
What Does It Mean to Be Made in God’s Image? 

Desiring God
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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 153
Transcript: www.desiringgod.org/interview...



4 июл 2024




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@Derek_Baumgartner 3 года назад
Thanks for this! Have to remember why He made us: to trust in Him, and to enjoy Him - and to reflect His glory so that others may (and may better), as well. I'm not the best wordsmith: hopefully that's a good summation, however. Key to this, I think, is seeking to remember Him - to remember the coming judgment, to remember His love for us, and how His love for us calls us to love one another, and especially those who are lost. Life is not about us. I've a long way to go, but Jesus is faithful.
@8IggiE8 3 года назад
Wow! Pastor John that was really good! The mirror analogy. Thank you for sharing that. Thank you for all that you do. God bless you and yours!
@dawnbassey5630 3 года назад
The mirror analogy! To be honest, I have never had a better insight on this subject matter as from this video. God bless you Pastor John and grant you more grace to push Christ centered and exalting doctrine across the globe. Amen
@DysonDays 3 года назад
Amen. Praise God. Thank you pastor John.
@iaai6195 9 месяцев назад
Thank you, N. T. Wright for the angled mirror image.
@timsharpe6652 3 года назад
Thank you . Added this to an Apologetics playlist I have ! 😊
@yeseniatrejo2012 3 года назад
Oh my goodness. I was reading about this yesterday and wondered the same thing!
@pradeepprakash7287 3 года назад
May god bless you
@victormwenda8864 3 года назад
wow, this is what I was thinking about the this past week (after reading a Devotional writen by Pastor John), I was trying to understand how Luke 6:35 and 1 Peter 2:9 relate, and it is beautiful🍃. Actually saw exactly what Pastor John said in this APJ episode. We are to present the Excellence of God to this word(through our actions, thoughts and words), thereby bringing glory to his name🙌
@michaelvanmolendorff9114 Год назад
This is great will really help me refute a word faith theolog. Thank you Pastor John
@Richie016 3 года назад
Thank you for clarifying biblical fundamentals on Made in God’s Image
@RepentNBelieveNJesus 5 месяцев назад
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. He hath delivered me from wicked people, from the sword, and from the lying tongue. Praise God!
@maxaplin4204 3 года назад
John Piper is right that the fall didn't destroy the image of God in human beings but defaced it. That is a good way of putting it. I think defining exactly what the image of God is is quite difficult, that it involves various ways in which we are like God.
@TiffanyALuna Год назад
One of the *best* channels ever! 😊
@joecamerario8384 3 года назад
My thoughts on image and likeness are we were made perfect, by a perfect God. The evidence of this is shown in how we imagine anything and everything, we imagine it perfectly, hence Utopia and other examples. With respect to likeness, we were created to live forever, hence the fountain of youth, plastic surgery and the like, and dread of death, "whistling past the graveyard". We were created perfect and immortal in His image and likeness. We sinned and became imperfect and mortal. Jesus came to restore all things, by grace through faith in Christ we will be restored to His image and likeness, perfect and immortal. Blessings ☝️😇✝️✝️✝️
@exploringtheologychannel1697 3 года назад
To be similar to God in his attributes.
3 года назад
For one to be unique among all God’s creations, having both a material body and an immaterial soul/spirit.
@stumpintheearth1088 3 года назад
Adam was first made a spiritual being, from the dust of the earth. His sin, defaced man, bringing us all into this flesh body, which holds us all in bondage.
@toddcote4904 2 года назад
No, certainly not.
@stumpintheearth1088 2 года назад
@@toddcote4904 That's where the Scriptural evidence points. For instances how was Eve called the mother of all living? Yet she was not the mother of Adam. Scripture also does not say she was the mother of all people, men, etc.., but the mother of all living. Genesis 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
@toddcote4904 2 года назад
@@stumpintheearth1088 Scriptural evidence? Just read your first sentence... Adam was made a spiritual being first, from the dust of the earth. !!?? So...was that spiritual dust from a spiritual earth? Now you add Eve was the mother of all the living? Yah, and Jesus was a mahogany door 🚪. Your interpretation is a little "wooden" here.
@stumpintheearth1088 2 года назад
@@toddcote4904 That mean's you don't believe that this flesh body will be made into a spiritual body at the end of this age.. Right? 1 Corinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
@toddcote4904 2 года назад
@@stumpintheearth1088 No, it means that Adam was formed from physical dust then "life/ spirit" was breathed into him. It's clear you don't understand the scriptures you're quoting at all. 1Co 15:47a The first man was of the earth, made of dust;... Paul doesn't say Adam was a spirit first, he says the opposite in fact.
@sonofode902 3 года назад
"Consciousness of sovereignty" Gin,
@finnlangenbach5501 3 года назад
great way to describe what it means that we IMAGE God to the world by comparing it to an mirror!!
@johnhoffman8203 3 года назад
We are a spirit, soul, and body paralleling the trinity and all three died when Adam sinned. All three must be redeemed which further explains why rebirth is only the first step towards total redemption and not total redemption in itself. Believers who dont receive total salvation because teachers deceive them and dont know the truth loose out on the greatest reward, the inheritance through sanctification, and miss the millennium.
