
WoW Main Theme 

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WoW Main Theme
Music: Jason Hayes




12 фев 2008




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@doomi92y 14 лет назад
5 years since I started playing, yet this theme gives me goosebumps EVERY time.
@ThallanarRabidtooth 13 лет назад
Day by day, week after week, month after month, when I try to picture the old cities that we used to roam...It gets harder to remember. I keep screenshots of me dancing in Orgrimmar (And Stormwind), and I shed a tear, missing the old world, I know everything will be different, but my views on life in the World of Warcraft are the same. For WoW. May it never change us.
@XxAnEvilWafflexX 12 лет назад
Most epic ending of a song, in the HISTORY of music. Gives me chills.
@oscarliu54 13 лет назад
iv been playing wow for 4 years and i never louse the magic cause i enjoy all the awsome features of the game
@Dugrz 11 лет назад
I could almost cry :')... I miss this so much
@jaysupadupafly 15 лет назад
heh my first toon was a night elf druid, the peaceful forest music always bring back memories when i was a complete noob, now im a proud member of the horde, but Tendrassil has a special place in my heart =)
@InspieringEpicVideos 13 лет назад
The good ol times........what a memory.......a stolen memory that you cant take back.....
@Samppazi 13 лет назад
Ahh... The chills.. THE NOSTALGIA
@gwbf 12 лет назад
Man war das noch ne geile Zeit als WoW richtig episch war^^
@juippihihhulijaska21 14 лет назад
How could you have played wow for 7 years. it's 5 years old you know :P the music brings back many good memories :D
@The_Professor123 14 лет назад
my brain freeze when i hear this song and there is only one thing that sweeping around in my head..wow is a more beautiful world.
@Edeslash 14 лет назад
Oh... I miss this so much... :(
@4damskii 15 лет назад
love this music, have missed it since tbc was installed
@realUlfricStormcloak 13 лет назад
This is the best WoW song ever. Legends of Azeroth. I dedicate this song to Grom Hellscream ... Cairne Bloodhoof.... Illidan Stormrage.... Arthas Menethil .... Uther the Lightbtinger. Rest in Peace to some of the true Legends of Azeroth.
@Achille12345 13 лет назад
Good old time I remember when I first started playing WoW many years ago with my first character a little humain Paladin, it took me months to get level 60 and today you can level up a character to level 85 in less that 1-2 weeks. Now this little paladin is level 85 with full raids gears and he's probably the oldest character on my server, I really miss when everyone was a noob with some level 30 with white gears on running around I also miss the old raids now everything is strictly regulated
@Hazelminker 15 лет назад
same here =o, this first theme song was the best imo
@WoOsMy1 14 лет назад
from 1:57 till 2:15 is the BEST and this is a very how can I say...glorious part..very good :)
@Toast579 15 лет назад
2:20 gives me goosebumps everytime
@xXMercifulFallXx 14 лет назад
I never played classic, but I hate that I never got to play it and it makes me wish I had played it. I miss starting out the game!
@LordofFaygo 14 лет назад
oooooolllld skool. brings bakc the memories of deciding to make a tauren or forsaken. i remember staying in starter zones all the time just for fun and grping with random people...the good ol days. Justopher, Windrunner ally dk FTW
@dagangsta16 14 лет назад
damn i miss that freakin gate in the backround with this epic song playing
@Kevstar19 13 лет назад
Damn I listened to this and I was like..."Holy shit" That was like 3 years ago... and then I listened to Burning Crusade theme...so many memories...I don't know which one I liked the best.
@pr0phet 11 лет назад
I'll never forget the good times on WoW
@johnomonoia5 12 лет назад
@marcosis96 13 лет назад
-sigh- i really miss that feeling of epicness from vanilla WoW especially when you manage to win an AV
@Klorel92 14 лет назад
i start crying when i hear that !
@EDDOVBURRA 13 лет назад
I cried when i listened to this
@gwbf 12 лет назад
I agree with you!
@Ryodakun 14 лет назад
Classic WoW ftw
@Fahuhugads 11 лет назад
seven years goes by fast.
@Stormtrooprer 15 лет назад
Yes it remember me from the lvl 60 times with my gnome warrior, there were the most epic moments i think. the most epic moment i've seen was in the ubrs. with nefarius and blackhand.
@ThallanarRabidtooth 13 лет назад
I miss Thousand Needles, when I have to get to someplace near there, I have to swim all across it (If I have no flying mount), sometimes, I like to follow the submerged pathways and roads on the bottom of the zone, and remember the days when I used to kill wolves and buzzards there on the ground...
@MajinHercule 15 лет назад
Yeah, this is my favorite of all the three themes they did. Reminds me of how I refused to play certain classes because (noobishly I admit) I thought the starting gear looked more like a dress.
@sorriiaa 14 лет назад
Wow this brings back sooooo many memeries
@strchsr 13 лет назад
There is a revamped version of this song on "The Shattering" of the Cataclysm login music, it's basically 10:57 til the end of the song if you look it up, it's way more epic.
