SFS York
SFS York
SFS York
This is the official RU-vid channel of Students in Support of Free Speech at York University (SSFS YU).

We are a non-partisan free speech club based out of York University in Toronto, Canada.
@Pax-Africana 23 часа назад
The Gospels of Jesus according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John might be myth, but the Gospel of the Jewish Messiah(Christ) according to Saint Paul is not a myth...
@oldchannel_MoM 3 дня назад
I rather listen to Dr. Carrier for hours 10 times over than a single sentence from jordan peterson
@tonyfrederickson6692 4 дня назад
Richard Carrier I owe you my thanks, my faith in Christ is stronger and His word is truth. Thank you.
@Elementoftruth 4 дня назад
So in other words, you don't care anything about truth, authenticity and accuracy - basically you're admitting you're an untrustworthy person
@twilightbin 13 дней назад
There's no sound track but this presentation was pretty funny to me. Jesus hates figs. Jesus had a bf.
@JamesRichardWiley 16 дней назад
If it's myth then it never happened. I'm fine with that.
@conradbulos6164 Месяц назад
Uh, Dr. Carrier,you may be carrying your interpretation of Jesus having a boyfriend a little too far or dismissivelty instead of looking at the young man as a pet or underling because of his youth as one would treat a younger brother. You seem to be treating Jesus as a Roman where the Romans ordinarily engage young boys as sex objects. Just beginning to wonder why you have so much undisguised contempt for Jesus. Is this your natural tendency and general attitude to judge events in Jesus's life negatively
@conradbulos6164 Месяц назад
Cont.....scornfully?....derisively? Are you inwardly and unconsciously envious of the popularity of Jesus whom you seem to treat as nothing more than a fake or mythic figure?
@UrMomsFavSnack 10 дней назад
The one interpretation I recently heard was that the young man was the Mark, the author of Mark. LMAO.🤣
@zbmrzbmr7615 Месяц назад
I don't know if you know but you actually support Atwells book. Especially that fig tree. He could be wrong about about the Titus connection but to me from my own studies of Romans and Jesuit scholars you never know. Blood oaths
@antonius_006 Месяц назад
Carl Jung tryed to understand and explain christianism, and in the end, he said it is impossible, which means, christianism is a mess.
@TheMouse254 Месяц назад
46:07 The Lazarus story is crazy. Had always thought there were two stories on a Lazarus...now it makes sense why.
@bestself2438 Месяц назад
First conman + first fool = first religion
@tookie36 Месяц назад
Carrier is the seed that falls on rocky soil
@tookie36 Месяц назад
16:30 but why would you ignore the other miracles/healings and just say it’s 10 and therefore 10 commandments? Mark is up to something obviously but that doesn’t seem it
@TheCiphernet Месяц назад
The gospels and the Bible and most religious writings for that matter, in general make theological and teaching points. Not necessarily factual, verifiable points. The whole point of religion or God cannot be proven. You have faith or you don't. Just don't go to crazy in your beliefs.
@SleepyPenguin-8og 2 месяца назад
When they remove they remove thc mdma lsd u knkw its over
@user-et8so2tx1l 2 месяца назад
To much "aleatory miracles in flesh" in here...Well, the most scientific question, please: What is the probability for a not intelligent design of the entire macro and micro cosmos we experience and can describe? And then told me if that probability deserves to be scientifically defended. Be intellectually honest, farewell
@afwalker1921 2 месяца назад
As for Jesus being a Nazarite, or from Nazareth, I once had a Freemason friend direct me to the Arabic word al-Nazr, which was explained to me as "the dedicated". I have heard elsewhere that this same term is the origin of Nazi...
@afwalker1921 2 месяца назад
At 39:17, "the structure looks like it would have to be literarily constructed." I am a screenwriter. I would need a storyboard, papers everywhere!
@afwalker1921 2 месяца назад
Much of the Jesus story seems to have been written for an audience, a culture, whose numerological understanding of things is no longer available to us. At this point I would invoke the mystery of the "Mark of the Beast". Let's move on!
