Laura Hill
Laura Hill
Laura Hill
Lifestyle for women in our best years❤️ I am a 60+ wife and mom of 3 young adults, all grown and flown . Animal lover, 4 dogs, 8 donkeys, all rescues. I spent 14 years in the corporate hospitality world, almost 30 years building our family business, 8 years as a city councilwoman and 6 years as mayor.

These are my experiences and the things my girlfriends and I talk(and laugh) about as we tiptoe into a time in our lives that looks a whole lot different. Gone are the days when we had little say over our day to day schedule, today it's more about us, new dreams and new challenges.

Friendships change, priorities shift and we find that we want to be more selective about who and what gets our time. So grab a cup of coffee, there is nothing better than time well spent with other women.


I’ve published 2 leadership books for women. Both 📚are available on Amazon.

Walking In My Shoes
Where the Mean Girls

When A Longtime Friend Walks Away
7 часов назад
Love-bombed By Another Woman
19 часов назад
Life Changes Can Be Painful
14 дней назад
Here’s My Why
14 дней назад
The Fear Of Slowing Down
Месяц назад
The Dreaded Phone Call
Месяц назад
Speaking Up Matters
Месяц назад
Choosing the Wrong Friends💔
Месяц назад
Happiness Is About The Wrinkles
Месяц назад
Are You Facing Big Change?
Месяц назад
GHOSTED, Dumped Part 2
Месяц назад
Dumped By A Friend Part 1
Месяц назад
Stressed In The Workplace?
Месяц назад
You Can’t Fix A Mean Girl
Месяц назад
Do You Prioritize Happiness?
Месяц назад
Facing Big Change, Good &Bad
2 месяца назад
I’m Too Old To Put Up With Mean Girls
2 месяца назад
Reputation Can Limit You
2 месяца назад
Learning to Say No
2 месяца назад
What's Your Brand?
2 месяца назад
Do You Need Workplace Boundaries?
2 месяца назад
Are You Too Hard On Yourself?
2 месяца назад
Keeping Up With The Cool Women
3 месяца назад
Some Women Make It So Hard
3 месяца назад
Women Who Enjoy Hurting Other Women
3 месяца назад
Find Your Circle Of Women
3 месяца назад
Friendship in the Workplace Is Risky
3 месяца назад
@melaniehesse563 9 минут назад
God removes people from your life because HE HEARS what is said BEHIND YOUR BACK!!!
@calilovebug3897 39 минут назад
I've walked away from a twenty year friend, because I couldn't take the self centeredness and gossiping about me anymore. She has qualities that I admire, but snarky jabs are too much.
@cynthiaoconnor7185 41 минуту назад
I was friends with my nail tech for 10 years. We would go to movies almost every weekend. She joined a "church" and was very happy. But, when she talked about it all she talked about sounded like a therapy group. So I asked if there was a preacher who gave sermons or taught the bible? She said no, that everyone just talked. I thought a lot about it but couldn't agree that this was a church. I said we needed to quit seeing each other as I couldn't support or listen to stories about a non-church. I miss our friendship but couldn't deny my own beliefs. If religion is not really included, it's NOT a church.
@julielumsden5184 47 минут назад
I had a friend walk away, we had been friends for 40 plus years . Went on trips together lots of coffee meet ups lunch etc. She just stopped communicating her kids were like my grandkids. It took me a long time but I finally realized she used us and when we were of no use because she was moving across the country that was it.
@banneryh 51 минуту назад
Hallelujah 🙌🏻!!!!! The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻. I was owing a loan of $49,000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery, Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $11,000 and got my payout of $290,500 every month…God bless Mrs Susan Jane Christy ❤️
@eugen-pr6lg 51 минуту назад
Hello!! how do you make such monthly, I’m a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down of myself 😭 because of low finance but I still believe God
@PanagosHaire 51 минуту назад
Hi that's good you have idea &share to those who deserve it that's great god bless🙏🙏
@AnitaSalas-lr9ic 50 минут назад
She's a licensed broker here in the states🇺🇸 and finance advisor.
