What it all Meant
What it all Meant
What it all Meant
I'm here to try and discern what exactly a film means. From visuals, to dialogue, to motif, to symbolism, to allegories, to general subtext; it's hard to take it all in and really grasp what the over all purpose was. So basically I'm here to maybe shed some light on some truly great films (and maybe some other stuff). Hopefully growing other people's knowledge as well as my own.

I'm not a professor or pioneering story teller or anything like that. I'm just a guy who loves story. Just the sheer process of telling a tale and what responsibility and potential that has is what drove me to reading books, watching reviews and well, analyzing the films I watch.

So, feel free to chime in and let's discuss some truly spectacular works of art.

Thank you.
Eyes Wide Shut - What it all Meant
5 лет назад
Se7en - What it all Meant
5 лет назад
The Art of the Revenge Story
7 лет назад
The Road - What it all Meant
7 лет назад
Animation in Anomalisa
8 лет назад
Perspective in Whiplash
8 лет назад
American Beauty - What it all Meant
8 лет назад
Pulp Fiction - What it all Meant
8 лет назад
Ico - What it all Meant
8 лет назад
Firewatch - What it all Meant
8 лет назад
Birdman - What it all Meant
8 лет назад
Fight Club - What it all Meant
9 лет назад
Nightcrawler - What it all Meant
9 лет назад
Donnie Darko - What it all Meant
9 лет назад
Gone Girl - What it all Meant
9 лет назад
Moon - What it all Meant
9 лет назад
@johnnychua6738 18 часов назад
Big giant thank you to the twisted creative intelligent mind of Mr Andrew Kevin Walker coupled with Interpretation of Mr David Fincher with adequate help from Mr Morgan Freeman, Mr Brad Pitts, Mr Kevin Spacey, they collectively present the world with this incredible film-Se7en!! I'm forever grateful for the opportunity to have caught this release!! Impressive creative DVD "notebook-esque" packaging!!😅😂❤Special mention on the brilliantly written monologue for John Doe!! Brilliantly depressing film!! Fully agree with the dialogue between Tracy & Detective Summerset.
@teresahay4408 День назад
So basically are we supposed to just live the way we feel and society has just put morals out there that we are taught! If we feel instincts should we just follow them and just feed into our desires?
@dontask3613 День назад
Real control comes when you realize and accept the fact that you have no control over 99% of your life. That 1% is you, the things you say and do. The way you exert that 1% will determine the general direction of life and within that direction its up to you to find happiness.
@cathode6252 3 дня назад
I like your video. I think you should know that the Dad character succumbed to his wound. Yes having a disease, possibly lung cancer, was bad and contributed to his weakness. But getting an arrow shot in the leg and pulling it out would wreck anybody and with no way to stem the blood or disinfect the wound, you would die fast.
@johnolmos8670 4 дня назад
I’m film school I hear there’s a trending joke of all films being about “the loss of innocence”. I believe this film is about the temptation of the loss of innocence but ultimately the triumph of the human spirit
@redjhon04 4 дня назад
U can’t just disappear on a fairly successful channel
@Nurichiri 5 дней назад
Nobody has mentioned that the stabbing happens after she shifts her weight on a lift and gets dropped while playing Odette. I think that was when she had her full psychotic break. The "perfect" Odette was no longer perfect, and since Odette could no longer be perfect she was destroyed and Nina was free to become Odile rather than remaining perfect. It happens specifically when she faces herself in the mirror and sees her rival. She only realizes Odette's destruction after fully embodying Odile, but she had to put on the persona of Odette one last time. The whole stabbing was in her mind. It was very possible she broke the mirror, but Odile's dance is extremely vigorous and involves lifts. That shard in her stomach would have been ripping apart stuff in there, she would have been bleeding everywhere and at the very least her partner would have felt the blood. I think she did hurt herself when she fell onto the mattress, possibly falling badly on purpose so that she ended her career with her perceived perfection. Her twisted body was what Lily and Thomas were reacting to, not blood.
@joshi3518 5 дней назад
Honestly my take in this is, a scavenger life, if food is not around and we see anything to eat we take it! Cats, rats, dogs whatever, you could make do to many of you this life would be hard but i would like the calm, no traffic or blaring music not so many folk around, scavenge coffee scavenge water and meat, tinned food, and life doesn't have to be bad in that world.
@Timmy_wong420 6 дней назад
I understand why abed loved this movie 😂
@paulvoorhies8821 6 дней назад
What do you mean what did it all mean? Pretty self explanatory.
