Ahoy matey! I'm CoffeeNutGaming, a Twitch streamer and RU-vidr who loves nothing more than to sit down and dive into new and classic game worlds. I have been active in the RPG community since I was a pup, and focus my streaming and RU-vid experiences on community interaction. If you love what you see here, I am sure you will love it even more live! Stop by and say hi to me on Twitch or in the comment section of a video!

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@CommunistHash 3 часа назад
Just focus on strength and agility:D
@delayed_control 13 часов назад
Is it possible to mod it to cause Frenzy on strike and calm on touch?
@Loki087 22 часа назад
Bruh, there's a spell called nighteye you should check out
@delayed_control День назад
What do you mean what do you use all this magica for? You become Goku
@Rustyshackleford1911 2 дня назад
YO SOMEONE MADE A PATCH FOR IT TO WORK WITH OPENMW! I got it working with the patch of incarnate modest it’s hella sick
@Audienc4u 2 дня назад
Also of (final?) note.. at least in that OpenMW interface for Alchemy, in the lower left corner you can select how many potions you wish to create (naturally, limited by ingredients but you can select a number above what is possible and it will stop when you run out of material) and after select the quantity you wish to create and click CREATE.. potions will be created. What is interesting about this option is that should your Alchemy skill increase mid creation process.. on say, potion # 5 of a total batch of 15. The remaining potions will be crafted according to the new Alchemy level and show up in their own stack according to their potency.
@Audienc4u 2 дня назад
Another side note, for all those aware of the Creeper (and Mudcrab Merchant) if you are willing to wait and hop over to Caldera from Balmora.. while he doesn't take everything, those things he does take (weapons, armors, potions, and most misc items like the Limewear Platter) are bought from the Player by default at FULL price. No haggling needed. So while the Fargoth Ring option is useful.. and some purchases are useful in the starter town.. a quick Silt Strider and Mage's Guild transport will get you max value for whatever nick-nacks you have. Note this excludes books, ingredients, clothing and for some reason, candles and other light sources as well.
@Audienc4u 2 дня назад
I learned from another users video that if you open your inventory you may then grab anything within range and drop it to the floor or place it on any surface in range, and do this with EVERY item in reach.. so it won't go into your inventory and you can grab as much as you like before releasing the inventory popup and resuming time's effects. Note: time in the game world essentially freezes when the inventory or any menu is open. World Actors are aware of you, but they cannot move and various status effect timers are paused. This means you could grab all of the items on the shelf next to the platter and drop them or place them back where they were. Same with the books on the shelf by the back door.
@Audienc4u 2 дня назад
Also keep in mind you can select 'through' the world map window and it is possible to 'hide' any window (or its HUD icon) by either clicking on the menu 'square' in the upper right of each window, to hide the icon, or click the icon to hide the window. I believe this is all available in Vanilla editions, I have been playing in OpenMW for a while now with a few basic mods so I don't recall if this is truly how the original works.
@velzaresp8623 3 дня назад
Imagine back then so rewarding was breaking the game as a mage with spells, enchant and alchemy. You really feel overpowered and knowing something not everybody knows. "Oh you played as a warrior, so naive" "Oh you play as rogue, so charming". "Me? I played as a demigod, as expected of the incarnation of Nerevarine"
@DienerdesRumpelmeisters 5 дней назад
Hello mate before i write here something im not good at the English Language pls forgive me. But i want to ask what build or armor do you have cause this looks op if ypu have a Video than could you pls send me the link Thats it love your Viedos❤
@gomiwomi 5 дней назад
Maximum Difficulty, Breton Atronach with Conjuration and you are unstoppable on VVARDENFELL.
@bulkvanderhuge9006 7 дней назад
Because I've been one of those players who removes the ladder from the Pool in the SIms 3, in Morrowind I like to get in the water and have my enemy follow me in, and cast Damage Strength on them, and/or a really powerful BURDEN, and leave them under water.
@porterwake3898 8 дней назад
It would be fine as long as the enemies become insane gods.
@dogmonkey94 8 дней назад
I've pronounced Hla Oad as "hLa Wad" for some reason. great vids as always!