@AnitaSalas-lr9ic 50 минут назад
After I raised up to 525k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery….Glory to God, shalom.
@sheltonunrabbe 50 минут назад
Can I also do it??? My life is facing lots of challenges lately
@daveandrade8189 Час назад
The media would love for us all to have a million "friends" - they help shape tastes and shopping trends- glomming on to the newest fad, etc. A few decent people as friends with comfortable boundaries is the way to go.
@rheakotfis8048 Час назад
Thank you , I needed to hear this.
@rachelt2482 Час назад
I walked away from a long term friendship, our conversations always left me drained from her negativity and pessimism. I wish her well but I can’t be around her anymore.
@julieb8668 Час назад
There are pickelball cliques too
@laurahillauthor Час назад
😂😂 you are the 3rd person to tell me that! Women sure like their cliques🤦🏻‍♀️
@kathyo5971 Час назад
I had a friend for over 20 years. During her life, she went through some serious problems and depression. I was there for her. I have kept a diary since the fifth grade. I was shocked by how years and how many times she didn’t answer my calls and never called me back. She is the most selfish person that I have ever met. The last time she called me I didn’t have my glasses on and answered the phone. I had planned on not speaking to her ever again. So when I said “hello” and I heard her voice, I hung up on her. I don’t regret doing it. Not one bit.
@coconeedham24 2 часа назад
Thank you for such great insight on this subject… I think we or “I” have too of of expectations with certain friends and then get discouraged when they don’t meet your high standard of a true friend.. I learned the hard way😊Kind Regards Coco
@teresarhodes3845 2 часа назад
Sometimes the person who leaves the friendship does so because of a change in their family. It could be something so embarrassing or upsetting it is humiliating to share the situation with friends.
@laurahillauthor 2 часа назад
Definitely a good point. But so sad that they wouldn’t feel their friend could be their rock. Very tough😢
@Tonimaroni2BeKindToAnimals 2 часа назад
I lost my brother to political differences. He is my only sibling but treats me as his enemy now thanks to his ‘people’s rhetoric 😢
@laurahillauthor 2 часа назад
Sooooo many folks here have lost friendships and politics over politics🤯
@Tonimaroni2BeKindToAnimals 2 часа назад
@@laurahillauthorI really enjoyed your video 🌺. I just subscribed. Thank you.
@SewWhittle 2 часа назад
I have always said, if you have anyone in your life (friends or family) that is toxic, cut the strings. Some people are only in your life for a season.
@laurahillauthor 2 часа назад
So true!!
@dajewel1982 2 часа назад
I walked away from a person whom I labeled a bff for about 14 years. It was clear to me that she did not respect me or my boundaries. She was secretive and I believe that she was jealous of me. We didn’t share core values. The relationship was not healthy. It was in my best interest to end it, and that I did. It has been a year and five months that I walked away.
@laurahillauthor 2 часа назад
You were brave and smart to walk away
@sirmadam8183 3 часа назад
About 10 years ago, my bestfriend of 20 years started to be MIA and it was extremely painful. We met in our late 20's. He is gay and got married and his whole life changed, plus he lived in another city. I had to simply accept that we were no longer that close and that he was now closest to his partner. We still talk once in awhile, but it's never as often as before. It's now, once in a blue moon. That's okay. Life has brought new friends into my life.
@laurahillauthor Час назад
Yes there are definitely times when you just move on, but it sounds like you have such a healthy outlook on it.
@hp7093 3 часа назад
Long as you have Emma you’ll be ok
@laurahillauthor Час назад
You are so right! Pets make everything better❤
@sirmadam8183 3 часа назад
Her friend may be going through some kind of self-growth change late in life. Perhaps she felt most her friends were from her children's parents and she now wants to discover her own personality separately from her children. She may come back after awhile, but she is clearly preoccupied with exploring something new.
