Wild Montana
Wild Montana
Wild Montana
Uniting and mobilizing communities to keep Montana wild. Join us! #keepitwild
2023 Founders Award | Roy Jacobs
7 месяцев назад
Investing in Eastern Montana
8 месяцев назад
Protect the Blackfoot. For all of us. Forever
10 месяцев назад
59th Anniversary of The Wilderness Act
10 месяцев назад
Save SB 442
Год назад
Protect Our Public Lands
Год назад
Protect Habitat Montana
Год назад
A Blackfoot for Generations
2 года назад
Wild Montana WSA Monitoring Training
3 года назад
@joecocker162 Месяц назад
@Kendra41782 Месяц назад
@Zummes 2 месяца назад
@darz3829 2 месяца назад
Interesting -- Indians emphasize their one-with-nature status yet they want fame in history. They revere their warriors yet have lost most every major campaign in their U.S. history. They decry the white man yet their success was due to the European horse and guns. And now they are trying to persuade us that their nation (sovereign, not America) is the most beneficial to their society.
@iamthisiam 4 месяца назад
0:29 The first person said is sacred, yet they don’t talk about it… so… how could it be sacred?
@keithsparling5537 6 месяцев назад
Noah! Keep up your great work! We need folks like you! Thank you! God bless! Carry on!!!
@Malouco 7 месяцев назад
I love Crow birds bc they like me!
@django_rr1052 7 месяцев назад
Much love from ( Aotearoa ) New Zealand. I love you our whanau ❤️
@rolfstade968 8 месяцев назад
Vergesst nicht die Grundlage der Lebensweise der Mutter Erde und der Indigenios People around the World. Sie ist das Fundament des Lebens. Würdet Ihr ein Haus bauen, könnt Ihr auch nicht dieses Haus ohne Fundament bauen und in der Luft schweben lassen. Es gibt Menschen die alte Culturen als Scharlatanerie bezeichnen. Dem ist aber nicht so, macht Euch mal Gedanken darüber wieviel Völker tausende von Jahren mit Ihren Culturen gelebt haben und in dieser Zeit einen enormen Fortschritt vollbracht haben, ohne irgendwelche Hilfsmittel, sodas Sie heutzutage noch existieren und auch fähig sind mit der heutigen Situation zu leben. Diese Grundlage muss die heutige Bevölkerung erstmal erreichen. Unsere Leute und Vorfahren haben sehr viel Erfahrung hinter sich gebracht und bilden wenn Sie gleichberechtigt und in Frieden und Freiheit leben, das Fundament des heutigen Lebens. ❤️🍀🌳💪🙏👍🤝🌹 🌍🌎🌏🌹🤝👍🙏💪🌳🍀❤️ Gary kicking Wolf 🐺 Germany ❤️ 8:10
@brandonlove8 8 месяцев назад
A truly special place where I've had my most unforgettable hikes. I hope to return some day and experience it all over again. Thanks for this video which helps to bring it all back more clearly and vividly than my memories serve, while also helping to establish the need to protect and preserve such a magical place.
@ordyhorizonrivieredunord712 9 месяцев назад
The mind reasons and the heart has reasons that the mind cannot grasp. 💖
@jayleeper1512 9 месяцев назад
I grew up next to the NiMiiPuu and the Wallawa’s, a tribe associated with them who’s Chief, Josef, led his tribe out of Oregon to flee the Army. He was heading for Northern Montana to ask the Crow for help. This tragic tale of misery is told in the book “I will fight No More Forever”. It is time to respect the past and return sacred lands to their rightful owners. This country sends billions of dollars to support Israel with their 3000 year old claim to Palestine. Now it is time to do the same thing at home with people who’s land was stolen less than 200 years ago.
@rayp.451 9 месяцев назад
@user-dy2ch8yb9i 9 месяцев назад
Бледнолицые воры, укравшие земли и уничтожившие Великую культуру - горите в аду!!!
@michaelwashington1585 10 месяцев назад
I'm from Montana born and raised here I've had many First Peoples friends and the thing I know is that they understand the true and I mean TRUE meaning of respect.
@wildmontana 10 месяцев назад
Act now! p2a.co/PGFrx6O?p2asource=youtube
@karigunderson5284 10 месяцев назад
Good job Erin! We'll have to work hard to keep the Wilderness Act intact. Next we need to protect all wilderness study areas.
@ambu6478 11 месяцев назад
Did the Crow people originate in the upper Midwest originally? Then move west to where they are now. I knew an American Indian man a few years ago who said he was Crow, but his family never lived in Montana or any of the neighboring states.
@Wall3ye406 11 месяцев назад
Yep it's full sorry
@hannahstovall450 11 месяцев назад
I'm part Crow. My grandparents lived out on Pryor Rd. Outsof Billings Montana.
@RonAndTom 11 месяцев назад
@Wall3ye406 Год назад
No Vacancy
@Ginny-tl1qs Год назад
I see him the Indian an black bear
@Mark-ej4uf Год назад
The white man says, quoted.. we should never fight the white people. He is talking to the part of the Indians but he is a white man who dont want to fight the white people. Paradoxical.
@davidlloyd2225 Год назад
0:32 i have 2 woles 2 crow i claim..peace ❤️💯🇬🇧 1:09
@charleshash4919 Год назад
Need to tell us what to do to savd SB 442. Just saying "SAVE SB 442" is not enough!
