For the Gospel
For the Gospel
For the Gospel
Sound doctrine for everyday people.
Is Hell Real? | Costi Hinn
21 час назад
Why Do You Pray? | Costi Hinn | EP 191
14 дней назад
Aligning With God's Will | Costi Hinn
21 день назад
To Die Is Gain | Paul Pitts III
28 дней назад
What Have You Given Up? | Costi Hinn
Месяц назад
Do You Have Hope? | Albert Kilgore
Месяц назад
What Does Love Look Like? | Cost Hinn
Месяц назад
Will We Eat In Heaven? | Randy Alcorn
Месяц назад
Hunger For God | Costi Hinn
Месяц назад
Wicked Leaders | Costi Hinn
Месяц назад
The Four Soils | Costi Hinn | EP 186
Месяц назад
The Essence of Meekness | Costi Hinn
Месяц назад
The Five Solas | Costi Hinn
Месяц назад
Angry Kids | Costi Hinn
2 месяца назад
@JonathanRojas1993 4 часа назад
Is it one small video or is there a full video or is this it
@carlreijer4478 5 часов назад
the sign of a false religion is any religion with "variants".... the real truth doesnt have variants
@carlreijer4478 5 часов назад
it is the duty of every christian, in any denomination, to make peace, with all other denominations of christ, whether heretical or not. all people that profess faith in jesus, REGARDLESS OF THE DETAILS, should be united.... otherwise christianity as a whole is a false religion
@carolbarlow8896 5 часов назад
When we call sin sin we need to do it with concern and compassion for the sinner and I heard compassion in all three of your voices. Well done.
@jsweat67 5 часов назад
3 H's: Hug, Hang Around and Hush. A lady in our church told me that and it has really stuck with me.
@FBCTrona 7 часов назад
ALONE, having his close friend betray Him, his Disciples offended and abandon Him, Peter denying Him, The priests and religious leaders who were supposed to represent Him, the people of his own hometown tried to kill Him, and the only single person that fought for his release was a pagan gentile leader who hated Jews, and yet ALONE he submitted Himself, never spoke up for His own Innocence, only spoke truths that furthered his guilt in the eyes of his tormentors, and died and offered His righteousness as a gift to any of us that would simply believe. Oh how unworthy we are.
@scottcraig6898 7 часов назад
Three of my favorite preacher/teachers in the same room. Its a good day.
@ChamomileMineral 7 часов назад
Alcorn, Costi and Spurgeon ? I can't seem to spell it right sorry
@Caleb-Reid 9 часов назад
Raising your children with the Word of God is one way you can do this.
@nberrios777 10 часов назад
5:47 is the only valid reason why ministers don’t preach expository preaching.
@geepicc1059 16 часов назад
Stop bashing your uncle on all these different RU-vid channels just because he disapproved of your wife. Unforgivness and bitterness defile a man. All this grieves the Holy Spirit. You are being sanctimonious by claiming it's to save "victims". If he is wrong, God will surely deal with him, not you. Enough Already.
