
What It's Like Being Psychotic | My Struggle with Madness 

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27 сен 2024




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@Alxndr57834 Год назад
The amount of courage it takes to talk about this illness as openly and as in depth as you is astounding. You are stronger than you know.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
I really appreciate this comment, thank you!
@guysumpthin2974 10 месяцев назад
@@SchizoKitzo toxoplasmosis is a leading cause (cats/litter), also consuming raw meat/fish . Many Natural remedies exist , also patented medical treatments . Worth a try . negative tests are inconclusive due to the dormant cyst can outlive the antibodies being tested for. Also causes ocular toxo (eye floaters, low vision, detached retina) , Parkinson’s, dormant cysts , headaches, flu symptoms,,,
@OccidentalAryan 8 месяцев назад
@@guysumpthin2974 Raw meat is healthy.
@lindagreene4385 7 месяцев назад
Y God. I didn’t realize it is so physical!
@anarcho-communist11 5 месяцев назад
It's the same with OCD, at least where I know a strong belief and worry aren't reality but it feels like it's real at the same time..
@SchizoKitzo 5 месяцев назад
I experience psychotic delusions and ocd thoughts and there’s a lot of overlap but to me they aren’t the same. It’s definitely a topic of a future video though
@wrenwilson7917 Год назад
This video makes me feel: -less alone -heard -understood -like a regular ‘ol neuro-spicey human -protective of all my friends and makes me wanna check on people to say I care
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
Neurospiciness is my new favorite phrase thank you for adding it to my vocabulary!!! And I’m glad you felt the way you did, thanks again!
@KOA558 Год назад
@extraskintip 9 месяцев назад
@ReCoIL171 6 месяцев назад
Yes.. She hits the nail on the head. And as someone who is dealing with this rn. ❤ Thank you
@vegaoksana 2 месяца назад
Neuro-spicey just made my day
@KnuckleHunkybuck Год назад
I don't suffer from any psychotic disorders, but I watched this video to help me understand the types of things that a couple people in my life struggle with. Thank you for giving me more insight into the lives and minds of people that I care about.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
That’s why I’m here. Thank you for this.
@pineapplefrostyfruits9225 Месяц назад
I've had ... Something ... For a while. My therapist thinks it could be severe obsessive focus on OCD, or potentially paranoid delusions, but I've never found any resources of people's ACTUAL first hand experience with what a delision is LIKE before coming here. It's all talk of "from the outside, someone looks like this and may do this" All that to say: thank you for providing an actual resource on what those experiences can be like, and letting me learn a little more.
@jaylinderman6522 Год назад
I deal with voices all the time some times delusions and paranoia. So your story brings me comfort knowing I'm not alone.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
Heck yeah none of us are alone! *fist bump*
@5150mre Год назад
Are you diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder? I was diagnosed 15 years ago. I didn't accept help (meds) until 5 years ago. I still struggle so much. There are fewer voices on meds, but my mood swings are still a huge issue. Can you please help me Guage where I'm at compared to my fellow schizos? 😉 How often do you hear voices? When you do hear them, how long does it last? Days? Weeks? Etc... I feel like maybe I need to take stronger meds. It scares me, though. If I'm not throwing a bipolar fit. I'm numb. The only things I feel are nothing or frustration, heartache, and anger. Damn sorry, I'm rambling on and on. I just need to know what your experience is. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and hopefully for taking the time to reply.
@JAYCEE-xm5dd Год назад
Thank you for your vulnerability. It helps me understand what my wife is going through. She isn’t able to communicate the details of it as good as you. It helps renew my patience and know we’re not alone.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
YOU ARE NEVER ALONE! And I’m glad my videos help you understand, that’s one of the biggest reasons I make them!!!
