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Top 10 Cozy And Relaxing JRPGs In 2024
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Top 10 Modern Tactical JRPGs in 2024
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Top 10 Modern Turn Based JRPGs in 2024!
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A Beginners Guide To Granblue Fantasy Relink!
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The 14 BEST JRPGs You Can Play In 2024
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@vorpal22 7 часов назад
I played Zero, then CS1, then Azure, and then I was hooked and went back to the beginning... now I've played all the way to the end of CS4 and Nayuta, and I'm gearing up to start Reverie. I played a bit of the demo of this and while there was some weirdness to try to wrap my head around (the combat and the fact that there are NPCs you cannot converse with, as well as suspending belief for the enormous jumps in technology being a bit hard to swallow), it looks great. I can't wait to get my day 1 preordered copy of the LE (still not here) and mosey through Reverie so I can play Daybreak.
@mr.mewmeow5947 18 часов назад
Dunno if anyone’s mentioned it but the Bravely series is really good. Personally favorite being Bravely Second. 😌👌🏾
@AsmodeusUltima 19 часов назад
Huh. Had never heard of Etrian Odyssey, will definitely check that series out. One thing this video highlighted for me was some big names from my childhood that aren't around anymore. Might be time to remake/remaster some Breath of Fire, Shining Force, and Lunar games!
@tarkovplayah5075 День назад
i just want a jrpg with a story, world, gameplay as good as genshin...still no luck
@grimjawlords1 День назад
Cold steel is not good filled with non stop cliches and fake deaths. Third and fourth game being terrible.
@marinusboon104 День назад
You have great taste choosing Edelgard
@RTPJu День назад
Then someone will summon Chrono Trigger and rightly say that it's still better than anything on this list lol Cheers!
@MyDarkestSins 2 дня назад
I just can’t get into anything SMT related the creatures/demons are why. I don’t like them and sadly mostly find them boring
@user-zs8oz7wf4g 2 дня назад
Wow. I thought its just 1 or 2 games But the entire ensemble of jrpgs suck No quite an anime Definitely not a game
@sunjames3276 2 дня назад
deep story,,,sure,,
@MKIVD 2 дня назад
Trails is the way if you want to be invested in a continuing story -- and a good story, I might add
@HUHSSEMBLE 2 дня назад
Bro why is this video so good????
@Ragefat 2 дня назад
All around a good summary of the franchises, nice work. I would've just recommended you put "active JRPG franchise" in the title as it would be a mostly clearer picture of the video, I say mostly because as much as I love Valkyria Chronicles I think we can sadly consider it done at the moment, as other comments mentioned the Mana series would've been a better candidate for it's place.
@JArt872 3 дня назад
Wasn't it revealed in the story of Persona 4 that the Dungeons and Wacky Personalities were created by the public misconceptions and desires? Only for it to cover the character's shadows inner true personal feelings. Hence why Yukiko was perceived as a Princess that can snag any prince (somebody) since everyone in school saw her as that way. Rise was a strip club because all the guys wanted to see her perform more seductive roles like how she was advertised before quitting the showbiz. Naoto acting like a child playing as a mad scientist in some childish secret liar due to the Police force only seeing her as child that thinks changing oneself is a game. Kanji loves doing stuff that wasn't perceived as masculine in the eyes of the public, hence why he tries to act tough around others but only crumbling down the moment someone sees him doing something feminine like sewing or struggling with a girl, but seem very attractive to what he thought was a guy, which is why people think he is secretly gay, that ended up creating the bath house and his Shadow as a stereotypical gay guy.
@AlanFehr 3 дня назад
Breath "of the fire"??? Nope. I'm out.
@piskipa 3 дня назад
I'm on the minority that prefers engage over three houses, the graphics, the combat, all of the characters from past games, it's just so good in my opinion. Yes the sim side of it is basic, and so is the story, but I don't play tactical jrpgs for the simulation side of things, and gameplay wise engage is superior.
@unrealeck 3 дня назад
The problem I have with JRPG's seems to have grew as I've aged and that's the voice acting. The English voice acting is often really bad. They always seem to use generic Californian accents. The exceptions to this are Persona and some of the FF games which are generally quite good but nothing stellar. I know it's not a Japanese issue because games like From Software's have good voice acting. Dialogue is also generally kind of poor compared to CRPGs. I always find it very cringey, childish and cutesy.
