Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
First to show you ML/AI/Spatial Computing like Siri, Tesla, Waymo, June Oven. Chief strategy officer at Infinite Retina.
Notes of my AI psychiatry therapy
Год назад
Stable Diffusion announcements
Год назад
The Augmented Flashlight
Год назад
Tour of Giant AI's Robot Lab
2 года назад
@rty1955 День назад
There is a hands on computer museum in Rhode Island, where there is the only fully operational PDP-9 in the country. They have toms of machines that are all operational. Instead of just looking thru glass cases, you cam actually sit and use all of the computers
@dhouchin83 24 дня назад
2024 here
@kasibkhan2916 26 дней назад
What a beautiful observation by charles babbage
@joeybuddy96 Месяц назад
Great presentation!
@LocalUnion1 Месяц назад
The total decimation of of humanity blamed on AI psyop
@tzenmatteo Месяц назад
this has always been around, nothing new.
@olivierzongo1894 Месяц назад
@currentbrock5457 Месяц назад
Here in 2024 still want to build an app I feel like learning the basics is necessary
@davidchang5862 Месяц назад
I love Steve Woz. He is simply someone who deserves our respect for his contribution to the Personal Computing space. And oh my, what a massive museum they have
@CoconutPete Месяц назад
would like to meet woz one day
@johnchristopher7697 2 месяца назад
Love this Robert!
@WaseemKhan-jw1cr 2 месяца назад
Wow I read it ❤him
@borispolonski 2 месяца назад
Woz is my lifetime inspiration!!!A true hero!!!
@cesarelocran 2 месяца назад
@WhizPill 2 месяца назад
fascinating conversation, love the insights as usual Robert
@Basedeath 2 месяца назад
But will it cure my wrong think and help me accept the official narrative and believe authority?
@ClayMann 2 месяца назад
All Hail Hypnotoad!
@krishmav 3 месяца назад
It is hard to understand his creations more than two centuries later. Makes me wonder if the difference between me and him though we're both humans, is almost at the species level. This guy was something else. Damn!
@AmericanSpartan 3 месяца назад
I can just imagine how pissed off Charles Babbage had to be while explaining this at his Saturday Night parties while the guest just wanted to watch his dancing toy robot
@Strange_Armour 3 месяца назад
His nostrils are scary huge 😮
@focusedsam2421 3 месяца назад
The twink energy
@IlicTrons 3 месяца назад
Man built the worlds biggest industry 😢
@jackilynpyzocha662 4 месяца назад
Wow for Wozniak!
@alexanderstiefelmann5982 4 месяца назад
Somebody with money, resources and time should build the Analytical Engine too. Imagine, the first actual computer ever conceived of, brought to life today...
@AdityaSoni-pp1ex 4 месяца назад
❤it is also calculated hard complex problems in simplest form ❤,
@Naseem_Alsabah 4 месяца назад
ولد تشارلز بابيج في إنجلترا عام 1791، وتعلم في جامعة كامبردج الرياضيات وعلوم أخرى وبعدما قام هو وزميل له بمراجعة كتاب ربما يعود لملاحة بحرية كانوا يجروا فيه الحسابات التي تتعلق برحلهم، وجدوا فيها أخطاء كثيرة ومن هنا فكر بابيج بأن يعمل مكينة تمكن مستخدمها من اجراء العمليات الحسابية بدون أخطاء فقام بوضع مخطط لماكينة لذلك اسمها "محرك الفرق" وبعد أن حصل على تمويل من الحكومة وقطع مراحل في عملها قرر أن يعمل ماكينة أفضل حيث يمكن برمجتها بالاعتماد على البطاقات المثقبة اسمها "المحرك التحليلي."، أو "محرك الفرق2." وبعدما طلب من الحكومة أن يمولوا مشروعه الجديد واعداً إياهم بما هو أفضل مما بدأ به رفضوا بحجة أنهم سبق أن مولوه ولم يقدم لهم شيء، وبقي مشروعه الآخير حبر على ورق حتى بعد موته وقيام جهة معنية بعمل آلة على ضوء مخططه.
@isitfunnytoyouu 4 месяца назад
Hello my dear friend! thank you for the cool video! I'll wait for new videos
@Naseem_Alsabah 4 месяца назад
كان بابيج يطمح لإيجاد آلة في ظل التطور الصناعي الذي عاصره تقوم باجراء العمليات الحسابية المعقدة وبأنواعها المختلفة بشكل دقيق لذا عمل على صناعة جهاز يقوم بذلك اسماه "محرك الفرق" حيث قام بوضع مخطط له وحصل على تمويل من الحكومة لتنفيذه، ، وبعد فترة من ذلك طمح لاختراع جهاز أفضل لنفس الغرض ويمكن برمجته اسمه "المحرك التحليلي."، ويطلق عليه أيضاً "محرك الفروق2." فقام بعمل نموذج له وقدمه للحكومة ليحصل على تمويل آخر له إلا أن الحكومة رفضت بحجة أنها سبق ومولته ولم ترى أي شيء منه وهكذا بقي اختراع بابيج الآخير حبر على ورق، كما أن الذي قبله لم يكن تام كما ينبغي وهذه الماكينة التي نراها في الفيديو تم عملها بناءً على مخططات بابيج وربما فيها اختلاف حيث أن غرضها المحاكاة وتخليد ذكرى المحرك التحليلي الحقيقي.
@Naseem_Alsabah 4 месяца назад
شكراً لكم. Thank they.
