Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards
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There’s a reason the History Channel has produced hundreds of documentaries about Hitler but only a few about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bad guys (and gals) are eternally fascinating. Behind the Bastards dives in past the Cliffs Notes of the worst humans in history and exposes the bizarre realities of their lives. Listeners will learn about the young adult novels that helped Hitler form his monstrous ideology, the founder of Blackwater’s insane quest to build his own Air Force, the bizarre lives of the sons and daughters of dictators and Saddam Hussein’s side career as a trashy romance novelist.

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@OsirisLord 17 часов назад
Action Park has a higher body count than Murderworld, the Marvel Comics amusement park designed to kill superheroes.
@dmbindallas 19 часов назад
Oh god I don’t know how much of this I can take
@Spencerdoken 19 часов назад
I think biting Leopold of Belgium is what made Wilhelm into such a b-hole. He was infected by Leopold's monster blood.
@bernardorodriguez4285 21 час назад
Privilege. It exists. But, talking to a banker? No. You can learn that by watching television and reading books.
@michaelbuehler3897 21 час назад
The dilbert guy is a trump cultist.
@michaelbuehler3897 22 часа назад
There has been a lot of "free speech" grifters.
@alexanderelliott8065 22 часа назад
Regarding english spelling and the English: In matters of spelling and pronunciation, the Brits are almost always wrong. Why, pray tell, is there an 's' in island? Why do the Brits pronounce the 'h' in herb? Because the English monks who compiled the first dictionaries decided to mangle the spelling of many words. The 's' in island was added to honor the latin word of island, 'insula". Older texts write the word 'iland' or 'yland'. The word herb comes from a french word that is pronounced 'erb'. Older texts usually have the word written as 'erb'. The English added a silent 'h' and then started voicing it, the absolute fools. As such it is only right and proper to mock them for these things whenever possible.
@jeffw991 22 часа назад
Bowie: "While you were developing ethics, I studied the blade."
@phaIIicaIIyimpaired 23 часа назад
It seems that these all-powerful-ai fearing technocrats have forgotten that *we are our brains*. Unless your actual, physical brain were kept alive forever and plugged into hypothetical cyber hell, it could only ever be a digital copy of yourself the evil ai could torture. Same with being rewarded with some sort of cyber paradise. About as scary and unethical as torturing Guybrush Threepwood. Or playing Soma.
@yeahokay1051 День назад
I disagree with the idea you cannot be mad at his employees, there are other jobs out there and if this does indeed kill someones dreams of being in the movie industry, it's a solid reason for it dying. I get the point of the argument here however I find them culpable for these assaults.
@Greybeardstavern День назад
When me and my brother were forced to live with my dad every Xmas he would load a deer rifle and every Easter a 12 gauge. He’d tell us he’s sad that the mag only holds 5 rounds or he’d get “all the deer and that fat bastard too” often we’d eat venison on Xmas and Hasenpfeffer on Easter. Yep quite the bastard!
@Greybeardstavern День назад
Gaslighting is the trusted respected individual telling you that you’re the crazy one. And changing your reality to propagate that illusion of mental dysfunction. In a cult situation it is made easier because there are other around you to bring affirmation to you about said changing reality.
@1event_horizon945 День назад
That bagel sounds like a war crime.
@benjaminpark5460 День назад
This is incredibly personal, I HAVE amazing health insurance and I am actively, right now, rationing insulin because I only receive it every 3 months and every diabetic knows their insulin intake varies day by day, week by week based on a thousand factors. I’ve done a lot of things including theft to afford insulin at $300+ a bottle
@billmozart7288 День назад
5:46 this comment is from 2024 when Michael Flynn is Speaker of The House. Send help
@Aletsch День назад
Damn, his plight reminds me of a friend of mine i'd not seen for a number of years until after lock down.. A few years before the plague hit he was just some average semi-centrist, middle aged brit working in marketing, living in a village with his wife and kids. Went super into his casual interest in conspiracy theories over lockdown, smoked a ton of bush, and last time i saw him he was heading off to live on a trailer park by himself, and had gone the full alex jones and then some. And yes, had invented his own mad conspiracy theory web on top of the popular ones. Some folks are well.. poorly equipped for dealing with tokers paranoia, critically assessing things they are exposed to, and dealing with isolation.
@THEHAR0LD День назад
In retrospect... this was always going to end in one specific, tragic way.
@Simpatrico День назад
Love the part where Jaime describes the concept of your podcast as you uncomfortably cornering her at a party where she is totally disinterested and can’t escape! Perfectly describes her incessantly interrupting contribution. She really needs to understand that there is an audience for YOUR PODCAST not for her to constantly complain while making no contribution. Please let Robert tell the story Jesus she sounds the same as every sardonic incessant woman on earth
@miguelvelez7221 День назад
If Hitler was the Oprah of Nazi-Germany is Oprah the Hitler of America?
@phaIIicaIIyimpaired День назад
All of this makes me want to reread Tad Williams' Otherland (highly recommend). Also Roko's basilisk is basically a fusion of pascal's wager and 'I have no mouth and I must scream'. These deluded tech bozos *want* to make AM a reality and think they can evade being part of the hellscape suffering created by it, by being its builders. Edit: totally in favor of these nut jobs leaving the planet. The sooner the better.
