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Encounter Books
Encounter Books
Videos from Encounter Books, America's Premier Intellectual Conservative Imprint.

Encounter Books is an activity of Encounter for Culture and Education, a tax-exempt, non profit corporation dedicated to strengthening the marketplace of ideas and engaging in educational activities to help preserve democratic culture.
F.H. Buckley talks Immobility
8 лет назад
The Truth About Gun Control
10 лет назад
@garyjordan4735 18 часов назад
This should be taught in schools/colleges and univerities around the world. Maybe then we wouldn't have the young people of the world siding with terrorists.
@closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0 12 часов назад
The state of Israel was created by terrorists. Even david ben-gurion admitted that zionists started the conflict. It's very simple European jews wanted to colonize palestina. According to zionist historian Benny Morris, zionists chose to accept the 1937 partition plan, so they could eventually takeover all of Palestine
@MrBlocket2.0 23 часа назад
Hamas is a terrible organization and needs to be stopped, however these comments made it very clear that they don’t know US and Israeli troop are killing civilians and actively lying and covering it up. Hamas is evil, but what we are doing is wrong. Plus if we stop funding Israel we can put that money into helping our nation instead of a genocide.
@r.a.panimefan2109 День назад
Mr obama.... Lets see here his name is heusain ... do we really need to ask. Its no mysteriy.
@JoeBlazing 2 дня назад
Oh so they like just like the other desert dwellers..... interesting.......
@loganstewart5342 4 дня назад
why do people think Jews are entitled to have Israel. The land was STOLEN from Palestinians after they were lied to in the Ḥusayn-McMahon correspondence letters. I only see comments here about how the Palestinians are wrong for not accepting the terms that were brought to them, and for fighting against the occupation. how is that wrong in any way? Would you not fight to defend your homeland after it was stolen from you? the entire state of what is now Israel belonged to Palestinians just over 100 years ago, and in that space there were in fact Jews living peacefully. The violence only started when mass immigration caused by the Zionist movement and enabled by the British Empire started. I'm going to keep checking my notifications if anyone would like to respond to this and prove me wrong i'd be more than happy to have a conversation about it.
@closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0 12 часов назад
@ivrishcon-abarth38 5 дней назад
As independent nation, Palestine couldn´t play victim and they´d have no common motivation, which are to hate Israel and Jews. islam is a religion of war and violence, it´s been proven for a thousand years.
@closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0 12 часов назад
Even david ben-gurion admitted that zionists started the conflict. It's very simple European jews wanted to colonize palestina. According to zionist historian Benny Morris, zionists chose to accept the 1937 partition plan, so they could eventually takeover all of Palestine
@forestshade9451 5 дней назад
Hit others and play victim...
@closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0 12 часов назад
Even david ben-gurion admitted that zionists started the conflict. It's very simple European jews wanted to colonize palestina. According to zionist historian Benny Morris, zionists chose to accept the 1937 partition plan, so they could eventually takeover all of Palestine
@shikari7 6 дней назад
This is fantastic and well done until the last 10 seconds when it inexplicably implies some sort of bizarre conspiracy theory about Obama.
@Darth234Ravenous 8 дней назад
It's like wargames. The only winning move is not to play.
@returo7297 8 дней назад
debunking israel lies? they proven total pure holy being?
@Thoom4u 8 дней назад
Imagine that today the united league of Arab Nations led by an Arab scholar decided that, despite being far fewer in numbers, the underrepresented Arab population, which needs to have a nation of their own in this part of the globe, would be given 20% of the US landmass, just like the Peel commission decided for Palestine in 1936. The states of Texas, California, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, New York, Illinois, and of course Washington would become part of a new sovereign Arab country where the Arab language would be spoken and Sharia law implemented. But no worries, the other 80% of the US landmass would remain a federal republic where English would remain the primary language. Would you fight against this? The focus today is on the unwillingness of the palestinian population to accept any “reasonable” compromise, which by now is far worse than the initial proposal, and which if it came to our lands we would find ridiculous and fight with every bone in our bodies. We have to really place ourselves in their shoes to really understand what it means if your land is taken away from you.