@swehej2 13 лет назад
Remember the first time you got that box? You sat for like 3 hours installing it waiting to play and then you see the epic log in screen along with the epic song? Well I lost that feeling when cata intro came. I actually loved wotlk in the start. Both naxx and Ulduar was awesome but after that It went strate shit. :( miss the old days
@amanda0010 13 лет назад
Miss this theme :(
@MurakamiTenshi 15 лет назад
The good old days....
@ThePowerofYeti 13 лет назад
I loved vanilla WoW... even when it ruined my RL for two years, it was a happy time.
@Matt561 14 лет назад
wow how often have we all heard this music lol
@bigdani09 11 лет назад
Miss it.. the old GOOD world of warcraft..
@DungeonTax 13 лет назад
@MetropolisNS Happens with everything unfortunately. There are so many games, movies and tv shows I wish I could erase from my brain so I could experience them again for the first time.
@Zaylable 14 лет назад
@FiendMatadorSlayerOfNoobs 13 лет назад
Oh my dear Azeroth,what has happned to thee?D: I have played World of Warcraft since it came out,and the warcraft series before that. When i rolled my first Night elf Druid, running around explosring Teldrassil,listening to the music, deleting it later.Then making a warlock,and i couldnt decide wich race,and then.. I heard this masterpeice properly.I MISS VANILLA!WAAAAH!-nerd tantrum-
@Senseilimb 14 лет назад
Awwww pre-BC :( i miss it so.
@Phenomenon79 14 лет назад
The sad truth is, the most fun moments I had with this game was when I knew nothing about it and I was still exploring and discovering new areas, classes, spells, quests instances. Sure I'm a much better player now but the magic of classic WoW will never return.
@Ethaninja 13 лет назад
1:30-2:26 BEST PART EVER
@southanime 14 лет назад
for which you are interested in this song is called "Legends of azeroth
@youngloveisdeath 14 лет назад
The sound of a humans death cry is music to my ears... FOR THE HORDE!
@Grudgebearer47 14 лет назад
Best wow theme ever Which catalysm theme is much more epic since its going back to the original WoW but remaking it.
@KingSchmidti95 12 лет назад
if play wow at the beginning of cataclysm an i found its awesome, when ist was better befor it must be the heaven of earth
@sharkmaster99 13 лет назад
Ohhh vanilla, how I loved thee.
@somberlay 16 лет назад
this and the morrowind theme song is amazing
@Loonza 15 лет назад
I miss The Old Wow Theme Bad that you cant choose which theme you would like to here at the login screen :(
@Stormtrooprer 13 лет назад
@DeatgMagnet Yeah, these times were the best. When I started WoW, everything was epic and today this epic-feeling is missing. When you got your first Mount, or all the Instances like the Deadmines, Scholomance or the Blackrock Dephts, etc. These were epic moments and it had a lot of fun, not like today, where everything is strictly regulated in Raids and so on.
@poomgaming_thzaza1714 3 года назад
@maarudftw 14 лет назад
lets hope the cataclysm theme will be Epic like this one =D
@dung1013 14 лет назад
@AzuredragonMr 11 лет назад
nor do i :*) Good'ol wow is the best memory i have ever had
@Phenomenon79 14 лет назад
@Marklar2k8 Gotta agree with you there, man. New players simply aren't playing the same game we once played.
@AyyLmaoTopKek 12 лет назад
@DeatgMagnet I'd say it's not about the expansion or smth it's about time. The firs time always leaves strong emotions, when everything is new and so... For instance I started to play WoW in december 2011, yeah, really late, and I didn't know nothing about it before. And for me it was all the same as for you. I was stunned when I got to Stormwind 1st time, it was epic! Firs instances, first mount, explore strange and qourious places, then read about it in the Net...
@ginsberguru 14 лет назад
miss the old wow...
@Stormtrooprer 16 лет назад
i think the same, this intro is really much better than the bc intro.
@loltor91 15 лет назад
so true :(
@patriot225 15 лет назад
yes.. RIP.. WOW will never be the same again.. the classic one was THE FUCKING BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!! :-( Brings sad memories god damn it :(((
@Ariariel10 11 лет назад
Nostalgic... =( u.u ^^.
@Karvosh 13 лет назад
I never played vanilla WoW, and joined after WotLK had been released. That wasn't by choice, simply by timing, and honestly I wish I could have played vanilla.. I hope Blizz does make pre-Cata servers and such.
@victormania2008 13 лет назад
i never had the chance to play this WoW vanilla but wotlk song them still better
@sparklespets 13 лет назад
aah, i miss vanilla wow
@Razured 13 лет назад
I wish Blizzard would make servers for every expension, like Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK and Cata. And I miss vanilla wow so much, old good time when nothing was easy, having 40 men raids, no resillience and badass gear skin, please Blizzard! PLEASE MAKE VANILLA SERVER BACK!
@LukaxN 16 лет назад
this thing is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than TBC intro its fcking awsome and it brings a lot of old memories xD
@slipp3rysnake 12 лет назад
Well thats what happens when a game is out for 7 years. I think they should basically make a WoW II make it fresh so it has that vanilla feel and epicness in the beginning when you first start playing.