@georgesoney3594 18 часов назад
Which Jesus are you following? Within 10 years after Jesus Crucifixion we find many false teachers preaching. For St. Paul had warned the church in Corinthians . "For you gladly tolerate anyone who comes to you and preaches a different Jesus, not the one we preached; and you accept a spirit and a gospel completely different from the Spirit and the gospel you received from us!" *2 Corinthians 11:4* False teachers, were masters in creating confusion in the minds of innocent sheep. They used ancestry to create it. Si. Paul says "I want you to stay in Ephesus, just as I urged you when I was on my way to Macedonia. Some people there are teaching false doctrines, and you must order them to stop. Tell them to give up those legends and "*those long lists of ancestors*," which only produce arguments; they do not serve God's plan, which is known by faith." 1 Timothy 1:4 The false teachers were Jews well conversed in OT and they are the ones who created the Masoretic Hebrew text to prove that Jesus is not the Messiah ! The Septuagint Bible, from which Jesus quoted the OT verses pointed towards him as the Messiah. Thats the reason why the Jews created Masoretic Hebrew text, by making a few changes in the genealogy and deleting 7 books from the Septuagint Bible. Project started in 90 AD and *got completed in 10th Century*. The corrupt priest, Martin Luther, called Vatican corrupt and recommended deletion of 7 books and adopting the Masoretic Hebrew text as the OT !! If Vatican was corrupt during reformation period the CHURCH OF ENGLAND would not have been formed by King Henry VIII and his successor King James would not have come out with KJV Bible. As KJV Bible has incorporated Masoretic Hebrew text as OT, its the wrong Bible for any christian who follows Jesus Christ ; who died on the cross for us sinners. Matthew 27:17-26 says So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: *Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah* ?” For he knew it was out of self-interest that they had handed Jesus over to him. So which Jesus do you follow ? If you read KJV, you follow Barrabas If you read a Catholic Bible / Bible which has the Septuagint Bible as OT ,you follow Christ !!! So which Jesus do you follow ?
@georgesoney3594 18 часов назад
This guy follows Jesus Barabbas !
@georgesoney3594 18 часов назад
?? We generally think that Vatican was corrupt during reformation period. That's what Martin Luther said. A lie told a thousand times, in this case over 500 years, it tends to appear like Truth . If Vatican was corrupt at that time, CHURCH OF ENGLAND would have not been formed and there would have been no KJV !!! Fr Martin Luther, was denied permission to sell indulgences, by his Bishop for 3 consecutive years; probably because Bishop had doubts on Luther's financial integrity ( guess because Luther had fallen in love with a nun and might have been swindling money during courtship). Luther, a smart well read priest declared church to be corrupt and opposed sale of indulgences. To prove that he is biblically correct, he removed 7 books of OT by stating that *Masoretic Hebrew text* is to be adopted as OT. A brilliant Stratigic move. (These 7 books mentions about purgatory and praying for the dead. ) He wanted to prove that selling of indulgences is wrong as there is no purgatory and no use for praying for the dead. The modern day HEROD- King Henry VIII- wanted to marry another woman, then arch bishop didn't give him permission. Henry had the bishop arrested. He then asked Pope's permission. When Pope refused him permission, King Henry executed arch bishop , broke from catholic church and declared that he is the head of the church, thus the church of England was formed. King Henry, didn't imagine that his request to marry another woman would be turned down because, POPE had declared him as the CHAMPION OF THE CHURCH, was rich and was a king . If the church was corrupt as declared by Luther, Vatican would have surely given him permission. However, that was not the case, so it was a big Lie !!!! --------------++++++++++++++----------- Alexander the Great, establishes Greek rule in Palestine in 333 BC. In 250 BC, the chief librarian in Egypt requested the ruler Ptolemy to translate Hebrew Bible into Greek. Ptolemy didn't believe that Bible was inspired by God, so he ordered 72 scholars, to translate Hebrew to Greek, and had them at different places and ensured that they didn't communicate with each other. Ptolemy was surprised when all 72 scholars came up with same translation. That Greek translation is called the Septuagint Bible. The writers of NT generally quoted or paraphrased from this translation. The NT was also written in Greek ,as that was the official language ( similar to English language in present day india, even though all Britishers have all gone). The Septuagint had 46 books. When Jerusalem temple was destroyed, as predicted by Jesus , and all Jews were scattered all over the world, a few Rabbis met and wanted to prove that Jesus was not the Messiah. They changed a few verses and removed 7 books from the Hebrew Copies ( original Hebrew Bible was found missing) . They wanted to prove that Jesus is not the Messiah, as Septuagint was pointing to it. This new Hebrew text which they decided to make is called *Masoretic Hebrew text* started in 90 AD and said to be completed sometime between 800-900 AD. If you want to know what changes they have made to prove, Jesus is not Messiah, suggest see a RU-vid WAS PYRAMID BUILD BEFORE THE FLOODS by Nathan
@medusa210562 20 часов назад
There is one way to make 100% sure there will only be 1 Church (not so many denominations). TAKE ALL THE BIBLES AWAY FROM PEOPLE AND LET ONLY THE BISHOPS READ IT AND INTERPRET IT. I hope that will never happen, and I will always be a protestant.
