TacticalTortoise 40k
TacticalTortoise 40k
TacticalTortoise 40k
Battle reports, news and tournament coverage for Warhammer 40k and other miniature wargames!
Comparing ALL of 40k's Weapon Abilities
14 дней назад
@liaminwales 3 часа назад
This sounds like a problem in the rules.
@n-wordaficianado2990 4 часа назад
I don't play Warhammer tabletop, but the idea of charging an aircraft i just plain stupid. If I were a rules-decider at GW I would just say such an action were impossible anyway
@kietay6505 5 часов назад
This is the most deranged red card I have ever seen. Who in the entire world believes someone modeled something by a fraction of an inch different to avoid this exact scenario. There is absolutely no way. You are all insane and should feel bad for even making this video.
@Kronosxviii1 6 часов назад
15:03 the image is really weak as evidence on showing a difference in height based on how the unit is held in place, this is due to the fact that the supposed difference can easily be viewed as a camera angle issue.
@GhostMaker00 6 часов назад
Has this guy cheated before?
@cjgibbsey 7 часов назад
so made a bad call and overreacted with the correction. don't trust this judge's account at all seems suspect. Also I love the assumption the player should know a ruling for that tournament that the head judge did not know.
@owensmith2995 7 часов назад
As a tau player, tank shock is use every game. I cannot count how many times I’ve finished off a 1 or 2 wound angron, imperial knight, c’tan shard or tank with a s5 or s6 vehicle is insane. The important thing with it is you shouldn’t tank shock with something not good at melee if you can’t kill the thing you are targeting with the tank shock itself. If they have low wounds tank shock is such a boon and It’s rare that there is a game I don’t use it
@jumbledump 8 часов назад
Punishing players for a fault of the game is bullshit. If the judge had second thoughts about his call, then he should have just learned from it and moved on. But to go so far as to permaban a player for YOUR mistake shows that this judge has an ego problem and shouldn't be in that position.
@crudgamers2672 9 часов назад
@TheJoKeRx-ye8zr 9 часов назад
Isn't it in the rules that non fly units can't charge aircraft?
@nurglematthew893 10 часов назад
Some people unrelated to me needed to hear that Overwatch and Fights First Tough Love.
@sonichu2electricboogaloo11 10 часов назад
Christ they need to just change this to base to base
@nurglematthew893 10 часов назад
This is legit
@jefflanzilotta2057 11 часов назад
Perfect example why I stopped playing GW games a long time ago.
@LinxOnlineGames 12 часов назад
The Hover rule should state the craft is considered 5" above the crafts base. One only needs to measure to the base, and then add 5. Or introduce an tournament rule that all aircrafts are considered to be using a GW stand, and for measuring purposes considered 5 inches above their base. A part from that, it sound like this judge needs to learn how to be a judge.
@danielpaoli1093 12 часов назад
Fire overwatch legitimately "won" me a game versus Tyranids. I was playing Thousand Sons and I think every turn I was using it. Killing half a charging unit meant that my models survived.
@scolack123 10 часов назад
And thats because you haf lots of flamers Counter offensive won a game for my buddy Interrupted me and hit my screamer killer with his redemptor i had charged One shotted me
@danielpaoli1093 10 часов назад
@@scolack123 I would say we have really good Flamers, up to 9D6, S4, AP-1/2, with the chances to have full re-rolls to wound and some of the time +1 to wound. But with the unit being 105/210 for 5/10 T-Sons are heavily taxed in points.
@Winter420 12 часов назад
thanks for pointing out that you named your hive tyrant hillary. I try to not watch any content created by conservative losers, luckily you all cant help but self identify at every opportunity, like some sort of political vegan.
@johngioia2813 13 часов назад
So as a judge, the event is over…you go ALL THE WAY HOME to try to prove something is wrong…can we also point out that the two separate pictures of the storm Raven are using two different bases?
@Irvinolarra 14 часов назад
Couldnt they just add a couple inches from the base to simulate the ships hovering instead on relying on a model with different variables that way its bases to base measurements, i dont have much knowledge on the game
@ignis2638 14 часов назад
I can understand punishing players and all that but a lifetime ban is way to harsh for this hyper specific rule. This is why I don't want to play tournaments
@PKApocalypseGames 15 часов назад
The Judge didn't know of previous ruling and is being a hypocrite saying the player should have, he was made to make a judgement and made a call on a quarter of an inch ... thats on them, no after the fact re-ruling is fair at all, a Ban for his poor knowledge and / or judgement with possible variables of again their own "possibly faulty" tape measure or common as hell GW margin of print errors is absurd. The Judge needs a ban from Judging at events.