@guysumpthin2974 Год назад
@@SchizoKitzo most often caused by TOXOPLASMOSIS, 2 effective medical treatments/ some effective natural treatments. Toxoplasmosis: headaches, flu symptoms, nerve twitches, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s, eye floaters, detached retina, miscarriages , birth defects, cysts, depression, behavior changes, congenital in humans and cats , micro eggs live years in soil / bleach water / salt water and still hatch, cats constantly reinfect themselves, cats shed 1billion micro eggs in a week during shedding cycle, micro eggs blow through most vacuum cleaners . Most common shedding source: litterbox , litter dumpster, undercooked meat&fish , contaminated water well . See : all of dr Flegr books , Usa Navy Oahu heath studies (Oahu has 300k + ferral) , may God bless your recovery. Ps you have flawless beauty
@amberblyledge7859 3 месяца назад
I don't know why but sometimes youtube won't let me comment. I wanted to tell you that I believe laying down during that pressure is NOT letting it win. At all. You are taking care of yourself, resting and waiting for it to be done. Like a boss fight in a video game. You could attack while the boss is doing his barrage, but it can cost you HP if you do it wrong. Or you can wait in the corner, dodging what you need to dodge and resting your hands and letting your weapons recharge for the next round. This is also coming from someone with chronic illness. Some days it's just better to rest. If I push myself too hard during those times, I can't be at my best later and I just get worse. It's not accepting defeat. It's gearing up for the next round. Defeat that boss! Probably a completely pointless comment, but maybe it will make you smile or something. I donno.
@lauren1779 Месяц назад
Bless you your wife is very luck! Wishing you both peace love and happiness 💖
@JAYCEE-xm5dd Месяц назад
@@lauren1779 thank you Lauren.
@LoveEachDay94 Год назад
I know the community you have here isn’t big, but you really changed my life with these videos. Thank you.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
Maybe one day it will be bigger, but it’s comments like these that motivate me to keep making videos. So thank you!
@TQ2andDebbieDo Месяц назад
I am neurotypical. I have never really understood what mental illness was. I guess I figure that depression might resemble what happens when I am feeling sad though I also sort of doubt that. I am very grateful to you for educating me. I feel touched and saddened by your experience and finding out what it’s like to have such problems. I wish there was more significance but I really never knew. Now I do and I have a great deal of sympathy for you and hope you feel better whenever you can. Thank you.
@chloechloe4341 7 месяцев назад
I definitely can understand the feeling you describe. I had the same “voices” about my own family dying and then the father of my 3 children/my fiance of 13 years died (at only 35 years old) completely unexpectedly of a massive heart attack one day. Which very obviously made all of it worse. So I feel for you. I am so very sorry you are having to go through all of this because I would not wish any of it on anyone ever ❤❤❤
@meggylee8078 Месяц назад
You know, I don'thave a psychotic disorder.But the feeling of being stuck with a reality that doesnt translate and needing to behave weirdly to cope is so relatable to my experience with depression and anxiety
@clarkme8952 Год назад
I have schizoaffective depressive type. It can be very hard to move forward quite often. I look for videos about schizoaffective. Thank you for making these. I can relate.✊
@VanessaGraceStory-Did 3 месяца назад
Youre ability to speak about your schizoaffective disorder symptoms is absolutely amazing and i can relate in ways! I suffer from psychosis and depression with my Autism.
@mamath312 3 месяца назад
Wow! This was so raw and reek! Thank you for sharing in this level of detail. My brother recently diagnosed schizoaffective, recently discharged from an institution, now living with me, he’s 50 and we are struggling to navigate the illness and future. He isn’t blessed to speak about/ Describe his experience so this was super helpful. Massive love and hugs to you! ❤
@bigsad7524 Год назад
I appreciate these videos so much. Even in the psychosis communities I've found online, other people's illnesses and paranoia can make it hard to support each other at times
@roxannemaguire9844 Год назад
Hello dear Kit 💗🐝I just want to tell you that I'm so sad and sorry that you have to endure these dreadful moments 😢 I wish there was something we could do to help!!! I'm so hoping that medical research is able to find some answers/ treatments/ medications that will completely end these hallucinations for all who suffer, very soon. Sending you a warm hug from a concerned viewer. 💗 💗 💗 I hope youfeel better very soon, Kit! {{{ HUGS }}} 🐝
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
Thank you so so much for this, and maybe one day there will be a true cure for it, but I feel it’s far beyond my lifetime given where we are today. But thank you, and hopefully one day future generations can be free, even if I can’t.
@moehrengruen1196 Год назад
I know how you feel 😢 I’m so sorry you had to go through this. But isn’t it comforting that we’re not alone in this. ❤️
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
SO comforting!