@shodan6401 9 дней назад
Aren't most Mage characters mostly immune to fire damage by default? So isn't attacking other Mage NPCs with Fireball like, the least effective attack for that type of enemy?
@shodan6401 9 дней назад
Why the fk would NOT swearing be "bettering yourself"? I make use of all aspects of language. And sometimes swear words are the most precise words to express exactly what you want to communicate. And typically, when learning a new language, what are the first words and phrases you learn from a native speaker of that language? Swear words are universal, and they exist for a reason. But I am responsible and don't swear in the presence of children. They will learn those words on their own. But it's fkg insulting to my intelligence when people claim that some words have some mystical intrinsic power. As George Carlin said in the epic video/audio, "The F-Word", what other single word is so versatile that it can comprise almost every word of a grammatically correct sentence, such as: "Fuck the fucking fuckers." They're just fkg words. Get the stick out of your a$$.
@DJSkoomaWR 9 дней назад
Right when you exit the sewers go straight to vindasel just across the water. No direction change needed, jump on the middle pillar that is broken and stay up there, and you can kill Umbra with arrows and fire bolts. Getting you a full ebony set and the Umbra sword at lvl 1.
@turtlesandwich77 9 дней назад
Lmao I found this ring by accident in my recent playthrough and I wasn't a vanpire, didn't realise it was a quest 😅 had a lot of trouble with that enemy at the staggering level of 10
@shanecorning5222 9 дней назад
jmmmmmmm, YES. .. .. . I Think I will just SUMMON many of the things you hate Most. Many customs spells. Each summons bonewalker. And they have SUFFIX 1, 2, 3, 4, etc; .. ... . "we're Coming for you , BARBARAH ?!?!??!" ~ the Zombies??? hahahahha
@shodan6401 9 дней назад
"It's my money and I need it now!" "Do you have money that you can't access due to a pending legal judgment, Civil Trust or Structured Inuity? Call J.G. Wentworth. It's your money and you need it now."
@vaultveteran3368 9 дней назад
Mace of doom has left the chat
@Iceblade269 10 дней назад
Damn, you make this look op hahahaha
@duckgo2296 10 дней назад
You can also met the aspect of other aedra's. I found one by complete accident after flying around in a final section around of a cave. She was stuck in a hidden cavern
@turtlesandwich77 10 дней назад
I was playing recently and, as you described, got my Strength nuked by a Greater Walking Boner. Thankfully I had a couple of strength potions to bring it close to normal, then the Amulet of Mighty Blows to get 60s of extra Strength. Thats how I learned that even if you're going for a warrior-type build, *always* have some form of utility magic - either Mysticism for Intervention, or Restoration for Restore Attribute
@sigmazeta2044 10 дней назад
assuming this is on default difficulty slider and Gaenor really damaged to zero Strength, which he's now dealing half as much as the base damage of his weapon, so I guess between damage of 1 to 18 per hit lmao
@sharpshooter33 11 дней назад
Would have liked Gilberst Gottfried. As the first voice
@SuperFronky 11 дней назад
Using the paid guild enchanters is probably the easiest. Costs you a fortune but it always works. You don't have to break the game to be able to afford to pay for enchants. Play the game normally and it will flood you with items that are worth thousands. The only downside is all the trading and waiting you have to do. maybe that's just me
@XeonX__ASMR__METAL-experiments 13 дней назад
Modding a week... Playing 1 hour... Delete... SUCCESS ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@BroJim07 13 дней назад
How does one get 100% magicka resist? Im only getting 100pts
@B4winter204 13 дней назад
yjat s mkice yp kmpq
@Billsy487 13 дней назад
I absolutely love your channel bro, the whole vibe is class! Morrowind is my all time favourite game, as sad as this sounds haha just hearing the music takes me back to the spare room in my parents house where the PC was lol there was nothing I enjoyed more than looking out of the window, seeing grey skies and rain and being like "we'll I guess it's a morrowind day" 😂 😅 keep up the great work man.