@afwalker1921 2 месяца назад
At 14:20, were the Second Temple to be overtaken and the moneychangers cast out, an effort such as that seen in the Grand Mosque of Mecca in 1979 would have been required. Strangely, there is no comment on this massive operation by the rebels to be found in contemporary Roman sources. I believe the story to be wishful thinking...
@rocknbury 2 месяца назад
I walked with god 15 years i can tell you that he is a liar did not protect me and no weapon formed is a lie he is not able to protect you deny hin
@jonahtisamphd.6101 2 месяца назад
Good guys! Keep preaching the good news for freedom. The far Leftists in the West have no clue what ISLAM is! Islamism is a terrible fascist political ideology camouflaged in religion. It is dangerous to humanity and must be exposed and dealt with.
@SleepyPenguin-8og 2 месяца назад
When a woman aborts your kid and donates ÿou a puppy which 5 years later u have to put down, u learn things about life. Experience.
@allanmckone8853 2 месяца назад
A myth is not something that hasn't happened...... it's something that DOES happen.
@andresdeleon7666 2 месяца назад
Your an idiot and your the weird one why do this fuck head
@martinfroelich7193 3 месяца назад
Patrick Gray (2016), Varieties of Religious Invention, chapter 5, Jesus, Paul, and the birth of Christianity, Oxford University Press, p.114: "That Jesus did in fact walk the face of the earth in the first century is no longer seriously doubted even by those who believe that very little about his life or death can be known with any certainty. [Note 4:] Although it remains a fringe phenomenon, familiarity with the Christ myth theory has become much more widespread among the general public with the advent of the Internet." Larry Hurtado (December 2, 2017), Why the "Mythical Jesus" Claim Has No Traction with Scholars: "The "mythical Jesus" view doesn't have any traction among the overwhelming number of scholars working in these fields, whether they be declared Christians, Jewish, atheists, or undeclared as to their personal stance. Advocates of the "mythical Jesus" may dismiss this statement, but it ought to count for something if, after some 250 years of critical investigation of the historical figure of Jesus and of Christian Origins, and the due consideration of "mythical Jesus" claims over the last century or more, this spectrum of scholars have judged them unpersuasive (to put it mildly)." Michael Grant (2004), Jesus: An Historian's Review of the Gospels, p.200: "In recent years, 'no serious scholar has ventured to postulate the non-historicity of Jesus' or at any rate very few, and they have not succeeded in disposing of the much stronger, indeed very abundant, evidence to the contrary."
@AIainMConnachie 3 месяца назад
Look up Myth & Ritual in Christianity, by Alan Watts. He wrote it in the 1950s, and later said he realised it was pointless, because Christian literalism is just too deeply entrenched. The Christian Myth tells a truth symbolically. It connotes something. To take it as history is to go into a restaurant, sit down and eat the menu.
@chrisfrench2346 3 месяца назад
Very difficult to appreciate a speaker that fills his sentences with “uh & um,” constantly (imho).
@andresdeleon7666 3 месяца назад
Your an idiot but u will know who God is when he comes like a their in the night !!! Yea your weird and stupid
@radagastbrown9001 3 месяца назад
Huh? 😂
@grahamblack1961 3 месяца назад
His weird and stupid what?
@BrianK49 3 месяца назад
LOL - like many such RU-vid channels - when your post which challenges these allegations can't be invalidated, it gets deleted - and people (lacking critical thinking skills and/or unwilling to do their own research) actually believe this nonsense. 1-Corinthians 2:14 AMP But the natural (unbelieving) man does not accept the things (the teachings and revelations) of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness (absurd and illogical) to him; and he is incapable of understanding them, because they are spiritually discerned and appreciated, (AND HE IS UNQUALIFIED TO JUDGE SPIRITUAL MATTERS).