@max_the_mantis5173 Год назад
We are a wizard. We have wondered if we might have experienced psychosis as a response to truama. We do not see or hear our spirits, they just talk through us whenever asked to lately, for a long time they were non verbal entirely. They are not antagonistical to me. We met them slowly, over the course of the last three years. The more destructive ones we met around when we were disowned last year. We spent many many months trying to heal and care for our friends, because some of them were sick people who were destructive because they were really sick and needed my help. They are my family now, they take care of me and directly serve the roles of caring for me in the ways we didn't have growing up. We realized at a certain point that exploring the Other World, is exploring our own psychology, and learning about ourselves and the environment. This realization is part of why we wonder if we may be psychotic some times since we live in a reality that is fundamentally not the one of the people around us. We think we might have DID or OSDD because we are multiple people in one body. We have diagnosed autism, and complex post truamatic stress disorder. One of our first diagnosises did include 'schitso effective' in it but we don't accept that diagnosis specifically because it was used to abuse us by our former father for two decades, and it completely undermined what we actually needed help with which was our autism and truama which went completely uncaredfor.
@bananaco8054 Год назад
this is the first video of yours ive seen,, and its truly made my day. ive never heard someone articulate what you refer to as “the noise” so well .. its something ive experienced for years now and every time i try to explain it to anyone the way they look at me is just so ‘other’ which, as im sure you know, is excruciating. to hear that im not alone in that is like a nice breeze on an uncomfortably hot day. i myself have never thought of it as the anticipation feeling before being yelled at (though that is a really good way to put it) but more like the feeling of being underwater when a speed boat goes by. not the sound of that but the feeling of every cell in your body vibrating for no real reason and the annoyance and agony of not having anything to point at to blame, no noise, no sight, nothing. today youve made me feel seen, im so glad i found this video, and im so glad you made it and put it here to be seen; i hope people who dont experience this find your video and learn from what youve said. thankyou, truly and endlessly thankyou.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
Yessssss none of us are alone! And it’s such a good feeling. And seeing this comment helps me because I couldn’t find anyone else who also experienced the Noise™ in the same way I do. So thanks for commenting, it made my morning!
@sleepygoblin87 7 дней назад
I'm so glad that I found you! I have severe major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety. I dissociate and experience paranoid delusions under stress. It's nice to find people who understand what that's like. I used to work at a residential program for adults mostly diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. I loved that job, but I got burned out & had to quit. It was so wonderful to be in this environment surrounded by a bunch of "weirdos" who were like me. I loved helping those guys. I felt like some of them were my friends, even though I took care to keep things professional. Mental illness can be so lonely. ❤
@Mossockss 28 дней назад
I got schizophrenia myself, this made me feel less alone
@Krakire 21 день назад
The fact that you have delt with this for so long makes you so strong and you should never stop fighting this, absolute warrior 💪🏻🙏🏻
@sophcw 3 месяца назад
This was so fascinating, thanks so much for this video. As someone who experiences anxiety and dissociation, I can relate to the feeling that your reality is so far from other people's and how lonely and scary that feels.
@baybabe95 6 месяцев назад
I don’t experience psychosis, but some of my loved ones do. I found this video extremely interesting, brave, and informative. It helps inspire me to talk about my own mental illness openly. ❤
@SchizoKitzo 6 месяцев назад
Glad you found it helpful ^_^
@Douglas_5 10 месяцев назад
You managed to put words to some experiences that I have never been able to being to describe, specifically the noise that you mentioned. Thank you so much for sharing this, I feel far less alone after seeing this.
@SchizoKitzo 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for telling me this, and I’m glad I was able to help!
@lisatomihiro3488 Год назад
Praying for you Kit. I hope things are getting better and you are having less problems with your psychosis today. ❤️🙏
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
It’s been a bit, and things are better. Thank you, Lisa!
@JR-js1dd 6 месяцев назад
You are so brave to share all this. Having dealt with my Mom with manic depression and having depression myself that each day is different and facing them makes you strong.