@zincgoblin7538 15 часов назад
Too many things are going against this judge's call. Bad camera angle, where the model is placed in both pictures (the left is touching the oven side which can tilt the model back slightly), how he's holding it means he could be slightly angling the model any way he wants, the horrendously over the top punishment. If the judge gave a warning then I doubt anyone would argue even if he's wrong on the call, but this is beyond means. He's obviously in the wrong and manipulating his evidence shown to show he's right. Horrible!
@sumsarprat 15 часов назад
If you have strong melee characters "Epic challenge" is a must use strategem, killing buff characters or the opponents good meele characters is so valuable, and if there is 2 characters in the unit you can off them both
@nicholaswallace2575 15 часов назад
That hover rule allowing an aircraft to be measured at the hull is so stupid. If the model has a base, it should measure from the base. The game isn’t tuned enough, nor do the models don’t have enough quality control standards to properly account for this. Is it modelling for advantage? Is it somebody’s first model that’s just a little bit janky? It’s very tough to say, so it’s also crazy to me that this caused a lifetime ban.
@nicomatthee9182 16 часов назад
Imagine a kroot somehow got a bite of a custodian
@reeeton1920 16 часов назад
lmao yikes. this is why i dont play 40k
@TheKillerman3333 16 часов назад
The judge overstepped, over punished, and over reacting. The judge is in the bad.
@MrHoneuma 16 часов назад
Go to Ground is specifically useful for World Eaters running a Daemon Prince. Their aura says: While a friendly WORLD EATERS INFANTRY unit is within 6" of this model, models in that unit have a 5+ invulnerable save, unless they already have an invulnerable save, in which case they have a 4+ invulnerable save. Using go to ground satisfies the presence of an invulnerable save on Jakhals and Berzerkers, granting them a 4+ invulnerable save, making the former very hard to remove from objectives coupled with a 5+ FNP.
@TheKillerman3333 16 часов назад
I would have loved to get into Warhammer but I guess the lore is good enough
@MagicDad 16 часов назад
ooo this is dope!
@jamesbryant8133 16 часов назад
So glad i dont play this mess of a game
@toddvogel8887 17 часов назад
So, if you are using official GW plastic, adding nothing other than paint, and just happen to have accidentally angled a piece slightly off from what it was intended, you can just be banned for life? MAN, am I glad I have NEVER considered getting into W40k tournaments and shit, that is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Personally, I say that judge deserves the lifetime ban.
@verarivers9266 17 часов назад
To me it sounds like a neck beard got his greedy little feelings hurt. "Uhm actually, you cant win." LOL jesus grow up it sounds like he won fair and scare and someone whinned, or kissed butt, or sucked someone's "Pens" to get a favorable ruling I bet.
@kalosprismatic 17 часов назад
I don't know if you'll have the time or desire to do it, but this could be a whole series where you do the same thing with strategems from each army, each video featuring a different army. :)
@Gormadt 17 часов назад
Straight up I won't play models without bases because I feel all models should not only have bases but should have the measurements done from them. And measuring from the TOP of a base is really stupid IMO because unless those bases are blank every single player who puts terrain paste, grass, or rocks on their bases would technically be modeling for advantage. Where the base meets the table is far better because then it doesn't matter how you decorate the base. Hell a solution to hull measurements of flying things would be to define an "engagement cylinder" size for all minis.
@terratorment2940 17 часов назад
I bet these people play with no items, fox only, final destination when they play smash brothers so that "its balanced." This rule situation is so situational and esoteric that you could not model for advantage. I also doubt this obscure possibility had any weight in any balancing decisions when GW was throwing darts at a number board to to write the data slates or cutting up paper print outs of game mechanics like a dada poem, tossing them into a hat and arranging them randomly to write a word salad for their perfectly balanced strategems to meet a quota.
@internetartpaints3465 17 часов назад
I think the exception to putting tank shock into “always use all the time” is if you play knights, or even better, chaos knights since they punch in melee a little better.
@grahamwilliamson5306 17 часов назад
With command point re roll it stipulates that a whole units attack roll can be re rolled? Is that how im reading this? I can seriously re roll 9 flamer dice from a single CP
@OakWantsToBattle 17 часов назад
Not quite. Technically, every attack, wound, armor save, etc is supposed to be done one at a time. So, you would only re-roll one wound roll in the case of your flamers. Rolling all the hits, wounds, whatever in a big batch is called fast rolling and is simply a method speeding of the game up. It doesn't have the ability to interfere with the normal, implied order of operations.
