
Why Can't Women Maried More Than One! Ali Dawah and New Visitor Speakers Corner 

Sam Dawah
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@scottabbas5385 Год назад
Ali should clarify that Qur'an said man should marry one but in curtain occasion as some man does have all the needs and qualifications to b fair to the wives in every department require and Allah allows them if they can b just. But if they can't, or don't have the qualification then stick to one. It's very clear in Qur'an
@Chup-mh9hs Год назад
He is confusing her 😆 🤣 These guys are not good at answering such questions. Dr Sabeel would have answered this question in 5 seconds and she would be happy for sure. These guys must understand that polygamy is not compulsory in Islam. It's just a choice and 1st wife should be agree for second marriage if someone does
@scottabbas5385 Год назад
@@Chup-mh9hs I agree with his answer as in to support the question as a possibility but he should start with the main answer by God then later open up the qualification for having multiple wives, bcoz there's always a context behind it. Bcoz there is a situation where the male is not qualify to have multiple wives yet still do it n creates other problems even the harmony of the families.
@slaveofgod3481 Год назад
@@Chup-mh9hsa common misconception it doesn't require the agreement of the first wife if the man can afford to marry a second without absolving her of her rights.
@carservices8934 Год назад
In every department? Someone doesn't know what he's typing
@scottabbas5385 Год назад
@@carservices8934 fairness is for every department. Even in a car service
@angelosaleh8344 Год назад
"Fear the sins that you commit in secret, because the Witness of those sins is the Judge Himself!" Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA).
@denoiz Год назад
Do women really want to have 4 husbands? Can they handle it? With one husband and kids, women are already complaining, imagine having 4 husbands. The benefits of men having 4 wives is not on the men but on the women. Men having 4 wives means more responsibilities for the men. That's why there are conditions mention in the Quran.
@khilafahempire Год назад
May ALLAH make the non married get married soon ameen
@pasulaymanjeng9772 Год назад
Love 💕 from the Gambia
@miguelvillalta2435 Год назад
Ali Dawah Sup , always remember me in your Dua / Salat please wa jazak allahu khairan Akhi :) :)
@miguelvillalta2435 Год назад
:) :) :)
@Lukas_6_ayat_12 Год назад
Gw suka sam dawah krn durasinya panjang sampe selesai gk kepotong Gk seperti sfdawah
@vortexvampire Год назад
بارك الله فيكم... اللهم اغفر لوالدينا و ارحمهما و اجمعنا معهما في الفردوس الأعلى مع الأنبياء و الشهداء و الصالحين و جميع موتى المسلمين.. اللهم احقن دماء المسلمين و انصرهم على من عاداهم.. رب إني مسني الضر و أنت أرحم الراحمين... لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين..... ............. ......................................................................
@pasulaymanjeng9772 Год назад
@mohammadjangda2253 Месяц назад
Such questions as y the women cannot have four husbands clearly shows the intellect caliber of such ppl.: May Allah bless brother Ali. Aameen! Love the way he explains clarifying things in islam. May Allah Guide. Aameen!
@a.s.4579 Год назад
The verse most commonly referred to with the topic of polygamy is Verse 3 of Surah 4 An-Nisa : If you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice. It is believed these Verses were revealed after the Battle of Uhud, in which many Muslim men were killed, leaving widows and orphans. Thus, many argue that these Verses have been revealed "because Allah was concerned for the welfare of women and orphans who were left without husbands and fathers who died fighting for the Prophet and Islam. It is a verse about compassion towards women and their children; it is not about men or their sexuality."
@hayden8827 Год назад
In Islam both male and female are equal yet what is said is that both male and female have their own strengths and weaknesses that the opposite can't have. That's why they are made spouses for each other. So beautiful. Also there is so much more to the allowance of why men can have more woman, and if they do what they have to do accordingly. It's really interesting.
@STEPIQUE Год назад
Ali. You should focus on polygamy as it is not for sex. It is for protecting society.
@max20817 Год назад
Yes it can be for sex aswell as men marry to relieve themselves primarily, sex is the biggest motivator for men, hence why they pay for everything for happy hour every night and a legacy i.e children and family
@STEPIQUE Год назад
@@max20817 true muslim view intimacy as a form of worship and both husband and wife will do their best for each other. It is not for just relief like you said.
@max20817 Год назад
@@STEPIQUE biologically it's to relieve yourself spiritually it's an act of obedience when done correctly in confines of marriage nothing special mate, sexual urge is only there for continuation of humanity nothing more.
