Raging Golden Eagle
Raging Golden Eagle
Raging Golden Eagle
My rants and other experiments, published for your amusement.

Just a single dude blowing his time and money on keeping himself amused!

I try to upload once a day, as for when honestly it all depends on how many anime simulcasts I am watching on a given day... If there is a slow simulcast day, you bet I'm probably uploading around then!

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Women Mad as Men Exit the Dating Scene!
9 часов назад
Women are Their own Worst Enemy
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DEI Fraudster Jailed for 5 Years!
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Canada's $8mil Mass Grave Hoax!
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Boy Scouts is now They/Them Scouts!
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DEI Keeps Getting DESTROYED in Court!
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College Rioters Now Want Amnesty?!
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The Stasi Live on in Woke Academia!
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@mrgreensuit7379 24 минуты назад
They make copper really expensive. The junkies are gonna love this as they're stealing traffic lights for salvage.
@nickn1782 39 минут назад
This isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. If you force a transition to electric cars and then can’t manufacture them or can’t charge them, then you have effectively ended private cars.
@pegeta 49 минут назад
Trump 2024
@allenkrust4410 Час назад
And that is the countries enemies strengthen themselves.
@ZealotOfSteal Час назад
NIMBY (not in my back yard) at it's finest.
@ericp0012 Час назад
They will just implement (more) carbon credits and (more) carbon taxes to produce electric vehicles.
@chrisellioitt5240 2 часа назад
Solar, wind, ev are majority China. China owns majority of those raw minerals in their creation. China and Russia and Middle East pay for protests and activists in west to protest west as it is their competition in fossil fuels! They want west energy dependent on them. China make vast majority of solar panels. China make majority of wind turbines as it requires about 40 tons of coal to forge the metal alone. (Creation is over 3/4 of it projected lifelong output. Any problem in it life time of use and it negative total from creation input) Ev China has the market cornered on so meany ore and parts almost no ev made on the planet does not have China materials and parts! This is why Tesla is also in China it requires China to build a Tesla. Meaning China might have remote access to every ev they have part installed in. That is millions of remote movable blockades or high speed rams at targets. (Remotely block or wipe out another country infrastructure) All ev are collecting your data and watch you on multi cameras by default, a security risk due to remote access by hostile country (hardware or software), battery explosions hazard, burn transport ship in ocean hazard, transfers west wealth and control to China.
@nomadman5288 2 часа назад
Just by the numbers they're giving, EV's aren't sustainable by using copper. That's the word they're always using and they don't even have a plan that aligns with it. Of course that is because it's not about that and it never has been. All those buzz words they have been throwing out over the years have all been meaningless marketing jargon for the masses.
@nomadman5288 2 часа назад
The push for EVs is because of China in the first place. China, by way of the WEF, has infiltrated governments all over the world. Why do you think the WEF speaks so highly of China despite the terrible way they treat their citizens? China owns the WEF and by extension many people in different businesses and governments. I gotta hand it to them on this one though. They have been playing chess while everybody else has been playing checkers.
@mirceazaharia2094 2 часа назад
The sheer F*CKING IDIOCY of these people never ceases to astonish me. 😂
@Parlimant_Strifey 2 часа назад
not idiots, this is the insane they thems forcing their insufferable 15 minute cities.
@pattonramming1988 2 часа назад
These idiots don't realize that mining rare earth minerals needed for these electric vehicles is more harmful than petroleum refining If China really wants to put the squeeze on the West they could follow the Debiers model and limit annual exports of copper
@oriongear2499 2 часа назад
I'd rather own and drive a Manual Toyota Corolla Hatchback than a Tesla Model S.
@montyturner6511 2 часа назад
Don't take them seriously. They really don't understand what they want.
@Archedgar 2 часа назад
The nazis want the jewish businesses but also want to get rid of the jews..... then they get upset when they're told they can't have both.