@sirmadam8183 3 часа назад
Tell your friend to let her friend go and accept change. It's simply change. Nothing more. It's not rejection, it's simply change.
@laurahillauthor Час назад
Such good advice. That exactly what we told her, it just made me feel so bad that she kept it to herself for so long, it shouldn’t be embarrassing ❤
@boutiquebabe 3 часа назад
I had to end this friendship but it wasn't the first time or the second or third but finally this time was the last. She's in a very toxic marriage, daughter is on drugs and I have witnessed it over the years. No change for the better just the same drama over and over. It was always one sided for the most part. I was worn out and couldn't take the lapses in our friendship anymore so walked away by saying I need to love you from a distance. Take care.
@andreasissons7766 3 часа назад
How about having a video about friends who suddenly drop you once they have a man in their life? That's happened a lot over the years and I just don't get it that suddenly they can't go out without their guy's permission or it has to be around their schedule.
@laurahillauthor Час назад
Great idea. And it affects older women too since so many get divorced after the children have grown and flown! Thanks
@lonwolf8245 3 часа назад
Most childhood friends we wouldn't hang with if we met them now. So that's key. The length of time is fun to say. "I have a friend I have known for over 50 years". But we have NOTHING in common and the only thing we hold on to are the dumb things we did as kids. Peeing in an elevator was cute back then, but at 64 that's sad.
@beth7467 5 часов назад
Thank you for this conversation. I don't know how it ended up on my feed, but I'm grateful it did.
@laurahillauthor Час назад
So glad! Welcome
@sandtoy11510 5 часов назад
Meh. my wife divorced me after 25 years of marriage. Soon after, most everyone in my life including my children decided they no longer wanted anything to do with me. I just said F’it , sold my house and moved 1600 miles away; only my employer has my address. I have a new life and no regrets… only memories
@marylhere 5 часов назад
I had a friend for over fifty years and didn’t realize how she considered my opinions, taste etc wrong. I realized that over the years that I kept my house the color of yours (yellow) because it offended her. Last time we got together she had to mention how she just hated those puffy vests and even more those hideous boots with those rings. I have down vests from white to black and ten pairs of Frye Harness boots. I had not seen her for at least ten years because I couldn’t make it to Thanksgiving because of forecast of a blizzard, a car with some serious issues and a son who was going through mental health issues. That was not enough of an excuse for her. We got stuck in a snow bank on the way to Psych Emergency. We didn’t speak for a decade. She called and invited me to stay with her in Florida…I accepted and we had two good days and while watching the final two episode of MAD Men I mentioned how handsome Jon Hamm was. “Only YOU would think he was handsome”. I left and got a hotel room closer to where my son and ex husband were. At the airport Vanity Fair magazine cover story..What is Hollywood’s Most Handsome Man Going to Do Now that MadMen is Ending? Very dapper Don Draper in a tux….wanted so bad to send that to her. Have spoken to her only once since when our friend died suddenly. She wanted to make plans to get together. I declined. Her daughter was off to college and she needed someone to control. Was not going to be me.
@babygrizwold 6 часов назад
I don't think you can make new friends and really great friends when you're older. I'm a new subscriber and made one comment under the channel and I got a hateful and rude comment back towards me. This is why I don't have friends in real life and this is why I don't even bother trying. So tired of women being mean and rude to each other. This is why I gave up on friendship many years ago. I'll be by myself thank you🎉
@babygrizwold 6 часов назад
So a woman rudely commented on a comment that I made saying that no one was going to read my long-ass novel. Well if you don't want to read it keep moving but what I find really funny is that this video is about somebody being a terrible friend and then I have a stranger coming on and saying something really rude and mean to me. Holy Cow she must be a great great person in real life to her friends. Pretty funny that somebody so mean in their real world has to say things like that to a complete stranger.
