Lord Tea
Lord Tea
Lord Tea
Hello there!
I hope you're doing well, please, sit and have a cup of calming jasmine tea, and let me tell you a story... or a thousand.
You'll find everything you'll need here for a calm storyfilled evening. I will be analyzing, criticizing and focus on storytelling in... pretty much everything, show you new ways to approach it in all medium - but especially roleplaying games. I can even tell you some bedtime stories if you so pleases.
So please, relax and have a great time.
What Makes Balrog Design GREAT?
День назад
Skyrim - The Worst Lore in Gaming
Месяц назад
Ten Weird Writing Tips That Actually Work
2 месяца назад
So You Want To Start Worldbuilding...
4 месяца назад
A Perfect Opening
5 месяцев назад
Gothic 2 NOTR - What happened?
5 месяцев назад
Fantasy Warfare - WORLDBUILDING
5 месяцев назад
1000 Sub SPECIAL - Q&A
5 месяцев назад
5 месяцев назад
New Year Announcements
6 месяцев назад
The Politics of Fantasy Maps
6 месяцев назад
Creating a Fantasy Map - Worldbuilding
7 месяцев назад
How To Make Intrigues That Don't Suck
7 месяцев назад
How To Make Factions That Don't Suck
7 месяцев назад
How Worlduilding Can Fix a Story - Dragon Ball Z
7 месяцев назад
How to ACTUALLY Role-Play (In Fallout New Vegas)
8 месяцев назад
Darkwood - How To Build Dread
8 месяцев назад
What we TRULY lost - Star Wars Essay
8 месяцев назад
How to NOT Write Chosen Ones
8 месяцев назад
How to ACTUALLY Role-Play (In Morrowind)
9 месяцев назад
How to Goverments and Politics - Worldbuilding
9 месяцев назад
How to Make Names That Don't Suck
9 месяцев назад
What Makes Writing so Hard?... And how it isn't
9 месяцев назад
Apocalypse in Worldbuilding
10 месяцев назад
@lucyla9947 День назад
Also be prepared for weird guilds and trade distinctions. Historically Speaking Mantua-making and then general dressmaking were a separate trade than tailoring, and as such dressmakers wouldn't be covered by the same guilds as the tailors. This is because whilst Women were allowed to serve as assistants to Tailors, they weren't allowed to become actual independent Tailors under the Tailor Guild. As such when Women's fashions shifted to favor looser fitted garments (the Mantua), the Lady Tailor's Assistants left to become Mantua Makers, and as the Tailors didn't particularly care for Mantua Making, they let the Mantua Makers do their thing. And from then on out Women's Dresses, even after the Mantua went out of fashion, were made by Women Dressmakers, not Tailors. Creating two separate trades, where there was once one. (Then Mass-production happened)
@lordtea7688 18 часов назад
There is always more You can do with this concept. The example You gave just show that circumstances of history, economy and culture can heavly influence the forming of such guilds as well :)
@KommissarAlexander 2 дня назад
This is actually one of the best videos I've seen on this topic. Great job.
@smile-tl9in 2 дня назад
7:03 i mean...There are plenty of exemple of corporatist fascist regime in history. Dictators who rose with the support of corporations and went to enact pro-corporation policies
@shadowrodney 3 дня назад
This is very helpful for a guy like me who is pretty straight forward xD more often than not reaping the consequences both good and bad. Once I can formulate some ideas around what you describe an intrigue is, perhaps I will be able to create much more interesting plots.
@agent7466 3 дня назад
I like to think of guilds/factions as groups of likeminded individuals, which allows for certain members that are less than legitimate and those who are altruistic working together but under eachothers noses, can make it feel like there real tension happening as there's an internal push and pull that the players can influence the future of.
@egoalter1276 7 дней назад
You cant really. Mlrrowind doesnt give you much choice in anything. Its an amusement park of an exotic world. Hell, just about the only 'RPG' where you can actually play a role, that I know of anyways is Kenshi.
