Armoured Skeptic
Armoured Skeptic
Armoured Skeptic
It's all true - all of it.
Operation Mockingbird - The Media is Evil
3 месяца назад
Travis Walton Abduction - Was it a Hoax?
4 месяца назад
Crop Circle Riddle SOLVED - History is a Lie
4 месяца назад
Was the Moon Landing Fake? - History is a Lie
5 месяцев назад
Harvesting Lies: Exposing the Dark Side of Food
5 месяцев назад
Falcon Lake Incident - UFO or Russian Spy?
6 месяцев назад
Polybius - Did This Game Exist?
7 месяцев назад
Our Empire is Falling - The Future is a Lie
7 месяцев назад
MK Ultra Mind Control - History is a Lie
8 месяцев назад
Admiral Holdo - Star Wars Ruined On-Purpose
9 месяцев назад
Hollywood is EVIL - Everything is a Lie
10 месяцев назад
The Fallacy of Corporate Role-Models
11 месяцев назад
@grahamfahlman Час назад
Have not watched in awhile and man you lost weight. Not saying your sick, however you look like how I did before the doctor found out I had blood cancer.
@gardenlifelove9815 4 часа назад
I will not be surprised when all the truth comes out that our governemnt has been gaslighting the world for decades.
@gardenlifelove9815 4 часа назад
Police and law enforcment around the nation have been working together in a coordinated effort to traffic kids and people
@palkys. 4 часа назад
Rabbit holes like this one go so, so deep, and this guy is wasting time talking about cops, paranormal and murder mysteries. Heard of the serial kidnaping in these national parks? Heard of America being a land of orphans? A lot of research to do and share.
@mtgAzim 4 часа назад
Man, that's so disappointing to hear that david is a thin skinned bully at best. I'll just never understand that about some people. The Missing Enigma guy seems really nice though, I watch some of his video's and I always appreciate how he's not predatory in regards to the subject matter. He's not scummy or sensationalistic, nor does he ham it up and seem disingenuous. I hope he's not a secret a$$hole.
@nicktease0687 8 часов назад
Damn, I used to really like this channel. What I've seen in the past year though is disappointing as fuck. Especially this video, it's very clear that you have no idea what you're talking about and have barely done surface-level research. For example, if you had done real research you would know that Dave knows a very very lot about losing someone considering his own son committed suicide almost 2 years ago. That's the only point that I'm going to use to review this video because every single point you make needs restated properly. You did a shit job on your research which clearly made you give a shit assessment. That's so disappointing.
@frances1974 9 часов назад
Iv been watching this for years now .. their is to many credibility people now that are coming forward .. and is now being talked about in the us congress the first of its kind ever .. we are having serious conversations in congress about this how much clearer can it get ... yes there talking about ufo and aliens in congress which we all got to see .. but apart from that iv been a believer for many years just by doing my own research and following the ones that are telling the truth .
@malachigamingandtalk9970 9 часов назад
He would lose that lawsuit considering everything you did is fair use. 2 im a fan of the 411 formula. The documentaries i see on hulu where great and presenteted as serious crime mystery shows without the hooey. The formula could help investegators build a pattern for finding missing people. The However finding out on paulidies legitamely believes some of the disapearences where alien abductions is funny but still twisted how hes spun 411
@RoarOfWolverine 10 часов назад
Occam’s Razor forces you to summarize that if you hear hoofprints and you’re in the US or Canada, think horses, not zebras. I’ve always had suspicions about David. You have to wonder at a point whether he presents the details in a way to make it seem more mysterious than it really is. Why? Because it sells more books if the story seems more mysterious, out of the ordinary, or paranormal. It didn’t take long to realize that David himself is a believer in the supernatural. He tries to hide that fact in his books by not presenting any explanation or even theory as to what happened. I read many things about David that prove that he does believe that paranormal things are at the bottom of this well, but many of the actually stories have more mundane answers suggested, but that doesn’t sell books. Based on the treatment you have received from David or his handlers would certainly suggest to me that he is all about copyrights, control and money. He sounds like sort of a prick actually. There is no way that any money you may have made based on use of his cover art could outweigh the amount of book sales he gets from such exposure. Everyone has the rights to protect their IP, but this seems a bit extreme. Or he has an axe to grind and with you being a skeptic, like myself, I can imagine he has a lot of issues with your videos. Unless you’re going to strap on a tin foil hat and go full on Stanton Friedman, you’re probably no friend to David. He wants to keep his readers ignorant and buying every Bigfoot dimension traveler stories as he can pitch. I think that behind the professional lawman image he portrays in his Missing 411 books, he’s really a bit batshit crazy behind the scenes and so are many of his followers and he’d like to keep them that way. You ask too many serious questions and don’t just grasp at the craziest paranormal suggestion at every missing person. Like me, you’re looking for the truth, not what you want to believe and those are the kind of people that scare David. Statistically speaking, the number of missing persons in National Parks are in line with those missing people in cities and rural areas. The numbers aren’t as shockingly high as David wants people to believe. He presents his evidence through the lens of the paranormal by making them more mysterious than they really are.
