is a name I use and respond to. It's honestly gotten to the point that I have so many people who could start calling me Moss full-time, even the people who aren't good with the mental name-switch, and I have the full ability to pick which one I want now. I hope this helps someone lol.
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