@mrsjohnson1743 7 часов назад
I ended a 35 year friendship when I wasn't functioning well enough for the friend. I was heavily grieving my long time partner's hellish death. She could not understand why I couldn't manage to do what she expected of me for an upcoming trip. It would only have affected myself. I found myself trying repeated to explain why, with my grief and anxiety, only to not be heard and get pushback from her. Eventually, I told her I would not go on the trip, she very crabbily gave in. That's when I suddenly realized that I should never have to do that with a real friend. I ended our friendship in that phone call. I'm guessing she really doesn't understand why.
@vixxcottage 8 часов назад
It happened to me after a friendship of more than 20 years. I became ill suddenly 😔 and she treated me terribly during the illness I did not understand why. I had assisted her through multiple crises even staying at her house to help her. She became a widow and became involved with an alcoholic freeloader who very rarely worked and she must support him. She is a professional. He is a narcissist and has isolated her from her friends and family. It was a very unsettling experience. The person I knew is gone. Very sad. It happens. We have not spoken in over a year.
@alexiphigenia1618 8 часов назад
When you set boundaries, you find out real quick who your friends are and who they're not. Those who don't have boundaries, don't respect boundaries - are not good friends, not good employers, etc. They're exploiters.
@pam112061 8 часов назад
I am 62 and I am happily lonely. I have my family but few friends and I am ok with that . Did all that in the past, friends and work etc. Now is me time
@donnahartman5220 8 часов назад
My life long friend had always copied me in big as well as small ways. Same coat same car. Stopped communicating. I realized she had not been a real friend. A friend when it was convenient. Saddened me to finally know that. In the end I knew we are such different people that we don’t like who the other person is and what they represent. But I’ll miss good Parts of the relationship. She envied me but just didn’t like me.
@me-ro1me 8 часов назад
I walked away from a friend ship she was a bridesmaids in our wedding we had been friends for 17 years our husband’s seemed to be really good friends kids all got along she was there when I lost my mother but when I was 38 years old , I found out I had breast cancer , we were all on a baseball team for fun there were new people in the group so we were all getting to know each other but slowly I noticed my friend not talking to me much but I never thought about it , but I found out that I had cancer so I called her up and told her and she did show a little concern, but I never heard a word from her the whole time I was in treatment not after my surgery after my chemotherapy not my radiation which this treatment lasted all most a year not one visit or phone call . It literally broke my heart ! So after the treatments were all done she decided to have a celebration that I was done my treatments ,she had a barbecue with everyone and I was shower with all kinds of support from these people but the thing was a week later her husband and a few of the new people showed up at our door I wasn’t home and my husband was in the shower ,and was handed back our money that we contributed to play ball to our 14 year old daughter and they said tell your dad and mom the ball team is breaking up they did not want to play ball no more ! The sad thing is my daughter knocked on the door and told her father they were there and he told her to asked them to wait ,! But they couldn’t even wait for him to dry off and tell him to his face. And then about 6 months later she phoned to ask a question about something and I could tell she was with her new friends and I just said I didn’t know the answer and I said it quite annoyed that she had bothered to call me and I hung up I have never heard from her again ! One thing I can say is the cancer I got turned out to be a gift I found out that friend are not all ways friends but their are individuals who don’t know you and they step up and give you that hand up when you need it was such a terrible experience like I said it broke my heart . She lost her mother and father a few years later I sent a card and went to both funerals her parents were kind people and I really don’t think she told her parents that our friendship ended my father passed I never heard a word from her! I have forgiven her but I will never forget because I know how I would treat a friend like I said cancer can be a gift it opens your eyes to what is important !
@krclinton 9 часов назад
I had a friend since I was 19, she moved around the world but we always kept in touch with her finally in Florida and me in Massachusetts. Then she and her husband came back to Massachusetts to a town about an hour away. She visited me once and that 0:54 was it no more contact. I have been wracking my brain to figure out why.
@pennPi 9 часов назад
I’ve finally walked away from long term friendships where everything seems like a competition, to the point I don’t want to share anything positive about my life. It’s as if they need to one up me rather than simply be happy for me. I don’t understand this because when there were happy milestones in their lives I was truly happy for them. Why can’t I find genuine people? 😢 Being INFJ sucks.
