America - The Jesuit Review
America - The Jesuit Review
America - The Jesuit Review
America Media is the leading provider of editorial content for thinking Catholics and those who want to know what Catholics are thinking.

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America has produced interviews with leading figures and opinion makers, including former Vice President Joseph Biden, the filmmaker Martin Scorsese, former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and the Jesuit superior general Arturo Sosa.

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Did Pope Francis punish Cardinal Burke?
6 месяцев назад
Should the Synod on Synodality vote?
9 месяцев назад
Top 10 moments of Pope Francis
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Pope Benedict XVI: A Tribute
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@robertmanella528 16 часов назад
I don't respect either bishops or cardinals, because jesus dressed like commin people & the bishop's& cardinals all spend a fortune on their clothes and lifestyles!!! They all need to put on sack cloth& ashies& crawl to the cross for forgiveness immediately!!!
@robertmanella528 16 часов назад
Just show me pictures of Francis with his friend satan!!!
@robertmanella528 16 часов назад
Pope Francis is not even a leagle Pope!! His predecessor didn't resign in accordance with cannon law, making the college of cardinals that elected Pope Francis illegal, by cannon law!!!! Read canon law & you will see I'm correct!! Francis is a heretic also!! He said on Easter Sunday that jesus christ death on the cross was a failure!! That is hericy, as jesus christ death on the cross is God's core plan of salvation!!!
@scootaloo118 День назад
2:01 'christ on earth' = 201 'The jesuit order' = 201 One must understand the language, behind the language... behind the language.
@justinmaonga738 2 дня назад
Your job is to perseccute Christians who worship jesus of the bible because jesus of Catholicism is not the same as of the bible because their gods are hidden behind the idols
@mick1gallagher 5 дней назад
Is tye pretty Timothy going to do any touchy touchy
@mick1gallagher 5 дней назад
When is the pretty false stupid timothy going to make a tool of himself again by mentioning hot dogs
@mick1gallagher 5 дней назад
Im trying to organise a worship a Timothy Dolon day. Im convinced the pretty Timothy is the second coming. If you would like to help please get on youre knees and keep repeating i worship the pretty false timothy
@kashminKumardas 8 дней назад
Hlw my name is sri kashmin Kumar das, I am from India, I am avatar of time ,continuously India 6years experiment as a experiment kit, I know time travel I am in fully Harriesmant in india ,please help ,indians are using me to virous by Harriesmant please help
@robertsocie6831 9 дней назад
Ugh! What a embarrassment
@pedroparamo891 11 дней назад
I know this video is old but I´m having some conflicts and I hope you can help me out with a response. Years ago I used to go to community masses with the Jesuits in Mexico city in a very intimate context. during a Mass, when it was time for communion the priest went to each one of us and gave us the eucharist. When he came up to me I told him I couldn´t have communion and he simply said something like "That´s nonesense" and gave it to me regardless. I felt a bit confused and also a bit disrespected although I understand that it was me who took it. I am currently going through spiritual companionship, agian with the Jesuits, and my Companion, a priest. Does not believe that Eucharist should be reserved for those who´ve been to confession mainly because he believes God gives himself for us even (or specially maybe) when we are sinners. I´ve found this line of thinking specially in ignatian circles and I find it very unsettling. I understand that they view this as a compassionate act and not some "You should be perfect in order to receive the eucharist" thing. I imagine they also know how traumatizing it can be for someone to confess their sins over and over agian without managing to change. Nonetheless it makes me feel uncomfortable and I´m torn between thinking that I should just go to confession every time I want to have communion or, thinking that I´m just falling into extremism (Although I know this is the official position of the church) If I just abstain from in until I can overcome my sins. Could you share with me your understanding of these things? Thank you!
@dr.julianataylor4312 11 дней назад
My son...at such a time..about him...Now talking. drinks..
@dr.julianataylor4312 11 дней назад
They all looked fearful f what he would do or say!
@morgoth2425 11 дней назад
the right to life is non negotiable. the only reason it seems like the bishops are targeting democrats is because they claim to be both catholic AND prochoice. if a republican representative did the same thing, deny him communion too. stop making excuses for sacrilege.
