A channel devoted to all things wargaming.
Games Workshop Raises Prices AGAIN!
7 часов назад
Adding to My Newest Army with Kitbashing!
12 часов назад
New Combat Patrols Hit or Miss
14 дней назад
Rescuing Second Hand Space Marines!
14 дней назад
Female Custodes: GW Goes Too Far
21 день назад
Rescuing Old Forge World Models!
Месяц назад
Games Workshop Deletes 100+ Models
Месяц назад
FIXING My Worst 40k Army!
Месяц назад
Fixing Lame Marines Into Iron Hands
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My Titan Won a Painting Competition?
Месяц назад
I Spent TOO MUCH Cash at Adepticon!
Месяц назад
Games Workshop Lied! Adepticon Reveals!
Месяц назад
3 Days to Get My NEW Army Playable!
Месяц назад
ALL Combat Patrols RANKED
Месяц назад
How TAU is Slowly Fixing Warhammer
Месяц назад
Getting Back to My Death Guard Army! HELP!
2 месяца назад
Best and WORST of This Week's Reveals!
2 месяца назад
Getting $1,400 TITAN Ready for Competition
2 месяца назад
@simonbelmont0993 44 минуты назад
Ew, sequel trilogy mugs, ewwww
@tychoMX Час назад
Squirty bottles for everything. Alcohol and clean water for the airbrush and paint brushes. Even empty ones if you need a controlled blast of air.
@mortisangelica Час назад
Sounds like the bigger tip here is organizing, and having everything with in arms reach. I glad you found a system that works for you. I bought a bunch of the hobby zone modular workshop stuff. The modules in that are about 6x6x 12 inches and they have magnets so you can snap fit them together. I got draws for bits, tool holders and chubby for sanding sticks, even a display self with plexi covering. It was not cheap and does not store every thing I need it was a worth while investment.
@nathanielsmith6262 Час назад
Videos like these that just make my hobbying that much more enjoyable and easier to partake in feel kinda rare so gems like these are always amazing! Just the smallest things that whittle down the wasted hobby time that every now and them make me think "I'm so glad I got that". Like I've always had the pin cushion so I didn't even think about how annoying it would be to struggle finding a needle or pin!
@jmwytube 2 часа назад
It was such a pleasure to watch this. Your positive energy is just what I needed today!
@squigburger 2 часа назад
The ballad of Stompy...
@beechsprout8806 2 часа назад
Banger suggestions. Stuff easily overlooked, all good suggestions.
@Sparkster8044 2 часа назад
Local Asian market sells these mini mochi snacks. The box holds them in squares that are great for holding bits.
@Stanley-Wallice 2 часа назад
I imagine Jay chasing away farts with his quick draw blow dryer
@GetterAtomsk 3 часа назад
"I will demonstrate on his crotch." That, sir...earns you a like and a sub.
@TheJohnsfz 3 часа назад
Great video Jay!
@MrSteelface96 3 часа назад
probably since they seen a dip since the covid boost of their revenue, and people who got into warhammer just because ''what other is there to do?'' (during covid) got out once society returned to normal and these people could return doing whatever they did before. so now GW do these regular increases to ''keep'' the renvenue at the same high but with less customers. (just my couch economics, fyi)
@daili4917 4 часа назад
I use the mugs for paint water, but I have old jars for brushes!
@grapetonenatches186 4 часа назад
So who orchestrates this "scam"?
@louisfitting4449 4 часа назад
Hey Jay. Been watching you a while and this is the first time I have commented. Love your channel. Love your humor. Love 40k/AOS and painting minis. Duces.
@warmaster2-ex6jp 4 часа назад
Amazon has some good deals
@troybowen1781 5 часов назад
You are WAY too excited about the hair dryer and under desk storage. Love the videos.
@samuelsalgueroherrero6294 5 часов назад
I love this guy
@_SBro 5 часов назад
The adeptus diabetes
@alistairkellett1013 5 часов назад
I don't have greens for rebels, I have an urban pattern scheme, as they can be in any situations
@benderxx1338 5 часов назад
omg I love these tool tip videos! please make more! lol. I'm always down for new little tools or hacks that make hobbying just a little more fun or easier
@bloodgulchpatrick 6 часов назад
I knew a guy, he was such a cheap tool
@Blakeo32 6 часов назад
I would like to know the type of desk you paint on.