@xoskeleton2 15 лет назад
SO MUCH BETTER THAN TBC/WRATH OPENINGS!!! i forgot!! i miss it!!
@spoiledspider 13 лет назад
they should make pre-ep servers. just classic, old music and stuff. they should also make new cool places which you can make available by buying them like ep's in the store!
@bul188 10 лет назад
If you want vanilla WoW join Rebirth WoW, it's just so wonderful.
@strajee 8 лет назад
+bul188 > For anyone still looking for a private server, Nostalrius is the best ATM.
@bul188 8 лет назад
+Strajee quite buggy but AFAIK that is the best nowadays
@pitbullizer90 13 лет назад
beste theme forever music reminds me on noob times ... The world of warcraft was such a laaaaarge world .. i thought i never could reach the end ! But now ... everything became so small........ :( got every mount and 310 % flying became soo slow ......Earlier 60 % was sooooo fu*ing fast !!!!!
@Karvosh 13 лет назад
I really think that Blizz should just make at least four Vanilla servers. I, as a person who joined post-Wrath, really want the challenge to try and get all the way to level 60, and earn my mounts the old fashioned 'hardcore' way. I almost feel like I cheated my way to level 80, with all the old vanilla people having worked their darndest just to get to 60.
@ntLonky 12 лет назад
@DeatgMagnet I agree with you m8 100%. Nothing is same anymore. And it really isn't! Man, i really wish i could bring that vanilla moments and feelings back. But sad thing is that none can't. Not even Blizzard! :(
@HOTHEADmkIII 16 лет назад
i still dont see whats better about this than the BC theme. anyways the WoTLK theme pwns this by far.
@ApleSkrutE 13 лет назад
Holy fuck i miss vanilla. Not the raiding, but when i was new. I remember when i just had gotten the game, installed it (wich took forever back then) Starting it up and HOLY FUCK! The music, the start screen, THE GAME! I was like this Ó.Ò The whole fucking time. I also hate that they destroyed the old, nostalgic zones with the old music. I
@_viktro 13 лет назад
:'(:'(:'( vanilla was the best! Miss you :'(
@xMiglox 15 лет назад
this intro theme is better then the lich king theme =P
@Atreyufolife 13 лет назад
@Phenomenon79 Same here.
@spoiledspider 13 лет назад
@Deathsorak true, true :(
@Garshilan 16 лет назад
I think this is more better than Burning crusades theme
@KnarkPekka 14 лет назад
Hmm.. i cannot decide what game i want to play for tonight. WoW, Reign of Chaos or Frozen Throne campaign =/
@AyyLmaoTopKek 12 лет назад
@DeatgMagnet I try to explore and get everyting by myself, not to look in the Wowhead or any other sources. I don't read tackticks or patch notes for new instances because it kills the atmosphere, when you read about what you supposet to know from the game
@XandWacky 14 лет назад
@Seafighter96 Sometime in November
@mortenkul 15 лет назад
me 2!
@pliniocaio4503 11 лет назад
Melhor jogo
@remco19 14 лет назад
@WoOsMy1 yeah u know thats also my favorite part missing vanila wow :S
@PropaneTreeFiddy 13 лет назад
i remember when i was first playing WoW on trial.....dating nightelfs....RPing tauren.....WoW was awesome back then. Burning crusade was nice too, but starting at woltk, things started getting overly serious....
@Stormtrooprer 13 лет назад
@DeatgMagnet I stopped playing WoW in 2008 and now I play it on a Private Server with WotLK, but also there WoW isn't the game, as it was in 2006. I remember that I got my first Character to Lvl 60, only two weeks before TBC was released here in Germany, so I didn't have the chance to see all the Raids, my only Raid there, was the Upper Blackrockspire^^ But at the end of TBC, wasn't interesting anymore, so I quit WoW.
@estremoestre 11 лет назад
vanilla wow was the best, i remember before Bg were addeed. there was daily a world pvp
@MurakamiTenshi 15 лет назад
man I miss this theme!! In my opinion, the original trumps TBC's and WotLK's.
@datrippledot 12 лет назад
@DeatgMagnet Play it with friends you know in real life the game automatically gets 1000Xs better but don't do it with chars with boa just quest on a new realm and just do the quests Most people forget that what makes the game so good is the social interactions with people but now that the dungeon finder has taken that out its hard to make real good friends in the game outside of ur guild
@babayga94 14 лет назад
I have the same problem. And now I end up still playing wow only because it have become a habit.
@omuletulnou 14 лет назад
@MetropolisNS i had that feeling when i first played it too :( but i first played wotlk on a funserver and i made a DK as first char i rlly dont want new expansion :(
@Jackpack009 15 лет назад
@MrTotallyRad 15 лет назад
God I miss Vanilla WoW. TBC is was alright, WoTLK isn't bad, but nothing beats the badass feeling when you were level 60 running around in BWL owning shit. If they rereleased vanilla wow somehow it'd be so badass.
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