Videos about WAR.

Does what it says on the tin, doesn't it?
Blackwater: Portrait of an American PMC
14 дней назад
The Art of War: Power Projection
21 день назад
Turkey: The Clever Man in the Middle
28 дней назад
Nazism, Ideologies
Месяц назад
Israel and Iran Drawdown and More
Месяц назад
@wobbeboonstra3845 5 минут назад
I disagree with the viewpoint of this video. Macron was the only one tha that dat had the courage to take a stand. The only one saying what needed to be Said. I am proud of macron
@x1DVSBASTRADx 9 минут назад
The UN should be dismantled
@danielgreen1124 21 минуту назад
The entire UN is broken beyond repair and should be dismantled.
@spiraboy 21 минуту назад
No worries. BRICS is becoming new UN
@wmwmwm13 25 минут назад
Atatürk is still the best leader of all times for Türkiye.
@JDDC-tq7qm 28 минут назад
Russians and Chinese faced the most bloodiest and biggest battles in the entire war I salute to them
@usonumabeach300 35 минут назад
Every country that doesn't appreciate Russia and China's shenanigans should announce that they are starting a new "club" get everyone aligned with them to join, then announce enough masse that they are all withdrawing from the UN entirely and will no longer recognize the UN, start fresh with a new council that sees obstacle countries capable of being capable of being removed by a 3/5ths vote, and a forced removal if the same country or countries are incapable of passing repeated resolutions against whatever vote threshold that exceeds a simple majority (4/7 to 6/7ths). Make a new rule that any country currently involved in an armed conflict outside of its own internationally recognized borders being unallowed to participate in votes regarding their conflict, any country without indisputably internationally recognized free and fair elections aren't allowed to vote, and any country seen as having a junta or is deemed to be involved in serious internal conflict (as voted by a simple majority of the entire body of nations), and a whole slew of other robust checks to prevent corruption and/or ineffectiveness of the body, to be determined by greater minds than mine spending more than 30 minutes figuring such out.
@usonumabeach300 27 минут назад
Countries recognised as having top whatever economies, military prowess, quality of life, persistent records of not having been abusing human rights, or any other significant metric that would recognize a country which is a paragon of a desirable and ethical trait be awarded the prestige of a stronger voice/vote within the council until they are surpassed in whatever prestigious trait that got them said recognition.
@usonumabeach300 18 минут назад
Ambassadors to said council are not appointed by the ruling party of said country, but by a national vote, and any ambassador found to not be voting with the will of their people be immediately stripped and said country would remain unrepresented until a new vote is held by said country to replace said ambassador, ambassadors are to be paid by their own country at a rate equal to the average income of the voter base minus a percentage equal to that country's unemployed adult population, any official caught taking bribes or gifts or quid pro quo will be stripped immediately, and investigation of all ambassadors and their staff is perpetual and unrestricted, on pain of being stripped by the council and forcing a new vote within the perpetrator's nation.
@aaroncoleman3053 38 минут назад
When they showed the leader of China, I said, "Hey, Winnie the Pooh".
@somehaloguy9372 38 минут назад
So this is what that random NPC in GTA 5 means when he says he fought in Grenada
@joshh535 42 минуты назад
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I want Simon narrating the apocalypse as it happens.
@michaelpettersson4919 44 минуты назад
Need more embargoes. Apperantly the current ones are not properly felt in Venezuela.
@dannycurran2409 49 минут назад
Please tell me why you are showing an Irish tricolour when you are reporting about France my friend 😔🇮🇪
@daniloalves1139 50 минут назад
The myth of the USA winning wars is just a myth. What war they ACTUALLY won? Spanish american, Mexican... what more? Any other they lost ``interest``or an ally won for them like WW2 the soviet union won
@gssbcvegancat2345 52 минуты назад
Hopefully Trump will handle the entire UN issue. We should put staying in the in on the ballot
@matthewjohnmoriarty 58 минут назад
Its almost like sll these councils and counter councils etc are created to stuff around in political battlegrounds so real wars and chaos can continue to take place so particular echelons can profit.
@drqwyxz3588 58 минут назад
Europe is just a subcontinent of Eurasia 🤓
@demiller74 59 минут назад
Putin has Hamas in his pocket, October 7th is his birthday.
@botsharing1702 Час назад
Most blame immigration, but integration is the real problem. What New York did in the beginning of the 1900's, was adoption Pizza! From immigrants! Integration!