@AzraelThanatos 6 часов назад
Rather than mugs, there's a cheap paintbrush organizer that Dollar Tree sells that works really well
@troypeterson2156 6 часов назад
screw it. im out. done. theres no point or incentive. it is not worth it. I just got into it... and im done. dont need it.
@garrettlittle4830 6 часов назад
This video made me so happy! Now I want the top 10, top 50, and top 100 🤣
@grimmriffer 7 часов назад
What are you doing under the desk? Un-holstering my hot tool.
@rbleisem 7 часов назад
Lighter, for cleaning my glue needle, when a normal needle won't clear it. A little bit of fire and it's clear. A candle for stretching out sprue's to long tin wires, cut off the thickness you need and... Yes, plastic wires, that's what you then get, perfect for thin details.
@sjaakninaber4989 7 часов назад
Second time i heard you about egg-saled sandwichs would love to see a video about it
@AnzumanaTaal 7 часов назад
@novawolf9320 7 часов назад
I use a pop fidget toy as a speed paint pallet. It's great because when the paints dry you can just pop the paint out.
@adamwenner5849 7 часов назад
@jeffleake1960 7 часов назад
I thought u were going to say a bottle to pee in when talking about not wanting to leave your chair !
@Goodenough- 7 часов назад
Pro Tip: Don't put paint down the drain...
@thetastywhale 8 часов назад
I'm an early hobbyist and want my stuff compact and quickly accessible for quick jobbies when inspiration strikes. Been rubberbanding the main tools I use together for different tasks (snippers/sandstick/razor for building from kits, 3 sized paint brushes/washcup/painttray for painting.
@larryp.2273 8 часов назад
My 3 tips. 1. Nail clippers that look like pliers. They have a long, curved, pointy tip which is perfect for cutting bits of a sprew or cleaning up the nibs and flash. 2. T-7000 (black) or CP-0001 (transparent) glue. It's advertised as shoe glue but they also use it to glue a screen to a mobile phone. It's rubbery so models are more bump resistant. It's sticky but has a long drying time so you can position several bits at the same time. It doesn't melt plastic so you can twist off a bit and try again without breaking it. 3. A studio light that hangs over the desk. It's obvious but I never see it mentioned.
@Whammy777 8 часов назад
That’s not a chicken btw
@hellayeproductions6739 8 часов назад
Oh my god, I wondered for so long what that little spray bottle was called. Thanks!
@defia54 8 часов назад
If you need any motivation to get all the bits off the sprues, try making sprue bricks. I had a lot of sprue laying around and an old 3rd edition Lictor, and I wanted him to be camoflaging. So I trimmed all the sprues down to about the same size, and built a wall out of sprue bricks at about chest height for my Lictor, with some even smaller sprue chunks laid next to the wall like destroyed wall chunks. I cleared up some space in my buckets, and I made most of my lictor's paint scheme a very simple grey.
@Bobyoudontneeemyname 8 часов назад
Jay, your mother wants her rooster mug back, that was a gift from your great aunt julie!
@grapetonenatches186 8 часов назад
Steal it?
@awztecgaming6635 9 часов назад
9:00 it looks like you were playing 10x scale ticket to ride
@modelmanjohn 9 часов назад
I use 2 water pots for 2 stage cleaning. 1 to get the most off, then the second to clean off the brush feom the first.
@grayholiday 9 часов назад
"100% covered in garbage" describes my workbench most of the time.
@hawkthetraveler6344 9 часов назад
good review !
@sovietbear1917 9 часов назад
I use a paper piercer for my bottle unclogging needs. Has a handle like an x-acto, so i don't have to worry about keeping track of it like pins. And for pinning I use jewelry pins; they're around a dollar for a bag at the craft store, but they're uniformly sized and straight, unlike paper clips. No fuss model pinning.
@bensayeed953 9 часов назад
I feel this is more of a 'how to stay organised' than a tool tip for ocd's lol.
@Adrien323 9 часов назад
This isn’t for painting technically, but I got myself a mini storage container with 9 slots and I store my bits in it. The little drawers are clear plastic and can be pulled out instead of moving around the entire container.
@pabloalonsolasagabaster658 9 часов назад
wow these are actually cheap. I though it was gonna be something relatively cheap, too expensive for me XD
@Jmandalorian 9 часов назад
Where are the fun dog facts?