@youssefzoro5087 Год назад
The right way to answer is that there are many reasons behind that, first the mixture of different sperms cause diseases so if a woman married four men the woman risks to have a disease, but four women having one man there is no risk to have disease because there is one sperm. The second is to know the father of the child without needing DNA test. But we have to know that polygamy is not the usual it is the exeption
@bangmuluk7997 Год назад
But islam allow woman to divorce and remarried other if got bad husband so she might get different sperms. Using this analogy seems supporting the christian type of women to stick with one husband vice versa
@youssefzoro5087 Год назад
@@bangmuluk7997 I think you are not a muslim and you speak outside or you are a muslim but you did not read Qur'an because if you read Qur'an, the divorced woman wait three periods of menstruation before she married another man. So Islam is the best religion in term of hygiene and taking care of body, Islam is the best and holistic religion which touch every aspect of human life to live in a good way
@bangmuluk7997 Год назад
@@youssefzoro5087 having one sperm doesn't make an exception for disease genius. So now u going to imagine these people having an orgy? How sick is ur mind? Now the modern world have pills and condoms, so they can do these orgy since can avoid disease? Dont u see there is better analogy out there then the one u used?
@bangmuluk7997 Год назад
@@youssefzoro5087 having one sperm doesn't make an exception for disease genius
@chemonather7459 Год назад
Only In Islam man can have 4 wives. But in what religion has any limit, how many wives a man can have? Any religion in the world? Is it in Islam? Only has limit?
@rat123mumu Месяц назад
Research Jewish prophets and messengers, these men are also in the bible (old testament) Christians read.
@cccumberr572 3 месяца назад
Aa he said in one enlightenment speech, "Don't tell your other wife's and claim benefits 😮😮😮 such a man who has live out of other mens pockets bet he's a uber driver?"
@dzpol566 Год назад
Because God said so.
@dzpol566 Год назад
@John Brandon God give men the right to marry up to 4 wives.
@floki5182 Год назад
Bruv that's only applicable to the muslims 😂 non-muslims would not be convinced by that lol.
@floki5182 Год назад
@John Brandon only if you can treat them all equally.
@smartmoneyplays4149 Год назад
He gave men the option! Ur if you cannot do justice between them then marry only one! All you men that cannot do justice! Meaning if you cannot provide for them and satisfy them in other areas stick to one! Know your level and limit! Because you will come judgement day and be confronted with terror! Because of your injustice! So be mislead by your desires
@floki5182 Год назад
@John Brandon yea that's a good point but don't assume that nobody can. I am sure some of the men can. If they can't then they shouldn't marry more than one wife.
@el_mki2602 Год назад
Let’s gooo this next era will be poligamist 🙏!!! Can’t wait 👧 👧 👧 👧 🤤🤤🤤 maybe I’m not gonna survive to see this new era but I hope for my sons 🤩!!! Hopefully *
@_Vizz_ Год назад
Its so amazing how brother Ali said may Allah guide Andrew Tate to islam and after some time Andrew Tate accepted islam
@max20817 Год назад
The simple answer is biologically a man can mate with multiple women and they will carry his offspring, women can only carry one man's offspring at one time. Thats the biological answer which she requested the religious answer is found in the Qur'an Allah has given men permission to act on that desire for more women in a halal manner where all women are respected and given due rights. It Is encouraged for a man to take more wives and have alot of children and raise them on islam to grow rhe ummah
@shakeelkamaldien3913 9 месяцев назад
this video aged well. he hoped Tate reverts to Islam and he really did haha
@asem_6466 Год назад
as a man im obligated to be patient on a women emotions on her period & can’t divorce her on that time. A women has to be patient on a man emotion on being polygamous.
@Asiyah2000 Год назад
Well that is poor argument to present regards to this topic anyways I know the reason why Allah make men plogyms
@bangmuluk7997 Год назад
@@Asiyah2000 this is the lazy way to answer. This type of answer made me think they haven't trying to find the wisdoms behind Qur'an
@Asiyah2000 Год назад
@@bangmuluk7997 who??
