Eastsided - Raid Guides / Tutorials
Eastsided - Raid Guides / Tutorials
Eastsided - Raid Guides / Tutorials
This is my passion project as I graduate grad school! Work is my number 1 priority. However, I love to make pokemon content with my free time. I post mainly Pokemon Tera Raid Guides/Tutorials for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! I hope you enjoy.

100 subs: 8/30/23
200 subs: 9/20/23
300 subs: 9/25/23
500 subs: ??? 😊
This NEW Raiding Move is BROKEN and BANNED
5 месяцев назад
*NEW* Pokemon 7 Star Raids? [Speculation]
8 месяцев назад
RANKING the Starter Pokemon with CHAT
9 месяцев назад
@Cerularge_from_cerulean Месяц назад
Bro got that physical bm ursaluna 😂
@Haewangseong. Месяц назад
grass-steel snivy would be interesting don’t know how useful it would be tho lmao
@InsomniacMatt Месяц назад
Mirror herb is how I got belly drum on my full odds shiny Azuril (now a Shiny Azumaril), that I caught like 5 minutes after the lighthouse
@zoeward4107 Месяц назад
Love your content! Hope all is well and hope to see you posting again soon!!!!
@Un-Nownplayer8046 2 месяца назад
When we are on the subject of favorite Eevee-lutions I've been working on getting all mine specific Apricorn balls that match their appearance or type Vaporeon (Lure Ball) - (Love Ball could work if you try to breed/catch a shiny) Jolteon (Quick Ball) Flareon (Level Ball) Espeon (Dream Ball) - (Friend Ball could work if you try to breed/catch shiny) Umbreon (Moon Ball) Lefeon (Friend Ball) Glaceon (Premier Ball) Sylveon (Love Ball) - (Lure Ball could work if you try to breed/catch a shiny) That leads only Jolteon and Glaceon not in apricorn Balls, any suggestions? For Jolteon I was thinking of maybe a Fast Ball, it has a yellow-ish symbol on it that somewhat resembles a lightning bolt. my other alternative was Level Ball but that's taken by Flareon, and I want them to have one each, not same ones. but it's a fast pokemon so it fits Jolteon nicely. As for Glaceon I can't think of any at all, Heavy Ball? it's a bit of a stretch but it could maybe somehow work? Glecoen is more of a Dark blue-ish / Light blue-ish combo so the only thing i could work with there is a Dive Ball? but that's not an apricorn ball
@Un-Nownplayer8046 2 месяца назад
Great Video! Have you considered making a similar video to this that covers the more annoying 5 / 6 Star raid bosses that tend to buff themselves crazy because they have a buffing move as one of their available 4 moves (MLBB "Mewtwo like buffing behavior") Or pokemon with annoying abilities that if not dealt with immediately, could lead to instant raid wipe? Could be something for people who don't know these types and could help them plan accordingly it's not so much that these are hard to beat, but they can catch people of guard for sure. So, would that be doable? or just to many to cover in 1 video? maybe like a two parter or a top "In put your preferable number" hardest raid star 5 & 6 raids video. It would've been nice with a screenshottable image of some of these annoying ones so you don't have to memorize them all the time. I primarily play solo 6 stars only, but it's nice sometimes with a relaxing 5 star online where you don't have to go full try hard mode and you can get to use some underdogs that don't see much play. Annoying Abilities: Unaware/Moxie/Defiant/Competitive (Mostly stuff that boots raid boss or prevents setup) I've seen far to many people trying to buff up against pokemon with Unaware. Not bringing ability neutralizing pokemon when it's absolutely needed (like Moxie threats) to the point I'm just forced to chose a ability neutralizing mon if I party up with people against these. Thankfully Chancey always comes through with heals and has Skill Swap so I can be a healer. Honorable mention: Poliwrath, although it doesn't follow the ability argument, I've seen people setup against it which Haze counters MMLBs (There are really not that many pokemon that fall into this category for 6 star raids, but there might be some in 5 I've missed) Unless you see a full team (random) that has chosen Unaware pokemon, but realistically when is that gonna happen? Skill Swapping Contrary Malamar is probably the safest way to counter these with random people then again then again, Contrary approach is a double edge sword that could severely backfire if you have a heavily debuffing team. So these MLBB pokemon is probably just better to ignore all together for the casual random teams. Unless you have a full coordinated team that knows what they are doing. But they definitely are doable solo if you have the right counters, but sometimes tera matchup just wont allow it Totally unrelated to the topic at hand or it might actually be the perfect time to see it from the damage dealers point of view (me in this case) But I was in a 6 star Ditto (Bug) and the host went with a Metagross So now my mindset was how do I resist that thing while hitting it super effectively? I had no idea what to expect since this was someone else's Metagross's so I wasn't sure of its potential coverage moves was nor did I have time to be looking it up. While I was looking in my boxes for a good candidate I came across my H-Goodra (Stellar) that I used to battle something earlier that day in a solo run with a moveset of Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Acid Spray and i forget what it's 4 move was. but