Kyle Fischl
Kyle Fischl
Kyle Fischl
@garymola1445 4 дня назад
Enjoyed the video Kyle. I was sitting on your right today at Hard Rock Tampa. Too bad someone complained about you filming. Some people just don’t get it. Good luck man.
@kylefischl6841 4 дня назад
@@garymola1445 Yeah less than optimal getting shut down, but it is part of the vlogging journey It was nice to meet. This video will be out in 2 weeks or so if interested
@keithb4077 4 дня назад
The Homelander edit slayed me, Kyle. Your edits are often perfect and hilarious.
@arieisrael3146 5 дней назад
Trip queens you have to bet there man, your rationale that they either whiff or smash the flop is off. You are getting two streets from any pair plus gutter on flop + turn, but some of those hands like KT/JT aren’t paying a river bet. That’s one reason it’s a good flop bet. Also why u say that diamond draws aren’t going anywhere as if that’s a reason to check flop? u want diamond draws to call you, you’re crushing a diamond draw, like 75-25 favorite!
@arieisrael3146 5 дней назад
Never mind all the Ax that will call multiple streets. And you want to collect your bets from those hands before the board gets scary. Get value early when the board is liable to get scary and freeze the action!
@Shoot1ngStar 5 дней назад
You show your hands way too much when you don't need to. I'm sure that you're aware of this. Friendly or not you're there to take each other's money and giving your opponents free info is never a good thing especially when you're still playing.
@joeyp3094 4 дня назад
Never really agreed with this. I could play QQ, 1010, KQ, 8s7s the same so if I show you KQ it really tells you nothing.
@Shoot1ngStar 4 дня назад
@@joeyp3094 ok, but why not let your opponents pay to figure that out? Let their curiosity be their mistake.
@joeyp3094 4 дня назад
@@Shoot1ngStar because I don't want them to pay when I do the same thing later with trash?
@philrpg8856 5 дней назад
11:23 folding open ended to such a small bet is dog shit also your value bets are too low , 2/3 pot or even full pot size bets would get through on the river lmao
@acff65 5 дней назад
Love the walk on clip of Sofia! Good session, nice results. We appreciate the thorough analysis. See YOU on the next one!
@tianjieyang1180 5 дней назад
Great video! Very solid play!
@scotttavernier720 5 дней назад
The movie clips are funny
@s805m8 5 дней назад
Why not raise river with AA on the T8344 board?
@FierceGamer305 5 дней назад
what bluffs do u have on T8344 rainbow
@FierceGamer305 5 дней назад
only better is calling
@arieisrael3146 5 дней назад
@@FierceGamer305u don’t lose to many hands. U play in tough games if ppl are folding Tx to a min-raise.
@arieisrael3146 5 дней назад
@@FierceGamer305his opponent isn’t thinking about hero’s range, he’s looking at his cards
@nathanheadrick7284 5 дней назад
I agree, I would raise the river. Hero was confident he had the best hand. I've seen all kinds of calls playin 1/3. Also, hero doesn't have to show when opponent fold.
@derekstark8447 5 дней назад
I disagree completely on checking trip Q flop. You lose to one hand and tons of hands can call bets.
@dougjones2065 5 дней назад
Nooo, bet the Queens in the flop every time
@jvjoe4376 5 дней назад
Nice shirt...! Yeah, I watch the end..You got me ..
@jeffarbuckle4615 5 дней назад
Didn’t know he was like that with Sofia. ❤😂
@digitaldavid5633 5 дней назад
So true about only wanting to bet pot or check. Most NLHE players have no clue when it comes to PLO strategy
@chrism7936 7 дней назад
I have to keep saying…STACK SIZE GRAPHICS
@Sawyer0713Jerry0713 9 дней назад
amazing play! win every hand, must be a world record! Greatest poker player that ever lived!
@rikusdutoit 9 дней назад
😂😂i loved the Jacob Zuma at the end!