@bangmuluk7997 Год назад
@@Asiyah2000 asem
@Asiyah2000 Год назад
@@bangmuluk7997 exactly
@vortexvampire Год назад
@js01141 8 месяцев назад
Ali called it! Brother Andrew Tate has been lead to Islam ❤
@mohammadjangda2253 Месяц назад
In reality It benefits women which many do not see. In jealousy they miss out seeing the wisdom. In cultures where polygamy is common the women do not find it difficult accepting as it is normal and she grew up in that culture seeing it. Now the wisdom is that women do not stay unmarried due to less number of men compared to many women. In states alone there are 7 million more women compared to men. Also a second wife will have the option of live reference check. Seeing the man being the second wife she can analyze and examine the man with his first wife. Their lifestyle, how he treats and supports his first wife. Gets to see full picture. If satisfied she agrees without any risk accepting being his second wife. Marry a single man the man can act really nice and after marriage many turn out to be abusive, lazy not working and not supporting properly giving his family a comfortable life. This is the problem of many with growing number of domestic violence cases hand in hand with large number of divorces If already married the second woman gets the option to see his family life assuring that he is definitely a good man with enough money and will be a good partner providing support to her and her children to be living a comfortable life full of love, happiness and comfort. This being a guaranteed reference check as one gets to see it in play with his existing married life style. In some cultures where polygamy is a norm I have heard women say that having multiple wives they help each other out making it pleasant lovely life. One being highly educated teaches the children of all helping with school work. The other shares another task. The women from this culture state that they do not work like dogs having plenty of time on hand that they can grant to themselves ie no huffing, pupping. Sharing tasks there is very little to do getting plenty time to relax, worship Allah and go enjoy life. These women say that Allah blesses them with barakha related to hours in the day related to their achievements. This family structure also provides solid financial foundation as dealing with ups and downs of life if the husband loses his income or if his earnings decrease one of the wives with marketable skills in demand teams up with her husband as second source of income while other wives take on tasks of minding the children and other household cores. Such families do mot point and carve out things labeling that this is urs or not but such families unite and work as a single body ie entity , ensuring the ship stays afloat. As our Prophet pbuh has said that there is Barakha in unity. If I mistakenly said something wrong may Allah forgive me. Aameen. Many Barakhas fall showering upon such families acting unified and not going astray. Raising next gens under the watchful eyes of mothers and not outsiders itself is a win win as children left to daycares and with non family individuals do not tend to grow up being disciplined and smart but many seen ending up committing crimes hurting the society by joining gangs and the list keeps growing. So analyzing such families undernthe shadow of polygamous marriages brings in Barakhaas with all positives and not a single con. Islamic teachings does not hurt anyone but only brings in the Barakhas. No regrets as anything from the Creator and his messenger pbuh is loaded with barakha and has to be , no questions nor ifs and or buts. Period! I was told by family members of polygomous marriages their structures to be bullet proof and no one is able to drag it down. Indeed the unified structure. Western feminism is brainwashing women clouding up their innate nature shunning up the wisdom of these women not able to think clearly confusing themselves and pushed away from the beautiful guidance from Allah and the final messenger Allah sent as a mercy to mankind. We r told in Quran that Shaitan is mankinds clear cut enemy so pls stand clear cut away from evil one and may Allah protect us from such evil ones. Aameen! Shaitaan having no power can only whisper deceiving mankind.’ Di not be fioled by such an evil source. The scum of this earth fooling the weak not having the strong faith like Musa, Yusuf and Nana protected by the most powerful ie the ultimate source of all the power. Allah O Akber! May Allah Guide. Aameen! All victory is for Allah. Period! Allah is always Victorious. Period! Do not be fooled by Shaitaan bluffing. SubhanAllah! Alhamdolillah! Allah O Akber! La Ilaha illalha! Hasbinallha wa naimal Wakeel! Subhanallahee wabay humdahee Subhanallaheel Azeem!
@barbaroslar2235 Год назад
Only women with high Iman like prophets wives will accept poligamy, if you can't accept it when your husband doing it right ways than you have weak Iman..
