
What Does the Bible Say About Polygamy? 

What Would You Say
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You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Biblical marriage isn’t just between one man and one woman. In the Bible, polygamy is normal, and the Bible never condemns polygamy.”
What Would You Say?
Do the Bible’s portrayals of polygamy mean that the Bible is not clear about marriage? Or that it even endorses polygamy and polyamory?
No, and here are three reasons why.
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24 апр 2024




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@AbuSaleh001 18 дней назад
(Exodus 21:10) if he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food clothing and martial rights.
@BibleMarriages 2 месяца назад
2:12 "other arrangements are departures from God's design..." This is simply false, again -- Abraham, Jacob, David, etc weren't participating in "other arrangements" of marriage. Each woman they had belonged to them, in a separate marriage, a separate "one flesh" union, which really is to say, each woman joined to his body, became a part of his family. But it doesn't matter how many wives became a part of that body/family, because each marriage only consists of one wife, thus violating none of God's design. God said (and you quoted this) it's not good for a man to be alone... yet we see some men are called to have no wife at all, isn't that arrangement just as much a "departure" in your view from God's design? Did God ever say it's not good for a man to have more than one wife? He did not... why not? If it was bad, sinful, or evil, surely you should be able to find Him rebuking and correcting it at some point, rather than what we do see, which is actively participating it, and even describing Himself as a polygynous Husband multiple times (allegorically).
@justjamie6458 2 месяца назад
How do you explain 1 kings 15:5 for that says King David did not sin except for the case of Uriah and 2 Samuel 12:8 that says I gave the thy masters house and thy masters wives unto thy boosm... and if that had been too little i would moreover given thee such things.
@jetrpg22 2 месяца назад
They don't. They worship traditions of men.
@BibleMarriages 2 месяца назад
Easy, a man having multiple marriages (wives/concubines) is perfectly appropriate and righteous behavior, so God giving David more wives is not a problem from a moral perspective in God's law.
@justjamie6458 2 месяца назад
@@BibleMarriages that's not what is said in this video.
@BibleMarriages 2 месяца назад
@@justjamie6458 Indeed it’s not, but that’s because this video is chock full of false teachings, and Greco-Roman pagan tradition masquerading as biblical truths.
@justjamie6458 10 дней назад
The video said polygamy is wrong in God's eyes. These passages about king David contradict that.
@DarkBlueFreeman 2 месяца назад
I mean, it's not like I'd be able to engage in polyamory anyway. I'm single and it's been near impossible for me to find one woman, let alone two or more 🤣
@raphaelfeneje486 2 месяца назад
I love this. God bless you ❤️✝️🙏
@Beyonder1987 2 месяца назад
Polygamy is common practice amongst ALL Bible prophets, Jews, Semetic people at large. Its only when Christianity was made official religion of Romans when they banned it and only reason why its banned in the west
@jetrpg22 2 месяца назад
As it should be, at least socially. It's not a wise/ beneficial practice for who we are as a people today. It is not a sin, a person telling you this is ignorant or worships traditions of men. However, it is unwise. We don't have enough faithful people anyway, and those who do exist aren't behaving in a way that this could work without worse outcomes. Its a foolish practice for us today. But not a Sin by the Law.
@BibleMarriages 2 месяца назад
@@jetrpg22 To claim it should be is to say God did not know what He was doing in giving us the laws that allow for it. It is also a sin to remove the laws that allow for it and add laws that forbid it (Deut 4:2)... There are 20+ million more women in the American churches than men, you think it's not something we need to ensure God's daughters are actually covered in marriages like they should be? To blanket state that it's unwise, indicates that there are no faithful men and women who would benefit from it, and that is simply untrue as I have witness those people personally.
@jetrpg22 2 месяца назад
@@BibleMarriages " To blanket state that it's unwise, indicates that there are no faithful men and women who would benefit from it, and that is simply untrue as I have witness those people personally." Insert low IQ meme of general vs specific examples. Come on, you are better than this and you know it. Why do you think there are more women in church? The fix for that is the fix for it. Don't conflate it. We know what weak churches that worship the fem are,. For one they are counted in your numbers. Are you saying those churches would be willing to embrace polygyny? This is just cope. It's foolish because single faithful men and women are exceedingly rare. I think it was Will Spencer (idk his name) on x the other day who made the argument of single childless women into their 30s are sinning. Not because it's a sin, but because they were in that situation as a consequence of their active sin. And that is right, a lot of them are in church, unrepentant being boss babes and Jesus' girlfriends (who they are the boss of). These women don't need husbands, they could have gotten those, they Need Jesus as their MASTER. I never removed a law, did I? Let me hit you with the Word. “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. The New Testament clearly teaches us to be discerning about the Law. Not to remove it but that its not the food that enters the mouth, but that which comes out of it which defiles you. There is no CALL FOR POLYGYNY. You can advocate all you want against it and it's not a sin, there is NO TEACHING OR LAW AGAINST THAT. You can even make a law that bans, and that is not a sin. You cannot say it's a sin, but you could ban it. As THERE IS NO COMMAND TO ENGAGE IN IT. That is how the LAW works. There is a call/instruction for marriage, but none for polygyny. This looks like a man who has a wife, but goes out and sleeps with a virgin (or eligible women to marry) who then want to be this man's women, to marry her. There ya go the actual case, and he may have been fooling around (ie not looking for a 2nd wife), but this is the ACTUAL TEACHING. Another case would be your 1st wife has apostatized, no longer fulfills her duties and cares not about the church, but stays with you. In this case, a 2nd wife isn't an awful position (look at the destruction this wrought on Christendom via kings in history). It's a bit more wise in some cases. So I am not saying, in every case, but typically and for 99% of cases it's foolish. As, for most all, it only makes the problem of lack of faithful partners worse. Now most men today at their weddings SWEAR an oath of monogamy and if you have done that there is no release. You are bound by that and if you do break it you have sinned. For sure. Are they living in sin? Well, they would have to make amends and repent. What is an unrepentant sinner?