I had that set because of Stellar coverage and Dragon/Steel typing in raid is just to good. I knew my H-Goodra was physically bulky enough to challange it and with its Shell Armor ability I wouldn't randomly get critically hit, H-Goodra is a special attacker going up against a Metagross's weak point SP Def so I was confident it could handle it. my only concern was the potential of Ground/Fighting coverage moves (Which it can learn, but didn't have) It all sounded solid and doable in practice with my considerations in mind, So what went wrong? Turn 1. Acid Spray (Clear Body) Welp, I'm useless now. (Need I say more?) At that point my whole battle plan fell a part, no one could get rid of its ability so my only option was to Sunny Day immediately and Flamethrower spam and try to dish out enough damage and throw in cheers here and there but it just wasn't enough without the Acid Sprays, Can't say what the other teammates were doing nor do a remember what our comp was beside the Metagross but no one was getting knocked out, we simply didn't have the expected damage output that was hindered by Metagross's Clear Body blocking my Acid Sprays which needless to say wasn't happening - Someone choosing an ability neutralizer could have covered my oversight on the ability situation and potentially saved the raid. Not because of my rather unorthodox improvised fire H-Goodra mind you but because they would have stopped it's ability from blocking my Acid Sprays which would have won us the fight because we would've had the damage damage I was counting on, and yet I would not have been the MVP of that raid. The true MVP would've been the ability neutralizer person. Sorry again for the long comment but I found it fitting to highlight the importance of raid knowledge and no matter how experienced or inexperience you may be, we all make a bad judgement call from time to time. Just felt like sharing a brain fart moment so I don't seem like I make no mistakes, because we all do. Thing is I knew it could've had Clear Body but the moment I was in the boxes searching for viable candidates quickly because of timer running down I must have brain farted and completely forgotten of that possibility or was just hoping it wouldn't have it. So the moral of this longer comment then it need's to be: Sometimes the true raid boss is either yourself or your teammates.
@Un-Nownplayer8046 2 месяца назад
Interesting you included both Scyther and Scizor without neither of them running Fury Cutter. Now I know potential of missed attacks will reset its power back to 40 (60 with technician) before considering stab but you could give it Wide Lens which boosts it's accuracy which is enough to be 100% accuracy move or if you want to be bold run it with Sharp Claw or Metronome for juicy damage you do however loose out on recovery from Shell Bell but if you have a teammate to heal you that could be valid option. If you didn't know when you use cheers it will not break the Fury Cutter chain so you could use heal cheers as an alternative, but due to how inconsistent heal cheering can be you might not get the big heals when you need them the most. Speaking of resetting, the nullify phases will not reset the Fury Cutter chain As a side note I do want to point out that Scyther/Scizor/Kleavor (for those who has access to it) can learn Defog through egg moves which lower enemies evasiveness by one stage and also break screens/reflect (does not go through shield however that's a small downside to it) but hey, at least you are helping out some supporters running low accuracy debuffing moves of their own : ) So I could see something like Tera Type: Bug Stellar (incase of resistance situations so all of them won't have the standard bug weaknesses) Ability: Technician (Scyther / Scizor) Sharpness (Kleavor) Item: Shell Bell / Wide Lens / Sharp Claw / Metronome / Eviolite (Schyter) Fury Cutter (Stab Move) Defog (Debuff) Focus Energy (Self Buff) Light Screen? | Tailwind? (Team buffs) Swords Dance (Honorable mention instead of Light Screen / Tail Wind) The last move is a bit awkward to fit in since you typically want to be spamming Fury Cutter after Defog / Focus Energy but at least it's a temporary team like boost you can do before you go into damage mode. You never know, you might have some slow teammates that appreciate that Tailwind buff : ) you could apply another Defog if the boss resets it's debuffs early and shield is not activated so you still get that 100% hit chance with Fury Cutter could be worth it over a potential missed attack later in the raid. Defog Could also work with that Dual Wingbeat set if you have room for it. But if you went with the Swords Dance approach I would wait to use that till the boss has used up its nullify and definitely it you have missed an attack to do some catch-up, just don't over do it. 1 is plenty especially if you already are Terastallized and are healthy there is no need to get greedy there are some raid mons that never wipe your buffs so Fury Cutter could be very busted in those in combination with Focus Energy, Swords Dance: ) Note: I'm a solo player primarily but i do from time to time go online so i try to make room for some support oriented moves where i can on all my mons, but for solo play the Shell Bell item item is in my experience the safest bet for survivability. Either way, great video and recommendations!