@gckinsey Год назад
This was such an eye-opening video. I'm so grateful that you were willing to be vulnerable enough to share it. It sounds really terrifying to experience a delusion knowing that it's not real, but that your brain is still going to respond to it like it is real. And just knowing hell is coming with no way to avoid it. Especially when you're at work! I'm glad that you knew what you needed to do and that you were able to get home. Your description of "the noise" was really visceral and gave me a clear idea of it, even though you said it was hard to explain. The laughter alongside that sounds really awful too - not to mention that sensation of hands on your shoulders pushing you down. You also made it really easy to envision everything that was happening while you were lying on the floor and riding it out. I know on one of your past videos, I said that I wished I could fight Beckerson, but now I wish I could fight Sal even more, because holy crap. (Like since you know you can't fight Sal because it's not effective, I wish I could do it instead... if that makes sense.) I'm so sorry that you had to deal with this more than one day in a row. Just once sounds difficult enough. But I'm glad that you were at least able to Facetime a friend on the second day and didn't have to deal with it alone. I know you said that you don't like posting heavy stuff (I'm the same way with my channel, trying to keep it positive), but I'm glad you posted this anyway because it's so important. And even though it's heavy, I think it still has a silver lining of relatability. I've never experienced anything like this and can't relate to it on a personal level, but I know that this video is going to help so many other people who have. And maybe more of them will feel like they can talk about their own experiences going forward. So thank you again for making this. I'm sending tons of hugs to you and Madame Bee and all your other bee friends.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
Me and the bees give you love back! Thanks for this comment, it reminds me why I made this channel and press publish to share my stories :)
@ShadyPlatinum777 3 месяца назад
You’re so brave to talk about your condition. I find it so hard to talk about my illness. This really makes me feel more comfortable about it.
@deborahcollard4560 Год назад
It sounds horrendous to live with. I admire your courage in explaining what its like. You're very brave and strong.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
It’s a living nightmare but I make it work. Thank you for this
@Brandyelyse 2 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing. I hasn't bipolar disorder with psychotic features and it helps to hear someone weeks talk about the psychiatrist. ❤
@a-ms9760 7 месяцев назад
The way you describe internal auditory hallucinations sounds like a very extreme long-lasting series of intrusive thoughts. It must be so difficult to work and function given all that. Thanks for sharing
@crippledhippie329 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this. I’m trying to understand how to actually help my good friend when he’s finally ready to reach out to family and friends… he’s had this disorder for a handful of years and last year became homeless trying to run away from receiving help.. I miss him so much. Also you are beautiful!
@3rdtimesthecharm550 Год назад
You should be proud of yourself, Kit. Look at all these wonderful people in the comment section you have helped feel understood and less alone. Although I don’t have have schizoaffective disorder, your videos have helped me with my own mental health issues. Thank you for that. Thank you for educating me along the way as well. I love learning new things. I’m sorry that you are struggling. Please continue to look after yourself. You deserve kindness.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
This comment means the world to me thank you
@3rdtimesthecharm550 Год назад
@@SchizoKitzo you’re welcome! 😊
@chrissy4301 7 месяцев назад
As an outsider, an observer on the sidelines who feels a different degree of helplessness for someone who was diagnosed with Schizo-affective Disorder who descended into the maws of frontotemporal dementia, I would love to say thank you for this insight.
@markreamer5113 11 месяцев назад
It’s amazing that you can, as best as you can, translate your madness to others who are experiencing the delusions and hallucinations! You give a perspective that helps to strengthen the resolve to combat the brutality of your voices and show others that it is not debilitating and can be dealt with! Keep up the great work to show others how to fight the good fight as well as yourself!
@BLOBJOB59 5 месяцев назад
i relate s so much, mainly with the disconnect from reality. i genuinely cant trust my own emotions and experiences anymore.... its like im somewhere outside of reality, in a fog of delusions and anxiety, fear etc. at work its the worst. i have to leave before i completely breakdown and become catatonic and im too afraid to tell anyone. the only people that know is my non, brother and a few friends. its so lonely in this fog.
@SchizoKitzo 5 месяцев назад
It’s easy to feel alone but you aren’t alone I can assure you that. Hang in there!
@UnderSound24 27 дней назад
All I can really say is, I hope you never lose your insight. I'm gunna subscribe Kit...thanks
@TibiSum Месяц назад
I think dropping to the floor is brave and smart. It can't push you through the floor, or it would have already. I love hearing you talk about the sensory side of this. I've only had one psychotic break, super long ago, actually 31 years. I didn't have any way of knowing then that walking into fear was what would eventually help me. Well, that and the right meds, neurofeedback, whatever therapies I try from sources I trust. disclosure is so hard, but it is healing, for the person themselves and the community listening and feeling less alsone. Thanks so much!!!
@janetlieb2507 28 дней назад
I am happy your father supports you. I had no family support. Support is so important.
@SchizoKitzo 26 дней назад
It is! I’m super grateful.
