@rborecki222 7 часов назад
@unknownpatata 2 дня назад
Don't look into Dave Lister then.
@thomasblueschke6938 6 дней назад
According to Einstein every relative motion is time travel. Due to everything is moving everything is time traveling. There is "nearly no" effect for us exept the difference of time between moving objects like planes, satelites, spacecraft... and here on Earth. ;)
@HandsomeLongshanks 8 дней назад
You made a strong case that I'm struggling to refute. Well done.
@HandsomeLongshanks 8 дней назад
0:45 "half divine and half human" except Jesus isn't half divine and half human. He's fully divine and fully human. He's literally the manifestation of God in human form. He's all of God's divinity in a completely human form.
@theredsaurian 10 дней назад
Lotta merit in this. However I'm pretty sure The Late Philip J Fry is simpler than that. The universe/timeline in which Leela inherited Planet Express linearly preceded the next one, which linearly preceded the one that Fry, Bender, and the Professor landed in. The Big Bounce theory, except the universe bounces back identical to how it did before (except a few feet displaced). The string of universes extends infinitely backwards and forwards in time, in blocks of four - Universe A's Fry and co leave universe A and occupy universe C, universe B's Fry and co leave universe B and occupy universe D. Also I think the coffee thing was just the caffeine getting 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 with Fry.
@carlbrown1000 12 дней назад
Seems like every time traveler fucks up the universe enough for it to correct itself l, and Fry gets a free Hall pass. And the times when something needs correcting, Fry indirectly or directly corrects it himself before the Universe goes nuts
@aname4449 12 дней назад
We don’t read that full contract, farnsworth could have dead peasants insurance
@stackflow343 12 дней назад
"Phone" booth is fine, Canada booths is also acceptable lol
@shakerat420 13 дней назад
Bootstrap paradox
@michaelwheeler7293 14 дней назад
You can't not put your political views in your views
@richardlandrum1966 14 дней назад
Have kyle reese's parents ever been named? Could be john conner's kid
@jenny_azoth 15 дней назад
1:07 You might want to look up what type of god "El" was to the Caananites, actually...
@paytonthepiger2893 16 дней назад
I just realized that the fact they were 10 feet above their normal universe was only to be a paradox fixer for their universe, just like every other fixed paradox through the show 😂
@terrabyteonetb1628 17 дней назад
You mak8ng a youtube video of movie, not been done yet, or has it?
@TUG3284 21 день назад
To time travel IRL go real fast to go to future Just know ya can't come back... Yet
@TUG3284 21 день назад
The reason you can do this is because you can't go faster then light
@CaedmonOS 22 дня назад
Wait, there was an episode where Fry just decided to dilate time?😮
@jhonmiths1344 22 дня назад
“Zeus is just a regular dude” Zeus: “bro wtf I’m the son of a titan”
@NeoRazor 22 дня назад
Jesus is not 50% God and 50% man, he's 100% God and 100% man, simultaneously. His existence is a mystery. This is the official theology on the matter.
@EvandEntremont-go7ye 25 дней назад
From the basic "fry wakes up in the future" perspective; futurama is time travel in the same way that sleeping is time travel.
@DariousFloresMusic 25 дней назад
@SagaciousBoothe 25 дней назад
When Leila is running planet express, my opinion is that is an entirely different universe with similar characteristics. It's linear in time, they are like cells being born, similar but each is unique
@SagaciousBoothe 25 дней назад
I'd join your cult
@camilianSLC 26 дней назад
i thought jesus was like an avatar or surrogate. like hes not a real person. hes god in a robot body
@soukai 26 дней назад
The time machine is moving through space and time or it would not be sitting at the same spot on earth when they activate it because Earth does move and they will end out there somewhere until the exact moment they were sitting at the planet express office.
@muticere 26 дней назад
Let’s just put it this way: there’s a reason I was a big fan of the show back when I was a stanch creationist, and still am just as much of a fan now that I’m an atheist, and I know for a fact I’m not the only one. The show has episodes and talking points that any side can like and identify with.
@francislelievre5172 27 дней назад
great for his Homestuck classpect: Maid of Time.
