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FAQ for the Star Trek Reactions!
Месяц назад
@CarletonLee 37 минут назад
Glad you got the implied background. Back then there were a lot of protests against the war (like today), with superpowers pulling strings from behind. Tyree's wife was from another group (Kahn-ut-tu) of Witch People, with special abilities, wich unfortunately (for most men) included the seductive "Catnip".
@doorofnight87 45 минут назад
There are some interesting ideas, but the ideas that they were dealing with here about the proxy wars going on all over the place at the time between the US and Soviet Union, but it was definitely muddled with too many other ideas.
@nickthedreamer4434 Час назад
31:04 Note how she's not actually saying, "Well, screw that!" The unfortunate curse of the film having to appeal to wider audiences...
@NiallMor 2 часа назад
*Gives Bunny the Thermian salute and Thermian style applause* So glad you enjoyed this one. I think I watched it for the first time on RU-vid, and I recently added it to my personal video collection. By Grabthar’s hammer, what a reaction. I’ll see you this Saturday as you continue going where no Bunny has gone before.
@Tdenginesyt 2 часа назад
I would suspect that after Kirk and Co. got done joking about it, someone would be sent down to retrieve Dr. McCoy's communicator.
@ianburns1167 2 часа назад
Katara, pulling back from being the grumpy one for awhile. And Toph vastly more vulnerable than she usually is because of the sand. I bet after this she puts in a ton of work to master sandbending just so it never happens again.
@MATTHEW-rp3kq 2 часа назад
the man who played malthesar made up all the aliens movements, and how they talked, on his own
@MATTHEW-rp3kq 3 часа назад
back in their day they had schematics of enterprise online and even had published manuals , as thick as a bible lol
@JohnSipe-jt7bm 3 часа назад
Do you notice that the Hill People look like Trump? 2:08
@GregMoe-ef7eh 3 часа назад
You were alot of fun to listen to. I love the movie, seen it about 15 times. Best thing is you did not talk constantly. Saw some comments from people, had to turn of within 5 minutes😊
@MATTHEW-rp3kq 3 часа назад
its subtle in the beginning we hear chen is on some good antidepressants
@Tdenginesyt 3 часа назад
TWO BITS OF TRIVIA: - Allegedly NBC got some complaints from animal lovers who thought Tribbles were living creatures and had been mistreated during the filming of the episode (confined in the storage bin, baked under hot studio lights, etc.). - Originally, they wanted to have another appearance of Harry Mudd, but the actor was unavailable. That's too bad - it would have been even better with him involved.
@TheKyrix82 4 часа назад
"I always get so nervous when their lives are in danger even knowing that they're going to survive" Good. You're immersed
@johndough3809 4 часа назад
16:00 for the swarm!
@ErrorMessageNotFound 5 часов назад
When I was a kid, you could get star-trek technical manuals that explain how everything works. They're probably still available.
@dpsamu2000 5 часов назад
You say you were unsatisfied with the end of this episode. That Kirk didn't wrap up the situation with a tidy solution, and a bow of a humorous last line as is the case for many episodes. You've been told how to interpret it as allegory to similar real world situations that have no satisfactory solution. The solution to this situation was given by Kirk in another episode where he found a people with nuclear weapons engaged in a limited war that neither side felt they could pull out of. It had been going on, paraphrasing Dr. Macoy "for century after bloody century". It also was an allegory for real world events. In that culture the leader expressed the situation in terms of his people's reasoning. His people had a high sense of social responsibility. Their deaths were reported on a computer, and the men, their wives, and their children were disintegrated so their deaths could be recorded. The people die but the civilization lives. We do the same thing with our so called limited proxy wars like in this episode titled "A Private Little War". We avoid the fall of civilization by limiting our wars to throwing our children into the disintegration machines of modern wars that go on for decade after bloody decade.. Kirk's solution to ending that bloody stalemate was to face them with the prospect of a real nuclear war. Thereby giving them "A Taste of Armageddon".
