Dungeon Dad
Dungeon Dad
Dungeon Dad
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Do you like discovering cool D&D monsters you've never heard of? How about helpful advice to make you a better D&D player and dungeon master? Maybe you want to hear about how I run things in my own campaign? If you said "maybe" to any or all of those questions, this channel is the place for you!
The Kuo-Toa's Secret Doomsday Weapon
21 час назад
Nobody Talks About D&D's Most Ruthless Dragon
3 месяца назад
D&D Ripped Off DUNE.
4 месяца назад
The Most Romanceable God in D&D is a Lich
4 месяца назад
The Birth of a New D&D Dragon Species
5 месяцев назад
The Story of D&D's Most Unhinged Canon Event
5 месяцев назад
This Giant Was Too "Out There" for D&D 5E
7 месяцев назад
The Ancient King of D&D's Forgotten Dragons
7 месяцев назад
Here's Why The Puzzle Golem is D&D's Best Golem
8 месяцев назад
Angel Dogs With Human Hands? Sure, Why Not.
8 месяцев назад
What Happens When a Hag is Born Male in D&D?
8 месяцев назад
What Happens When A D&D Dragon Becomes A Hag?
8 месяцев назад
This D&D Monster Is Every Hero's Worst Nightmare
9 месяцев назад
D&D's Forgotten Talking Bridge Monster
9 месяцев назад
The Unhinged Dragon From D&D's Forgotten History
9 месяцев назад
That Time Star Trek Ripped Off D&D
10 месяцев назад
@ref3rence889 29 минут назад
An episode on the yitzan would be fun. On top of just outright being a xenomorph, it’s also mimic-like in the best way.
@drew-horst 35 минут назад
Sick intro, idk why it took almost 2 weeks for this vid to pop in my feed
@Alesiopdv 36 минут назад
Cool video but it´s that black eye, you okay bro?
@ViralTemplar 55 минут назад
I hope Wizards of the coast Call you up to put a page or 2 in their monster Manual. You do really cool dives into so many creatures
@Jkev24 Час назад
I really wish the Kuo-Toa you meet in bg3 really could impact the ending to some degree based on your dialogue choices. Would have been funny if they created a secret ending.
@unyanizedcatboys Час назад
10:32 HEY
@thermalvision203 Час назад
This channel has introduced me to a lot of cool monsters, so I'd like to return the favor: you should research the Gem Dragons for a future video. My favorite of them is the Obsidian Dragon, though I think what little lore it got in 2E and 3E didn't do a good job of exploring the concept of a psionic, fire-breathing dragon with a god-like inellect, primarily because the Obsidian Dragons were a victim of the rather rigid morality system of old DnD which pigeonholed all Obsidian Dragons into being le evil mustache twirling villains even though realistically, their immense minds should if anything, make them more alien cosmic entities than outright evil. Leave it to WotC to invent something as cool as Obsidian Dragons only to completely forget about them for 20 years.
@kurigobo Час назад
Are you okay? It looks like you have a black eye.
@Sir_Shmoopy Час назад
ants. a swarm of sentient ants inside one of those microcosm jars.
@ridgetmacaroni7015 Час назад
Kua-Toa my beloved ❤️
@BenGreen-ys6cm Час назад
I like that in the cover art the guy is doing the surfer dude symbol🤙
@MoonGoblin 2 часа назад
A Kuo Toa Leviathan vs Aboleth fight would be epic. Kaiju battles are rad. Krakens are a bit tougher on average but a younger kraken would probably be a close enough fight
@nashtrojan 2 часа назад
I would love to live in the universe where John Green's new book is "Crypt Chanters all the Way Down."
@smallkidneyjoe4046 3 часа назад
glub glub
@kpeckham1 3 часа назад
I LOVE Blipdoolploop's name! I can't say where but I read the name came from purposely making it sound like bubbling water and have embraced that as a pronunciation guide. So fun to say!!!
@santysouk 3 часа назад
😂Hewlett Packard, the NSA monster of the week
@athenahitchin7738 3 часа назад
Blibdoolpoolp, Blibdoolpoolp's so badddd... Sorry, just weird naming that made me think of Ctulhu's so Bad a spoof by Beataliica
@cody1570 4 часа назад
they are literally deep ones from cthulhu and so insane i love them. one of my top 3 favorite races! also. the leviathan toa, i gave him the ability to not only scoop up smaller toas but to shoot them like a spit wad. they show up spitting them out in a cone of 40 ft and he keels a couple of em for spit wad shots....
@shamanspointofview8083 4 часа назад
20:31 again, screw kraken week, after dnd did what they did, we needed a community let coming together moment, yet you guys just used it to benefit yourselves, it’s really a shame you guys forgot who you were before the fame, shame on all of you, especially pointy hat and Ginny d for leading it
@Altheos 2 часа назад
What happened exactly?
@shamanspointofview8083 Час назад
@@Altheos with wotc or just the kraken thing? If wotc look up the ogl fiasco and what followed If just the kraken thing, then they all had a chance to bring the community together to benefit the community, but they chose to only benefit themselves, the community needs to stop looking up to selfish leads, especially when they continue to shut people out and only benefit themselves. You could say that’s normal, and I’d say that’s literally the problem that allows for ogl issues to happen, we all came together as a community, many of the channels that took part in kraken week rose up and now have a career, and they choose to continue to benifit themselves instead of the community all the while people like eternal Gm get ignored because he wants to help the community and actually has a good game, yet people like dungeon coach get celebrated for mediocrity and laziness 🤦‍♂️
@shamanspointofview8083 4 часа назад
Screw kraken week, all of you could’ve raised the community up with that level of working together, instead you just all benifits led yourselves
@nashtrojan 4 часа назад
I am going with hura crepitans and Dendrocnide moroides. Then i would have a hard wood tanky golem and a potent debuff golem.