@hefoxed День назад
Ethical sex cults don't make it to behind the bastards /don't make the news :)
@oscargluja426 День назад
I've read thousands of anti-LRH comments, but not one of them seemed to have an idea or read of what the fundamental axioms of his philosophy are, like: "The Conditions of Existance", "The Factors", and "The Dianetics Axioms". All I've read in the comments is about all his evil lies, his Crowley and Parsons relationships, xenu, the body thetans, the galactic confederations, the enslavement of his young followers, his negative views of some religions founders, psychiatry, gays, pedophiles, blacks, etc. but no comments whatsoever about the root structure of the afore mention foundations upon which his philosophy stands on. So, I wonder about the validity of the negative and positive evaluations on Scientology.
@Langtw День назад
17:22 sequel podcast name: Inside the bastards
@albertomartinez714 День назад
I just wanna say, I am a fascist, though I do not support the German type discovered here, and I LOVE your pod. We do have many similar enemies even if we don't see eye to eye on everything.
@michael_mcgowan День назад
Of course Greg Abbot had a part in this story.
@evanstein3011 День назад
Was this the first episode where you played Liddy's voice? Was surprised to hear he sounds like Edward G. Robinson
@jesseharrold1812 День назад
10:13 Knew that Robert was a sword guy. Freak'n called it. ONE IF US. ONE OF US.
@commandantcarpenter День назад
and yet, somehow, i am not surprised.
@evelmichael День назад
Tax free volleyball is my favorite kind of volleyball.
@cha0sniper День назад
.... Honestly, now I'm really curious who would win in a drinking contest between Stalin's group and Andre the Giant lmao
@stvinney День назад
If you feel the need to tell another human being Wrestling is fake, you haven't watched enough wrestling and should probably avoid subjects you know so little about First, it obviously is but i don't understand how saying it out loud makes you feel...is it like a weird flex? Second, people get seriously hurt. Of all the athletes including football players, wrestlers bodies and minds take such a thorough beating that they die young at an insanely high percentage by comparison
@redjirachi1 День назад
10:49-This is this podcast version of the "professionals have standards" meme
@stvinney День назад
I only started watching you guys like a month or so ago The scale of these are impressive Wondering how long it took to research this Vince McMahon one It's long as hell but really good
@yensid4294 День назад
Good Gawd, this guy sounds like a cross between the Marquis de Sade & Lord Byron. Women were either Muses or recepticals for use/abuse.
@Fixtheproblemwithgoodpolicy День назад
Would love a redo of this episode and more indepth look into the Foundation.
@brennenderopa День назад
He also has written a weird poem about his father as a wise sensei, who catches and releases the most beautiful butterflies who actually enjoy the capture and are invigorated by it. But that one time he accidentally grips a butterfly too hard and it dies. Both dudes are very sad and the old dude has made the same error also once. I read butterflies as women, their capture as rape and the dead butterfly, well, you know. Someone totally killed a hooker.
@Colonel_Bat_Guano День назад
Jamie sounds really ignorant in this episode. Making fun of history nerds, defending astrology... like if you have something dumb to say you can just keep it to yourself bud
@Anonsage3 День назад
Full metal jacket bullets only have the tip and sides plated, the rear of the bullet is exposed lead and leaves residue all down the barrel. Primers also scatter lead in the chamber when detonated. Wash your hands with anti-lead soap after you shoot or clean a gun.
@cringlator День назад
Can someone send me the source for that quote of Stalin talking to his son about the name Stalin?
@floraposteschild4184 2 дня назад
Ruby Franke's five-year-old not only had to remember her lunch, she had to MAKE it. Ruby's video expressing the wish that no one at the school give her food is enough to prove she's a monster.
@MrGksarathy 2 дня назад
For me, intelligence is more about how self-aware you are about what you know and how much you understand other people's knowledge relative to yours. Dumb people can't do either for shit, but smart people are those who generally can. Still, do mostly agree with Robert that GI isn't a thing.
@AkuaWalters 2 дня назад
Nothing is funnier than driving through Springfield VA and driving past R.E. Lee Electric and wondering why in the fuck anyone would name their company after a civil war traitor
@DocLockridge 2 дня назад
There always has been and will continue to be people who choose to emulate scum for their own purpose. They will be supported by the gullible and downtrodden.
@TheWinterscoming 2 дня назад
Robert with the classic "Drivin me nuts"
@billiebyron9890 2 дня назад
shoutout to margaret for saying not to tell your kid "you're just doing that for attention!" when they fake-cry so that they stop being able to cry in front of other people ever. that one happened to me as a kid i can confirm it sucked
@yensid4294 2 дня назад
The subject of cannibalism in human history can be very muddied by the age old problem of propaganda & racism. Going all the way back to ancient times the best way to demonize another culture (especially if you wanted to subjegate them ) was to claim they ate human flesh particularly the flesh of babies & children. It is literally the golden oldie of tropes in conspiracy theories that persists today. Using human body parts for trophies, medicine & magic rituals also has a long history. The 2 get conflated often. Ritualistic cannibalism is often misunderstood & not the same thing as survival cannibalism which usually only happens under extreme circumstances.
@kingofthend 2 дня назад
People are dumb. Also don't encourage them to read political theroy, that's bad for mental development. They should read a history book and touch grass.
@rainyfeathers9148 2 дня назад
I saw a pig turn around, scratch it's bum on the edge of its troff then turn back around to continue eating. I said 'Ras, whe' me 'ijab, dem dutty eeeeee?'🤦🏾‍♀😂😂😂😂😂😂
@KS-PNW 2 дня назад
Not quite dino sized but if your looking for giant cows check out the Bantäng. Bovine species from India, bulls can get up to 9200lbs.
@yensid4294 2 дня назад
Really glad the scientific method moved beyond Aristotlean mind experiments & philosophical rhetoric. Yeeesh.