@DavidTremblay Час назад
You might have your big event after all we are definitely sleep walking toward ww3
@minos51 Час назад
peace is bad for the economy
@howarddowling3849 Час назад
@murraysheppard1153 Час назад
Read " shake hands with the devil".. it will explain the failure of the U.N.
@ScrimmyBungus Час назад
*A Metal Gear?*
@AntonioMagaia-Tri-Text Час назад
Macron’s ambiguity and missteps have to do with grudge against Putin regarding the control and exploitation by Russia of the “French” natural resources/minerals in French Africa.
@dkbros1592 Час назад
If Bharat India don't get permanent seats see bye bye to UN We wil withdrew from UN general security and monetary fund Rest we will be part of who wto etc And ya there will Major country walk out with us
@Thebettermartyr Час назад
The security council is useless
@iamtired4974 Час назад
Africa needs to be colonized again, any sense of its "independence" being anyhow good for them or greater world has failed.
@Tailsik124 Час назад
Я до с тех пор не могу понять, о какой "стабильности" в России они говорят?
@seanbumstead1250 Час назад
Just kick out Russia from the UN in general
@chrisw443 Час назад
Could require two vetos instead of one to stop a resolution.
@TheAdman871 Час назад
Great video, you do an amazing job with all parts of it, however your loud in breaths are annoying enough for me to have to point it out
@msNakato1 Час назад
Europe's last dicatator? you are kidding? you forgot Orban? we don't count russia as well? Putin, Turkey has a land in Europe equals to Belgium, Erdogan kinda dictator as well!
@cryptochronos4099 Час назад
Add the 4 large unrepresented economies, 2/3s majority for definitive action and replace veto power with a move to a vote by the general assembly. More representation stronger ability to call to action and a global check on the power of the select few. Would never be agreed to but would solve the problems that the security council currently faces.
@ronalddouglas7834 Час назад
Any and every organization of the civilised world that has china and russia as members as members needs to be reformed or disolved and reconstituted without these enemy third world nations.
@chrisw443 Час назад
When the league of nations died WW2 was inevitable. If the UNSC dies, well, WW3 probably isnt far behind.
@Mosxutus 2 часа назад
Veto power... The often implemented idea of the mid to late 20th century that turned out to be a major thorn in all-too-many institutions... UN? check. EU? check. NATO? check...
@joeyjojojrshabadoo7462 2 часа назад
Remember Ukraine having a right to defend itself does not obligate third parties to provide unfettered assistance. Foreign aid always comes with strings attached
@supersignet 2 часа назад
You should do a video on how US munitions and open support for Israel are facilitating war crimes
@johnlyndem228 2 часа назад
Third world war
@pedroivantaveraferreira3037 2 часа назад
Divide the world in 9 blocks and that becomes the new P9 then only three votes can veto.
@jojosaves 2 часа назад
American is pretty naive in thinking that war is something that only happens 'somewhere else' on the planet.
@nadinenadine9739 2 часа назад
The six day war was wan by 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇸🇩🇪🇫🇷…. etc Without Aid only empty 🪣
@babylawnchair 2 часа назад
In regards to Korea, I think some Korean war videos would be interesting, like the battle of the chosin reservoir would be incredible.
@BlackgoldTwinduck 2 часа назад
gaddafi once spoke against them and got killed for it
@dncg4040 2 часа назад
Imagine if this channel gave a three day "investigative report" of the U.S. military lol...would totally trump this report, but there wouldn't be any witnesses...
@MrPapamaci88 2 часа назад
The problem with the Security Council is that it exists.
@czechvirusS 2 часа назад
How could they have changed the seat from ROC to PROC? as you said, such changes need approval from all SC members. Did taiwan just say "yes please. Take our veto and give it to our biggest riva l"? If that was possible then changing the UN must be too.
@EuroMaidanWasAnInsurrection 2 часа назад
Get rid of Territorial integrity and the UN veto. Boost its military to 500k. All those 500k troops need to only be loyal to the UN. Not their birth nation.
@craggey01 2 часа назад
It will set a precedent if carried out. Countries would ask "Can they do this to me as well? Investors will be very wary about investing in countries that talk about seizing assets. "Who wants to invest in something that can be seized?" Once the USA/EU confiscates the assets, thats a green light for EVERYONE do the same.
@s0l0r1d4 2 часа назад
if you ask me, make the security council made of 20 voted members, no permanent members, and remove veto rights forever