@sherryhicks4156 9 часов назад
I have a friend that changed her priorities without talking to me about it. We have been friends for over 50 yrs. So I have had to take a back seat to our relationship. I rarely see her or talk to her. But I have looked at this as a time for change, as the bible says, seasons change.
@celestep157 9 часов назад
What you’re saying is what happens in many divorces , it just happens between sexes more dramatic way because they live together .
@fedgirl7318 10 часов назад
I found out after divorce that my married friends dropped off. That was over 20 years ago. I never really became close with anyone again after that. Last date was in 2011, and none of the relationships I’d been in worked out for me. Between when I was married, or in a relationship, or when my parents got older, it seemed like I was always taking care of someone else. And I always gave more than I got. I worked at the same job for over 30 years, and now I’m retired for 4 years. People from work kept in touch for a little while, and then nothing. My youngest daughter moved out the same year I retired, so it’s just me and my cat. But I find that I enjoy being by myself. It’s peaceful. I’m in a good place.
@laurahillauthor 10 часов назад
I bet there are some new hobbies or activities out there for you to try. Pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone may result in meeting some new people.
@tracy-marie 10 часов назад
Very few people are genuine.
@donnacarraway9182 10 часов назад
I totally agree with the comments that there’s always a back story and with the narcissist comment. Your friend might want to look at herself to examine her part in that breakup not only her hurt ( narcissist) because perhaps the other person was hurt and therefore needs to walk.
@laurieb2296 12 часов назад
My long time friend since 8th grade passed away a week ago at 62. I am heartbroken. We were in each other’s wedding and had our two girls at the same time. She still lived in my hometown and my mother that still lived there passed two years ago. It is so devastating to lose them both.
@laurahillauthor 10 часов назад
Oh I am so sorry. We are sadly getting to the season in life where we are losing friends and family. It is so devastating but it sounds like you have wonderful memories and can you even imagine having lived your life without your best friend💔 so sorry you lost your mom not to long before. I dread that day but know it is coming. It’s hard to remind yourself to be grateful for all the great memories. I hope you find healing❤
@viviandibrell849 12 часов назад
I was befriended by someone when I was 65 and it was a wonderful, lovely friendship and I was so happy and surprised that I could have a new best friend at that age. But about seven years later she completely and totally dumped me in a very mean email. I had not apparently given her the feedback that she wanted in a situation she was sharing with me. In retrospect, It had been harder to get her to spend time with me and her calls had slowed down and I figured she was losing interest in me. It was quite difficult to have that happen. The things she said to me in that email were devastating. Now looking back on it, I realized that is her MO. She has walked away from two marriages and several groups of women friends that we shared in common. It wasn’t my fault. But it hurt nonetheless.
@laurahillauthor 10 часов назад
You are so right, we can’t control how other’s see situations. Sometimes they feel we aren’t doing enough for them and we have no idea until it’s too late. I had a friend for 15 years who exhausted me with her demands. I could never keep up but ironically she dumped me. What I now realize is that I am responsible for letting it go on as long as it did. I gave her the power to hurt me. Hope you have found new friendships that fill you up!
@veronicwbrennan4002 13 часов назад
You talking about children leaving home, my three six years between oldest and youngest all left home within a year. I wasn't ready for it. I would find myself staring into the fridge not knowing why I was doing it. I actually, looking back, realise I was going through a form of grief. Now looking back I know child rearing is just a wonderful chapter in our book. Thirty four years on, with eight grandchildren an three great grandchildren, I am proud of them and of myself but I have other achievements to look back on too. I love this chapter where I have complete freedom to do what I want and when I want. This is my last chapter and really hope it will be as good as many others have been.
@jhoneyb 14 часов назад
A friend dropped me because I wasn't upset Queen Elizabeth II died (we're British). I was initially upset, but then now she's out of my life, I realised how high maintenance and toxic she was. Blessing in disguise.