@haillobster7154 11 дней назад
(Before watching the video) First point : the build up; when you see the hooting, bleating, ululating monster hordes scatter like dust motes when the ominous light appears in the distance, a sign that what's coming is a monster among monsters! Second point : the balrog's appearance is a paradox; he is a mix of searing fire and smothering darkness, a true monster! Third point : the presentation; the gravity of the situation when the balrog appears, no cartoonish acrobatics or cringe worthy jokes from the fellowship as they engage the entity, only terror and one overpowering urge to flee from this nightmare incarnate! I'll admit that I don't like the design of the balrog in the movie, but the presentation is truly sublime!
@spiritgaming1442 16 дней назад
As much as skyrim lacks substance, and has a lot of instances of bad writing. This video feels like a 30 minute long rant about shallow and arbitrary points. You can hear the Greybeards shout. that's not a writing or lore issue. It's a game design issue; and i could agree that Skyrims fast travel leaves a lot to be desired especially given that fact that without it travel is boring. The title of the video isnt "The problem with fast travel in skyrim" its "the problem with lore in Skyrim." Delphine went through a secret back area through Jorgen's tomb that leads from the starting area to the horn. You access this back tunnel to get out of the tomb. Shes also a capable Blade of the Empire that survived the Thalmor wiping out a majority of Blade agents. Shes as dangerous as she is annoying and bitchy. This isn't a well-constructed video. It doesn't cover the problems with the lore of Skyrim or its writting. Its a 30 minute long rant.
@armoredmike8740 16 дней назад
Tea all ok, the discord seams to be unavailable, wanted to see can I take minimal role in the ongoing RPG since RL is hectic and on top of that dam valves in the bathroom are giving me headaches. The videos do help a lot since they are in the list that i play in the background while do stuff around the house.
@ladyeyegore 16 дней назад
hey! what happened to your discord server?
@shzarmai 28 дней назад
Something I think should be done is that each race or species in a fantasy setting should have multiple nations or multiple sovereign countries since because it's unlikely that these races or species are Monoliths. I always find it weird that in popular fantasy humans can have multiple countries but others only have one country each......
@lordtea7688 28 дней назад
True, the best they can do is divide those into a different side-species (elves, dark elves. Dwarf, Mountain dwarfs or things like that)
@shzarmai Месяц назад
Cool video :).
@shzarmai Месяц назад
Honestly, using and applying Critical Geography to fantasy is very interesting imo.
@stoffelthedestroyer3741 Месяц назад
It is simple, Magic is nonsense, a cheat code, senseless miracles obeying no rules. The issue here is the difference between Fantasy and Sci-Fi genre. If you are a small brained dog who just wants to have a power trip, you go with Fantasy genre, where literally everything is possible. You can magic a donut out of thin air that will be able to nourish you. How did you create it, where it came from, how does it have mass and nutrients? Don't care~ It's Fantasy! Sci-Fi on the hand is for people who can't just shut off their brain like sheep and need some stimulation, some logic and sense, the world needs to be believable to be immersive. Over time Fantasy got locked into always being about Western/European medieval times, while Sci-Fi is always about space and aliens. But what if people want fantasy in space? Like Star Wars or Warhammer 40k. Will magic be still be a childlike power fantasy or can it adapt? What about Sci-Fi but on Earth and other time periods? That's how we get Cyberpunk where technology has advanced so far it looks like magic. It all depends on what kind of world and magic system you build for it. If the characters stop obeying set rules like in Star Wars, the fandom will rebel and rightfully call it trash. But if the show adheres to the rules to the smallest detail like in World Trigger then we get a very solid and logical experience, where even if we nitpick and question aspects, just thinking a few minutes on our own and we find answers to them. That's how thought out they are. If you want senseless magic, then watch teletubbies, nothing makes sense and they can do anything they want. Want your fantasy world to be deep, then accept some rules and limitations. If wizards can craft food or gold out of thin air at no cost, then why does poverty and famine still exist in these worlds?