@bigjay875 2 часа назад
Leftist Marxist idiocy on parade! Dumb trouts
@GAMMAGOMA 2 часа назад
These people do know that- oh....wait. I forgot that these are the kind of people that think parts and raw materials just poof themselves into existence. These people are inventing a new level of stupid ever damn day🤦‍♂️
@josephwarra5043 2 часа назад
"They should be horse-whipped and sent to work in the mines barefoot." -- MR
@johngray3449 3 часа назад
They just made cars into a new type of white goods, throw away cars great for the environment, batteries going to be dead on avg in about 5 years.
@lekanraposte6732 3 часа назад
The "environmentalists" wish for things to appear out of thin air. These idiots want the butter, the butter's money, but the milk should come from DIMENTION X.
@markcarpenter6020 3 часа назад
Wait till they figure out electric vehicles need lithium. A highly toxic metal that can only be mined in large amounts by using environmentally damaging open pit mining.
@Thane36425 3 часа назад
This is what happens when you don't teach kids how things are made. They don't know electrical things use copper, nor that food comes from farms. An easy solution would be to put them in cities that can be made into 15 minute cities. They'd only need electric cars for uber and emergency types. Once they are there, they could pretend the whole rest of the world has ceased to exist, or whatever else they dream up in their cubicles, watching VR, and eating their bugs.
@travissmith2773 Час назад
Make them learn All the things we crack out of oil.
@lordcommissarspartan 3 часа назад
The solution is simple. Have Elon start building the equipment for a shipyard on Luna, and start mining the Copper and other precious metals necessary for the manufacturing from nearby asteroids. We can do the math to send out missiles and Explosives to alter the trajectories of celestial bodies to bring them closer for refinement in near earth orbit or on Luna itself.
@travissmith2773 Час назад
We could be sending ice to Mars in the process, but that would make sense.
@merafirewing6591 3 часа назад
Reject Electric Vehicles, Return to Gaso-powered Vehicles.
@stalwartnerd 3 часа назад
Reject gas powered vehicles, return to horse.
@merafirewing6591 3 часа назад
@@stalwartnerd honestly for both horse and gas-powered vehicles are better options, because none of them don't have short battery life in cold areas.
@GURGLEGUY12345 3 часа назад
Man dating? Sounds pretty gay to me.
@Pariatech 3 часа назад
Rare earth exporters are rubbing their hands real hard.
@nickkorkodylas5005 2 часа назад
Cool it with the sinophobic remarks...
@ericp0012 Час назад
I guess the greens have a love hate relationship with multinationals.
@TheMarkus203 3 часа назад
The irony that the amount of oil required to run the infrastructure to produce the electricity to keep these cars running, would require over triple the drilling needed (and more iron and steel production to build these plants). On top of entire landscapes being stripped bare for all the lithium, copper and gold to build the batteries and circuitry (which will deplete faster than any combustion engine's natural wear and tear). How "green" is all this again...? These fools have no idea what they're asking for.
@merafirewing6591 3 часа назад
Internal Combustion Engines are built to last when taken good care of and well maintained.
@user-qh6sg1dp1o 3 часа назад
China will grow stronger and I'm all for it, mostly because it's funny.
@evildoughboy7773 3 часа назад
Nothing like the Mantra of, I want my cake and eat it too.
@speeddemon7678 3 часа назад
Idiots never think about the future.
@cloudfair2 3 часа назад
This is like the teacher expecting you to complete a test but refuses to give you a pencil or ask someone else for one.
@oniarrca9431 3 часа назад
Hint: invest in copper now.
@Mate397 3 часа назад
These people think electric cars spawn like in a videogame.
@ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz 3 часа назад
Nothing more enviromentally friendly than walking. Watermelons should take a long walk off an enviromentally friendly short pier.
@GURGLEGUY12345 3 часа назад
@ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz 3 часа назад
@@GURGLEGUY12345 green on the outside, red on the inside. Commies wearing an environmental facade.