@ianburns1167 6 часов назад
Toph is, of course, Toph. Something I like is that her personality is huge, her raw power is huge, and of course it's Earthbending. But her actual fighting style is minimalist and precise.
@robertbryant4669 6 часов назад
The TV series MASH is set during the Korean War, but since it was filmed in the 70's-80's, it was as much about Viet Nam as it was Korea. If you haven't seen it yet ... DON'T! If a short little documentary about Viet Nam made you cry, MASH will wreck you. It's my favorite show of all time. There is also a movie of the same title, but I didn't like it quite as much.
@danielasuncion9991 6 часов назад
Yes, those are 23rd century boobs.
@danielasuncion9991 6 часов назад
Going around slapping guys' butts? No, Bunny, that would be a DIFFERENT episode. (wink)
@timmeyer9191 7 часов назад
Love this movie
@curtrogers1715 8 часов назад
Great reaction no, it’s not beyond you. It’s just there’s no nuance here. This episode was all about in the Vietnam War. Who’s going on the same time and they were trying to end the war and try to bring the troops home. People were protesting in the street people were fighting with police turn down statues starting fires chaos the streets while it is now turned down, statues sitting fires, they were trying to show the young kids that the writers understood their position. Thanks for the fun until next time .
@ianstopher9111 8 часов назад
The music does lay it in a bit thick, but that's OK, sometimes you need that. One of the great moments is when the commissioner/companion looks at Cochrane through the multicoloured scarf, as he explains what he can show when they can leave. It is a great piece of costuming.
@floycewhite6991 9 часов назад
Ronald Reagan's first wife got married to a Vulcan next.
@photonicus 9 часов назад
If Kirk arms Tyree's people, Tyree still might die. If he doesn't, Tyree WILL die. This certainly weighed into Kirk's decision, and it always seemed that certain aspects of the Prime Directive can be overlooked if the Klingons are involved.
@JustMe-zk9dc 11 часов назад
Read Brave New World That's the best about this subject.
@GeoffNelson 11 часов назад
Best Rocky II reaction on RU-vid
@UncleQue 11 часов назад
It was never a great episode. It has the 3rd lowest score (6.8) for season 2 episodes on IMDb. It mainly remembered for the Mugato which is basically a white gorilla costume with added features. Will Ferrells character Mugatu from Zoolander was named for it. Maybe the best thing about it is a rare appearance from Dr. M’Benga whom we learn a lot more about on the Strange New World Series.
@ndozer9 12 часов назад
Rocky fought Apollo, Mr. T, and Dolph, then fought a bunch of nobodies afterwards. No one wants to watch that!
@cliveklg7739 12 часов назад
The hypospray McCoy is using is likely a jet injector. We have them IRL too. High pressure air injects whatever liquid. There is no need to change out needles with it.
@jeanine6328 12 часов назад
I think the only thing that could have made the ending better would be if they hired the kids as technical advisors….. but I’m sure that’s would have just been too much.
@jeanine6328 12 часов назад
You probably worked it out, but Fred was so chill because he was high the entire time. The just had to remove all references to the drug in order to get the rating they wanted.
@cliffordball440 12 часов назад
It was a deep analogy of Vietnam. The Soviets turned the North communist and armed them to overthrow the South. The US rightly feared the destruction of democracy in Asian countries and the violent takeover like happened in Laos which was a horrible murderous genocide of its own people. So US armed and trained the South and eventually had to send troops because it was so bad. So “a private little war” was an analogy of this proxy war of the USSR and the US.
@dayceem 13 часов назад
Welcome to the Cold War.
@davegutierrez387 13 часов назад
The Klingons gave weapons to the North Vietnamese, so the Federation had to arm the South Vietnamese. The Organian Peace Treaty technically wasn't violated, because the Federation and the Klingons weren't fighting. The episode wasn't resolved because when the show was broadcast, we seemed mired in a war with no resolution.
@davegutierrez387 13 часов назад
The Organian Peace Treaty was essentially the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction, under which if one side launched nukes, the other side would launch all of their nukes.