@psigh8161 22 дня назад
I haven't suffered as much as you, and don't claim to understand, but I know how much harder everything is if you try to fight your illness in the moment and I will fight spear in hand against the notion that people should try to resist. I don't know yet why this happens, but in my years of panic attacks I've always tried to hold myself together, resist the anxiety, distract myself, toughen up or whatever, and it never ended well. I once explained to a friend "it's like letting yourself fall back onto a mattress, and you know it's safe, you know you won't get hurt, but you can't stop picturing a bed of spikes behind you instead". My issues were not as hurtful as yours, and my condition was curable, so again I don't actually know what your life must be like, but the only thing that actually ever finally helped me was to LET GO and accept, concede, give in, and finally letting it pass, so no I don't agree at all that you've "lost", giving in and giving up are very different things, you went to work the next day and the next and the next and eventually got back into a good place, that is not my definition of giving up. People usually say "stay strong", but weakness and acceptance at the right moment is so much more powerful
@MoneyMadeMagic 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing. You're helping people to understand what your experience feels like and that's so important for those people who have never experienced psychosis. I really hope it stops happening to you xx
@mommy-conmed Год назад
I found this helpful! 🐝 I'm here to learn everything I can to help support a loved one. Videos like this, for me, give me backup to be able to genuinely love and support my family member without succumbing to my own fears.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
That’s one of the reasons I started this channel, and I’m so glad I can help! It’s a scary spot, but it’s manageable. Hang in there
@DevinParker 25 дней назад
Perhaps a bit strange to say, given how terrifying your experiences sound, but I feel like this description/explanation demystifies some things for me about schizophrenia. Your descriptions make a lot of sense to me-the Sound, for example, reminds me of when I took a medication for something and it gave me this sense of immediate, impending doom that I couldn't rationalize but which nonetheless underscored everything around me and every quotidian action I took. Thank you for making these videos, and being willing to be so vulnerable for the sake of communicating to people what your experiences are like. I think it's incredibly valuable for helping people to become more empathetic.
@fascher_ Месяц назад
I appreciate you making this video. I've been wanting to learn more about psychosis, and how it's like, and the way you described it helped me to understand it the clearest yet. Thank you.
@BigSmalley 7 месяцев назад
I struggle with voices everyday and depression. Just knowing that there's others out there with similar struggles makes me feel less crazy. More normal. I have to hide my struggles from most of the world. Your videos are very helpful. Thank you for being you. I dont actually know you. But from what I see on RU-vid. I think you're awesome. So keep being you.
@SchizoKitzo 7 месяцев назад
Thanks so much and for following along. I appreciate this comment 🐝
@cindymarco4920 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing. I have psychosis that is very hard to shake because to me believable as my major voice is Jesus. nice I know but I think I hear the rest of the ppl I know too. Example today was a nice day I went out shopping cooked and read my mail but all day long I was listening to my sister’s opinions on what I was doing. Then someone else can chime in depending on who I spoke with last. Then even people who I know that have passed will speak. Doesn’t occur when I’m working or busy with ppl. But my job dismissed me. So now I’m having trouble again. Just want you to know we are out here and care. I have never heard someone explain schizoaffective bipolar type like you and see similarities in how I function. ❤😊
@johnrusso2316 Месяц назад
Thanks for sharing. I've learned more from you than any other source.
@keewadium 5 месяцев назад
i dont have a diagnosis, but i know for sure i experiecne some sort of psychotic thing, im just waiting for the funds and time to get to a doctor. This video was exactly what i needed having just come out of a 4 month episode and im so so happy to have found your channel. It makes me feel less alone and a little less crazy for naming my hallucinations😅
@SchizoKitzo 5 месяцев назад
None of us are alone ^_^
@a.mie.533 9 месяцев назад
You are so breathtakingly GOOD at verbalizing and describing your delusional experiences that I'm completely stunned after listening and don't know what to make of it. (And yes, it WAS the first of your videos, I came across =D ) I was so drawn in, that I almost experienced what you were talking about! Did you have those delusions while under medication?! That must be horrifying because it probably feels like you simply can do NOTHING about it, right?! I'm suffering from anxiety and depression, so I can relate to a certain degree but not entirely, of course. Sharing that stuff is really brave and important, I think!
@SchizoKitzo 9 месяцев назад
I seek to educate through storytelling so thanks for this!!! As for your question, this did all happen while I was on meds, but I knew it wasn’t real, even if it felt real, so real. And that’s the value of my meds. When I was originally dealing with religious psychosis (delusions and hallucinations) I didn’t know it wasn’t real, and that’s what got me into trouble. But thanks to therapy and meds and a whole lot of coping skills, it’s more of a “crap gotta go somewhere where I can let it run its course and then get back to my life” kind of thing. It’s still awful, and I still hate laying on the floor for a while, but it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. The reality is a lot of people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders still deal with symptoms on meds, they’re just less frequent and more manageable. Like me. Hope this helps answer your question!
