Right Response Ministries
Right Response Ministries
Right Response Ministries
Right Response Ministries exists to cultivate right love for God in people’s hearts by providing right knowledge of God for people’s minds.
How To Identify An Abusive Church
21 день назад
The Lord Will Raise Up New Leaders
Месяц назад
@MegaDoug 13 секунд назад
Thought he was gonna say “this show” first 🤔
@NCSWIC17 8 минут назад
Joel, your position on the Sunday sabbath is clown stuff
@darkons9824 45 минут назад
As a combat vet for the US military, I can tell you firsthand that being in a crowd of people, is absolutely a no go. In any situation where there are many people I spend more time watching who is moving who is going in and out of the sanctuary any sudden movements catch my attention I get absolutely nothing from the service. I can stay home watch the same service live wave it my wife when she waves at me and I get much more from the service.
@darkons9824 44 минуты назад
PTSD is a very distracting thing
@stevebrandau9300 Час назад
I enjoyed everything about the conversation except the lack of scriptural backing. The Two Kingdim guys have tons of scripture.
@TomBonner-xu2zj Час назад
I’m disappointed to see that you only played a part of your controversial statements. Pastor Webbon, you went much further than what you’re letting on here, and it’s dishonest that you only play and defend the beginning.
@austinrothjr Час назад
The Constitution is dead is very different that The Constitution is bad because we believe in a Savior that raised himself from the dead, has a history of raising others from the dead, and we have faith that we will someday be raised from the dead. It should go without saying that we believe The Constitution can be raised from the dead. ‘Will it be raised from the dead?’ is another matter altogether. I’m praying for that but my faith is in Christ and should he not then he is still Lord.
@themahrs Час назад
Ravi never really gave a testimony of salvation. He hardly ever used the Bible in his arguments. He rubbed shoulders with false teachers. His sexual sins were particularly heinous and blasphemous. Throw his books away, avoid him in every way.
@LVioletta1 2 часа назад
I totally always thought to myself that all the angels were male because God created them also in his image cuz they are the sons of God all is well, and female only came about when he created man
@jonathonsmith6831 2 часа назад
So if no one has sin we wouldn't die hence no heaven to go to
@gmfutube 2 часа назад
So how was Adam supposed to change climates? You are truly hilarious! Adam would have been moving plants from the garden to the desolate places? Does Adam make it rain too? If no one died, where do they all live?
@gmfutube 2 часа назад
What 'work' was being done? 🤣🤣🤣
@NeanderthalWoman-ou8ev 3 часа назад
I've been waiting for this episode because it's very important to me to know whether, when the Watchers descended on Mt. Hermon, there were goddesses among their number. The sense I'm getting is, probably not, but the gods would have taken on female form because they wanted to mess with humans sexually.
@AprilNRay 3 часа назад
"I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed". "If you love me obey my commandments" you are saying that Christians have a separate Sabbath from the 7th day and that is a false teaching. Shame on you. Sabbath has always been 7th day for the Hebrews, and the sojourner. Yes there is a Lords day, but to say that this is the new sabbath is adding to scripture (a sin) and to say that Jesus changed the sabbath is to say that he broke the commandments of God which would make him a false prophet and anti-christ.
@TheCheeseNinja55 4 часа назад
I’m surprised they discussed what angels are made of without contemplating what Augray says of the eldila in Out of the Silent Planet. He says that they’re beings that move faster than how we move so they don’t appear physical to us, instead only being visible as the slightest shifts in light and a silvery sound.
@valeriehinkle8995 4 часа назад
I LOVE listening to you guys BUT you're wrong about the Sabbath being changed from Saturday to Sunday. Nowhere in scriptures will you find where God changed the Sabbath. Nowhere. And "the Lord's day" doesn't refer to Sunday it refers to THE DAY in which the Lord will return.
@nadzach 4 часа назад
The giants required a large amount of food.
@nadzach 4 часа назад
I think the temple of Dagon had been in Gaza area. But Octavian had two altars created, one on each side of the land to be conquered. I forget the year, but perhaps 4bc. Dagon was in Lyons, Gaul. And Zeus/Apollyon(?) in Pergamum on the opposite side. The seat of satan (the head) in the east, and Dagon (the tail) on the west.
@rachelmoore1974 4 часа назад
I always thought of angels being like Jesus was in his resurrected body. Jesus sat and ate with the disciples, yet he also walked through walls, and appeared and disappeared. It's like he was corporeal yet transmutable. We could all debate and theorize for weeks, but there's nothing in the Bible which we can use to come to a definitive conclusion about angels. We'll just have to wait until we get to heaven to find out. Ultimately, none of this matters anyway because it doesn't affect our Christian walk.
@TheCheeseNinja55 4 часа назад
About the nations being given over to the sons of God, Christ says all authority has been given over to Him. In Deuteronomy it says God kept for Himself Jacob, but when Christ rises (and eventually ascended) He has all authority. I interpret it to mean that He now owns all the nations (and their disarmed, publicly shamed powers) as Jacob was owned. The ones who do not follow Him, are still under His authority in this new sense, but their powers, princes, and authorities are rebels trying to war. Additionally, after the resurrection, the divine counsel takes a lesser role. If the 24 elders are in fact the divine counsel, then their casting away of their crowns would represent relinquishing authority to Christ.
