
UKIP Nigel Farage full interview on Australian TV 

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There's a wave of Euroscepticism creeping around Europe but no more strongly than in the UK. David Cameron once called UK Independent Party, UKIP "a bunch of fruit cakes, loonies and closet racists..."
But a recent poll puts thie UKIP support base at 17% of British voters, ranking UKIP third after the Tory and Labour parties and ahead of the Lib Dems with only 8%.UKIP's colourful, charismatic and eloquent leader Nigel Farage talks on Australian TV program 'The Business'.



9 май 2013




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@Mikal1080p 10 лет назад
I've never heard Farage say anything that I haven't agreed with, vote UKIP.
@mrsmith1081 9 лет назад
So either you didn't heat Farage talk about how he didn't want to live next to Romanians or you are a racist xenophobe as well.
@cliffordhatton4444 9 лет назад
Mr Smith I'm widely-travelled and love meeting people in their homelands but given the choice I'D rather live next door to people I can identify with....people with a common understanding of our history...people who understand (what was) the British sense of humour...people who will immediately recognise a one-word reference to something uniquely British - and smile! Why do you think the 'participants' in our wonderful Multi-Cultural experiment ALL stick together? It's because they like being among their own kind!
@mrsmith1081 9 лет назад
Clifford Hatton i really could not care less where someone is from. I know many Brits I wouldn't want to live near. I try and be friendly to people no matter where they are from and I choose my friends based on personality not historical knowledge.
@cliffordhatton4444 9 лет назад
Mr Smith Your reply is - if I might say so - admirable and agreeable. But I think it important the 'demographic balance' is always tilted in favour of the host nation; if it's not, that nation loses its special character and identity. What a boring world it might be if countries were indistinguishable.....
@mrsmith1081 9 лет назад
Clifford Hatton i agree that there is something special about each country and that need to stay that way. However I don't think think that immigrants are destroying British identity simply adding to it. People all live slightly differently and culture will change but it will change differently in each country because of events both past and present. I don't believe that multiculturalism will result in indistinguishable countries.
@WankersCramp69 9 лет назад
Commonwealth forever! UK, Australia, Canada, India and New Zealand, friends forever!
@WankersCramp69 9 лет назад
PanHustej You are either a pathetic self styled revolutionary or a Russian or someone who lives in the past who would rather cling on to all the evils that we use to do. Many of these nations would not exist if it were not for Britain and if it was not for us bring the rule of law to many places then chances are you would not have the freedom you have to talk shit on the internet. I don't support everything the empire did but it's up to us to decide if we leave it with a legacy of hatred or friendship and I choose not to allow the sins of my ancestors to decide our current relationship. Our history's are linked and no matter how much you wish it were so you cannot change that.
@finalfrontier001 9 лет назад
Druss They did not kill French people..... they let them speak French and keep their culture under the Quebec Act 768. The British used th name Quebec and formed the government and built Montreal get you facts straight.
@survivor1564 9 лет назад
As a brit, i would keep my mouth shut when it comes to Germany and Eastern Europe since UK fucked us over at least twice selling us to USSR. And when EEurope started doing well, guess what, coup d'etat everywhere and we are being robbed ever since by your american friends. People are coming for what is theirs and they will get it. Btw, UK and US are the only 2 nations trying to spread democracy and liberty around the world. Give me a fucking break.
@johnmalcstan 9 лет назад
Survivor Trouble is America talks big on Democracy for others, while it takes it away from it's own people. I honestly think we should find a reset button for the World. It's fucked no matter which way you look at it.
@CallumPengelly 9 лет назад
Beth We are sorry, if it makes you feel any better I got bitten by a goat in Australia, soz m8
@MrOzzy281 10 лет назад
Can't see why he wouldn't be elected in 2015.
@MrOzzy281 10 лет назад
Putin is totally right about the Ukraine, the US and EU were paying protesters to protest.
@ronnieswoleman4290 10 лет назад
First Past the Post is why. But yes, I agree in principle.
@MrOzzy281 10 лет назад
Ronnie Swoleman Even with fptp
@MrOzzy281 9 лет назад
***** And the EU. The EU are arguably the bigger player in this
@SlipperyBream 9 лет назад
Walter Because people are brainwashed & gullible enough to believe all the bullshit from the lying media...
@martinwheeler6286 10 лет назад
Britain existed for a thousand years, without the EU. Why does anyone believe that we cannot exist without the EU?