@grahamblack1961 3 месяца назад
You haven't been deleted. For your own benefit can I urge not to quote the bible as support for the bible. To people who don't share your faith quoting the bible makes you sound like a crazy street preacher shouting at people passing by.
@maxipaw-dc5xj 3 месяца назад
This is the best video I've watched in a long time😅😅
@formalbug5716 3 месяца назад
I will say with sincerety that I've never met a christian who I would consider to be an intelligent person.
@jamesanonymous2343 3 месяца назад
>>>AH,,,AH,,,AH,,,,AH,,,,AH,,,,AH,,,, ???????
@planje4740 3 месяца назад
- али ви сте американци - вама закључивање је исто као и коњима _ што један коњ може схватити то можете и ви _ дакле Библија као цјелокупна књига //и сад гледаш очима својим //гдје америка британија жидови француска италија шпанија португал холандија шведска норвешка //праве граде раде за 666 и то тачно - значи задња књига Откровење тачно _ али Откровење постојати не може ако није ИСУСА _ што ћете сад рећи ви глуп народ _ - јако би ме занимало које ваше логично објашњење хе хе хе хе - но то се овај пута неће десити зар не _ - а што да ради ислам хиндуизам будизам са својим књигама боговима месијама - док схватиш што раде ови народи да праве 666 - знаш да Библија тачна - Откровење надахнуто ИСУСОМ ХРИСТОМ - што сад - то си ви мислите сами нећу ја _ ето колико је интелигентан сам харис пен телер итд итд итд - сва та ваша канализација шарлатана а не научника или филозофа _ - нема ИСУСА ХРИСТА никада - не постоје четири књиге Библије //нови завјет - не постоји кршћантсво - не постоји пророк Иван да га каже како то смеће америчко толипанцо мало није ти се дало схватити _ та да си коњ а не човјек успио би то мало схватити _ - а све друге књиге и не говоре ништа о овом времену доба циклуси - везе ни једна нема - а тамо тачно описано да ће се правити 666 систем //или већ сви знате на свијету за неку дубока држава NWO олигарзи масони иллуминати сатанисти _ ти си тајлор свифт глупа као и твој народ јој знаш онда не могу - ма марш нећу те ни за једну ноћ - што ћеш ми појавила се драгана мирковић а она србијанка - а оне луде жене ако воле ди ћеш боље од тога //ех сад што поштене нису то их закопа - али што је то је
@formalbug5716 3 месяца назад
Seek assistance for your mental illness.
@AndrossUT 3 месяца назад
No no pretty sure if you spit on the deaf mute and the blind guy out panhandling at the market square they can hear, talk, and see pretty miraculously. They might even play along with your bullshit so they don't get publicly torn into pieces by the crowd and the guards
@adicristian354 3 месяца назад
shame you
@formalbug5716 3 месяца назад
@SergiuCosminViorel 3 месяца назад
not only the gospels are myth. the old testament is myth. selective preaching, promoted? if we diminish christianity, then must diminish judaic even more. we don't want to help build the New Great Izrael Kingdom. do we?
@Orthodoxzee 3 месяца назад
It is absolutely the truth
@formalbug5716 3 месяца назад
But it isn't, and only a stupid person could believe that it is.
@radagastbrown9001 3 месяца назад
@sianoalexander 3 месяца назад
Terrible vid. Same old rhetoric. Come up with something new.
@formalbug5716 3 месяца назад
Okay but the rhetoric works exactly as intended, why change it? It shows how nobody who is honest with themselves could believe biblical nonsense. The other side has no rebuttal to it. So what should change?
@bjvmoore 3 месяца назад
Myth is a deep and rich academic concept. It is far more than 'fiction'. An academic should know and recognise this. Such superficiality indicates poorly researched and nuanced understanding. Texts have different contexts and purposes. The Gospels were not intended to be histories.
@markpong5435 3 месяца назад
The real miracle about the pigs story is where the pigs came from. It has always been a forbiden animal.