@NeanderthalWoman-ou8ev 3 часа назад
I like that!
@carlmiller9927 4 часа назад
Is there any biblical reference for the "Star of David"??
@johndolle19 4 часа назад
It might be in the book of Enoch but only 90% of the fallen angels were imprisoned so there were still 10% that were free and could be why more Nephilim were created
@monitudor1050 5 часов назад
Jesus told the Jews that their house will be abandoned by God , that the kingdom of heaven will be taken from them and given to a deserving nation/-s I believe Jesus. Whoever celebrates the 3rd temple and stupid rituals voing with that fights agains Jesus.
@nadzach 5 часов назад
@Right Response Ministries. The demonic spirits of thw Philistine GIants were destroyed by Jesus on a bed of coals. History records the Roman armies killing the Philistines, but the spirits lived on within the bodies of people. Going back to Judges and the temple of Dagon, the floor was "full." This word "full" has a specific meaning to the Philistines which is 144. "And "there were women "there." You see the redundant word "there" at the end? That word has a specific meaning which is "8." Additionally, every temple has a priest who identifies with the god. And so we have 153 "great ones." The mystery, here, is how can one floor be full with 153 great ones, while another floor had legions (thousands.) The Romans finally kill all of these in battle. We don't see them again until Jesus destroys demonic entities as part of his mission here. The legions were cast out during 2 or 3 trips to Peran. These spirts would naturally prefer residence in sea creatures if not men. After the resurrection, Jesus prepared a bed of coals. He also prepared breakfast apart from the bed of coals. One fishing net had held the slew and began to break. The same net finally held the 153. What we learn is that the demonic entities could be best dealt with on a bed of coals. The translations of 144 and 8 were openly available in a lexicon. (The 153 is an imitation of the kingdom of God, but that is another story.)
@oopsagain1surname 5 часов назад
Gaurdian angel: if each has his own why would Daniel have to wait weeks for an answer from God delivered by an angel.
@oopsagain1surname 5 часов назад
You said essentially that if you interpret a passage analogously, you have to interpret it all or only analogously. That is totally wrong. In Rev 12:1-6 we have a scene described as a great wonder in heaven. We know that scene to be the literal precise description of events from 3 B.C. through 2 B.C. of actual celestial events involving draco the dragon, virgo the virgin, Jupiter the king planet, and Venus the queen planet, as well as the sun, moon and some other stars. Yet, we also know that while these were literal celestial events, they were the signs and representation of physical events, that God the king visited the virgin of Israel and she conceived and brought forth a man child who was to rule the nations with a rod of iron. We know that Roman Dragon physically sought to physically kill the child. Y'all talk a good bit about Rev. 4. Here we have things discussed which are clearly symbols identified in other places in scripture, as well as other biblical connections. The church introduces many problems by failing to differentiate between heaven and the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven may still be referred to as heaven or heavenly, which makes a few passages challenging. Kingdom things: 24 enthroned crowned elders Rev 4 24 divisions of priests 1 Chron 24 24 divisions of singers in the temple 1 Chron 25 24 elders (12 disciples enthroned Mt 19:28, 12 tribes Rev 21:12) lightnings and thunderings- Thunder is repeatedly connected with a powerful spoken message especially from God, as the companions of Saul found out. lamps of fire/ Spirits of God - surely we are not suggesting the spirit(s) of God are literally a lamps like you would set on a table. (also seen in Ex 25, 26, 27, 32) sea of glass - The sea represents peoples of the earth Rev 17:15, and the fact that it is glassy calm indicates peace and tranquility 4 beasts- revelation is full of beasts representing kingdoms, as is Daniel. These 4 beasts are the same as those representing the 4 sides if Israel's encampment. 1. Lion/Judah 2. Calf/Ephraim faced west 3. Man/Reuben faced south 4. Eagle/Dan faced north We know that none of these beasts actually have six wings or are full of eyes, or we would call them something else. All of these things are symbols described elsewhere in scripture and related to the kingdom. The only question is how literally do these kingdom thing reflect parallel things in heaven. We can only speculate.
@chapbot2023 5 часов назад
"Heiser has tremendously sloppy theology" LMAO
@aitornavarro6597 40 минут назад
Right?? That's what I said. They only say that because Heiser didn't susbcribe to calvinistic predestination 😆 😆
@missinglink_eth 5 часов назад
Task oriented: the divine council scene where the volunteer told God he would go and entice Ahab. 1 Kings 22:19-23 🤔
@richardrice7147 6 часов назад
You can go in circles based on various texts. I can testify from experience that I was visited twice by messengers...who looked and did things exactly as humans exc except they both did things humans can't do which is appear and disappear....they are multi dimensional. I think people go in circles when we think this state is the highest dimension somehow...no we are in fallen state...we die. They are a higher dimensional entity. Also one was male and the other female. No they weren't apparitions but one was actually carrying a rolled up piece of paper, an invitation just as scriptures say for messengers to go to the highway and invite those you find. Highway is the way out of Babylon. Get on the highway and you may be visited yourself.