@fatherofrose4027 3 дня назад
@Ninjabladeyokotofufu 4 дня назад
I love tales
@MultiUniverseVideo 4 дня назад
Xenoblade Xenosaga Xenogears = The Xeno-series
@makotoniijima9211 4 дня назад
cool video, perfect length for each one
@Pannopap 4 дня назад
Naoto Shirogane with the based answer to gender identity. It's basically, "Yeah, I wish I didn't have to go through the struggles of being a woman in this society that looks down on women in this field. Yeah I wish I was taken more seriously despite my age. Yeah I have more traditionally boyish interests. But I don't need to change my body to be comfortable with myself. I don't need people to change how they refer to me, or what gender they see me as. Because at the end of the day, I'm me, and I don't need to be a certain gender to validate my identity. I'm me, and being female is only biology, NOT my identity." and she then becomes so comfortable with herself that she doesn't mind dressing in more masculine or feminine clothes. She accepts she's a girl and identifies as such. It's a much healthier way to think and live. If these people who claim to "help" those with gender dysphoria actually used the methods that have been proven to work such as watefull watching, or changing the person's mind instead of their bodies like what has been proven to work with body dysmorphia and many, MANY other mental illnesses, those who struggle with their body and identity would actually become healthier and happier. I look at Naoto as a perfect example of how to maturely process and progress through this sort of challenge. She doesn't put on a mask to be what makes her feel more comfortable, she takes the harder but ultimately more beneficial path of facing the truth, and accepting it, and finding a healthy way to live with it and embrace an aspect of her life she struggles with. THAT is far more empowering than trying to change yourself until you feel you are worthy of your own love and acceptance.
@Xebusc 4 дня назад
Didn’t they say that Alisha was they wasn’t resonating anymore and the connection wasn’t there because of beliefs ?
@brightlight8852 3 дня назад
No, the creator stated that she didn't fit in with the party and it made no sense for her to travel with them. Besides that when they created the game and characters they planned on her simple just being a temporary party member.
@Xebusc 3 дня назад
@@brightlight8852 I recall getting an in game reason for her not being in the party anymore
@brightlight8852 3 дня назад
@Xebusc Yeah that was the in game reason for it, on top of having no resonance which called issues for Sorey her beliefs also made her a bad fit
@maximaxxx2531 4 дня назад
Tales of Zesteria is even worse than you presented. The producer was publicly flirting with the voice actress of Rose (which was already creepy), so many saw this as playing favorites. Bandai Namco also said in an interview (I believe it was for a Taiwan show that happened right after release of the game) that they "never said Alisha was the heroine of the game." Many articles were then mysterious taken down and reuploaded to "fix the wording." Oh, and by mistake, a figure company accidentally announced plans of figures of the "main characters" Sorey and Alisha. Silly of them! Alicia basically did nothing but "build a bridge" for the entire rest of the game. She had no lore beyond that. Rose also felt like a Mary Sue, as in this world, any feelings of guilt will eventually cause a person to become a monster, but Rose, being the "assassin of good" can kill and not become a monster, because she's just that good (or in the eyes of most players, she's just a psychopath). The DLC did not help because it looked more like the producer trying to lower our opinions of Alisha and make Rose the morally superior. There were plenty of other general plotholes, but they're not really part of the controversy. Funny thing is, the anime adaptation actually keeps Alisha in, and is regarded by fans as the best adaptation the series got. I also think this game was the one that killed the series. Berseria was better, but didn't seem to do that well (probably because it was a prequel, which means it leads into Zesteria), and it took much longer than usual for another Tales game to make it out. It's been quiet for a while (sans the DLC), but hopefully we'll get another Tales game announcement soon...