@toddcote4904 2 года назад
No, that's not right.
@johnhoffman8203 2 года назад
@@toddcote4904 Can you be more specific, there was a lot there.
@toddcote4904 2 года назад
@@johnhoffman8203 1 - First, you'd have to prove that we are a body, soul, and spirit as we are a body and soul/spirit. The scriptures aren't 100% specific here, but substantially support a dual view not a tri-view. You'd have to get creative to distinguish between a soul and a spirit. 2 - But for sake of argument I'll grant the tri-view. Other than a surface level observation of 3 and 3, there is no substantive parallel of the 3 parts of man matching the doctrine of the Triune Godhead. 3 - "...all three died...". Certainly Adam continued to live after Adam's sin for 900+ years, so how can you say he died? 4 - "All three must be redeemed..." Given point 1, this will be very difficult to defend. 5 - "Believers who don't receive total salvation..." This is a foreign interpretation to the scripture that has zero support. It really is just black and white, saved or unsaved, you're describing a third category that doesn't exist. 6 - "inheritance through sanctification..." ??? This is a different gospel, so be cautious here. Our inheritance is through the legal justification by faith alone. Sanctification is the outworking or fruit of being born again. 7 - "...and miss the millennium" There's several eschatological views, but this view is the least supportable view. The pre/mid/post-trib rapture and physical 1000 year reign with a 3rd temple and renewed sacrifices was fabricated in the 19th century starting with an 11 year old girl's "vision". This system is false. So 7 points that aren't correct within your short comment. Please don't feel you have to respond to all 7. If you'd like just pick one, or don't. I'll still sleep well tonight either way.
@johnhoffman8203 2 года назад
@@toddcote4904 First of all, I'll pray for your good night's sleep, I'd hate to be the cause of someone's restless sleep. I appreciate your response to my comments as total salvation should be the goal of every believer through 2 Thes 2.13/14, sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth after one is called/justified/spirit reborn per Romans 8.30. 1. 1 Thes 5.24 not only divides a believer into three parts but states the need for all three to be justified before Christ at His coming through sanctification. Heb 4.12 further emphasizes the division of soul and spirit in a man and if divisible then must exist as parts of a man. I would grant to you that the natural man could be considered dual because the spirit is dead but after spirit rebirth it is imperative that spirit and soul be separated so that the soul can begin to become sanctified by being lead by the Spirit per Romans 8.5-14. Jesus in His teachings emphasized the soul and its need for redemption, Mark 8.36. 2. Gen 2.17 uses the term day as the time period for death following sin (death = separation). The proof of death of the spirit is in the question by God to Adam as to his whereabouts. Part of man's spirit is the communicator with God, when asked proved it (the spirit) died. The soul by the glory leaving Adam's body and he was completely naked vice clothed in glory. In God's eyes man's body also died that day as a day with the Lord is as a thousand years. 966 is the record so far. All three parts died that day as promised thus all three need redemption. Our spirit is redeemed at our calling/rebirth, our soul through sanctification is redeemed at the judgement seat of Christ for those who qualify or 1000 years later per 1 C0r 15.51/52 when all believers finally will receive their glorified body (complete salvation). Our bodies will be redeemed at the rapture when our sin nature is separated and we stand before Christ as a natural body. 3. All believers will receive total salvation, it's a matter of when as stated above. At the JSOC and the glorified body then, or 1000 years later and miss the Millennium in outer darkness/2nd death. 4. Inheritance through sanctification is found in Acts 20.32/26.18. The inheritance (KOH/KOG) IS to reign and rule with Christ during the Millennium, this is what Jesus came to offer the Jews and when they rejected Him as Messiah in Mt 12 He gave it to Gentiles per Mt 21.43. 5.Read The End Times by The Ancient Church Fathers by Ken Johnson Th.D. He studied and quotes Irenaeus (a disciple of John), Polycarp (a disciple of John), Justin Martyr, Hippolytus, Ephrem the Syrian. All substantiated upon the dispensational pre Millennial view and pre trib rapture of the church. These teachings are as old as the apostles themselves. Sleep well.
@NewLeaf-bq1rd 3 месяца назад
Do angels have the knowledge of good and evil like we do, are angels created in the image of God like we are? I'm confused and can't find anything on it
@FreedominChrist45 2 года назад
Halleluja Halleluja Halleluja Halleluja
@papernpen5948 3 года назад
What does the bible mean when it says God put eternity In our hearts?
@eric5001 3 года назад
I think that it means we long to have eternal life and to never die. We are not spirits of mortality but spirits of immortality, that is to say that in our hearts we desire to live forever. However, this can be corrupted just like any good attribute that God has given us, leading to many taking their own lives. And even then, I would argue that those that take their own lives do it begrudgingly out of desperation of relief from their feeling of hopelessness and pain.
@thewhole_picture1743 3 года назад
Probably that we are eternal beings so that we become aware of the need to realise where we spend eternity, therefore why we need to repent of sin and be in relationship with God, for our spirit and soul, to go to the right place when we die.