@CoffeeBedPhone 10 лет назад
Things can change, and dependencies can form. I'm not saying we cannot survive without, but your logic is flawed.
@Whoami691 9 лет назад
To be fair.. 300 years ago America didn't exist... look at it now. Just saying, things change. Voting UKIP though. Love Nigel.
@fozzy1004 10 лет назад
This is an example of real journalism.
@videowilliams 10 лет назад
Yes, she gave him a surprisingly open platform to say his piece despite the usual left-wing bias of the ABC. Perhaps she likes the fact he's hurting the British Conservatives :p
@ronnieswoleman4290 10 лет назад
***** And Labour. Mostly Lib Dems though, they're basically going to become irrelevant since they're basically New Labour in a lighter shade.
@ronnieswoleman4290 10 лет назад
fozzy f Yes indeed. Journalism should be about asking policies, not saying "Iz U razyszcist?!?!?" in a hundred different ways like the BBC do.
@moodobusiness 10 лет назад
Good interview, ukip makes sense.
@liamphilpott7472 9 лет назад
Im voting UKIP. Britain wants to work with commonwealth countries, establish free trade etc. But are now allowed because of the EU. The EU has made us turn our backs on the nations we should treat as our friends. Not our enemies of old ie Europe.
@jonnybee48 10 лет назад
Now THAT is what I'd call a fair interview - straight questions and straight answers; none of the ususal dirt-digging and veiled references to Nazism from this Ozzie lady, just honest questions with no slant involved. Bravo to her!
@DavidJJames 10 лет назад
What a capital fellow!
@CaptainMarmite 9 лет назад
Notice that the so called mainstream media in the UK never show Mr Farage giving the EU what for!
@Goofy.9982 9 лет назад
It is just a matter of time before we leave the EU.
@CaptainMarmite 9 лет назад
godney100 I wish I was so confident. We may have to be disobedient to the point of war first! And you know the bulk of the British people don't have it in em....
@Goofy.9982 9 лет назад
Steve I find war abhorrent and don't believe this will happen. I am optimistic for our future. History tell us we go around in circles. Britain has a very long history of doing what is right for itself and its people. When the chips are down we manage to pull it out of the bag or in the case of the EU we will pull out. Already the cracks are appearing in the EU experiment, with countries like Greece on the brink of pulling its self out. If we where to have a referendum then we stand a chance of leaving sooner than we think. There has been competitions on how we can safely leave the EU and a civil servant won the top prise. He explained how we could proceed in leaving. Try google it and find out more. I believe UKIP have drawn up plans based around his ideas. I will continue to vote for democracy and freedom. UKIP is the way forward.
@CaptainMarmite 9 лет назад
godney100 I wish I was as confident. It's going to be after a fight if we do.
@FightingForce1 9 лет назад
@sam8290 9 лет назад
Put your own people first, spot on Nigel!
@daveround7838 10 лет назад
ukip are the best option if you want a vote on europe. the tories have already gone back on their word to give us a vote labour wont offer us a vote and lib dems still want us to become closer intigrated into europe
@MrBigdrum01 10 лет назад
Well said Nigel I would vote UKIP if I lived there.
@Seanis777 10 лет назад
This guy is amazing
@ammorreztristar 10 лет назад
Nigel Farage is pure GOLD. Good luck to him and UKIP x
@54footscray 10 лет назад
love this guy
@Whoami691 9 лет назад
Nigel Farage ... The New Churchill?
@cliffordhatton4444 9 лет назад
Whoami691 I'd say so...yes.
@RobRoyBoaz 9 лет назад
A good interviewer. She allowed him to make his points and to get them across in full. Not like the wankers and tosspots in the UK.
@humble_frog 8 лет назад
@makjac46 10 лет назад
The EU. (Germany,) why should it matter if Britain doesn't stay in the EU? Britain has the Commonwealth, sort of, to trade with, to hell with the EU (NEW WORLD ORDER) ruled from Brussels (Berlin) but I think it doesn't matter who rules Britain really, what with Sari law taken hold, it's just too late for Westminster and perhaps too late for Berlin to rule the Muslims. Vote UKIP to delay dominance by the ELITE.
@heliosasclepius1153 9 лет назад
Now this is a great politician..!! Didn't mince his words not once and focused and answered the questions eloquently..Good luck in May election Nigel..