@pe4153 7 дней назад
Probably the best explanation I've heard so far. Most people want to talk about good/evil, true love vs self serve/manipulation of people but Daniel is really about control over his own life above everything else. While it's tempting to see him as a greedy "oil baron" the story points to Eli, who is really no different. Reminds me of this stat I saw where clergy was the most popular job for sociopaths.
@omaracevedo4784 7 дней назад
This movie forever made an impression on me as it left the reality of a civilization that has fallen and morality is a word that doesn't exist as humanity has turned into a scattered race of animals hopeless, untrusting, angry, scared and deranged from constant punishment of living in a world that is itself unstable and dying.
@georgesunaryo5080 8 дней назад
I like Ricky's dad 😊
@daxtonkirk1036 8 дней назад
This was my absolute favorite movie as a child, coming from an abusive home, my mother sleeping with multiple abusive men. My father killing a family member in front of me when I was 10 and him going to prison when people found out when I was 16. I got in fights at a new school. He came in and got very aggressive with the school administration. Then 2 weeks later he dropped me off at school, told me he loved me and that he'd be there to pick me up at the end of the day. The Colorado bureau of investigation came in and questioned me. I was hurt for sure had to show them where he buried this person he killed. Then they left my life in absolute chaos alone. This movie always gave me hope and showed me that I deserve to (if not have a content life as a child) one day, along with everything else I've learned in my journeys. That I still have the power in my life to give that to someone else. I can never get back to my childhood and make things better. But I can damn sure give my children, one day, a better life, the only I always wanted at that age. To be loved and for things to have stability, care, and the love that you are important and you matter!!
@NelsonVivien-h2n 10 дней назад
Garcia Frank Williams Michael Miller Kimberly
@biggav7434 11 дней назад
Jesus, anybody else with narc parents resonate with all this. Ouch!
@RonSwansonIsMyGod 11 дней назад
Well, when you think about it, the message is that evil triumphs (John Doe), the good are destroyed (Mills) and apathy survives (Sommerset). Happy stuff......
@pink4rooster 11 дней назад
I’m ganna watch this movie right now
@markdavids2511 11 дней назад
Yet it’s gone down in cultural history.
@bitbat9 11 дней назад
So did his platoon actually get drugged with BZ? Seems like it’s just Jacob’s mind trying to figure out why he was stabbed by a friendly
@SkyRunner21 11 дней назад
I still think the movie could've been better... for me it's 5/10
@udhaybalamurali8901 12 дней назад
"I know that I know nothing"- This quote by plato summarise the whole film.
@BigD751 14 дней назад
This movie was creepy because it reminded me of my ex. I am glad I got away but still miss her. I understand Nick.
@rzn2258 14 дней назад
@ninaevans4501 15 дней назад
@bruceboone6635 16 дней назад
I'm not sure any great artist is a great human being, and Stanley Kubrick was certainly a great artist. Like any great art work Clockwork essentially is comprised of a plot and character (Alex) that sustain endless interpretations. Ditto with the themes. Here that would be violence, aggression, the dark side of our hominin or primate nature, and in a special way, male human nature. Even with a gene splicer will we ever get rid of human aggression? That's a theme I think you can trace likewise in other great Kubrick films. By all accounts Kubrick was a control freak in all his movies, leaving his actors traumatized and I think most likely, us too, his audience. We like to think of human nature (a good angel, the frontal lobe suspending our more brutal features, and an organ deep inside the brain called the amygdala the seat of anger, fear and lust. The duty of the first is to control the animalistic nature of the second. Kubrick may or may not have had a pretty sadistic nature (I think the side of him was stronger than the maso side, myself) but he certainly didn't have the progressive "Enlightenment" view of a continuing human self-improvement. Nobody likes bad news and this is really really bad news if you think about it. Are we really (2001: A Space Oddest) really still essentially just great apes? Oh goodness, gracious! Or perhaps after all denial's a better strategy. What do YOU think, oh readers mine?
@Hilaire_Balrog 16 дней назад
my son was a little younger than the boy in this film, and while I love the film, I could only watch it that one time.
@boop53 16 дней назад
i just watched fight club a week before i started college. after i finish college, i am hoping to get a uni degree in a science. after that, i dont know
@vicko1978 17 дней назад
I cant even count how many times ive seen this movie, any time its on TV i stop and watch it.