@martink5477 3 месяца назад
Jesus was a real figure and son of God. Look up the letters of Pilate and others. This idiot is a useful idiot. Book of revelation is happening is now. The veil is on the eyes of the damned.
@radagastbrown9001 3 месяца назад
It's just fairytales 😂
@PatsyMoreno-zh2ve 3 месяца назад
This guy is an idiot, and hell will burn hotter due to the people he lies to.
@maxipaw-dc5xj 3 месяца назад
You've been brainwashed and don't even know it
@radagastbrown9001 3 месяца назад
The Bible is just fairytales 😂
@HeavenarenaTV 3 месяца назад
I believe God is All, you, me, everyone and everything. Meant to be understood, never to be worshipped. Even science proves that energy and matter can neither be created nor destroyed, if everyone is matter and energy, so technically nobody was born or died. God is the eternal energy that became ALL.
@pausuansian1863 4 месяца назад
@ACafe-qj5eq 4 месяца назад
I believe so that the gospels in the reconstructed bible are myth because they were not eyewitness accounts. They were based only on hearsays of Mark, Luke, Mathew and John.
@MB777-qr2xv 4 месяца назад
If you don't believe "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth..." then do you believe in the Big Bang? This THEORY says that 13.7 billion years ago nothing existed. No matter, no energy, no space, and no time. Suddenly one tiny little speck came into existence. This little speck is called the singularity, because it was the SINGLE thing that existed. Suddenly it explodes (the big bang) and this expanding cloud of gas eventually results in this universe: with at least two TRILLION galaxies, countless stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets etc. So you believe nothing created everything (an impossibility) and mock the Christian who believes God created everything.
@CCP-Lies 4 месяца назад
When you study about science in answers in Genesis
@DexterDexter123 4 месяца назад
what happened to the app? 55:36
@1thunderlight 4 месяца назад
Very interesting, thank you.
@worrierqueen5695 4 месяца назад
An omniscient omnipotent God (as is claimed in the Bible) is impossible, a logical absurdity. If you are omniscient, not only do you know everything that might happen in future, you know everything that will happen in future. And if you know everything that will happen in future, then far from being omnipotent, you are in fact impotent (small translation slip-up no doubt) to change anything at all without proving you were not omniscient in the first place (if you know something is going to happen and change it then you are admitting you didn't know it wasn't going to happen, and if you did know it wasn't going to happen you haven't changed anything at all). Unlike modern fundamentalists, the Greeks and Romans knew a thing or two about grade 5 logic and gave these two powers to two gods, omniscience to Apollo and omnipotence to Zeus. Which is where the early Christian grifters saw a golden opportunity to tell your average Roman polytheist "Hey why are you giving tribute to 29 Gods? Give half what you give to all of them to me and my God will give you all the protection you need with a set of steak knives thrown in for free!". For those who find this a difficult subject, did you ever consider that your God gave you your brain for a reason and not using it might be the deal breaker for you getting into heaven? For those who don't, what is it about organised religions that allows these obvious frauds and grifts to gaslight so many billions for so long?
@Maranatha2216 4 месяца назад
Attempting to grasp the nature of God, which transcends the bounds of creation, resembles the challenge of understanding concepts like the Trinity, omnipotence, omniscience, and eternity. Consequently, one might find themselves saying, "It makes no sense," as these ideas surpass our human capacity for comprehension. Just as we accept phenomena like quantum entanglement within the constraints of our universe such as the speed of light, we must acknowledge the limitations of our understanding when it comes to the divine.
@SolarNeonFlare 4 месяца назад
Great video in regards to putting aside the literal view of these books, they re not literal. Now a lot of things make no sense even ifu take them unliterally that's where astrotheology comes in. The story of jesus is the allegory story of the sun moving through the zodiac signs annually. It s all about the planets/ lights in the sky and the sun moving around. It is why christians repeat annually the same events in paralel with the sun s motion. They await the end times which is missunderstood since they take it all literally, it s the end of the age of Pisces, we re currently in transit intothe age of Aquarius.