@wildmontana Год назад
Last week, we filed a lawsuit to compel Gov. Greg Gianforte and Sec. of State Christi Jacobsen to comply with their obligations under the Montana Constitution and allow the Montana Legislature the opportunity to override the governor’s veto of Senate Bill 442. Taking legal action is not something we often do, and it’s not a decision we made lightly. Unfortunately, it became necessary when the governor took the extraordinary step of circumventing the legislature’s constitutional authority, jeopardizing the integrity of our state government. On May 1, the legislature passed SB 442 - an overwhelmingly bipartisan measure investing recreational marijuana tax revenues in conservation and recreation programs, local infrastructure projects, behavioral health programs, and veterans’ services. Of 150 legislators, 130 voted to pass SB 442. The next day, the governor vetoed the bill, but the senate adjourned before the veto was communicated to the full senate, preventing legislators from being able to vote on overriding the veto while in session. The constitution enshrines the legislature’s authority to override the veto of any bill passed with a two-thirds majority. Normally, if a veto occurs after the legislature adjourns, the governor returns the vetoed bill with his reasons for veto to the secretary of state, triggering a vote-by-mail override process. When the governor failed to take that step with SB 442, we called on him to uphold the Montana Constitution and return the bill to the secretary. The governor refused, leading to last week's filing. The governor ignored 130 legislators and countless Montanans by choosing to take tens of millions of dollars away from wildlife, state parks, trails, rural infrastructure, veterans, and more. But even more importantly, it’s the governor’s duty to play by the rules. No matter how much he dislikes a bill, he can’t obstruct the legislature’s authority with procedural trickery. Gov. Gianforte’s actions threaten our democracy, and we won’t let them go unchallenged. If this governor can use trickery to prevent the legislature from overriding a veto, what’s stopping future governors from doing the same? While we wait on the courts to act on Senate Bill 442, we have work to do to clear the runway for the bill’s successful implementation. The most impactful thing we can do right now is encourage our lawmakers to override Gov. Gianforte’s veto of House Bill 868. It’s a bit complex, but HB 868 is a companion bill that authorizes what are called “appropriations” for SB 442. Think of the two bills as a package deal - language in HB 868 will make sure that SB 442 has the money to do what it promises: conserve wildlife habitat, enhance public access, support working lands, boost veterans’ programs, and bolster mental health care. Take action here: p2a.co/o19MFX3?p2asource=youtube
@heatherbottoms5813 Год назад
Why I there no sound ?
@GrandmaLife567 Год назад
@dougdrummond9341 Год назад
Shutdown the tribal leaders just sell out the tribe to the coal company with oil company right there in the Montana res
@patrickackerman1917 Год назад
I served with the Crow in the Army. Best friends I ever made. I couldn't joke and call them punks like I did my friends thought. Anything taken as a challenge was no joke but they were amazing friends. Great people.
@Buttholeshots Год назад
What ended up happening regarding the forest service management decision?
@jeffbucksnort Год назад
You are amazing
@jeffbucksnort Год назад
Thank you thank you thank you
@jeffbucksnort Год назад
Thank you
@forwardobserver6441 Год назад
Great video! I pray that I’ll be up there in the next few years
@Joe_J-MT_Boy Год назад
Wow.... a picture tells a thousand words - especially when it's not a picture but the real thing.
@davidmeabrod9059 Год назад
Beautiful Namaste 🙏 amen
@davidlloyd2225 Год назад
Please i want a person of the crow nation to tell me what do crows signify if any too u please??..and i have a story or life i cant figure..peace and ❤💯
@Beavershomevideos Год назад
Now that’s a smart little girl!
@Michelle-726 Год назад
I pray that you get to keep that land sacred. God bless you. 🙄♥️
@squatch545 Год назад
It's now 2022, does anyone know what happened to the forest plan?
@stickerchief5449 Год назад
👁 👃 👁
@MordecaiBlackshade Год назад
I want to visit found out my first ancestors was crow people from ohio
@katherinekatkatelang9881 Год назад
Im crow on my fathers side. (Proud and blessed)
@beefbonger420 2 года назад
I have elk hunted here for almost 30 years. I can remember so many stories of my life when I see a tree, or a rock. I give thanks to Creator for allowing me to feel at home here.
@joyos71 2 года назад
My late dad, ❤️R.O.S. Fr Sarcee, always went to visit our relatives in Crow. Up until his passing in 78, I was only 7, I have no memory of it. I am at a pt in my life that I want to go back there for my dad, my family. 🙏❤️
@sherbear4955 10 месяцев назад
I wish I could go also. My grandmother who has passed would've loved for us to know our people
@eileenhill5284 2 года назад
Amazing thank you powerful words and stories Beartwo Crow I can see the Crazy’s from my log cabin in Joliet Montana along with the Beartooth and the Priors they are all very powerful
@eileenhill5284 2 года назад
Been there many times they are right you can hear the mountain speak to you you can feel the powerful spirits we as American Indian people must save the Crazy Montains Beartwo Crow
@Crazymtwish 8 месяцев назад
I feel it all the time. Especially when I fast. I feel as the land is almost telling me to leave town. and to come see back later.?? I just have not been at peace here in a long time.these mountains are powerful!!! And I believe I have to go see.
@Crazymtwish 8 месяцев назад
Or should I not go?
@Calatriste54 2 года назад
Porcupine Butte..
@richardmonson8657 2 года назад