Shoot for the Moon.

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Business inquiries: LunaticJ2000@gmail.com
The Biggest Myth in Speedrunning History
2 месяца назад
I Read your Speedrunning Hot Takes...
3 месяца назад
How Splatoon Speedrunners Skip Half the Game
7 месяцев назад
Ocarina of Time's Unluckiest Speedrun Trick
8 месяцев назад
The History of Super Mario 64's BLJ
3 года назад
@imMozeph 22 часа назад
Is it just me or does anybody else, when calling out, like a phone number or something and it has a “0” in it, do yall say “o” or “0” (oh or zero) lmao
@canebro1 22 часа назад
Out of all the crazy insane tricks done here, the thing that surprised me the most was that growing up to adult Link automatically equipped all those items. Edit: okay, damaging gannon with deku nuts was also very surprising!
@woofes8958 День назад
My answer: no because you need to pause to put on your metal boots for the water temple, and also when you get new items you need to pause.
@seraphimipx2611 День назад
speedrunning … :D haha…
@filmfactsxpress День назад
does it have to do with the bomb? maybe the bomb is pushing him up cuz its stuck in the corner? maybe its a glitchy corner?
@TherealWottie День назад
Goat game ❤
@fatboy_jarred6925 День назад
this is like finding out santa isnt real
@paulg9019 День назад
My toxic trait is thinking I could easily do this 😂
@lakesideminers1339 День назад
I love the increase in Summoning Salt type videos. Im getting back into portal speed running because of these kinds of videos!
@ZaItan1 День назад
Yaah wii sports! I used to play so much Wii sports resort archery. Love the dog pics at the end, except they got slammed with RU-vid banners
@guilldea День назад
Yeah even if it was hardware failure why would cosmic rays be the leading theory? There's tons of ways a bit could be flipped on a register, crosstalk, EMI, a leaky cap, PSU noise, microphonics on ceramic caps... Cosmic rays are imo the least likely
@Null_Experis День назад
Eagerly awaiting 2036 when someone discovers a glitch that warps you from the shop screen in kokiri forest village by glitching link onto the shop shelves and buying himself, thereby nulling his address and setting it to the end credits sequence and someone names it "Elf on a Shelf"
@NikolaTeslaNL День назад
Pannenkoek! The pronounce is geweldig
@NineteenEighty8 День назад
Willing to bet theres gonna be a video about how RyMac cheated my manipulating the rng. Hence why hes horrible at everything but ungodly good at rng.
@zahit.dereli День назад
I like speedrunning content, I subscribed.
@ThungStudios День назад
I don't really care about speedruns and haven't played Wii sports in like a decade, so I have no idea why RU-vid recommended this to me. With that being said, I still watched the whole thing
@jakecreighton9039 День назад
How much information have we gathered regarding his physical set up? Any body thought to as where he was? Like what state? The elevation of his city? How about the time of day? Can you cross reference to any celestial anomalies like solar flares? Were there any other machines operating in the vicinity that may have had an effect on the hardware? Like something with strong magnetization? We need to do a fact finding mission because I’m tired of the upwarp not being implemented in runs!
@D0ses День назад
i had a method with bowling that used a curve but was guaranteed a strike every time
@2eyedZnake День назад
How it feels to spread misinformation on the internet: 😊💖💞😻💞💖😊
@The_Official_Optimar День назад
where's smallant when you need him lol
@SufferDYT День назад
Just thinking about using this as method to cheat, assuming you could get this to manifest intentionally.
@BadgerOfTheSea День назад
The thing that keeps me fascinated is the suspicious amount of money involved in speedrunning that there are so many high bounties
@yourma2000 День назад
"The idea that a cosmic ray flipped a bit in a computer is highly unlikely." And yet, ECC memory is used in servers all around the world for... what, fun?