@carguy1979 2 месяца назад
I’ve heard Frank Turek and other apologists describe question 2: remember, described vs prescribed.
@jetrpg22 2 месяца назад
True, but we have literal laws regulating the practice, thus it's permitted and nothing they say can erase them. So they are being dishonest.
@MtnGeraldo 2 месяца назад
Sending this to me wife
@scillyautomatic 2 месяца назад
The punishment for polygamy is clear... two wives... At least that's what they told me. Great video btw!
@BibleMarriages 2 месяца назад
The polygyny in the bible *is between one man and one woman* ... Jacob had 4 marriages, not 1 marriage with 4 people in it. Each marriage a man takes on is separate. It is always a 1 man, 1 woman, one flesh union. She joins to his body, much like we join to the body of Christ, all with one singular head, as we all have individual "one spirit" unions with Him. You are simply wrong in your objections to biblical marriage(s). Which is the problem with Christians having to defend biblical marriage against the secular "poly" movements in relationships. You can't distinguish between the difference because in order to do so you would have to admit that what Jacob and David did was perfectly appropriate, and that flies in the face of the monogamy-only false doctrine the churches teach. However when you call it sin, you accuse the Father of sin, as He describes Himself as a Husband to multiple (Israel and Judah) many times in scripture, allegorically at least. You also participate in sin, because you are adding to the commands and taking away from the commands (Deut 4:2) when you forbid a man from marrying multiple women where God never forbid it. This entire video is filled with false teaching unfortunately.
@starlord8789 2 месяца назад
Facts! Well said. Couldn't have said it better. Videos like these just confuse men and get them to abide by WOMEN'S mating strategy. Just another form of control over men. Completely unbiblical.
@andrewgilbertson5672 Месяц назад
The false teaching here is yours. God always describes Himself as husband of a single bride; and stretching the use of allegory to cover points it was not intended to is a classic interpretive error. The Bible is quite specific that when someone who divorces and marries another (except in the case of infidelity) is committing adultery. Thus, the notion of 'separate one man one woman relationships' being equally valid is Biblically discounted. This is not a biblically valid counter.
@BibleMarriages Месяц назад
@@andrewgilbertson5672 Can you divorce half of a woman? You cannot... So how can you possibly claim that God always describes Himself as a husband of a singular bride and call me the false teacher? Ezekiel 23 describes the "two women" God took to be His (brides) who bore Him sons and daughters, ultimately each of them committed adultery on Him, and one of them was given a writ of divorce and sent away (House of Israel). In Jeremiah 31 He literally says "I was a Husband to THEM" plural. He had two figurative "brides" in Israel and Judah. To claim otherwise, is simply ignoring the plain text. Is it allegorical? Absolutely, but so is "Christ and His bride" ... so is "the Bride of the Lamb" in Rev 21, which, is not the church. So immediately there's a problem with the idea that Christ has "only one bride", a phrase you'll never find in scripture. Sorry but you've flat out told falsehoods, perhaps that works for some that won't go verify it themselves, but the scriptures do not match what you claim.
@starlord8789 Месяц назад
@@andrewgilbertson5672 Go back to your Bible and read. The only way a man commits adultery is if he marries a previously divorced woman, not if the woman has always been single. Even if it's true (which is not) that God has "only one bride" that doesn't necessarily mean it applies to us. Nowhere in the Bible does God prohibit polygyny or even call it a sin. But you ARE sinning by adding to HIS Word. That is called eisegesis. Christians will encourage tithing because they like to point out it was BEFORE the law, you know what else was before the law? Taking your sister-in-law as wife to raise up a child for you brother. In fact Onan son of Judah was killed by God because he didn't do that for his brother. There is no stipulation though that the next brother in line must be single to take his dead brother's wife. You'd have to read that in. Eisegesis.
@andrewgilbertson5672 Месяц назад
@@BibleMarriages I concede, I had forgotten about the figurative story in Ezekiel 23. Jeremiah 31, it appears that there is some ambiguity in the translation; could also just as easily be 'was their master,' so I would have to research the original language more fully before coming to the conclusion. To stretch the notion of the metaphor for New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 to indicate polygamy with the Bride of Christ is, I think, pushing things a bit far in an effort to make a rhetorical point. Regardless, while I admit that I made an error in leaving out the Ezekiel allegory, the initial point still stands. Jesus is quite specific in his standards for marriage, and the notion of separate one man one woman relationships being a valid Biblical model remains untrue. The existence of an allegorical model (stemming from the split of the singular people He initially declared to be His, necessitating a divergent metaphor) does not change the practical nature of actual marriage that Christ commands.
@fr4gl3 2 месяца назад
@joefashingbauer3571 27 дней назад
What Solomon did was not condemned because it was polygamy, it was condemned because he married pagans and began to worship their gods. Not for polygamy but don’t try to twist it to fit your narrative.
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