@JakubMMajewski Месяц назад
Ok. I can agree with probably 90% of the criticism here, I won't bother quibbling over the remaining 10%. Fine, good, we've had a laugh at Skyrim's (well-deserved) expense. Yeah, I remember being rather bemused by many of these things when playing Skyrim, especially the horn stolen miraculously from an untouched tomb. It is all pretty funny and silly. But... and you could see from the tone of the previous sentences that the "but" was coming, right? ;) You're dealing with one of the most successful RPGs in history, loved by millions of people. An RPG that drew millions into its world, fascinating them with its lore, getting them to engage deeply with the game and the TES fandom - thousands of people joining to contribute to the online wikis, thousands of others producing mods. Many of them being critical of the game and its limitations - but still loving it (full disclosure: I wrote my PhD about Skyrim's worldbuilding and fan engagement, so obviously I'm going to highlight the positives). Your response to all this seems to basically come down to "no, sorry, Skyrim is shit, and it makes people dumb." Sorry, no. As long as you were laying out the criticisms, I was mostly in agreement. Once you come to your conclusions - you could not possibly be more wrong, and frankly, more childish in your comments. I've enjoyed some of the analysis in your other videos, but this one is an utter disappointment - as if the whole video was basically one big clickbait, typical internet hyperbole. Ultimately, how pointless your video is! How little there is to be learned from it! You could have taken the time to consider the really interesting question. Questions like, what exactly does Skyrim do right, that it is so popular and attractive to so many people in spite of its painfully obvious flaws? Or, why is it that Skyrim, in spite of its supposedly inconsistent and shallow lore, attracted so many people to its world, and kept them there? Why is that thirteen years years on, this game is still played by thousands of people at any given time? In other words - what it is that we can actually learn from Skyrim? Oh, yeah, you say it's all because of the previous games in the series - what a shallow cop-out! You could just as well say that The Witcher games are only successful in drawing players into their world because they had Sapkowski's books to take lore from. Yeah - sure, you could make that point, and it would be true about as much as with Skyrim and the earlier TES games. But what's the value of such a dismissive argument? You have a lot of videos that are supposed to offer useful worldbuilding tips and such. If the only worldbuilding you were interested in was literary, you could certainly simply tear Skyrim to shreds and leave it at that, because truly, there is nothing to be learned from Skyrim for literary worldbuilding. But you do seem to be interested in games and game worldbuilding - in which case, tearing Skyrim to shreds without trying to understand its strengths and trying to learn from what it does right is... just a waste of time.
@lordtea7688 Месяц назад
@JakubMMajewski Месяц назад
@@lordtea7688 Thank you for your deep and eloquent response. It is good to know this is a channel that takes discussion seriously. Still, I wish you all the best.
@dbryant965 Месяц назад
Great stuff!
@cheesypoohalo Месяц назад
I found a lot of this advice really hard to imagine without giving examples. For example, it's fine to say a long-lived race would have a stagnant culture, but what would that actually look like? I'd love to see another video where you took this advice you give and actually made a few settings, giving examples of how the cultures are built in each example.
@GodOfMoxie555 Месяц назад
Good video
@tarabaninja5695 Месяц назад
I made a Magic System for my manga. The magic works more like incantations and alchemy. The earth is magical in that story and ores, dead animal and even plants have magical properties. One must prepare first into weapons, tools and spells like a recource what the earth does is having the property of memory so it can obtain animal properties or for example a stone that has properties of oil making it highly flamable. Animals for example: making a potion of a hawk will give you personally the instincts and memories of a hawk letting you use the wings like you have used them all your live long. Otherwise getting wings feels kinda unrealistic before training to fly. So magic is pretty powerful but not bullshit like a overpowered lasers or battle who has more mana, its about finesse skill and knowledge no mana at all, making them spellslingers who use minimal recourses to its limit, giving them a focus on skill more than power.
