I mean Mr. Steel earned every dollar they paid him. Most attorneys don’t do their job but OMG Mr. Steel needs an award. Lil Dirk you better hire Mr. Steel is if he can practice in CA❤
The lawyer is embarrassing the s*** out of the out of the state and the detectives the show how much they you know what f***** up he shouldn't even be in jail right now
A conviction is a conviction no matter if its a plea u fooled the state won in now u gotta walk a tight line with probation in it makes it worse for him being a Star
Is Lloyd making a clear so he gets some leniency with his getting out and probably maybe a little less probation cuz he could still do a little bit more time but the states had 15 years and will let him out and now it's up to the judge but guess what he's making an argument right now so he gets out and that's it give me 15 years probation the judge has got agreed to that plus he's got two two years almost 3 years in jail he got good time for that so I wonder what the judge is going to say that's why he's arguing the lawyer this lawyers doing a good job though with the argument he wants to make sure to stay and the judge and the jury everybody is aware what they did to this guy and he doesn't deserve to be in jail no more and that's why you got paid 2 million that's why they make the big bucks that's a big case right there boy they didn't have a lot of the evidence that's why there was a lot of mistrials and the detective screwed up too the state messed up royally and they don't got a lot of evidence anyways that's why they both sided with probation and let's get this thing over with and let's not go to court no more this s*** is over he's going to get out