Gaming Snips and Bits
Gaming Snips and Bits
Gaming Snips and Bits
Thanks for stopping by! I like games. I especially like messing around with spaceships in games, but all games are potentially good.

If I've played something and I have something I want to share, it'll end up on here - expect mostly Elite Dangerous content, but with other bits thrown in when the mood takes me. I may not be the most talented player of games, but for me, it's the enjoyment that really matters.

Hope you enjoy what you find - if you want to reach out, go for it via any of the means listed on here.
Starship Simulator : A Promising Start?
11 месяцев назад
@Dr_Tripper Час назад
I, a member of the Imperial Navy, take offense at your misguided, misinformed and obviously jealous remark about the finest ship in the galaxy, The Magnificent Imperial Cutter, sir. One day Duval gonna Cut you down. :) o7 cmdr
@Modighen 13 часов назад
Thanks to a creative pilot, the Orca is known for it's class V hardpoint. Space rugby is an acquired taste, but it can be a satisfying break from regular combat.
@Nebulous_Encounter 21 час назад
Wow great quality vid. Very informative and easy to watch.
@olegmakogon7447 2 дня назад
Good video
@Bean41 2 дня назад
I love my Gunship, run mine with 4 rails (either short or long range with super pen) and 6 torps with reverb. Nothing is funnier then getting pulled by a cocky big ship with Prismatics and hitting them with the 1 2 of reverb the generator then hit the power plant till it dies. Even with combat fit I’m getting 22ly with a scoop (running shieldless).
@konigfisch6327 3 дня назад
the type 7 is a medium ship?
@adamgerald849 3 дня назад
I just wish the python had more character. It does look very generic compared to the other ships. I wish they had more ships geared more towards asteroid mining. I think miners should be big, ugly, and blocky. The python doesnt look bad just not as great as some of the other ships.
@cmdrwhiskeygalore3044 3 дня назад
Made useless by P II. Corvette has a useless large hardpoint. I used it to safely transport 400 cargo but I found the T10 is better with 9 turrets. No doubt the T8 will mean many players selling their corvettes. It does do well as a passenger transporter. Not worth the grind.
@adamgerald849 3 дня назад
Just got my python last night. Now im rich and covered in space b*tches! Thanks Falcon DeLacy!
@cmdrwhiskeygalore3044 3 дня назад
It has the capacitor and power plant to use pre-engineered guardian plasma chargers which are the best weapons for PVE believe it or not. It was also very good at killing orthrus until the Python Mk II came along. One gunship farmed 5 billion for me on titan orthrus on first three titans. I now farm orthus using P II at alerts. P II has replaced a lot of ships. T8 will replace many more
@andersevjen1465 3 дня назад
i kinda want to see a medium sized older sibling for the vulture with two huge hardpoints and nothing else. call it the Harpy the angrier older sibling of the vulture.
@ccib00 4 дня назад
I will wait for your review on krait phantom too.
@cohenworrior898 4 дня назад
VIP van.
@Andernol 4 дня назад
Its a big improvement on the looks of the Python Mk 1 thats for sure
@johnterpack3940 5 дней назад
Really hard to find anything wrong with that little boat.
@johnterpack3940 5 дней назад
Yeah... I completely forgot I had owned one of these at one point. Actually looks like a bullfrog from the front.
@HOSAS_Gaming 6 дней назад
I want my DBX in my Anaconda's fighter bay bcz why not
@scapevr586 7 дней назад
Thhhhhaaaaanks mate
@christopherjohnston6343 7 дней назад
CMDR Bob where are you at?
@mikehawk5492 8 дней назад
It's more of an fdl mk2 than a python mk2
@mikehawk5492 8 дней назад
The ship makes no sense. How does a ship that is physically larger than a python mk1 have a smaller power plant, smaller power distributor, smaller fuel tank, and not even a third of the optional internal space? is the ship hollow? or does the extra 2 utility slots and single extra hardpoint really take up half of the ship?
@mikehawk5492 9 дней назад
I think the mk1 looks much better
@hurmzz 10 дней назад
You could argue it’s also good for trading, as it has the largest cargo capacity of any ‘small’ classed ship.
@cohenworrior898 4 дня назад
Too bad there's not small pad limit. Really would make the game more interesting.