@laurahillauthor 10 часов назад
Wow! Just goes to show that we aren’t always on the same page with someone else’s ‘priorities’.
@tennysoneffie6943 15 часов назад
I used to have a lovely friend we were friends for 15 years, I eventually moved home and went a 4 hour drive away, but she would come and visit with me on a regular basis. I live alone in a larger house and we made it work. Chatted several times a week and her husband used to say, “You two are like sisters. She is always in good humour for days after chatting or visiting with you”. That was until I was diagnosed with Cancer. She came to see me once. I was totally overwhelmed with the news and how I would deal with the coming months……that particular evening I explained I was distraught and couldn’t cook a meal as I couldn’t even see straight…..and I said help yourself and just let me sit and get my head around this and qualified it with saying,”I’ll be all right when I find my equilibrium again!”…..She left the next morning, there was one or two phone calls after but she never came to see me or ever enquired how I was or how I was coping….we were both in our sixties at this time. She has never been in touch again. I do send her a lovely Xmas Card every year. That all happened six years ago. I found out the hard way who my friends were when I was so ill that I couldn’t even make my breakfast…….i felt terribly used and abused…..and it has taken a long time to get over it.
@Deelynn-woohoo 15 часов назад
Ihave been seperated from all friends and family for 5.5 years. Its like they all died. No one answers calls or texts. Ihave a stalking situation, and its bad. I dont know if the stalkers did it, or the family and friends did it. I or they have not texted, called, or heard from ANYONE of dozens of people for years now. Its ridiculous.
@laurahillauthor 10 часов назад
I’m so sorry💔if you’re up to it I’d reach out to the people/family that your truly miss and see if you can find out if there is more to it. I listen to a podcast called Strictly Stalking. I highly recommend it. Lots of resources
@sarahakinlawson1595 19 часов назад
I am still friends with a few of my childhood friends, a couple of them were mean girls and they are still mean girls. Took me awhile to understand that it is their own insecurities that drive their mean choices. I moved away after high school graduation to attend college (couldn’t wait to get out of my little town) and moved back in my late 50s. We are in our 60s now and I have no time for that nonsense. Their patterns continue, I back away when I sense the meanness coming.
@Curlyblonde 19 часов назад
I had to end 2 long-standing friendships because of alcoholism. Both hid it very well for many years, which at first I was unaware of. As their dependency progressed and their behaviors became more difficultl and aggressive, I attempted an intervention, but was resented and rebuffed. I made the decision not to be at the receiving end of their abuse and watch their health and quality of life deteriorate. We must preserve our own health by choising not to be around toxic people and situations.
@randilervik 12 часов назад
You can't beat alcohol 😢 You did the right thing! ❤
@laurahillauthor 10 часов назад
It’s impossible to compete with an addiction. So much heartbreak💔
@irmielam5192 19 часов назад
I walked away from a 15 year frienship...this friend was so clingy and often selfish. And would pour on the guilt if I didn't spend every Saturday with her. I slowly started to avoid her... i spent a lot more time with another friend (actually my best friend). Finally the first friend moved a long ways away, 6 years ago, and it was such a relief to me. We'd communicate here and there through Facebook, but that was all. Suddenly a year ago she sent me a bunch of accusing texts about how I was breaking her heart by never calling or texting. I was so surprised at her angry, accusatory texts. I ended up blocking her number and unfriending her on Facebook. I still feel guilty about it...but she was a little toxic. She has since befriended almost all of my friends on Facebook... So it's still awkward. I don't get what her deal is.
@laurahillauthor 10 часов назад
You will love the video I’m doing early next week about Exhausting friends!!! You are so right friendship shouldn’t guilt you and wear you out
@tw_72 20 часов назад
Two things I learned later in life: 1) Givers need to learn to set boundaries because takers don't have any; and 2) The only people who will be upset with you setting boundaries are those who benefited from you not having any.
@marymanning5150 17 часов назад
I am a giver and the pattern repeats itself all the time. I am going to take your advice.
@laurahillauthor 10 часов назад