@Asiyah2000 Год назад
Nah iman has nothing to do with that things that was poor argument from you actually and by the way prophets wives wouldn't have wanted that because they were jealousy each other sometimes so that wasn't in their hands first of all and prophet didn't marry all those women because of his desire unlike men in our generation who going after any women even though he can't feed well his first wife and his children 😄 so don't hide behind the prophet since the women he married were almost older than him and all were divorcees except one which Allah himself commanded him to marry Aisha so those women were leaning to him for protection and leadership because the prophet was given superior physical and mental power and Allah commanded him to marry more than 4 wives for that reason because he capable doing it the best way shape of form of justice which no men can do that because he is superior to any human being and btw do you saying that the daughter of the prophet fatima didn't have iman because she didn't wanted her man to get another wife when her husband Ali wanted second wife she was very angry and complained to the prophet and prophet Muhammad peace upon him stood in the minibar of the masjid while Ali was front row" he said whoever angries fatima angries me and whoever angries me angries Allah " and in the context of that hadith was for Ali as per the scholars has stablished so the point was the prophet wouldn't have said that if polygamy is something men can't live without it and the prophet used in best manner to talk to ali indirect way since he can't say to ali you can't do that as it will turn prohibition what Allah has made permissible so please don't make fool of yourself🙄 speak with knowledge and by the way I'm not denying that men like to have more than one woman that is your right and I acknowledge that 💯 but I was only correcting the bad argument that you presented that makes Islam look bad anyways as a woman I know the very reason why Allah make men polygamous and the wisdom behind it SubxanAllah
@barbaroslar2235 Год назад
@@Asiyah2000 you can write anything you want, but you should know before Islam men have unlimited wives, and nowdays you see many man have mistress or secret lover, you think good men will choose to have many wives or many secret girlfriends? No men will choose many wives even one wife are hard for men to take care, you think they want to add another headache? Better take secret girlfriends without responsibility
@Asiyah2000 Год назад
@@barbaroslar2235 hmmm??🙄🙄 what has that to do with what I said 🤔
@barbaroslar2235 Год назад
@@Asiyah2000 I am saying if you are believer you will accept your husband to have another wife if he need it and afford it, rather than he doing it behind your back without marriage and responsibilities. And I tell you most men don't want to take responsibility even for one wife, let alone 4 wives...
@Asiyah2000 Год назад
@@barbaroslar2235 what has my belief to do with letting my man have another woman)??🙄🙄🙄 and why not vice versa if my husband is a believer why not stay with me and take care my feelings just like Ali radiya Allahu anhu with fatima wasn't she a believer???🤔
@Yuki_fan1 Год назад
Ali is talking as if every man wants to get married for a 2nd..3rd..4th..time. Every man may have the desire for another woman but it doesn't mean he will make it happen. Overwhelming majority of muslim men wants to be married to one woman. We barely can feed one!!
@Asiyah2000 Год назад
For real that is why Allah said if you can't do justice between the wives then marry only one and Allah wouldn't have said marry only one woman if every man can't stay only one woman and really wants multiple women as nature right?? But Allah knows his creator very well and knows what is best for us individually and collectively ألا يعلم من خلق وهو الطيف الخبير
@911beats Год назад
If the overwhelming majority of those Muslim men COULD take care of those four women without major issues, they would. the only have one woman by necessity. two generations back majority of married men had multiple wives.
@dwsir2448 Год назад
Did u even watch the whole video? It's in every mans nature to be polygames but we don't act on it due to a variety of reasons such as wealth etc
@Yuki_fan1 Год назад
@@911beats So two generations ago there were twice as much women as men..?
@Yuki_fan1 Год назад
@@911beats What's your point i don't get it? Taking care of a woman is not only a financial issue.
@What-do-you-want824 Год назад
There are some exceptions for 4 wives.
@dewamaut959 6 месяцев назад
In the end, it's not easy to understand 😂.. may Allah destroy the dajjal system that playing with people mindset so that we can live with our natural will like our ancestors before us
@taniasultana6566 Год назад
For me one wife is enough. Learn to control your desire month of ramadan Is there to abstain from your desire. Imagine having 4 wife and having kids from them and to financially to support them. Man I am gonna be squeleton, market inflation, everything is expensive, to support them I will be always at work. Then women will be complaining about money,giving time to family,and going outing,shopping. No Please one is enough
@max20817 Год назад
Wait till a Major war breaks out you will see how multiple wives fall into place 🤣
@shaarublibaax7139 Год назад
He didn't answer very well the question she asked
@redsox7897 Год назад
which question?
@mdnkader1753 Год назад
if women keep more husband who is son father can not sure so love child man not beast and best creation for pray
@Dilwaa Год назад
she doesn't mind if she has a shorter husband not many women's like her
@mdnkader1753 Год назад
women more husband born love child because can not prove who is father of son. like born beast son.