@grahamwilliamson5306 17 часов назад
@@OakWantsToBattle thank you for that clarification. It's certainly worded confusing when it specifies a unit. Who would wanna roll 9d6s one at a time 😂😂
@damnedLegion40K 17 часов назад
CP points increasing abilities unit's like watch master and assassin
@damnedLegion40K 18 часов назад
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@AllHailDiskordia 18 часов назад
What was that saying about eggs and baskets?
@caspianbchalphy 19 часов назад
I am not a competitive/tournament player at all so forgive anything that sounds dumb here. I understand and kinda expect people to make mistakes, forget rules, not know or forget about ruling, etc. This sounds really petty. Adding that it could be a faulty tape measure or a GW error (the latter of which I think has some of the blame and I’ll explain later). This seems like an edge case that is so on the line of honest mistake and finding a loophole that a lifetime ban until 2026 at which point it could be appealed seems a bit harsh. If this person has had a history of doing stuff like this to the point they can’t really tell if it is just a mistake or not i can understand punishing the player. If not then this was a stupid call. I don’t expect volunteer judges to know every little rule (and ruling) for the game they are judging. I expect the same thing from the players. I expect players and judges to have the same level of knowledge of rules (and rulings), but I may put hold judges to a higher standard since they have final say. As a result, if they make a mistake don’t fault them but they need to admit that they made a mistake and should live with those consequences. This means no after event bans like this (unless this was being deliberated before the event was over and the discussion concluded after the event was over. In a case like this they should realize that they made a mistake explain what happened, what they’ll be looking for moving forward and that’s it. I get it judges are human and can make mistakes but since you have such a level of responsibility and authority you need to have a same level of not a higher level of knowledge than the players. If you are faulting the player saying they should’ve known about the GW rulings and faulting them for that then you should also fault the judge canceling out the penalty. The GW being at least partially at fault is referring to 1) these things should be measured towards the base not the hull. 2) the GW flight stands suck. I’ve had to build a model with one of those and it was so finicky to get the model on it I think it’s understandable how you could accidentally get the model to look have issues with measuring from the ground. Also the measuring from the hull means it may be more difficult to do cool basing things because it could be seen as modeling for advantage. There’s probably more I could say and I could definitely word this better but this is just my knee jerk reaction.
@The_Grimsun 20 часов назад
Jeez that sounds miserable. I don't envy anyone who has to judge these events and rules. I have known MTG judges who are in the same scenario and they aren't dealing with measuring tape, models that are custom painted/edited, while dealing with a complicated and massive rule book. I think the judge was a bit out of line to ban the player, seems like the most reasonable thing was to just throw the guys score out and give the win to the second place guy. To me that seems like punishment enough, as that ruling may not have even affected his win.
@user-do7vq3kk3x 21 час назад
The funniest use of epic challenge was when my friend used it to kill Kharn, who was leading a squad of berserkers, the captain managed to kill the Betrayer, but then Kharn just fought back oblietrating all of the bladeguards, and then the leftover berserkers just finished the captain. Even though Kharn and some berserkers died, I killed the 6 bladeguard+captain unit without using CP, while my opponent did. And I was left on the objective, that I thought I would lose. It really sucked for my friend, but I laughed my ass off for the rest of the game)
@thedorklord1029 18 часов назад
I had almost this exact experience, the only difference being I was using Custodes. I knew I was gonna lose, but I decided that I at least wanted to take down Kharn, so I epic challenged the guy and managed to take him out using Dacatarai stance. I then proceeded to annihilate his other HQ, a Masters of Executions. My opponent still won the game, but we both agreed that it sure didn't feel like it!
@TheThewhatnow 21 час назад
If this is what qualifies as modeling for advantage, then the cork on the base of another model is the same. He didn’t even extend or shorten the flightstand.
@acrpprca6951 22 часа назад
C'mon bro putting a stock image chick on the thumbnail for clicks?
@monkeyclawsmells 23 часа назад
Question about the rapid ingress strat, In the storm lance taskforce you can get the hunters instincts enhancement can it be used for a 1st turn rapid ingress?
@pandamarshmallow8081 22 часа назад
I believe so
@germunkinbrock4445 19 часов назад
Wel intill the new missions come out
@thomassierp5583 День назад
Judge should be ashamed of himself for making such a mean drama out of this. We all know that model sags towards the rear without aid. Regardless, the punitive way this was managed means the Judge deserves similar treatment.
@gregv4318 День назад
Judge sounds like douche
@Szriko День назад
Another solid win for people who care about facts and reality. This player can take their pronouns and shove them in the trash until 2026 LOL