@keysersose7431 10 дней назад
He bets 86? Maybe he had 86?😂
@mjregier 12 дней назад
You should find your way to KC sometime to play cards. I realize $800 is usually deep for 1/3, but in KC we have 2 poker rooms and it's match the stack. It's not uncommon to have $15,000 on the table in a 1/3 game. I never buy in for less than $600. It's wild out here! lol
@jackbenimble7301 12 дней назад
kyle you da man bruh hope youre doing well got my like and sub w da dub
@johnfish4543 12 дней назад
Nice to see you back in the winning zone again.
@Jolly-Green-Steve 12 дней назад
I used to be a mostly post-flop player always defending against worse case scenarios but now I'm a mostly pre-flop player always trying to take advantage of the slight to moderate edges. It probably also has to do with that I mostly play tournaments now instead of cash games but it can be a profitable line in cash games as well if done in a controlled and decisive manner.
@elmreks 12 дней назад
86 makes a straight in that hand - love to do that whether I have it or not ;)
@kfullmer89 12 дней назад
Oh man that last hand I was rooting for a bet size more like $300 or so. If he has air he’s not calling anything, but if he has a middling pocket pair that puts you on missed clubs he might try to keep you honest. Next time!
@derekstark8447 12 дней назад
Why the 3 wasted min of analysis on the AK hand early on? You had AK there was dead money and the short stack when in.
@Mauricio-kf8qx 12 дней назад
J9 hand was a mistake imo. If you keep betting the middle of your range you open yourself to get exploited by raises. 10 is a card you should be checking since that connects heavy with his flop calling range, he’s gonna have 10 8 and j 10 so it’s seems like a pretty standard spot to check call (middle pair + gutshot) and evaluate river ( consider bluff catching / bluff raising of bet into)
@apocalypsepromotions7676 12 дней назад
Hello Kyle. And we are here for you.
@joeyp3094 12 дней назад
Loved One Eyed Jacks years ago. Cashing out where the armed guard looked around 15 years old was a highlight.
@user-iq8um6mp4o 12 дней назад
fantastic last hand! Max value
@ianshirreffs5604 12 дней назад
Awesome, Kyle. The last hand was my favorite. Well played.
@ajasala11 12 дней назад
$86 = 8x6x straight ^^
@TheSnapCall 12 дней назад
We appreciate you jumping on our podcast and sharing your poker journey! Keep killin' it! 💪🏼🔥
@ambientexpanse 12 дней назад
Great vlog as always, sir! Also, there used to be a guy named Travis Hall who was posting vlogs here on RU-vid from One Eyed Jack's but all of a sudden stopped posting; does he still play there that you know of? Most of his videos were 2/5 I believe with some 5/10 as well I think. Thanks, Kyle!
@kylefischl6841 12 дней назад
He decided to stop vlogging, have not seen him play in a while either.
@ambientexpanse 12 дней назад
@@kylefischl6841 Alright, thanks for the update! Kinda strange, he seemed like a good dude, positive energy, decent/competent player, etc
@ambientexpanse 12 дней назад
​@@kylefischl6841Also, I noticed you bought in for $800 into the 1/3 game...was that a subconscious decision based off your time playing the 2/5 games at Orange City, lol? I know you remember the max buy in was exactly $800 bucks 😂
@houndearaudio 13 дней назад
Why you folding that set ?? Damn Kyle
@kylefischl6841 12 дней назад
He had AA, was not a doubt in my mind he had AA
@houndearaudio 12 дней назад
@@kylefischl6841 I don’t think I’m good enough to make that fold.
@DM-wj3cd 13 дней назад
Hi Kyle, my son is moving to Gainsville in July, what is the poker room closest to that location? Thanks for your help with your poker content!!!