@moonwalkerr87 Год назад
In a time of so much fitna, so easy to fall in haram, good men that are capable of having a second wife should be able to do so. Non muslim men have all kinds of haram relationships with multiple women. How come muslim men who want to do something that is pure and halal face so much difficulty? Sisters, listen up, you will never change men’s nature. And that "No co-wife" contract will not change his nature. If you close the door to the halal, the door to haram might open. What about all the unwanted sisters who cannot get married? Polygamy solves fornication and adultery problems by a lot. By saying no to it, we are inviting zina, that is the harsh truth. Not all men have financial capability to do it, but there are sisters who don’t want to be provided for, who only want a part time husband (misyar marriage) to lessen his responsibility and make it work. I don’t get it how a sister who lives in the West can say no to her husband getting a second wife. Look around. Don’t you care if he slips? Is he to obey Allah or you? Think again.
@meowthecat9192 Год назад
This guy should learn how to speak to a women , instead of trying to be a cringier version of a Muslim Andrew Tate 💯💯 I can’t respect a man that can get influenced by people like little Andrew .
@sacredmuslim7406 Год назад
These guy makes no sense now somebody give him dawah.😑😑😑
@Asiyah2000 Год назад
First of all everything that Allah legislated has valid reason and great wisdom behind it some may understand the wisdom like me Alhamdulilaah and some may not and ali didn't answer the reason why Allah made men polygamous which is very easy answer
@Asiyah2000 Год назад
@John Brandon you talking to me??
@Asiyah2000 Год назад
@John Brandon well do you have Instagram? maybe it will be better to record for you my voice the exact answer since j can't write here all the things on my head so are you OK recordin to you the answer in ig??
@GilesHartop Год назад
Ali Dawah is a layman ikhwani he is not a person to take deen from
@darthmaulstarwars4699 Год назад
u r absolutely correct sir👍👍👍
@AnnaMaria-po5mk Год назад
Muhammad made his own laws and rules he had 13 wives because the lust and desire of the flesh is never satisfied Just like satan. Maybe the Muslims should listen to what the DHIKR Meaning the reminder, TO REFER TO DIVINE REVELATIONS SENT DOWN BEFORE THE QURAN? (Quran 15:9). What was sent down 600 years before Muhammad and his Quran? The Injil (The Gospel), and that's what should have been preserved. After all what does you Quran and Allah say to the mother of Jesus? that she was going to have a pure son. Was Muhammad pure? Maybe you should go back to the Injil and the DHIKR which is clear as light in this dark and evil world. Human men rules and laws that please no one but there own Desires. (Corinthians 7) polygamy is unlawful; and that one man is to have one wife, and to keep to her; and that one woman is to have one husband, and keep to him and the wife only has the power over her husbands body. (Hebrews 13:4). Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be underfiled, for God will Judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. (Luke 16:18) "Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. (The reminder) It's a shame Muhammad was Illiterate.
@etzelkaplan9677 Год назад
solomon in bible had 400 wives 300 sex slaves. moses in bible [numbers] beat him with 36000 child virgins he took as a war booty after killing all medianites [numbers]. David raped neighbor wife killed her hubby despite having 99 wives at that time. moe was a saint in comparison to these biblical prophets
@carliemorales204 Год назад
Anna, get a brain.
@carliemorales204 Год назад
A functioning brain.
@user-cv9wv2dy5h Год назад
Polygamy is unlawful but Abraham had more than 1 wife, even in the bible?
@AnnaMaria-po5mk Год назад
@@user-cv9wv2dy5h when God created Adam and then Eve, God didn't create several women for Adam, it would have been helpful in fulfilling the command to popullate the earth ((Genesis 1:27-28). Adam responded with joyful proclamation that Eve was "bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh" (Vs 23), followed by this "For a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh (vs 24). Jesus echoed this truth when he was asked about divorce (Matthew 19:5). He added "so they are no longer two but one flesh, what God has joined together, let no man separate" (Matthew 19:6). From the very beginning of the Bible, Monogamy is the model. The old Testament is full with examples of people abandoning monogamy. Many patrarchs and kings had multiple wives. Even David and Solomon, over the course of their reigns this was a breach of Godiness, Deuteronomy 17:17. Specifically prohbits the accumulation of wives by kings in Israel. And because the Bible is honest about humanity and failures of even those God used mightily, it records the problems those multiplied wives created. In every biblical account of men having multiple wives, there is conflict. Families not based on monogamous relationship paid a price. God's plan was always one man and one woman for life. This shows that Muhammad made his own rules and didn't like the rest follow God's rules. Abraham, sarah, and Hager were the first "love triangle" gone bad lots of Jealousy. You should read the Bible about what happened you can start at ( Genesis 16:15). Abraham married twice.
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