@Nopejuststop 8 дней назад
Palestinians and Israelis were promised of a land by the British. Which then the UN draw the borders and splitting up the lands between Israeli and Palestians based on settlements and investments in civil infrastructures and agriculture. The Israelis or the Jews focused on NATIONN BUILDING, hence why they have a bigger land compared to Palestinians despite with their huge different in population. Meanwhile Palestinians, didn't much focus on anything but hatred on Jewish. That's why when Israel declared Independence, Palestine declared war together with the Arab Nations and by this, the PROMISED LAND for the Palestinians was annexed by Egypt and Jordan. A terrible analogy if you know history.
@Thoom4u 8 дней назад
@@Nopejuststop I understand the limitations of my anology, but I think it does foster empathy by illustrating the emotional impact of losing land. In your response you mention several historical points which may be correct although I think you oversimplify the context of Palestinian society and efforts towards self-setermination by claiming they “only focused on hatred of Jews”, but you fail to address the emotional and psychological aspects of the analogy, which was its primary purpose. Without empathy, will this conflict ever be resolved?
@Nopejuststop 8 дней назад
@@Thoom4u empathy is something many Palestinians lacks, they are heavily indoctrinated to hate Israel and Jew. Yet there are protest in Israel to stop the war, and Jews in other countries do it as we. The creation and acceptance of Israel state in the UN was based on empathy because of what happened after World war 2. And because of War of Independence in 1948, Israel embraced radicalism to oppose the Arab nations. Empathy alone doesn't resolve the issue here. I get your point but humans are humans, bad and good, but when things and circumstances became dire, we often became bad, radical and extremist, and look what transpired over for the last few decades. Look at both two people, Palestinians voted for Hamas, a terrorist group determined to exterminate the Jews or create a Palestine stage while Israelis State elected a far-right extremist government to preserved its existence and to avoid another Holocaust. Empathy on both sides is small to none, both people lacks empathy since both parties has already pass the point in which Understanding and resolution is no longer an option.
@Thoom4u 7 дней назад
@@Nopejuststop I agree that empathy alone will not be enough. Current leadership has to resign and exceptional new leaders who know what has to be done to ensure a prosperous future for both peoples have to step in. They must be able to make difficult compromises even when they aren’t popular. I hope the criticism that you are referring to which seems to be growing within Israeli society will enforce this change.
@Nopejuststop 7 дней назад
@@Thoom4u I hope so
@bothanjedirogue 8 дней назад
Easy there Mahmoud
@riposter69 9 дней назад
Well stupidity is infinite. They have consistently made bad stupid decisions that hurts them. In normal situations their is a limit to this but they are just emboldened by the stupidity of the west so it is an endless cycle.
@Jhinuchusi 9 дней назад
Refuses peace ... simply Muslims
@closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0 12 часов назад
Even david ben-gurion admitted that if he were an Arab he wouldn't have made peace with the zionists either
@Jhinuchusi 9 дней назад
Ahh history. Muslim don't believe in it. They believe in 1 book 😂😊
@crazyralph3585 9 дней назад
This video, and many others like it, has encouraged me to take action. I am calling for a type of MEN'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT. To get on board, you must do 3 things: GET A VASECTOMY. If you are 18 or over, then get this done as soon as possible. This way you can enjoy being intimate with a woman without the fear of pregnancy. STAY SINGLE. If you are not married, or cohabitating, then stand your ground and stay as you are. REJECT ALL DOUBLE STANDARDS, GENDER STEREOTYPES, and GENDER ROLE EXPECTATIONS that are placed on men, and refuse to live by them. Remember, as men, we are only LEGALLY required to obey one gender role expectation, registering with Selective Service (military draft registration) I have decided to call this movement "OPERATION INDIAN OUTLAW" (named after a song by Tim McGraw). My challenge to all men is: Do you have the strength and the courage to join me and get on board with this movement? I pray that God helps you to do so.
@Ne0Freedom 10 дней назад
FACT: Israel is a Colony in Palestine / Judea.
@Patrickstarrrrr69 13 дней назад
Lmao name one benefit men get from marriage that outweighs the immense cost if it goes bad
@vdjKryptosRock 13 дней назад
Israel never existed. Romans never exiled the jews. The jewish diaspora are just european converts. Yiddish is not semitic, but Palestinians are.