@Cloke100 4 дня назад
Man the whole situation with Alisha was damn terrible, Zestiria X was a nice effort to redeem the wrongs the game did. Playing the game seeing her gear in the shops waiting and pondering when would she return to the party again, til we get to the end of the game; shet was dreadful. Lost a whole as playable character over bs
@maximaxxx2531 4 дня назад
@@Cloke100 Yeah, obviously they planned to have her in the latter half of the game, then just left her weapons there to taunt everyone lol
@brightlight8852 4 дня назад
That's actually not what happened in fact, the controversy was mostly just made up by salty va fans. The producer never flirted with the voice actress. It was actually the director of the game who stated that Alisha wasn't a main character and he said this a year before the game came out, but "Alisha fans" mostly just ignored him. The magazine articles that assumed that she was the heroine were mostly just third party companies which is why the producer got into trouble because he didn't bother to check with the game devs. The anime was lauded mostly by Alisha fans only, Zestiria fans don't like it, especially after the truth of "controversy" in between seasons 1 and 2, Berseria released, which made ToZX not make any sense. This is why Bamco by and large ignores it now. Berseria did well but TOZX bombed. If you want to know how badly TOZX did. Referencing TOZX killed one of their gacha and put the other on life support. If you don't know what was revealed it was that Alisha really was originally meant to have an even smaller role than what she got in the game (the game files back this up as she actually has the least weapons of any playable characters with most of them being recolors) why it shows up all through out is because they couldn't decide where and when she should be included. They never planned on giving her an armatus, in fact they never even designed one for her. Alisha's jp va knew that Alisha wasn't going to be a party member and referred to her as a side character. The president of Ufotable literally came out and said that the anime was made just because they thought that Alisha fans were the larger (and therefore more profitable group) they're was no "fixing" of the script everything original to the anime is indeed anime original, hence the plot holes. The producer simply just wasn't paying attention and ironically was the one put forth who Alisha as the heroine because she stood out more as me he released the game when it wasn't finished, so a lot of it was cut. The Rose, well that's more of a localization issue the reason why she doesn't feel sorry for killing people is because she by and large kills corrupt nobles. Hence why she feels no guilt. You only see one of her targets in game. But the anime goes in depth into her targets, which ironically made people question the morality of keeping them alive. Alisha didn't want to build any bridges she was more worried about her country than anything else. Building a bridge was Sorey’s dream not hers, Alisha wanted to travel with Sorey because she was running away from her problems and saw Sorey as someone who could solve all her problems, which Sorey both couldn't and didn't want to do. Sorey actually brings this up in the main game but most ignored it. Sorey also was the one that said that he didn't want to tell Alisha of his plans, so while people blame Rose for that the DLC truth is that it was Sorey himself that didn't want anything more to do with Alisha.
@brightlight8852 4 дня назад
​@@Cloke100The reason why her stuff shows up in the shops was because they had played around with the thought of expanding her role but then they realized that she really had no reason to travel with the party, but they still wanted to expand her role but didn't know where to put her in.
@maximaxxx2531 3 дня назад
​@@brightlight8852 Hey, I'm not here to argue, but that's how the controversy folded out back then. And it was huge (in Japan at least, I don't think they made the same mistakes in the west). Alisha was stated to be the heroine of the game pre-release. There are screenshots of before and afters of the various fixes. If that was the mistake of BanNam, fine, but they made no mention of it and had all the websites fix it silently. They didn't help put out the fire. Heck, Astaria even had Alisha as the heroine initially. Can you point me to this interview of the president of ufotable? Sounds like an interesting read. I can't find any info on that, English or Japanese. Though I doubt a president would make such statements admitting failure, especially with an IP they do not own (sounds risky). Also, you must be crazy to think mentioning TOZX killed their gacha; all of them were on life support for so long, Zestiria or not. In regards to the story, I played the JP version, so it definitely wasn't a loc issue (I played a few hours on English before; I think the loc is solid). I still find it hard to believe you can have zero guilt when killing a person, bad or not, but if you believe that, then I can see why that isn't a problem for the plot. We can talk about the good and bads of the writing, but I'm not here to review the game haha. Either way, I'm a fan of the Tales series as a whole, so I'm hoping for a new game soon.