@edgarmorales4476 2 года назад
We are indeed powerful creators - there is no doubt about that - but we are not as powerful as God. We are made in His image indeed. In giving us His image God has given us the ability to do what we want - to do and to create or miscreate along whatever lines us feel are necessary - but we cannot overpower God. And so if something has been done to us or by us, or we've witnessed something, we must remember that we are given absolute freedom, and that we are not going to be "punished" for following the guidance that we think is true. For anyone who does anything thinks it's right, thinks it's going to bring them what they want. They think it's going to bring them closer to their goals, whatever their goals are. But so many of us have had our minds so contaminated with untruth that we are not able to discern when we are off-track. We simply are not able to discern it. We have been so deeply indoctrinated through fear and mental and psychic manipulation that we do not even know.
@qwerty-so6ml 2 года назад
There is only ONE Gospel: The Gospel of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Satan's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of God.
@edgarmorales4476 2 года назад
@@qwerty-so6ml You christians are at ease in your own comforts of positions of authority. You christians have no need of anything beyond your own physical satisfactions. You christians have no personal knowledge of God - therefore - you christians must read from your "Holy Book" - the words of holy men spoken a thousand years ago - and tell yourselves what the words mean. But all you christians speak is drawn from your own little minds - which are imprisoned in the comforts of your lives. You christians know nothing of the inspiration which gave birth to the words spoken by the Prophets or by Jesus all those centuries ago. Neither do you christians know whether those words are what non-christians really need to hear at this moment - for times have changed. You christians are strong in materialism and do not want to be moved on from all that you christians regard as "secure" and "everlasting" in your traditions and observances. Any deviation will disturb the foundations of your religious beliefs and therefore of your lives - and so you christians build mental defenses against the inflow of the Power of God.
@benjaminlamptey1867 3 года назад
[Gen 1:26-28]
@johnnymarine554 2 года назад
*Adam & Eve "WERE" made in the image of God but ever since the fall of man into sin every son & daughter born from Adam are born into the image of the beast;.....this is why we must be born-again! (John 3)*
@TimothyChapman 3 года назад
"Sin did not destroy the image of God, but defaced it" - Closer, but wrong. By sinning, we no longer accurately represent God, but we still bear his image.
@nbuehster 2 года назад
It means that the person in charge of everything will look like a very skinny guy who hasn't even graduated from high school yet. (I'm going to be 38 in a few months.)
@drellz9361 Год назад
The imagination of God
@conniefitzgerald6678 2 года назад
Adam and Eve were made in the image of God before the fall of man into sin but ever since the fall of man into sin every son and daughter born from Adam, are born into the image of the beast; This is why Jesus said we must be born again ...........John chapter 3
@angloaust1575 3 года назад
Let us make man in our image Therefore god must be masculine The woman was made from the Man Yet male and female he made them
@dr.deverylejones1306 2 года назад
For us Man to know for us made "IN The Image of God" for mean is to know (WHAT GOD IS 1st) then we can get His Image we Mankind are made IN. So WHO & What Is God 1st ? We know God is a SPIRIT who is ALL KNOWLEDGE & we know God is LOVE & we know GOD is Freewill because God made His Word was (ALSO) GOD for is called Jesus. So WHAT is HIS IMAGE or that Image we are made IN mean. For know this Image mean for God created us Mankind SPIRITS as God is with of KNOWLEDGE, LOVE & FREEWILL. NOW we can study on What does that mean to be made in God's Image? For know 1st to God Mankind are The HIGHEST & GREATEST HIGHEST & GREATEST SPIRITS FOR GOD CAN MAKE EVER TO EXIST FOR IS MADE WITH (FREEWILL). For mean for God to make us Mankind to EXIST God would need to make exist All the things needed made 1st for to Use & Exercise our Freewill with 1st for then can Mankind CAN COME & to exist 1st for makes of us Mankind maybe the reasons for why All things & this Universe & earth to exist for. Think about it.
@qwerty-so6ml 2 года назад
There is only ONE Gospel: The Gospel of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Satan's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of God.
@robh647 3 года назад
Piper when you go into a gym tell me you don't look at women?
@crucifiedwithchrist9367 3 года назад
Gal. 5:16 "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh."
@baronbrutality757 3 года назад
He look at the floor instead!
@conniefitzgerald6678 2 года назад
youre projecting
@qwerty-so6ml 2 года назад
There is only ONE Gospel: The Gospel of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Satan's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of God.
@acwright 3 года назад
@luisandujo5969 2 года назад
politics? why?
@gman411111111 3 года назад
Unless you want socialism now Vote for Trump. It's not complicated
@HearGodsWord 3 года назад
Perhaps a lot of people think socialism is a good thing? Just saying as an outsider who cannot vote.
@kerrihough9507 3 года назад
Why here? I don't come here for politics.
@kerrihough9507 3 года назад
Politics? Really why go on google not here.
@HearGodsWord 3 года назад
@@kerrihough9507 True.
@HearGodsWord 3 года назад
@jparkerwillis hey I'm not American so have no interest in Democrats or Republicans. Like most people I'm not here for political opinions.
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