@SMCwasTaken 13 дней назад
@annemadison7258 10 дней назад
Jew hater
@garbagelmao2730 9 дней назад
​@@annemadison7258Implying that's a bad thing lmfao
@closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0 12 часов назад
​@@annemadison7258lol. No counterargument
@kathleenmarion 13 дней назад
One problem with your narrative, these Arabs did not identify as Palestinians until 1964. Those people known as Palestinians in the 1920s till 1948 we're Jewish. Jewish people who lived in the area had Palestinian passports. In fact Golda Meir said not only did she have a Palestinian passport but that she was called a Palestinian. Arabs were not Palestinians at that time. Little errors like that make the rest of your history suspect!
@calsitup 14 дней назад
The Palestinians have more rights in Israel and the only country they can live in peace, but Hamas want to destroy it. Does this make any sense ?
@epsilonpegasi2 14 дней назад
For 75 years, Palestinians have endured the brutal occupation by Israel , and they pleaded with the world for help but no one helped. When they stood up for themselves, apparently they are in the wrong now.
@Nopejuststop 8 дней назад
Learn history. And a side of October 07
@runfusion 14 дней назад
Now just exactly when did the Palestinians gain the right to a state that never existed?
@wwg2005 14 дней назад
As a History lover, this is so eye opening. And shocking, knowing what I know now plus other documentaries that ledmean to learn about what happened when the PLO entered places like Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq or the Black September and Berlin Terror attacks, I see clearly the lies I've been fed, I feel like a fool for following blindly in a self destructive movement. Thank you.
@mamory3791 15 дней назад
This video in a nutshell, lies, misleading information and not mentioning a lot of other important info.
@benyaakov6453 15 дней назад
Arafat wasn't a so called "Palestinian" he was born,raised & educated in Cairo,Egypt!!
@christ.8547 16 дней назад
palestine is a pork skin conosieur.. many blessing's..💙🌎✌🏽
@zaidhassan1730 18 дней назад
The arab war was supported by USA hegemony and not won by the Jewish state alone, represent all facts!
@zaidhassan1730 18 дней назад
6:18 couldn't have been further from logic. If at all the jews in Germany were able to migrate to somewhere else, is it not the onus of Europe to accommodate the jews in places where there was a significant demography? It's absurd to blame refusal of immigration into the declared state of Israel via Belford declaration for the reason of jews dying. The obvious reason is that Europe closed it doors of immigration as always.
@denisemansell5871 19 дней назад
“Israel protects women”
@epifunny1 19 дней назад
Obama hates America and any Israeli connected to it.
@donnygrungerson473 20 дней назад
Dude, is that my guy Bill Whittle? Been a while..
@MedIsman-vj1np 20 дней назад
It very dificult to choose , all parties have Good argument : -Democrate : give up some your rights for safer street -Républicain : défend your ancestrale right for self-défense in exchange of your security
@daletaliaferro6386 21 день назад
@Kitty-CatDaddy 22 дня назад
NaziTubes Hate Speech rules are just anti truth indoctrination schitt. F-NaziTube!
@Axcille 21 день назад
the most inteligent political opinion on youtube
@Pabs._. 21 день назад
Do call anything you don’t like nazism
@Axcille 21 день назад
@@Pabs._. yes he does
@lesterwilliams6808 22 дня назад
Historically he Arabs aligned with the Nazi's and still maintain virtually the same Nazi rhetoric. However because its religiously based they get a free pass? essentially, Islam equals Nazism? Muslims are everywhere but we keep a tight lid on our neo Nazi s and for good reason. Why the disparity? Islam is equally reprehensible as an ideology but no one says anything? crickets......
@kidkratoski3778 22 дня назад
@campusconservatives559 22 дня назад
This is all zionist lies!
@Cyberstan_Broadcast_Center 14 дней назад
You are too stubborn to understand the facts if they are presented right in front of you
@leslielandberg5620 23 дня назад
Obama? He is a communist. Not that mysterious. Destruction of the West, its institution and ideals, are his wet dreams.
@amrhassanein5031 24 дня назад
I like how much bull sh*t you were able to jam in one video. Thank God no one would believe this sh*t now
@Theking87rb54 23 дня назад
A lot of people do
@_itsashelygaming_ 23 дня назад
No one believes this cuz people don't wanna learn actual history
@Nopejuststop 8 дней назад
​@@_itsashelygaming_ yeah like October 07 and how Palestinians cried during 9/11
@jamestouchesgrass3410 24 дня назад
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
@ahz5828 24 дня назад
#votereform for the U.K
@richardmcravin4938 25 дней назад
Encounter Books = 👍👍👍👍👍
@leesmith4083 25 дней назад
Completely left out the Nakba; the expulsion of Palestinians and the slaughter during this event... But hey... that would be antisemtic or something like that.