@nyceflix 17 дней назад
00:50 Nyceflix has fire documentaries
@billsteinfeld559 18 дней назад
Fight Club is absolutely a modern retelling of a story by Edgar Allen Poe called "William Wilson". For some inexplicable reason NOBODY has ever discussed the absolute truth, nor made the connection. There is no legal reason to avoid admitting this, as all of Poe's tales are in the public domain. If you are a fan of Fight Club, please read this story and you'll understand the origins of F.C.'s major themes. Then post your responses & let me know what revelations you've gained. Thank-you
@Cypher791 18 дней назад
So many questions... was the real Sam ever on the moon? there is no rescue, everybody who gets into the rescue pod is simply killed. does the real Sam know he has clones on the moon, how is he going to feel about meeting the one who came home. every clone that wakes up is given the story about having the accident. but what about the ones that came before the crash? what's gonna happen to the next one after the repairs are made to the harvester, they cant keep saying you were in this crash when the crash scene isn't there anymore. why did they knock over the jammer at the end? who did that? the hit squad? why not just turn it off. and as for the one who came back to earth, he's only gonna live 3 years anyway.. how is the daughter gonna feel about having a second father who just flew in from the moon, and the news that there's plenty more where he came from.... it seems like maintaining this infrastructure might even be more costly than just hiring one actual guy. >_>
@ProsperKelley 19 дней назад
Wow if self can change into the position of self in infinite different versions of self in infinite versions of reality what would your thoughts be and what would you do
@0343009 19 дней назад
The only problem is that hell is real. This movie explains purgatory. Hell is when you're incapable of doing this. But Purgatory is when Christ helps you through this
@JuliusWill-y4w 20 дней назад
Jackson Frank Gonzalez Richard Rodriguez Jennifer
@garymusisko8998 20 дней назад
All due respect-i think your insights are a bit off on Mills. 1-dimensional and modern takes. But modern in the way that misses the whole character because you’re looking at him through a pinhole. I respect your hard work but you should edit this video and overdub the Mills section with “i have no idea what I’m talking about and my lens is cheap and transitory”
@MrHeuristics 21 день назад
There are so many levels of interpretation in this movie. I always thought that the government hallucinogen (BZ) was a nod to the CIA'S MK Ultra program that gave American soldiers and civilians hallucinogens with and without their knowledge (including Charles Manson- look it up). In Jacob's moment of death, the drug widened his perception in a manner where he could see alternate timelines of his life, if he were to have survived. Grieving for a son that was never (yet) born but is cosmically linked to him in a hyperdimensional manner. Simultaneously, he grieves for his own inner child, an innocent boy sent to fight and die in a jungle under the influence of a highly psychoactive compound. The entire movie is him seeing through time while, in actuality, he was inhabiting the the first two realms of the bardo, or a limbo state. This blew my 15 year old mind when I saw it in the theater.
@axelrodaxel 22 дня назад
A very nice analysis of one on my favorite films that did great justice to the source material, both the book and the movie were both stark and beautiful.
@MsBob314 22 дня назад
The book that it was based on has the explanations. you just chose to omit them and screw over you audience for being weird for the sake of being weird. Love you SK, but.... REALLY???!!!
@lukephillips7239 22 дня назад
This movie is such a pieve of art. There is hardly anything like it.
@StoneyFry 23 дня назад
A feature film under ninety minutes... aaah, the good old days!
@ron5948 23 дня назад
6:07 why he kisses him when homophobe? Me no see sense in thst, then rejected adn kill him he thinks pedophile for son ro sokething, just sjuhutup cow ron a nao no mote "stupid" questions 6:07
@dwayneg7110 24 дня назад
This movie is a trip
@DonaldSmith-c9s 24 дня назад
Jarrett Harbor
@mrmister2684 25 дней назад
I only watched it once rn actually, and from my understanding, if he hadn't died, he would just be stuck in a loop.
@mianhussain2357 26 дней назад
Wait the fuck? The narrator didnt have a name in the movie? I just checked google and shit wtf bruh. Damn
@Maasjekaasje27 26 дней назад
My favo movie to this day
@NduduzoHadebe-v3u 26 дней назад
To be honest I still watch it. One of the best movies I've ever watched
@Cpt.PickHard 28 дней назад
I felt literally sick for couple of days after watching this movie
@alomaalber6514 29 дней назад
a terrific quotation last week came across my desk. "The difference between fiction and fact is Fiction has to make sense". Great film!