@albertolucea-jt6dr 12 дней назад
I have been a devout Roman Catholic since 1961, but I renounced my Roman Catholic faith in 2022 for two chief reasons: one, the Roman Catholic faith is not aligned with the Bible; and two, I was spiritually liberated by the book I read entitled "Altar of Secrets: Sex, Politics, and Money in the Philippine Catholic Church" by Aries C. Rufo. I am now a happily born again Christian . . . much better because its Bible-centered! The Word of God, the Bible, is true food and real drink (John 6:63) not transubstantiation.
@albertolucea-jt6dr 12 дней назад
The Roman Catholic church concept of "relics of saints" is antithetical to the gospel.
@Kat-zj5kd 12 дней назад
now let's rub foreheads
@chrisd_man2156 12 дней назад
Satan informing the Pope "He has risen."
@user-ei3xv5cc5b 12 дней назад
The Pope looks really nervous! LOL! I would be too. Trump 2024!
@MKK520 13 дней назад
Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Michael Doran: "I think the key factor is the American policy because the United States has put a protective shield over Iran . It restrained Israel back in April when there was that exchange of attacks between Iran and Israel." Sky News host James Morrow: "This comes back from the Obama Administration. All the Obama guys are back as retreads in the white house now under Biden! But what is the rationale for saying oh hey Iran they're not so bad? we want to make them legitimate at some point! This seems like insanity!"
@user-jv8rm5pw1i 16 дней назад
@ambu6478 17 дней назад
Mr President, you just FARTED before the Pope!! I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was his turn "! Ol' Sleazy Lying Joe doesn't know if he's pitching or catching, but he sure makes a great prezEdent!! NOT!!😂
@sophiecrawford2100 21 день назад
Humanity desired and freedom and didn't following Gods law. They followed their own desires.its a mortal sin. Synonadality is not about the position,or leader. It's about inner strength. I pray.
@laurencefidhburn1845 22 дня назад
You know this dude takes it up the butt.
@BoulderJR 24 дня назад
My wife was groomed and raped by a Jesuit priest when she was a 16 year old at an all girls school in Washington DC. Thomas Pyne was a 42 year old priest at The adjacent Gonzaga boys school. Pyne was subsequently identified as a serial sexual abuser of kids. Far too many priests prey on the vulnerable.
@user-bw1vg2dc3b 25 дней назад
Love in Lightness
@nicbentulan 27 дней назад
I feel so disgusted obtaining my master's degree from a Jesuit university. --- Edit to add: Debate me on anything. Go live in Muslim middle east. BTS, Miko Peled , Norman Finkelstein, JVP, Abby Martin, Marc Lamont Hill, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders are all traitors , hypocrites, ingrates, chickens for KFC. 20yo conscripted Jewish soldiers die while hundreds of thousands of Palestinians live from Israel's leaflets. As far as I'm concerned: Jesus = Israel = magnanimous Jew Judas = catholic church, democrats = treasonous Christians (and some treasonous Jews) Romans/Pharisees = Hamas Israel is more than defending itself. Israel's conscripted soldiers die for the enemy's civilians. There is no peace with Jihadists, war criminals, etc.
@afriendabroad2083 25 дней назад
Before you pass judgement, how about you google some information first? It's not just Fr Neuhaus who thinks this way there are many Jewish-Arab groups working towards are shared future: Standing Together, A Land for All, Women Wage Peace, Maoz Inon and Aziz Abu Sarah. Also look at Breaking the Silence and B'Tselem.
@nicbentulan 25 дней назад
​@@afriendabroad2083 Debate me on anything. Go live in Muslim middle east. BTS, Miko Peled , Norman Finkelstein, JVP, Abby Martin, Marc Lamont Hill, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders are all traitors , hypocrites, ingrates, chickens for KFC. 20yo conscripted Jewish soldiers die while hundreds of thousands of Palestinians live from Israel's leaflets. As far as I'm concerned: Jesus = Israel = magnanimous Jew Judas = catholic church, democrats = treasonous Christians (and some treasonous Jews) Romans/Pharisees = Hamas Israel is more than defending itself. Israel's conscripted soldiers die for the enemy's civilians. There is no peace with Jihadists, war criminals, etc.
