Sister Pfister
Sister Pfister
Sister Pfister
A former Jehovah's Witness trying to set the record straight. Also, I think I am funny.
Sex & the Watchtower -  Episode # 22
2 года назад
Sex & the Watchtower - Episode #20
3 года назад
The Twelve Pagan Holidays
3 года назад
Letters from the Shed #2
3 года назад
Sex & the Watchtower,  Episode # 19
3 года назад
Letters from the Shed - #1
3 года назад
Sex & the Watchtower, Episode #18
3 года назад
Sex & the Watchtower, Episode #  17
4 года назад
XJW Life: Part 2
4 года назад
XJW Life - Part 1
4 года назад
KMA: Love - A Perfect Bond of Union
4 года назад
Sex & the Watchtower -  Episode # 16
4 года назад
Kingdom Melody Analysis : The New Song
4 года назад
Sex & the Watchtower Episode #15
4 года назад
Sex & the Watchtower,  Episode #14
4 года назад
Sex & the Watchtower-  Episode #13
4 года назад
@TheWriterWalker 3 месяца назад
Not sure if she is still active on YT, but I just discovered this video and was delighted by her assessment, even though she rips into one of my favorite old Kingdom songs! Lol. Also, I appreciate the Haydn reference because I had completely forgotten about it when I built a classical playlist in the past. I added it, but I could not hear anything of Symphony 94 that sounds like "The Prayer of God's Servant."
@sisterpfister7463 2 месяца назад
It's seven notes in the Andante movement.. just after the SURPRISE. It's almost identical.
@TheWriterWalker 2 месяца назад
@@sisterpfister7463 Cool! Thanks! I'll listen again.
@4flyguyeli 5 месяцев назад
Gorgeous song! On point!
@purplefireweed 6 месяцев назад
Hey Sistah....where've YOU been?? I miss your irreverent and wise chats and hope you haven't disappeared forever!!
@brookebabel6733 8 месяцев назад
I had a Kingdom Melody stuck in my head, and that was how I stumbled upon your channel. Now I'm kind of binge watching a bunch of your videos and I just feel so refreshed that you are challenging this garbage that we had to read as children. Sometimes I don't realize just how deep the brainwashing goes, but it is always helpful to hear a logical approach to this propaganda. This is part of the healing process, and I want to thank you so very much for sharing your views.
@MuhammadWonderBra 9 месяцев назад
Kiss the son is taken from the scripture Psalms 2:12 New King James Version (NKJV) Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him
@XNyanko 10 месяцев назад
I'm so glad I left before I came of age to date. My mother, who got married at 19, didn't want either of her kids to make the same mistake she did, so she forbade either me or my sister from dating before the age of 25 and without being baptized first. I left by 21. My mother later admitted that she picked out the girl that I was going to marry (Except, by this point, I was pushing 40 and had come out as gay about 15 years prior), and that she was bitter that I didn't marry this girl and give her any grandchildren. My sister, who is still in the religion, is almost 45 and has never been on a date.....
@migdaliafuentes1618 Год назад
Your video appeared after 5 years Which I saw 4 years ago! Wow! Your information hasn’t changed!😂 No new light!!! 😂 Disfellowshipping Ostracizing The end is still not here after 5 years Of this video😂 You helped me then when I woke up !! So thank you! Hope you and your family are doing fine today in 2023!! Waiting for a new video from you just to say hi! Greetings from Puerto Rico!
@NorthernSoulIsMyWorld Год назад
I can think of no better reason to quit activism than Lloyd Evans;; the slightest, remotest, association with him is humiliation for the rest of us!
@historytheologysophia Год назад
you can escape the religion but you can never escape the humanity. Humans are limited finite and fragile. The only way forward is audacity and resilience until the end of our days.
@SonicGamerGirl2006 Год назад
First of all, you have an INCREDIBLE singing voice! I love it! 😍😍 Secondly, I agree. These Kingdom Melodies are VERY repetitive, and its lyrics aren't exactly helpful either. Great analysis. I hope to see more like this soon, Ma'am! 😊👍🏻💙
@GlitteryPegasus Год назад
I've been doing some research. Ba'al was a rival storm god at the time when Yahweh was a tribal storm god for the ancient pagans. I have no idea why they're making it a thing today.
@cerberaodollam Год назад
"if people didn't have sex, there wouldn't be any people"... succinct af. consider that line stolen
@cerberaodollam Год назад
I mean, counselors and the like are not to be trusted, I agree, but that's because they are trained to be against self-checkout... which is a basic human right.
@cerberaodollam Год назад
"love and fear aren't exactly compatible" - important bit. completely debunks the concept of parental love.
@cerberaodollam Год назад
"romantic daydreams" as a teenage girl is fucking NORMAL. I've been a teenage girl, so trust me, I know. Sheesh!
@sisterpfister7463 Год назад
@cerberaodollam Год назад
BTW, self-checkout is a human right and mental illness is not a thing.
@cerberaodollam Год назад
This sounds like an exaggeration of a real phenomenon, that is, the fact that things that feel good will lead to bad consequences. Drinking brings hangover, murder brings jail, overspending brings lean days at month's end, and such. Exaggerated to the point of absurdity. I mean the very reason masturbation exists is to provide sexual gratification to unattractive people like me, without having to force anyone else to participate.