@MrAskmannen 10 лет назад
@Parkie355 11 лет назад
UKIP are having my vote. The only party that I feel that I can actually trust to deliver results, unlike the mainstream parties who wait 5 years to deliver what it is in there manifestos. UKIP ! UKIP !
@Lewisevans1618 9 лет назад
1;15 in, pure gold! that's enough to get my vote. UKIP 2015.
@TheLoyalOfficer 11 лет назад
Well said! Hear, hear!
@euglenaviridans3833 11 лет назад
a very candid man who spells it out with passionate honesty....
@matthewbedford4354 10 лет назад
UKIP all the way! :-)
@baby1cham 11 лет назад
Nigel Farage says it as it is and doesn't mince words. He has my vote and my Childrens votes and my work mates votes.
@superskidmarkz 8 лет назад
if the UK becomes successful after leaving the EU I'm sure one of the next countries to follow will be France. Then the stampede will begin. National pride will keep Germany there until the bitter end along with many Eastern European countries.
@Jim-pq9pm 8 лет назад
+Biguss Dickus Austria is next! In fact, they may go before the UK does.
@lucius1976 8 лет назад
No, they wont.
@Jim-pq9pm 8 лет назад
lucius1976 It was tense there for a bit. They stood their ground.
@fabricadojoe 8 лет назад
Fast forward to 2016. UKIP is far from finished. Next general election should be interesting.
@THINKER43 9 лет назад
Thatcher could see the euro would eventually strangle Europe, for this she should be exalted. But why could no one else see if they didn't understand economics then outsourcing it is a terrible idea.
@m4rs12 9 лет назад
THINKER43 cos' they (EU politicians) are all closet socialists/communists you see. For them un-equality between rich and poor countries is a sinful thing. What way is easier to address this than flooding rich countries with cheap/poor labor and thus by doing so equalise all countries into MEDIOCRITY!
@BorisDinaburg 11 лет назад
British are lucky to have good men like Nigel Farage.
@jordiegundersen1465 9 лет назад
"The Last Lion" has reincarnated ! All the very best to you Mr Farage...
@leesmith4981 11 лет назад
Nigel is a patriot and should be taken very seriously. He gets my vote.
@AustralianBigot 11 лет назад
There are those of us in Australia that are hoping for the same. Everyone seems to think we are free of social dictatorships in Australia but we are only 10 years behind the UK.
@afolksinger 11 лет назад
Success to ukip and success to democracy
@gb5uq 11 лет назад
Wise words, thanks for sharing that insight...
@adamtaylor12345 9 лет назад
I hope the commonwealth welcome us back with open arms after the disrespect our government have shown them, because the UK love the commonwealth and the people it the British government that has forgot them not the people
@ruthann7182 10 лет назад
I wish Nigel Farage was our president. He's got cajones.
@chrisw1953 10 лет назад
Makes a lot of sense can string a sentence together which is more than the other parties..
@djpiccalo100 11 лет назад
So this is what an interview is supposed to be like! We have so much lefty journalists in the UK I probably haven't seen a proper interview for about 20 years
@davethompson4764 5 лет назад
@justbanter8727 9 лет назад
Getting down to the nitty gritty its all about having faith in the Leadership - Mr Farage is the closest thing I can think of to that idea under the present circumstances. (and he's quite entertaining to boot)
@ProclusX 11 лет назад
Nigel is the best!
@someonewhocaresuk7606 11 лет назад
even if you put your own countries flag up you get told to take it down, take the biscuit doesn't it ted, I will be voting next for ukip, cant understand whats bad about wanting to leave the EU. VOTE UKIP! before its too late.
@lliambunter 11 лет назад
David Abbott, a general practitioner who serves on Ukip’s ruling national executive committee, made a donation to American Friends of BNP while he was living and working in the US. He also attended a meeting in America at which Nick Griffin, the BNP leader, was a guest speaker and the two men met afterwards. Later, having returned to Britain, Dr Abbott attended an annual dinner of the Trafalgar Club, a fund-raising group for the BNP, at which Mr Griffin was again present.
@kuladeeluxe 11 лет назад
He has my Canadian Vote. Can we get a Conservative like him?
@Charizarzar 11 лет назад
Speaks for the people.
@blumie006 5 лет назад
He knows what he is talking about this is 5 years old and the violence has started with the yellow vests
@WankersCramp69 11 лет назад
We don't judge Scotland on a few bunch of twits. You Scots are swell, I hope you guys remain united with us. We work better together.