@Steven-tb3qr 29 дней назад
Thank you Pope Benedict the 16th for your prayers and achievements coming from Marktl, Germany. God bless. God bless quantum entanglement.
@brownmouse6121 Месяц назад
Because he spoke the truth
@ryanscottlogan8459 Месяц назад
This guy is a heretic and an apostate.Ignore anything this devil says!
@user-fw3hc7cr2b Месяц назад
The Jesuits are the enforcers for Black Nobility and Vatican They use Khazarian Mafia (International Ashkenazi Jewish Bankers) as their useful tools and money managers “The Jesuit General has been the most powerful man in the world since Pius VII restored the Order or “Company” in 1814. Because of the Order’s suppression by the Pope in 1773, the Jesuits began the Bavarian Illuminati with one of their soldiers, Adam Weishaupt. The Illuminati absorbed the Jewish House of Rothschild creating a colossus of wealth around the world, subject to the Jesuit General." - Eric Jon Phelps: “Vatican Assassins”, 2nd Ed., p. 582
@andrewlim9345 Месяц назад
Thanks, this interview with Father Nerhaus reminds us of the need for understanding on both sides.
@brianbacon5149 Месяц назад
+JMJ. The TLM has been celebrated since the Last Supper, not as you state as since the Council of Trent. From the Apostolic Age the Mass was ad orientam. The Consilium implemented a Novus Ordo that radically broke with Tradition and with the Vatican Council. As consequences of the 50 years of the irreverent NO we have seen a switch to a gay culture in the clergy, eradication of Catholic culture, an ugly sexual abuse crisis, and a steady collapse in Mass attendance, marriage, infant baptisms and vocations. The Lord is allowing us to suffer the consequences. Fortunately the demographics and the future of the Church is in the TLM. Our Lord loves that Mass and it is revitalizing the Church with heavenly graces. Over Pentecost 20000 young Catholics attended the TLM at Chartres after making the 72 mile hike from Paris. Ave Maria!!
@un.adu.lterated Месяц назад
Why do American Bishops focus so much on the unborn, while not caring about those already born(immigrants, queers, women, marginalized, homeless, etc.)? Being anti-abortion is NOT really equivalent to being pro-life(from womb to tomb)!
@Carla39894 Месяц назад
I don't agree with you because the arabs were the ones that attacked Israel in 1948 and they lost. All the arabs who accepted to live in Israel remained in Israel, the ones who opposed, fled to arab countries. The jews who lived in Judea and Samaria were also kicked out of their land and were absorbed by the Jewish State. The arab countries never absorbed the palwstinians. The palwstinians are the only refugees that remain refugees for all generations. Gazans are actually egyptians and you can see that in their last names. The Palwstinians want to destroy Israel and they don't want a 2 State solution
@soulfireonfire6423 Месяц назад
Yahu never wanted a 2 State! !!! That is why Yahu was all for Hamas !!!
@AN-BR24 Месяц назад
I don’t suppose you would let someone take your land without fighting back, though.
@nicbentulan 27 дней назад
Amen. I feel so disgusted obtaining my master's degree from a Jesuit university.
@Carla39894 Месяц назад
Intifada and jihad are in the Quran, long before the State of Israel had its independence
@Carla39894 Месяц назад
Not true, Intifada means a holly war against non muslims
@james0805 Месяц назад
You talk about “antisemitism.” I think you Catholics should acknowledge your the church has fomented antisemitism for centuries
@rasaltpeso1466 Месяц назад
Free Palestine
@shahesfelazi8549 Месяц назад
As a muslim having one democratic-just-free state of Israel and Palestine would be beautiful, however there is so much death and hurt, can the palestinian and isrealis be reconciled. If we have two states I don't know if they can live side by side, there will so much to be sacrificed, so much ego to loose and so many people to start to forgiving for so much hurt.