@mead813 11 часов назад
There're werewolves out there. Get strong, keep your head on a swivel.
@mead813 11 часов назад
Metaphorical werewolves
@LordCamelNut 12 часов назад
Bro you do not look healthy. Are you ok?
@monicagulotta5846 12 часов назад
Great video!
@tia_alexandria 12 часов назад
Sometimes i think youre trying to get yourself killed
@LiberPater777 12 часов назад
Using Idubz content cop music for this given the context is pretty darned funny, ngl
@JunoG197 13 часов назад
@dylanfarnham5164 15 часов назад
Another great one Skeptic! I thought you were starting to look different but it was really noticeable when you included clips of older videos. Just hope you're doing well and that you're taking care of yourself while diving into these recent videos.
@kalajel 15 часов назад
Who's old enough to remember that it used to be RU-vid: Broadcast yourself?
@placidocontreras7766 17 часов назад
Let's goooo
@DHead5150 23 часа назад
You're a rockstar kid👌💨
@taustinjacobs 23 часа назад
Skepy back in action!
@amperemam5713 День назад
My question would be why would RU-vid take down the original 1993 video of him explaining his experience🧐
@feuryie День назад
I gotta agree with you here. a lot of it is likely murders or simple accidents, predation or more... when they're old people some sickness could have hit them while in the woods. a heart attack, seizure, a point of dementia making them get lost. and the woods are big enough that is they move off path for a moment they can easily be lost without people finding them. like even if the predator creature that has been showing up in cryptid files exist. what are the chances it is responsible for these disappearances? not very likely as there hasn't even been a record of one attacking someone. 'feeling' it is dangerous doesn't mean it is. frilled lizards do the same thing. and even if 'bigfoot' or werewolves exist, the chance a lot of these are related to them isn't as likely as natural more 'normal' causes. murder or simple accidents or just natural predation. there's several options here that aren't 'mystery anomolies' and can still be the cops and rangers can't find them.
@theredgoblin562 День назад
Every species is created through inbreeding while diverging evolutionarily. Thats why its an instinctive practice among tribes and royalty
@theredgoblin562 День назад
We are cursed mis shapen versions of our former selves. We also sit in daipers when we retire
@YM-qb6gh День назад
Yes! A Missing 411 video was what made me subscribe to you in the first place! I remember you are the reason I started to think these stories are supernatural ONLY if you believe the witnesses. But people lie.
@theredgoblin562 День назад
What abour mass ufo sightings you should make a video on that
@omegablackzero7951 День назад
I figured David P was a POS. First, he was a cop prior. Second, he is capitalizing on missing and dead persons. Third, he cherry picked data consistently. Definitely not surprised that he threatened to sue you. Guy is a wolf in sheep's clothing and I wouldn't be surprised it was all red herring.
@noelleliquori6633 День назад
I agree with you on all of this! Human trafficking is truly one of the more depraved and devastating methods of profiteering for our 'underworld' conglomerates..and it's so much bigger than the cops are in on it....the ones that aren't answer to those that are...and so on..up the chain it goes...to the tippy top...then to the top that tops the top we know of...n tops them...and those "top" guys wanna stay the richest in the world... so those on the bottom--cop, victim, reverend, or rabbi - are NOT gonna stifle their cash flow! Nmw! All roads lead to .....
@MillywiggZ День назад
Long time no see. Did the head-shrinking surgery go well? Looks like it.