@Telcontar1962 11 лет назад
Anyone with any sensitivity at all with respect the democtratic principle will back UKIP in the referendum. We need to get out of the EU as fast as we can and reverse the effects of the immigration policy we've had in place for far too long. People can debate/vote what we should do as a country and who best reflects that only when we have had our democratic rights restored. Anything less is meaningless political posturing.
@richardsharpe2966 11 лет назад
This man will be the prime minister of the uk
@gb5uq 11 лет назад
Jeez I wish there was a block bell ends option.
@THINKER43 9 лет назад
I don't understand why people are surprised
@Constait 11 лет назад
Nigel Farage the true protector of the REALM.
@lliambunter 11 лет назад
Just today, the Daily Mail has revealed that a wealthy new UKIP backer is of the opinion that women who wear trousers are ‘deliberately’ making themselves unattractive to men. The Backer in question, Greek tycoon Demetri Marchessini, continued in talking bollocks about women by saying not wearing a skirt is ‘hostile behaviour’.
@chriscoggin7211 11 лет назад
nice one mate. down with europe, farage for king
@MagicalMukhina 11 лет назад
The treatment Mr Farage got in Scotland was absolutely totally unnecessary and utterly disgusting. This very aggressive vile behaviour shows the mentality of the new class that we now have in this country 'the underclass' will any party be brave enough to tackle these 'burdens on society' ? - unfortunately I doubt it as they are more concerned with being popular !!! Keep up the good work Nigel - you are very much appreciated for speaking the truth.
@RobRoyBoaz 9 лет назад
"A Romanian led crime epidemic in London" (09:18) Ask him what happened to the Romanian criminals in Belfast.
@UbikRP 11 лет назад
Good to see UKIP making some waves in Oz
@nikc888 11 лет назад
sounds about right
@jordiegundersen1465 9 лет назад
Why aren't there more leaders who aren't "Puff-cakes?" This all makes sense. A man who does his homework while whimpers drool around him..!!
@gb5uq 11 лет назад
While exit from the EU is an essential prerequisite to regaining some freedom, UKIP is NOT the answer to all our problems in it will not free us from the meme that enslaves us. That being the immoral and evil idea that human beings only exist to work and that their only worth is in their productivity. As long as jew bankers and capitalists are allowed to continue to treat us like chattels for their enrichment and Britain as their private club we will never be truly free.
@connor129s 11 лет назад
Very true
@VastGroup 10 лет назад
I would say hedge funds managers are more worried about taxation rather than domestic society issues.
@afolksinger 11 лет назад
So true. Thats what i and my parents were saying. He didn't condone anti democracy and shouting of ''scum scum scum'', nice.
@masterzen8381 11 лет назад
I`m very much a left winger,but at the moment I think that Britain needs UKIP,the EU was in my view a good thing but has got far to powerful and is now causing allot of problems,despite not agreeing with UKIP`s tax policy or environmental policy`s they will win my vote in the locals and probably the general election.
@terrafirma91 11 лет назад
True. The people must think outside the box. There's little difference between the two major parties, and why limit the political debate between two similar parties? These are just prefabricated boxes we've been forced into. The debate might be vigorous, but the parameters have been made very narrow. The people must wake up to how they've been manipulated.
@quondam 9 лет назад
it will happen
@entryfragger9781 9 лет назад
He reminds me of ambassador/Councillor Udina from Mass Effect, except not turning out to be a traitor.
@mumbojumbo766 11 лет назад
there's no point , we've already lost
@bighands69 11 лет назад
Switzerland is a good country to move to as well. If you work hard enough then you can move where you like to and select the best bits you self.
@jimmierustler5607 10 лет назад
He also said he'd stuff the Doctor's mouth with Gold. You think the American System is private? How incredibly ignorant
@vhenry75 11 лет назад
He wasn't wrong about the violence
@gb5uq 11 лет назад
Jew Milton Friedman (No Relation), was the intellectual architect of the policies of both Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. The disaster for Britain that was Thatcherism economics was in total Friedman economics. He was her close adviser, hero and mentor.
@imawesomeandyoureno1 11 лет назад
Is this the guy from Top Gear?
@Misho73bg 11 лет назад
Mr. Bean in politics? Rowan Atkinson has a deputy now. Good job, Nigel :-)
@jazzyjazzyjazzy 11 лет назад
Farage is brilliant! NEXT PM!