@supermandra8275 10 дней назад
comment for notice! :)
@ErikAdalbertvanNagel 10 дней назад
Bf3 USAS12
@mb1234567890a 10 дней назад
The federal corvette is simply my favourite combat ship, I'm aware about its struggle in PVP but I'm convinced that there's a way to overcome those downsides and make this ship a scary player FDL bug swatter. I mean my commander callsign is not Kirk007mb if I don't use every knowledge I have and every modification that the game has to offer to do so.
@rst872 11 дней назад
ive ended up using this ship for alot of my thargoid combat, its good for the titan runs and pretty good at killing the interceptors too
@rst872 11 дней назад
i call my t 10 the heavy duty caravan, it does everything
@user-bw1to3mh8d 11 дней назад
I've tried to look up for exobiology on fighter, then docked to Keelback, land and scan plants. Not very efficient, but interesting solution. o7
@williamvorkosigan5151 11 дней назад
I know some people love this ship. It isn't one I have use of. I took a good luck at it and it just doesn't seem to serve a purpose for me.
@cd5sircoupe 11 дней назад
Nah, the Keelback is definitely that ship that gathers dust in the hangar. I bought mine I dunno, 8 years ago? Barely done anything with it. It was the easiest way to get into SLFs at the time, and that's about all it's got going for it. I think I'm gonna pimp it with the uhhh, I think it's Torval's power play module that is a medium module disruption pulse? I'm due to buy those in about a week or so.
@dmain6735 11 дней назад
The Keelback doesn't drift as much as the T6. You have to fly it FA off to get the most out of it. Boost assisted rotations are a must. It's one of my favourite ships actually. o7
@Tamburello_1994 11 дней назад
Just wish it had a larger cargo capacity.
@bozo6049 11 дней назад
I really liked this video!
@WiseOwl_1408 11 дней назад
Why is the elite universe so stagnant. Ship designs are 100 years old?
@Danko05 11 дней назад
And even more, Python is 600years iirc...
@EnderGraff1 11 дней назад
careful, the Keelback customer service department might have issues with this video. Make sure you have your towel.
@christopherjohnston6343 7 дней назад
Nah, CMDR Bob generally embraces the flawed nature of the Keelback in his marketing efforts. The keelback is endearing despite of its flaws
@mrexists5400 11 дней назад
I do love the sound of it's engine
@gamingsnipsandbits 11 дней назад
Hey there, hope you're all doing well. I'm back with another ship review - this time the Keelback. It took a bit longer to release than I was hoping, so apologies for that. Enjoy and o7 🫡
@NightOwlGames 12 дней назад
my covette is great i can go to a hazardous site and make 10 million before i run out of ammo still with 100% hull only thing that stops me continuing is ammo,yes i can make more ammo but that uses precious resources, my FDL is hopeless it gets its butt kicked i barely manage 2 million in bounties before having to retreat in emergency.
@user-pz8rl3yn6m 13 дней назад
I´m playing Elite for 5 years now... I still have no access to the Federal Corvete
@whendarknessfalls6969 13 дней назад
A small warship aka- a Corvette
@bozo6049 13 дней назад
In theory, I'd love this ship. In practice, I CAN'T STAND that stupid beam in the cockpit.
@cohenworrior898 14 дней назад
I just love the industrial no-nonsense look. When I'm feeling particularly pedantic, I call it the Bauhaus look but on those days I'll be flying the Dolphin. 🧐 No really, the Dolphin has similar stats.
@bozo6049 14 дней назад
Named my Type-10 the "Barge". I feel the name does a good job of describing the ship.
@arlowicks9359 15 дней назад
Centered hardpoints would make this ship the best in its class.
@jaheba 15 дней назад
Yellow Ships🎉! We love Yellow in our Mining Squadron!
@BrianVaughnVA 17 дней назад
Honestly I've learned a budget build can be horrifyingly good in the right hands. If you need engineering to be a good pilot, that's gonna be a problem regardless I think.
@petezzzz 17 дней назад
+1👍 Federal Corvette o7
@CMDR_CWolfxUK 17 дней назад
I love your videos, I also love my mini carrier that is the Gunship! Would love to see your build. Miner's on my channel, not gonna spam that here.
@EnderGraff1 19 дней назад
I love all the newer ED youtubers coming up to fill the void and add their voice!