@kylefischl6841 13 дней назад
@@DM-wj3cd club 52 in Ocala is probably the closest one Best bet Jacksonville is really good as well Kinda in the middle or 2
@DM-wj3cd 13 дней назад
Great, Thanks Kyle
@philrpg8856 13 дней назад
19:40 AK call you just got fucked
@chrisfetner332 18 дней назад
Suggest another game.
@chrisfetner332 18 дней назад
Sorry M I is the ass h.
@chrisfetner332 18 дней назад
M J is an ass h.
@bigjoesally9269 18 дней назад
Nice job bud. Just making comment since it helps you grow!!
@WalkerML 20 дней назад
6:06 is proof you dont fold sets just because A Q 10 is on board, AK gets there cannot put them on a cooler like that, but then a few hands later a lower set coolers you with A 10
@jerrygarcia4390 20 дней назад
😬 folding queens 🫅 🫅
@TheNow_Now 20 дней назад
the 88 hand I think you can make an argument just folding flop. Youre hand is just too weak to continue across multiple streets and even an 8 can be bad for you. I also think its a bad card to bluff with, especially facing a pot size bet. Would probably only be semi bluff raising with like QTs/QJs/KTs blocking effective nuts. especially at low stakes where large bet sizings just objectively mean strength. 88 is just a bit too strong and even 78s has some terrible reverse implied odds vs KQ there. Also, your opponent should be betting KQ there at some frequency especially with backdoor flush draws, drawing to the nuts.
@TheNow_Now 20 дней назад
man the AT call is way worse than the QQ fold. The QQ fold it just is what it is. If you're going to make a set only to fold, why even call preflop. The AT line is just super strong, the limp-call, check-call, check-call, lead river on an A high board is never ever ever ever ever a bluff. Even ever. ATo is like bottom of range there, I would just snap fold all one pair hands.
@charlesfriebis7954 20 дней назад
GTO becomes more effectively when the villain does not play GTO. Playing the best GTO ranges, calls and folds will be most profitable when others are just playing random strategy. GTO when you play against other GTO opponents and that is when you need to find exploits. After saying that, being exploitative and folding a set when it is beat is the best way to minimize losing a major cooler.
@doctorwily13 21 день назад
What's your play for the remainder of the QQ set hand if it's a blank runout instead of A on the turn?
@samvolfson7502 21 день назад
If OMC is such nit that he only raises AA or KK , then why not just fold any hand and not get involved at all? Treat it like a misdeal.
@shawnbrands8192 20 дней назад
Yes. Don't set mine this spot. The price isn't very good.
@cunat10 21 день назад
Lots of misplay here wow. Giving up with 88 on river after re raising on the turn is so bad.
@qlow5956 17 дней назад
It wasn't a reraise, and it wasn't on turn
@colintimp1372 21 день назад
Why would you show the QQ? Do you want the most exploitable player at the table to start playing differently? Also, your raise with the flush is foolish. A player like that is never paying off a raise without a nutted hand.
@shawnbrands8192 20 дней назад
I don't think he is every betting 25 twice with a full house. Maybe raise to the minimum because he looks weak.. like 50.. but I never just call.
@colintimp1372 20 дней назад
@@shawnbrands8192 You need to understand that many (or even most) recreational players, especially OMC's don't bet based on percentages of the pot. They bet dollar amounts that they're comfortable with. I've seen ones that bet $10 flop, $10 turn, $10 river (in 1/2). Or $10/15/20 or 10/20/30 regardless of if the pot is $40 or $400.
@victorfrankenstein50202 21 день назад
Kyle, come on now, you flop a set of Queens, and fold FACE UP on the Ace turn card??? Pretty nitty, even if you were correct. I think maybe if you called the $100+ turn bet, you could have mucked FACE DOWN on a huge river bet. I know you wanted to look like you could read your opponent’s soul, but giving free info of you were incorrect is only valuable to everyone else at the table.
@shawnbrands8192 20 дней назад
Yes. I think the biggest problem is it let's everyone know how serious you are about winning, and possibly make the table a bad one to play at.