@delayed_control 14 дней назад
The terminator spell reminds me of Kingsmen church scene
@stevennagel9264 15 дней назад
Always cracks me up the complaining about slaughterfish-when a simple water walking spell would solve the issue. 😂😂
@jonathanwells223 15 дней назад
I use the Morrowind code patch because I don’t feel like CTDing every 30 minutes. I think that might limit my options, but there’s still stacking potion effects, just killed Gaenor the other day by slamming 80+ bottles of sujamma within 15 seconds and hitting him twice.
@CPyJIb 15 дней назад
I mean...you can do better with enchanting for sure. - 100-100 weakness to magica for 2 sec on touch - 100-100 absorb health for 2 sec on touch That's exactly 120 enchanting capacity. So double the damage for a five times shorter time, 1 charge cost if 110 enchanting. You can even do it On Target, it will be 100-100 weakness, 50-50 absorb. Still 200 damage. I don't see reason for such hustle for a ring that you can use two times before rest. What i am interested in is Necromancer's Amulet, Denstagmer's Ring, Marara's Ring. The god level trio.
@wizardling4709 15 дней назад
I wish I'd had this video when I began this wonderful gem of a game.
@marcosdheleno 15 дней назад
never understood why bows use dex for damage in games. bows should use str for damage. and dex for precision. warbows require alot of force to be drawn.
@larsbo999 15 дней назад
This enchantment, 50pts of Jump on an item. 10pts of jump on one item is 250pts of enchantment, so how do you make a 50pts jump effect on one item when the max enchantment you can have on one item is 225 on a tower shield? (Wow, I really did type "one item" too many times in a row)
@cameronpalomo4048 15 дней назад
I cannot stop watching your videos, highly informative for someone who just started morrowind, thank you for the videos and entertainment!
@johnathonlangley5699 16 дней назад
Hello Jiub. I see you have some mods installed. :')
@marcosdheleno 16 дней назад
buikd is all wrong! we all know that if you are making a spear warrior the mos important thing you NEED to do is call him Sir Lance a Lot.
@MondoMurderface 16 дней назад
I think this mod will become outdated really fast. Realtime local AI is getting extremely good, especially for an older game like this and in a sequence where the game itself is mostly paused. No reason you cant scrape the gender/race data from the game and have a unique voice for each. Even go a step further with specific NPC names on more important characters. It would take all the work out of this process and do literally every voice.
@vismundcygnus3795 16 дней назад
34:31 that was a werewolf, Coffee. If it had been night time he would've transformed and become quite the problem lol
@marcosdheleno 16 дней назад
you know, i think an amazing race that people dont consider for battlemages is the NORD. think about it, with a nord, with the lady birthsign, and endurance as one of your starting attributes, you will start the game with 85 endurance. that's almost maxed health gains from the start of the game. add to that their natural immunity to cold, resistance to shock. and the dragon cuirass giving immunity to fire, you can make yourself incredibly resilient against elemental damage. the best part is, the lady also gives 25 to personality, which is one of the bigger drawbacks of picking nord. and it invert you from starting with the 30, to 55. of course, there's a big reason people dont think of the nord as a good option, since they are too melee focused. but i genuinely think, that's not as much of a drawback as people think. outside ofthe low inteligence, that does really suck.
@lucasjerez2137 17 дней назад
100% Chameleon "proceeds to becoming John Cena"
@Billsy487 17 дней назад
It's so amazing to see such a great channel dedicated to the greatest game of all time. If you know, you know. I literally used to go over to my friends house at 7am on a weekend to sit and watch him play this game until I blagged my mum enough to get a PC so I could play it myself lol. Amazing times.
@Pichustrikesback 18 дней назад
Bound armour and weapons is not underrated I always enchant amulets and rings with Bound constant effects and I have a full set of weightless Daedric armour (minus the pauldrons) and a weapon, usually a spear and if it gets too damaged just re- equip the amulets.
@silentslayergaming8469 18 дней назад
i want to make a nord, does it really matter what race?
@zephyrmasterstormforger8687 18 дней назад
You can probably 100% the game with just drugs and alcohol alone
@chrisgartung1708 19 дней назад
I have all the best everything in the game now I am truly the chosen one