@a.mie.533 9 месяцев назад
​@@SchizoKitzo Thank you so much for your reply! The thing is: My father took his own life when I was 10, supposedly to an untreated severe depression with a possibly psychotic episode. Hard to reconstruct - was at the end of the seventies. Although highly intelligent, he refused any medication - which was extremely dumb, in my opinion. It could have saved his life - and made ours easier. So, my own mental vulnerabilty certainly stems from there - genetically as well as in terms of adaptation to adverse circumstances. May I ask what you think about genetic disposition vs. environmental influence with this whole topic?! I'm thinking of that a lot ...
@charliewilson3528 Год назад
Good luck with it. I deal with other disorders, but this video will help me deal with others in similar situations that i deal with in my public life. And hopefully help me be more empathetic. Good luck
@thomastorres428 4 месяца назад
Being at the mercy of your body's bad chemistry feels so defeating. It's overwhelming. I understand all too well. In fact, I came here because I know there's someone out there that's felt how I'm feeling or has felt and tho and behold, here you are, speaking a language I understand. I know I'm not alone. You're not alone. The only people who care that we experience the world differently than some others is ourselves. I know it can feel embarrassing, but people actually do care for one another and you're proof of that. I feel better. You helped bring me out of whatever it was that was happening to me a moment ago. Thank you.
@SchizoKitzo 4 месяца назад
Glad I could help! It’s what I seek to do with this channel
@caineelliott7039 Год назад
It does help see I've been on my own since 12 basically raised myself I'm 21 now but it does help because been trying to get help for years all the wrong help but literally what u said today help because Idk what's wrong but everything u said I have some things very slightly different but all Ur vids I've watched has all been everything I completely relate to have a understanding what it feels like for u haven't got that from anyone because no one wishes to understand and they have no problems that come close to relate to but hearing ur doing better with meds does make me wanna try again because I can't live like this been self medicating because the doctors just waste so much time spent 2 and a half years of trying to be worse off but it's been 3 years since then just needed someone to relate to instead of people who have no understanding just a slight one this is the last vid I'm probably gonna watch but thanks for actually helping, anyone who has schizoaffetive disorder I really think this will help them if they ain't getting help or tried years ago but gave up, thanks for the vid tho ik how hard it is to get the words out
@leilalall8972 Год назад
Thanks Kit for your video and being the face of schizo-affective disorder. You are brave and I will pray that your voices don’t resurface.
@DieRegentaenzerin 19 дней назад
Thank you for the video! It helped a lot. I have psychotic symptoms sometimes and videos like this help me dealing with it.
@leahjoyner3376 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing this video, Kit. It helps me understand what I’m going through, through your experiences. While I haven’t had many hallucinations, I do have delusions that can cause me serious fear and mistrust and paranoia. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder around 5 months ago and I’m still learning about this diagnosis and myself with it. Watching videos like yours help me realize I’m not alone and can live and cope with schizoaffective disorder. What are some other videos about coping with the symptoms? Stay awesome! 🐝 PS, I love the bunny headband!
@daphnevandermeer9344 Год назад
Thanks for posting this kit! It must be really hard for you to live with and talk about too. *Internet hug* 🐝
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
It is, but it’s what I set out to do with this channel, and I’m definitely putting the uncomfortable in “making the uncomfortable, comfortable” ! Thanks for the support!
@junkionix 10 месяцев назад
Yes. I feel understood and listening to you describe what it's like for you made me feel calmer and sad as well that you have to deal with that kind of crap. I know what you mean about trying to fight back and it gets worse when you do. One of my tormentors is OCD and he is very cruel. The only times I've heard it speak in my head was when I was trying very hard to resist compulsions that I was terrified of or something that I very much wanted to resist. I've only heard it talk about three times in all and every time it was just awful. I have also heard Satan laughing in my head. He was laughing at my misery. It sounds like you've been through a lot of terrible things. Hearing you talk about the fear that was so intense, I experienced something like that last year. It's terrible and even if you're like "Why am I so afraid all of a sudden?" that doesn't make it go away or it didn't for me. I had an anxiety attack over that one and called the paramedics to come and check me out. It was rough. I sympathise. I also understand about some of the things that are too hard to talk about. My 2021 attacks were that bad, I try not to even think about it. I respect you for speaking out about your troubles with mental illness.