@scottishadonis День назад
David Pauline’s wasn’t a detective, he was the equivalent of a court clerk. He was going to be charged with fraud because he was using his police departments headed paper to ask celebrities for autographs for something he and his dept were doing for charity (theirs lots of newspapers that documented this at the time). He left rather than be fired, that was the deal he was offered and would therefore lose any claim to a pension etc as one source cited. He’s a fraud. I’m not going to do anyone’s homework (I usually do include links and sources for this sort of thing). But I’m not here to you do homework for anyone here and anyone can easily 😂find all of this online and in the newspapers that covered the San Jose area circa 1996. He was caught when he sent a letter to Lionel Ritchie on the police dept headed paper requesting the autograph and Mr Ritchies team reached out to his department to see if there was anything more they could do? Unfortunately for Paulides his dept head or anyone else in the dept knew anything about it. He was facing fraud as a as misdemeanour offence after it came out he had done this before for his own profit, so he left rather than be fired. Peace ✌️.
@M4cTr1cK День назад
I would love a video on Terrence Howard. 1*1=2 is just a core misunderstanding of how multiplying works, but some of his other thoughts are pretty interesting to say the least. Former actor, so he could just take some hidden truth and sprinkle it with lies, to discredit the whole thing.
@emallik2569 День назад
the key to Atlantis is the firestone, they had it, if atlantis is real so is the firestone, find out what it is how to make it and what it does, answers a lot of questions,, the firestone can make rock like dough can bloody do anything,,,
@UsernameInvalid48 День назад
Yet another grifter. Albeit some strange occurences are outlined by him.
@larrygraham4875 День назад
I wanna believe its just greed bc of tourism in regards to not keeping a database on missing persons. Howeva it seems more sinister than just that. At least to me
@larrygraham4875 День назад
Also with all the satilites they could easly find some of these people.
@curiousercuriouser9888 День назад
Gotta say it is good to see you on your game and not taking any smack from anyone. I know you probably hear this a lot but I really miss the apocalypse videos. But I still like what you are doing. Good to see you Bro
@blacknapalm2131 День назад
*The Missing Enigma* rocks.
@jasonhamill6599 День назад
So, the blatant gun to the head hand gestures just after discussing the poster and the final statement have nothing to do with each other, because for it to be more than coincidence defy's Occum's Razor?
@GeorgeCoghill День назад
It makes a lot of sense that these depictions of “space suits” are actually diving suits of some sort, especially with all the “fish man” imagery in these cultures. Compared to old modern diving suits, they have a lot in common visually.
@weisswurstfruhstuck8523 День назад
Well there’s one big issue with your theory. The crop circle are old and explained in books over 200 years ago.
@TechnomancerTheWise День назад
There’s my skeptic
@logicallime172 День назад
Before anyone gets mad about what he said about suicide I come form a family with a mom who committed suicide and I fully agree w the possibility of what he’s saying
@razorkid1525 День назад
The most curious thing about the 411 cases: If you put all of them in a spreadsheet, and add a column for the LUNAR PHASE of the date on each case, a whole new rabbit hole emerges.
@chakalblond9332 День назад
Exactly.. hwhat ufo are manmade to kidnapp children for organ trafficking and sex slave etc sacrifice to moloch .. its all real ..
@razorkid1525 День назад
Every couple videos I forget about you... Then BAM!, a video shows up recommended with whatever question I happen to research about. Then the catching up brings more questions 😂
@animelover4868 День назад
It's painfully obvious you are right. I've been talking to people on an individual in person level for years. They like to talk super natural but i start talking about corruption and they call me crazy. Ironic isn't it. This is why it's know as the wall of shame at the entrance to every walmart. You know what I'm talking about. People know the truth but most will never admit it. I hope god is real. I want to see everyone in hell, even if I'm there too.
@DFSLJC День назад
There’s a reason you stopped doing atheist videos. Because God wanted you to.
@haggiswarrior День назад
I like this. This feels important, Greg.
@kalajel День назад
Oh, this hips issue of german shepherds might explain what happened to my dog. He was a mixed breed, but his mom was already a mix of golden retriever and german shepherd.
@danielsaccount5894 День назад
I needed a rest, glad to be back to this channel after it being forgotten by me because of all the recommendations