@Tylerbngjk 21 час назад
penance is not necessary because Jesus already shed his blood on the cross (Matthew 27:11-54)
@Tylerbngjk 21 час назад
Just show your RC family (Ephesians 2:8) salvation is by faith
@IrawanAlvto 23 часа назад
According to Christianity believe: jesus die for all of our sins. Jesus himself crucified by people and died. Is that sin ? A person suicide himself is not a sin He will in heaven because jesus has washing away your sins😂😂😂😂. It doesn't make sense taking away your life with his own hands is forgivable. Life is a gift from god. Remember before we're born, there are millions of sperm racing toward the egg and you are the chosen one out a millions. Aren't we grateful ?
@JosephBoxmeyer 23 часа назад
By the way everybody. Perhaps some of you are not especially "literate". But ",literal" reading concentrates on honoring what was written as was intended. That includes honoring fantastical descriptions as fantastical. Faithfully holding fantastical as such is literal reading. Some of you think that fantastical things are not "literal". Was it written that way? Then that is the "literal" way to read it. Read what is written. Or do you think that God is stupid? You will not understand everything. So live with it. The people who live to see it all happen might understand. Warning! It is a dangerous game that you play with Someone you shouldn't play with. God wrote His Bible and won't take lightly your deciding that things already happened when you admit that you don't even understand what they are. Are you trying to protect your theological system which was written by people who were better suited to other things?
@PallidusCarnifex День назад
Only Catholics are Christians.
@JesusChristMyKing. День назад
@lorenzoromero7228 День назад
I see now why you hate us. You are wrong!!!! YOU ARE A FALSE TEACHER!
@crosswaychapelaurora361 День назад
Thanks Brother!
@JesusChristSavedUs День назад
Amen! I spent the entire first year of my adult walk with Christ warring with my flesh, failing, and wrestling with my attempts at following Him from a legalistic perspective... thankfully He humbled me and gently healed and freed me in His perfect timing.
@portman8909 День назад
It is a sin
@gregormann7 День назад
Precisely! And funny thing, in the King James Bible, Col 3:2-“Set your AFFECTION on things above. . .” “New” and “improved” versions, not so much. 😕
@coachmarc2002 День назад
This is what my mormon friends need to realize.
@peacefuldoves День назад
Outstanding video with y'all... bravo Cultish too. Mike is famous for his stills having salmon shirt on, i did chuckle! But, this good food needs to be shared. Bravo Pstr Hinn 🇬🇧
@justinwhite600 День назад
Very true
@bournemouthisshit День назад
And there's a straight as a die TRUE religion?
@devan1635 День назад
Another video of why I am joining the Orthodox Church.
@aimeelouvier-sutton День назад
They say ignorant 💩 all the time
@Spadfa11 День назад
Can everyone just stop playing music in the background of their monolog videos.
@maricaram3389 День назад
@gloria2641 День назад
Profound! Thank you! ❤
@RenewalCreations День назад
And you would be surprised what a comforter the holy Spirit can be. He kind of patches up the emotions so I get out what I need to get out and then there is peace or strength that people or medication cannot always give .
@michellecheriekjv4115 День назад
Good for Mike for exposing this wicked garbage. Good Job Mike... God Bless you for this. 📖
@bryasigeti3386 День назад
you are not man enough to wipe pope shoes
@bryasigeti3386 День назад
what a clown looser
@sweetteastrawberry9563 День назад
Wow! This is very valuable information! So wise! This would save so many people so much trouble in life! Thank you!
@MrHusker4life День назад
Proud to be Catholic! The one true Church!