@arthurfilippini4382 4 часа назад
How tô like a hundred times? I just loved it
@seelcudoom1 4 часа назад
im convinced the leviathans came about cus one kuatoa just worked out and got swole, the other kuatoa believed this was a blessing from their god cus they dont know how a gym works, and this sort of snowballed into them becoming kaiju, and well once the first one worked every moderately larger kuatoa can just start hyping up the rest to turn themselves into a titan
@vilhelmpuddintain9295 4 часа назад
>Blatant black eye >No "next time" segment Are Dungeon Dad and Dungeon Mom having issues? 😂
@xandergatewood1638 4 часа назад
Kuo-toa and 40k Orkz are my favorite thing. Has the strongest ability, uses it for basics and not using it in the proper way to take the world. Za Hando
@BrunoStuff 5 часов назад
It has the swallow action... ... scared would.
@rxdice 5 часов назад
A friend and I revamped kuotoa to be so imaginative that they can summon dreams into physical being ❤ love those little guys
@tenchraven 5 часов назад
When used as a bus, the swallowed Kuo-Toa had to summon it with their religious weirdness, and believe they've been eaten and thus are dead. But they've been reborn from the union of the Sea Mother and her chosen Leviathan. So they believe themselves to be holy warriors and demigods. What they take, they colonize. Also, since the path of becoming a Leviathan has to do with wishing your "self image" into being, so they were probably members of the community of renown- they would have been leveled characters, not nobodies. With class and level. I'm trying to imagine a Leviathan rogue trying to back stab. But it would not be a petty thief.
@Blakobness 5 часов назад
I want to barf out a gang of angry fish men in real life, I could get out of so many awkward social situations with a power like that.
@joshuakanapkey6570 6 часов назад
Absolutely LOVE the Angler Leviathan!
@TheMightyBattleSquid 6 часов назад
Messed up thought: A parent(s) on their way back to the child's room to tell them it's safe to come out die and eventually rise as a Pain Speaker. The kid dies, either from waiting for their parents to return until they starved or at the hand of whatever killed the parents. The child rises as an Attic Whisperer but... 1. after the Pain Speaker parent(s) had dragged their new form there, only to discover the remains of their child and wandered off 2. they just missed them while the Attic Whisperer was out in the woods acquiring their animal skull. 3. the Attic Whisperer saw them from afar but didn't recognize them and was too scared to get close.
@TheMightyBattleSquid 6 часов назад
I had a messed up idea about this during work today. What if the token evil undead army made a bunch of these into "shields" and "barricades." Every time you try to breach their lines, the wall's defense kicks in and starts eating soldiers who only strengthen it. Eventually, the walls get so big they start forming a maze of bodies and, even still, a hard line as they overlap. It theoretically continues to grow, as the generations go by, until it has completely engulfed the place being invaded because it keeps growing inward moreso than outward. I also had a thought that you could substitute the clay from the river styx for making gloom golems with living wall material as an equally capital E Evil construction process.
@mitchhaelann9215 6 часов назад
Huh. Lot of convenient coincidences all lined up for this week's video about a derivative of one of lovecraft's most iconic monsters. You could even say... The Stars are Right....
@TheMightyBattleSquid 6 часов назад
You could theoretically combine this with a Painspeaker if you had a group of people all killed unjustly for trying to speak up to the rest of the world about something.
@TheMightyBattleSquid 6 часов назад
Imagining a scenario in which 3 or more people are transformed into a Gray Philosopher, a Nothic, and a Pain Speaker as a result of thoughts about the same knowledge at varying stages. The 1st is yet to reach it, the 2nd did and transformed on discovery, the 3rd was on the way to tell others but died before they could.
@EXC334 6 часов назад
These little gremlins are my absolute favorite. They itch my chaotic itch so well. And they are perfect to have as little chaotic breaks from the norm in a campaign.
@torazely 6 часов назад
i actually have a goddess who was born from the kuo-toa in my homebrew world. the world held a balance between four gods, each with their own domain and history. the kuo-toa, however, didn't seem to follow any of them. but after being saved by a firbolg monk once, they saw her as a powerful god, thus accidentally granting her apotheosis into godhood.
@TheHere_AndNow 6 часов назад
@rasmusdegn9690 6 часов назад
No "Next week" teaser this week?
@winterpowers8962 7 часов назад
love the way he does his monster intros
@nerdlingeeksly5192 7 часов назад
"Not only does it do a fish ton of damage..." I just 1d4 dad joke damage.
@orin2706 7 часов назад
Ayo, whats up with the shiner there?
@animefan3794 7 часов назад
Is it just me, or does he have a black eye? Like somebody punched him in the right side of his fave
@Kydrou 7 часов назад
Why is the Kuo-toa gods origin surprising, if the rest of the gods came from the same deranged belief, but human?
@jacobgober3875 7 часов назад
i instantly recognized the Tormod's Crypt art
@TheHornedKing 7 часов назад
I want a video about Vampire Muses.
@gavinbrown216 7 часов назад
Cool, now I know how to implement Sakezuki from One Piece
@Calvados656 8 часов назад
"This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" "You gonna eat that?"
@Kydrou 7 часов назад
"Delicious & Nutritious? Sold."
@docbaker3333 9 часов назад
When I thought secret weapon Half me was expecting this to be about the Half-Lobster goddess that makes me confused. and I was partially right.
@OmneAurumNon 9 часов назад
"The Kua-Toa are so crazy that they invented gods that don't exist and then actually believe in them" As humans, I'm not sure we have much room to judge them for that