Mac's Lore
Mac's Lore
Mac's Lore
I'm Maccrage, and this is my channel where I talk into a mic about various obscure (And sometimes not obscure) lore that I either grew up with, or found when I got older and thought was interesting enough to make a video about.

Kongou as the StarCraft 1 Battlecruiser Avatar Image by @allicebiyon(Twitter)
Babylon 5 - The Secession of Babylon 5
Месяц назад
The Next Video pt. IV
2 месяца назад
Heavy Gear  - St. Vincent's War
2 месяца назад
Starsiege Tribes - Diamond Sword
3 месяца назад
Starsiege Tribes - The Blood Eagle
6 месяцев назад
Homeworld - The Homeworld War pt.3: The Empire
6 месяцев назад
The Next video pt. III
7 месяцев назад
Starsiege: 2845 -  The Years Between (Narrated)
7 месяцев назад
Wing Commander  -  The Concordia
7 месяцев назад
The Next Video pt.II
8 месяцев назад
Babylon 5 - The Earth Minbari War
10 месяцев назад
Wing Commander - End Run
Год назад
Starsiege WIP- Dies Irae Scene
2 года назад
Homeworld Cataclysm - The Kuun-Lan
2 года назад
@Phil-D83 13 часов назад
Shadow tech would have helped during the earth-mimbari war
@iancowan3527 2 дня назад
I still remember my 3rd time through... But Salvaging most everything possible... Final battle I had 3 to 1 advantage - with all capital ships gained allowing replacement Savage Corvettes the only crafts possible to construct...
@blankspace178 3 дня назад
Do they not understand what "alien" means??? Everyone in the Homeworld series is HUMAN!! So obviously, their ancestors share a singular planet of origin, and it isn't any of the ones we see.
@Lechnology 3 дня назад
Wait, I didn't have fly strikecrafts over the graveyard to avoid the junk dog? Well I'll be damned
@viperswhip 4 дня назад
Chapter 2, we have protected the Garden for 325 or so years, now you die. How stupid lol
@viperswhip 4 дня назад
You can recover all of the cryo trays
@mike5d1 4 дня назад
Did the narrator get his job because he sounds like Michael O'Hare?
@kudukilla 7 дней назад
Remember to follow the chain of command.
@cillianennis9921 9 дней назад
The war I'd say is mainly Londo's fault. He never warned them about the odd Minbari custom of opening the gun ports as a sign of peace & he gave them what they wanted. Then Again the Minbari war is vital for the best outcome of the Shadow war. The Minbari needed to learn Human had their soul in them & by this they would lean to become the group who'd lead the 2nd shadow war.
@chaddyboy3901 10 дней назад
Song at 44:05?
@bobbishop9339 12 дней назад
Sounds like the CCP today. Learn from the past or it will repeat it self. And on we go.....
@BrobjeV 12 дней назад
Featuring Kun Lan from Killer7 game!
@Tiredjungle13 12 дней назад
Babylon 5 was one of the only scyfy show that brought science and spirituality toogether. The idea of in the future magic, souls, telepathy, spiritual evolution, ascension and all these things no longer beeing seen as supernatural, but things that can be explained and even messaured was fascinating. In a way the entire show was both about letting go religion, finding new ways, but also keeping the wisdom and lessons, this show was extremly deep. It came out long before my birth but is still relevant today, the themes messages and lessons still matter. I would say some episodes have been more trippy and deep then I thought a show could be. The characters had all been so complex so divers so well written. There was no simple victory. Everything was so much more complicated. In a way Babylon 5 could have been the most inspiring and philosophical and important scyfy show ever made, if it only had more fans. It is way to underated. It worked very well with the ancient aliens trope, way better then stargate in my opinion. The old races are kept mysterious, not realy defeated, they are not evil or good more teachers. Everyone a child of the unknown, even they do not know there they will go, just trying to teach the younger brothers and sisters. The show had very proggresive ideas of course the idea of not a clear utopia or dystopia, instead a very colourfull and deep world building. The fact that we slowly get to put all pieces toogether. This is one of the most realistic scyfy shows ever made. The whole idea that Delenn was kinda a massmurderer and a genocidal maniac out for vengeance and we still loved her and she was still a very positive character, that kind of complex writing is rare.
@DarrahAZ 13 дней назад
nice work!!
@kcav1255 13 дней назад
This isn’t lore it’s just a summary of what happened in the game.
@StompDeni42 13 дней назад
I really enjoyed both parts of this video. Thank you so much for creating them!
@thecraziestofalldave 14 дней назад
we have it's too common here I will fight.
@thecraziestofalldave 14 дней назад
clarke is 23rd century hitler
@thecraziestofalldave 14 дней назад
your visuals are inferior.
@thecraziestofalldave 14 дней назад
Come get me, I won't go alone.
@thecraziestofalldave 14 дней назад
Sometimes, men of ethics must draw a line in the sand or on the deck and Say NO MORE.
@katarn999 14 дней назад
Nice! 😎
@KingOfMadCows 15 дней назад
I still don't understand why the Minbari didn't accept earth's surrender or make any demands of earth. That would have at least placated the warrior caste and might have prevented the Minbari civil war. It would have also put the Minbari in a better position to watch earth and maybe prevent the Shadow's infiltration of earth's government.
@APOKOLYPES 15 дней назад
homeworld was an awesome game
@xtrafunk 15 дней назад
how did this masterpiece come out of 90s network television? I still can't wrap my head around it.
@kinggroguswrojas8530 15 дней назад
Me like this yah I ask papa to support hope dat help ^_^
@robdead4550 16 дней назад
I've watched this story from beginning to end at least 5 times. You gave a fantastic overview of this. I can only conclude that you love this as much as I do. Have a sub and my gratitude Sir.
@JamesEDonaldson 16 дней назад
"It'd take too long to list all the events" [Lists all the events]
@garyfrazier5414 17 дней назад
That poster of Clark as some sort of he-man superman reminds me of the MAGAt cult.