@TheTheologizingSubject День назад
These guys gonna turn Mike Reformed.
@abraham8115 День назад
Sadly Christ church Moscow (Doug Wilson) promotes forcing marital intimacy
@clivejames5058 2 дня назад
Trouble is, the Roman Catholic Church does NOT forbid its priests to marry. It is a discipline not a doctrine (as defined by the apostle Paul). There are Roman Catholic priests who are married and there are Catholic priests, amongst the 23 Rites, who are married. DO NOT LISTEN to Mike Gendron as he seeks, very cunningly, to deceive.
@nancyhansen7103 2 дня назад
Thank you for exposing the false teachings!
@cynthiahunter2570 2 дня назад
Benny Hinn has a doctor???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@xaustedbrain2369 2 дня назад
Whatever you do don’t get a girlfriend if you are trying to walk in faith with Jesus Christ. Even if the girlfriend/ boyfriend worships Jesus. If you truly want to be free, live for Jesus and him only. Nowadays being in a relationship is a distraction from being free. I am in this position right now, I love this girl, she means well and loves Jesus like I do but I feel trapped, we was supposed to be just friends but now it’s turned into this ugly mess. Not sure what I’m gonna do, been living with her for months now and I just can’t seem to stop stressing, fornicated with her the first month and from there my walk with God started declining. Her walk with Jesus seems to be fine but boy does she know how to make someone angry. Literally every pet peeve I got she has done, I’m only 23 and feel like I’m 40. Before I met her I was working out, in my right mindset and now I look like I aged 20 years. just Contemplating my decisions and why I’m even with her feeling like this. 😭she don’t mean to be a pain and she is nice and has a good heart but we just don’t match like that I guess.
@elimartin4107 2 дня назад
In other words, don't be Job's friends lol. Amen
@anthonypetrozzelli5429 2 дня назад
Mike's opinion of Roman Catholism is wrong. It's very sad! He obviously doesn't know Cathoic dogma and doctrine. 1. Catholic Church preaches and teaches the true gospel. The 7 sacraments of the Catholic Church are all founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ! Mike needs to read all of scripture. 2. The bulwark of truth is the Church. 1 Tim 3:15 DRV. Also, St Paul states "Hold fast to the traditions thought to you either by word or letter. See 1 Thess 2:14 DRV. 3. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave full authority to the keys of the kingdom of God to St. Peter. You can trace the succession of Catholic and clergy to the apostles and Christ! 4. The Catholic priests have the authority to exercise and to minister the sacraments by Our Lord Jesus. According to the Dogma of the Catholic Church, there is only one mediator between God and Man and that is Jesus Christ!. Catholic Church teaches of the communion of saints. This is the great cloud of witness. See Heb 12:1. 5. The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist was instituted by Christ at the last supper. Jesus also states that you must eat his flesh and blood. See John 6: 50 -59. 6. Again, Christ gave his full authority to his Church to baptize, preach, cast out demons, making disciplines of all nations! With that authority the Pope, cardinals, bishops and priests have the power and authority given to them by Christ. The priests are representing Christ and his Holy Church. Protestantism is an evil because it denies the authority of Christ and his Holy Church. It denies the sanctifying grace of the sacraments. It denies the holiness of the Blessed Mary Ever Virgin and her Queenship. Also, Mike and all Protestants do not accept the Magisturiom of the Catholic Church. Catholic Doctrine and Dogma has been defined by Christ, the apostles and church fathers through councils for over 2 thousand years. Also, St Peter warned the faithful. See 2 Peter 3:16 DRV. "The words of our brother Paul are difficult to understand and many twist scripture to their own destruction." Since Our Lord founded his Holy Church, the Roman Catholic Church. You can't separate him from his church; therefore, there is no salvation outside the Holy Catholic Church! Heretics will not enter into the kingdom of God! REPENT AND BECOME CATHOLIC if you are not Catholic! Your soul depends on it!
@JazzlineV 2 дня назад