@Un-Nownplayer8046 2 месяца назад
"Just watch out for a potential Dig" *Record player needle scratch* Wait what? since when have raid mons been using vanishing moves like that? I never got to play the Pikachu raid because I was slowly finishing up the main story at the time that early Pikachu event was live - But, did it by chance know Fly? Because I remember the Pikachu code you could redeem had Flying Tera that knew Fly. The first starter raid I was able to solo defeat on my own was Cinderace. A time when my boxes was not so well filled with raid mons, so I kind of had to improvise a wonky Espathra build with Lumina Crash, Reflect, Feather Dance and Roost (Opportunist Ability) xD but it got the job done But about the Eevee raid - didn't play it, was to burnt out on SV so had to take a break.
@Un-Nownplayer8046 2 месяца назад
When I look at my belly drummers I see 2 stats the Sets Kommo-O apart from the rest of them (Decent speed stat, but much noticeably lower HP) but much more balanced SP Def / Def, Yet I have a good success rate with it over the others- and honestly I think the speed stat is a little underrate factor here sitting at 206 Speed (no investment but Max Speed IV, lv. 100) while Iron Hands and Azumarill are sitting at 136 (no investment Max Speed IV, lv. 100) So as a result Kommo-O can very comfortably out speed a lot of 5 Star raid mons and even some 6 Star raid mons. By which in mean IH and Azumarill will typically be out speed and take damage before they get their belly drum go of- which means they could already be at uncomfortably low hp trying to use their attack on the next turn and will get out speed again and probably most likely will faint before they get their attack of to regain their hp. So what does that mean? should you re allocate your HP investments into Speed? yes and no. Even if you did you will not out speed everything that's just a simple fact- but having a speed set available for when it might come in to play and could make all the difference. I have a speedy belly drumming Ursaluna, and it's kind of fun to out speed things- after all, it's faster then the average bear *cricket noises* On one hand, since the Indigo dlc dropped and we now have the item printer its easier then ever to get unlimited amounts of money so you could just spam vitamins to try out wacky approaches. it wouldn't hurt to have a Speedy Azumarill that could out speed It's opponents and since it's faster it can take advantage of Misty Terrain more effectively since confusion and burns are the bane of physical attackers existence it would not have to worry about those things as much anymore, it could bring in a bit of that support niche it could fill- not just for burns and confusions but all the other annoying status moves as well like sleep and freeze (did not include paralysis since that's typically associated with electric attacks and you should not bring it for that) On the other Iron Hand, *single crowd member letting out a single cough in the distance* since Iron Hands is a Violet exclusive I could see that being a problem for some. If you think nerfing your HP in favor of speed is scary, why not nerf some of your attack stat and invest it into HP instead? *crowd gasps in disbelief* Yes you will do less damage, but is that so bad? Survivability in raid is more important because getting knocked out in raids over and over is just not a good way to win I'm sorry to say it, +6 Attack in 1 turn is still good. even with nerfed attack stat as long you still can hit it super effectively and preferable not get super effectively hit back. You will still do respectable damage, sometimes that massive attack stat just feels a little wasted/overkill when it could have been distributed to something like it's defensive shortcomings or just HP. Now I do understand that Trick Room and OHKO strategies exist, but for the average player online that's not always practical to achieve. But we can't forget about the Blissey events where these monsters massive 1 turn attack boost really shines, solo or not. And personally if i were to play online with strangers i think I'd rather use a speedy belly drummer so you reduce a little RNG factor and don't completely have to rely on your teammates to support you- don't get me wrong, support mons are great - but you can't guarantee someone will choose one. Unrelated to the belly drumming topic at hand but I have a Mandibuzz I've decided to use a a special attack, it has Sp. Atk 55 (Base) 229 (max) which is pretty darn low. But because I followed one golden rule, hit your target super effectively and be immune, resist or at the very minimum be hit neutrally back- it had Nasty Plot for buff move and yet i won a 6 star with it- sure it was a little slow process but it got the job