@MrDeathray117 6 часов назад
Im sad they didnt talk avout enoch more. He literally describes angels with their names and hierarchies. I understand that enoch is not recognized as fully inspired but it was one of the most common texts found in the dead sea scrolls. Clearly early christians valued the lessons there.
@mjrnbass2732 6 часов назад
Love your teachings. It becomes frustrating for me when the 3 of you are speaking at the same time. Info becomes a blur.
@rbmath 7 часов назад
Where do "male" angels get 23 human chromosomes to unite with the female's 23 chromosomes? This is where the genes are situated. An egg, like a sperm, contains half the number of chromosomes as a normal cell, i.e. 23 each. So once an egg and sperm combine during fertilisation the resulting embryo will have the normal 46 chromosomes in total.
@scottheitmanmarinesurvey3557 7 часов назад
Yoga pants everywhere all the time, ugh
@thundergrace 7 часов назад
how is it that we sense the presence of evil spirits...like an evil spirit?
@thundergrace 7 часов назад
angel of the Lord is God speaking...theophany? walking with Adam
@thundergrace 7 часов назад
You men are super smart!
@MargaretDDavid 7 часов назад
An indian medicine man said that Sasquatch was a interdimensional being and that's why someone would see Sasquatch disappear as he walks over a hill.
@ChristyeLynn 7 часов назад
I think the Left Behind books made a lot of Dispensationalists.
@WilsonSoftwash 7 часов назад
One night when I was about 12 years old (I was not yet a Christian. I was saved at 15), I was watching a tv show about Bigfoot. But I woke up around 2 AMish with my whole body feeling like it was buzzing or numb. My eyes were open but my body couldn’t move. I was trying to get up and run, I also tried to scream for my sister bc I felt like I was getting abducted by aliens. I’ve never believed in aliens but that was exactly what it felt like (i still don’t believe in the socially depicted aliens). Oh and my ears were ringing with a strange pulsing sonar type sound. Kinda like you would hear on a tv show with an alien abduction. Anyways, it finally went away beginning at my feet all the way to my head. I immediately called my mom, terrified. She called it an awake dream. Do yall talk about this at all? Was this purely a natural phenomenon? Since being a Christian, I’ve never experienced it again.
@johnjessey6955 8 часов назад
So again guys awesome topic. Absolutely captivating. But I can’t listen anymore with y’all talking over each other.
@smokyquartz5817 9 часов назад
The real question is where will all the predatory leaders with Narcissitic Personality Disorder start over, and where will the victims they cultivated go to survive?
@karihorner8739 11 часов назад
I don’t think that God in heaven will have ladies covering their heads. I love these breakdowns, but women seem to be represented as something less than men.
@X-1965 11 часов назад
I love how you think that average women are 5 foot six not true. I’m 510. My mother is 510 and where of Irish Greek and Italian descent. I was almost 13 pounds when I was born my brother was almost 13 pounds when he was born and we were well over 23 inches apiece. Long so for men to talk about women having children and giving birth is a difficult subject for me to absorb men you stick to plant your seeds and women will stick to have the babies OK giggles.
@lydiacatherine2260 11 часов назад
I'm just starting the video and my notifications are turned off. Ex-jehovah's witness here. I've tossed around the idea of going eo since I got shunned back in 2018. My biggest issue with most mainstream protestantism is not looking at the spirit realm stuff (ie watchers and that kind of stuff), how secular they are now, and the refusal to admit we inherit back the earth/physical realm. Also, as an exjw I find closed communion and all the rules very triggering. For over 30 years my life was controlled by men in NYC. I am not going to do that again. However, I have found peace in the Anglican church and since I have moved I've found two liturgical denominations I want to check out. Christ is King.
@Kathryn12345 11 часов назад
Also All Farmer bills products are sold out! The stuff I wanted to buy.
@Kathryn12345 12 часов назад
I love these discussions but please, dudes, don't interrupt each other!!!
@luzdeluna350 12 часов назад
The 24 older are the 12 sons of Israel + the 12 Apostles.
@LVioletta1 2 часа назад
Thank you for that! I really appreciate you!
@smokyquartz5817 13 часов назад
Thank God I grew up in a small non-denominational church. If someone needs help you just help rhem, illness, surgeries, hunger, after a death, child caring in emergencies. This is not what church is. Also what's up with the cutaways to egomaniacal Darth Vader saying cold blooded things? Showing love is straight forward when Christ is in your heart..
@framboise595 13 часов назад
Two ways to destroy mankind : nuclear bombs or women's rights . When women are given rights , they are not even able to handle them for the good of a whole community. They use them against men , against marriage , against the family , against mankind.
@gregoryrice9998 14 часов назад
Find out who is controlling both sides of the debates. Please read Codeword Barbelon
@allen3397 16 часов назад
You Do Not Honor The Constitution,..You Have No Honor,..No Allegiance, No Respect For Those Who Died To Make This A Democratic Republic ,Leave Now,..Find An Island, Where You Can Test Your Methodology,..See How A "Real" "Christian" Government Would Operate,..You Would Slaughter Each Other In Less Than 2 Years