@billgates3699 4 месяца назад
8:55 John explains why Adobe products are becoming worse with every update 😂
@suprsonic 5 месяцев назад
Great video! Thanks for sharing. Love Woz.
@chrismoore4041 5 месяцев назад
The pioneers.
@bilallone2829 5 месяцев назад
Have read about differential engine and analytical engine during first year of engineering and had seen them in pics only. While watching this video seeing these engines working I feel fascinated and the moment is really mesmerising with feel of gratitude for the Charles Babbage whose genius always inspired me. Earth has been made beautiful by great souls.
@dcrebbin 5 месяцев назад
Amazing to see, thanks for showing Rob I have the meta glasses and wear them everyday (even hacked in GPT vision) but the potential for having an IRL HUD is very very enticing!
@GospodinJean 5 месяцев назад
The Wizard Woz
@elapplzsl 6 месяцев назад
Incredible thanks for sharing!
@daddys7414 6 месяцев назад
Great insight … Tom is extremely fascinating. Tried to find him on x without joy
@rnagel54 6 месяцев назад
Just like an MRI tech to record a conversation with a big echo
@rnagel54 6 месяцев назад
Just like MRI tech to record with a big echo
@davidsundquist1845 7 месяцев назад
@satxkat7234 7 месяцев назад
Six years ago I kept telling my doctor there was something wrong with me, exhaustion, etc. He said there is nothing wrong with you for 6 years. I recently fell went to ER and had a CT of my spine. Yes I had a T12 compression fracture but it also showed a 12 cm mass in my side. Kidneys with many nodules and lungs with many nodules. I am now seeing several doctors. If people could get this scan every year it would help find things when they begin not at the end.
@kevinkawchak 7 месяцев назад
Great tour
@Westy.Iced0405 7 месяцев назад
This is the birth of waymo now we have the jaguars SUVs
@alliegrimm7364 7 месяцев назад
Hugely disappointed in our experience with Prenuvo. Thousands of dollars later unfortunately.
@Studeb 7 месяцев назад
Interesting how EA screwed up there, seems like this demo happened about the same time as they released Deluxe Paint 3, almost when I started using that as a kid. Seeing Photoshop at the same time would have blown my mind.
@lungfish 7 месяцев назад
he definitely thinks i'm an asshole
@CSstudent_1001 7 месяцев назад
Wow I really want to see it someday
@ihsanauliarahman1057 8 месяцев назад
Imagine if Babbage knew about binary number. He might have simplified the engine and completed the analytical engine.
@userxyz783 9 месяцев назад
Good evening Mr. Scoble. I came across your video of the museum piece of the mechanical computer. I have in the past had what is called as something along the schizophrenic spectrum. Also I am an undergrad in psychology and attended law school and am a member of the bar. I taught psychology or more accurately solved homework and guided ,during the course of teaching I extensively used materials (full text copies of psychology textbooks used in undergraduate and graduate programs of US universities available online. Some of them may have been through websites like libgen but since I live in a industrialising country i cannot afford an single entire text even with full months' pay at times so these websites are essential. I used these texts in a way to teach and find answers to questions posted by students all over using a platform like C*egg "the cheating website". I taught myself through these questions more than i learned in psychology class in my own university which was probably the best in the part of the world i live in. This taught me that interaction with actual living person is essential and is the basis of teaching.) Diagnostic categories at best help professionals to categorise people on the basis of labels. They serve little purpose in actual treatment. For this reason, there is a trend towards doing away with diagnostic categories altogether as they are dehumanising. Consider for example that a person having "voices" and "seeing things" may be categorised as a person with psychosis and possibly labelled a person with schizophrenia. This label will carry over through to different medical and care professionals who will never again perform an evaluation. Also, there is considerable stigma associated with having a mental disorder. IT is often seen that antagonists are portrayed as psychotics in a negative sense which equates psychosis with violence, depravity and other forms of anti-social behaviour which is inaccurate. Psychosis involves great suffering, and a more accurate view is of neurotransmitters, environmental factors, biological factors, social factors, and trauma all producing illness, the biopsychosocial perspective. Diagnostic categories in a way label people that is not of use to the sufferer or the patient, it helps the medical professional more. The patient is reduced to a subject when they are dehumanised or stripped of their personal variables. I am myself acquainted with ChatGPT and although it gives good answers it is merely restating texts it scraped through the internet which belong to a compendium of publishers who may not be strictly accepting those texts being used for language model training. To illustrate this there is a very prominent recent legal case pertaining to copyright which is basically the right of the original producer over works produced by them to the exclusion of all others at times. MAny writers of popular fiction have protested to this particular language learning model using their likeness ot reproduce texts which seemingly copy their style. This is what i though is the case with your video. The psychiatrist may have been enchanted by the incredible accuracy with which the language learning model solves the mental health case puzzle, but human beings are infinitely more complex and even the information that is used to teach the algorithm or model is continually being updated much of which is not in the open source, so it will cause errors. Still for professionals and people who are experts in their fields it is an interesting tool to compare their own knowledge to a model that scrapes information from the internet. I would still call the results brackish water though which is not potable. Human output is like fresh water. It is indispensable. Thanks for reading Mr. Scoble have a great day! And thank you for posting the video of the mechanical computer.
@TheAnxiousOwl 9 месяцев назад
Now imagine this being the lock for an entire vault with there being over 50 thousand possible combinations due to the many algorithmic components with only 10 numerals on each... Since 0 exists it can lead to many more combinations as it is added and constantly used for more numerals beyond 10.
@NEIL-CURCIO 9 месяцев назад
Woz is an icon