done. Solo I'd might ad so you don't think I've won because I got carried by OP teammates. but my AI teammates wasn't really relevant in this encounter. For someone who solo plays about well over 90% of the time you can't deny how good the AI giving you that Hang Tough cheer at the beginning of the raid is but the main problem I think a lot of people don't realize is that wont' take affect till round 2 since the AI teammates is programmed to always moves after the player so people often spam their belly drum to early and not taking advantage of the defense boost that could let them potentially survive a 2 hit KO and faints and now comes back into the raid without said defense boost so I would recommend something a little unorthodox but teach your drummers protect (when playing solo) and use that turn 1 instead of belly drum. In Iron Hands case specifically you could take advantage of another grossly underrated move like Focus Energy which synergizes well with Sharp Claw btw guarantee 100% crits so you don't have to worry about raid mons that buff themselves defensively since crits ignore defense buffs, Focus Energy will NEVER be nullified during the raid bosses nullify phase so if your stuck in that awkward moment of low hp but cant belly drum after nullify you at least have the crit chances to help you out. While we're on the subject of the nullifying phase, in Azumrills case it will have it's Huge Power ability nullified for the next turn, which you can then use protect so you don't have to waste a turn dealing less damage and risk getting knocked out because of it. You could get knocked out on purpose if your low and plan on tera (when playing solo) But that's not a good mind set to get a habit doing if you are playing online with people since that will hurt the chances of all of you to succeed the raid if continuously faint to many times. So even if I'm playing solo and know my cheers have less of an impact, I always try to utilize them for the practice for when I do go into Online matches because they really are very strong and underrated. I just wanted to share my thoughts on the belly drumming situation and since builds typically don't invest in speed and I think belly drummers could benefit from it. So to wrap up this long rant, I'm not a belly drummer main, nor do I use mine all the time as I like to to use my other mons as well I didn't write this in hope of seeing more belly drummers, on the contrary if anything I'd prefer more variety in the raid comps. but I didn't want to bash on Iron Hands & Azumarill specifically but they are the most common 2 belly drummers you see people use- Note: I think Ursaluna also share their speed total but I'm not 100% sure, but for reference sake it had 199 Speed (Max SPE IV / SPE EV investment, Adamant nature) Done, rant over. PS. these other recommendations were good to, I just had them all already but forgot to consider Kommo-O as a special attack : )
@Un-Nownplayer8046 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the Kommo-O recommendation, I've been running mine as a Fighting Tera special attacker since special attacking fighting types are to come by and it's nice to have something that wasn't just Lucario as the only option. I do have a H-Decidueye, Infernape, Mienshao and Toxicroak as well for special attackers. And you earned yourself a sub! But realistically speaking, would you even get 3 Screeches of and do a belly drum before getting knocked out? you might get away with 1-2 but 3 sounds like pushing it, and that's before taking into consideration of its already lower accuracy. Plus there is always the chance of having physical attacking ai comp that will trigger the debuff removal phase before you are even ready. But that's all if's and buts - still great move though. So down below is my spin on the special attacker. 252 SP ATK/252HP/whatever (Modest/Quiet) Note: Mine is currently not HP invested as I went for a more SP Def / Def split to get more value out of Clangorous Soul but I'm to lazy to do the calculations to what my actual spread is. And no it's not the usual 129 split as I tend to like to round out my defenses for my raid mons over HP since that also gives Hang Tough cheering more value in raids as well. But it's 1 bulky dragon with 298 DEF/SP DEF (after investments) neutral and resisted attacks is a mere tickle, still wouldn't recommend going up against something it's weak to. Quiet Nature could work so you don't reduce your physical attack since Clangorous Soul boost all you stats by 1 stage allowing you to use Drain Punch Instead of Shell Bell / Left Overs for reliable recovery. Opening up room for better ones like Covert Cloak for full immunities to offensive attacks that has secondary effects or Clear Amulet for full Immunity to