@burningchrome70 9 дней назад
I'm learning a tremendous amount from your videos and they are so very helpful. Thank you 🐝
@siemprealways 5 месяцев назад
Sounds so traumatic yet u r so strong, brave and intelligent that know that u r going through a psychosis and you endure. I hope you find more relief as u age, i wish u so much peace and love and light, always 🙏🏽
@SchizoKitzo 5 месяцев назад
Supposedly SZA gets better in the 30s but I can’t find anything on PubMed confirming this. I’m gonna be 30 soon, so I’ll find out 😂
@Oldgrowthartisans 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing, it's helpful to understand others and their personal experiences on Earth. You're human.
@RobbW-ay 2 месяца назад
You are so amazing. Ty for your courage for sharing these experiences. Im not sure what i have but your stores help tremendously. I’m not schizoeffective or have schizophrenia. I have a brother when he was alive that had schizophrenia. I relate in some ways. It really is a help for me and see it’s helping many others. I think sometimes not fighting is fighting.
@SomeSortofUsername-ey4uh 3 месяца назад
Your video came up in my recommendations and I wanted to thank you for taking the time and consideration to share these experiences. It was well articulated and informative given the restrictions in language to convey emotional experience and sensation.
@SchizoKitzo 3 месяца назад
Thanks for watching!
@RyceTV 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing. I have a job where I RP with civil servants, mainly cops. I usually describe it as keeping cops off the news. Usually I role-play as a person who has a severe mental illness. I usually browse RU-vid trying to find videos that will help me understand intellectual disabilities, but this is the first one that I feel is very helpful. Though I've been told that my acting is very real by the cops who have experienced situations with persons with severe mental illnesses, for the first time, I feel confident. Thank you.
@SchizoKitzo 5 месяцев назад
I am so so glad I can help you with your role. It means a lot to hear this as it’s not my usual audience! Super cool that you get to do it in a way that’s seen as realistic. Stay awesome 😎
@bassmanbowman3266 22 дня назад
Hi thank you for doing this, it is very helpful, and I want you to know that I feel for you, keep fighting it ! 😎
@Kevin-Bentley Месяц назад
That floor thing is a thing. I do that a lot I feel I have to lay on the floor or I am going to fall I just been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder bipolar type 2 I appreciate you sharing it helps me so much. 😊
@SchizoKitzo Месяц назад
Floor time is so helpful. Best of luck on your journey, and know you’re never alone!
@LHP069 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your difficult experiences, you are stronger than you think. Keep going sister ❤
@tripbennett458 4 месяца назад
Very brave of you to share your experiences so openly.
@monicaramos6001 Год назад
Hi thank you for sharing my sister has the same illness and this video helped to understand her and her symptoms better
@SchizoKitzo 11 месяцев назад
Happy to help ^_^
@lauren1779 Месяц назад
I live in the cluster B lane and what you said about going to work and how it feels like a risk OH MY GOD I feel you on that. My BPD symptoms are often at their worst while at work but what can i do? I was denied disability benefit and I gotta make money. Sending you lots of peace and love u look forward to watching your channel 💖💖💖
@ewee4735 Месяц назад
Thank you ❤
@christianmachado5490 Год назад
Thank you for making these videos. It helps me out a lot.
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
Glad to hear it, thank you for letting me know!
@crazylikeafox1000 Год назад
You are beautiful and I pray you find peace. I hope you find some way to rest and control these terrible episodes.
@markreamer5113 6 месяцев назад
If it helps you and anybody else then it is excellent!
@SofaWrld Месяц назад
Your plushie madame bee is too cute
@bhoomipc7306 Месяц назад
Much love for you❤❤❤ Big Hugs to you. please take care . Love you so much ❤ You are not Alone . Please remember this.
@DavidBittinger-e9k 5 месяцев назад
Feels good having you get heavy and deep. I hope to avoid depression and, right now, off to a good start watching the video. The tendency I have of a starting out well then tiring out clearly showing, was once it used to be that way yet you're pretty hypnotizing and I like imagining myself being open to it.