@cerberaodollam Год назад
Ok, I'm a childfree antinatalist, but... if I *was* a parent, and I caught an adult talking to my kid, they wouldn't make it to court alive.
@KingKon247 Год назад
Free speech is convenient...until it's not.
@k.c.sinclair3176 Год назад
I SOO miss your extremely entertaining videos regarding the ridiculousness of Watchtower! ❤😂
@cerberaodollam Год назад
Preventionist assholes also say "live for someone else" a lot. It always irritated me, but then again, I'm a self-checkout advocate
@cerberaodollam Год назад
Mental health enforcement would be a LOT worse than being killed. Good talk otherwise.
@cerberaodollam Год назад
The teeth thing has no consequence IRL though. I let mine rot and I'm good.
@cerberaodollam Год назад
The trophy thing is kinda reminiscent of the feeling I got the first time I crossed the Iron Curtain. I straight up cried. So I did it again this weekend because why not. I got too high to function :D :D
@cerberaodollam Год назад
I mean, I wasn't religiously raised but feeling guilty for doing something pleasurable is a pretty common thing that kids are taught. Killing is bad, so don't do it, but if you have to, at least feel bad about it. Sucks that it's the only real pleasure for an adult. (Candy and such do have their appeal but it does wear off a bit with the years.)
@cerberaodollam Год назад
religious types have always been trying to conflate us with pedos. ew.
@umwamimutara Год назад
@cerberaodollam Год назад
Blood as currency kinda makes sense for vampires. Lol.
@cerberaodollam Год назад
Gotta love it when straighties stand up for us queerbies. #welldone
@cerberaodollam Год назад
"MEN who wanna get laid without having to care about another human being" as a female customer, LOL.
@writerinc Год назад
They have evolved into another level with their melodies 🤦🏿‍♀️🙄and it doesn't sound like the JW religion I knew. Most of the songs in their song book sounds depressing
@cerberaodollam Год назад
"positively Aryan" 😅
@cerberaodollam Год назад
Gayness being a "bad habit"..... Isn't that just peachy 🙄
@Havik_86 Год назад
How many people are deathly afraid of appearing racist these days?
@cerberaodollam Год назад
Why are we supposed to treat self-checkout as a bad thing?
@cerberaodollam Год назад
The mental image of preaching to cats, though 😂😂😂
@cerberaodollam Год назад
People is plural but isn't peoples supposed to mean "groups of people"? Like, fish are fish, but fishes are different kinds of fish.
@sisterpfister7463 Год назад
I mean.. probably? LOL
@cerberaodollam Год назад
"the apostrophes are coming" ....staaaahhhp 😂😂😂
@cerberaodollam Год назад
Rivers have hands? I'm confused.
@cerberaodollam Год назад
I don't cry at funerals either. 🤷
@nl2373 Год назад
A little rebellious on the last “send me”
@mattdigiulio3196 Год назад
I heard a Metal version of this tune and it was an absolute riot!!! 😆😆😆
@HenriettaMRiley Год назад
Come on - we need some more of your content!"!!!!!!
@kypmalone2824 Год назад
@cerberaodollam Год назад
"the Western world is on the edge of the cliff... But we're one step ahead!" (Pre-89 joke; this is seriously how the "news" sounded like. Dang, maybe this is why I love exjw content. It's so excommie vibes!)
@steveandsherilyn7543 Год назад
You make it sound all jolly simple! Unfortunately though it’s not! Thank god were all different is all I can say. JC/LE bought it all out on his channel. I thought the work he did was great and thorough, but the very first time I saw him, without knowing FA about the man - I distrusted him, don’t ask me why, call it a gut feeling, a sixth sense, or call it voodoo, I don’t really give a sh@t, all I can say is that even though I appreciated his work I never trusted his motive, something about him just never sat right with me. I never publicly said anything, I don’t profess to be an absolute genius in reading people, as I said, I don’t know why I felt that way, the man has never done anything to me, but that’s just a feeling I got, so when all this b@llsh@t came out about him it never surprised me a bit. If your running the largest ex JW platform out there and decide to use it to say that, of course the sh@t was going to hit the fan. People who were survivors saw him as a person who was on their side, someone they could trust to talk to about the CSA they or their loved one suffered, then he comes out with, “oh, by the way, I f@ck Thai girls behind my wife’s back and have been doing it for four years - I think! WTF was he thinking!
@sisterpfister7463 Год назад
well right.. "WTF was he thinking" is pretty much what everyone thought, including me. And more has come out about this situation since I made this video that I wasn't aware of when I made it. This isn't about excusing his actions at all.
@tobeornottobe50 Год назад
"If you put on silky under ware, watch some porn then hump your pillow?" Shame on you madam. But, tell ya what. Get the proof of who actually said that, where it was said, and when. Then post it. Otherwise, you may be considered a silly old thing who makes up stories to titillate and entertain by slandering others. What a ridiculous thing you are.
@cerberaodollam Год назад
"no kid likes to clean" soooo true. I'm glad I live alone now as an adult so I don't have to!
@cerberaodollam Год назад
Any sort of church is hell as a kid. I still remember being utterly confused, bored, and uncomfortably kneeling on cold hard slabs of rock at a Catholic service. (Those actually say that they are thankful that it's over lol. If you read the ending right.)
@k.c.sinclair3176 Год назад
Miss your awesome vids!