@agent7466 Месяц назад
Been trying to quantize 5e magic to work with my HB world and for the off-shoot stories for major people or events that won't be played so is set in stone. But having rules or limits is the real important part. The rules or lack thereof can make or break a system if something can just completely undo something, or circumvent it (Without intending to). I agree with the magic rarity part whole-heartedly. The more magic around, the more things make less sense given the accessibility(worldbuilding-wise). Magic should be arcane, not mundane imo and complex to the point that nothing could fully understand its inner workings(in universe).
@zoxivi Месяц назад
really appreciate the section on uniqueness--working on my own magic system lately, and i was sort of worrying about taking too much inspiration specifically i really like the way dark souls handles magic, despite being a high fantasy setting there is great cost (lorewise, in-game it's actually kind of busted) to pursuing magic in the souls games my world so far already shows themes of cost, specifically in pursuing power, so i think a similarly designed system would work well--and of course, i also intend to bend things around and make it a creation of my own.
@BenChava Месяц назад
The video is good, but how dare you change Balmora!!!
@iveng020 Месяц назад
Debatble, but many parts of video really true. Also thanks for the content, especially for the video about morrowind, I still consider him the best on the channel)
@D0ban Месяц назад
Really, this series is carried by its broader lore. Its so upsetting that the gameplay and story do not reflect that fantastic lore.
@robertdeelen6685 Месяц назад
its a similar thing with Fallout 4, the best parts of it are things established in earlier games. The best description i heard for Skyrim and Fallout 4 is: Its an amusement park. You can do everything, no decision stops you from joining any factions or changes the world at large.
@AntyNeutrino-rb1mm Месяц назад
Skyrim is like an empty shell. A shining promise of something wonderful. But there is no pearl inside, the shell is made of plastic, and it shines because someone sprinkled it with a ton of marketing glitter. Btw - are you from Poland?
@lordtea7688 Месяц назад
Yes i am, sir.
@NarsMcain Месяц назад
Would you ever consider doing Morrowind? It's the last time the series really gave a damn about having good world building with gameplay to support it
@ivancar555 Месяц назад
I was going to say this, Morrowind is definitely the best of the elder scrolls games with lore to match.
@lordtea7688 Месяц назад
I might, altho it would not really be a rant-style since for the most part the story and lore in morrowind is really solid.
@zoxivi Месяц назад
really digging the longer-form content, great video!
@p3sV1 Месяц назад
my favorite genre of games is probably rpg though ironically enough i’m not really rping in them :D my first play through i’m always a well spoken kind person who is kinda the friend to everyone just to get as much lore from the game as possible in case i won’t ever pick it up again. i think the only time i actually tried something new, was some silent assassin in Fallout 3. now i’m trying to play Morrowind again after two unsuccessful tries and… i’m a well-spoken pilgrim though i steal much more this time and don’t care about morals as much HAHAH. it’s kinda nice to remind myself that those are just games and not the real life and i don’t need to try to appeal to characters who are just pieces of code :D
@d007ization Месяц назад
I wonder if some slight tweaks could improve the lore a little. I know that we couldn't get even superficially non-linear storytelling because they blew all their budget on making the game look pretty but ... the greybeards coulda been heard before Alduin appears in Helgen, have everyone wonder what it could mean or the Talmor trying to shut those superstitious Nords up. Then we could have the dragons only try to kill the player because Alduin recognizes what a threat you are. The first dragon that appears doesn't appear at a random tower but searches for you specifically, tracking your location and the same is then true for the other instances they find you. Giants killing dragons could fit into the lore too, since they're so hellbent on their own design that they ignore other threats lurking in Skyrim. And Alduin is shackled when you fight him in the Throat but he uses his immortality to fricking tear off a limb and scuttle away. In Sovengard, he tries to sneakily eat souls but he eventually loses patience and attacks you again in frustration. idk
@tastethecock5203 Месяц назад
Well at least Emil kept it simple stupid
@armoredmike8740 Месяц назад
In 21 century Delphine would be so smart that her password would be password :D When me and my dad played Skyrim or Oblivion we usually stopped doing the main quest after we go to open world to lvl up then come back and bitch slap anyone in our path. And in Skyrim well we never went to Delphine the rest of the world was way too interesting and even when we came back like 2 years in game life everything stopped at 2min pass the 1st dragoon. What a storytelling experience :D
@lordtea7688 Месяц назад
Funny that if you won't do the tower quest dragons will never appear in skyrim again after Helgen
@armoredmike8740 Месяц назад
@@lordtea7688 Tried that actually my dad did that once then he realised he needs dragonbone to complete his armour collection :D
@valipunctro Месяц назад
😂 yeah
@lordtea7688 Месяц назад
Also, remember to comment how Skyrim is a story about dragons and magic and therefore nothing needs to make sense.