stat drops or whatever else you might fancy. Ability: Bulletproof I'm a big fan of Immunities even if they're situational, but limiting the offensive attacks a raid boss can do to you just means you stay alive longer in the raid and just waste its turn. Some notable Ball / Bomb moves are, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball & Sludge Bomb are the most common Ball / Bomb moves you run into. There are more ofc, most of them would be neutral damage regardless if your used your tera or would just be to catered to very specific raids. Held Item: Shell Bell / Left Overs (Honestly there is room for a lot of various items to be used here) Tera Type: Fighting Aura Sphere (STAB move) Clangorous Soul (Self buffing move) Breaking Swipe | Metal Sound | Screech | Taunt (Debuffs) Coaching | Dragon Cheer (Team Buff) Drain Punch (STAB recovery move) I always try to make room for support like moves on all my builds even if i play solo a lot but it's nice to have to options if i do play some online so i can at least be some what useful. So for solo I'd probably go for Aura Sphere Clangorous Soul Taunt | Breaking Swipe | Metal Sound Drain Punch | Focus Blast I find Taunt to be overall more useful since Metal Sound won't go through shield so it looses value at that point. Even though Metal Sound looses value in solo play I'm still pretty much counting on me doing the damage so there is room for which ever you prefer. Breaking Swipe is my go to over Taunt if I'm battling a physical attacker. Coaching and Dragon Cheers are awesome team buffs but they're just wasted effort when I'm playing solo. Personally I hate low accuracy moves, I'd always preferred accuracy over power but you can swap in Focus Blast for harder SP ATK Stab move in the 1st or 4th slot. Sorry for the long comment but there you go, just wanted to share my spin on the special attacker.
@BNSW1000 3 месяца назад
Well instead of Serperior, the grass starter that just got a Tera raid event is Meganium with psychic type. Do you think there’s still a chance for the Snivy line since Snivy was still seen in the trailer?
@EastsidedTTV 3 месяца назад
Hard to say! The trailer could have been a bait and switch or this raid could be! I think Snivy has more ties with France than Chikorita but we’ll have to see!
@axelbonencabo6684 3 месяца назад
how to use the snorlax
@Robloxwithstacey 3 месяца назад
Torchic for life!!
@Ricklepickleroorahgrimes 3 месяца назад
Ok so for some reason im only getting ceruledge raids
@erechbrown758 3 месяца назад
For the possible starters are prediction are: Snivy, Torchic, and Piplup. Final Evolution Type: -Serperior(Grass/Fighting) _Blaziken(Fire/Flying) -Empoleon(Water/Ice)
@fernycpsmity 3 месяца назад
I feel like we Will get Snivy, Scorbunny and Piplup in Legends Z-A Gamefreak Idon't thing they would use birds Serperior will be Grass Steel type based on high class and Steel Cut Jewelry which was big in 1800s in France, Cinderace will be Fire Ground type you play soocer on the ground and the first soccer club in France came from England to built The Eiffel Tower, and a French Lop Rabbit with the brown spots, Empoleon will be Water Ice because first French explorer found west Antarctica Adelie Land January 20, 1840 where Adélie Penguins are from. If we get Scorbunny as a starter it would be exactly 6 years since we got Sword and Shield the thing happened to Rowlet 6 years after we got Rowlet as a Legends Arceus starter
@ChuckNorris-rw2bd 3 месяца назад
I don't think they would make 2 grass fighting starters in a row... would they?
@hcolivares 3 месяца назад
Gapple! Great vid! Thank you for these pointers, definitely going to try them!
@chukasssss 3 месяца назад
Despite some probably strong evidence, I don't think they'd use any Gen 3 starters. Blaziken has a mega evolution, and since Mega Evolution is coming back, that would mean one of the starters would already have a mega. Idk. Just me.
@mr.gamewatch6165 4 месяца назад
Considering they showed those starters near the Hisuian starters, they probably did. 1. Snivy: French royalty⚜ 2. Torchic: French rooster🐓 3. Piplup: French emperor 🧅
@stonefacecollin 4 месяца назад
hmmm? we already have mega blazkin so idk, I'd rather Chimchar or tepig or litren personally although i think its highly unlikely we will get a mega inceroar at least i hope
@MrRed-le4ek 4 месяца назад
It’s time that we get more Gen 5 Megas. I wished the starters had Mega Evolution, but Regional Forms make more sense because of the Hisui starters.
@DDKoD 4 месяца назад
Replace Blaziken with Cinderace and you can cook
@EastsidedTTV 4 месяца назад
We’ll see if I’m right or wrong 😇
@zacswicord4496 4 месяца назад
kinda hoping we'll getting turtwig instead of snivy but if I had to pick from the three I'd choose piplup