@Xebusc 4 дня назад
I’d argue that ffxv was rushed because the switch over to Xv from versus 13 was larger than we know and all the dlc and patches was just the finished part of the game, not so much that it was held back to push later
@gregperianayagam4522 4 дня назад
I was told that the main difference from Western RPG's and JRPG's is in presentation. - artstyle is a common difference anime vs realistic. Though it is not a clear line. -JRPG's have their origins in visual novels, Dragon Quest and Shin Megami Tensei show how this came about. -JRPG stories have a feel like a play, where you are playing the character and the player is playing though an anime. Western RPG's typically want you to be who you want, good/evil/weird or somewhere in-between. Even if you can only affect stats it is still a western RPG component. Of course there are more points, and a Japanese dev can make a Western RPG and a Western dev can make a JRPG. These are simply categories like apple and oragnes there are difference, you can have preferences, but neither is better.
@zankudragon 4 дня назад
Sorry to say, but you handled the P4 story rather poorly. The controversy is more of a matter of certain people not accepting what the story was and they were trying to push their ideas onto the story. Naoto never wanted to be a man, she wanted to be respected in her field of work, not dissimilar to Mulan. And Kanji is left more vague, but it literally ends with him accepting himself for who he is. I understand the sentiment for people wanting this to be a more pro-lgbt story, but that simply wasn't what they had in mind while writing it back in the mid-2000s.
@falasc 3 дня назад
The way you just didn't get it...
@Mystra 3 дня назад
​@falasc The video is wrong, in the end Naoto accepts her femininity and lives on as a female even appearance wise. It's you that haven't done the necessary research.
@zankudragon 3 дня назад
@@falasc Yeah... What exectly do I not "get" here?
@slwoo7432 3 дня назад
The thing is with the kanji is gay ,is that it’s goes directly against the arc they trying to tell,the whole arc is that men can like girly or cute things without them being gay and stuff
@zankudragon 3 дня назад
@@slwoo7432 100%. His dungeon, like everyone else's dungeons, were more of a matter of his internalized insecurities, and not a literal interpretation of his feelings. I really thought this was pretty obvious.
@dwasp27moto41 4 дня назад
i finished atelier sophie 2, can i just say gameplay is more fluid than other ryza games i think. story not so much but just the button inputs are instant animations while in battle thats so good for me. but sadly atelier sophie 1 physical copy is so rare that i gave up looking for it. im playing on switch btw cheers! 🎉
@asterales0088 4 дня назад
you forgot Seiken Densetsu :(
@DavidWiseFAN199 4 дня назад
Breath of Fire, oh my first love. Where art thou?
@Pestilents 4 дня назад
I am ok with stellar blade censorship. sometimes I get uncomfortable with too much TnA (bayonetta)
@martinde-serres8724 4 дня назад
You're such a pussy then, just grow a pair and accept it or switch hobbies cause video games aren't for you anymore
@unlucky_thir13en 4 дня назад
I always found the "JRPG controversy" fascinating. I understand where Yoshi-P was coming from, but there needs to be a way to distinguish Japanese/Japanese-inspired RPGs from Western RPGs. It would kind of suck to watch a video like this and get stuff like Skyrim and Witcher included. Not that they're bad games by any stretch - just very different content and recommendations than I'm searching for when there's already an existing category that sufficiently and broadly covers what I'm looking for.
@M00nlightOfficial 4 дня назад
If you read the end of the message, he also says he understands the term is still seen in a better light. In other words, he's just talking about what the term meant in the past as a derogatory term. Not now. Sure there's still some people who still clown on the genre, but the ratio of it is very different now vs then.
@unlucky_thir13en 4 дня назад
@@M00nlightOfficial But he's not just talking about what the term meant in the past. He acknowledges it has a more positive connotation in recent years, but that isn't enough to change his own negative perception of the acronym/phrase. Just like whenever words get reclaimed by groups, there will pretty much always still be a subset of people that can't shake off the negative feelings it originally came with.
@terrychemo 4 дня назад
Bro missed Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle
@Onebie 4 дня назад
Missing Breath of Fire, Suikoden, Shadow Hearts
@radwan247 4 дня назад
interesting video idea , keep it up
@TagTheLegend 4 дня назад
Whats the craziest JRPG controversy you remember?
@unlucky_thir13en 4 дня назад
Every recent Square Enix New Year's Letter lol
@Derplander90 5 дней назад
DQ11 is the greatest of all time
@BlackHazama 5 дней назад
Cold Steel is waiting for you bro! The ending to the first game needs a reaction video from you. Cheers on your Trails journey because this is the best JRPG series hands down!