@ericp0012 Час назад
@@GURGLEGUY12345They are green on the outside and red on the inside.
@GURGLEGUY12345 Час назад
@@ericp0012 As in...environmentalism and communism?
@dagrumblers 3 часа назад
Said it years ago but nobody believed me back then, but green tech is worse for the environment than what we already had.
@pattonramming1988 2 часа назад
They'll cite claims of clean emissions while ignoring habitat destruction and the pollution of rivers and degradation of soil
@ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz 3 часа назад
They dont want EVs, they just dont want you to have a vehicle. They want you to suffer, how they do it doesnt much matter to them.
@zealotmaster1 3 часа назад
heres your cake but remember you CANT EAT IT!!
@agoogleaccount2861 3 часа назад
Wind powered cars because politicians full of hot air
@mgatelabs 4 часа назад
No one understands how large Alaska is, you have to take planes to get around, no reason not to exploit the land
@edwardmcgarthwaite7771 4 часа назад
I think I enjoy the tacit confession that EVs are too polluting the most. Yeah... That's the stuff
@SkellyTonn 4 часа назад
[Was watching The Poor Man's Podcast (Channel on YT,) just now and the climate activists threw another tantrum at a car prototype showing! The show was revealing the latest models for sale! But the protesters went on to pour deisel all over the stage and on the centerpiece car on display! That car was an Electric Vehicle!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣]
@thechuckjosechannel.2702 4 часа назад
The Green party is basically Communism Rebranded.
@brothergrimaldus3836 4 часа назад
The best reason not to buy an EV... because the government wants you to. There is not enough lithium and copper on the entire planet for everybody to be driving one and they know this. It's to keep everybody from traveling freely. If you're stuck just in your tiny area, they can control you better.
@markcarpenter6020 3 часа назад
And it's not actually practical if you live in areas prone to disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes or in places that get cold. Temps near freezing reduce battery efficiency drastically.
@plumaDshinigami 4 часа назад
Essentially socialism and communism at work: demanding something they destroy as they forbid others to provide it.
@kon-lun-os-kuh-pee571 4 часа назад
I’m not opposed to ev but the technology isn’t their yet
@brothergrimaldus3836 4 часа назад
They've been trying electric vehicles for over a hundred years... It's not going to work.
@merafirewing6591 3 часа назад
​@@brothergrimaldus3836 it's nothing but a novelty vehicle.
@markcarpenter6020 3 часа назад
Considering they have been trying to make them since the 1800s makes you really wonder how long it will take for the tech to get there. To make environmentally friendly EVs requires tech and materials that either haven't been created yet or are extremely expensive to make and only in the prototype stage.
@merafirewing6591 3 часа назад
@@markcarpenter6020 which is probably why internal combustion engines will reign for a very long time.
@markcarpenter6020 2 часа назад
@@merafirewing6591 and that's not even including the fact that outside an urban setting EVs aren't practical. They are impractical for long distance shipping, and if you live anywhere prone to natural disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes you can end up without a vehicle and at temperatures close to freezing battery efficiency drops off drastically. In short EVs are only useful to people who don't drive very far. In short they are as practical for transportation as an electric golf cart.
@RadRetroDragon 4 часа назад
Mr burns:an office full of morons!
@alexandru5369 4 часа назад
Green is the new red. This crap, like net zero, etc. are just a form on de-industrialization. Also the U.S. has massive issues with it's power grid as well
@adriansanmartin5773 4 часа назад
Sorry little african child miners, but those batteries are a must. The greens demand it!
@PlasmaMongoose 4 часа назад
They want the equivalent of fried ice.
@GrimmundusRex 4 часа назад
In fairness, they _have_ been coming up with less environmentally impactful ways of gathering rare-earth metals. Specifically filtering it out of wastewater from fracking and from water leaching minerals from specific lakebeds.
@trevynlane8094 3 часа назад
A shame they don't scale. And use lots of dirty coal power.