@dl1361 Месяц назад
It will be very difficult but there are already many who do live side by side
@jeanrenault518 Месяц назад
J'ai été voir par curiosité (je suis catholique pratiquant) les sites des Evangélistes américains sur la question....Eux ont un discours tout autre, bien plus lucide. Ils ne cherchent pas un pseudo-équilibre entre les "sentiments" juifs et palestiniens. Les Evangélistes regardent l'Islam en face. Et vous, du Vatican, cela vous écorcherait la bouche, de reconnaître dans le 7 octobre une "razzia bénie", dont le modèle est dans le petit livre vert? Les "pieuses" contorsions de notre clergé catholique me soulèvent le coeur.
@nicholasdasilva9 Месяц назад
This Jesuit replaces history with empty platitudes of equal brotherhood while ignoring the fact that Israel is fighting for its very survival.
@nicholasdasilva9 Месяц назад
This Jesuit is way off base. The Palestinian movement is all about Arab nationalism. The Jewish people cannot even prosecute a war without being sided against with a false Both Siderism.
@issac6395 Месяц назад
Thank god for Protestantism lol
@dl1361 Месяц назад
Christian Zionists?
@dl1361 Месяц назад
Christian Zionists?
@dl1361 Месяц назад
Christian Zionists?
@dl1361 Месяц назад
I tried respond seven times but it keeps disappearing
@nicbentulan 27 дней назад
Amen. I feel so disgusted obtaining my master's degree from a Jesuit university.
@howardgootkin4216 Месяц назад
How do you know what the Palestinians mean when they use the term intifada. You are adopting an innocuous meaning without any factual basis for your claim. The dead give way of your plain bias in favor of the Palestinians is the continued use of the term Holy Land as part of your organization’s name. Holy Land is the name that the Vatican used when it refused to recognize Israel. It is no accident that you continue to use the term of non recognition of Israel Finally you have uncritically adopted the Palestinian narrative of the Naqba which ignores that on May 15, the nascent state of Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, the first three countries invaded Israel proper. Like the Palestinians totally ignore the role that war played in creating the refugee problem. You have nothing to contribute given your blatant bias.
@dl1361 Месяц назад
The six day war was started by Israel. Easy to look up You got to know what to ask Such as asking google when the Brits started bombing Germany. May of 1940. And the Germans bombed England in September. The official story says they started it. I’m not saying that the Brits were wrong but history is misrepresented
@howardgootkin4216 Месяц назад
This is the Nazi like slogan among the anti Israel block: always blame Israel. It is responsible for anything that goes wrong. See for example the wide spread canard circulated among Arabs that the Mossad was responsible for 9/11. Why don’t you Google the Egypt’s blockade of the Straits of Tiran, or Nasser’s massive transfer of Egyptian troops into Sinai. You should also Google the several notes Israel sent to King Hussein to refrain from hostilities. Hussein could not resist the pressure from the Arab Street and commenced military action against Israel
@JanaBrooks Месяц назад
You mean pretend they aren’t evil? People are already doing that every day. It’s all over social Media and in the news. There are many useful idiots choosing evil. Hamas are monsters. If you don’t know now, you will eventually. Amazing when they recorded their atrocities, people who hate Jews refuse to believe what they themselves have publicly declared. Stop bullshitting yourselves, cause we ain’t stupid. We know and we see.
@laserbrain7774 Месяц назад
The best christians are in the Middle East and the best jews are in North America.
@dl1361 Месяц назад
Hmmm. Probably true enough
@johnsambo9379 Месяц назад
The RCC is the oldest and biggest pedophile organization in the world.
@howardgootkin4216 Месяц назад
Your introduction lacks all objectivity or even an attempt at neutrality This is nothing but the traditional anti Israel bias that prevented the Vatican from even recognizing the existence of Israel until 1993. I am highly critical of the current Israeli government and its strategy and you have totally alienated me who is someone you should want as an ally. You are apologists for the Palestinians.
@laserbrain7774 Месяц назад
Pretty full of yourself.
@user-pf7tf3rf1u Месяц назад
Politicians are demonizing the students.