@Javifaa 3 дня назад
Or the ending of Trails in the Sky. That one hits HARD.
@dfkas30 5 дней назад
how can you hear the smt part and not think that anything else is mid in comparison
@AlexR3237 5 дней назад
I wasn't expecting it to be brought up since it's pretty obscure in the US, but Super Robot Wars is a long running SRPG franchise like Fire Emblem. SRW features various mecha series in each game and has them cross over with each other with some original characters to create a new story. The most recent mainline release, 30, was released on Steam, and it alongside V, X, and T were also released on PS4 and Switch in Asia, but they all have official English translations.
@sakurahime1325 5 дней назад
I started at cold steel, honestly i would prefer going back to the old trails to understand the storyline. I feel like daybreak is no different but thats just me. This is the Calvard Arc, it was mentioned in previous trails alot and it was shrouded in mystery but was mentioned several times until daybreak so it is a fresh storyline unlike Liberl, Crossbell and Erebonia
@marksayosmejia7251 5 дней назад
Im glad atelier was mentioned, but didappointed on how short it was. Good vid.
@wildcanyon961 6 дней назад
my goat Laharl
@tylerb5021 6 дней назад
How can you know that Sky or Cold steel gets good at end without even playing them.
@mystic865 6 дней назад
Playing Trails games in wrong order is very terrible idea. You will lose a lot of fun and important things.
@JADATH650 6 дней назад
Fuck this video made me realize how many video games ive played over the years.
@calvinmatthews1527 6 дней назад
As whom hasn't played a single Trails game but known about the series for years, I think I'll wait until the rumored Sky Trilogy remasters release. Don't get me wrong, I would like to try this as my gateway into the series like I did with Tales of Arise, but I'm a person who likes knowing the whole story (or at least most of it). Another thing to acknowledge is the excellent localization in this game, and from Falcom of all companies. In the end, a solid entry in an overall great series. The support this series gets is well-earned.
@ifrit1937 5 дней назад
Ya I'd say that's the better thing to do too (already mentioned why in my own separate comment). Unlike Arise which isn't connected to any other Tales game all of the Trails games are directly connected plot wise and occur in a 6 year or so period from Sky 1 to Daybreak (maybe a few more years from Daybreak 2/Kai onwards) and almost every character makes a reappearance as an npc/playable character in later games. With that said...even if Sky gets remastered i don't think it'll be a full on remake with new graphics and the like (like say FF7 to FF7 Remake), it'll probably just be a straight up port like Tales of Symphonia with at most some HD scaling and the like (which for Sky's art style likely won't make it look that much different than current Sky) since there's still 2 more games to localize and maybe another 2 to 4 games after that before the series ends which is when they'll likely start going with full scale remakes with new graphics if they ever do (I don't think they should waste their time doing that though, the games are fine enough with current graphics and so on and they'd be better off working on new projects instead). The only real reason a port may even come out is to make it available on modern consoles (PC doesn't really need it as Sky 1 thru 3 is already on it) or if they go with the Evolution version which released on Vita only in Japan that added a few additional quests and CG cutscenes and reworked the look of the character portraits (granted imo that rework looks worse than the OG artwork)...for example one CG cutscene added was one showing some of the characters in the hot spring (wearing towels so they don't go too crazy lol) with actual artwork on the Evolution version while in the original all that was shown were the 2D/2.5D pixel sprite model you use on the overworld soaking in the spring. They may also need to rework the translation a little if they weren't able to convince Xseed to re-localize it and the rights of the localization still lie with Xseed rather than being in Falcom's total control. I originally started the series with Sky 1 on PSP however dropped it early on in the game (chapter 2 or so) due to being more into action rpgs at the time but gave the series a shot again with Cold Steel 1 in 2015 and noticed a lot of references to Sky 1 which lead me to dropping CS1 in chapter 2 and going back to play through all of Sky 1 and 2 before coming back to CS 1 and then CS2 (Sky 3 didn't get localized at the time nor were Zero or Azure...I wound up playing all 3 of those right before CS3's release (the later 2 via fan sub, Sky 3 via steam) in the same year...granted playing 4 Trails games back to back did burn me out with the series though).