@Funnymoney101 День назад
As a wise Adam Savage once said: "I reject reality and substitute my own"
@Spaghetti_Universe День назад
I had a similar upwarp occur in B3313 on a clock stage
@xhappybunnyx День назад
My favorite part about these stories is how they showcase the "on the shoulders of giants" saying. So cool to see generations of runners exhaust themselves pushing the limit while newer generations get to pick up their hard work and invest their new energy into pushing it even further. A beautiful example of what makes humanity so powerful
@sspaghet4080 День назад
yeah but you’re not any better than the rest, sure you provide other possibilities, but you don’t even consider that the “cosmic ray” theory has even a chance of being true. it’s very clear to see your opinion on the topic and i would’ve preferred if you were neutral.
@zeldaguy8580 День назад
Incorrect ; there's a 2nd method to leave kokiri Forrest without pausing ; Navi dive
@LunaticJ День назад
You need to pause to equip a stick or the sword
@restjbo День назад
So that‘s how Todd Rogers got his impossible score on Dragster. It was cosmic rays! I knew it😂
@blazingice7248 День назад
a lot of people believe that cosmic rays did because of a journalist. i believe in it because i think it hilariously ridiculous. we aren't the same
@rphntw1n 2 дня назад
These glitches are insane.
@rphntw1n 2 дня назад
Hot take: using calculators and external tools in Minecraft should be a separate category called “cheating percent”
@rphntw1n 2 дня назад
I love that you backed some of these. Hot takes rule!
@AntiBollywood 2 дня назад
Without watching the video: No you cant. Just think of the Water Temple. With glitches, bugs: Yes, of course you can, but thats not about real playthrough.
@philipharwood5201 2 дня назад
Imagine being a cosmic ray traveling for billions of years across the universe just to cause a bit flip in someones N64 and inconveniencing their game 🤣
@userNULL 2 дня назад
@Hopesedge 2 дня назад
A TL;DW for this video would be "Many people have been led to believe that this exact scenario (cosmic ray bit flip) is what happened to cause this bug, but there's no conclusive evidence to show that this is what caused it, so anyone stating is as fact aren't being honest, as the true answer is that it _could_ be this thing, rather than it _is_ this thing." It's not an impossibility, but it's also not like that specifically cosmic rays caused this exact thing, there's a lot of other things that are just as likely (or just as unlikely). I believe the video is trying to say that the correct answer isn't that any particular thing caused it, but rather "we don't know" what caused it, so arguing any of for a specific outcome hasn't met it's burden of proof, and the constant repeating of the assertion that X caused Y has cemented it in people's minds as a fact rather than an unknown possibility. Also calling it a myth feeds the fire of this push back in the comments, since that can be interpreted as both a widely held but false belief or as simply a legend/story that people talk about for years after the fact, at a certain point people are going to hear what they want to hear, and if they come into the video expecting an outright debunking of the theory they're going to go away more steadfast in their belief, regardless of whether or not your intention was to simply disabuse them of the certainty of the claim that it was a cosmic ray, as to many people failing to persuade them that it definitely wasn't the cause was what they interpreted the whole video to be about. There's just a bit too much content to this video that important details like 12:12 get lost in the labyrinth of statements and assertions, seeing how glitchy this specific level is with up and down warping should make the cosmic rays theory less likely as cosmic rays causing all these problems only on this specific level is insanely unlikely, but when you start conflating this find with other people's opinions and the copy-paste system of journalism it buries it under a ton of weaker arguments that people can't see the great point beneath all of the weak/unsubstantial ones.
@ekg8609 2 дня назад
Oh my GOD. I thought the record was beaten, not disintegrated
@TheSignatureK 2 дня назад
so weird how holding a bush, bombs and fish bottles whilst dying in a certain spot can really f**k up a game.
@Celestial_Wing 2 дня назад
It was cosmic rays
@jane5886 2 дня назад
Here for the speedrunning but as someone that works outside all day: please use sunscreen 😭
@failurefiend 2 дня назад
How are randomizer speedruns not speedruns? You realize youre basically just speedrunning a different game right?