@TeeFetch 27 дней назад
He taste color and plays the holophone better than everyone.
@elLooto 28 дней назад
Nicely done. Unfortunately, this is the year of our Lemmy, 2024, so I'm already in a different cult.
@Huggbees 29 дней назад
If you make more videos covering the theoretical science of Futurama, I will find a way to get you 4 million dollars. This video was incredible.
@GraveDank 29 дней назад
Fry has been effected by time more than any other human ever
@greenmountainhistory7335 Месяц назад
0:40 that’s literally heresy, Jesus is fully human and fully Devine
@hicamelcapi8963 Месяц назад
Dude, this is the best video I've ever seen. Hands down. Thank you for the love to Futurama you put into this
@why7020 Месяц назад
Jesus is fully God and fully man so idk how u would classify that in the game
@bemasaberwyn55 Месяц назад
You gotta love that this is only a topic because of how over educated the Futurama writers were😂😂😂😂
@oamdrab Месяц назад
For the Bender category, you forgot about when him and the ship fell in love. It was a near disastrous event.
@eduardorossal Месяц назад
I got problem with a statement that you made. We don’t know if God knocked up Mary by accident and realized he had to correct that by giving himself/son a mission to death to fix his fuck up.
@99mage99 Месяц назад
"Zeus is just a big dude who lives on a mountain." No, for your future reference, you are not remembering that correctly lmao. You're half right though. Greek Gods existed both physically and metaphysically within their realms of influence. For example, you could be invited to Mount Olympus and meet Zeus in person and shake his hand but at that exact same moment Zeus would be occupying his domain, the Sky, on a spiritual level beyond human comprehension. Be not a petty mortal trying to comprehend the divine.
@KentRoads Месяц назад
"The time machine stays in the same place, but moves through time" yeah but everything is always moving, so there now is not there then
@KentRoads Месяц назад
how is time travel fake? we're travelling through time right now...
@canadiannomad2330 Месяц назад
My interpretation would be that time travel, and passing the forwards-time barrier are two different things.. Fry being his own grandfather could only happen because he did cross the forward-time barrier, doing that doesn't usually happen in normal time travel. Different rules apply because in future-barrier crossing time travel essentially is another universe, just one that looks eerily like the previous one.
@tomgrus604 Месяц назад
This was absolutely brilliant! Thanks!
@micalishis Месяц назад
Everyone likes to talk about how great the continuity in Futurama is, but the continuity is actually terrible. They are constantly breaking rules and lore that they previously set up. So much so that I think it's maybe intentional sometimes, or an ongoing joke. The only reason people think it has good continuity is because they like to call back jokes sometimes, which makes it look like it has good continuity. But this is all to say that it's okay if they break their own time-travelling rules because they are constantly breaking their own rules in the show. It's a cartoon. It's not meant to be taken that seriously.
@alc_parisot Месяц назад
Fry is the chosen one of the universe. It's make perfect sense because a person with normal brain would fucked up things due to overthinking (Anakin). An idiot is absolutely the best tool because he do not care of what is happening to him. Sometime the stupidity might show more than needed but for the sake of the universe it's no problem.
@MrBrukmann Месяц назад
Bttf is one of the best movies of all time, but that scene with marvin should be deleted. I would say it is even worse because it manages to strip the credit from Chuck, but not give it to anyone. Talk about dehumanizing.
@danny49975 Месяц назад
remember there was more than one timeline at play. and he has a secret twin, @20:27
@staneroque517 Месяц назад
Everyone, literally EVERYONE, says Fry is his own grandfather. But no one ever talks about how that means that his father is his son (his son is his father)... Isn't that a more interesting discussion, than being your own grandfather?
@backgroundwii3091 Месяц назад
15:05 the Time Machine would actually be moving bc earth is moving really fast and the solar system and such is moving so that Time Machine would have to disappear on first use for that to hold
@JustABowlOfCherries Месяц назад
Jesus was 100% man and 100% God.
@Juuwio Месяц назад
terminator dark fate actually does have john die and the timeline just finds a new version