@84MadHatter 22 дня назад
expulsion of Palestinians was self imposed, they radical members and the other islamic states told them to leave and not live with them. Millions of so-called Palestinians stead and live today as citizens even serving in the IDF
@Omar_05 9 дней назад
What about the Nakba? Arab states, who mobilised to exterminate every Jew in the region, lost and were humiliated badly. Hence, Palestinians were expelled forcefully.
@Nopejuststop 8 дней назад
Lol. They were told by the Arab nations to Evacuate the lands for them to have a fight with Israel.
@ilostsomethingonce 25 дней назад
It's like when a kid loses at a board game, and an adult says don't worry I'll let you win this time, but then the kid says no and has a meltdown.
@davidrennke763 25 дней назад
this video glosses over the fact that zionists began colonizing palestine in the late 1800s/early 1900s. Even then they talked openly of removing all Arabs from the land through "forced transfer". Ethnic cleansing in other words. Israel was a european style settler colonial project from the start. The Palestinians weren't stupid, they had seen colonialism in action before and knew that the end result would be disposition of their land and resources. So of course they fought the so-called "settlers". The Zionists never had any intention of sharing the region with the original inhabitants.
@ilostsomethingonce 25 дней назад
Obviously they were wrong about their assumptions, given the amount of arab israelis currently living with equal rights.
@jordanwilliams2557 25 дней назад
First, Jews have had a continuous presence in the land of Israel for millennia. The Zionist movement aimed to return to this ancestral homeland and escape European anti-Semitism, not just colonize a new land. Second, early Zionists legally purchased land from Arab landowners and developed it. This was not mere colonialism but involved legitimate transactions and efforts to build communities. Third, the Zionist movement included diverse opinions on coexistence with Arabs. While some advocated for a Jewish state, others proposed binational solutions. The narrative that all Zionists supported forced transfer or ethnic cleansing is inaccurate. Fourth, Palestinian leadership rejected multiple offers for a two-state solution, including the 1947 UN partition plan accepted by Jews but refused by Arabs. This rejection contributed to the conflict and the Palestinian refugee problem. Fifth, the conflict involved regional and international politics. Neighboring Arab states invaded Israel in 1948, aiming to destroy it, which complicates the simple colonizer versus indigenous people narrative. Sixth, around 850,000 Jews were expelled or fled from Arab countries after Israel's establishment, adding complexity to the story of displacement and victimhood. Finally, Israeli governments have repeatedly tried to negotiate peace and coexistence, offering significant concessions for a Palestinian state. This shows a willingness to share the land, contrary to claims of unilateral colonial intent.
@manuelleao4791 26 дней назад
this is so biased. Zionist are painted as saints and victimz, while arabs are the agressors
@jordanwilliams2557 25 дней назад
Zionists achieved statehood through diplomacy and practical efforts, convincing global powers of their cause's benefits. For example, they secured support from the Soviet Union by highlighting mutual interests. They accepted the UN's 1947 partition plan despite its shortcomings. Palestinians, however, have sought statehood through emotional appeals and conflict, without negotiating with Israel or showing how a Palestinian state would benefit others. Persistent corruption, incitement, and terrorism further undermine their aspirations for a state
@didigogo139 15 дней назад
Ok post your own video debunking this...:)
@jordanwilliams2557 15 дней назад
Arabs are the aggressors, they started every single major conflict they had with the jewss
@manuelleao4791 12 дней назад
@@didigogo139 here you go! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-iRYZjOuUnlU.htmlsi=tiyHu8FoReL5PjO7
@nobbytang 26 дней назад
Good video but the Zionist diaspora from Eastern Europe and Russia started in 1883……way before Balfour decree but the decree did give it a certain credibility….certainly within the western world .
@jackcausey1449 26 дней назад
Remember the nakbah
@jordanwilliams2557 25 дней назад
Neighboring Arab states invaded Israel in 1948, aiming to destroy it, nakbah is palestinians fault
@Dimitri-fl6dm 26 дней назад
more pointless pseudo-history just to deny nationhood to an oppressed people. As a result both Israelis and Palestinians remain in a perpetual state of war and lunatics in Europe or the US perpetuate nationalist drivel matched only in vacuity by islamist propaganda