@Marinanor Месяц назад
I don't know if Skyrim's lore is bad per se, so much as it's story is terrible.
@JackSpackProductions Месяц назад
Me tryna roleplay an original character and then just playing a cowboy for the 200th time.
@averageeughenjoyer6429 Месяц назад
Definetly using this for dragons
@jacoporegini8841 2 месяца назад
Truly excellent advice and in-depth analysis. Keep it up ;)
@Manjikoa 2 месяца назад
I think they're trying to convey how often Poe has been through this, and that he's "tuff". People react to server loss or stress in weird ways. Once knew a guy who, when he was tortured, used to have uncontrollable fits of laughter. Weirdest reaction to physical pain ever.
@sheridan5175 2 месяца назад
Cooleo. So why lash out emotionally and get himself captured? The scene contradicts itself so that kylo ren can do a cool force move and they can set up poe meeting finn.
@armoredmike8740 2 месяца назад
As someone who went trough personal tragedy and loses well I would say his reactions don't make any sense. Absolute devotion to revenge his friends death no matter the cost or dedicating to the mission and trying to run away in an epic starfighter chase would be more preferable. Example lets make the scene epic for like> he goes to his x wing after taking some TIEs showing his skills as an ace pilot. Then he tries to surprise strike Kylo only for this one to use the force to crash land his x wing and get captured. Injured he is captured etc etc.
@lordtea7688 2 месяца назад
Of course there is a possibility of someone acting like this... But first you establish that - or - if this is suppose to establish that he is mentally insane, keep that in the show and let him be a insane sociopath. And let's not even get into how many more problem that creates.
@ParkerMcgraw 2 месяца назад
My current playthrough I'm playing as Angel Eyes from the good the bad and the ugly. Pistols, intimidation, will take jobs from all sides as long as the caps are good and no matter what, if I take a job I always see it through. But I also had a lot of ideas of what I wanted to do. Go here with this companion, go there with this other one. But after buying out Cass for the Crimson Caravan I saw a kindred spirit so all my plans have gone out the window and I'm ride or die with Cass. This time around when Cass said she wanted revenge I didn't talk her out of it. Bye Crimson Caravan, bye Van Graffs. and Cass will be there with me when we finally take out that mother fucker who shot me in the head.
@armoredmike8740 2 месяца назад
Usually of what I seen in the media the creators script writers etc are so full of themselves when the do a fuck up they don't tend to admit their faults and just double down. Truth to be told I seen also smaller writers tend to sometimes do the same ego trip and make fools of themselves.
@bigfatwarlord1846 2 месяца назад
Currently on my second character using an unarmed build named kaz, inspired by both kazuma kiryu and kazuhira miller from mgs. He looks like kiryu but wears the first recon beret and sunglasses. His stats are: (No implants yet) Strength 8 Perception 7 Endurance 7 Charisma 1 Intelligence 1 Agility 7 Luck 9 His backstory is that when he was younger, he found tapes of Rocky Marciano. So he decided to take up fist fighting and he got good at it. Eventually participating in bareknuckle fights for caps. Eventually he wanted to traverse the wasteland more so he became a courier. While he isn’t the smartest, he makes up for it with his brute strength and his kind heart.