@D1v1DeD 11 лет назад
It's funny how a man creates a problem, then proposes a solution and half of Britain just blindly follows his words. Before this 95% of Bulgarian and Romanian people didn't know that they HAD the opportunity after 2014 to draw benefits. They saw it as a WORKING opportunity, i.e. come here -> find a job and actually boost the economy.
@comprehensiveboy 11 лет назад
You are right but don't forget that each person has a duty to the community to do what they can for the common good - they are not defined just as economic units to be used and discarded by capitalists but we should all be able to work, and we should work if we are able. Useful activity cannot be a bad thing.
@coolsdon 7 лет назад
Yes,where is Clegg now? Doing his first proper job no doubt!!
@ClemJCES 11 лет назад
I said it before, and I'll say it again: The USA needs to grant Nigel full citizenship so that he can run for the U.S. Presidency and clean up the mess our current President is trying his damnedest to create. We've got a guy who thinks he's a king! We had a revolution back in 1776 to get rid of being under the yoke of one-man rule.
@jazzyjazzyjazzy 11 лет назад
He needs to be!!!
@banksp69 11 лет назад
Just want to add two further points in support of UKIP and its 'intelligent followers. Firstly for the lefties to brand UKIP as racist, is racist in itself, as we all know stereotyping is a form of racism. UKIP engage with supporters from a multiplicity of backgrounds, culturally, ethnically and demographically. So the perception we are all 'white' racists is purely and simply wrong. We just have brain that logically looks at economic and social consequences.
@tahlenwilson4243 11 лет назад
COME ON UKIP! your colonial cousins "aussies" support yah!
@Charizarzar 11 лет назад
And why do you think there is 'hate'?
@Musterdattack 9 лет назад
it's ironic how they describe him as a "colorful" person, He's anything but lol
@BT-kf4kx 2 года назад
Go clean my room
@someonewhocaresuk7606 11 лет назад
England will very greatfull for your support, you have such a nice country, your government has looked after it well, our country is in right mess, and so is all of uk, not enough jobs to go round, I think a lot of foreign workers get these jobs aswell, something not right anyway.
@LFCEOIN 11 лет назад
eh yeh i suppose it could be
@Misho73bg 11 лет назад
Majority if immigrants in UK come from ex-colonies. And their children have a british citizenship already. Unfortunately, some of them decapitate your soldiers. So don't blame EU for mistakes, made years ago. But if you want, you are free to leave it anyway. Hope that will help :-) Good luck!
@FoAmY99 10 лет назад
Your own system says its projected to have a 30 billion pound deficit by 2020. You've been forced to kick in more and more money over the years and yet the quality of care has consistently gone down. Either your politicians are going to have to jack up your taxes even more, or cut services. Its a vicious cycle, people taxed more, need social services more because of less money, social services need more income to pay for increased usage, people taxed more. See the cycle, well its unsustainable
@ANonceAMouse 11 лет назад
Very close to the truth... but it will be a lot worse.
@mudlynmahabir5565 6 лет назад
Where is Nigel where you is get your people and do like our President and get the devil out of your Country and let Jesus prevail please
@lliambunter 11 лет назад
He is all cocky, smug and smarmy when he is insulting others such as the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy - who he accused of having the charisma of a damp rag, Yet when the boot is on the other foot, that calm, self assured facade quickly crumbles followed by an hysterical hissy fit - A sure fire trait of a typical bully boy politician. he has also proved himself to be untrustworthy and lacking in integrity, having had at least one extramarital fling.
@Uduwerage 11 лет назад
Farage demonstrates everyday and in everyday just why he should never be given the opportunity to gain any more influence. Sadly though 'Good People' are fallen under Farage's economics made simple approach.
@gb5uq 11 лет назад
I expect that the epithet "your a fuckin homophobe and a racist" is the chav estate substitute for not having the intellectual capacity to pronounce his name.
@gb5uq 11 лет назад
American Friends of BNP was/ is a state sponsored group backed by MI5 the CIA and the FBI. According to Hal Turner the jailed former talk show host and FBI informant, he had contacts deepwithin the BNP both at home in Britian and also in the US. The testimony to that fact can still be seen on the familly of Hal Turner blog December 2009.
@gb5uq 11 лет назад
There is no NHS. It was privatized some years ago just like the Police was privatized when all the local constabularies were wound up and became police authorities. Your local police will now have a .co.uk suffix just like the NHS has a .co.uk suffix. You've been conned and not only did you not see it then you don't appear to see it now. It's to late it's a fait accompli.
Donald Trump, 1998 - BBC HARDtalk
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