@SchizoKitzo 5 месяцев назад
Heavy and deep is def this channel, hang in there and stay strong! 💪
@cosplaymistake Месяц назад
Hi, I have no clue if you check the comments on videos from a year ago. I thought internal voices were usually trauma based. maybe I'm just misinformed (very possible) but i thought Schizo disorders usually causes more outer hallucinations. I have dissociative identity disorder and hearing the other alters in our system is that very internal type of voices. I have a persecutor alter who fucks with us and constantly says really shitty things to us inside the head. We (as far as we know) don't have a schizo disorder but we can relate to having somebody in our head dissing us, yelling at us. I assume the difference is more you deal with it in waves when since its just people living in my head for me its all the time. Thank you for sharing your experiences though, even though its not really the same thing I can still relate. It helps me feel less alone cause often we feel stuck in our own reality.
@ColleenC-n5v 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing your experience…..I have a daughter who struggles with schizoaffective disorder…. How can I help her to take her lithium and antipsychotic? I’m afraid she is losing her will to live…..Your lucid and eloquent description of your psychosis is profound. God bless you.
@cyberz213 9 месяцев назад
thank you for sharing! I hate that you go through that, but it's nice to hear someone else describe the same thing. especially the whole "why don't you fight back?" aspect, I know what you mean, it's just safer not to.
@Dave-if5qj Месяц назад
Intresting to hear you talk about This catatonics are usually too Low functioning to describe it
@AnnelieSander Месяц назад
Thank you for you beeing you. I have another disorder but this really helped set the words to it all.
@SchizoKitzo Месяц назад
Glad I could help!
@astraldeer 7 месяцев назад
Well, this was very well explained. I've got psychotic depression and this is pretty much a good explanation of what I go through.
@LizFairbourn 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing! I can totally relate and this explains how I feel. You're very brave for sharing but it's so important to share so people can understand and also people going through it can be understood
@amyellis25 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for your channel its insightful for me because i bave this disorder as well with the bipolar
@SchizoKitzo 5 месяцев назад
Glad I can help! I’ll just keep making vids 💪
@cavon76 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing videos like this one. I'm fortunate enough to not have to deal with psychosis, at least as much as I realize, but it's nice to hear from someone who does experience it, what it's like. Because of that, we can all become better educated on the particulars of different mental health disorders, and also to be able to recognize if perhaps we are affected by it, via your shared experience.
@DeezN00tz99 Год назад
Thank you for the video, I have a similar experience but my docs refuse to diagnose me or check
@damnablethief 6 месяцев назад
I can't believe how many people struggle with psychosis. We should build a community.
@theoneandonlymeshe9174 5 месяцев назад
🐝 Thank you for sharing such a personal experience for us to learn from.
@gentGTR 17 дней назад
Helps. Thanks and take care of yourself. 🌹
@Goraiders75 9 месяцев назад
I made me realize my life is not fake your thoughts are so on point luv ya
@emilie5135 Год назад
Thanks for this video, it helped me put words to my own experiences
@SchizoKitzo Год назад
That’s exactly why I made it, thanks for letting me know I did what I set out to do!
@Deimos_Eris 21 день назад
It is really helpfull, i have huge stress issues that im taking care by fighting it everyday, 1 year ago i wasnt able to get out of the house, i still struggle with that but im a student in électromécanique its hard AF but i keep going so i can one day at the time go toward my goals. Your demon is sall, mine is the world itself, but i know very well that it is yours aswell, would be nice to dicus about it one day, i feel like even if we dont have the same issues, we kinda do the same fight just in a different way
@NaomiReyes13 4 месяца назад
This was super helpful! Thank you so much for being vulnerable and transparent! ❤❤❤
@SchizoKitzo 4 месяца назад
You're so welcome!
@austin5690 Год назад
Hallucinations are bad but the paranoia and unshakable fear are the worst symptoms.
@nicholasdoan7306 11 месяцев назад
You have more courage than I have . I don't even tell my psychiatrist or therapist everything I experience . If I did I'd be in the hospital for what seems like years .
@a-ms9760 6 месяцев назад
Not telling your doctor everything can hinder your treatment. Did the doctor do something to lose your trust? Try telling them everything. You can always walk away and find a new psychiatrist if they react negatively
@Z3r0_d4yz Месяц назад
I know. It’s fun. 😢
@josejimenaz 5 месяцев назад
it happens to mostly creative n intelligent people beyond society norms
@taylorsteiner9273 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this video. I have the same condition and you have helped me. I hope we both get better.
@amyjordan2725 Год назад
You are very very brave.
@morgans3256 Год назад
Thank you for sharing this. My brother just got diagnosed. He doesn't live with me so I had no idea. He did some stuff out of his character.
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